Tails From Arkland #2 A Dragon's Tale

Story by Pappa_Bear_Bear on SoFurry

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#2 of Tails from Arkland

A story that takes place in the Three Wishes universe. This one is about an adolescent dragon and deer as they discover love and sexual play for the first time while on a field trip together. They have to be evacuated though before they get their feelings sorted out and lose one another in the attack

Tails from Arkland #2

A Dragon's Tale

"Ashwing! Pay attention!" the marmot yelled. "This is important. This trip is supposed to determine your future career."

Fat chance of that. The young dragon thought through slitted eyes enjoying the warmth as he ignored the marmot. With my father as the Commander of D.R.A.F.T. and head of security for all of Arkland my future career is already predetermined.

In fact he was due to start his D.R.A.F.T. training right after they got back from this eight day field trip. It was only due to the fact that this field trip was built into the educational curriculum and was mandatory to attend that had allowed him to go in the first place. He knew that this would be his last week of freedom for years to come and the last time he would get to hang out with is friend Bucky before having to leave for military training. He was not looking forward to that.

First was because of his father. His father's reputation was known far and wide across Arkland. Standing 9 feet tall and built out of pure muscle, his father was strong and powerful. He could fly to the highest reaches and the furthest distances of any of the D.R.A.F.T. members. He was also quick and silent, his charcoal and grey coloration allowing him to bend into the darkness and strike silently before anything knew he was there. He was still the only undefeated dragon in aerial combat, having never lost a match, and still held the fastest completion record for the air slalom course. In short he was the perfect dragon warrior, something Ashwing knew he was not.

The second reason was the unfairness of the whole situation. Just because he had been hatched as a dragon shouldn't mean he was predestined to become a warrior. All the rest of the people of Arkland could make their own choices and become whatever they wanted, his friend Bucky had just done that two days earlier, but because he had scales, wings and a tail he had been told from an early age that his future was to be in D.R.A.F.T. That also meant having to leave his friend Bucky and his home in Central while he was being subjected to combat training and rules. Gone would be his days of lounging around at the pool in Central park or watching those classic superhero movies that had given Bucky his namesake. Instead his days would be filled with someone screaming at him to go harder, higher or faster when all he wanted to do was to lie down and rest.

No. he thought closing his eyes and soaking in the heat of the desert biome they were currently visiting. I am not going to pay attention. These are my last days of freedom and I am going to enjoy them.

The young deer looked over at his friend and snickered as their chaperone and teacher Mr. Nowak approached. He knew that Ash didn't really care about this field trip and that in a few days time they would have to go their separate ways. The dragon would be heading to the cliffs along Lake OMAR to train as a D.R.A.F.T. member while he would still be in Central, refining his schooling so that he could become a botanist.

In fact the purpose of this trip was to introduce all the young Arklandians, who had just graduated from their primary education, to the different career paths available to them on the island. The trip consisted of them visiting the eight different biomes and getting to meet all the different people that worked there. So far they had visited the three forest biomes (Taiga, temperate and tropical) where he had met three different botany teams that had been the inspiration to his recent career declaration, as well as the wintery tundra biome where they all had to wear uncomfortable clothing to keep them warm. They couldn't fathom how the people who worked there could stand the restrictive fabrics that keep them from freezing and both were more than happy (as was most of the class) to leave that biome and enter into the desert one.

Here the deer saw a side of his friend that he rarely got to see. In the past it was only on the hottest of days that this side of the young dragon appeared and the deer knew it was going to get him into trouble. It probably stemmed from their lizard DNA but moments after stepping off the FLIer the dragon's eyes took on a dreamy glazed look and his movements became slightly lethargic. Turning his leathery face towards the sun he spread his arms and wings open soaking up the heat of the sun magnified by the huge biodome that covered this biome. Watching his friend assume the classic dragon basking pose, the deer snickered. Moments later his assumptions were proven correct as the diminutive but authoritative Mr. Nowak made his speech to Ash about careers and futures. Chuckling again quietly the deer watched as the dragon ignored the small marmot and continued to bask.

Later that evening after a day of meeting potential mentors and learning about the biome, the young Arklandians were guided to their temporary accommodations. These were strange sand colored structures that resembled sand dunes and stood around a fire pit. Having been told that they were free for the evening a few of their classmates headed towards the firepit where some of the researchers and scientists already had a fire lit. Already haven chosen a career path or in Ash's case having one thrust upon him by his species, the two friends elected to go check out their unusual accommodations in more detail.

Originally Arkland had been set up as an animal refuge to save the wild animals of the world from the coming manmade disaster called the Deluge, but after a subsequent and unprovoked naval attack from the US navy, Arkland had to change. It soon developed a whole new civilization thanks to A.N.T.H.R.O. and these new people needed places to live. Since the only building on Arkland at the time was a giant metal tree called Central and its main purpose had been mostly used for scientific research and study, things had to change. Central was expanded and reworked into a unique vertical city and the science labs and research centers were converted into apartments or communal spaces. Only a few floors remained science based. In doing this, the still needed science areas had to go somewhere else and the logical step was to build new ones in each of the biomes allowing the botanist and biologists there to have specialized labs suited for their biome's specific needs. With new scientific amenities and lodgings required, Lupin didn't want to become hypocritical and intrude on the wild animals environments like humanity had done in the name of progress. He demanded from Isaac to find a way to build structures but retain the naturalistic feel and sense of serenity in the biomes. This lead to unique structures being constructed all across Arkland that blended into the biome's distinctive surroundings.

