The Villain's Web
#19 of Stories
Full Story commission for BlackDragon1800
This one was really pleasant to work with, thank you so much for commissioning me! ^_^ Would love to write more stuff like this~ This is a high fantasy / horror themed erotica.Warning! Contains rape / non-con!
Approx 8600 words / 11 pagesKink list:
Male / Female interaction
Male black dragon (anthro) / Female feline (anthro)
Dungeons & Dragons themed
High fantasy setting
Vampire kink (with bite)
Rape / non-con
Bondage / suspension
Hope you enjoy the read, let me know what you think below!
The artist of the background picture is Mrawl who did this piece for BlackDragon1800 . The story contains his characters Phoebe and Rayiner as well as my own Valcyrie who does a guest appearance.
The stone wall was cold as the grave against her back, the chill seemed to even creep through her
leather armour. The corridor was dimly lit by moonlight and the occasional torch and candle,
enough to make out silhouettes at least. Phoebe took a careful look around the corner and saw the
shape of something moving. That was all she needed to confirm, as her ears had already picked up
the sound of slow moving and dragging steps. The pale shape did seem to be yet another undead.
The place seemed to be crawling with them, another one waiting around every corner. This one
hadn't seen her yet. She carefully pulled out yet another arrow from her quiver. The arrow was
black with a silver tip and white feathers - a magical arrow she had picked up at the marketplace
back in the town they had just come from. She nocked it and carefully leaned out around the corner
again. There it was. Ugly, pale, rottening... she slowly and silently turned out around the corner
while simultaneously drawing the bow and taking aim. Her fingers were nimble and swift, as was
her eyes, and only a second later she let loose. There was a quiet swish as the arrow left her bow,
and in the same moment as the fletching passed the bow she turned back behind her corner. She
heard the arrow hit its mark with a wet crunch, followed by a surprised gurgle from the creature. In
the next second there was a bright flash of gold that lit up the entire corridor and she heard the
creature let out a horrific roar that quickly fell silent, followed by the sound of a body dropping. She
waited, patiently counting to a full minute before carefully peeking around the corner again. The
pale creature was no more, only a pile of burning undead flesh on the floor, the flames displaying
large dancing shadows on the walls. Phoebe quickly got up, nocked another arrow and sprinted
down the corridor towards the corpse. Once she reached it, she kneeled down next to it and looked
around, listening and watching. But the rest of the corridor was dead silent, not a single movement
or sound but the fire and her own breath, even if her heartbeat was thundering loud in her ears. She
gave the corpse a nudge and it rolled over, but revealed no treasure nor clues. She slowly got up
again and continued down the corridor, every part of her body tense, ready to react in an instant.
The adventure was not as exciting any more since she lost her party. What had started out as a
regular treasure run had now turned to a sheer struggle for survival. Phoebe was a white-ish grey
genet who had learned to master the craft of both thievery, stealth and magic. She and her travel
partner Valcyrie - a black dragoness sorceress - had met up with a band of dwarves at the local
tavern and decided to sign up for a mission together. They had been tasked by the priests of the
local temple to locate - and eradicate - a vampire that was plaguing the lands. While a vampire was
a worthy adversary by all means, they had been well equipped and had been pretty sure that they
would have the upper hand in this encounter. On top of the reward from the temple the vampire was
rumoured to possess large amounts of treasure, likely some powerful magical items at that, which
had made it very interesting for both girls to accept the quest. Sadly, as often happens with such
quests, nothing had gone their way ever since they arrived
The vampire was not just a vampire, but a vampire lord. On top of that, his castle was a colossal
ruin constantly roamed by his minions and undead servants. While that had turned the tables a bit,
they had still signed a contract and the massive loot that they were likely to find in there had still
pushed them to continue. They had met surprisingly little resistance at first, but their fears had
become true when they had suddenly gotten ambushed in one of the halls. The sudden attack from
behind had forced Phoebe and Val to part from the dwarves who were locked in melee combat.
Running up a set of stairs had saved their lives, but they had left their company without support and
the warriors were now likely dead. Well up the stairs, they had found themselves in another corridor
but were quickly surrounded by enemies who were closing in to the noise of the battle below. They
had gotten thrown right into another fight, during which Valcyrie had been overpowered and
pinned, whereby Phoebe decided to make a run for it. Last she saw of her, the dragoness was being
dragged towards the dungeons, kicking and screaming. Phoebe had spent a long while just running,
dodging other enemies and sprinting from room to room, sometimes chased and even jumping
between balconies to get away. Finally she had managed to shake the last of her pursuers and found
shelter in a small room close to the attic. There she had finally found some time to sit down, catch
her breath and get something to eat and drink to clear her head. She had no clue where she was or
how to find her way back out; and it would be preferable if she could find a way to free Valcyrie
from the dungeons as well, but that was an almost impossible task. Even getting out was hard
enough as it was, and considering all the magic traps she had found so far, she might have to try and
kill the vampire lord to even have a chance to get away; which was no job for a lonely adventurer.
