A New Field of Interest 4

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Field of Interest

Draconicon thinks that he's about settled in properly now, but there's one thing that he's forgotten. One very powerful, very dragon-obsessed thing.

Commissioned by Taiko

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A New Field of Interest

Part 4

For Taiko

By Draconicon

A month had passed since he'd moved into Novus Ager, and Draconicon had to admit, he felt quite a bit less stressed than he had been feeling for a while. The whole situation was still a bit off, a bit weird, but he was getting better about that.

The black dragon sat in a recliner in the main room of his apartment. Well, main for now. It was on the verge of shifting, and he could feel the gathering energies of the city, almost like the feeling of seeing a kitten gathering itself for a pounce out of the corner of one's eye. This was a much more mischievous feeling, though, almost like the city was starting to learn that he could feel it gathering itself, and was trying to wait for him to be off-guard so that it could still surprise him.

Playing games with a sentient city. Not what I planned to do with my vacation...

"Are you r-ready for a new dri-drink?"

The buzz-hiss-crackle that came with the broken words reminded Draconicon that he needed to get the minotaur fixed. He looked up from his book at the mechanical servant, nodding.

"Thanks, Edwin."

"You're we-welcome."

"Switch to Librarian mode afterward and check the library. We're due a shift soon."

"Yes, s-sir."

The minotaur robot nodded, the halo sparking a few times before he turned around and made his way back to the library. The door opened with a shimmering black shade around it, revealing the library itself just on the other side. As the bull stepped through, the world seemed to gather itself together, almost on the verge of shifting -

But no. It was another tease, and it stopped just as he started tensing up in preparation. The dragon rolled his eyes.

At least that gave him a bit more time. He put his book down, pulling out his phone and doing a quick search for android repairs. Considering the sheer number of heroes in the city, he imagined that there were some that doubled as repairmen. Either through the gadgeteering experience or through the whole 'super powers over tech' thing, there had to be someone that was capable of repairing the damage that Edwin had suffered.

Because, quite honestly, he shouldn't have let that linger for a month. He kept getting distracted by something or other, whether dealing with a super that had broken in or from a genuine robot attack, or, at times, by the more pleasant things. Nor's weekly visits had been a wonderful form of therapy for him - even if he did have to keep Edwin in the library for them - and the occasional visits with Lloyd were quite enlightening. The pangolin wasn't particularly well-educated in how the city worked, or about supers, or about anything past a basic high school education, really, but there was something to the way that he rambled that made the dragon wonder if he had a surreptitious power.

Rambling until you find the answer, he thought, chuckling. That would be an interesting power. Would also explain how he knows where to find stuff like that magic bookstore and all, without even knowing that I'm a mage...

They were all wonderful things, but it meant that he had been rather distracted from the very real damage that the lightning storm he'd conjured had done to Edwin's chassis, and probably to some of the internal processors. He shook his head, flicking through the phone a few times. There were a few computer repair shops, but they were scams half the time, and pretty useless the rest of the time. He scrolled through the list, went to the next page, and repeated it time after time until -

"Hmmm, that might work. Dishonest John's Discount Services." He chuckled. "Well, at least he puts the name on the tin."

The dragon put in a call, leaving a message for the - as far as he could tell - criminal, and offering a 200% payment for a repair job on an android. He left his number, but not his address, and then ended the call.

"That should just about do it, then. Edwin's taken care of, had a therapy session with Nor last night, figured out how to make the library bigger, visiting the bookstore again tomorrow...what am I forgetting?" he muttered, tapping his chin. "Visited most of the people I know, but -"

Tik, tik, tik.

The tapping, ticking sound was just ominous enough for the dragon to take a slow turn to look behind him. There, sitting on the windowsill, was a bird. Not a small bird, either, but one of those predatory falcons, and in its beak was a small, jeweled pin. He cocked his head to the side, knowing that he'd seen that sort of jewelry before.

"Where did you come from?" he wondered, opening the window.

