Monster Orphanage Orgy Part 2

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#17 of Story Commissions

The action at the orphanage continues, and now it's time for everyone to get in on the fun.

A commission for kamikazetiger and RandoBear

Even though his big brother had told him to run, Pulscorn didn't make it very far. He made it as far as the front gate before he stopped and looked back. There didn't seem to be anyone chasing after him. He could probably get away right now; run and hide somewhere the baddies would never find him. But that would also mean leaving behind his brother. Scaled Hare had been looking out for him his entire life, and as much as he wanted to do what his brother said and run away, he just couldn't bring himself to abandon the only family he had left.

He made his way back to the building as quietly as he could, peaking through one of the front windows to see what was going on inside, hoping he'd have a chance to get his brother out so they could get away together. But what he saw made his jaw drop - his brother wasn't trying to get away. It didn't even look like he was fighting back. What was he....?...!

Pulscorn felt a warm blush spread across his face as he saw exactly what his brother and the Dark Hare were doing. A small part of him realized what was happening with the other boys as well, but all his attention was focused on his brother. It wasn't the first time he'd seen his big brother's penis get hard like that, but it was definitely the first time he'd ever seen him to something like this. There was a funny feeling coming from Pulscorn's crotch, and when he glanced down he was shocked to find his own young penis rising to full erection, the bright pink tip starting to peak out, standing out sharply against the white of the rest of his shaft. Looking back in through the window, he gasped as he saw the scarred Dark Hare reached around and shove a finger inside his brother. And... Scaled Hare seemed to be enjoying it. Pulscorn's blush grew even harder when the Dark Hare pointed in his direction, and Scaled Hare turned to look right at him. Wait, no, he wasn't looking at Pulscorn. It almost looked like he was looking behind him...

"Enjoying the show, kid?"

Pulscorn spun around towards the voice and gasped when he saw the Dark Hare standing over him. This one looked different than the others - his right eye was the normal red of all Dark Hares, but his left eye was a bright blue. The boy tried to run away, but he didn't seem to be able to move. He just stood there, staring up at the baddies like a deer in the headlights.

Seeing the frightened look on the kids face, Dark Hare shook his head and held up his hands in a non-threatening gesture.

"Relax, kid. I'm not going to hurt you," he said. "I understand how you feel. When I was a kid, my brother and I were caught by baddies that came to our home, too."

"You... you were," asked Pulscorn, finding his voice.

Dark Hare nodded. "We were. And my brother told me to run and hide, just like yours did. And then the baddies came in and fucked him just like the others are doing to your friends right now. And then they found me, just like I found you. And besides, I can understand why you didn't leave- you wanted to stay with your brother, didn't you?"

It took him a moment, but eventually he nodded.

"And, admit it, watching your brother and my brother together, and watching your little friends get their cherries popped was actually pretty hot, wasn't it? Makes you want to play with yourself, huh?" A sly grin spread across Dark Hare's face as he reached down and groped himself, making Pulscorn blush in shock.

"W-what?! No it doesn't!" exclaimed Pulscorn, shaking his head. "Fairy said you should only do things like that with someone you love, someone you want to start a family with!"

"Don't you love your brother?" countered Dark Hare.

"Of course I do!"

"Then what's the problem?" said Dark Hare. "You love your brother, and you don't need to start a family with him, you already are family. So why not love each other like one?"

Pulscorn just stared at the baddie. He didn't know what to say.

"And besides," continued Dark Hare, "if you boys all join up with us, then we can all be one big family together, and we can all show each other how much we care about one another whenever we want."

Dark Hare knelt down and pulled the boy into a hug, which Pulscorn was too surprised to pull away from, even as the baddies hands slid down to stroke and squeeze at his rear. This new position had the added effect of pressing his erection into the big male's furry balls, the combined feelings making him shiver.

"So, kid, what'll it be? You've got a choice to make - you can either run away alone, or go inside with your brother and accept what happens next." The baddie slid a finger teasingly between the boy's cheeks. "You're going to lose something either way, but if you go inside, at least you'll have your brother. And you'll even get something back, something even better than what you'll lose." He gave the boy a quick lick on the cheek and playfully goosed him before standing up and walking over to the orphanage's front door. With his hand on the knob he turned to look at Pulscorn.

"Time to choose, kid."


Scaled Hare stared in shock as the front door opened and Pulscorn walked inside, followed closely by another Dark Hare, who closed the door behind them. He couldn't fail to notice that both of them had erections, but at the moment he was more concerned with his brother's return than with the fact he had seen what Scaled had done and was turned on by it. Of course, that wasn't enough to stop an embarrassed blush from spreading over his face.

"Pulscorn, what are you doing here?! I told you to run!" exclaimed Scaled.

"I-I know you did," said Pulscorn. "But I didn't want to leave you behind. We're family. And if staying with you means staying with the baddies, then that's what I'm doing."

"Aw, isn't that sweet," said the older Dark Hare brother to the green boy in his arms. "He wants to stay with you. That's good news for all of us! Now your little brother can get in on the fun, too."

"What?! You said you'd leave my brother alone if I did what you wanted," said Scaled.

"No, I didn't. I promised not to hurt him, and I won't. Besides," he licked his lips, eyeing the two boys. "I don't think either of you will be complaining after we have some fun."

"No way, he's too young!"

The scarred Dark Hare pulled Scaled against him, wrapping an arm around the boy and pinning his arms at his sides and his green scaled back to the baddie's chest.

"Oh, please, my brother was about his age his first time, and those guys were way bigger compared to us than we are to you. And besides," he said, moving his free hand between the boy's legs and starting to slowly stroke his little green erection, "it certainly looked to me like you were enjoying yourself when you got to play with Daddy. Don't you think it's only fair that your little brother gets to have fun too?"

"N-no," said Scaled, his breath catching at the feeling of the adult's fingers toying with his penis. "He's t-too young!"

"Come on, there must be something I can do to convince you... oh! I know," he leaned down to whisper in the boy's ear. "I'm going to have some fun with this little cock of yours. But I'm not going to let you cum. No sir, no orgasms for naughty little boys who try to keep all the fun for themselves. You won't get to cum until you agree to let me and my brother have as much fun as we want with you and yours."