As time went on, more and more Arklandians settled and soon there were families and social groups popping up. As with any culture the inhabitants got restless and wanted to explore. Seeing the problem, Isaac informed Lupin of his people's desire and together they formulated a plan. With the island in a constant state of growth, the wolf and AI decided to kill two birds with one stone. They build even newer labs and scientific amenities further into the wilderness of the biomes and converted the old labs and amenities into accommodations. Furthermore they added the 8 day field trip into the educational curriculum figuring it would be a good way to expose all Arklandians to the different areas of the Island. For the most part the plan had been successful.

Entering into the strange sand colored structure the two friends found all the amenities they were use to back home only laid out in a different format. They were use to the lavish apartments and P.O.D.s that Central offered and found this place exotic. The place was build like a long narrow cave with the only natural light coming from the open door the two friends had entered through. The walls, standing 10' apart from one another, were made of TRA of course, but had been given a paint scheme that reminded the two of the sand outside. At the back of the long cave like room was a C.O.O.K. sitting on a tiled counter. Next to that was a door which led to the washroom. Jammed up against one wall, an odd couch/ bench thing rested, as well as some shelves which were 3 feet high and located on either side of the couch. Opposite the couch was the Smart TV that all Arklandians had.

"Where are the beds?" The dragon asked the deer looking around the strange room.

"No idea." he answered as the familiar ghostly shape of Isaac's hologram appeared out of nowhere behind them.

"Welcome to the Dunes." The hologram said startling them and gaining their attention.

"AHHH!....Isaac. Where did you come from?" the young deer asked once he had returned to the ground.

"I was created in 2014 by Lupin Amora at the Antarctic production and research facility known as C.A.S.T.L.E."

"That's not what I meant. I mean we didn't call for you so why are you here?"

"I have been instructed to appear to assist new guest. Your inquiry of 'Where are the beds?' activated my subroutines. May I assist you in explaining the layout of this dwelling?"

"Yes please." The dragon said taking over the conversation.

"This dwelling is constructed from the metal called TRA and had been covered in approximately 6 tonnes of sand...."

"Can you just show us where the beds are Isaac?" The young dragon asked cutting the hologram off and becoming annoyed with himself. He had forgotten that Isaac answered questions literally and would go over every piece of furniture and fixture in his explanation of the dune dwelling."

"Certainly. The Murphy bed is located behind the Divan sofa in the wall."

"What?" The deer asked perplexed not sure Isaac was helping.

"I think it is behind the couch in the wall." the dragon answered the deer's question also confused and unsure.

"Correct." Isaac said

Going to the couch the two friends each grabbed an end and picked the weird backless couch up and moved it into the tiled area by C.O.O.K. Going back to the wall they noticed that a piece of TRA formed a large rectangle in the wall.

"Now what?" the deer asked the dragon

"Now I can lower the bed if you wish." Isaac told the two young Arklandians

Nodding to the hologram the young deer and young dragon watched amazed as a king sized bed began to emerge, folding itself out of the wall into the empty space that had once held the couch. It was the neatest thing that both of them had ever seen, and reminded them of those old robot movies that transformed into cars.

"Wow! That was so cool." The young deer exclaimed enthralled by the bed.

Nodding and wide eyed the dragon agreed. His expression then changed when he realized that there was only one bed in the room and his features took on a sly knowing look.

"Hey Bucky...." He said slyly grinning at his friend. "There is only one bed.....You know what that means..."

Looking over at his friend the deer blushed, nodded and grinned.

Ashwing and Bucky had been friends since meeting in pre primary classes two years after Ash had hatched and Bucky had been born. Their families were both residents of Central, Ash's father being one of the few dragons to live in the tree and not in the cliffs and Bucky's mom was known for her vegetarian restaurant on one of the entertainment levels.

Growing up as an Arklandian, the two of them were spared the misdirected and prudish social norms that were common in human society, and at the same time, subjected to the various animalistic mating dances and rituals that happen when a societies DNA is made up from a wild creature.

Recently, when Bucky's antlers had begun to sprout and Ash found himself looking at female dragons and began seeing them as nesting partners, the two friend began to explore and compare their bodies with one another.

Male/male partnerships were normal in Arklandian society as were poly relationships since most female Arklandians had inherited the breeding cycles of their chosen wild species as well as their motherly instincts when they were created. This was a hold over in the DNA that Lupin could not fix and led to unique family structures all over the island. It was not uncommon for a household to include step children or second fathers and mothers.

Then of course was the Red Light Resort. This was an area on the island where any adult Arklandian could go to relieve their urges at any time. Located at the foot of Central and on the shores of Lake OMAR it housed over 100 organic entertainers that had been trained to please Arklandians in various ways.

Ash and Bucky were not quite old enough yet to partake in the Red Light's buffet of entertainment but they both looked forward to the day.

"What do you want to do this time?" the young dragon asked his friend excitedly. "I really enjoyed what we did last time but we can try something new."

