Ventrexian Bonding Time

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Hello everyone! This time we have a story commission that I wrote for Wattacat!

About stories, I'm taking story commissions. Specially ones about rule 34 ones like this! My price is six dollars each one thousand words. So if you're interested just send me a pm or if you know someone that can be interested just spread the word! Any money I get with this will be used for more commissions~

Final Space is one of the best cartoons I've watched recently and I can't wait to watch the third season! Yes part of it is due to those two lovely alien cats. So what if Little Cato was "busy" with you know being a teenager and his dad wants to help him?

Thanks to Theunnamedpawn for being my proofreader for this story!

Little Cato was happy like he never been in quite some time. The reason for that was pretty obvious; finally, his dad was back! He really thought he lost him back then...but thanks to Gary and his other friends he was now back with Avocato. Now he was one of the crewmembers of Crinsom Light and accompanied them on their adventures across all galaxies.

Because of that he now shared the room that was both his and Fox with his dad. It didn't work well at first since it was too small for three guys but he convinced Fox to basically leave and leave it just for the both of them. For a big guy, he has a soft heart so that was easy. Actually, too's not like he didn't got along with Fox but yeah they weren't exactly the best of roommates. Still he has the whole place to him and his dad and that was awesome!

Now it's like everything was perfect. He has his dad back, he have his friends like Gary, a cool spaceship to live in, a life of adventures...what more could a young hyperactive ventrexian like him could want?

Well...maybe for this feeling to go away?

He was supposed to be sleeping but no matter how much he changed positions on the bed or tried to count space sheep, it wasn't working. He sighed and turned on the lights, before removing the blanket from over his body.

And there it was the problem...nothing wrong per se with his body. Little Cato was a perfect example of a healthy ventrexian boy! His bright orange fur still covered his whole body - including his almost invisible nipples- and looked good as ever despite the feline not really caring enough to shower with any special product. But the fur did nothing to hide the problem which was right there, visible between his legs.

His orange cock was fully erect and pointing straight up demanding for his full attention. Just like it has been in the last nights. He tried to ignore it but it was really making so difficult to sleep! He didn't even know why this was happening to he has a good idea of why.

It's because now his dad was back. And everything was just...fine. For the first time ever since the evil Lord Commander had him transferred to that prison on Zetakron Alpha he just felt relaxed. He felt like himself! Ever since that day his dad disobeyed Lord Commander's orders there was never a time to stop. Little Cato was always on the edge, wondering if he would survive, if he would ever see his father again...but now they were together. Both of them were safe.

And that meant that now, with his mind fully relaxed he was back to being a normal ventrexian boy. And well...all boys have certain needs. So now that he have all the time in the world and he wasn't living by the edge anymore it's like his hormones were catching up.

That's why he started to sleep naked. Little Cato hoped it would help but all it did was to make things worse since just the nice, warm blanket touching his erection was...

The young feline sighed and turned on the lights since he couldn't see in the dark. Despite what Gary always said, he wasn't that thing called ``cat'' but a ventrexian! And one have nothing to do with the other! Maybe if he really was a cat he wouldn't have that problem...yet there it was. He couldn't take it anymore! He needed to sleep and he was tired of trying too sleep while ignoring those feelings.

Looking at the door, still closed he wondered if he would have enough time before his father returned from the meeting with his dad, Gary and Clarence. He should if he hurries up...yeah that's what he told himself, not believing he was going to do this!

Yet he couldn't stop himself and doing it in the ship knowing full well that he wasn't alone and anyone could show up at the door despite the time for any reason made the whole thing dangerous. Like one his adventures. So Little Cato spreads his legs, and relaxed as he wrapped a paw on his needy cock and just from the touch was already worthy it.

"Oh maaan...I really needed this...'' he said to himself as he briefly closed his eyes before he started to stroke his length. He had no idea if he was bigger compared to other boys of his age since he never really compared it with anyone - too busy training to take over his father one day to focus in things like friendship - but he was proud with what he have and really believed he have nothing to be ashamed of. Little Cato might be a bit arrogant just like his father but he really thinks he could please any female with it! That's what he kept telling himself as he played with it, starting to pant a bit as he moved his orange foreskin down then up again with swift movements.

It felt so different doing this after...what months? It felt like much tension that he was carrying all this time! It really felt great to finally just...just let go and do this. He sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason but still more than willing to keep going. His cock didn't take long to twitch and to begin to drip pre. How long since the last time since he sees it doing such a thing? Such a natural, lewd thing...