The scarred baddie teased the boy mercilessly, jerking his dick and fondling his balls, making the green youngster moan and squirm in his arms, trying to get free while at the same time instinctually thrusting into that warm furry hand. Thanks to his natural monster stamina, his little erection hadn't gone down at all, even after cumming inside the bigger male. And when the baddie puller back his foreskin and started to polish the super-sensitive head of his dick with his thumb, a minute or two of that was more than the boy could take, only for the baddie to stop before his pleasure could peak.

"You know what you have to do, boy," said the baddie. "Just tell me we can have some fun with your brother, and I'll make sure you get what you need."

While his brother was teasing Scaled, the younger Dark Hare brother was having some fun of his own. He rested his hands on Pulscorn's shoulders, kneeling down behind the boy so they could both watch their older brothers together.

"Look at your brother; look how he's trying to hold back," said the blue-eyed Dark Hare. "He's making himself suffer for nothing. He's knows how good it'll feel if he just gives in, but he's fighting with himself. Aren't you curious? Don't you want to know what it's like?" He leans in and licks the side of the boy's neck, making the blue-furred boy shudder in excitement. "I can show you what it's like, if you want me to. You can feel all the pleasure your brother's been feeling, and then some. All you have to do is tell him that you want it. Tell him that you want us to molest you, that you want to get fucked. Do that, and I'll make you feel things you didn't know were possible."

After another couple of minutes of the baddie whispering teasing promises to him, Pulscorn couldn't take it anymore. His penis hard and dripping with arousal, he said, "Please, big brother, tell them to do it. Tell them to molest me, molest us. I want... I w-want to get fucked. Please, Scaled, let them fuck me."

Scaled looked over when he heard his brother's words, and the sight of Pulscorn's leaking dick and the hand wrapped around his own were an unbearable combination. But he did he best to resist for as long as he could.

Which, as it turns out, wasn't really very long at all.

"So what do you say?" asked the scarred older brother. "Ready to let your brother in on the fun?"

"N-n-noooooOOHHH!" Scaled Hare's refusal turned into a moan of pleasure as the baddie furiously rubbed the head of his cock against his palm, smearing his fur with the boy's heavily leaking pre.

"Are you sure?" asked Dark Hare. As soon as Scaled opened his mouth, he assaulted that pre-teen penis again, making the boy thrash and moan in his grip as pleasure overloaded his system. It took only two more times getting this treatment before Scaled finally gave in.

"Y-yes! Yes, you can have your fun with him! Molest him, fuck him, whatever you want! Just please, please..."

Pulscorn was didn't have long to be shocked by his brother's words before the Dark Hare behind him got to work. He slipped a finger between his lips, slicking it up before sliding it into Pulscorn, making the blue and white cutie gasp and moan as he found the boy's prostate with practiced ease, tickling and teasing it, enjoying his little squeaks of pleasure as that little white cock twitch between his legs. Sounds that were quickly cut off as the baddie pulled him into a kiss, shoving his tongue into the boy's mouth, putting on a show of toying with the cub for their brothers.

"Such a naughty boy you are," said the scarred Dark Hare, whispering into and nibbling on Scaled Hare's ear. "Telling us to molest your little brother. You seemed quite eager for it. Maybe instead of letting us do it, you'd like to try him for yourself. Is that what you want? To do all sorts of fun, dirty things to your little brother, and turn him into your own personal fucktoy?"

Unable to resist any longer, Scaled was desperate to cum. He'd do anything, say anything to get that last bit of pleasure he needed to reach his peak.

"Y-yes," whined Scaled Hare, thrusting into the baddie's grip. "I-I want to fuck him; I want to fuck my little brother. P-please, please..."

When he gave in, Scaled Hare had expected to get the release he'd been promised. And at his admission, he pumped the boy's cock even faster, his orgasm fast approaching. But rather than push him over the edge of orgasm, the scarred baddie let Scaled go, the boy's cock leaking heavily all over the floor. The boy looked back at the baddie, unsure of whether to feel relieved or betrayed that the man hadn't given him the orgasm he'd promised.

Seeing the look on Scaled's face, Dark Hare spoke up. "Don't worry, kid, you'll get to cum alright. But you're going to help my little brother show your little brother how much fun guys can have together."

The Dark Hare brothers brought the two boys together until they were standing in front of each other, their young penis almost touching. Neither boy seemed to be able to look away from their sibling's stiff, dripping member.

"Here's what you're going to do," said the blue-eyed Dark Hare. "While my brother and I get you ready for the real fun, I think it's time for you to get a feel for each other. After all, you'll be getting very familiar with each other's bodies real soon. So you two better get to work."

Each of the Dark Hare brothers reached around the boys to take the hand of the one they hadn't played with yet - the scarred baddie reaching for Pulscorn, and the blue-eyed brother reaching for Scaled - and kid each boy's hand to his brother's dick, curling their fingers around them and leading the boys into a steady rhythm of stroking each other, not letting go until the baddies were sure they'd keep going on their own. Once the boys realized how good someone else's hand on their cock felt, they quickly got over any reservations they had about the situation. They barely even protested when a big hand on the back of each of their heads pushed them into a kiss.

"Aw, isn't that sweet, brother?" asked the blue-eyed baddie.

"Sure is," said the scarred Dark Hare. "Takes me back to when we were their age. Think we should show them what else we did at that age?"

"Yes, I think we should."

Moving seamlessly together in a way that showed this was definitely not their first time breaking in some boys, the Dark Hare brothers dropped down behind their young partners, spread their cheeks, and dove in, burying their muzzles under the boys' tails and vigorously licking and rimming those tight little puckers, getting the pair ready for the Dark Hares to have their own fun.

