Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#120 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Shira and Alex fought two prison guards and the prison healer who tried to prevent them from completing their mission at the Maximum. The tide of the battle turned in their favor when they received help from an unlikely source. While fleeing, they observed two large skyships of unknown origin converge on and then carry away the prison. (WEIRD!!) The away team would again encounter those same two ships while on a layover in the Nexus- this time they appeared headed for the former empire (CREEPY)....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 120: Remembering Where You Started, Knowing Where You Are and Thinking About Where You Are Going To Be

Day 354 [December 29th] 11:00 PM (King's Chambers Central Tower)

*GRRRRRRR* Sorren growled looking at a lone stone building with an octagonal roof in the distance.

"Sorren whatever are you doing?" The leader of the sand folk asked joining him on the terrace outside his room.

"Do you see it Jua?"

"You mean that building in the distance? Yes what about it?"

"It is the last one that needs to be stabilized here in the city Jua."

"So what is the problem?"

"It doesn't want to be stabilized, it wants to topple over taking down nearby buildings and all around it as well! I can feel it staring, glaring, teasing and taunting me Jua."

"You are extremely funny Sorren, it is just a building- a weird looking one at that, but just a building; it doesn't have it for you- it is an inanimate structure!"

"Perhaps you are right Jua." Sorren said enjoying the star filled moonlit night with his lady friend. "But still..."

Day 355 [December 30th] 3:20 PM (Naka and Song's home)

"Naka, why the glum stare?" Kiwi asked the maned wolf.

"Just thinking. About tomorrow- It is the 31st." The knight said sitting down at their kitchen table.

"I know, I can't believe that it has been almost a year." Kiwi said.

"The city should do something to commemorate the anniversary." A beautiful chakat said, joining the pair from an adjacent room. "Like a day of remembrance."

"If we don't hear from the away team soon we might be using that date to remember them as well, Song." The young knight responded.

"It has been four days and no news. Even Manderine is worried." The chakat said quietly.

"How about a festival?" Her charge suggested. "We can have it on January 1st after the day of remembrance to celebrate the coming year?"

"Kiwi that is a good idea." The maned wolf said patting the boy on his head.

"We can use it to greet the new year; a way of looking forward." The chakat said smiling. "We could call it the midnight festival! I will talk to King Dragon about it."

"If he approves it, we would have roughly one day to get everything ready Song." Naka warned as there was a knock on the door.

Kiwi went to answer it. On the other side was a female pitbull.

"Miss M." The boy said.

"Hi Kiwi is Song around? The away team has just returned from their mission and King and the council are debriefing them!"

"Thank the stars!!" Song shouted. She hugged Naka and her boy before running to the central tower with Masha.

4:55 PM After mission debriefing Council Chambers....

"Lady Ursa, Shira, Alex and Tilikum welcome back." The caracal said greeting us as King Dragon, Song, Masha took their seats.

"You certainly took you time returning." The ugly female pitbull added.

"In fact we had started to fear the worst little buddy. Err, I mean Mr. Winter." The goofy red dragon responded.

"Well we had a little layover at the Nexus." Tilikum said laughing uneasily.

"For four days?" The chakat asked curiously.

"It is truly a magical place. Some would say all we ever need." The sabertooth tigress responded candidly.

"Actually its guardian did not want to let any of us go and after visiting, that place I had a hard time as well, your majesty." My fierce ursine warrior said candidly.

I noticed that she seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable in her chair at the council table, most likely from the extra weight she was carrying.

"So you four tell us about the mission." Sanda said folding his arms on the table as the two council members and our king looked on.

"A success sir. We arrived at the destination, penetrated the target and completed our objective." The female meerkat responded sounding very militaristic.

"More descriptive Tilikum." Masha ordered.

"Alex's vision was correct, some members of my former colony were sent to the Maximum during the final days of the empire. They were scheduled to be de-evolved and returned back to the wild." The female barbarian responded.

"But the empire ended before that could happen." Sorren added. "They were most fortunate."

"Yes. Your majesty. Instead they were given the living death upon their arrival to the prison." I said to our leader.

"And the rest?" The goofy dragon asked, trying to act all authoritative like.

"Most likely sent to castle Sogreth, Sovereign and Sevren before the empire fell." Shira said regrettably.

"Shira...." Sanda said fumbling for words.

"I know all of you were just following that monster's orders and tomorrow it will be a year since he got what was coming to him."