The last time the two friends had been able to have some private time together they had played a game of dare where one would dare the other to do something to him. This had led to the dragon and deer pawing each other, sucking each other's cocks, sniffing each other's butts and kissing one another. The deer had found the last dare especially erotic and had jerked himself to orgasm many times afterwards to the memory.

Since then the deer had been having confusing feelings and dreams about the dragon. He wasn't sure what they all meant and every once in a while whenever he saw the toned light grey dragon stretch or flex a certain way his stomach would get butterflies and time would stand still. Of course then the dragon would do or say something to break the spell and become just regular old Ash again causing the deer to wonder if the moment had even happened. Knowing that the trip would be the last chance to spend time with his friend, the deer had done some homework in case an opportunity, like the one before him, presented itself.

"I......I want you to...... to fuck me Ash." The deer squeaked out shyly blushing beet red.

Not expecting that answer the dragon was shocked for a second before his brain caught up. His friend was extremely cute, having just gotten rid of his fawn spots a few months ago when his antlers began to sprout, and the dragon had also been having fantasies surround his friend since their game of dare. His were centered on the butt sniffing dare though. He had been reliving the scent of the intoxicating musk when he had been inches away from that perfectly formed deer butt in his memories, and had similarly used them as pawing off material. The dragon had very much wanted to plunge his muzzle under that stubby tail and see if the taste was a good as the smell, but he was afraid that his friend might think him weird if he did. His desire to do so had not diminished since the game though, and it had been weighing as heavily on his mind as the impending D.R.A.F.T. training. He needed to find out what his friends exquisite butt tasted like before he had to start D.R.A.F.T. training, and he had been hoping for a situation where they could replay the dare game.

Nodding to his friend the dragon grasp the trembling deer's paw and led him over to the bed both of their cocks already hard and dripping from excitement. Having done the extra research, the deer took the initiative, climbing onto the bed and getting into the position he had wanted to try the most. Kneeling on his knees the deer spread his legs wide before lowering his chest and upper body onto the covers forming a perfect downward dog pose. Unbeknownst to the deer, this also presented the perfect view if his rear and the dragon's eyes lit up at the sight of the beautifully displayed deer butt before him. So perfect was the view that all the dragon could do was stare at the magnificence of the cervine rump before him, his muzzle slightly open and his breath heavy.

Waiting a few moments for his friend to begin, the deer noticed that something was wrong and turned to look at the young dragon. Misreading his friend's glazed stare the deer feared that his friend didn't find him attractive and the deer began to have doubts. With uncertainty and fear playing on his mind the deer began to move out of the vulnerable position, hoping there was a way he could somehow salvage his friendship with the dragon and berating himself for being so stupid. It was one thing to explore each other's bodies. He thought. It's quite another to ask someone to fuck you. His doubtful thoughts were interrupted when he felt his friend's strong leathery paws grip each of his ass cheeks and then the dragon's tongue raking over his sensitive hole. Shuttering as erotic pulses shot through his body, the deer slumped back down onto the bed, all thoughts of fear and doubt leaving his brain.

The slight movement as his friend had begun to rise from the bed had broken the spell that had held Ash paralyzed. Seeing what could be his only chance to get the answer to his burning question which had been hounding him constantly since the game of dare, the dragon pounced. Using his rough leathery forepaws the dragon reached for the plump fur covered ass cheeks of his friend and grabbed hold. Securing a firm grip he pried them apart slightly revealing the source of the magnificent scent and plunged in. Thrusting his muzzle into the deer's butt the dragon groaned with lust as the intoxicating musk engulfed him. Darting out his tongue the dragon swiped it across the pink hole before returning it back inside him muzzle. The taste that exploded onto his taste buds was amazing. Hooked by the flavor the dragon plunged in again, swirling his long broad tongue around and around the savory anus, lapping up the intense flavor. Once he had scoured the outside the dragon began to probe deep and deeper, forcing his strong draconic tongue into the tight puckered hole and sealing it inside with his thin draconian lips. Lashing left and right, up and down, Ash polished the inside of Bucky's hole clean, finding every savory fragment the deer's hole had to offer. So intent was the dragon in his quest for the tasty treasure that he didn't realizes that his grip was the only thing keeping the deer upright.

The deer had never felt anything like this before. It was beyond amazing. It was mind blowing. Those first swipes across his tight tailhole had sent chills down his spine but now his friend was inside of him and the sensation was even more incredible. He could feel the dragon's tongue darting this way and that, searching his inner reaches for more flavorful bits. Each flick of the dragon's tongue sent shockwaves emanating through his body. As wave after wave of intensely amorous feelings washed over him he dimly became aware that he was trembling and unable to stay upright. Slumping further into the covers the deer endured the sexual onslaught of the dragons tongue, panting and moaning in ecstasy.

Having found all the tasty morsels that he could find inside and having sucked all the flavor he could from the ring, the young dragon withdrew his long wide draconic tongue from the perfect deer butt and began to lower his friend's hips to the covers. Noticing the pool of liquid under the deer's midsection and the steady drip coming from his friends pink fleshy cervine cock the dragon instead twisted him to the left so that he was laying half on his stomach and half on his hips. Releasing his grip the deer, he then found a vacant spot on the bed himself and flopped down beside his friend who had drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the intensely sexual attack that had been wrought on his tail hole.

