Sheila's Revenge

Story by Kraz226 on SoFurry

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Tom hated this.

The smell of the giant plastic glove, the odor of the items used, the obscenity of what he was going to do with the item itself, all of these things were despised by the young farmer. But Tom digressed; he needed to get this disgusting act over with. The twenty-something year old man collected the tools he would need to properly inseminate his mare Sheila and slowly walked through his rickety porch door on the way to his stable, roughly 200 feet away.

The air was thick with fog on this cool early-morning. Tom had awoken early to finish this task and move on to his other obligations around the farm. Life was not easy for a single independent farmer in the middle of nowhere, but Tom somewhat enjoyed the solidarity of it all. The birds had not yet started chirping, but Tom knew that they soon would be as he arrived at the large sliding door that was the entrance to his small stable.

As he labored open the unresponsive door the smell of manure and musty air met his nose with an abruptness he was not expecting. One of the pair must have recently gone. Tom hoped it was Sheila, as this would assure she would not do so during his procedure.


Dusty hated this.

Living under the same roof as that hurtful shrew of a horse not four stalls removed from his was turning into a living nightmare. Not only did he hate the way she had thoroughly emasculated him on a daily basis for the past month, but even now she did not even attempt to conceal her distaste of him as she turned and slowly defecated with her enormous rump pointed straight in his direction.

She was a spiteful one. That was for sure.

The Albanian horse turned away from his mate in disgust. He was still extremely attracted to her, but it was only recently that he had attempted an advance. He desperately wanted to mate with her; her body was simply captivating to the older horse. He knew she was one of a kind. With her luscious legs, her powerful flanks, and of course; her wondrous backside, she was the mare of any stallions dreams. But, she had scorned him. It was as though he had been placed next to the greatest field of pasture that ever existed, but was never to be allowed to enjoy its bounty of hills and peaks.

He wished to have her carry her child. To be with her in the fields as they raised their foals together. It was a simple hope of his, one that had not been met throughout his life with other mares. He simply wished for her to share his love. To accept him as her mate and be together.

Dusty lay down in the small pile of hay that coated one end of his stall for what seemed like hours. The horse was suddenly brought back to attention by a familiar sound at the entrance to the stable. The horse slowly rose from his usual spot in the corner of his stall when he heard the sound of his owner struggling with the door.

The old building was worn down, but still sturdy enough to fulfill its purpose of shelter properly. This was parallel to Dusty himself in a way; worn, but still hanging on to that last strand of usefulness. The 6 foot 7 horse rose to greet his master, his stall not ten feet from the doorway. Tom placed the things he was carrying on a small bench against the wall before coming over to the stalls entrance to greet the grateful stallion. An affectionate pet on the muzzle was a good enough Good morning for Dusty, and he watched as Tom removed his heavy sweater and placed it on the work bench. The farmer then prepared the things he had brought with him. Namely some horse semen he had purchased recently, a sleeve length plastic glove (with extras, just in case), and several other things necessary to the insemination. The farmer took a look over his shoulder to see Dusty still solemnly looking on as he prepared his things as Sheila continued her usual tense pacing. Tom could have sworn these horses knew exactly what was going on and what he was doing, but he knew that to be false.


Sheila hated this.

How dare he thought the massive Clydesdale mare. She saw what was going on here. She knew exactly what he was planning to do with those instruments. She was no fool. The mare had seen these techniques used in her previous masters stable. That barbaric thing was to be inserted into her like some worthless cow out to pasture.

This was it, the last straw.

As if being a mare in the throngs of a very strong heat wasnt already torture enough, she could no longer bear her owners actions. She had been sold out of necessity to this master out of her former masters discretion years ago while she was still a young foal. If only he had known the beauty that would be her form. He had surrendered the most beautiful and strong mare that would ever be.

Fools, all of them she thought , pacing as her folds burned with want, or rather need, of a stallion.