"Speaking of which, in the days after the fall when Warden King lost contact with the empire and their supplies dwindled, all prisoners except for essential staff were put on ice, while he tried to figure out what to do next." Lady Ursa said.

"And what was that?" Sanda asked.

"Not entirely sure." Tilikum said.

"What do you mean?" Song asked.

"After the completion of the mission we observed two large diamond shaped spacecraft converge on the Maximum and then carry it off." The she meerkat said.

"Do we know where?" Masha asked.

"Unknown." Shira said.

"Later that same day we saw the two ships fly past the Nexus toward the former empire." My perfect person said.

"Do we know why?" Sorren asked.

"Unknown." I replied. "But Warden King was a tyrant and ruled the prison like it was his own personal empire."

"We believe with the High Evolutionary gone he had aspirations to replace him." My lady bear said.

"So now there is a crowded field to take control of what is left." Sanda sighed. "I grieve for those who have been left behind."

"Some were by their own choosing sir." Tilikum volunteered. As the two council members, the king and senior knight looked at her.

"She means Bertha Strong, her newborn son and the rebel separtist Kendall decided to stay at the Nexus." Shira replied.

"And Zhade and Kenna when we initially vacated the planet." I added.

"To each their own, I suppose." Masha replied. "Apparently they believe they can ride out the after empire era there."

"But that may be a very long time like the era before the High Evolutionary came to power after the collapse of the last government." Tilikum said, giving a brief history lesson.

"The guardian of the Nexus believes that he can defend his domain and protect his territory from the instability plaguing Counter Earth your majesty." My pregnant she beast replied.

"It looks like that place may be the only safe place on Counter Earth my liege." The caracal said to the dragon.

"Which means the Counter Earth end of the space-gate could be breached. I want our end of the space-gate guarded at all times." Sorren said.

"You want to make sure nothing followed the away team back?" Song asked.

"Or ever does." The dragon said to the white furred chakat. "THIS I COMMAND!!"

Everyone seated at the council table was shocked by King Dragon's exclamation and recoiled in their chairs.

"Too much?" Sorren said covering his muzzle in embarrassment.

"A bit, my liege just like the white shirt, shorts and sandals you are wearing." The white chakat said as the rest of us nodded.

"Ahem, so Alex, how are our city's newest inhabitants faring?" Masha asked.

"Physically they have recovered. But mentally- it will take more time. I would recommend everyone go out of their way to be nice to them."

The debriefing lasted an hour and a half. Primarily because our leaders were curious about the state of Counter Earth. As the four of us exited the room we caught up with two of the refugees.

6:25 PM Outside the council chambers....

"Hey I trust your physicals went well?" I asked the blond barbarian and dark brown bear.

"Penguin healer was too through; Boris poked and prodded in places Boris didn't know Boris had."

"That sounds like Penny." I said smiling.

"Was that really necessary?" Gia asked me.

"It is for all who are to live here in World Seven." I replied.

"World Seven huh?" The female warrior asked.

"Yes, our village was considered by many as the sixth world." Shira said to Gia.

"So how did it go in there?" Gia asked Shira.

"Meeting sounded intense." Boris said as Lady Ursa and I greeted him.

"The king, knights and council members wanted intel which is hard to come by being where we are now." Shira said to her friend. "How are you feeling?"

"Angry at what happened to us because of the damned knights and their master; you know what? I want vengeance."

Tilikum and I gasped at the level of the blond woman's hatred.

"I know you do Gia, but bear this in mind you and the others were freed because of some knights." The saber tooth tiger said, looking at Lady Ursa.

"I still hold the badger and rhino responsible." Gia said gritting her teeth. "If I just had my spear..."

"That would be most unproductive and inadvisable." My fierce ursine warrior replied.

"Ms. Gia, that was a different time and a different era; so much has changed since then." Tilikum replied gently.

"When I joined the leadership of the Lost City I felt a lot of anger and bitterness towards Lady Barq and Commander Rhinox as well." The tigress admitted. "But as the dangers to the colony increased, I put those feelings aside to work with them for our mutual survival."

"But if you still have some aggression that needs to be worked out, perhaps sparing with those two would be the answer." My pregnant lady bear advised.

"Mistress, that is a wondrous idea, it would be good for her mental recovery!" I exclaimed.

"Yes. I would like that." The blond female responded.

"By the way where is Basil, Kip and Rose?" The female meerkat asked.