Little Cato grunts as his paw continued to play with his excited penis, getting now all dirty and wet thanks to his pre. Remembering something that he used to do back in the day he tried it again: rub his thumb over his exposed mushroom head a bit when it was exposed. Ahh he was so sensitive there...! He wondered if all boys were. If so everyone must love to do this when they were alone and horny just like he was doing right now. That made it feel even better since it was like he didn't needed to feel guilty for doing it. He could just let go and keep masturbating until...oh god he was going to do it wasn't it?

Yes! He was going to fap until he cum and yeah would be a pain to clean it later but right now he didn't care! His tail starting to move erratically behind him as his paw was moving up and down on his cock quite fast and smooth now. "Ahhh yeah...I so need this...'' he said followed by a moan, starting to purr as he knew that he was the hardest he could be and that if he kept this up it wouldn't take long before he would cum. And that's all he needed right now...his balls starting to tighten getting ready to release their content, his cock dripping more pre...Little Cato purrs. Yes he needed this so much! He didn't want to think about anything else, the small cat like cub just kept stroking himself and he was going to do so until he cum all over himself and on the bed.

Or at least that was the original plan.

While completely absorbed in his feeling and pleasure, Little Cato wasn't ready for any surprises. Sure his dad taught him to always be ready and despite being quite an agile ventrexian he was just a horny boy masturbating at that moment. So when the door slides open to give passage to another ventrexian, an adult one that he knew very well, he didn't stop. He still stroke his cock for a last time before his brain actually registered that he wasn't alone in the room. And that wasn't even the worst part but who was the one that got inside.

"DAD?!'' he exclaimed and finally realizing what he was doing he stop and immediately covered himself with the blanket - good thing it was still on the bed and not on the floor - but he knew it was too late and that Avocato saw exactly what he was doing. The adult feline looked surprised and step inside the room without saying a word.

Little Cato buried his face in his blanket, terribly ashamed and wanting to be one of those aliens that could either teleport or become invisible. Unfortunately, he couldn't do either of those things so he just waited for his dad to...probably give him a good scolding or who knows what else.

Soon he felt someone sitting on the bed with him and it was obvious who it was. He heard a sigh and soon Avocato spoke with him, with care in his voice. "Son it''s ok. I just came in too late since the meeting took ages and I thought you would be sleeping.'' He stops for a second, maybe waiting to see a reaction from his son but there was nothing. Little Cato still have his head buried In the blanket and feeling like the worst ventrexian ever.

"I guess I never stop to think about...well...your needs. I mean...CERTAIN needs. "Little Cato felt that his dad was teasing him with the tone he was speaking and he turned his head a bit so only his eyes were visible, clearly showing he was embarrassed and now also upset. `` S-sorry don't look at me like that...look...err...'' while his dad was one of the best bounty hunters of the universe he clearly wasn't used to deal with situations like this so it's no wonder he was also embarrassed and obviously feeling awkward. Good. At least he wasn't the only one then!

"What I mean is, I should know there would be times you want your privacy to explore your own body. I used to do it a lot when I was your age.'' That was something he wasn't expecting to hear.

"Wait...what?! You too?'' Little Cato asked finally taking off his face from the blanket though he still kept it covering his body. ``But...but you never said anything about this before!''

"W-well it's not like you would want to hear about it right?'' Avocato was clearly embarrassed just from talking about it and yeah Little Cato could see his point. He couldn't imagine his father just coming to him one day and telling him it was ok to masturbate because he did the same thing at his age...just like that. "I just want you to know that this is normal, you don't need to feel shame in doing this. If anything, I should have imagined you would have those urges so maybe I shouldn't have moved to this room with you. Tomorrow I-``

"No, no! I don't want that dad! You can stay.'' The orange alien was quick to say, not wanting to be away from his dad now that they were finally together. He knew that what happened was an accident and it wasn't a reason to get the room all to himself.

Avocato smiled and looked down at his still hidden body before he looked back at his son's face and asked. "Thanks. So...can I see it? I was interrupting you and it's obvious you are...not finished.''

Little Cato didn't expect that! His ears moved down a bit as he squeezes the blanket, not sure if he wanted to keep it in place or to do as he was asked. "But...I...this...''

Avocato extends a paw to caress his son's face. "Son it's me. Please. I feel bad for interrupting you when you were in the middle of something this important.'' Avocato grinned and the feline with a mohawk puffed his cheeks slightly annoyed which made him look cute. "Plus so many crazy stuff happened ever and we only really found each other recently thanks to Gary. Don't you think we should catch up on father and son time?''

The orange alien thought that his father was joking at first but he seems serious about it. Still to do it with his father watching...was it really something that could be called "father and son'' time? He wasn't sure and was quite embarrassed with the idea.