The falcon hopped forward, dropped the pin, and then seemed to come back to itself. It flared it swings, sweeping them back and forth almost like it was panicking, and then flew off. Draconicon blinked a few times, looking down at the pin, then at the slowly-disappearing bird.

"Okay, so...mind control. Someone wanted me to get this thing."

Extending a bit of his power around his fingers to form a barrier, the black dragon knelt down and picked the pin off the floor. He held it in front of his eyes, still swearing that he had seen something like this before.

But where?

It took him imagining it among a bunch of hair to finally get the memory to come up, and he groaned under his breath as he saw it among many other little gems and crystals hanging from a man's beard.


How the hell had he forgotten him? The big, elder orc had been a partner for magic sparring more than once, and while the big guy often had a downer on dragons, they had developed an interesting bit of respect for each other. Mostly borne out of the fact that Bruha never had a win that lasted for more than about ten seconds.

Except once, but that had been because the dragon had been interested in seeing what it was like under the big guy's big green feet.

He chuckled, but he didn't let the magic fade from around the tip of the pin. The last thing that he needed was a mind control spell zonking him.

So, instead, he laid it down and looked it over with a few other spells, digging into the different attributes that the needle had. The gem on the tip was the obvious source of magical power, but he wanted to ensure that there wasn't anything that would entrap him. The spell that had ensorcelled the bird was already fading, from what he could tell, and the other spell that was laid on the needle was, surprisingly, a communication spell. A message spell, to be precise, pre-recorded and waiting to be played.

...I'm guessing he's still not sure how to use a cell phone.

Shaking his head, he let his protections fade a bit, and tapped the needle. An image of Bruha popped up, real-life sized, and the dragon wasn't entirely surprised to see him without his sandals going through stretches. The pair of them knew what the other person liked.

"So, you decided to stick your nose into other people's business again, huh? Well, can't blame you for that. Have been doing the same myself." The orc chuckled. "Bet you're expecting me to throw something at you again, aren't you? Thinking that the master sorcerer is up to his old tricks again, about to bring the dragon to his knees again."

"No, more wondering when you're going to get to the point," he muttered, crossing his arms.

"Well, that's not what I'm interested in."

"Shock of shocks."

"Yeah, yeah, pick your jaw up off the ground. Just because I know where dragons belong doesn't mean that the rest of the world is going to agree with me."

Draconicon rolled his eyes, but he didn't turn off the message. He knew that Bruha liked to talk, sometimes. He imagined that it was because he didn't really 'talk' to his harem so much as he had fun with them, enjoyed them beneath him. That was fun and all, but when you didn't have much social contact with people, you started going on a bit when you finally had an audience of a sort.

He waited, letting the orc go through all the different bits of bragging that he felt the need to do. Occasionally, he glanced at his phone, wondering how long Bruha could keep going, and eventually he started keeping track of the passing seconds. It was honestly more interesting than listening to the orc talk about all the little things that he had done with other dragons since the last time that they'd met.

At twenty minutes and thirty-three seconds, Bruha blinked, looking off to the side.

"...Well, since I only have twenty-seven seconds left and nobody bothered to tell me...I wanted to invite you to a meal. A peace offering. Bury the hatchet and all the phrases that people use for that."

Draconicon blinked, but quickly grabbed his phone. He started tapping his claws against the keyboard as Bruha read out the name of the place. There was no attempt to leave an address; they both knew that the city shifted too much for that to be viable.

...God, how do the mailmen get anything delivered? he wondered. I mean, if it's always bouncing around - holy crap, they must have the most up-to-date records of people ever. That, or ordering stuff in the city is a bigger pain in the ass than it is in the outside world...

"Hope to see you there, Drac. It's been a long time coming, and...well, I'd like to see things change. Heh. Me. Wanting things to change. That's a -"

The message spell cut off at that point, having reached the maximum limit that it had for time. Draconicon shook his head, looking down at his phone.

It wasn't a restaurant that the orc wanted to meet him at, he realized, but rather an overlook that looked down at the rest of the city. Semi-public, mostly private, the sort of place that might have been romantic with a different couple. It had all the hallmarks of something where something momentous would happen.