Sheila stood at a solid 7 foot 2 inches high at the head. Her Clydesdale genes ensured she was a powerful and large horse, but even so she was an exceptional specimen of an equine. Her muscles teemed with power, but not more than were proper for a horse of her stature. These muscles were accompanied by a taut underbelly, flexible joints, long and shapely legs, and a rather toned back. All of this was not as momentous as her one most admirable feature: her backside. Her rump seemed to be its own entity, one that was massive unlike any other horse, with a firm roundness coupled by sheer bulk in its size and overall mass. She was proud of it in a way. Proud of the way she taunted and teased Dusty with the buttocks she had, promising he would always desire her even though she would never go so far as to actually allow him to proceed with a mounting. Proud of the power she held over any stallion hoping to court her, even though she had not yet met a proper mate. Most of all, she was proud of her strength and sturdiness. She would not be some helpless mare for a stallion to simply mount and lay his seed into the magnificence that was her body. She was more than that, and her rump was her own personal proof of the matter.

She looked back to see her master still preparing. She then looked with a stern eye to the pathetic being that just happened to be her only true companion on this joke of a farm. Her foolish master had though that they could be pared and give way to a good foal, but she would have none of it. That measly thing in the stall four down from hers would not be fit to clean the droppings she had left on the ground mere moments ago. No, she was destined for more. Her plump flanks would be reserved for a true stallion to take hold of her and make her his own. And now this little puny human would ruin her sanctity in this manner? No, not while the thoroughbred blood in her majestic body still flowed.

Perhaps it was the emotions flowing through the Clydesdale that caused her to think this way, but she cared not. She would no longer tolerate living in this prison; no matter how caring and nurturing this man had been in the past. Sheila had had enough. She instantly knew what must be done to rid her of these captors who had kept her beauty locked up in this rickety prison. She would rid herself of these lesser beings, and she would make sure to humiliate them just as they had to her in the process.


Tom glanced over his shoulder to see Sheila in the same position she had been for the last 2 days; uncomfortable pacing. She was beautiful. A large and firm mare of great strength and power he had luckily obtained at an auction years before. She was his pride and joy, but it was not a two way relationship. She was resistant to his kind and caring ways. He was not a harsh owner in any way, properly exercising and grooming her daily, but he blamed her early upbringing, or lack thereof, on her sporadic behavior. She bucked him and rejected his kindness for what seemed like ages. When he bought Dusty, in an attempt to calm her and give her a companion and mate, she had simply escalated her hostile ways. That had been two months ago. And after Dusty was just recently rejected in his advances towards the mare, Tom had decided to inseminate her in an effort to expand his farm, as well as possibly calm her manner.

Tom finished his preparations and removed his sweater. Then, he removed his T-Shirt and gloves before placing his overall straps back on. Thinking for a moment, he removed the overall straps and let them hang by his waist as he went shirtless. Placing his loose clothing on the table, he equipped the insemination device on his hand and arm. He then walked casually over to the entrance to the mares cell. Tom didnt think much of the cold or how he might become filthy from this procedure; he just didnt like to have his shirt on when doing things of this manner. It made him feel constricted in a certain way.

The farmer was careful not to show fear or hostility in his body language or demeanor, which the mare would notice and pick up on. She was a smart horse, and he was a well versed master of her ways. He entered the stable, only to see a small pile of manure nearby.

Well, that explains the smell. said Tom quietly to himself.


Dusty looked on as his master cautiously entered Sheilas cell. Dusty knew what it was that his master carried. He knew of what the man was going to do to this wench of a mare. Slowly, he felt his arousal as his mind opened itself to the idea of Sheilas tight folds being penetrated and...

Dusty mentally scolded himself for this thought, but it quickly came back as he imagined the evil that was this mare being given a taste of cold justice to her nether regions. Dusty took a fiendish delight in realizing that his master would see fit that she would become pregnant. He felt it arousing to think of her, his ultimate detractor and lust cause, being forced to carry a child in her body against her will. His only regret was that it was not him that would be able to do the honors. No, he no longer felt sorrow towards her or her plight. Now he was simply glad he could watch as it happened.

