Wild Pair - Ice Queen

Story by hecatomb on SoFurry

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#5 of Wild Pair

A tigress takes part in an experiment set to revolutionize the world of medicine, but things go not quite as planned, and the aftermath proves quite overwhelming.

Warning: this story contains graphic descriptions of F humiliation, M/F molestation and rape.

Here's another story of the titular two, this time with a bit of exposition on why the world is the way it is.

Favs and comments greatly appreciated, including ones pointing out errors and suggesting improvements.

Standing in front of a full-length mirror, completely nude and feeling rather embarrassed, Natleen the tigress considered carefully whether she actually wanted to go through with tomorrow's procedure. She'd taken care to trim and smooth out her fur in all the right places, though later she realized those observing would hardly care how disheveled she looked. Perhaps the extra effort would not go unnoticed and actually cause greater humiliation than had she left it unchecked, as if she sought to provide the best showing possible. It was too late to undo what she'd done now, however, and trimming herself further would only make her look almost bald, and rather ridiculous.

With a sigh she took a step back and sat heavily on her bed, too restless to sleep, her thoughts plagued with fears and angst for what was to come. Her apartment would be looked after, as she'd arranged, yet she still felt uneasy to be leaving it all for a year. But there was no helping it. She was picked among her peers as the best candidate for the job, and she couldn't disagree with that assessment either. Single, with no living relatives, spouses or pets. Few people she considered friends, as well. She wished it could've been someone outside of their organization. Someone who might've been more comfortable showing their breasts, even if hers were not small. But the risks and secrecy involved barred such possibility. Not to mention some rando off the street might've been less than helpful in describing the experience afterward.

Laying on her back and looking up at the ceiling lamp, she considered her future. If she survived this, she would be lauded, perhaps even put in the history records. Else, this was her last night alive. The gentle hum of smooth electronic music filling her apartment usually helped her mind wander in tense moments such as this, but today it only mildly soothed her nerves. Sleep would come with great difficulty.

"Morning, doctor Kannel.", the lapine security officer at the entrance checkpoint said.

"Oh, morning, Mart.", Nat said in mild confusion, only now knocked back into the present by his voice as she crossed the threshold of the secure area. She removed her earbuds, not because she couldn't hear him, but more as a courtesy.

"Big day today, eh?", Mart asked with a smile.

"You heard?", Nat asked with a tilt of her brow. So much for secrecy, it seemed.

"Only that you're involved in something today.", Mart said.

"Oh. Well, need-to-know basis.", Nat said.

"As always.", Mart said with a conceding smile and waved her through. "Hey, care for dinner after work?", he suddenly blurted out, all the while attempting to present the most confident smile he could muster.

"Oh, uh... I'll actually be... elsewhere for the next year.", Nat said, trying her best to remain vague. That was rather unexpected, today of all days in particular. She was somewhat grateful the assignment gave her an easy excuse to say no, however. She didn't exactly find conversations with less 'specialized' co-workers particularly stimulating. The few times she'd tried, it just always felt like they were worlds apart.

"Oh, alright. I'll try again then, I suppose!", Mart said with a smile.

"Sure.", was all she said in response with the most sincere smile she herself could muster. Shit. Hopefully he'd forget. She really didn't want to relive another awkward date where their subject matters just flew by each other. He'd be too pedestrian, and she'd as usual try to talk about matters he couldn't possibly find interesting or comprehensible. Maybe she'd just claim she met someone during her year-long 'journey' and was no longer single. She really needed to learn to just say no without leaning on excuses.

Venturing into the elevator, she was suddenly joined by her colleague and partner in today's endeavour - Drinnith Cragler, a grey wolfess.

"Hey, Nat. Ready to revolutionize the world?", Drinnie asked with a smile.

"Hah, not sure about 'revolutionizing'.", Nat said, her voice quivering slightly at the prospect.

"At least it'll be something other than Silter's drones for a change.", Drinnie said.

"Ugh, tell me about it. He'd replace us all with drones if he could.", Nat said glumly.

"Maybe our department will finally get some real funding after this.", Drinnie said, sounding tentatively hopeful. "And maybe a floor not so deep underground.", she added as their elevator finally reached their little basement and they walked out into the corridor.

"Doubt it. Everything's drones in this company. Plus it'll at least be a year before we figure out if it worked.", Nat said, her voice quivering slightly once more.

"Nervous?", Drinnie asked with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. Not so sure about... any of this.", Nat said.

"Well, look at it this way. We're the ones that need to worry for a year while you take a nap.", Drinnie said.

"Yeaaah. A naked nap I might not wake from.", Nat said.

"Ah, don't worry. At least if you die you won't even know it.", Drinnie said with a grin.

Nat shook her head, the idea greatly unpleasant and nerve-wracking. She needed her morning coffee pronto.

Her locker closed with a sense of finality. It was time for her to walk out into the chamber that would be her tomb for a year. And not before her colleagues got to see her fully exposed. She gave her red mid-short hair one last sweep backwards, still feeling insecure whether she looked her best, and how much care was too much.