It also would be the perfect place for Bruha to try something.

"Well, there goes my evening. Dinner with the dragon-obsessed orc. Didn't see that comi-iiiiiiiing!"

One moment in the apartment, the next falling from a high-dive that had just been installed over a pool that came with it. He had a split second to wonder just how big the Rambling Arms had become before he went belly-flop splat at the bottom of the dive, followed by at least six others, most of which managed to actually dive rather than flop. Draconicon sank slowly as he focused all his energy on not screaming. At least out loud.



The overlook ended up being situated on a large hill that looked down at a shopping plaza, and the plaza itself was a large, somewhat artistic place that seemed to be catering to the sudden influx of waterways in the city. It was even connected to them, allowing for people to ride right up in a gondola before heading out again, laden down with scuba gear, anti-sea-monster spray, and more.

It also had a great deal of distance from any walkways leading up to it, and while it had a bench beside a decorative statue of some sort of feline, it was otherwise rather nondescript, empty, and featureless.

All the better for an isolated meal.

Draconicon had come out in his usual robe, and Bruha had forgone formalities by coming out in his kilt and sandals. The pair of them sat together on the bench, not quite facing each other most of the time, but rather looking out at the city as they shared the food.

Bruha had brought it, but Draconicon wondered if the orc had gotten someone else to cook it, considering that it was actually surprisingly well-made. Tender lamb cut and spread over Greek rice, combined with some mint jelly and a few other things, made for a rather decent meal. The orc's bare chest occasionally jingled as he laughed appreciatively, the bells hanging from nipple piercings making him almost musical.


Draconicon continued to feel for the magic in the air around them, knowing that there was a trick of sorts being played on him. It might not be a dangerous one, but he knew Bruha, and he knew the orc's penchant for never letting an opportunity for a new dragon slut to go by.

Little jingles in the air, setting the mood. Definitely a small spell or two on that. Something on the statue behind me, too, probably a gem nestled in the ear or something like that, just out of sight.

None of them were big enough spells to be actually dangerous, however. They were still something that he needed to keep an eye on, but nothing that would cause actual problems for him.

So what is your game, Bruha?

For all that he was suspicious, he had to admit that there was more of a game going on for him than anything dangerous. Most things these days were, much as he hated to admit it. Experience tended to turn everything into something hard to take seriously, and even the possibility of someone putting a spell on his brain to turn him into a slave - temporary or not - was just one more thing in the list of experiences he'd gone through that he knew how to deal with. It was just a matter of how well-prepared Bruha was.

He dipped a piece of flatbread into the remaining juices and sauce that were left on his plate, soaking it up and finishing it off before setting the plate to his side.

"So, was the meal everything, Bruha, or did you have something else?"

"You're pushy, you know that?"

"Well, you live long enough, you learn the value of time."

"You should learn the value of patience, as well."

"Tell you what. When you learn to be patient, I'll do the same."

"Me?! I'm patient as can be. I'm patient as a rock."

"More like patient as an avalanche."


Yet, there was still a slight smile. He didn't know if it was because Bruha had something planned and was just waiting to initiate it, or if it was from genuinely enjoying the banter, but it was a real smile. The kind that tended to improve someone's face.

He's planning something, but he's still having fun.

As Bruha put his own plate aside, the orc crossed one leg over the other. It pulled his kilt up a bit, exposing the end of his cock. Draconicon smiled slightly, giving the big, green shaft a fond glance before looking out at the city with the orc.

"Never stays the same, does it?" Draconicon asked.

"Never." Bruha shook his head, sighing. "Almost like it's trying to tell ya something, heh."

"Like the world's moving on?"

"Like you're gonna change, whether you like it or not."

"Yeah...bit of a hard lesson to take, sometimes."


There was an actual note of regret in the orc's voice, something that he had never quite expected to hear. The dragon turned his head, looking down at the orc with a raised eyebrow. Bruha didn't seem to notice, just staring out at the city instead.