Reaching down with his own leather and scale covered paw, the dragon began to stroke his own hard cock, pounding his black knobby flesh while using his tongue to lick the remaining deer flavor from his lips. Also having just had the most erotically fulfilling experience of his young life, it did not take long for Ash to reach his climax. Breathing heavily and moaning the young dragon erupted, sending tiny pearls of dragon cum up into the air for a few seconds before they fell back to earth, covering the light grey dragon's groin and chest in a splattering of white. His load spent and the sexually charged endorphins fading from his own blood stream the dragon closed his eyes, and soon joined his furry friend beside him in slumber.

The two slept for a few hours, moving slightly in their sleep until they found themselves curled up to one another when they woke. Both being as young as they were, the nap had recharged them instantly and also reminded them that they had not eaten anything since lunch. Even though just hours before they had both shared an incredibly erotic experience their adolescent behavior took hold as they ordered their selections from C.O.O.K. and retreated back to the bed.

"Look at this mess Bucky." The dragon teased the young deer pointing out the damp spot on the covers. This was the remains of the pre pool that the deer had created during the dragon's onslaught. "Jeez, couldn't you control yourself?"

"Well if you hadn't insisted on French kissing my butt for an hour I wouldn't have made such a mess" The deer retorted. "Besides it looks like you aren't exactly clean either." The deer said pointing out the white splatter marks that dotted the dragon's front.

"Well I had to take matters into my own hands." The dragon said haughtily. "After all you were the one that passed out before we could get to the fucking part. I guess I am just so good that you don't even need my cock in your butt to have a good time."

"No. I still want you to fuck me Ash." The deer said becoming serious all of a sudden. "I....I have wanted that.....since you kissed me."

Looking over at his friend the dragon saw how embarrassed and shy he had suddenly become, the dragon decided he should confess his own desires.

"Well...I had wanted to lick your butt since last time too but I was scared you would think me weird." The dragon said quietly avoiding the deer's eyes. "Do....do you think I am weird?" he asked the deer fearing what the answer might be.

Seeing his friend's demeanor change from playfulness to fear and also remembering how good the dragon's tongue had felt inside of him, the deer decided to answer with actions instead of words. Boldly he leaned forward and planted his lips onto the dragons. Keeping steady pressure and not allowing the dragon to pull away the young deer passionately kissed his friend, hoping to convey his feeling of acceptance and thanks for the amazing time he had received from the dragon's tongue just hours ago.

Breaking the kiss minutes later, the deer looked into his friend's eyes and breathlessly answered the dragon's question. "Not one bit Ash.... That felt amazing and thank you for doing that to me."

Blushing scarlet, the young dragon shyly broke his friend gaze and mumble thanks before applying himself to his food.

Seeing he had caused his friend to become embarrassed now, the deer reached over and hugged the warmer than usual dragon in a friendly non sexual manner before applying himself to his own meal.

After eating while the awkward atmosphere in the room dissipated, the two friends fell into their normal routine when in each other's company. Turning on the T.V. they began watching movies until they grew tired of that activity. By this time several more hours had passed and they were ready to experiment with more adult activities once again. Looking at one another, they could both see that they were having the same thoughts and turned off the T.V.

With only the bedside lamps providing a dim glow the deer rolled onto his stomach and pulled his legs under him presenting the dragon with the splendid view of his cervine ass once more. Although still intoxicating, the spell that the white furry rump had cast on the dragon only hours before was less effective this time. Approaching his friend's beautiful butt once more, the dragon began to lick at the pink puckered tailhole only this time he tried to get as much of his saliva as he could into the hole.

Not as well informed as his cervine friend, the dragon did know what to do. Being born Arklandian, sexual education was constantly being shoved in your face in the form of mating dances, tail wags, and attraction displays. From the time they were able to read, their classes had included education on the various looks, sounds and actions associated with lustful behaviors of Arklandians and how to mate safely with both male and female members of all species. Ash was now drawing on that knowledge to prepare his friend for the upcoming fucking.

Satisfied that Bucky was sufficiently lubed up the dragon withdrew his broad tongue, causing the deer to mew slightly, and got into position behind the trembling deer. A year ago this activity would have not interested either of the young Arklandians, but that was a year ago and they had been more concerned with childhood thoughts and issues. Now both the dragon and deer had surges of lust running through them, fueled by their changing bodies. This was new, this was exciting and if all their educational information was to be believed this was going to be very pleasurable.

Grasping a hold of his hard black draconic cock the dragon lined up his entry with the saliva covered hole. Resting the tip against the pink button of his friend's butthole the dragon thrust his hip forward slightly spearing the soft flesh and sinking inside. Feeling the resistance build the dragon stopped his forward thrust, allowing his friend to get use his fleshy intruder. Following the lessons that had been drilled into his head throughout childhood the dragon slowly entered his friends butt, pausing often to allow the deer to accommodate his girth, before advancing another little bit. Soon his entire knobby and veined cock had disappeared into the deer's butt and the pressure that enveloped it felt unbelievable.