Dusty looked on as Tom placed a bit on Sheila. The farmer then led her out of the stall using his free hand. He led her down the small center aisle of the stable as the pair arrived at the small mounting station Tom had prepared the day before.

As this transpired, Dusty noticed something.

Something was different.

Sheila was not offering any resistance whatsoever to her master. She was not trying to go in an opposite direction from his lead, which was her recent quirk. She did not exhibit any hostility towards the farmer at all. Dusty wondered if it had simply been her heat that was causing her recent escalated hostility. Perhaps it had just now begun to dampen in her body, but no, Dusty could definitely smell the scent of her arousal and heat as she was placed in her loose bindings.

Dusty kept his eyes on Sheila, wondering what was wrong about her as she was secured by a strong bit on her head secured against a post fastened against the wall. As Tom turned away, Dusty witnessed the mare lightly bite at the fastening, loosening it.

As she looked up from her deed (which had gone unnoticed by Tom); she looked over to the enraptured Dusty and, if he couldnt tell any better, winked at him.


Sheila turned back to her proper position, waiting for her master to begin. She could practically feel the cold hand and prongs of Tom near her glistening snatch as the first contact was made. A sickening *squelch* sound was heard as Tom began inserting the tips of his fingers inside the Clydesdale, covered in a cold wet lube. Sheila winced slightly at the pressure exerted on her tight cunt, as she was still a virgin. She despised the fact that she would now lose the honor of saving herself for a proper stallion in this way, but she must allow Tom to reach inside of her if she wished to have her revenge.

Tom, ever slowly, inched his hand further inside until his fingers were nearly immersed. Sheila waited, biding her time until Tom was a proper distance inside. As Toms arm progressed, from the fingers to the fore arm, and finally the elbow of the human was firmly inside of her tight snatch as the horse mentally screamed in pain (and of course a distinct amount of pleasure).

Now it was finally time.


Tom slowly felt around inside of Sheila, searching for the entrance to her womb. He felt bad for the horse somewhat, and wanted to finish this harsh procedure as quickly as possible. The farmer used his inserted hand with tender grace as he used his fingers to locate her cervix. Finding it, Tom uncovered the plastic coating of the insemination tool he was using and began to press it in next to his inserted hand.

However, something was wrong. Sheilas labium was tightly clenched. So much so that Tom could not even insert the small tube necessary to continue. Tom wondered why Sheila was so tight, as he could feel the immense pressure from the mares sweltering moist insides grabbing on to his arm for dear life.

Tom shook his head; she was a virgin after all. The mare must have been confused by her predicament, Tom deduced. Tom used his free hand to release the clasps on his overalls and roll them down to his waist as they were beginning to make him uncomfortable during this ordeal. The farmer then delicately placed his other hand at the entrance of Sheilas tight pussy. Sheila would not yield however, her labia not allowing anything besides Toms forearm inside. Tom grimaced, not wanting to hurt the large mare. He had hoped the fact she was so large would mean her vagina would also be large enough for a quick and painless insemination, but this was not the case. Instead, the mares pussy was extremely tight, and smaller than most horses he had seen for that matter.

Tom did not want to hurt Sheila, but the horse was making things difficult. She began to slowly rock back against Toms arm, pushing it deeper. Tom finally decided to simply force his other hand in and widen the mares passage so the tube would have easier access. Tom began forcing his other hand into Sheila with more gusto, attempting to fit both digits into the horse. The farmer felt the tips of his fingers inch their way inside after seconds of concentrated pushing. As his second hand slid in, Sheilas lips opened slightly wider, accepting them into her pussy. Tom smiled, mentally thanking the horse for her cooperation.


Sheila had something else in mind however, and cooperation was far from it. The horse waited for Tom to bring his second hand in up to its palm, and that is when her plan went into action. The horse had been leaning forward slightly, and although she had backed up to get Toms arm deeper, she still had plenty of room left. Abruptly, the horse reared her hips and pushed her rump back as far as she could. This made Toms eyes go wide as the horses snatch grabbed at his hand before he could insert the tube. Sheila swiftly tightened again as much as she could, ensuring the human could not remove his hand no matter how hard he tried. Tom grimaced again as the horse smiled. She finally had him right where she wanted him, in a position of her own power. The horse turned her head to see the farmer.