In that moment, the orc actually looked his age. He looked tired. He looked worn down. He looked...sad, for lack of a better word, sad and just a little bit lost. And he could understand that, perhaps more than Bruha knew.

Novus Ager was one of those places that refused to allow things to sit still. While there were people and their patterns that would sometimes stay the same, the city itself forced everyone to keep taking different roads, different routes to their daily routines. It made them stop in place, sometimes, completely blocked off from where they were going, forcing them to think about what to do next. No other city in the world forced such habitual self-reflection on everyone that lived in it. No other city could.

And for someone that tried to live one way, and tried to stick to that one way of life, this city would be very hard to live with. It would be a constant reminder that you were choosing to stay the same. That you were choosing to live a life that might not be making you happy. If you could choose a new place to go, why not choose a new way to live?

Draconicon looked out at the city, lost in memory for a moment himself. All the different worlds that he'd seen, all the different places that he'd been. Every time that he started to feel settled, every time he started thinking that his life had finally reached the stage where he was 'stuck' and could settle down, something happened. Sometimes it was catastrophe, sometimes it was a reward, but there was always a way forward, always something that opened up in the future, always something that tempted him from staying where he was.

And every single time, the only consolations from taking that step, from moving on rather than staying put, were the twin bits of knowledge that he had made the decision himself, and that at least he had made things better while he'd been there.

He shook his head, reaching out and patting the orc's back.

"I think I get it."

"Hmm? There's nothing to get. I was just..."

Draconicon arched an eyeridge, and the orc looked away with a grumble, his nipple piercings swinging from side to side for a moment.

"You dragons and your insight."

"Well, me and mine."

"Just glad the kids don't see that, yet."

"They will, if you don't find a way to move on."

"I'm...trying," Bruha admitted. "Met a few people lately. A human, heh, and a bunch of others that started showing me things that I didn't see before."

"So, you're trying something different?"

"I'm going to be. But first..."

"Heh. I knew this was coming."

Bruha twisted, flicking both the little bells at his chest and swinging his beard about. A dozen hidden bells started ringing, and the whole overlook flooded with the orc's power, spreading from one surface to another, bouncing off of hundreds of little bits of rock and grass and wood.

Bruha must have been preparing this spell for a long time, because as the ringing continued, Draconicon could feel something almost like a hundred little strings wrapping around him, pulling on his fingers, dragging at his arms and legs. He could not move, no matter how hard he pulled against the magical restraints.

Sound was a powerful thing, and one of the magics he was less practiced in.

He watched as Bruha pulled out several different gems from his beard, untwisting them from the oiled hairs that hung down. Draconicon arched an eyebrow.

"Trying one more time to have me as a slave?"

"You're a prize, and you know it," the orc said, shaking his head with a smile. "Besides, you'd love it."

"For a night."

"For a lot longer, if I do this right."

"Yes, well, let's get this over with."

The orc paused, the gems clenched tightly between his fingers, less than an inch from being pressed to either side of the dragon's neck.

"...You're giving up?"

"Looks that way, doesn't it?"

"What are you thinking? I've planned this for weeks; it'll bind you to me for days. Weeks."

"Maybe I see it as another part of my vacation."


And maybe it's interesting to see how you react when it's someone willingly letting you do something instead of just taking it.

He doubted that there were any other dragons in the city, except one, that would dare even risk something like this. He knew Bruha, and he knew just how strong the orc's magic was. There was very little room for error when in a match with the green-skinned sorcerer, and offering one's neck and fate to the perverted elder was just asking to have your free will taken away...most of the time.

Bruha hesitated. The orc actually hesitated, and Draconicon waited. He doubted that it would be something that would make the sorcerer rethink his entire life, but it was interesting to see the conflict.

Then, it faded.

"Well, if you're that interested in your proper place, who am I to say no?"

And the gems pressed against his neck. They flattened out against his scales, spreading backward and forward at the same time. They rolled along his neck, becoming a collar that squeezed tight, pushed down with intense magical force.