But in the end, the only way is through, and thus she found herself where she was now, carefully
progressing through the corridors deeper into the heart of the castle. Hopefully she would find
Valcyrie on the way and the two of them could confront the vampire lord.
She snuck up to the next corner and carefully peeked around it. Further down the corridor was yet
another ghoulish creature, but this time with its back turned towards her. It seemed to be looking out
a balcony, keeping watch of whatever was below. Phoebe crouched down behind some cobwebbed
crates that were stacked against the wall, took aim and fired. The arrow hit the creature in the
shoulder, giving out another flash of golden light. The ghoul screeched horribly and spun around,
but by the time it saw her Phoebe had already nocked another arrow and sent it flying as the
creature started to advance on her. It hit the ghoul square in the face, and its skull exploded in a
shower of blood, slime and golden light. She quickly nocked yet another arrow, but as she stood up
she noticed that she was stuck on something. Looking down she saw that she had stepped into some
thick strands of cobweb that were so strong she had to struggle a bit and pull with brute force to get
free. Once she did, she stepped back and looked over the webs. What kind of spider could even spin
such a web? Did she actually want to know? She shuddered at the thought and proceeded to
carefully walk down the corridor, ready to let another arrow loose at any time.
Upon reaching the end of the corridor her heart jumped with joy. Finally a staircase leading down!
It was a spiral stairs and she figured she must have found one of the smaller towers. With a little
luck, this could take her down several floors. She carefully peeked down the ledge, but the stairs
just disappeared into darkness below. Hadn't it been for her feline eyes it would probably have been
almost pitch black, but she could at least orient herself. Step by step she started her way down the
stairs. She was careful to step as close to the wall as she could to not make a single sound, not even
the squeaking of wooden stairs. When she had reached about one floor down there was suddenly a
loud click above her, followed by a rattle. She looked up quickly and saw the stair above her head
fold and fall. She only had time to think "Oh, crap!" before the stair she was standing on gave way
and she fell over. What was stairs just a few seconds ago had now turned into a bumpy slide which
she tumbled down without control. The decline was steep and she lost all sense of direction as she
slammed into walls and stairs at increasing speeds. It hurt a lot, and she couldn't help but let out a
loud yelp of terror and pain. Then finally, the reluctant ride came to an end and she found herself
tumbling out onto a flat stone floor, landing against something soft. Confused and hurting she
blinked and tried to stand up, only to find herself stuck in something sticky again. She looked
around, and as her vision cleared after the rush downwards she saw cobweb. So much cobweb. It
was as if the room was almost covered in it; the floor, the walls, the roof, the beams, there was
cobweb everywhere. Thick, sticky strands that she had to thrash and pull to rip herself free from.
What was this place? A demon spiders den?
She heard movement in the darkness around her and spun around. It came from several different
directions, a creepy grinding noise and the click-clacking of claws on stone. She tried to listen to
exactly where it came from and how close it was, ending up in her spinning around several times on
the spot as her heart started to race. Pearls of sweat were starting to push through her fur and she
wiped her brow with the back of her hand, before shakily moving the hand in a sweeping motion
around the top of the bow. A moment later an orb of light manifested, hovering above the bow and
spreading light through the dark room. She froze on the spot. In front of her, no more than 30 feet
away, were several huge spiders with legs as big as her arms. A few more came down from the
ceiling, thick threads of web leaving their behinds, glistening and sticky.
"Oh f-fuuh-fuuuck..." Phoebe stuttered. Her body was frozen with fear for a moment as the light of
her little orb was reflected in dozens of eyes, all focused on her. She swallowed hard once and tried
her best to keep her breathing and pulse under control. "Whatever happens, don't panic." she told
herself and slowly stood more upright. Then, as one, the spiders started to move forward towards
She didn't even think, it came purely on instinct. Her hand shot forward, launching a small ember
towards the oncoming creepy crawly wall of legs and mandibles. The little ember tumbled through
the air, rapidly growing in size and brightness. Half a second later it smashed into the group of
spiders, lighting up in an enormous flame with a force that almost sent Phoebe tumbling over
backwards. Smoke, fire, blood and limbs filled the air and the room to the point of Phoebe having to
cower and cover her face with her hands from the blast. As the shockwave passed her she blinked
up to witness the massacre in front of her. Smoldering cobwebs, spider limbs dangling from their
nets. But as she looked around, more movements were coming. She dropped her bow to pull her
sword. It was her life, or theirs.
She swung and stabbed, dancing and spinning with the blade. She gracefully managed to avoid
getting bitten - she did not even want to know what the venom would do to her. She knew that
smaller insects basically liquefied inside their own skin, and she had no intention of experiencing
that. What proved the greater adversary was all the webs that she kept getting tangled up in. Finally,
exhausted as she was, she spotted an opening and dashed for it, jumping over strands of cobweb and
crushing baby spiders the size of her hand under her boots. Then, out of nowhere there was a
massive cobweb right in front of her. She was mid air in a jump and could only helplessly flail as
she landed against it. It immediately stuck to her and she started to thrash around wildly. "No! No!