She exhaled heavily in frustration. This was ridiculous. She was a scientist, a professional certified with a phd. Some plain nudity shouldn't have terrified her so. With determination in her step, she crossed through the door.

Yet as the many eyes descended upon her, she felt her heart quake in a sudden influx of regret. Desperate to keep herself from looking scared, before a blush could fully build up on her cheeks, she quickly made her way towards the upright capsule, presently open and awaiting her entry. She could seemingly feel her colleagues stares upon her every step of the way, the sound of her bare steps echoing in the near silence of the room.

"Hold up, Nat. Final checkup.", said Ginnick the fox, currently occupying the control console.

Nat said nothing as she paused in front of the capsule. Two members of the medical personnel, half-masked and largely unknown to her, approached with scanners to take those final biometrics for the best reference between now and then. She could swear the one looking over her front was smiling, though she couldn't be sure with the masks they wore.

"Alright, enter and assume the appropriate stance.", Ginn instructed.

Nat did as asked and went in, only to turn around and stand as requested, legs and arms held apart, yet not overly so. The lighting around her now gave everyone a full look at her nude body, as they would get to see for the next year on a daily basis. This felt greatly degrading.

"Any day now.", Nat urged towards the room, growing impatient with the many prying eyes.

"Patience, Nat. Beginning lockdown sequence.", Ginn said, showing only the mildest of bemusement at all this. He was professional if anything, and at that moment, Nat greatly appreciated it.

With a sudden whirr and a shwoop, the cylinder locked closed, no matter able to enter nor escape the chamber anymore. It became difficult to discern what anyone might be saying outside, their voices muffled and silent.

"Switching to intercom. Nod if you can hear us, Nat.", Ginn's slightly distorted voice said.

Nat nodded as instructed, continuing to maintain her rather undignified pose.

"Commencing lift in 3... 2... 1...", Ginn counted down, at which Nat felt herself rise into the air by way of powerful electromagnetism.

Every hair on her body seemed to stand on end, likely making her look all the more ridiculous.

"Flooding chamber in 3... 2... 1...", Ginn said, at which the cylinder began to fill with liquid.

It seemed to flow directly towards Nat, clinging to her body and filling the chamber from the middle, outward towards the top and bottom. Though slightly cool, it was near enough body temperature not to bother her. Nat held her breath at first, then took in a lungful. She felt like coughing, wanting nothing but to spit and breathe normal. This soon gave way to the sensation of mild but bearable nausea. The faces and lights before her became somewhat blurred within the liquid, but she could still see everyone staring at her, as though some glorified lab rat.

"Alright, Nat, see you in a year.", Ginn said.

"See you soon.", Nat mouthed in answer, unable to make a sound.

"Commencing flash-freeze in 3... 2... 1..."

For a second it seemed as though everything had gone dark, until Nat began to notice lights before her... then she realized a whole lot didn't feel right. She felt herself drift backward, as though the electromagnetism had begun to pull her the wrong way. The liquid around her felt colder as well. Had something gone wrong? Had they overloaded the power circuits somehow?

Now pressed into the back of the cylinder, she began to feel truly disoriented when some moving lights before her revealed the room to be strangely empty, and quite unlike the way she'd remembered it. The cylinder itself seemed to have gotten scratched in a couple places, making Nat fear there might've been a violent discharge or outright explosion. She should've heard it, however.

At that point, she saw a face before her... sideways. Of course. She was looking upwards at someone leaning over her. Yet this was still not right, and the hyena before her she did not recognize... and it appeared to be wearing a red bandana. Something was very wrong.

Her thoughts of what and why were interrupted when the capsule abruptly opened, spilling some liquid outside. Before she could try and hoist herself upwards, however, hands dove in and pulled her up by the wrists. She surfaced with fearful impetuum.

"Breathe!", was the first thing she heard, in a voice male and mildly raspy, shortly before a hand briskly slapped her back. Spitting out and sputtering water, she desperately tried to ward off the strangers' attempts at rescue.

"Stop! I'm alright!", Nat assured as the thumping against her back continued.

"Y' almost drowned!", a female voice now said. Finally Nat looked up to find two hyenas staring down at her, with only the light reflected off the liquid in her capsule to illuminate their faces. All she could tell was that one was male and the other female, and that neither of them looked, sounded or smelled like company personnel.

"I was not! This liquid's breathable!", Nat said in annoyance, hoping to stave off their line of inquiry. She had her own series of questions that needed answering as soon as possible.

"Really?", the female hyena asked in disbelief, observing the liquid as though she contemplated whether to try and dip her nose in it.

"Who are you?", Nat asked, then abruptly covered her breasts and blushed as she noticed the male staring at her.

"Oh. I'm Sigi, and this is my brother, Ferk.", the female hyena introduced.

"Are you... rescue personnel?", Nat asked, hoping to understand why they looked the way they did and somehow got in the building. Though it hardly made sense that they would happen to be siblings, she struggled to think of a better explanation. "What happened here?", she asked on, trying to get a look of anything in the room past the darkness.

"Uh. Not sure?", Sigi said with a shrug as she looked around.

"Come on, right now we oughta get you out of here.", Ferk then said and offered a hand with a rather off-putting grin.