Tom looked up as the horse viewed him, his hands stuck closely together inside of her majestic folds. The farmer looked up to see the mare, and if he couldnt tell any better; she winked directly at him.

Sheila clenched her pussy walls tighter, but not just in a vice of a motion. No, this time she attempted to pull the human inside of her. Toms eyes went wide as his formerly free hand was sucked inside of Sheila with a sickening plop. More sounds followed as the horse slowly rocked side to side, her ass swaying with pleasure as the humans arms were slowly engulfed.

She was starving, but not for food. No, noThis human would sedate her sexual needs. And she would be sure that she would force him to do it to the fullest extent!

The mare forced her rump even further back, bringing Toms arms up to the elbows. Although the pressure was great, Sheila widened herself to engulf both elbows and bring in the disgusting human to his biceps. Toms realization came then, and Sheila could tell. Tom gave a quick shout before the horse flexed again, bringing his face even closer to her stretched entrance. Inching ever closer, the mares labia stretched and pulled Tom further in as his arms were engulfed.

The mare smiled as Toms face reached her pussy and was squeezed by it. The mans face pressed hard as Sheila flexed more and more, trying to bring Toms head in. With no success from regular muscle flexes, Sheila readied herself for what would be the first big push she would need in order to bring the human inside. The mare leaned forward, and with a lightning quick motion, widened herself even more and reared back as hard as her body could. The mare felt immense pressure as Toms head was brought all the way in along with his svelte shoulders with a large noise accompanying it. Toms muffled screams vibrated against the walls of her vagina as he was brought in up to his chest.

Sheila could feel the stimulation in every inch, including her urethra, as the human tried desperately to move while inside of her. She was on her way. Slowly but surely, Tom would be a part of her by day's end.


Tom could no longer have rational thoughts. There was nothing rational to think about, really. Things like "How is this possible?", or "There's no way she could possibly fit me all the way in here!" were no longer things that needed any contemplation. No, now there was one simple thought process going through the farmer's mind as he was encased by a disgusting, tight cave of a snatch. And that was "Escape".

Tom attempted to move, with his hands ahead of him and his shoulders and upper torso sucked inside of Sheila; he was thankful that he was tall enough for his feet to still be on the ground. Tom attempted to pull back out, using his feet for the heavy motion, but to no avail. Sheila was simply not giving him any ground or leeway to escape.

Just then, another tremor. The walls hugging the man violently squeezed him again. This time, it lifted him off of the ground as it brought in more of his torso.

"No!" Tom shrieked into Sheila's pussy walls as the horse lifted him off of the floor with a hefty grunt. Tom was slowly running out of breath now, he had not noticed it until just recently, but the extreme tightness of his surroundings was quickening his breath. There was simply no room for air as well as him inside of Sheila. However Tom fought this losing battle, trying to stay awake and find a way out of this horrendous predicament.

Just then, he felt something. His two hands, which were still crammed together, were at a stopping point. Tom mentally smiled, it was her cervix! As the man slowly faded out of consciousness, he prayed that something, anything, would save him from this downright obscene fate.


Sheila grunted, something was wrong. She was making fantastic progress as the farmer was now off of the ground. However as she was pulling him in, she had felt an immense pressure when his hands reached a deeper point inside of her. It kept there, stead fast, as Tom continued his struggles. It was then that Sheila decided that there was no way she would allow herself to come this far and have her revenge be stopped now.

Sheila finally freed herself from the fastening against the wall as she backed out of the fastenings. Something else was different, the human was limp! He no longer thrashed about inside of her in his futile attempt at escape. Sheila could only guess he had either given up, or simply passed out.

Sheila continued to flex her inner muscles, although she had not been using them due to her virginity, they still functioned great in this manner. Working the human in was sped up by his shirtlesness, as the mare sucked him in up to his waist.

