Learning Curves
It was just as well that the trip took so long, for the Hatchling had plenty of time to mull over his potential name. Many options presented themselves, only to be discounted when he gently probed the Huntress' wisdom on such matters. He became...
Final Curve
Final curve the rain falling behind me seemed to land in sheets, ribbons of white that struck the dark pavement and obliterated it in a fountain of light.
Colin's Curves
. :3 **colin's curves** colin floated at one edge of the pool, calmly treading water with one hand gently resting against its side and the cool, chlorinated water lapping around his neck.
The Curve [18+]
"been working on your curve over the weekend?" "'course, been in the workshop for months!" i matched his swig. bitter. i grimaced while he looked away; it's the thought that counts. "looked good last week.
The curved sword
As a gratitude and a reminder, a temple was erected on the cliffs above the sea, where now the precious curved sword resides.
Love Unvalued
Some of you believe that love finds you but, in my twenty seven year life it's never that simple. My name is, Slate Destro I'm a German Sheppard hybrid. For the last nine years I've been working at a small software company. Everyone that I work with...
Learning curve (Yellowstripe)
**learning curve** by strega "you need me to do what?", yellowstripe growled.
The Curved Path Ahead
The edge of the sword fluttered in and out, curving back and forth until the two lines met at the end in a sharp point, deadly but beautiful. the curved blade, when held at the right angle, looked like the body of a beautiful woman.
Learning curves 4
#4 of learning curves james looked into the mirror at his tear and cum stained face. his ears were still ringing from the shouting. none of it had been aimed at him it had all been between brian and his mother.
learning curves 3
#3 of learning curves james didn't speak for a few seconds. he tried to gulp back a growing lump in his throat. he leaned forward covering his eyes with his paws as he felt tears being to form.
Learning curves 2
#2 of learning curves james wrinkled his muzzle a little feeling the tightness of matted fur on it, he realised that brian's cum must have dried on his muzzle.
Learning curves 1
#1 of learning curves "but mom i want to stay at home" brian groaned as his mother pulled up into the drive of a small suburban house. white picket fences and a small tree, shading a tidy lawn leading up to a typical suburban house.