"I... I need clothes.", Nat insisted, still covering herself before the two.

"We don't have any spares.", Ferk said. "This place isn't very safe.", he then urged.

Seeing little choice in the matter, and not wanting to die wet and naked, Nat complied and took his hand, only to get hoisted out of her capsule, all the while her other arm struggled to shield her privates from the hyena's prying eyes. The floor was thoroughly dirty, making her fearful of stepping on shattered glass or jagged rock, and she could hardly see if that might happen. The electric lantern Ferk carried didn't seem to mitigate that much. It also didn't help at all that she felt cold in her current soaked state.

"There we go.", Ferk said with cheer and slapped his palm onto the lower region of Nat's rear, his touch blocked from reaching her slit only by her own covering hand. Instantly Nat's heart jumped into her throat, and she felt herself overcome with rage and embarrassment.

"What the hell?!", Nat screamed as she spun around, baring teeth at the hyena, but he seemed only mildly surprised, as did his sister. "I'll report this!", she said, backing away from them as far back as she could.

"Uh? A butt grab?", Sigi asked, her flashlight now shining directly at Nat, blinding her.

"Told you their type would be whiny.", Ferk said, crossing his arms.

"Whiny?! You-... agh! Just get me out of here!", Nat now demanded, barely able to contain her anger. What sorts of degenerates did they send to evacuate her? None of this made sense.

"Alright, alright. We'll take you home. You know where the stairwell is?", Ferk asked dismissively.

"Of course I know. I've worked here for 5 years.", Nat said, the insult in her voice rendered rather ridiculous with how she continued to cover herself. Although truth be told, it looked much unlike she remembered it. For one, the door to the locker room appeared buried under rubble, much to her dismay. She really would've wanted her belongings back.

"Just watch your step.", Ferk warned.

Nat wasn't certain what to make of that warning, until she stood at the threshold of the stairwell. Most of it was gone, with only fragments still there along the wall edges. Even this deep inside, she could see the faint glimmers of daylight streaming in from up above.

"Dear God, what happened?", Nat asked once again, still hoping for answers.

"Focus. We need to get out of here first.", Ferk said.

"Uh. How?", Nat asked, now considering how perilous the path upward was.

"The stairs? What's left of them, anyway.", Ferk said, waving his lantern for emphasis.

"I... this is dangerous! I could fall and die!", Nat said, looking at the unstable-looking remains with dread.

"Egh, whiny.", Ferk muttered. "Wait here, then.", he said and began to gingerly move up the half-destroyed stairs, sticking close to the wall.

A couple minutes passed in relative unease, the other hyena soon rearing her head in.

"It's not that dangerous.", Sigi noted as she looked over the steps. "One of the safer digs we've been in, actually.", she said.

"There's no railings, and some of it is crumbling apart!", Nat protested.

At that moment a length of rope slid into view from above.

"Tie this around her waist!", Ferk called down, his voice echoing harshly.

"A'ight!", Sigi said and began to do just that. Nat raised her arms to allow it, though she wasn't thrilled to be exposing herself like this. "Ready!", she then yelled back and gave the awaiting tigress a swat on the rear.

Nat glared at her in disbelief, but was only met with a toothy grin.

"Go on. Up you go.", Sigi directed.

Still fuming, Nat began her ascent over the uncertain footing, holding on to gaps, holes and crevices in the walls for dear life. Though secured by rope, she was hardly filled with confidence. All she knew was she did not wish to die in this burnt out hole with only these two degenerates for company.

"Oh, thank God.", Nat said as she finally left the stairwell, panting and sweating out of sheer terror. This was not a life experience she ever wished to repeat. "Can I get some clothes now?", she asked as she undid the rope from around her waist, only to start covering herself once more.

"Told you, we don't have any spares.", Ferk said as he stowed the rope.

"Then at least let me cover myself with your pack. I'm not walking out into the streets naked!", Nat protested.

"There's no one out there.", Sigi said with a shrug.

"Huh...? In the middle of town?", Nat asked in disbelief.

"We tell her now, or...?", Sigi asked towards her brother.

"Why tell when we can show?", Ferk said and pulled out a cigarette... or blunt. He lit up and took a pull, only to then offer it to Nat. "Take a puff, you're gonna need it, I think.", he said.

"Wh-... what?", Nat asked, utterly confused. What'd happened in the year she'd been under? Was it even a year? A sickening realization stirred her insides, one that she refused to believe. Had she been kept in stasis for longer? And if so, why? She turned and began to walk, through what was once the lobby and then the glaringly bright and terrifyingly glassless entrance.

"Hey, hold up.", Ferk said, taking his pack and sister with.

Nat stepped out into the heat of day for what'd clearly been much longer than a year. The courtyard of their office complex was a shell of its former self, littered with dirt, garbage and rubble. All the glass in their windows had seemingly evaporated, the few buildings that yet stood tall, now mere bombed out husks. It was a warzone, or at least what used to be one.

Blinking in disbelief, as though hoping she was merely hallucinating or dreaming, she continued to stare at the desolation, utterly naked before this maddening revelation.

"What year is it?", Nat asked, almost in mutter.