Unlike his own paw, the deer's anus was exerting uniform tension everywhere onto his dick causing even the tiniest of movements to send shockwaves of euphoria into his body. Having entered as far as he could go the dragon began dragging his cock back out of the hole slowly making his body shudder even more. Before exiting completely he plunged back in thrusting slightly harder this time allowing his dick to sink back into the hole faster than on the initial entry and bottomed out. Feeling the exponential increase in pleasure emanating from his cock from his recent action, the dragon gripped the deer by the hips and began rocking his own hips forwards and backwards, increasing his thrusts until he found a rhythm that he liked. Moaning and growling the young dragon fucked the tight hot ass of his friend, losing himself to the euphoric pleasure his motions were causing until he began to feel his cum boiling. Thrusting hard, the young dragon buried himself deep into the deer's intestines and shot his hot sticky draconic fluid into the deer. Crying out animalisticly, he continued to pump, his black dick throbbing and pulsing deep inside the warm fleshy cavity as he flooded the space with his creamy load. With a final groan, he shivered slightly at the feeling of his oversensitive cock slithering its way out of the deer's butt until it finally popping out of the twitching hole. With nothing to block its path, the white draconic fluids soon followed the same route, slowly making its way out of the stretched hole and dripping down onto the white fluffy balls of Bucky.

Bucky, of course, had experience things slightly differently than Ash, although with no less pleasure. He had felt the dragon's tongue almost immediately after he had gotten into position, and like Ash, the second time around was slightly less magical as the first had been. The dragon didn't try to penetrate deeply into him this time though, instead he concentrated on saturating his hole with dragon saliva. After a few moments he felt the tongue leave his hole and heard Ash moving up behind him. Feeling the tip of a draconic cock being rested against his sensitive rosebud the deer then felt pressure as Ash penetrated his anal ring. Gritting his teeth, he tired to relax his ass muscles as much as possible, his ring expanding around the advancing black cock. Feeling the dragon pause, the deer took a deep breath grateful for his friend's consideration and then readied himself for the next bit of length. Slowly and surly his friend entered him as gently as he could, pausing frequently so that he could accommodate the knobby intruder. After several gentle thrusts Bucky could at last feel Ash's balls against his butt. He had been penetrated fully. Breathing short shallow breaths the deer began sorting through all the sensations emanating from his rear end. There was a sense of fullness similar to having to use the washroom, a small sense of pain although that was fading quickly, then the sense of pressure as his butt stretched to accommodate the draconic dick lodged inside of him. Overlaying all these senses was a strong sense of pleasure as each tiny movement that Ash or he made caused tingling shocks shooting through his body. He had just finished processing all these sensations when he felt Ash move inside him again, slowly reversing his course and retreating backwards. Moaning he felt the pleasure sensation increase as the feeling of fullness dissipated. Bucky felt Ash stop just short of withdrawing and then plunge back into his guts once more, being a little less gentle this time. The quickened pace amplified the amount of pleasure he felt, and a low and lustful moan escaped his cervine lips as the dragon drilled into him. Retreating again the dragon propelled himself forward a third time, quickly sinking his cock between the white fluffy butt cheeks and further increasing his pace. The increased speed meant that the pleasure the deer felt once again multiplied and sent a starburst shooting across the deer's body. After gripping his furry hips and lunging in and out a few more times, the dragon settled into a steady pace sending wave after wave of lustful euphoria crashing down onto the deer. Moaning and huffing loudly, all the deer could do was weather the incredibly passionate rollercoaster ride that his fried's cock was providing him with. Feeling his friends paw tense slightly and his grip tighten on his hips, he was speared deeply by the black knobby cock. Filling his deepest depths, the deer felt warmness began to spread throughout his bowls seconds later, followed by a throbbing and pulsing sensation. Knowing from school that his draconic friend had just bred his cervine ass, the deer shuttered and allowed himself to become lost in the erotic feelings. A few moments later the throbbing and pulsing began to fade and reluctantly he felt his friend's pleasurable black member retreating back down his rectum. When it finally exited and plopped out, it brought with it a stream of sticky white liquid which the deer numbly felt dripping onto his furry white cervine balls.

After another intense and endorphin filled first, both youths collapsed on the bed, each enjoying the last of their high before they curled up against one another and passed into sleep once more. Throughout the night they stayed as one unit, bodies pressed against one another unconsciously moving together in their sleep.

Their restful sleep was shattered by Isaac the next morning as the hologram appeared jarring them awake and dislodging them from one another.

"Alert,Alert,Alert! By order of Lupin Amora an evacuation order has been issued. Please proceed to designated muster areas in an orderly fashion and await FLIers."

Isaac then began to repeat this message and the dwelling's door opened automatically sending morning sunlight streaming into the dwelling. Seconds later both their L.I.F.E.'s beeped three long beeps and the tiny displays activated. With the morning sun blinding them and still groggy from being jarred awake, it took the young dragon and deer a few moments to comprehend what was happening. Looked dazed and confused they consulted their L.I.F.E.s and saw that the tiny display face had a GPS map on it with a red line drawn between their current location and the fire pit outside. The line would pulse every few seconds indicating the direction they should be heading.

"Isaac, what is going on?" The dragon asked the hologram as it repeated the emergency message for the third time.

"For your safety you are being evacuated to Central." The hologram said impassionedly. "Please quickly follow the directions provided to you on your L.I.F.E. and head to the muster point."