It only took a few minutes of this treatment before the boys could feel themselves getting close to their peak. The taste of their brother's lips, the firm grips on their cocks, the warm tongues on their tailholes - it was too much for any boy to be expected to endure. Which is exactly why the Dark Hares didn't expect them to. Far from it, in fact - they wanted their newest boytoys to cum their little brains out. And that's exactly what they did when the baddies each slipped a spit-slick finger inside their respective boy and prodded their prostate, sending their young partners into a moaning orgasm as the boys continued to stroke each other, milking out every last drop of their cum to cover their hands and each other's bellies in sticky strings of boy cum. And the baddies instructions, the boys even licked their own hand clean, getting their first taste of each other's cum. But it wouldn't be the last.

Picking the boys up, the pair of baddies moved to the closest table and got them in position. They started by laying Scaled Hare on his back, his scaly ass at the edge of the table and his legs spread wide around the scarred Dark Hares hip. The blue-eyed Dark Hare then climbed up on the table and position Pulscorn on his hands and knees over his big brother, the green boy's head between his legs and his own face looking down at his brother's stiff green erection.

Scaled Hare, by this point thoroughly broken by the multiple orgasms he'd been put through that night didn't need any instruction on what to do next. Without even really thinking about what he was doing, he slurped his little brother's penis into his mouth, bobbing up and down on it and suckling hungrily at the delicious treat.

Pulscorn gasped as his brother's mouth closed around his penis. "Scaled! W-what are you doing?!"

He felt a hand on the back of his head.

"The same thing you should be doing," said the blue-eyed Dark Hare, pushing his head down towards Scaled's crotch. "Don't be shy, get in there and suck your brother's cock. Fair's fair, after all. Just do what comes naturally."

He pushed Pulscorn's head down until his little lips wrapped around Scaled's penis, guiding the boy into a bobbing motion to help him get started. Getting on his knees behind Pulscorn, he grabbed onto the boy's butt, spreading the boy's cheeks with his thumbs to reveal the slick pink pucker amid the downy white fur that ran between them. He lined his cock up, the tip kissing against the boy's entrance, before looking up at his brother.

"Ready brother?" He asked.

The scarred Dark Hare lined himself up with Scaled Hare's green pucker, eager to get started. He gripped the boy's legs to hold him steady and replied, "Ready."

"One... two... THREE!"

The baddies shank into their chosen boys, their moans of pleasure drowning out these squeals of their young partners as they were spread wide around the grown-ups dicks until the baddies were each buried balls deep in a snug little backside. Pulscorn was too overwhelmed with all the sensation assaulting his system to pay much attention to what the scarred Dark Hare in front of him was doing, but Scaled had a perfect view of his brother's pucker stretched tight around the baddie's dick, the man's grey balls pressed up against Pulscorn's much smaller white pair, the boy's each whimpering around the other's cock as the baddies ground against them, giving the cubs time to get used to having a thick cock up their asses while they enjoyed the extra-tight fit of a virgin boy's bottom.

Deciding the boys had been given enough time to adjust, the pair began to move, pulling out of the boys slowly, letting them feel every inch of cock teasing their insides, until just their tips were left, before slamming back in, making the boys cry out in pleasure at the wonderfully full feeling as their prostates were rammed by the mens' thick, hot cocks. The scarred baddie enjoyed the look on Pulscorn's face as the boy watched his big penis thrusting in and out of his brother, amazed at he could take something that big, completely ignoring the fact that he was doing the same thing. But that was a fact Scaled couldn't ignore, as his position gave him a perfect view of his little brother's tailhole being stuffed with a grown monster's cock, mesmerized by the sight of those two furry sacs pumping against each other with every thrust of the Dark Hare's hips.

Pulscorn was the first one to reach his peak. Having been a total virgin until just a view minutes ago, his young body wasn't prepared for all the new feelings he was trying to process at once - the warm, wet suction of Scaled's mouth, the taste of his green dick, the wonderfully full feeling of a cock inside him pummeling his prostate. With a squeal of pleasure, Pulscorn came, firing his small load into Scaled's mouth. The sight of his little brother's balls dancing in front of his eyes as they emptied into his mouth set Scaled Hare off as well, shooting a much bigger load into Pulscorn's mouth. The young blue and white boy had no choice but to swallow what he could, Dark Hare's hand keeping him from pulling away, leaving the excess to run down his chin and drip onto his brother's scaly sac.

With the boys' tight little asses getting even tighter as the clamped down on the baddies dicks as they rode out their orgasms, the Dark Hare brothers felt their balls pull up and let out loud groans of pleasure as they pumped the youngsters full with their cum, quickly filling them to the brim and grinning naughtily as their loads spilled out around them, coating each boy's ass. They especially made a mess of Scaled Hare, who now not only had his own cum on him from where Pulscorn hadn't been able to swallow it all, but he now had the mess under his own tail plus the runoff from Pulscorn's now cum-soaked balls and backside from the size dripping all over his face.

The baddies pulled out, finally allowing Pulscorn to roll of his brother before he collapsed, both boys panting to catch their breath after their first true sexual experience. After all, a boy doesn't really stop being a virgin until he's had his tail cherry popped. And based on what was happening in the rest of the room, these two wouldn't be the only ones who'd be getting a good hard fucking.


"Come on, we can make a deal, right?" asked Beata, doing his best to look at Captain Dark Hare. A task made more difficult by the fact the young bear was currently slung over the shoulder of one of the Dark Hares; the same one currently teasing at his exposed tailhole. "I can pay you! Let me go, and I'll tell you where Wild and Fairy keep the money!"

"Oh really now?" asked Captain Dark Hare, prying his eyes of the cub's ass to look him in the eye. "You'd really be willing to give us your friends and all your money in exchange for letting you go?"

Beata's face turned even more red - if that were possible - as the baddie so bluntly laid out what he'd just tried to do.

"Uh... w-well, I..."

"Two important things for you to know cutie," said Captain. "One - there is absolutely no way an orphanage like this has enough money to buy of all of us, even if I was interested in taking your offer, which I'm not. And two - such a selfish way of thinking shows you're well on your way to being a baddie yourself. Which means I'm going to judge you like one." He looked to his men. "Bring the boys over here."