Not now! Not now!" She thought, feeling the panic start to bubble up inside her. But the more she
struggled, the more she seemed to get stuck. For some reason, this web was impossible to rip apart.
Instead she just wiggled and swung around in it, not getting free. The spiders chasing her must be
all over her at any moment...
That was when she noticed a large, dark shadow slowly come up in front of her. She started to
thrash even wilder and even let out a few panicked screams. This was not how it was supposed to
end! Not here, not now, not like this! She could feel the panic pulse through her veins, throb
through her head with thundering hissing noises. And then, suddenly, came a voice out of the dark.
"Shush shush little kitty, do not fret...~"
Phoebe pulled her head up and stared around, her gaze bewildered.
"Who's there?! Who spoke?!" She thrashed some more but still couldn't get free. The shadow in
front of her slowly crept closer and as it came within distance of her little light orb, she saw that it
was not a spider. Instead it was the outline of a humanoid with big, dark wings. A dim blue light
glowed from what seemed to be magical tattoos over his body. Phoebe stopped thrashing and just
looked at him. The glowing patterns fit a certain description all too well.
"You... it's you!" Phoebe cried out. "Let me go!"
"Yes, it is me... and it seems to me, you fell right into my little trap! Was it not nicely designed?"
"Your trap?"
"Yes, my trap. You see, I'm not very fond of running, so it's much easier to have the spiders do the
chase for me." He stepped even closer and she could now clearly see the outline of a black dragon
with large white fangs sticking out from his maw. There was no doubt any more. This was the
vampire lord.
Phoebe didn't know what to say. She didn't quite know what to do either, which was unusual for
her. Her chances of defeating him had already been low, but stuck, disarmed and at his mercy made
matters so much worse. She realized she had pretty much only one way to go from here.
"So is this really your way of doing things? Letting insectoid minions chase your next victim into a
trap where you can just take over when there's no risk? Do you have any balls at all? Fight me like
an equal. If you're so strong and powerful, that should be no issue for you!"
The dragon stopped and smirked at her, looking at her and smiling as her newly found confidence
slowly started to fall back into fear again. When he saw the fear and insecurity in her eyes he
smirked again.
"Yes, this is my way of doing things. You see, once you're the big bad boss, one of the many
luxuries is that I no longer have to do all the hard work myself. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't sow or
plough fields if you had enough coin..."
He stepped up to her, placing a claw under her chin and gently scratching. She tried to pull her head
away, but he followed her and kept scratching as if forcefully petting an angry pet.
"As for my balls..." He grasped her chin hard and pulled her head over to look at him. His eyes met
hers and he grinned deviously. His fingers pressed into her cheeks so hard it caused her to grit her
teeth and wince in pain. "... I very much have a working pair, as you soon will experience."
Her eyes shot open and stared at him, now suddenly very fearful. The dragon grinned even wider at
the sight - to see controlled panic like this in his victim always turned him on immensely. He
cocked his head at her, his fingers still pressed into her cheeks.
"Hmmh? Lost your ability to speak now?"
Phoebe just let out a low, spitty hiss forced out between her teeth. The dragon sighed and shook his
"We cannot have it like this. Such disrespect cannot be tolerated. It seems as if I might have to teach
you a lesson or two..."
The webs holding her shifted and she found herself hanging horizontally, suspended at waist height
from the floor, dangling helplessly. The drake stepped up next to her, letting his claw trace along her
jawbone and down her neck and shoulder.
"First of all, the name is Lord Rayiner, and I shall be titled as such. Do you understand?"
Phoebe did not answer.
"Do you understand?!" He growled as his hand slipped back up and gripped her neck. She
immediately squeaked and nodded, to which he grinned.
"Good, you're learning already. So what do we say?"
"Yes what?"
"Yes... my Lord."
"Hmmph, now we're speaking~" Rayiner let out a content huff and gave her shoulder a few pats -
hearing it alone had caused a stir and a throb in his loins. He continued to slowly walk around her,
tracing a claw over her shoulder, her arm and down her flank. "Now... I think I shall call you...
Pearl. For you are beautiful, and have astonishing shapes..." His claw traced down the curve of her
back and up over her rump before trailing down her thigh. "Oh yes, you will do fine. A pearl. A
cherished possession..."
"Hey, I'm not your... plaything!" Phoebe started to fiercely wiggle in her restraints.
"Oh but you are~" Rayiner trailed his claw down her calf and down under her paw, tickling the
underside of it, smiling as it made her leg twitch. "You are very much in my possession, and just
like with any beautiful treasure I find, I aim to add you to my... collection~"
Phoebe froze. Collection? How many girls did he have here? The place seemed completely void of
all living things. Only dead servants... the realization hit her like a sledgehammer.