The deer and dragon both looked at one another scared, and made their way towards the open door. Looking outside they saw that all of the dune dwellings had their doors open and they classmates were exiting them with the same confusion that Ash and Bucky were feeling. Making their way over to the fire pit they joined their classmates and Mr. Nowak, who was trying to keep order and answer question at the same time.

"Class....CLASS!!!" The diminutive marmot yelled trying to get everyone's attention. "The island is under attack and we are being evacuated back to Central. When the FLIers get here please board as QUICKLY and as SAFELY as you can."

His speech ended, the whole class began shouting questions at him, trying to get more details and worrying about things that were not important at the moment. The marmot tried to answer the questions as best as he could, but had little more information than the rest of them had. Both Ash and Bucky added to the melee, shouting their own questions towards the small creature but they went unanswered.

The arrival of three FLIers quelled the confusion and the moment they touched down the young crowd rushed towards the opening doors. Pushing and shoving the youth crammed themselves inside the three craft until there was no room left. Unfortunately the amount of FLIers available and the amount of Arklandians that need to be evacuated on the island was not equal. Seeing this predicament, Ash made a decision and began pushing his way out of the FLIer, making his way back over to the frantic marmot. Feeling his friend force his way through the crowd and back outside the confused deer followed his draconic friend.

"Sir." The dragon said gaining the attention of the marmot. "I think I can fly myself back to Central. Not everyone is going to fit on those FLIers and I volunteer to give up my spot."

"I do too." The deer said not wanting to leave the dragon's side.

The events of last night had changed Bucky. He had felt the change after he had kissed the dragon for the second time and had been trying to process what it all meant during the movies. The sex had only added more confusion to his situation but the deer knew one thing for sure. He did not want to be separated from Ash.

"Bucky, you can't. You don't have wings." The dragon explained turning to look at his friend

"You can carry me." Bucky said confidently. "I have seen your dad carry Arklandians before. He used to carry you before you learned how to fly."

"That was when I was smaller and besides my father is a full grown dragon. I am still a fledgling." The dragon said sadly. "I am not strong enough to carry you Bucky. I am not even sure I can carry me back to Central. This is going to be a long flight and I have never attempted a distance like this before."

"Then why are you volunteering to fly?" The deer asked angrily and scared for his friend.

Sighing the dragon admitted the one thing that he was loathed to. Knowing that if he said the words, he would be losing the protection of childhood forever and donning the mantle of adult responsibility for the first time. It was painful for him to do so but in his heart he knew it was the right thing to do.

"Because I am a dragon. It is my duty as a future D.R.A.F.T. member to protect Arklandian." The dragon said tearing up slightly as he felt the weight of adulthood fall onto his shoulders. "And because it is what my father would do."

Watching his friend transform, the deer's confused feelings towards Ash solidified. He was in love with the grey creature and wanted to be with him forever but knew that was not possible. His friend had just accepted the yoke of responsibilities that came from being born a dragon, even though he had been fighting it for years. In doing so he had committed himself to a lifestyle, a lifestyle that Bucky would have trouble participating in. Ash would be constantly called on to protect Arkland and its inhabitants, flying into danger at a moment's notice and having to leave the deer behind worrying about his safety. Bucky knew this and the knowledge pained him. With tears streaming down his velvety face fur, the deer reached up and grabbed the light grey dragon muzzle and dragged it towards his own. Pressing his black deer lips firmly against the leathery dragon ones the deer kissed Ash passionately; thanking the dragon for all that he had done for him in his short life and telling the dragon that he understood his choice, even though that choice meant that he could not follow.

Even though time had slowed for the deer the kiss lasted way too short of a time. Breaking away still visibly crying at the loss of his childhood friend, the deer stumbled his way towards the FLIer and re-boarded, leaving the dragon stunned and confused as a strange tightness began to flow across his chest.

Seeing his friend disappear into the crowed FLIer, Ash felt bewilderment and unsettled. His friendship with Bucky had always been one of the pillars that he could depend on to help him find his center, but these new feelings were eroding that base and causing his world to crumble. Suddenly Bucky not being at his side during this crisis filled him with dread. He wanted to be able to protect the cute deer and he being on the FLIer instead of with him was gut wrenching. The dragon felt conflicted, his brain telling him what his duty was suppose to be but his heart telling him where it felt he should really be. Panicking the young dragon looked toward his teacher hoping he would tell him what the right thing to do was.

The marmot had witnessed the entire byplay and watched as the two youths wrestled with their emotions. He had long suspected that Bucky had feelings towards Ash and that the two were experimenting with each other during their time together but it was still shocking how strongly things had played out and how painfully they had affected him personally.

He knew that in a short time Ash would be heading off to D.R.A.F.T. and, having been a naval man before being captured by Lupin Amora years ago, he knew that military service was a cruel mistress. He also remembered the pain on a partners face when one devotes themselves to the service just as Ash had done so. When Bucky grabbed the dragon's muzzle and planted his lips passionately against Ash's, his mind snapped back to the memory of his own wife kissing him just as passionately before he left on a mission to attack a strange floating island. That had been many years ago and the mission had taken a strange twist resulting in him never being able to return home. Reliving the memory with tears of his own streaming down his own transformed face, the marmot began thinking about his long ago wife and what had become of her. He had dealt with these thoughts and feelings several years ago when Lupin's predictions about the Deluge had turned out to be positive, and he thought he had safely locked them away, but the emotionally charged interaction between the two Arklandian youths that had taken place in front of him and that mirrored his own life experiences, shattered his protective barriers. The marmot, overcome with grief once again, sank to his knees and put his head into his paws. Lost in painful memories and feelings, he failed to notice that the young grey dragon was now in a panicked state and looking at him for direction.