Draconicon felt the powerful magics in it, the urge to submit, the urge to give in and follow orders. It was a very basic spell, like most of Bruha's magic tended to be. Very blunt, very singular, and very, very powerful.

The problem was, it had the same flaw as every other spell that the orc had ever used on him. It was too powerful to outright cancel, but all too easy to redirect. The collar projected the spell from the inside, forcing the person to wear it to obey those that talked around them, which was probably why they were somewhere isolated, so that Bruha could be the only one giving the orders.

However, if he turned the spell around, forced it to be projected from the outer band of the collar, instead...

Normally, it would have been accompanied by a snap of his fingers, but in this case, it was a wink of his eye, the white orbs turning black for a moment as the magic flared around the collar. The reddish gem collar flared with light, and Bruha went from grinning widely to groaning under his breath.

"Son of a..."

"I think it's your turn to do what you're told. Release me."

The orc's magic faded almost immediately, leaving the dragon's arms free. He flexed them over his head, then cracked his neck from side to side. Bruha grumbled.

"That's not fair. I crafted that perfectly."

"Yes, the spell's quite powerful. And there's no way for me to take the collar off without you doing it for me. However, you didn't specify where the spell was going to be projected. You just assumed it would go where you told it. I fixed that."

"Dragons. Always interfering."

"Well, in this case, interfering for my personal wellbeing."

He shook his head. He could get up and leave now, and there was a part of him that was tempted to do that. Bruha had, after all, taken a rather touching moment and decided to turn it into another attempt to take him. That said, the orc was legitimately on the cusp of looking for change. And...

Well, Draconicon would be the first to admit, he enjoyed having some of those moments. He just preferred to have them at his choice, rather than when others were forcing it.

"Pull up your kilt."

"Hmmph. We could be doing this my way, if that's all you wanted," the orc said, reaching down to the bottom of his kilt. "It would have been right."

"You were the one talking about change. Let's try it a different way."

The bearded orc grumbled, but did as he was told, pulling up his kilt and exposing himself. As ever, that thick green cock was already starting to stiffen, eager for its chance with a dragon one way or another. The thick thing was definitely the sort of cock that a big guy could be proud of, nice and long, hefty with just a hint of veins showing along the side from how big it could get.

Sliding off the bench, the dragon sat on the ground, taking the orc's sandals off. Bruha continued to grumble, probably due to the fact that he was doing this out of his own free will rather than being told to.

He really doesn't do well with change, no matter how much he tries, he thought, shaking his head and setting the leather sandals to the side. He'll figure it out, though. He's right on the cusp. He can tell what he needs to do. It's just...getting him to do it.

Shaking his head still, he brought those large, green feet to his face. A few little breaths, savoring the soft, musky smell, made his cock throb in his robe. He sighed to himself, nuzzling into them.

"This would be better if you were controlled for this," Bruha complained.

"Would you prefer I didn't do it at all?"


"How about you lean back, hmm? Just jerk yourself to this, and enjoy the sight of a dragon enjoying your body so much."

He smiled as Bruha did as he was told, the orc leaning back, his hand on his cock and slowly pumping it. There was the slight 'rebellion' of the big orc leaning down and caressing his balls, as well, almost like the petulant elder was trying to show that he could do what he wanted too, but Draconicon didn't mind. The point was to have fun, not to push Bruha to do everything by the book.

Holding the orc's feet up by the heels, he gently kissed each digit, taking his time to give them some affection. There was a soft jerk, a few little twitches from the big orc, and he imagined that it tickled him just a little. It didn't bother him to do that, didn't bother him to slow down and do it a bit more firmly, but every time that he looked up, the sorcerer was grouching. Either he was blushing and looking away, or he was muttering under his breath about how this would be better if he was in charge.

However, the results of being made to jerk himself to the show were quite obvious. That throbbing dick put the lie to every complaint that was coming out of the orc's mouth, and the little bit of pre-cum running down the side was just enough to show that this was quite willing rather than merely something that he was being forced to do and hating it. Draconicon chuckled to himself, giving those big green feet one more kiss to the sole before standing up.