Not wanting to waste this golden opportunity, Sheila waddled her emboldened hips over to a more spacious area. Bracing herself yet again, she hoisted Tom further inside with her new leverage and comfort. Ever so slowly, Tom's britches were forced down his legs as they slid inside, leaving him naked as he entered the mare. His hips, although wider than his torso, were quick to be gulped down by Sheila's womanhood with a pop of a sound. Now that they were done there was only one final stretch she would need to overcome.

With the clothing slowly falling off of him, Sheila quickened her pace. The man's body finally reached deep inside of her. Sheila could feel him as his upper body was halted deep inside of her depths. Her moist cocoon of a pussy cradled his every inch in an incredibly tight manner. The pressure was intense, but Sheila simply ignored the pain as she prepared for a second "opening". The one to her most sacred of places: her womb.

With a harsh inner movement, the Clydesdale opened the entrance of her cervix to welcome the human inside of her uterus. She would have him, body and soul now.


Dusty watched in semi horror as Sheila neared the end of her task. From his stable, he watched as she labored through this trial. More than 20 minutes passed as she slowly but surely absorbed Tom's form into her nether regions, grunting and neighing during the whole process. Dusty kept watching, his own manhood dangling at the spectacle.

This was ultimately wrong in his mind, his master inside of her like that. The indecency of it all! But still, Dusty was aroused beyond belief as Sheila's scent filled the air. Her glistening labia walls coating the man as each inch slid inside. All Dusty could imagine was the feel of the walls as they wrapped around Tom, smothering him as he was massaged by her pussy.

Dusty desperately wanted to help him, but his own feral lusts greatly outweighed his compassion for his master. As it happened, Sheila neared the end of her task. Dusty watched as the legs of the human were eaten up. First the thighs, then the knees with a pop, and then finally, the calves and ankles. Sheila was in utter splendor, and Dusty knew it. The mare reared her head back and forth, savoring the feeling as the last of him was devoured by her ravenous muff. Dusty looked on still, as Tom's feet were sucked in. The lips of Sheila's labia slapping together behind them with a squelching sound. A large bulge worked its way from the undercarriage of Sheila's rump down to her barrel of a stomach.

Dusty could see as the massive obstruction in Sheila's nethers was traveling further inside, no doubt headed toward its final destination of her womb. The lump stopped for a moment, then suddenly moved faster as it came to rest at the bottom of Sheila's now swaying belly. Her massive barrel of an underside gave off the impression that she was...pregnant...

Dusty's eyes widened. This was simply too much. The sight of Sheila standing there, physically ravaged by her ordeal as a massive being lie entombed in her body was simply too much for Dusty. His member stood at full attention as he neighed in his stable. He kicked at the door that served as its entrance ferociously. Just then, Sheila noticed his efforts and looked straight at him.


Sheila could finally feel it. Her womb finally finished encasing Tom inside it as the entrance closed for good. There was no way he could possibly escape now. Sheila would simply leave him there, to be one with her until she deemed it fit to push him back out. If he died while in the process? So be it. He had trapped her here in his construct of a house for so long, it was only fitting she would reverse the roles and be done with him. Sheila sighed as she straightened herself out. Attempting to regain her composure. She simply could not do so however, she was physically and mentally exhausted from her actions over the last hour. She stood then, ready to leave this place forever. All she needed was to find a way to open the door, which she hoped had been left unlocked. AS she turned to leave, she marveled at the extra weight she now carried.

"My, you're a big load you know that?" she mentally chided as she viewed her massive belly. The sheer mass of Tom inside of her made it seem as if she was well into a pregnancy. Mind you, not a full horse was inside of her, but something just as big as a well developed embryo of one was there making its home inside of her.

"Don't worry, once you're gone I'll make sure to fill your spot!" Sheila mocked as she sauntered towards the exit, her new passenger swaying back and forth with every stride of her powerful legs.