"2264, far as I know.", Ferk announced.

"N-... no...", Nat uttered. 162 years. Everyone she'd ever known or loved... even their descendants... not to mention her own life and ambitions... all gone. Her heart was pounding, her stomach twisted in a knot. It was becoming difficult to breathe. She thought she might pass out.

"Yeah, sorry about that. But at least you're still alive.", Ferk said. "Sure you don't want that puff?", he asked, once again offering his blunt.

"Blegh!", Nat cried out as she threw up, the reality of the situation weighing down upon her. "God...", she whimpered as she walked some paces away and descended to her knees.

"Take your time.", Ferk said with an audible shrug.

Thoughts raced through Nat's mind in utter chaos, not entirely able to believe this wasn't just a nightmare or some horrible joke. This couldn't be true. Yet the dust, rubble and heat around her felt undeniably real. What'd even caused this level of change?

"How? Why?", Nat asked, not even sure if these may even know. Most certainly they knew nothing of why she hadn't been woken, but she could already surmise it was related to how everything else was destroyed.

"War, of course.", Ferk said. "The world banded in two big clusterfucks and let the other side have it.", he said.

"They nuked each other?", Nat asked.

"Not as far as I know.", Ferk said.

Nat contemplated this for a moment, when suddenly Ferk walked up from behind, crouched down and unceremoniously grabbed her between the legs, only to lift her upwards.

"C'mon, up you go.", Ferk said as if he was helping her.

"Don't touch me!", Nat screamed and stumbled away, covering herself in disbelief. He'd just grabbed her by her pussy like it was nothing!

"Quit your bitching and come on. We've got a ride.", Ferk said as he took another puff of his blunt.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!", Nat said.

Ferk paused for a moment, then looked around in a rather theatrical manner. "You sure?", he asked.

Nat looked around as well, the barrenness of their surroundings robbing her of response. Prior to this, her idea of a supply problem had been a latte without stewia. Left alone, she would no doubt die here, and her only chance of survival laid in this... this animal. She felt like vomiting anew at the thought.

"God, what's the hold up now?", Sigi asked as she approached with a jingling pack of her own.

"Not sure if she wants to come with us. Must be a real survivalist to be considering staying here.", Ferk commented, still smiling.

Without a word more, and still covering herself in shame, Nat returned towards the two in defeat, ready to do anything to survive. Almost anything.

"Good girl.", Ferk commented and led them off towards a less rubble-strewn street.

They approached what appeared to be a working vehicle, although it seemed charitable to call it that. Any semblance of polish or paint had long ago been scratched off, the many dents along its sides suggesting few cared to or even could do repairs anymore. The sight of it alone could've convinced Nat that over a hundred years had passed.

"Ain't she beautiful?", Ferk asked, sounding unreasonably proud of the heap of junk.

"She's... something.", Nat said, deciding against antagonizing her only help.

"Get in the back.", Sigi urged and yanked open the door inside.

Nat did as told, continuing to shield her parts from sight as she did. The interior was not much different in quality compared to the exterior. Scratched up and taped over seats cushioned by makeshift pillows and blankets. The seatbelts hung loose and flimsy, but could still be buckled shut. Patiently awaiting the two to finish strapping their gear to the roof of the car, Nat considered her present predicament. Sat in some rickety old car, her tits and pussy out in the open, at the mercy of some dregs who had no concept of personal space. This was not how she pictured her day going that morning. Nor the rest of her life.

"So what exactly were you?", Sigi yelled back towards the tigress, past the maddeningly strained roar of the vehicle's engine. The two seemed quite comfortable with this noise, however, Sigi in particular splayed back with her heels resting on the dashboard.

"Huh?", Nat asked, snapped out of her thoughts, ones mostly pertaining to how everything she knew was gone, and how much she wished it wasn't, that she could somehow go back.

"What did you do for a living?", Sigi asked.

"I was a researcher in the private sector. Medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, for the most part.", Nat explained. She wondered if that'd even mean anything to these two. Or if it was anything she could put to use in this world. She wasn't exactly one to work without specialized equipment, and since she was neither an electronicist, metallurgist nor glass blower, she didn't imagine making it herself.

"So you smart, huh?", Ferk asked in entertainment.

"I would like to believe so.", Nat said, already fearing where this conversation was headed.

"So how you end up here?", Sigi asked, as if she was making a point against Nat's supposed intelligence.

"I would like to know that myself. How'd the world end up like this?", Nat asked back.

"Told you. War.", Ferk said.

"Wars don't just do this.", Nat said, gesturing broadly. "They come and go, but people rebuild. This one's been done for what? A hundred years at least? Why's everything still in ruin and so barren?", she asked.

"It ain't done.", Ferk said.

"What?", Nat asked in confusion.

"It's still going on.", Ferk said.

"For 160 years? There's still soldiers out there killing each other?", Nat asked, not truly willing to believe what she'd just heard.

"Not soldiers, exactly.", Ferk began. "Robots, hovering around, wrecking everything and each other, gathering the pieces back to their factories and going at it again.", he explained.