The Dark Hares brought all the boys over and lined them up on the floor, making sure to keep Wild Hare restrained as they did. Spot, Pulscorn, and Scaled Hare were all covered and dripping with cum, and had been so vigorously fucked already that they had to be propped up on their knees like the others, too daze to do much else.

"Since you were so willing and eager to throw your friends here under the bus in order to save yourself, they'll be the ones to decide what we'll do with you. We're gonna put it to a vote," said Captain. He turned and pointed at Spot, the little brown dino more coated with cum than any of the others, especially with how much was leaking out of his ass. "What'll it be for your little friend here - freedom, or sex?"

Spot, cum running down his face and leaking from under his tail, was at this point so dazed with a pleasure high that he couldn't think of anything else but what had gotten him there. He looked up at Beata, or more specifically at where the Dark Hare's finger was teasing his ass, and thinking about how much he wanted to be in the bear's place, sighed, "Sex," before one of the waiting Dark Hares scooped him up.

The baddie took a seat at one of the tables and deposited Spot on top of it, the boys legs dangling limply off the side as the baddie eyed his young cock and licked his lips.

"Such a naughty boy you are," said Dark Hare, "choosing to leave you friend at the mercy of a bunch of baddies. And naughty boys deserve a reward." And he popped the boy's cock into his mouth, sucking it like he wanted to swallow it whole and making the spent youngster arch his back in pleasure as he started to moan.

It felt so good. The feeling of a warm mouth around his cock was one that Spot didn't think he could ever get sick of, and he could see why the baddies seemed to get so much enjoyment out of making the boys suck them off. And just like when he'd offered himself to get fucked by the baddies, he could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on him as he moaned and squirmed on the table, his eyes shut in a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment at seeing the other boys watching him moaned in need. He started to hump his hips up to meet the Dark Hare's lips, desperate to get even a little more of his cock in the big male's mouth as he took his time working the youngster over, murring at the taste of fresh, needy boy cock.

Captain pointed at the next boy. "Freedom, or sex?"

"Freedom," said Shell Saurian. The young brown reptiles face was streaked with cum. "you should let Beata go."

One of the Dark Hares snatched Shell Saurian up and dragged him over to a more open spot in the room.

"You're a good boy for wanting to free your friend, but you're with the baddies now, so you need to start acting like one. And if you're just going to use that pretty little mouth of yours to say things like that, then I think I'll just have to put it to better use."

In a surprising display of strength, Dark Hare picked the boy up and spun him upside down, hugging him tight to pin the boys arms at his sides. When Shell Saurian yelped in surprise, the baddie took the opportunity to stuff his cock in the boy's mouth and starting to fuck his face good and deep. While the youngster gagged and gargled around his cock, Dark Hare gave the boy a vigorous rimming as his legs kicked futilely in the air.

"Oh yeah, that's the good stuff," he said, before plunging his tongue as deep into the boy as he could manage at that angle.

Shell Saurian could feel all the blood rushing to his head, but whether that was his current position or the blush threatening to set his face on fire, he couldn't say. With his arms pinned at his sides, there wasn't much he could do to get away, though he kept kicking, hoping to either through the baddie off balance or kick him, anything to make him drop him. As humiliating as it was for the boy knowing that everyone could see what was being done to him and hear the baddie's cock squishing against the back of his mouth with every thrust, the feeling was made even worse by his prepubescent erection rubbing against the fur of the Dark Hare's chest, smearing it with the precum he was leaking from the feeling of the warm tongue slurping away at his ass.

"So what'll it be - freedom or sex?" asked Captain Dark Hare.

Seeing what was being done to his friend and hoping to avoid such rough treatment for himself, Dino said, "Sex."

"Good choice," said the captain. He thought for a moment. "Say, you and that Saurian kid are pretty close, right?"

"Y-yes," said Dino. "He's my best friend."

"Excellent!" said Captain Dark Hare. "Then you're the perfect choice to be the first one to fuck him!"

Hearing his captain's orders and being careful not to take his dick out of the boy's warm little mouth, the Dark Hare holding Shell Saurian marched over to one of the tables and laid down over it, pinning Shell Saurian beneath him and continuing to fuck the lad's face. Worried about what they might do to him if he refused, Dino walked over to the table and climbed up on the bench to stand between Shell Saurian's legs as the Dark Hare grabbed his thighs and pulled them back, leaving his young tailhole exposed and his feet kicking helplessly in the air. Shell Saurian tried to push the baddie away, but he was too strong for him to push back even a little.

With the baddie's guidance, Dino placed his cock at his friend's pucker and pushed in, hilting him himself inside and then quickly starting to hump as the pleasure washed over him, while Dark Hare took the pinned boy's cock into his mouth, grinning around his snack as the boy squealed and moaned around his thick cock at the pleasure assaulting his senses.

"Uh, uh, unff... I... I'm sorry, Shell, but it just feels so good," moaned Dino, looking down to watch his young cock piston in and out of his friend's rear. "You're so warm and tight. Oh gods, so good, so gooooohhhhh!"

Dino's words turned to a loud moan as Shell Saurian clenched tightly around him as Dark Hare sucked him fully into his mouth and attacked the head of the young reptile's penis with his tongue, making the boy wriggle and squirm underneath them as he was flooded with intense pleasure.

Dark Hare pulled back, suckling on just the tip of Shell Saurian's cock briefly before letting it slide out of his mouth, though he continued to give firm licks along the length or over the head as he spoke.

"Don't ever apologize for what feels good," said Dark Hare, looking up at Dino's blushing, pleasure glazed face. "Besides, your buddy's enjoying himself, too, even if he won't admit it. Just listen to him squeal when I do this."

He wrapped his lips back around the head of Shell Saurian's cock and assaulting him with a flurry of licks and sucks that left the boy squealing around his cock, his legs going ramrod straight and his toes curling at the feeling.

"See?" said Dark Hare, leaving the scaly boy's leaking tip pressed against his lips as he spoke, continuing to tease him mercilessly. "He likes this as much as you do. Now, be a good boy and give him a good hard fucking a little boyslut like him deserves. Show me you know how to use that sweet little cock of yours."