"A-are you going to kill me..?" she asked with a poorly hidden shake in her voice.
"Kill is such a harsh word. So blunt, brutal... classless, if you will. No, I prefer giving life. Eternal
life, perhaps." His claw trailed up her other leg as he started to walk around her, until he placed his
hand firmly on her rear and gave it a few squeezes. "I must say, you do look wonderful. Makes me
even more curious to know how you look under all of this cumbersome armour of yours. After all,
someone so pretty could serve me really well. Again..." He started tracing his claw up her flank.
"... and again..." His claw traced up over her shoulder. "... and again." He finished by trailing his
claw up around her ear, playfully tugging at one of her rings before gently brushing through her
hair, almost affectionately. "Yes... you would make a wonderful daughter of the night." He stopped
right in front of her, his crotch barely inches away from her nose. As he finished speaking, he
grabbed her hair a bit harder as if to show he had control over her. Phoebe closed her eyes hard.
This had to be a bad dream, a really bad dream. Suddenly, she preferred the spiders over this.
He let go of her hair and started a new lap around her, tugging a bit at the webs that held her
suspended. Then his claws started to trace the outlines of her armour, tugging lightly at its bindings.
Phoebe swallowed down a sob and tried to wiggle away from him. With a tone full of bitterness she
"Please... don't humiliate me like this. Let me keep my honour."
"Humiliate?" Rayiner cocked his head down at her and then shook it. "Who ever said anything
about humiliate? I just acquire treasure, as far as I'm aware." And with that, he hooked his claws
around the bindings and ripped the straps open. Phoebe gasped as she felt her armour suddenly
starting to hang loose. Soon he grabbed her waist with one hand, while ripping the armour straps
apart with the other. One by one he tore them off, until the armour that protected her torso fell to the
floor with a dull smack. It felt very odd, carrying armour on her arms and legs, but only underwear
on her body.
"My Lord, please..." Phoebe tried to make her voice sound stable as she begged him, but Rayiner
didn't even bother to answer her. Instead his hands now eagerly explored her half-naked body,
brushing through her fur and trailing her curves. After a little while, the silence was broken by a
deep purr from the dragon.
"Mmmh, you do look absolutely stunning under that armour, I was right. Now, let's see what you
feel like..."
He ripped apart the seams of her bra and it fell to the floor, causing her to gasp. Immediately one of
his eager hands came down to cup her breast and massage it as he purred even louder.
"Soft and supple, outright wonderful... oh yes, those will be mine. I love those."
Phoebe felt herself blush at the strange mix of terror, awkwardness and compliments. He came back
around in front of her, reaching down to cup both her breasts and massage them between his fingers.
He let out an excited grunt and couldn't help but buck his hips, making the bulge in his pants rub up
against her nose, causing her to squeak. He chuckled at the noise and stepped over to her side again,
stroking a hand down her back and up to her rump. He groped and squeezed her round and tender
butt cheeks for a while, before folding a claw around her panties and ripping them apart too. Phoebe
felt herself turn scarlet as her panties fell and his paws got even more touchy. One of them slipped
down between her thighs and she could feel his fingers stroke against her slit.
"Mmh, soft like silk. God you're fuckable, why haven't I met you before? My cock aches just
thinking about it..."
"My Lord, please, I-"
"Ssh ssh ssh." He hushed at her, pulled his hand back up and carefully licked his finger. Then he
brought it back down, prodded her folds and a moment later, pushed it into her. Phoebe gasped and
started to flail wildly in her net.
"No! No! No no no! Nooo!"
"I said, be quiet!" A hand came down and grasped her snout mid scream, squeezing it shut. She
continued to scream through her nose, the first sobs and tears no longer possible to hold back as he
fingered her. Having him inside her felt outright awful and she wanted nothing more than to get
away. He kept her maw shut for a little while longer while letting his finger explore her nethers until
he eventually pulled out and slowly licked his finger clean.
"Oh yeah, you taste wonderful too. Definitely keeping you."
He let go of her maw as well, and Phoebe immediately started to thrash about in the web and
scream at the top of her lungs.
"Be quiet. I said, be quiet! BE QUIET!"
His claws pressed into her cheeks, hard. It hurt a lot and she closed her eyes and scrunched her face,
yet he only pushed harder until she opened her maw with a gasp of pain.
"That's better, now lets make sure you shut up."
Phoebe heard the rattle of clothing and belt clips, and looked up just to see him undo his pants. Her
eyes went wide and she tried to pull away, but couldn't. He held her jaw like a vise with one hand,
unbuttoning his pants with the other until they fell to the floor, and a rock hard dragon cock sprung
out right before her nose. She tried to shake her head and pull back, but it was useless. He pulled
her nose up a bit, the claws in her cheeks forcing her mouth open. For a moment he just looked
down at her. The wide horrified eyes, the warm, wet open maw just beneath them with a soft
wonderful tongue and a tight throat that swallowed repeatedly. Rayiner cocked his head back, let
out a soft grunt and bucked his hips forward. His cock throbbed excitedly as it graced her lips. As
he felt the warm wetness of her tongue against his shaft he closed his eyes and shuddered. It had
been too long.