"A blond female along with a mongoose boy spirited them away after they left medical. They said they were part of the city's welcoming committee."

"Said something about finding family home." The dark brown bear added.

"The woman said that they would help Boris and myself when they returned."

"Not necessary because I am helping you now." The female barbarian said, taking her friend's hands in her paws. "You are coming to live with me and when you are ready we will find a place for you in the colony."

My mistress, myself and Boris watched as the female barbarians walked away.

"Those two are such good friends." I said smiling as Boris casually glanced at his breeding partner.

"I guess I should check in with Meena, Gluay and Khai." Tilikum said.

"You were an asset to us on the mission." Lady Ursa said to her. "We want you to know that."

"I was?"

"It was sheer brilliance incorporating Feleen into Attack Beast T." I said complimenting her.

"Yeah I guess it was." The she meerkat gushed, skipping down the hall.

"I suppose Dawn and Corbin will return soon to help you get settled in."

"If not Boris could find hotel for night."

"Um, the city doesn't have one." I said holding his paws. "Mistress?"

I was trying to drop a bomb sized hint to the pregnant ursine beastial that only tolerated her breeding partner.

"They won't be that long." She responded as the dark brown bear smiled.

"You know no one is allowed to live alone by themselves in the city." I said laying it on thick.

"What are you getting at pet?" Lady Ursa said reluctantly.

"Perhaps we could give Boris a tour and let him stay with us until he finds his perfect place."

"Thank you pretty lady bear! Thank you little Alex!"

"Now Boris you are being given a second chance, and a new lease on life."

"Yes Boris learned lesson from time in Maximum- Boris will be productive citizen of colony."

And so we showed the brown bear around the city. Boris also witnessed many of the reconstruction projects taking place; our attempt metaphorically and physically to rebuild our lives.

"So what do you think?"

"Is lot to take in two moons, two suns and sky is brown."

"It varies day by day. Some days the sky is blue, others, orange, green, golden or red. But today it is brown." Lady Ursa said to her bare chested breeding partner who was still wearing his prison issued white loin-cloth.

"What do you think about the city Boris?" I asked probing for information.

"City is old, derelict and in need of repair; not as sophisticated as cities of former empire."

"That may be true, but you are overlooking one big point." I said to the dark brown bear who was shorter than my ursine lover.

"What is that little Alex?"

"This, all of this, is ours." I said gesturing to him.

And so we escorted Boris to our townhome.

7:40 PM The bear's lair....

"Wow, this is quite nice, stone multi-level townhome with rooftop patio, most impressive."

"Yes, yes it is." Lady Ursa said.

"But that isn't all." I said as I opened the front door. "This is our oof!!!"


"Little cutey!! Big cutey!!" A red eyed lioness said lunging at me first and then the female bear behind me. "I missed you two so, so much!!"

"Shakara!!" I said hugging my devious person. "Were you a good girl?"

"As much as I could be given the circumstances..." She said innocently.

"Shakara?" My she beast asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Uh, I made dinner." She said trying to change the topic.

"I suppose we will find out in the coming days." I said as Lady Ursa and I were side-stepped around.

"And who do we have here? Strong upper body, nice muscle tone and bulk, cute loin-cloth it really highlights the large v- shaped birthmark." Ms. Kubari said complimenting our guest.

"Boris this is Shakara." I said introducing the two. "Shakara this is Boris."

"He is adorable!! Can we keep him?!"

"He will be staying with us until he finds his perfect place in the colony Shakara." Our lady bear replied.

"Great, I have the table already made this way!"

The dark brown bear watched as the horny lioness sashayed her ass to and fro as she entered our home.

"Pretty lady bear told Boris about living situation. But lion lady also lives here?" He asked me.

"Those two are my lovers." I whispered to the dark brown bear.

"Boris understands little freckled boy is close with pretty lady bear..."

"And this little freckled boy is also close with this pretty kitty too." I smiled. "We will swap how and why stories over dinner later."

What that I urged him inside.

Shakara had been anxiously awaiting our arrival; she had been running low on her Essence of Winter. So our return made her day. Dinner was fresh fish- take out from the Wild's restaurant.

"...And so red eyed lioness wound up in Lost City one evening?"

"Lady Ursa and I took her in and healed our healer." I replied.

"She was quite an asset to our colony Boris."

"Boris sees she has great assets." He said, looking at her big tatas.