Dark Hare slurped Shell Saurian back into his mouth, hollowing out his cheeks and sucking hard on the tasty length of boy-meat as he start fucking his face even faster, enjoying the feeling of his cock stretching out the boy's throat every time he ground his crotch against the reptile's face.

It quickly proved to be too much for Shell Saurian to take, but his orgasmic moans were quickly silenced as the taste of fresh boy cum pushed Dark Hare over the edge, flooding the scaly cub's belly with his seed. Dino couldn't take the sight or sounds of his friend cumming the sight of his penis throbbing between the baddie's lips and his tailhole milking his cock triggering his own orgasm, pumping a small but respectable load into his best friend's ass before Dark Hare pulled away, letting the two boys collapse on each other and lay there, panting and oozing cum onto the table.

"Freedom or sex?" asked Captain Dark Hare to the next boy in line. When he didn't get a reply, he snapped his fingers in front of the young reptile's face. "Hey, Earth to kiddo, did you hear me or what?"

It took the captain a couple of tries to get Zuum's attention - the boy seemed very distracted by Wild Hare's erection, and his eyes kept drifting back over to it whenever he tried to look away. Eventually though, he did manage to give an answer.

"Beata isn't bad," said Zuum. "I think you should let him go."

"He's not, huh?" asked the captain. "I guess you missed the part where he tried to sell you all out to save himself. And don't think you're fooling anyone, kid. I know the real reason you want us to let him go."

"What do you mean?" asked Zuum. "What reason?"

"Looks to me like you're hoping when you say to let him go, you'll get to have your little tail cherry popped. And given how much you're fucking him with your eyes right now, I'm pretty sure you want Beata to go so you can have your daddy Wild Hare all to yourself."

"What?!" exclaimed Zuum, his green cheeks flushing bright red as he was called out. "That's not... I-I didn't...I'm--"

"Not that I can blame you. He's quite the looker, and he really knows how to use that cock of his. As you're about to find out."

One of the Dark Hares pulled Zuum out of line and pushed him onto his back before pinning the boy's hips and rimming him, his warm, wet tongue digging into Zuum's ass and getting him nice and slick for what was coming. Meanwhile, Captain Dark Hare walked over to Wild as he was brought up onto his knees, held still by a pair of baddies. Making sure he stood so as not to block Wild's view of Zuum having his ass eaten out, the captain wrapped his hand around Wild's stiff cock, jerking and squeezing and teasing it mercilessly, making the other male groan and tremble at the pleasure.

"Ready to do things my way, Wild?" asked the captain.

"N-n-noooooohhh," moaned Wild, fighting the urge to hump into the captain's hand, but failing to stop himself from moaning as he was jerked off. "I...nngh, mmph... I won't... w-won't force any of my boys to aaaaAAAHH!" A tight squeeze and teasing flicking at his tip took Wild's breath away.

Captain Dark Hare waved a hand around the room, at the cum covered boys in various states of defilement. "Come on, you know you miss this. Getting to use this nice big cock of yours whenever you want, with whoever you want. I remember how much you used to enjoy it. Don't you want to get that feeling back? The wonderful feeling of a hot, tight boy wrapped around your cock, squealing and squirming while you pound his ass and pump him full of hot, thick Hare cum? Or maybe you don't want to feel like you're forcing one of your boys? Well, I know how to help you with that."

He let go of Wild's cock, wiping his pre-smeared hand over Wild's belly before walking over to Zuum and squatting down to whisper something to the boy. When he stood up, the other Dark Hare moved away from Zuum as the boy turned over onto his hands and knees, raising his tail and thrusting his ass back at Wild, his slick, slightly gain tailhole on full display.

"Please, Wild, please fuck me," whined Zuum in the neediest voice he could muster. "I don't want to be a virgin anymore. I want to be yours; you own like fuck-toy. Please fuck me, Daddy, please..."

Walking back over to Wild Hare, Captain grabbed his cock once again and started back over to Zuum, leading Wild Hare along by his penis as the other male hurried to keep up with him.

"There, you see. Your boy wants you to fuck him. And this," he squeezed Wild's dick, "says that you want it, too. I don't know that I've ever seen you this horny. You've been hoping for a chance to use these boys for a long time, haven't you, you naughty Hare. So no more waiting around- get over there and show him what it's like to take a dick, like all boys are meant to."

By this point, even Wild Hare had reached his breaking point. He couldn't fight it anymore - what Captain Dark Hare was saying was true, or at least some of it was. The sights and sounds of so many cute boys having sex was too much for him to resist, the memories of all the things he'd done in the past flooding back as his cock grew even harder, if that was possible.

"A-alright," he said finally. "I...I'll do it. I want it. I need it!"

The captain told his men to release Wild, and he led him over to Zuum, pushing him down onto his knees behind him. Kneeling down behind Zuum, Wild placed his hands on the boy's green scaled hips and lined himself up before thrusting forward, pulling the boy back to meet him, moaning loudly as Zuum cried out in bliss as he was penetrated, each hit against his prostate sending shots of pre splashing onto the floor as Wild gave the boy the vigorous fucking they both wanted, bending over the young reptile and running his hands all over his body as he fucked Zuum senseless.

"Oh, fuck! Zuum, you feel so fucking good! I haven't had an ass this tight in years! Nnhg, unff... This might be one of the finest asses I've ever had. That's it, that's it you little slut, push back, help me pound that sweet boypussy of yours. Oh, oooohhh I missed this. The sweet sounds and tight squeezes of a boy having his tail cherry popped--" he reached down between Zuum's legs, engulfing the boy's cock in one of his large hands and starting to jerk the youngster off, shivering with lust at the high pitched moans of a boy getting the hard fucking he deserved "--and the feel of a young cock cumming in my fingers. Come on, come on you cute little bitch, cum for me. Cum for Daddy..."

The only boys left in line were the Hare brothers, Scaled Hare and Pulscorn. The captain was pretty sure he knew what the older boy was going to say, but he asked him anyway. Or at least, he was going to, but when he pointed at the green scaled bunny, he had barely opened his mouth before Scaled Hare cut him off.