"Dear God... fucking Silter.", Nat muttered, remembering the head roboticists of their organization. She wondered how responsible he'd been for what happened. Given his fondness for military contracts, it was quite likely he had a very prominent part in this. "Wait, so there's still two governments, right?", she then asked.

"Not as far as I've seen.", Ferk said. "Though I can't say for sure. Maybe there is someone hiding in those factories of theirs.", he added with a shrug. "You don't really want to go there, though. Only slightly less dangerous than the Warline itself.", he then said.

"Warline?", Nat asked.

"Where the drones fight. A frontline of constant explosions that spans from ocean to ocean. Maybe farther.", Ferk explained, suddenly somewhat less cheerful sounding. "You can hear it from kilometers away. Must burst the ear drums being there.", he said.

Nat wondered how much merit what Ferk described held. It wasn't exactly impossible, and given the surreality of her present situation, it may've even been likely. The life she'd known seemingly hours ago was gone, along with her independence and purpose within society. What was she to do now? Stay with these dregs for the rest of her life? Cook and clean for a living? She began to consider whether suicide would be preferrable, but that'd be resigning herself to a fate she'd evaded by chance... one that'd befallen everyone else she knew. Plus she wasn't certain she could go through with it.

"Alright, we're here.", Ferk announced as their vehicle slowed to a stop amid buildings only slightly less bombed out, and considerably shorter. Another thing that struck her were the multitude of drawings strewn over various walls, some of them simple and crude, ranging from vulgar words to disembodied dicks, others still with more effort and colour put into them, but hardly aesthetically pleasing either, and seemingly always on the subject matter of sex and violence.

Nat would've been considerably more apprehensive were it not for the queasiness she felt. Their car did not drive smoothly, lack of proper roads or not. The interior didn't exactly smell like flowers either.

She got out on her own, still covering herself. She really wished for some clothes, but felt she would have to ask for them very firmly.

"You'll give me some clothes now, right?", Nat asked.

"Don't think we said anything of the sort.", Sigi said dismissively.

"You can't be serious! I need clothes!", Nat whined with growing ire.

"You look good without 'em.", Ferk said and began to lug one of their packs. "Come on, we'll find a use for you.", he added.

Nat followed along apprehensively, trying to remember the path they took. She expected things to go wrong in any case, but if it turned really bad, she would have to run for it. Like if they turned out to be cannibals who'd just found their first meal in a week. Though at the very least, Nat did notice a little garden along the way with what looked like crops. Maybe they had other sources of food.

"Here we are.", Ferk announced as they crossed the threshold of one of many bombed out buildings. This one was relatively intact compared to those in the vicinity, but it still hardly seemed like luxury to Nat. The interior at best looked like a slumhouse, filled with old scratched up furniture, though the style seemed quite modern. Or at least it did 170 years ago.

"Think you can cook?", Sigi asked, sounding mildly hopeful.

"I suppose.", Nat said uncertainly. She had limited experience, given how nearly everything could've been bought in her time to spare her the hassle, but she could follow instructions and recipes quite well, she recalled.

"But first, some payment for the rescue.", Ferk said as he came up behind Nat. At that moment, his arms wrapped themselves around her, near her breasts and lower abdomen.

Eyes wide in terror and heart threatening to leap out of her breast, Nat immediately tried to pull away, her own hands now working painfully hard to bar access from her sex and breasts. "Get off! Get off!!", she screamed, but she couldn't so much as budge from the hyena's grip. His stink of sweat and soapy body odour washed over her mercilessly.

"Ahahaha!", Ferk laughed, visibly enjoying Nat's futile attempts of escape.

Still struggling, Nat desperately sought what she could do to stave him off. Her arms were now too constricted to reach back and try to squeeze or claw at anything. Her legs likewise were too busy trying to keep herself balanced. His arms were too low to bite at. At that moment, she truly regretted never having taken more than one self-defence class in her entire life.

"AAAAAH!!!", Nat began to scream in impotent fury, hoping to maybe stun the hyena through sheer volume.


In stunned silence, Nat looked questioningly at the female hyena who'd just backhanded her.

"Quit being a pussy.", Sigi said dismissively.

Nat was at a loss for but a moment more, when the male began to move them farther into the building. "Let go!", she demanded.

"Where you want her? The bed or the cell?", Sigi asked.

"Think I'll do her in bed. Seems harmless enough.", Ferk said, the tone of their conversation terrifyingly casual to Nat.

"A'ight.", Sigi said with a sigh and crouched down.

"Ah!", Nat yelped as she felt her legs swept from under her. She was being carried by the two of them. "Stop!", she demanded once again. "You can't do this!", she said.

"Says who?", Ferk asked in bemusement.

Nat couldn't answer him with any certainty. For all she knew, any idea of law could now be gone, leaving wastrels such as these to do as they please. But even if that wasn't the case, they were most likely well beyond reach of any law that yet remained.

"Ah!", Nat yelped as she landed on a mattress clearly old and creaky. Looking back at her captors, she swiftly tried to crawl off the side, but the female quickly landed upon her before turning her around and pinning her torso and wrists in place. "Get o-augh!", she yelped as she felt fingers pry their way inside her. At this, she froze in place, the realization that this was actually happening settling upon her mind along with the terrifying truth that she could do little to stop it. Worse yet, she was at a loss for how the woman now sitting on her abdomen was willing to help in this.