Sheila looked over to see Dusty, the pathetic being, as he thrashed about in his stable. Sheila smiled, he must be crazy because of the loss of his precious "master". The mare slowed her walk down to a deliberate strut. She made every step accentuate her new passenger as she passed Dusty. Making sure to rock her hips back and forth to make her stomach sway. The human's body filling out her midsection quite nicely as she "modeled" for the horse. She was being extremely spiteful, but she didn't care earlier, so she saw no need to show any compassion or subtlety now.

As she reached the exit, she blessed Tom for leaving the main door unlocked as she nudged it open and then fully opened it.

Now, she was free at last...


Sheila walked slowly, she could not possibly muster up anything faster than a saunter at this point. She would need to find somewhere with water and proper grazing as well as a suitable sleeping ground for herself. She was much to exhausted to go anywhere further than a mile from the barn. The mare found a rather large puddle that would be fit to drink from. She leaned her head down and drank from the cool water. As it coated the inside of her throat and found its way to her parched gut, she could feel something inside of her change.

That something emanated from her womb as an odd and rather warm feeling began entrenching its way in her body. Sheila looked back at the bulging midsection as her eyes widened, it was him!

"What is...Ah!" Sheila mentally shrieked as she felt as sharp pain from her womb. Her front legs buckled as she leaned forward, her buttocks still sticking up in the air. Something was still happening inside of her where the human was now residing. Sheila felt her very blood began to pump differently, her insides seemed to be drastically changing. Something was making her body change...

"Wha-...NO" She neighed as she felt her body continue changing. The mare winced as her stomach churned, becoming accustomed to a new being starting to "share" her body. Sheila began to tear up, she now knew what was happening as it dawned on her.

"There is no way you are going to be my child!" she yelled inside as she could feel Tom's heartbeat, now linked with her own. She had not noticed it immediately, but an umbilical cord had linked the two of them right when she had started drinking. She had simply planned to hold him inside of her, not this!

Sheila righted herself, standing back up on all fours as she stumbled.

"No..Anything but that! I don't want you!" She yelled as she cursed the human currently merging with her own body. Inside, Tom's new umbilical cord pumped his blood in unison with hers, the first of many processes that now belonged to Sheila. The fact that Tom was not a small developing embryo put the process on a fast track of sorts, as all the processes made to happen over months and weeks was happening much faster. Sheila could feel her crotch tingle now, something else changing for the worse. Tom's waste system was now reverting back to the horse. His urine and other disposal methods transferring to her as well. Finally, Sheila's teats began to change, beginning to produce the milk neccessary to feed a growing horse when it was to come.

Sheila neighed and winced though the entire process. She was mortified to say the least, her body changing to house and nurture the human inside of her. Sheila flexed her inner muscles in an attempt to push the human out, hopefully it was not too late to remove him from her insides! This did not pass however, as Sheila could feel the pressure in her womb increase. Her placenta was developing, which meant her womb would fill and round out. This would ensure a proper inner environment for him. Her bodies' structure began to change then. Her already massive hips widened, meant to better encompass a new foal's birth. Her teats, which had been producing milk at a faster pace, now sped up even more. they began to grow as the dangled under her crotch, Sheila looked back as her stomach filled out, creating a full barrel-like view of her midsection.

Sheila cried out as the final changes took place, Tom's being finally syncing with hers. Sheila's digestive system, her blood, her everything: was now running through the man inside of her. The mare stood back up, absolutely destitute in her demeanor. There was nothing more now. This human was with her, no, he /was/ her now. She would carry him until it was time, and who even knew when that was considering how fast she had changed to welcome him into herself. Sheila kneeled, her massive belly smushing against the ground as she laid down. She flopped over to one side, completely and utterly tired. She could not just remove Tom from her as she had planned, her revenge was now her greatest burden.

But at least... It couldn't get any worse...


Dusty watched from a fair distance away as Sheila spasmed for a long time. As Dusty witnessed her transform further, he smirked. The horse watched as his former "mate" eventually slumped over. She was still breathing, which meant she was still fine. His time would come to take her, but now was not it. Dusty noticed that Sheila's stomach had rounded out some since the initial ordeal. But it couldn't possibly be...

Dusty smiled. She would be his, with Tom's help of course.

Just as the farmer had planned...