Captain Dark Hare chuckled, almost unsure if Scaled was voting for Beata's fate, or demanding sex for himself. Either way, Captain decided to play it safe and take it both ways. Guiding the boy over to Wild Hare, he pressed the lad's face beneath the grown male's tail, watching him rim his father figure before slipping his young dick inside him, Wild Hare's thrusting driving him back and further between a tight young ass and a stiff young cock.

Zuum's young prostate couldn't stand up to such a vigorous pounding, especially not with the added pleasure of Wild's furry fingers milking his cock. He came with a cry that left him breathless, painting Wild's fingers and the floor beneath him with cum. A puddle that only grew larger as Wild brought his hand up to lick it clean, the taste of the boy he'd helped raise combined with the vice-like grip of his ass to give Wild the orgasm he'd been craving far longer than he'd wanted to admit, flooding that scaly backside and pouring out around his own length, painting Zuum's backside white with the man's cum.

Still nowhere close to being satisfied after reducing just one boy to a panting cum-filled mess, Wild pushed Scaled back until the boy's cock popped out of him before dropping to sit on the floor and pulling the cub towards him, swallowing the green monster's dick before sticking two fingers in the boy's mouth, and two more up his backside, finding Scaled's prostate with practiced ease and starting to massage it with his fingers, the boy's cock already starting to throb against his tongue as he worked towards milking the kid's balls for every tasty drop they could make.

Pulscorn was the only boy left. When Captain Dark Hare returned, he looked up into the big male's face, who enjoyed the sight of the blue and white cutie on his knees, cum smearing his chin and a little stiffy between his legs.

"Well boy, you're the last one. What'll it be?"

Pulscorn looked over at Beata for a moment or two, thinking, before turning back to the captain.

"Beata's my best friend," said Pulscorn. "I think you should let him go."

Captain Dark Hare nodded his head. "All you boys really are close, aren't you? That's always nice to see. But that also means we have a tie - three of you want him to go free, and three of you don't. So, I guess the only thing to do is for me to be the tie-breaking vote." He stood there, scratching at his chin and pretending to think it over, before grin lecherously at the young bear still slung over his subordinate's shoulder. "Good news boy - tonight's the night you get to lose your virginity." He slapped a hand down on Pulscorn's shoulder. "And your little friend here's going to be the one to take it from you."

Pulscorn looked up at him in shock. "What? Why do you want me to do it?"

Captain laughed. "I can't help but notice you didn't actually argue about that at all. And the reason I want you to do it is simple - I think watching boys fuck is pretty damn hot, especially when it's their first time."

Beata, however, was taking this news far less calmly than Pulscorn had.

"No! This is so fucked up! You can't do this, let me go!" He yelled, struggling against the grip of the Dark Hare. All he managed to do was wave his ass in the air, and rub his dick against the fur of the male's shoulder. As much as he was trying to deny it, even to himself, Beata was sporting an erection at everything going on around him. "I'm not into guys! We're supposed to get married and start families, not go around fucking each other!"

"More of that human nonsense," said Captain, laughing. "We're monsters, kid, not humans! We don't have to get married to start a family. Hell, we don't even need females for that. Sure, we need them if we want to have kids of our own, but not to have a family." He gestured to the baddies around him. "We're all one big happy family. And now you boys get to join our family, too."

At his captain's instruction, the Dark Hare holding Beata picked up the boy and turned him around, holding him in front of him and up off the ground, revealing his stiff erection for everyone to see.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" said the captain mockingly, stepping closer to the wriggling bear boy. He reached out and flicked the boy's member playfully, watching it bounce in the air and making Beata gasp and blush in embarrassment. "Seems all this talk of sex and watching your little friends getting fucked turned you on after all, didn't it, your cheeky little pervert." He flicked the boy's penis again. "Not that any of us could blame you. I've never met a male that could resist the sight and siren's song of a cute young boy taking a dick, especially his first."

Captain Dark Hare brings Pulscorn over to join them. "Your little buddy here is going to show you just how good boy sex can be, so maybe then you'll start to understand what it's like to be part of our new family. And don't worry - even if you think it's messed up now, once you've had your tail cherry popped you'll start to change your tune."

Before Beata had the chance to protest, the captain grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep kiss, forcing his tongue into the bear's mouth and wrestling his own into submission, teasing the boy's erection with his other hand at the same time, enjoying the way he could make the boy squeal. He soon broke the kiss, quickly snatching up Pulscorn and having him kiss Beata as well, though this time for more tenderly than the baddie had. Though both boys were squealing now, as the captain couldn't resist rubbing their young cocks against each other as the boys kissed.

Setting Pulscorn down, he guided the blue and white bunny around behind Beata, and with a little gentle encouragement, Pulscorn spread his friend's cheeks and started licking and kissing at his entrance, making the brown bear thrash in the Dark Hare's grip. Captain grabbed the boy's legs, so that between the two of them the boy couldn't move anything but his head, which he threw around even more as the captain got to work, kissing and nibbling his way down to the boy's erection before slurping it up, suckling happily on the boy's penis and enjoying the musical cries of a boy's first time getting sucked off and rimmed out.

"No, stop it!" whined Beata, struggling to get away from the suckling mouths attacking his most sensitive spots and unable to accomplish more than wriggling in a way that made the baddies want to fuck their helpless victim even more. "Don't do this! Pulscorn, pleeeeeease--" his begging turned into a squeal as his friend's tongue started pushing further into him "-- W-why are you doing this to me, Pulscorn? Oooohh, why does it feel so good, it's not supposed to feel good!"

The young bear-boy could feel a pressure building in his belly, a pleasant tingling starting for the places where the tongues were assaulting his senses and spreading throughout his body.

"N-no! What's... what's happening in? I feel... I f-feel... oh, oh, ooooOOOOOHHHHHH!"

As aroused and inexperienced as he was - and with the captain being no slouch with his tongue - Beata wasn't able to hold back for more than a couple of minutes before he threw his head back, crying out loudly as he came for the first time, giving the baddie a taste of his rather generous load, at least for someone his size and age.