The sound of the FLIer's taking off broke Ash out of his state of panic. He only had one choice now and that choice was to fly fast and hard ensuring that the sexy little deer, which was once his best friend but now was so much more, was kept safe. Launching into the sky, Ash unfolded his light grey batlike wings and paralleled the FLIers. Forcing his muscles to work he managed to keep pace with the metallic grey craft until the tall top of Central appeared on the horizon. Seeing safety on the horizion the young dragon felt a sense of relief. They were going to make it. It was then that he missed a wing beat and noticed how tired he had become.

His wing muscles burring from fatigue, the young dragon gritted his teeth and tried to keep pace but the craft, being mechanical in nature, maintained a pace that his tiring body was unable to match. As the metal tree grew in size on the horizon the flying crafts slowly pulled away leaving him further and further behind. Eventually the young dragon had to face the enviable and conserve the remaining energy he had left in order to make it to the structure himself. Switching his flying method the grey dragon began using the island's air currents and drifted from one updraft to the other, gliding instead of flapping his way towards the tree. This was an easier way to fly but took slightly longer as you could only go where the air currents flowed versus flapping in a straight line. Keeping line of sight on the craft that his recently more valuable friend was located, the dragon watched as the craft lowered itself into one of the courtyards surrounding the structure. Feeling an air current that would take him over that courtyard the dragon angled into it using the last of his strength to maintain steerage and allowing him to ensure that his precious deer made it inside safely before he landed. Gliding over he saw the FLIer land and the occupants of the FLIer dash for the structure. Having only 50 or so yards to cover before entering safely into the doors the dragon focused his view and spotted his deer exiting the FLIer. Sighed in relief, he knew that in minutes Bucky would be safe and he could land. Drifting downwards on the air currents and lining up his approach, the dragon began to notice a whistling sound on the air. It quickly became louder and louder causing the dragon to look over his shoulder and saw a dark blob flying towards him at an alarming rate. Panicking the the dragon folded his wings and dropped a few feet before snapping them open again avoiding the flying object just before it impacted with him. The object whistled through the space he had just occupied, missing him by inches and allowing the dragon to see it in detail before it continued on its arc towards the ground. The object was conical in shape and was a dull gold in color. It looked heavy and dangerous as it flew spiraling through the air and Ash could see that its arc would take it into the courtyard where his precious Bucky was running towards the safety of Central. Fear suddenly gripped him and propelled his body into action. He instantly snapped his wings to his sides and dove after the object hoping he could beat it to the ground and save the young deer that he had fallen deeply in love with during the flight back to the tree. Using his draconic brain, Ash began to calculate the stopping distance he would need so that he could hit the ground soft enough not to kill himself or Bucky. He had already determined that he was not to going to have time to land properly and that a crash landing was his only option to save the deer. Comparing his own decent to the rate of decent of the object he began to wonder if even crash landing would be enough. He got his answer as the object impacted the ground throwing dirt and grass while he was still a few meters up in the air racing towards the adolescent deer. With a last herculean effort the dragon plastered his wings against his body even tighter in an effort to minimise more drag as the object exploded creating a huge fireball emanating outwards. By this point he had abandoned his plan at crash landing had only one thought running through his head. Save Bucky. Crying out, Ash reached with all his might towards the exposed deer with outstretched leathery paws.

Bucky was halfway across the courtyard when he felt a tingling sensation tickling his subconscious. Something he had felt on occasion throughout his life just before something bad happened. Stopping he turned and looked up at the sky and saw his magnificent friend plunging towards him. Shooting towards the earth in a steep dive the deer watched amazed at how beautiful the dragon looked. Ash's light grey body contrasted perfectly against the piercing blue sky making him look like a wispy cloud on the wind. His streamline form and smooth scales providing him with little air resistance allowed him to pierce the air with his speed and gave the deer an illusion of power. As the dragon plummeted, the deer could see his leathery paws were outstretched before him desperately reaching for the ground below. Wait, not the ground but towards him, Ash was reaching towards him! Feeling his heart beat harder at the meaning behind the dragon's outstretched paws, the deer then noticed the large metal object careen into the ground. Throwing up dirt and debris, the object impacted just two meters from him, and the buck's sense of joy was replaced by terrifying fear. Milliseconds later the device exploded sending a wall of flames towards him.

Ash came awake all at once, his head and body aching. Groaning he tried to sit up and found it hurt to move most of his body. He did notice though that he was in Central Park on what looked to be a pool side lounger and his body was splinted with rags and other pieces of a pool side longer. He also reeked of smoke. Sitting beside him was his father. The proud and stoic commander of D.R.A.F.T. was slumped over with his elbows on his knees and his paws clasp tightly together. His massive head was bowed over his paws and he was mumbling to himself. When Ash moved, the massive dragon opened his eyes and made a sound that he had never heard his father make, before gently sweeping his son into his arms causing the young dragon to gasp out in pain and fight back tears. The sound was a strangled cry of joy and relief as his father held him protectively to his chest unaware of the jarring pain he was inflicting on his son. Engulfed and trying to fight his way out of his father's grip, the young dragon began feeling tremors radiate through his body that were emanating from the muscle bound chest of the charcoal dragon. Realized that his strong, perfect warrior of a father was crying the ache from his body was momentarily forgotten as Ash felt shock. Unsure what to do having never seen his father cry before, Ash just let the massive dragon hold him gritting his teeth as the immense throbbing throughout his body returned and tried to figure out how he had gotten here. As his memory began to catch up, he tensed causing lances of pain to shoot across his body and head.