Phoebe wanted to throw up as the shaft slipped in between her lips and mushed itself against her
tongue. The drake before her curled his toes and shuddered, thrusting in between her lips very
gently with his eyes closed. Phoebe closed her eyes as well, trying to pretend she were somewhere
else. Time and time again the shaft slid over her tongue, getting harder and bigger until it started to
leak pre-cum onto her tongue and into the back of her maw. That made her gag, but he did not seem
to mind. Rather, he started to thrust faster and more eagerly into her maw, panting and snorting
"Look at me."
Phoebe tried to process the sound. Had someone just talked to her? She wasn't sure.
"Look at me!"
This time the voice was much sharper and more demanding. She blinked her eyes open and looked
up. A pair of orange eyes stared into hers. The gaze was entrancing and she couldn't help but look
"Now... be a good girl and swallow properly."
For a moment she wasn't sure what he meant, but in the very next moment the hand that had pushed
her maw open now came around to the back of her head and pushed her forward. She felt his cock
hit the back of her maw before slowly bending and pushing down. The sudden feeling of something
large so far back in her mouth caused her to gag hard, but he pushed on relentlessly with a steady
grip around the back of her head.
Feeling the tightness of her throat around his eager throbbing cock while simultaneously watching
her eyes tear up in horror and humiliation was one of the best feelings Rayiner knew. He shuddered
in pleasure as the base of his shaft graced her lips and tongue, his tip far down in her throat, leaking
pre-cum. She gagged hard around his shaft but he held her still for a while to get her used to it,
before pulling back. The moment he pulled out she gasped, coughed and spat and he let her regain
her breath before he took a new grasp and pushed in, less tender this time. She gurgled around his
shaft and flailed, her eyes going wide as she struggled to breathe and not vomit at the same time.
Once more he just held her still for a while before pulling back out. He repeated this action several
times until her throat slowly started to get used to the presence. Once she no longer gagged so hard
he let out a pleased growl.
"Good girl~"
And with those words, he suddenly grabbed her head with both his hands and shoved his cock down
her throat with full force. He pulled out and thrust back in, letting his little Pearl bounce back and
forth before him. Her throat was so wet and so tight, it felt absolutely wonderful. She gagged and
coughed around his shaft several times but to no avail. He was too excited and way too pent up to
stop now. His fingers curled around her hair, holding her tight and controlling her every move while
his hips rolled and thrust deep and hard into her throat over and over again, as if he was rutting a
bitch. The wet sloppy sounds combined with the coughs and gurgling gags from his little prisoner
was like music to his ears and he took her eagerly, already feeling his orgasm build up. Just
moments later he grunted and shuddered, pressing her head so hard against his crotch she couldn't
breathe through her nose. She thrashed and wiggled but had no chance of getting away as his shaft
throbbed hard inside her maw and throat. She coughed and soon felt the taste of cum on her tongue.
Tears were streaming down her face from both humiliation and exhaustion. Finally he pulled his
shaft out and she gasped for air while feeling spurt after spurt of cum land on her tongue, then over
her lips. He ended up resting it on her nose, giving a few more shots of cum over her nose and face.
She closed her eyes and could feel the warm sticky liquid slowly dribble down her face, over her
eyes and cheeks, coating her nose and lips until it was hard to breathe and she had to lick herself
clean with her tongue and swallow, all while he watched. When she was finally done and carefully
blinked her eyes open again, he smirked down at her.
"Good girl, very good girl... now, clean me up as well."
The still semi-hard shaft wagged in front of her nose, coated in cum and saliva. She blinked away
tears and shook her head, to which he renewed his grip around her hair and pulled hard. She yelped
in pain, grimaced and with a sob went to work. She sucked him back into her maw, sucking and
licking it as clean as she could. The cum was sticky and it took her several attempts before his shaft
was completely clean from any cumstain. He observed her work, smiled down at her and let go of
her hair to instead pat her head.
"See? Not so bad, is it? You've been a very good girl."
He looked up at the webs still holding her and gave them a tug to make sure they were still steady.
"Now... you've satisfied my needs tonight, but I'll be sure to come back tomorrow for more. About
the same time. You should be hungry enough by then to devour every little drop of seed I can give
He smirked down at her and turned around, picking up his pants from the floor. He buckled them
back up as he walked off, purring loudly and contently while making some weird hand gestures that
she didn't fully understand. Did he just cast some kind of silent spell? She wasn't sure. For now, she
was too tired to think clearly and just let herself hang in the webs for a while, panting and trying to
regain her breath and consciousness.