"You aren't so bad yourself, handsome." Shakara said tracing out the white v shaped birthmark across his chest with her paw-finger.

"Down girl." I chastised her.

"So what have you been up to these past few days Shakara?" My perfect person asked my devious person.

"Well everyone in the colony has been extra busy the last day or so."

"I did notice that, I thought it was because of the reconstruction." Our big cutie said.

"No King Dragon suggested we have a celebration on what would be the first day of the New Year; a festival." The horny lioness said.

"To what end? Isn't that kind of morose because tomorrow is the anniversary of the worst day of our lives?" I countered.

"Sorren was thinking it would be a celebration of rebirth, renewal and resilience in light of what happened on our former world."

"Boris understands, December 31st is day for pausing and reflection on what was lost this year while January first is day to look forward to rebuilding of lives, colony and civilization."

"Exactly." Shakara said grinning broadly.

"So red eye lioness has been busy with preparations?"

"Mostly..." There was that deviousness again.

We spent the rest of the evening talking with our guest and catching Shakara up on our mission to the Maximum. As my females readied for bed, I tucked in our guest who decided to sleep on the furniture in the great room.

"There you go, big guy."

"Little freckled boy is very very lucky human."

That comment caught me off guard as the dark brown bear said it.

"I tell myself that constantly and those two remind me every morning and evening." I said fluffing his pillows. "The three of us are all very close Boris; you see we have been through a lot together. But there is room for one more."


"My mistress probably told you about my ability to see alternate realities and alternate futures."

"Pretty lady bear has."

"In one of them the three of us escaped from the Maximum to a desert island where we decided to live out the rest of our lives in paradise, kind of like the Nexus."

"Pretty lady bear and Boris felt safe there?"

"Yes, so safe that you and her decided to start a family, I sort of helped but that is beside the point. In that reality you and I bonded and became very close Boris; we became very good friends. I would like that to happen in this reality. Provided you aren't a sleeper agent of Warden King."

"Boris promise is not."

"You sure?" I asked, teasing. " You WERE the only prisoner who was not de-animated."

"After pretty lady bear left, Boris was left without breeding partner. In interim Boris proved worth to warden as maintenance technician."

"You know that could also be your calling here." I said hugging him.

"What's this?"

"Edict from our king. No hatred, mutual love and respect for each other- always."

Day 356 [December 31st] 06:00 (Lady Ursa's Chambers)

Compared to what I was doing and where I was a year prior, the final day of YOE 34 began quite well.

"Did you sleep well pet?" My brown bear asked, kissing me on my forehead.

"Exceptionally well mistress. There is something to be said about sleeping in one's own home and one's own bed."

"Hmm... exactly when did all this become home?" Lady Ursa asked, pulling me close to her.

"And how did you sleep mistress?" I asked, enjoying the embrace.

"As well can be expected, all things considered." She said looking down at her tummy.

"Yeah." I replied, rubbing her belly. "It won't be long now."

"Shakara, how did you sleep?" My bear asked my devious person.

"Very, very, very well." The horny lioness said slyly.

"Boris sleep exceptionally well too." That was when Lady Ursa and I turned toward Shakara, next to her was an uninvited guest. "Boris was lonely on sofa was curious as to what happened in pretty lady bear's room."

"I must say that your prison attire is adorably cute, however what it covers is really very SMALL." The red eyed lioness said peeking at Boris' unmentionables.

"Yes Boris has to try harder to compensate for short comings, in long run Boris comes through. Boris and pretty lady bear created unborn baby bear after all."

"Only because Warden King ordered you to impregnate me while I was unconscious." My mistress said, staring down the interloper.

"Boris was given ultimatum, do so or else. After watching little Alex and pretty lady bear defeated by Dowd, Boris complied.

"So that is how it happened!" Shakara said glomming onto the he beast's arm. "Obedient, docile and submissive to the last."

"Yes Boris has learned error of ways, will become better beastial now."

"Really? Well the first rule of the house is when you are in the bear's chambers all clothing is banned." Shakara said sternly.

"Boris sees quite well! Red eyed lioness breasts are impressive!"

"Do you want a closer look?" The lioness asked.

*GRRR* The pregnant she beast growled. "She touched a few pressure points on the brown bear's chest disabling him before tossing him from the room back downstairs onto the sofa.

"Boris regrets nothing!!!"

Meanwhile at another home on the other side of the city....

"It is morning but still completely dark outside." A grey and white pony said looking out of a window.