"Keep still. You'll only hurt yourself.", Ferk said dismissively, then relinquished hold of her hole.

Nat's eyes widened as she heard his zipper open. She then felt his bare fur press down upon her groin, his firm male parts in particular rubbing up against her slit. Feeling his hands now reach up towards her front and grab at her breasts, she closed her eyes in defeat.

"Gah, watch it!", Sigi yelped, looking back towards the male.

"Hehe, sorry.", Ferk said, in a manner that sounded rather disingenuous.

Nat wasn't sure what the offence had been, but she could only guess the sister wasn't particularly fond of getting touched in certain areas against her will. Her thoughts on the matter were cut short when she felt her folds abruptly parted and pried into, by something much thicker and warmer than fingers. He was really doing this.

"Nghuh...!", Nat whined in distress, her body convulsing in response to the intrusion.

"Think you can take her from here?", Sigi asked.

"Yeah-ah!", Ferk said just as he thrust himself deeper inside. Sigi unleashed Nat at that point, and slid off the bed, only to walk out the way they'd come in.

Nat didn't struggle anymore, and merely looked off to the side, unable to face the hyena as he now repeatedly thrust into her. Her mind reeled from the reality of it all, but the slimy schlocking sounds and the feeling of his balls slapping against her rear refused to permit her thoughts to wander. She felt only dismay, disgust and hatred.

"I expected-... a pasty-... to be-... tighter-...!", Ferm said in between thrusts, his smile toothy and unwaning. Nat would've very much wished to knock those teeth out, but instead only gritted her own and blushed in response to his comment.

"What'd you expect? Of course they fucked around all the time back then, eh?", Sigi asked as she reentered the room, bringing in more of their haul.

"Yeahaha-ah!", Ferk exclaimed in half-broken laughter, when suddenly he jerked and shivered.

'Shit...', Nat thought to herself as she realized what was about to happen.

The male hyena's eyes closed tight and his mouth slacked open, his thrusts growing more deliberate while the rest of his body seemed to lose coordination. With a masculine grunt, he sunk his dick in as far as he could, steadily filling Nat's womb with a warmth that only further revolted her.

"Ah-... fuck, not bad.", Ferk panted out, leaning over the feline with a smile, the stench of his breath and sweat filling her nostrils with renewed intensity. "Sig!", he suddenly called out, somewhat startlingly to Nat.

"Aye, coming!", Sigi called back.

Nat was somewhat confused and fearful of what they had planned next, and could only lay there still as the hyena pulled out of her. She got startled again once she heard the sound of unfurling duct tape.

As Ferk now moved aside and pulled his pants back up, over his semen soaked prick no less, his sister crawled onto the bed and bit off a strip of tape.

"What are y'- ah! What the hell?!", Nat squealed in disdain as she suddenly felt her pussy taped shut.

"Making sure you don't leak.", Sigi said.

"Uh?", Nat asked in confusion.

"Better chance you'll get knocked up.", Sigi said with a toothy smile.

Nat tilted a brow at this. Not only did the idea of doing this for the sake of making children seem rather odd to her, there was a detail these two apparently weren't aware of.

"I can't get pregnant.", Nat said.

"Oh, but you will.", Ferk said.

"No, I mean it's impossible. I've had my tubes tied.", Nat said, looking between the two for a response.

"Uh. Tubes?", Sigi asked, now with a tilt of her brow.

"Ovaries. Gonads.", Nat said, pointing towards her underbelly for emphasis.

"Like balls?", Sigi asked with a tilt of her brow, then looked towards Ferk.

"Yeah, remember that book with the guts and stuff? The pages with the dick and cunt?", Ferk asked, his own brow somewhat furrowed in displeasure.

"Oooh!", Sigi said. "...oh!", she added, looking towards Nat, then back towards Ferk. "So what now?", she asked.

"Guess there was no reason to tape her shut.", Ferk said with a shrug.

"Is... is that it? You did this all to get me pregnant?", Nat asked in disbelief.

"I mean, it was fun and all.", Ferk said.

"Kind of a waste of time, though.", Sigi said with a frown.

"Yeah, might not have bothered waking you up had we known.", Ferk said with another shrug.

Nat felt nauseous at all this. Not only had she suffered endless humiliation and violation culminating in her rape, but her less than generous captors now summarized her worth in one sentence.

"On second thought, you're still a good lay.", Ferk said with a returned smile.

"Do you lick cunts as well?", Sigi asked inquisitively.

Nat merely shook her head in stunned silence.

"Pity.", Sigi said.

"When's anyone said yes to that?", Ferk asked as he slid off the bed and pulled out a blunt and lighter from his pockets.

"There was that one bitch who thought we'd kill her otherwise.", Sigi said.

"Oh yeah.", Ferk said, then lit up and took a puff.

"Can I get some clothes?", Nat asked shakily, feeling ready to lay down and die.

"Technically you just got some.", Sigi noted with a smile, pointing towards Nat's taped-over pussy.