Noticing his son's obviously reluctance Avocato knew exactly what to do. ``Speaking of catching up I guess I also have lots to catch up on my own.'' He says and before his son asked what he meant he showed and quite literally. He frees his own member from his pants by zipping it out and the so-called Hell Cat gasped: his dad's cock was huge!! Well at least compared to his own.

Avocato smiled at the other ventrexian moving the foreskin of his teal colored cock to expose the pink mushroom head within it. "Seems you're impressed? Don't worry I'm sure you will get to my size when you get older.''

"I-I'm not worried!''

Avocato grins but said nothing else before he reached for his son's shoulder. "Sure. But so? Maybe now you will let me see yours?''

Little Cato hesitated a bit but it was his father...and he did show him his own first! It was only fair. Show me yours I show you mine or so he heard in certain planets though he wasn't one to go into such deals but this was his father asking. Plus it did felt...weird but interesting seeing his father's.

He kinda felt like comparing sizes.

It was that juvenile thought that maybe more than anything made him pull off the thick blanket covering his body and revealing his entire body to his father. Which of course includes his own member, still eager for attention and even twitched when Little Cato felt his dad's eyes on his cock, examining it.

"'s similar to mine when I was at your age.'' The dark teal feline said, stroking his own a bit while maybe having memories of that time.'' So I say you have nothing to get worried about son. It's a matter of time before you get as big as your father here!''

Little Cato felt more at ease seeing his dad's own penis and listening to those words and just examined the member that clearly was bigger than his own...a genuine adult dick. So his would look like this at one point in the future huh? Not bad at all...seeing it like that for some reason was making the smaller alien horny and he really felt like just continuing where he left of. But his father was right here! He couldn't just ignore him it!

Maybe he knew him quite well to tell or it was written all over his face but Avocato obviously knew what he was thinking. "You're still hard so you're still horny right? Bet you really want to finish what you started before I interrupted you. Well you can go right ahead. Don't let me be in the way.''

"What?! Don't be crazy dad! I can't just....just do it with you watching me like a pervert like Clarence!''

"Hey I'm not like Clarence! All I'm saying is that you can continue. You do want to continue right?''

Of course he could but he couldn't do it! Not right now! His father was no fool though. One can't be one of the best bounty hunters in the universe like that so Avocato knew a single way to make the boy resume his work and don't feel bad about it at the same time.

The adult ventrexian got closer to his son and shifted his position so his body was fully pointed towards him, his cock and balls more visible to Little Cato.

Having his father closer like this was...awkward. It made the young boy nervous though it did nothing to calm his erection. "Uh dad? What are you doing?''

"What do you think? I'm going to help you of course.''

"What?! Help..?''

Obviously Little Cato was confused so Avocato hurried to explain his brilliant idea. "Well you's been a while since we have a proper father son time ever since all of that mess with the Lord Commander started right? And I feel guilty for interrupting you. So I think if I help you by doing it as well would work for both of us. Plus it's been a while since I also got to...relieve myself if you know what I mean.''

Of course he knew what he meant but still! To do it in front of his father while he also touch himself? Was this really ok? "I-I don't know dad. It seems...weird...''

"Come on don't say that. Let me start then. I'm sure you will follow.'' Avocato knew his son well so he expected that he would be fine with the idea, all he needed was a little push which in this case was the view of his father playing with his cock right in front of him. It was a bit embarrassing he could admit it to himself so it's not like he didn't knew how Little Cato was feeling. But it was part of his duties as his father after all to make the first move in times like this.

So the dark teal anthro ventrexian wrapped his paw around his cock and started to stroke himself, feeling Little Cato's eyes watching everything. Avocato didn't said anything, just feeling his paw working on his cock like this after so long was...damnit he really was more pent up that he thought. But he knew that it was obvious by just looking over his face how much he enjoyed it. Actually, he had to control his paw to don't go too fast or he could do something like purr or worse...if he came before his son he knew it would make things worse. So he was patient and worked slowly on his cock.

Only after a bit did he addressed the Spider cat, while still having his paw playing with his cock. "Heh I missed this more that I thought! So? Not going to join me?''

Maybe he would never think of such a thing before but since Little Cato was still naked and horny, seeing another male ventrexian masturbating really got him into the mood again. He wasn't even sure if that was due to seeing an older male doing it or because it was his father but...he couldn't hold back anymore.

"Fine...since you insist so much dad!'' so mature of him trying to blame it all on his father. Doesn't seem that Avocato care as he just grinned at him, baring his fangs even when he also started to do it. Little Cato's paw was over his cock and he started to squeeze his cock, still hard and very much eager to play before the interruption. Soon he also masturbated alongside his father, even taking a similar rhythm as him.