"Bucky!" He shouted out fighting to get out of his father's grasp despite his severely injured state. He needed to return to the courtyard where he had last seen his lover.

Feeling his son tense then trying to claw his way out of his grip the older dragon relaxed his hold on his son.

Looking down he caught his son's eyes and the Commander told his young son the heart breaking news.

"Bucky didn't survive the attack." He rumbled sadly seeing the fight leave his son and the loss in his eyes.

Hearing the crushing news the light grey dragon felt a new sort of pain radiating through his body. His fighting energy evaporated as well as the twinges he had been feeling from all his injuries. Numbly he buried his muzzle into his father's protective chest, seeking the comfort from a parent as his heart shattered into a million pieces.

I should have been faster. The dragon thought berating himself for the death of his lover and friend as tears streamed down his leathery face. I should have been stronger. I should have been WITH him. He sobbed as the cloak of grief descended upon him. I loved him and I failed him.

Two months later the young grey dragon entered the trainee barracks. It had taken time for Arkland to recover from the latest attack, as had Ash, and things had changed on the island and in the world. Lupin was giving humanity a choice, to join Arkland society and undergo A.N.T.H.R.O. or to remain human and live as a third class citizen under Arkland law. So far things were progressing fairly well, with a lot of the organic labour on the island choosing to transform, and humanity for the most part having accepted Lupin's terms. Only a small percentage of humanity had chosen to resist and were assembling in one area of the planet at the moment, an area that was easy to keep an eye on due to Isaac's control of spy satellites.

Ash himself had also undergone some changes. After Mr. Nowak had filled in his father on what he suspected had happened between Ash and Bucky during the field trip the charcoal dragon had enrolled his son in grief counselling ASAP. He knew how badly loss could affect someone (since he was feeling those effects himself after losing dragons under his command to the attack) and imagined that losing a newly discovered lover would be much much worse. Ash, for the most part, was numb to the world around him and didn't care one way or the other. He just wanted to die so he could join his friend in death. It took three tense weeks of him attending counselling before he finally gave up that notion, much to his father's relief. The remainder of his sessions were spent dealing with the blame and guilt he felt for allowing Bucky to die in the first place and the revenge that he felt humanity owed him. He of course was not alone in this, dozens and dozens of Arklandians had been affected by the recent attack and each was going through the same gambit of emotions that he was. Even the leader of Arkland was supposedly affected but no one knew how he was coping, other than his newly acquired and recently transformed mate Alex now known as Slipstream. The otter had become the defacto liaison between Lupin and the rest of Arkland as well as outspoken supporter to Lupin's new humanity gets a choice policy. A policy Ash himself did not agree with, and which had a lot of resistance from Arklandian who had lost loved ones and friends in the attack.

After two months his councillors felt that he was no longer a danger to himself and if he did have a prejudice against humanity, they felt confident that he was not going to lash out against the first human he saw. Of course they had also been working long hours since the attack and still had a lot of patients that needed their time so were happy to sign off on Ash's mental health when he began asking them how much longer he needed to be there. Having been cleared mentally as well as physically (he had sustained substantial injuries after being blown out of the sky) the young dragon enrolled himself into D.R.A.F.T. Being in Central was becoming hard for Ash as every area of the tree structure brought with it a memory of Bucky and himself. He was looking forward to going to the cliffs and starting anew.

Setting his new kit bag onto an empty cot the dragon overheard a group of his new peers talking about Lupin's new policy. These were young dragons that had been hatched in the cliffs and whose mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers had fought in the battle. They all had someone that had been injured or even killed in the attack and thought that to Lupin's new humanity gets a choice policy was a bad one.

"I can't wait to be trained so I can take revenge for what those hairless apes did to my dad." A brown and gold dragon said hotly grinding a fisted paw into his other.

"Yeah those pink fuckers are going to pay." A scarlet and crimson female agreed, her body tensed in anger.

Looking around at the group and seeing Ash standing there the brown and gold dragon jerked his head towards him and asked.

"What about you Noobie? What do you think about Lupin's new policies? Ya think he has finally gone rabid or is it that humans are just such good fucks that he is too busy humping his own to care about us?"

Looking towards the group, Ash smiled at the group. These were his people he thought. They understand.

"I never got a chance to try out a human so I couldn't tell you if they are a good fuck or not." He said to the group gaining everyone's attention. "I can tell you this though. After killing my lover in front of my eyes I intend to make every last one of them pay for what they have done regardless of what Lupin's policies are. In my mind they are just useless skin bags." he concluded turning away before any of them could see the tears that he felt forming in his eyes. Fuck humanity. He muttered to himself remembering the amazing deer that they had robbed from him.