"Mmmph...going to just leave me high and dry, then?" Bruha asked, groaning. "Gonna leave me like this, like they always do?"

"No. At least, not if you stop complaining."

"I'm old. I'm allowed."


Draconicon leaned in, almost nose to nose with the orc, his hands on the back of the bench to stabilize himself. They stared into each other's eyes as he smirked.

"Are you so old that you can't change?"

"Hmmph. I can do what I want."

"Then you're not that old, are you? And not compared to me."

"Ha! Dragon age is a completely different thing."

"Perhaps. But if you're old, then there's no point in me riding that cock, is there? After all, you might go limp on me."


"So, what do you want more? A dragon wizard bouncing his ass on your cock, right here in public, happily showing how much he loves green dick, or the right to complain because you're 'old'?"

"...That collar's not supposed to let you stay smart."

"Good thing that you didn't put a spell on it to make me dumb, then, hmm?"

"Fine. I'll take the ass."

"I thought you might."

He chuckled. Despite being literally centuries older than Bruha, he still was the younger-seeming of the two of them, at least when he wasn't lost in thought. Draconicon turned around, facing away from the orc as he pulled off his robe. He was quite aware that, as a wizard, he had a somewhat softer body than the sorcerer behind him. That extended to his ass, soft with a little bit of a jiggle to it from not running all over the place.

A desk job had its downsides, after all.

Pressing his hips back into the orc's lap, he got a good grip on that dick and settled it between his ass cheeks. The feeling of it throbbing away told him that the older orc was definitely getting into this despite the fact that he wasn't in control. Maybe enough of these would help Bruha realize how much fun he could have if he didn't have to call the shots all the time.

Maybe it would help him learn that the inventiveness of others didn't have to be a bad thing.

Feeling that slippery green rod rubbing between his ass cheeks quickly distracted him, however, and he groaned as he rolled his hips back again and again, sliding that thick thing between his ass cheeks, up against his pucker, making sure that Bruha could feel the little twitches that were going through it. He smiled, feeling the big guy trying and failing to thrust against him.

"Nnnngh...teasing little..."

"Oh? You want it to stop being a tease?"

"I wanted to have you over the bench and begging for it, but I'm not getting that, am I?"

"Not with that attitude."


"Now, now."

He smiled, reaching down and cupping the orc's balls as he slowly spread his cheeks a bit further. His experienced hole rested against that throbbing rod, reminding it of just how good it could feel if the orc obeyed.

Pulling up ever so slightly, he made sure that Bruha was looking down at the point where their bodies were meeting. Thick green cock, big black-scaled ass.

And then, that cock was sliding in.

"Mmmmmm, that's it..."

"Mmmph, how do you look so loose but feel so tight?"


He growled under his breath as he took that thick shaft, feeling it spreading him open and savoring that. It was almost like when Edwin was having his fun, except this time, it was still him in change. He was the one that was taking that dick, and Bruha was the one that was sitting there like a living dildo. And the orc would stay there, just like that, until he was sure that the big guy wasn't going to pull something.

Won't be able to keep him under this spell forever, but until it ends, I'm the one in charge.

And he planned on enjoying that as much as possible.

"Mmmm, enjoying that, Bruha? I know I am. There's something so special about an orc's big, fat cock back there. Something so right about feeling it inside me. A pity that I get it so rarely."

"Well, maybe - mmmph!"

A quick squeeze silenced the sorcerer before he could complain again. Draconicon smiled, rolling his hips from side to side, teasing that rod for a bit longer. Then, and only then, did he settle in for some proper fun.

The End

Summary: Draconicon thinks that he's about settled in properly now, but there's one thing that he's forgotten. One very powerful, very dragon-obsessed thing.

Tags: M/M, dragon, orc, Draconicon, Bruha, magic, mind control, body control, anal, foot fetish, musk, teasing, banter, series, Novus Ager, age difference,