"By our standards it may be morning, but by Chaundoon time it is still night." Nikka said, joining her companion.

"Shall we get going?" Russell said to his lady skunk. "Addy could you get the door please?"

"Schwee! Schwee?"

As the adorable blue slime opened the door to their home, on the other side was a dragon like being- tall white horns, pronounced snout, yellow scales staring at them.

"It is one of the sand folk." Nikka said. "Something we can do for you?"

"Excuse me is this the bed and breakfast?" He asked. "I am here for the festival and am looking for lodging."

"I am sorry but there isn't anything like that here in the entire city." The grey and white pony responded.

"There is now." The she skunk said elbowing her boyfriend.

"There is?" Russell asked as the blue slime looked on. "Oh there is!"


07:30 AM The Wilds' Restaurant....

"Boris starting to like it here showering in tower showers with breeding partner and friends is good bonding experience and restaurant is exceptional."

"Got another one!" Shakara said, smiling mischievously.

"Now we just have to find your perfect place within the colony." Lady Ursa said, hailing Tina.

"I think I might have an idea where to start." I said mirroring Shakara's smile.

"Morning, I hope it is a good one!" The dingo waitress asked.

"Today is going to be a difficult and tough day for all of us but we will get through it." I said looking at the canid female's white apron.

"Yeah the anniversary of the day that changed all our lives." She said wistfully. "I am trying to keep busy to keep from thinking about it."

"I think preparing for tonight's midnight festival will do that." My lioness responded. "I believe we will be busy in the infirmary getting ready for tonight."

"Commander Rhinox, Lady Barq and myself will be working on security." My bear warrior said.

"That is right the city is going to have an influx of visitors for the event. Hue and Dianna plan to be open really late tonight. So what will it be?"

"MEAT!" Shakara said.

"Salad will be fine for Alex and myself." Lady Ursa said. "Boris?"

"Um, yes, Boris will have same."

"Alright, those will be right out." The she dingo said turning around and walking away.

I noticed that the dark brown bear continued to stare. In fact, his jaw had dropped and it looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head.

"Something wrong handsome?" Shakara asked, closing his mouth.

"Boris not believing what Boris seeing, is only article of clothing dingo waitress wearing is apron?!"

My two females nodded while I took in the view. "I guess she must have forgotten again."

(Isn't it wonderful?)

09:00 AM Infirmary....

"Welcome back Mr. Winter." Penny Penguin said greeting me "How was the vacation?"

"Um... vacation?"

"You were absent for an additional four days past the mission and I had to use Lily Blossom to backfill."

"Um, we ran into complications?" I said smiling.

"You mean an extended layover in a lush paradise?" She said staring me down. "I read Lady Ursa's mission report. I think you should revise yours to match hers, don't you think?"

"Yes ma'am." I said humbly.

(Damn, my mistress can be too exact at times.)

11:00 AM Northside of the city....

"I hope you don't mind accompanying me on my rounds Mr. Winter." The she snake said as she slithered along the street.

"Not at all Ms. Una, I was glad for a chance to get out of medical. The boss wanted to know every detail of my last mission." I said as we passed a familiar trio.

"Morning Arthur, Minka, Mr. Black." The naga said.

The hedgehog and monkey waved while the akita just nodded.

"Where are you three off to?" I asked.

"Hi Mr. Alex, we are on a case." The playful monkey said.

"Rumors of some ancient artwork coming to life at some ruins." The hedgehog said. "Serious mysterious."

"We will see." The black akita said.

"Will you be back in time for the festival?" Ms. Una asked.

"Don't worry, we will." The monkey girl smiled.

11:15 AM At a stone two level home at the north end....

"This is it." The female cobra said, knocking on the door.

"Yes?" A female black bear with white highlights said opening the door.

"Rose! Nice home!" I started to say.

"Alex look out!" The naga said pulling me out of the way as I was almost run over by a bounding mongoose, yeti and bear cub.

"Sorry big brother!" Corbin yelled.

"Where are you three off to?" Rose yelled at Kip and his two friends.

"Corbin and Yogi want me to help them prepare their fliers for the festival!"

"Alright be back before supper all three of you!" The she beast shouted.

"KAY!!" They responded in unison.

(It appears Corbin was excited to reconnect with Kip and Kip was excited to be making new friends.)

"Well it appears your son is rebounding." Ms. Una asked. "How about you and Basil?"