She was not sure how much time had passed. An hour? 2? 8? She had no idea. She had been zoning
in and out of consciousness and lost track of both time and space. Slowly she started to come to her
senses and lifted her head to look around. The room was dead quiet and smelled of dust, and she
was still hanging suspended in the cobweb. Suddenly she remembered what had happened, gasped
and twitched to look around. She started to rock back and forth, but as far as she could see in the
dark, the room was empty. No movements but her own, not a sound, not even a breath or a step. Her
gaze wandered up the spun webs that had caught her, and she let out a furious little scream as she
started to thrash in it. Then suddenly, there was a ripping sound. She froze for a moment and looked
up. There was a tear in one of the webs holding her. With her heart pounding and her shaky breath
filled with triumphant excitement she started to pull and tug hard, watching as the tear slowly got
bigger and bigger until it snapped and fell. One arm was free! She immediately reached for the
dagger at her belt, pulled it and started to frantically cut the other strands that snapped, one by one.
She fell to the floor with a soft thud, putting the dagger back into its sheath before rubbing her sore
wrists and ankles. She then carefully looked around again, nosing at the dull, thick air as she slowly
rose back up. She stroked a hand over one part of the armour that covered her arm and another ball
of light rose from it. She turned around, looking in all directions. Cobweb and dust everywhere, and
footprints after the dragon and spiders, but otherwise completely empty. However, her bow was also
gone. That stung, but at least she was still alive. With her heart starting to pound nervously, she
carefully pulled up her dagger again and started to sneak down the room, looking for a way out.
Further down the room was a door. Peeking through the keyhole, it seemed as if there was an empty
corridor on the other side. She carefully pulled the door open and peeked out. Empty and deserted
here as well. He must have been very sure she was safely trapped in that web. With her heart
pounding in her throat, she carefully sneaked down the corridor, one step at a time, trying to find a
good exit. She soon came to a large window, but noticed she seemed to be on the 5th floor and there
was no decent way down from here, and way too high to fall. She had to find another way down.
Finally, at the very end of the corridor was another stairwell. This time she inspected the steps very
closely to ensure they would not fold and make a slide, but they seemed stable, sturdy and very
much nailed in place. She carefully started her way down the stairs and reached one floor further
down. She peeked out into the corridor here, but it too seemed deserted and silent. She continued
yet another floor down and peeked out, but just as she did she heard a deep voice behind her.
"What are you doing here?"
She spun around on the spot, just to find herself face to face with a red-eyed vampire spawn. She
nearly stumbled backwards at the sight of him, and as he reached for her she yelped, spun out into
the corridor and started running.
"Escape! She's escaping!" the spawn bellowed after her as he started to chase her.
Panic hammered in her chest and tear brimmed in her eyes as she ran down the corridor. Doors were
opened behind her and more and more vampires and ghouls came after her. Soon she cried as she
ran, throwing herself in through one door and out another, running aimlessly between rooms,
corridors and halls, all while more and more enemies seemed to gather in the pursuit. She opened
yet another door, leapt in through it, slammed it shut behind her, turned around and... felt herself
get stuck in something thick and sticky again. For a moment, she didn't even dare to look. But
slowly she opened her eyes and looked around. She was back inside the very same webbed room
and had gotten stuck in its thick webs again. She snarled and tried to rip herself free, but for some
strange reason the more she struggled, the more stuck she got. Then suddenly she felt herself get
pulled up and suspended mid air again and a voice spoke behind her:
"Tut tut tut... I thought we had a lesson on how to behave, already. You must be a very slow learner.
Or perhaps you just refuse to obey? We surely know how to punish bad students here..."
"No!" she screamed as he adjusted the length of the ropes that now seemed to magically wrap
themselves around her arms and legs, around her body, tying her up and lifting her tail. The sticky
ropes had a sickly green glow to them and must be enchanted by magic.
"No, please! Let me go!" she started to sob, but heard the drake only laugh behind her.
"No, never letting my little pearl go. You are my treasure, remember?"
She started to thrash violently in her bonds but the more she struggled, the tighter it got until she
could barely move. She squirmed and squealed, equally horrified to frustrated. This all felt like a
nightmare that would never end. That she could run and run but would never get out. Without even
realizing it, the panic overtook her and she started to cry. Streams of tears ran down her cheeks as
she screamed out in fear and frustration. But as she wiggled fiercely she felt a steady hand at her
hip, holding her in place as the tip of his shaft graced her folds. She started to scream and try to
kick, but stood no chance.
"There there, my little pearl..." he mused. "... don't fret. Soon we will be together, forever. I just
want to make sure to break you in before I turn you..."
She screamed in terror and humiliation. She screamed until her voice cracked and her claws tore at
the ropes without making a single tear in them. It slowly dawned on her that she would in fact never
get out of here, at least not alive. That soon, she would just be one more to his collection, her
memory wiped out from history in a lost person report. She felt his grip around her waist harden
and how the tip of his shaft pushed in between her folds, rubbing along her slit slowly, almost
teasingly. Her screams turned into panicked sobs as she cried and shook in her bonds.