"Ah, let's give her something. She's been a good girl... so far.", Ferk said and went out the room.

"Alright, alright.", Sigi said and finally got off the bed. "Give me a pull of that.", she called as she went after her brother.

Left alone, Nat's thoughts could only dwell on the direness of her situation. She was alone in this world, her only current acquaintances a pair of mad idiots who'd just raped her, apparently for reasons beyond her understanding. And though she had the option to run away, she had little idea of where she might seek aid and survive. Even here she wasn't certain whether she would live long, but she was beginning to think death in the wastes would prove preferable to staying with these two. At least once they granted her some clothes.

But first, she needed to get this damned tape off. Even picking out an edge painfully tore at her fur. She hoped to God she would manage to get it off in one go.

Bracing herself, she took a deep breath and-


She could hardly breathe, and really felt a need to scream. It was off, but her crotch felt like it was on fire. Eyes watering, all she could do was roll onto her side and wait for it to pass.

"Not exactly much.", Nat said, sighing for the third time since she'd been presented with the set. She should've expected no better, though it seemed absurd that they even kept something as oddly revealing as this among their belongings.

"Covers the nips and slit.", Ferk said with a shrug.

Nat couldn't disagree, but hardly felt confident in her new clothes' ability to maintain that function. It was a colourful sleeveless leotard-like suit with a zipper running down the middle, and besides the zipper potentially running down on its own, she wasn't particularly happy with how it didn't cover the legs or arms at all and left little to the imagination around the front. It looked like the sort of thing a rather immodest cosplayer would've worn, and possibly it was just that. She'd never really stayed current with comic books nor video games enough to know for sure, but she hardly imagined anyone wearing this casually. At least not on its own.

"We've sent people off with less, you know.", Ferk then added and leaned into a wall.

"Going naked would hardly give someone the impression I had a say in my wardrobe.", Nat said, still looking herself over.

"You're free to go naked if you prefer.", Sigi interjected in annoyance. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed.

Nat simply sighed in response once more. Her sense of dignity found even this joke of an outfit preferable to that.

Despite the hatred she felt for the two, they were still the only ones who knew of how she got there, and probably the only ones who'd even believe her. She would also most likely find a lot less understanding for her general cluelessness outside, assuming she even found anyone. But despite such doubts and reservations, she was determined to get away from them, and they were hardly stopping her.

"Mind giving me some food and drink for the road?", Nat asked, the request difficult to voice towards the two dregs.

"Leaving already, huh? Some food and water we can manage. Booze ain't cheap enough to hand out.", Ferk offered.

Nat nodded. She hadn't actually thought of alcohol, though the prospect was quite tempting given her new position.

"Don't suppose you'd point me towards the nearest settlement.", Nat said.

"We can give you directions. Depends where you want to go.", Ferk said.

Nat paused at this for a moment in consideration. That suggested there were a fair number of settlements still in existence. Perhaps the world wasn't as hopeless as she feared.

"What settlements are there?", she asked.

"Well, there's Helseth, mostly farmers, walled in and defended. Pretty alright place, I hear.", Ferk began iterating, using his fingers for count.

"If you don't mind getting indebted to landowners.", Sigi interjected.

"Then there's the Hole, decent place for 'entertainers'.", Ferk said, his grin returning in full bloom.

"He means whores.", Sigi said, likewise smiling.

"I gathered as much.", Nat said humourlessly.

"It's a pretty entertaining place. Music, booze, food, hookers, arena. Might find some other types of work.", Ferk added.

"Gonna tell her about the Rig?", Sigi then asked.

"Yeah. Best steer clear of there.", Ferk said. "It's kind of a free-for-all kind of town. Expect to get robbed, stabbed... or in your case, put to 'work'.", he said, looking over Nat once more.

Nat frowned, but nodded in understanding. It sounded like someplace too deranged and dangerous even for them. She could only imagine the sort of hell that might be. "Anything else?", she asked, hoping for more options.

"Guess there's Camp Talc.", Ferk said, scratching his chin.

"Mercs. Talked up a few in the Hole.", Sigi said.

"Wouldn't get too close there, I hear they shoot on sight these days if you don't look valuable.", Ferk added. "You'll probably have more luck asking around in Helseth or the Hole for other places farther away. Don't imagine you'd want to venture that far, though.", he suggested.

"Uh, alright.", Nat conceded. At least she knew some form of civilization might exist farther away. If it did, she would find it. "Guess I'll take a look around Helseth, then.", she decided.

"You sure? They don't give out free food like we do.", Ferk said.

"We normally don't either.", Sigi interjected bitterly. Apparently she wasn't very enthused about sharing supplies.

"I... I don't know.", Nat said, his argument surprisingly on point. Though she could likely teach a thing or two about botany and plant breeding, she didn't imagine they'd be particularly interested in listening to a newly arrived stranger with no money... assuming currency still even existed.

"Well, if you want time to think, you can stay here till morning. Best not travel at night anyways.", Ferk offered.

Nat's heart skipped a beat at this. It was getting rather late, and she wasn't exactly confident in her ability to find shelter in such conditions, but she couldn't imagine staying with these two either. She needed to get away at any cost. All that was left was to decide where she would seek her fortunes.