"Still recovering." The tall bear said joining his mate at their front door. "Please come in."

"Basil, Rose your home is lovely." I said gushing.

"The mountain behind us just past the city limits is very nice too. Reminiscent of our former village." The bear with the grey muzzle said.

"Kip keeps wanting to climb it. But that isn't why you are here is it?" Rose asked.

"Just checking up on you two." I said cheerfully.

"I am wondering how we fit into all this, our new lives." The she bear sighed.

"I understand that you taught and instructed the young in your village is that right?" Ms. Una asked.

Rose nodded.

"Well here I am the sole teacher for the entire colony. It can be overwhelming at times. But I think there should be two or more." The naga said, smiling.

"Looks like Rose discovered her perfect place, what about you big guy?" I said elbowing her mate.

"I don't know Alex."

"Well, given your attributes you could join the new knight core."

"What? No!"

"Basil, you are ferocious; a warrior's warrior- I remember that big club you carried around..."

"I have a problem working with and under the two individuals that destroyed my colony." He said leading me into their backyard from their kitchen.

"You mean Lady Barq and Commander Rhinox?"

"Who else?" He said snapping at me. "I don't think I can ever forgive or forget what they have done!"

"Somehow a former colleague of yours has because she interfaces with them a lot. What about joining the colony council? You and Shira were both leaders in your former colony and she has become one here as well!"


"You could both be advisors to King Dragon!"

"I will think about it, your king seems to be overwhelmed at times."

"He could use some help getting un-overwhelmed, besides you would be working with Shira again!!"

Before leaving Ms. Una advised Basil and Rose to join her support group for those dealing with after trauma. The two readily agreed.

3:15 PM Community Garden....

"I appreciate the help Boris." The female centaur in the white shirt and yellow bonnet replied.

"Mia, Little Corey and Lolly are making their decorations for the festival tonight." Hue said while admiring his mate's uncovered lovely ass.

"Boris doesn't mind. Must be hard gardening with fruits and vegetables this size."

"True, but it is because they are this size that we are able to feed everyone in the colony." Dianna said, smiling as a I arrived.

"Hue, Dianna how are things?"

"Hi Alex." The pair said in unison.

"Mind if I borrow Boris?"

And so...

"So what is perfect place little freckled boy talked about?" He asked as we walked away from the garden.

"Oh you will see."

We walked several blocks back on to mainstreet stopping right at the central tower in front of a black haired teen and his werewolf.

"What is this?"

"Boris meet Corey Collins and Rumble, they are our colony's builders. Corey, Rumble!"

"So this is the he beast you have been telling us about?" Corey said as he inspected Boris' physique. Strong upper body, nice muscle tone too."

"Boris worked maintenance in at the Maximum." I volunteered.

"...We could use extra paws..." Rumble grumbled.

"We are trying to get the stage assembled for the king's address tonight." The teen volunteered.

"Boris will volunteer assistance."

"I Heard you are a hard worker. I like that..." The black haired teen said.

"...and birthmark on his chest is impressive..." The werecreature teased.

Corey looked at his wolf.

" keep staring at it..."

"That it is because it is white, broad and runs the length of his entire chest! Hey, can I call you checkmark?"

6:15 PM The Infirmary....

"Your report Mr. Winter is quite engaging. It is like I am reading a novel."

"Um thanks." I said to the she penguin.

"So exactly what do you think Mr. Xava is?"

"Some lonely type of creature that can manipulate individuals with powerful hypnotic suggestions. But most important of all, he is a friend." I responded as there was a commotion in the hallway.

Penny and I looked at each other. As we went to the hallway just outside of medical, Lady Barq, T'hoka and Tanya were running by.

"What's going on?!" Penny asked the red deer.

"Something from Counter Earth just came through the space-gate!" Tanya shouted.


(Did we just escape from Counter Earth's darkest era only to have it follow us to this planet?!)

Alex Winter December 31st YOE 34

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 119: Ghosts, Demons and Monsters

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 119: Ghosts, Demons and Monsters** **_One year prior:_** _"Momma I am scared!"_ Kip screamed, running into his parent's hut. _"Kip what is wrong?"_ A big bear asked, trying to comfort his adopted...

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 118: A Greater Darkness Than The One We Fight** **_One year and three months prior:_** _"You can't go! I won't let you go!"_ The Tian mountain dog protested. _"You have to let me go sweetie. I...

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