"No, please, please please please..."
She quivered under his touch. Having him inside her, inside her most personal and holy space, was
the worst thing she could imagine. She could hear his growling, excited purrs as he kept sliding his
length along her folds, tip pushing just lightly against her opening before sliding off. He kept doing
it again and again, and each time she braced for an impact that never came. Soon she realized that
he was still just playing games with her, and she cried out again.
"Please stop, please! Don't do this to me! I'll do anything, tell you anything, please..."
"Oh, I just want to make sure you know your lesson."
He growled out the last word, and as he did, he slid his shaft up from her folds, just an inch, to the
next exposed hole right under her tail.
The whole time he had actually been teasing himself. Just slowly sliding his shaft against her folds
until she turned slightly moist, even if it was very much against her own will. It was a pure bodily
function that was out of her control. The rubs pushed against his sensitive spots and soon made his
shaft throb eagerly, globs of slippery pre-cum oozing out of his tip, lubing up her slit even more and
thereby as well his own shaft. Soon he was aching with lust and his shaft was well lubed up with his
own pre. When he then slid up from her folds and up to her rear and pushed in, he was already
lubed up and ready. She was not. Her ass was so tense he grunted and had to struggle, grabbing her
waist with both hands and pulling her back onto him while he bucked his hips to ensure the proper
position of his tip. Slowly he stared to sink into the now shrieking little genet whose claws had
extracted fully and was flexing wildly in reaction to the pain. He shuddered and grunted as he felt
the tight pulsing ring squeeze his shaft so tightly it was almost on the brink of painful for him too.
At the same time, entering something so tight felt absolutely wonderful and his shaft throbbed so
hard it almost jumped inside of her from the sensation. He leaned in over her and kept pushing in
until his knot met her entrance. He was not yet inflated but it still provided some extra girth. Could
she handle it? He wiggled his hips, grinding and pushing, and finally felt how he slipped in all the
way, his cock fully sheathed inside her tight rump that clamped down around his base, holding the
knot inside. She squealed and sobbed from the pain, causing her rear to throb even harder around
his cock, only helping to milk out more pre inside of her. He let out a chuckling snort.
"God damn girl, you're tighter than a kobold..."
He bucked his hips and struggled a bit to pull out, before slamming himself back in. He still had to
struggle a little to get the knot in, but it worked. He repeated this motion and lifted his head,
groaning and roaring out his pleasure into the air above her. Soon his lustful eagerness took over
and as she was slowly stretched out he fucked her hard and fast, his hips slamming against hers with
wet slapping noises. He could feel all of his muscles flex and work, pumping her full of hard dragon
cock as deep as she could take it. She already had one load in her gut, it was time to give her
another. And the perk of fucking her so soon again was that this time, he would last way longer,
which meant more pleasure for him... and more breaking in for her.
It felt as if her rear was on fire. A sharp stabbing pain as he pushed in, as if she was being torn open.
He was not badly equipped either, and handling his full size inside her pussy alone would be bad,
but her rear had never seen cock before and was not prepared in any regard. She writhed and cried
out in pain for a long time before the worst of it receded. Slowly but surely her ass started to get
used to the intruder and formed itself after him, but it still hurt badly and felt as if his shaft was
dressed in barbed wire. Soon she just gritted her teeth, breathed through her nose in shallow sharp
breaths and let him have a go at her. Trying to own the pain was the best that she could do right
now. But just as she was getting used to the rut, he suddenly pulled out, causing her to gasp and
breath heavily as the pain eased up a bit. She felt her arms being lifted up so that she half-hung from
the ceiling, as if she had been sitting on her knees mid air. And then, with a sharp pain and a gasp
from her, he was back inside her. He pumped his rock hard throbbing shaft up into her, causing her
entire body to make a slight jump and her tits jiggle and bounce. He slammed himself hard into her,
even if the pace was slow and he grunted for every thrust. The angle was really uncomfortable for
her and she bit her lip to avoid screaming again. Instead she clung to the ropes as if they were her
only hope, tried to control her breath in between the sobs and champion through it. She started to
zone in and out of reality again, starting to lose track of time and space, when she was suddenly
spun around.
With a surprised yelp she found herself hanging with her back towards the floor and looking up at
the drake who once more came up behind her. She saw the moonlight from the window make his
wet shaft glisten and his white, sharp fangs gleam while the orange eyes glowed eerily. She could
see her own folds glisten with moisture as well and she hated it. She hated how her body was
betraying her, how it was accepting the very treatment she tried so hard to resist and escape. He
placed his hands on her thighs and rump and gave her a push. She felt herself swing backwards and
wondered what on earth he was up to - until the swing slowed down, and she started to swing back
towards him, faster and faster. He leaned back a bit, his cock out like a spear towards her. She
barely had time to think before she slammed into him with her full bodyweight, his dick pushing
into her so hard and fast that for a moment she thought the balls must have slipped in along with it.