The thudding of music continued to shake the world around even outside the Thump. Leaning against a wall in a side alley, Nat lit up a cigarette and took a long pull. God, she really needed that.

Exhaling smoke through her nose, she scanned her surroundings. The usual assortment of dregs, mercs and whores littered the nightly landscape, engaging in drunken singing, vomiting and even public fucking.

Times like this she questioned her life choices. From taking part in that damned experiment down to deciding to settle and work in this... this Hole. She'd found little alternative up to that point, however, as the Helseth landowners scoffed at her ideas of botany, and at most offered to let her work as a simple farmhand, and she was no menial worker. Though preferable to that, her present bartending job carried some caveats of its own, mostly in the form of her bovine boss.

"Nat! Get back here already!", the bull named Dokost called out from beyond the rear entrance.

"Let me finish my smoke!", Nat called back.

"For the last time, smoke up inside.", Kost said, palming his forehead.

"Alright, alright!", Nat said, then turned to go back inside. It felt barbaric to be smoking indoors among people, yet such sensibilities seemed lost by now. No doubt these days everyone expected to die by means other than lung cancer. Still, she preferred to uphold them, if only to retain some attachment to better days.

With the nonstop thudding of music electronic and bassy now enveloping her, she took up her place behind the bar. Kost served one customer more before taking a step back to allow Nat to take the helm.

She very much regretted having appeared seeking work in the clothing that she did. Her boss had decided it suited her quite well, to a point where it became her work uniform. She was afforded only slightly more dignity than the local whores and strippers, though it likely played a part in netting her the job in the first place. And by her calculations of living costs, it seemed a decent paying job.

Take an order and payment, pour one of five types of booze, serve, repeat. An endless cycle of monotony that required little in the way of thought, giving her time to appreciate the music around her. That was, unless certain persons demanded more of her attention.

"Guh!", Nat squealed out in surprise as she felt a hand flick the bottom of her leotard aside, exposing her slit to the wind. "Asshole!", she hissed at Kost, who merely smiled back at her as she readjusted her clothes.

"You look better like that.", Kost said, then returned to doing whatever it was he was doing.

Nat breathed a frustrated sigh, still fuming at the violation. Making sure Kost was not looking, she opened a bottle of Grind and took a swig to soothe her nerves. Every day he did something that shook her like that. A slap in the rear, a grab at her tit, a frontal grope, or something like today. Yet at the same time, she felt herself caring less and less. This was apparently what the world was like now, if her prior experiences with the hyenas were anything to go by, and most likely she could expect such abuse from any employer. Thankfully Kost hadn't thought to force her into anything, though he did offer a 'bonus' in return for some favours on more than one occasion. It may've been a matter of time before he got more demanding, but for now her position seemed relatively comfortable for what could be expected in her new life.

"Hey, gimmie a drink!", she suddenly heard from before the bar.

Making sure her clothes were well in place to cover everything, she stepped up to the awaiting client, only to have her heart leap up in her throat.

"Come on, booze us up! Slick!", Ferk said with a smile and a wave of a money bill. His sister sat nearby.

Feeling somewhat stunned to see the two again, Nat picked up a bottle of Slick and two glasses from below and placed them on the counter. Staring daggers directly at them, she poured the booze.

"I know you from somewhere?", Ferk asked curiously.

Nat frowned at him. It hadn't even been a month since their encounter, not to mention she still wore the same clothes as they'd given her. Or at least a really similar set.

"Oh hey, it's the popsicle girl!", Sigi said with a grin.

"Ho shit, you're right.", Ferk said, his smile growing wider.

Nat merely swiped the bill from his hand and pulled out the change from behind the counter. She was furious to see their damned moronic faces at all, but all she could do was fume. She didn't even know what to say. Either way she had a job to do.

"You've done alright, it seems.", Ferk commented.

"Anyone can pour booze, though.", Sigi interjected with a raised brow. "Not putting that brain to much use, eh?", she asked.

"Fuck off.", was all Nat could manage in response and walked away.

"Ay, don't hold a grudge, girl!", Ferk called after her with a laugh.

Nat didn't even turn to face them and walked off towards the farthest end of the bar, hoping to avoid interacting with them, if only for a moment. She would hold onto that grudge, and perhaps one day she would act upon it. And though for the time being she had little idea how she might actually go about it, it was a decent enough goal to keep herself going.

Wild Pair - A Turn in Gains

Under a sun sweltering and bright, upon a clearing at the outskirts of an old city forgotten to time, the five of them stood in wait with their cargo. Slothweed, a smokeable relaxant that dulled the senses, not illegal in most places these days, but...

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Wild Pair - A Hole Like No Other

The merciless light of dawn shone in through the open window, sheer glare upon her eyelids tearing the hyena from sleep. She was first to wake as usual, their positions placing her closer to the morning rays, while her brother continued to sleep for...

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Wild Pair - One in Six

The winds blew deafeningly heavy that day, the darkening clouds seemingly ever teasing with the chance of rain, yet always passing by without a drop. The worst of any weather, neither sunny nor cool. It was noon by the time Castis arrived at the...

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