Captain Dark Hare stood up, licking his lips to make sure he didn't miss a drop of delicious boy cum. "For somebody who insisted he didn't want to do this, you sure came awfully fast their cutie. And if you think that felt good, just wait until you see what's coming next."

Dark Hare handed Beata off to his captain, before hurrying to drop to his knees behind Scaled Hare, getting in position and fucking the green cutie, sandwiching the young monster between the toy bigger Hares and making him moan in pleasure at the feeling of another thick dick stretching his tailhole.

Captain took a seat on one of the benches, setting Beata down between his spread legs and calling Pulscorn over and getting him positioned behind the bound bear. At his direction, Pulscorn rests his erection between Beata's cheeks, massaging them with his hands as he humps back and forth, hotdogging the brown furred boy. Beata looked over his shoulder, trying to get away from Pulscorn, but with nowhere to go. Any movement he made away from the other boy brought him closer to the baddies lap and the big dick pointed right at Beata's face.

"Please stop, Pulscorn. You don't have to do this!"

"Oh, but he wants to do this, don't you boy?," said the captain. "See that face he's making? That's the face of a boy so lost to lust he'll fuck anyone you put in front of him, just for the chance to get off again. Don't worry, we'll have you there too before much longer, but for now..." He looked at Pulscorn "... tell you little friend what you want, boy. Tell him how much you're going to enjoy this."

"I'm gonna enjoy this," said Pulscorn, his face flushing bright pink as he continued rubbing his cock against Beata. "I want to fuck you. I want to feel your butt squeezing my cock. Oh, Beata, you'll love it. It feels so good Beata, having another guy's penis inside you, it's the best feeling ever. Please, let me show you how good it can be, for both of us."

Captain motioned to Pulscorn, and Beata felt him back off enough for his penis to straighten out and press against his tailhole. Beata tried to get away, to throw off Pulscorn's aim, anything to stop what was coming. But he failed, and in moments he was groaning as he was penetrated by a cock for the first time, the boys' comparable size meaning that even Pulscorn's preteen penis was able to stretch him out nicely. The young Hare started humping his friend, moaning in pleasure at his first time topping another boy, while Beata moaned at the feeling, refusing to admit the obvious - despite his protests, he was enjoying what was being done to him. His cries were cut off as Captain Dark Hare slipped a couple of fingers into the boy's mouth.

"So what do you think, boy?" he asked. "You like having a cock up your ass, don't you? Yes, you like being taken like a female, it's obvious you do. Don't fight it, just enjoy yourself. After all, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy getting fucked over and over again. This is just the beginning."

Beata moaned loudly as Pulscorn's cock hit his prostate, and the captain laughed. "Oh, you should see your face. You make the cutest expressions when you have a dick up your ass, did you know that? I just can't wait to see the faces you make when you get to take mine. But first things first."

He took his fingers out of Beata's mouth, and grabs his cock, angling it down towards the boy's mouth. "Time to return the favor, kid. Get to sucking."

Beata shook his head. "W-what? N-noooooooo," his words turned to moans as Pulscorn hit a sensitive spot, "I'm not doing th-thAAAAhht!"

"Oh yes you are," said the captain, playfully slapping the boy's cheek with his cock, leaving a smear of precum in the brown fur. "I sucked you, now you're going to suck me. Fair's fair, after all." He smacked his cock against the other cheek. "Your friends have all sucked some cock tonight, and it didn't hurt any of them. So now it's your turn."

He pressed the head of his cock to Beata's lips, but the boy stubbornly refused to open his mouth. At least, until Pulscorn hit his prostate again, and he gasped and moaned in pleasure. Moans that were quickly cut off as Captain Dark Hare took the opportunity to stuff his dick in the boy's mouth, pulling him down until his tip squished against the back of his throat.

The captain rested a hand on Beata's head, moving him up and down his cock and occasionally thrusting his hips up to meet him, enjoying the feeling of a warm, wet mouth around him. Glancing down, he couldn't fight back a smile at the sight of Beata's cheeks bulging around his mouthful of man cock and the sound of the adorable muffled squeaks and moans that sent tingles up his spine as the boy was fucked by his best friend.

Beata didn't know how he was supposed to be feeling any more. As far as he could tell he'd never felt any interest in other boys before, even if Pulscorn was really cute. But that didn't mean anything, right? Everybody thought Pulscorn was cute. Just because the feeling of his friend's penis moving inside him made his toes curl, or the taste of the cock in his mouth that made him suck at it hungrily, or the pleasured moans from the two males using him to sate their needs in full view of everyone that made his own erection throb with excitement. None of that meant he was secretly enjoying himself. Did it?

The pair kept at it, rocking Beata back and forth between them, enjoying the feeling of a tight ass and a wanton mouth respectively as they used the young bear to sate their lusts. Pulscorn was the first to reach his limit, his first time topping another boy proving to be too much to handle as he buried himself under Beata's puffball tail and came, pumping shots of boy cream into his friend. The feeling of the twitching cock inside him, the warm heat washing over his prostate, and yes, even the taste of the big male's cock and salty pre set Beata off, crying out around the cock in his throat as he splattered the floor beneath him with cum.

Seeing two cute boys shaking in orgasm always did the trick for the captain, and this time was no exception. He forced Beata's head down until every inch was in the boy's mouth, throwing his head back and moaning as he pumped a heavy load down the boy's throat, making sure to pull back and fill his mouth to let him get a good taste of cum. It was far too much for such an inexperienced boy to handle, and his cheeks bulged out, spilling much of the captain's load over the bear's chin and the big Hare's balls.

Pulling his cock out of Beata's mouth, he smiled down at the panting boy. "See kid, that wasn't so bad, now was it? Hehe, I like you kid. Tell you what - I'm putting you in charge of the rest of these cubs. I'm gonna train you up to be a leader, just like me." He grinned down at Beata, a lusty look on his face. "Which also means I'll be getting to see a lot more of those cute faces you make, because starting now, you're my new personal plaything."