She could no longer hold back but yelped in pain, whining and crying. He pushed her away again,
but this time held onto her and slammed her back towards him. She had never been fucked so hard
in her life and it was an insane feeling. The drake seemed to like it however, for he groaned and
almost moaned for every time he hilted his shaft inside of her. Soon he started to shudder and huff,
before he let out a loud groan. She felt his shaft throb hard, and knew what was happening. He was
cumming inside of her, filling her with his hot sticky seed, marking her as his. She closed her eyes
and felt new tears run down her face from the sheer humiliation.
His orgasm hit him hard. He bucked and rolled his hips as he slammed himself into his little pearl,
cumming so hard the throbs were almost painful. He nearly lost his balance as she swung away
from him again and he had to hold on to one of the ropes himself to not fall over. Before the knot
could inflate to full size and tie him with his newly found prey he slipped out and the throbs caused
the last few spurts of cum to shoot out over her belly and her folds, giving them a nice white
coating. He grabbed his shaft with his free hand and stroked it a few more times, rubbing and
massaging his knot, catching his breath and grinning as a few more spurts of cum landed on her
belly and thighs. For a moment he stood there, just looking at her and admiring his own work,
before he leaned in and gave her folds a long wet lick. That caused her to widen her eyes in surprise
and gasp. He smirked at her and dove in, giving a few eager licks along her slit and teasing her
entrance with his tongue. She was lightly moist so he made sure to add a lot of saliva to her for what
he was about to do next. After a few minutes of teasing licks where he really got to taste her sweet
tangy nectar fully, he stepped back and pulled on the ropes. She eeped as she was suddenly hoisted
up into "knee-sitting" position again and he came up to her side.
"Now my pearl, you have been very very good to me. Time to make you mine... forever."
And with those words he slipped two fingers into her folds, starting to flex them inside her and
finger her, trying to hit all the good spots he knew. At the same time, he opened his jaws to sate the
one hunger he had not yet satisfied.
Phoebe gasped and arched her back, tensing up as she felt his fingers slip into her. His thumb
instantly went to rub her clit in small circular movements while his fingers inside pushed and
rubbed against her g-spot. She let out a weak cry of half-pleasure, half-horror and closed her eyes.
She did not want to cum. She did not want to give him that satisfaction. That he controlled her body
no matter what her mind said or did. "If there actually is a God, please do not let him win like
that..." she thought to herself. In that very moment she felt his jaws clamp down around her neck.
Her eyes opened wide in shock and terror and she gasped, but did not have time to pull away. His
fangs sunk into her neck and she flailed, trying to grab his jaws to pull them away from her, but her
hands were still stuck. She felt the horror as he pierced her artery and cried out one last horrified
"No..!" before the world started to go darker around her. At the same time she felt a warmth and
tension build up inside her core, and no matter how hard she tried to fight it, it came. She gasped
and shuddered in his grasp, her back arching and her body rolling in its restraints as wave after
wave of orgasmic bliss washed over her. Her folds squeezed his fingers rhythmically and her hips
rolled, almost as if she was riding his hand as her instinct took over, riding out the orgasm. Her eyes
rolled into the back of her head and everything started to fade away as he heard him purr-growl into
her ear:
"Good girl~"
"Alright, stop. Just stop."
Phoebe blinked as if waking up from a haze, that's how deep she had been invested in the fantasy.
She turned her head and looked over her glasses at the dragoness sitting next to her at the table.
Valcyrie glared at her and Rayiner, her hands at her hips.
"This is the third time you two do this! I've been waiting for my turn for 30 minutes!" she huffed.
Phoebe blushed and wiggled in her seat, staring down at her character sheet. That scene had made
her incredibly wet and she was sure she had left a stain on the seat at this point, having soaked
through her panties. Valcyrie looked over at Rayiner who was huffing and snorting excitedly behind
his DM screen. The table hid it, but she was sure he had a raging hard-on under there. Val sighed
and leaned in over the table, looking at the two. Rayiner had lowered himself behind his DM screen
so that only his horns were visible and Phoebe was still staring down at her character sheet; even
though her tail was making excited playful curls in the air, perfectly showing exactly what she
actually thought about it. Val sighed, dropped her d20 back onto the table and stood up. The die
rolled over and faced a 6 up at her.
"I'll go and order some pizza. You two should get a room."
She walked out into the kitchen to grab the phone. When she was out of the room, Phoebe shyly
looked over at Rayiner who carefully looked up over his screen, his gaze meeting hers. They looked
at each other and smiled, their eyes gleaming as they saw that the other had indeed liked it just as
much as it seemed. Perhaps it was time to take this campaign into some live action play, with or
without Phoebe's friend Valcyrie. Rayiner sure hoped for both, at least at some point, but Phoebe
was the one he really wanted. He slowly lowered his screen down flat over his scribbled plans and
papers, adjusted his t-shirt and gave Phoebe an inviting nod to follow him along to a more private