"So? It feels good doesn't it?'' Avocato asked happy that now the little feline was getting into it so he felt more at ease to just...let go. He increased the rhythm of the movements of his paw and little by little he got himself paving the way to his full erection. He couldn't help but to start purring in the way as any normal and healthy ventrexian male would.

"Yeah...It really does...'' it was soooo awkward to talk to his dad like this, with both of them doing something so lewd! Yet for some fucked up reason it was also quite arousing and for the young feline it was also excited to see that his dad could get even bigger when he was excited! To think that he could get this big one made the smaller alien not cat more eager to keep doing this, eventually he also started to purr. Just like his dad! It was like the exact same purr! Must be a family thing.

"Yeah I know the feeling son.'' Avocato agreed, fully aware of exactly his own fresh and blood was feeling right now. In fact seeing Little Cato naked and doing this was so hot since it got him to remember his time in the academy. He and his pals...they all have each other's backs quite literally. With those memories added to the pleasure he felt it's no wonder that soon he began to drip pre after he pulled his foreskin down a couple of times and he only realized when his paw got wet.

Little Cato noticed it too since he was watching. His father was liking doing this with him so much that he was already dripping this is how he looked like when fully hard eh...seeing his father so excited really aroused the young ventrexian and he started to go at full speed. So naturally didn't needed much time for his own penis to release some pre which also got his paw dirty, to the delight of his father.

If this keep going like this Avocato had no doubt that they would continue until they both cum on each other which wouldn't be a bad thing actually but...since it was his fault that this was happening and seeing the naked young ventrexian going at it like this was quite hot for him, the adult feline have another idea. He just hoped that he could make his son agree to it but giving how hard and smooth he was stroking his cock right now he knew there would be good chances that he would be all over that idea.

"It feels nice when you do it by yourself right? Believe me I know!'' Avocato said while still doing it barely suppressing a moan as he continued. But you know what makes it feel even better?'' he asked and noticed the interest of the boy, still masturbating but looking at him and his ears fold a bit, clearly paying attention to whatever he was going to say.It's when someone else plays with it for you. If you want I can show you.''

"Show me? You mean do it for me?!'' Little Cato asked and his dad simply nod right after he purrs. Uh he looked so different right now...masturbating that big dick in front of him and now making such a dirty proposal...yet Little Cato didn't have in himself to just refuse. He was actually considering it?! Well...he was very horny and he couldn't stop, he wanted to keep going until...and if his dad really could make it feel better as he says...

"I trust you dad. me how it feels.'' He said embarrassed but eager and curious, letting go of his cock and sitting while spreading his legs. It really made him feel quite exposed, his heart beating so fast since he was also quite nervous but...but he knew he could trust his father! He wasn't going to hurt him since he wasn't a douche like Lord Commander!

Not like Avocato needed more incentive than the naked boy asking him for the good stuff. His paw was already all over his son's cock and began to stroke it with love and the result was immediate. Little Cato groaned, clearly not ready to how it would feel.

" this feels...damn...'' feels much better that he expected! It just didn't compare. To think that the paw playing with his cock, that big furry paw belonged to his father and he knew how to masturbate him made him wonder if it was the same paw that he uses on himself. Such dirty thoughts made his cock throb, excited as it drips pre right on Avocato's paw which wasn't enough to make him stop. Much to the contrary.

"I know son. It feels great! I'm glad that you're enjoying it this much.'' The adult said with a smug as he continued. Knowing very well how to make this feel even better to his son he started to roll his young orange balls with his other paw while still playing with his cock and that was more than enough to make Little Cato starts to pull. Actually, more than that! He started to impulse his hips forwards, like he was trying to fuck his paw. Such an impulsive ventrexian! Just like...himself.

The color of his fur and mohawk aside his son really looked like him at his age. So seeing him behaving like a beast giving in to pleasure was enough to make him quite excited as well and to remember more of his times with his mates at the academy. In fact it was turning him on so much that the more he fapped his son...

The more he felt like returning to those times.

Little Cato thought that he was going to cum soon if Avocato kept doing this and he was confused; should he warn him? Should he tell him to stop? Should he...just go with the flow and cum all over his father?! That would be quite messed up but Was he really considering it? But before he could decide, the choice was made for him when Avocato let go of his cock. Just like that.

It only took him a few seconds to register that and get upset with Avocato; his tail slammed upset behind him as he looked at he older male almost hissing at him. ``Dad? Why did you stop?'' he asked very annoyed but got his answer in a curious way as his father shoved him making him lay down on the bed, his erection pointing straight up.

