No One Dossier: S-Zero

Story by Nex_Canis on SoFurry

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#1 of No One Dossier

Author's Note: So, now that Chapter 5 is out of the way of the Descent Series, I feel I can finally put down these supplementary pieces of material just to give a little more depth to the (slightly) incidental characters in that series. On that note, the following notes will make absolutely NO sense to anyone who hasn't read the Descent Series. Additionally, it is not important to actually read these to fully grasp the story of Descent. They're just something for those people who are interested to add a little more flavour.

So, without further ado, we start the Dossiers with S-Zero the Saviour of Space


Name: S-Zero the Saviour of Space

True Name: Undefined

Governing Aspect: Space

Appearance: S-Zero appears as a human about 5 foot 11 inches. He is dressed in a black cloak that has a hood which conceals his features. His sky-blue eyes are the only thing visible beneath the hood regardless of what direction light hits his hood. He wears black jeans and a black shirt beneath the cloak.

Ideology:"We all screw up some time. It's what we do afterwards that matters."

Home Reality: Nowhere - Nowhere is a vast plane of endless, grassy forest populated by odd, crystal trees that have sapphire-blue leaves. These leaves possess microscopic tubes on their surface that look like tiny flutes. When the winds of Nowhere blow, they travel through these flutes and cause a haunting harmony to echo throughout Nowhere

Signature Weapon: Infinity - Infinity is an enormous crystal sword with a metallic core and a star-shaped hilt and pommel. The weapon is about half as thick as S-Zero's shoulders and about a foot taller than the No One. S-Zero wields this tremendous blade easily in one hand. Infinity has the power to rend space and can easily slice into another reality.

History: Like R3 and T13, S-Zero is considered one of the 'first' No Ones but is the middle child of the trio. (Reality came first, followed by Space and then Time). He is a playful, jovial individual who can be considered somewhat of a teenager in many respects as he addresses everyone very casually. His origins tie closely with R3's but that is where records stop. It is interesting to note that many consider S-Zero and T13 to be 'brothers' despite the fact that R3 was supposedly created at the same time. This suggests that while the trio share a degree of kinmanship, R3 is still quite separate fom the two.

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