Captain nodded to the Dark Hare waiting nearby, who scooped up Pulscorn and carried him off for some more fun. Captain stood up and slung Beata over his shoulder, his slick leaking tailhole on full display as he looked around the room. Cum covered boys were laid out everywhere, servicing the baddies in one way or another.

"See, boy? Sex isn't bad, sex is fucking amazing! Just look how much your daddy's enjoying himself. I don't see your friends complaining about what he did with them."

Beata followed to where the captain was pointing and couldn't bring himself to look away. Wild had finished with Zuum and Scaled, both of whom had been traded off to new partners. But before they were scooped up for another round with the baddies, Beata got a good look at the state they were both in. Zuum's head was resting on the floor, his ass up in the air, and his once tight pucker leaking Wild's cum, adding to the mess covering his backside as the young reptile moaned and continued dripping his own load onto the floor. Scaled Hare was laying on his back, seemingly having temporarily lost the use of his legs after Wild had sucked another load out of him, leaving his still stiff cock slick with spit and cum and stuck to the boy's belly, his own pucker slick and slightly stretched from Wild's fingering, now ready and waiting to take another cock, which the Dark Hare's were only too happy to provide.

"A boy is never the same once he gets a taste of sex. Especially once he's had a man pop his cherry like every boy secretly wants. But don't worry, you'll understand soon enough. I think it's time for you and you little friend here to find out what a real cock can do."

Captain grabbed Dino from where he lay next to the cum-coated Shell Saurian, and brought him over to Wild Hare, who was still sporting an erection and seemed to be looking for a new playmate.

"Take a seat, Wild," he said. "I think our little friend here would like to go for a ride."

By now, neither of them could even try resisting what was happening. It all just felt too nice. Wild dropped to the floor and leaned back against the wall, resting his hands on Dino's hips as the boy climbed into his lap, positioning him over Wild Hare's stick, cum-slick cock. Meanwhile, Captain Dark Hare took Beata down from over his shoulder and wrapped his big hands around the boy's waist, bending him over and lining up his own spit-polished cock with the bear's widened, cum leaking pucker.

"Okay you two, any last words as virgins before we pop those cherries?"

Beata, still trying to recover from his recent experience, was unable to speak, only groaning weakly as he felt that big cock starting to stretch his tailhole, its size promising to give him an even deeper, noticeable stretching than Pulscorn had. Dino, on the other hand, had completely given in to the pleasure of the situation after fucking Shell Saurian, was had no problem telling Wild Hare exactly what he wanted.

"Wild, fuck me. Please, please, I want to know what it feels like. Fuck me! Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck meeEEEEEEE!"

Wild licked his lips, precum bubbling up his cock and getting Dino's tailhole nice and slick, ready for a good hard fucking.

"Oh, Daddy's gonna fuck you alright," said Wild. "Daddy's gonna fuck that hot little ass of yours until you beg me to stop, and then I'll keep going 'til you beg me never to stop. So stop your begging and get to riding. Show Daddy how much you love riding his cock."

Both boys moaned loudly as they were stuffed. Dino threw his head back, wailing in bliss as he was impaled on Wild Hare's cock, his own dick rubbing against the plush fur of the older male's chest and smearing it with the cum covering his cock as he was bounced in the Wild's lap, a dopey grin on both their faces. Captain had a similar grin on his face; the feeling of the young bear stretched tight around his penis was addictive, as was the feeling of those small boy balls slapping against his own every time he bottomed out in his fluffy little boy toy.

"Well, Wild, aren't you glad we came by?" Captain grunted as Beata squeezed down on him good and tight, the assault of his prostate already pushing the boy to another orgasm- though not the last one he'd have at the Dark Hare's hands that night. "It's good to see you back to your old self. Hngg, damn, your ass is tight kid, you're working me so good! Yeah, milk that dick you little slut. Hey boys, who do you think is the better fuck - me or your daddy over there?"

Neither one of the cubs was in any real position to answer. They were both too busy moaning in bliss as their ass were stuffed with more cock than they would have ever thought possible. Dino was bouncing vigorously in Wild's lap, aided by the man's hands on his hips, bouncing the boy quickly in his lap. Beata, on the other hand, had been fucked into a stupor, his mouth hanging open as every hammer-blow of the captain's cock against his prostate forced another moan from the bound cub, his fluffy brown balls slapping against the captain's in the most erotic of ways every time he pulled the boy back to meet him, grinding against that warm, tight ass before pulling back and doing it all again.

"You're right, how silly of me. How could I possibly expect you two to make that kind of decision until you've tried both of us. We'll just have to trade partners and go again once we're done with you then, won't we?" said Captain Dark Hare. After taking another minute or two to enjoy his new cubby cocksleeve, the captain turned to Wild Hare. "Hey, Wild, let me ask you something - is it true you are buddies with one of the guys who defeated Moo?"

Wild, distracted as he was by the tight ass of the boy currently panting both their bellies with his load, managed to answer shakily, "Y-yeah, I -- oh fuck, Dino, your ass feels so good -- I know them, H-hare's an old friend of mine."

"So does that mean that if you were to, say, send him a message asking him to come for a visit, and to bring his buddy along - you know Tiger of the Wind - do you think he'd come?"

Wild thought about it for a moment, made even harder by the tight ass clamping around his penis so hard it was a wonder Dino didn't squeeze it off. But fuck it felt amazing to be fucking cute boys again.

"Uh, probably. Yeah, I'm sure he would. But why?" he asked. "You're not thinking of trying to get revenge for Moo, are you? They're my friends, and I don't want them getting hurt."

Captain Hare groaned, arching his back and grinding Beata's cute rear against his crotch as he emptied his balls inside the boy before starting to hump him again, the bear's wailing in bliss as he came again, eager to see how many orgasms they could work out of each other before their bodies quit on them.

As Wild slammed into Dino and gave the scaly boy a warm cream filling, Captain just chuckled. "Oh, don't you worry about that. I'm not going to hurt them. Revenge isn't quite what I had in mind."