"Dad...? What was that for?''

"I told you I would help right? What best way to do it than to teach you something that will feel a lot better than just using your paw?'' a best way? What was he talking about...? Little Cato wondered when he sees Avocato getting his face close to his cock and just sniffing at it, making it twitch.

He knew that his son was nervous but he just couldn't help himself. He really missed this...just the scent of a young ventrexian boy's cock was enough to make his head dizzy with lust which he didn't felt in ages. Avocato couldn't control himself anymore...that scent, that form, that size...

"Just leave it to me. All you have to do is to be a good boy and enjoy it. Relax.'' Avocato asked the nervous boy before he opened his mouth as much as he could and simply took the entire member inside.

To relax when his dad just....just took his entire cock inside like this?! What was he thinking?? Little Cato thought his heart would shoot out of his mouth like this! He almost complained to Avocato about this but...but when he felt his cock be messaged by that tongue and sucked on...

"Ah...!'' Avocato didn't needed to ask if Little Cato was feeling good, he could tell that just from looking. That expression of pleasure on his face and the way that juvenile dick throb right inside of his moth...yup he was loving it. And he wasn't the only one! Given how he was doing something he kinda missed maybe Avocato loved this even more.

It wasn't just Little Cato's scent which was somehow familiar to him but even the taste of his cock. The more he sucked on it the more he just couldn't get enough. Given that his son was a young ventrexian it was easy for him to basically take it all compared to when he tried the same back then with the boys in the academy. He could fit it all and feel his face rub against Little Cato's orange balls as he started to bob his head up and down on it, knowing by his own experience not as a bounty hunter but as a horny male vetrexian that this would make him feel the best!

" goooood...'' the smaller feline could barely talk, just laying down and letting his dad do all the work. Exactly what Avocato wanted! Fuck this was messed up and he knew it, sucking off his own son like this. Still...he loved doing that. It got him so horny too...he couldn't help but to also reach out to take care of his own dick. He was still painfully hard of course and it was easy to just continue from where he stops while still working on his son's nice penis.

All that his son could do was just to be a good boy and enjoy himself which he clearly did. It excited his father more to hear the mixed moans and purrs from Little Cato and by this point he could already feel that orange pole reward him with pre. Hmm that taste wasn't enough for the lewd and horny adult. He wanted more! He kept Little Cato's legs spread by positioning his body against one leg and using other paw on the other, bobbing up his head up and down faster on that cock while still stroking his own as fast as he could. This was so wrong, so dirty...and he couldn't get enough.

"Daaaaad...'' Little Cato purrs unable to say anything more but Avocato already knew what was going to happen and just sucked harder on the entire length as he could tell. His son was close to cum...just like himself. In fact he imagined that if he kept going, purring and sending vibrations through that ventrexianhood which added to the orange cat's pleasure on top of it did the trick.

"Hng...DAD!'' he exclaims right before he closed his eyes and groaned as Little Cato came, from the first blowjob of his entire life. Avocato drank it all, loving the salty taste fill of the young, warm essence belong to his own son. It was more than enough to get him off the edge as well and he closed his eyes, groaning with Little Cato's pole still in his mouth as he fap for the last couple of times before he came and shoot his seed all over his offspring's bed.

With both done, Avocato let that cock escape from his maw and licked his lips, before he sat at the edge of the bed while looking at the panting, naked kitten looking at him with a mix of shame and bliss. ``So? Much better than just using your paw right?''

"Y...yeah...'' clearly Little Cato was exhausted and could barely speak as he was panting hard, recovering from his pleasant experience.

Seeing that Avocato chuckled, rubbing his son's leg. "Glad you enjoyed it. Look...I have a lot to make up for you. So how about we do this? Once a week, no matter the day, when you want to...have the whole room to yourself you just need to let me know. And, in case you need some help in...having the whole room to yourself, you just need to tell me. I will be always glad to help you!''


"With that out of the way there is something you can help me with. Gary told me that you are someone that he can count on, a true ventrexian that never runs away when there's a job that needs to be done. That's perfect! I have a mission for you.''

"A mission...?''

"Yup. A mission very important for both of us.'' He got off bed and pointed at the bed. More specifically at the spots that have his cum all over. "We need to sneak around the ship to get in the laundry and clean this mess before anyone else sees it!''

Stan's Training Session

Even if he was not able to confess his feelings yet, it was good that Noel was still friends with Hillary. That's what allowed Sandy to keep in touch with her brother Stan. When his owner leaves him under Hillary's care for a few days it made things...

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