Starting Over

Story by Myles Cobalt on SoFurry

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Liam has made a few poor decisions and run afoul of the law. Faced with the choice between potentially years behind bars or an experimental new prison diversion program, the bighorn ram opts for the latter. He wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't being put back in diapers.

This story was crafted with input by my patrons over at Patreon, who also got to read it early. To support me in my writing, participate in polls for future work, and get early access to my stories, please consider joining them.

It was an easy choice.

Face up to ten years in the state penitentiary, or deal with a few months in an experimental prison diversion program. The program was a new initiative pushed by the governor designed to reduce recidivism. Liam had no idea what to expect going in, but no matter what trials they put him through it would surely beat a decade behind bars for a stupid mistake. His public defender had urged him to accept the plea bargain the moment the prosecutor put it on the table, and he couldn't scribble his signature any quicker. The project was only offered for nonviolent, newly-adult offenders, aged 18 to 25, and being 21, Liam fit squarely within that range.

The bighorn sheep had just arrived outside the group home where he would reside for the next several weeks with his haphazardly-packed suitcase clutched in his hooves. His parents (gruff mother still disappointed he had gotten drunk and stolen an expensive car for a joyride on his birthday, meek father merely relieved not to have a son who was dead, severely injured, or in prison from the event) were kind enough to drop him off and tearfully hugged him goodbye. He checked in with the rather bored-looking bull guard at the gate and waved to them one last time. They drove off down the long, winding road back into the city, tires kicking up a cloud of dust behind them, while the caprine made his way across the extensive grounds to the main entry.

Nobody escorted him between the gate and the house. There was a high wall surrounding the expansive lawn, with numerous lights and security cameras mounted upon it. He could run and maybe jump it, but as impetuous as he could be, Liam didn't relish the idea of being a fugitive when he had been gifted an opportunity to avoid hard time. As he walked, he spied a playground complete with tube slides and a jungle gym over the hedge in the backyard- far too new of a construction to have been part of the original garden- and a hopscotch board drawn in rainbow-hued chalk on the concrete.

The house itself was a 19th-century Gothic Revival mansion that had fallen into disrepair until it was purchased by the state to be refurbished for the purpose of the course. When the ram reached the front door he stared up at its edifice. It towered three stories upward, its imposing facade loomed over him with sharp angles in a way that made him feel small and insignificant. The iron bars over the windows made sense, considering the building's function, but it still clashed with the fresh paint and immaculately kept lawn. Above the door, a bright sign with cartoonish font read: Bairnwold Academy for Reconditioning, Rejuvenation, and Rehabilitation - "Taking you back to when your life was on track!"

He took a deep breath and rapped on the door.

It creaked open between his second and third knock. Inside was a paunchy, broad-shouldered badger in his mid 40s, smiling with unexpected warmth. It was the director of the program; Liam recognized him from his portrait in the articles about the place when he had researched it. The mustelid wore an open, brown tweed jacket over a plaid button up and a beige sweater vest. Like many anthros, he didn't wear anything covering his foot-paws, so his toes poked out under the legs of his khaki pants. He had a handsome, monochrome mask and a well-kept coat, even if his brow was a bit on the bushy side. A pair of rimless spectacles adorned his snout, resting low on his nose in front of his friendly, chocolate colored eyes, which sparkled where the sunlight struck them. Although the older fur wasn't particularly tall, he was still a couple of heads taller than Liam's stout frame.

The ram awkwardly thrust forth his hoof in greeting.

"Um, hi. I'm-"

The administrator ignored his offer to shake and instead playfully ruffled the tuft of fur on the top of the caprine's head with his heavy paw.

"You must be our new ward. The gate guard had already alerted me of your arrival, my little lamb," the badger said cheerfully. His voice was deep and his tone was pleasant, but it held an almost condescending cadence, as if he were humoring a young cub. Liam didn't appreciate being spoken down to and barely managed to bite his tongue. He didn't want to jeopardize his position in the program right at the start. "Liam, was it? It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Dr. Douglas, but the pupils here just call me Daddy Doug. Behave yourself and I am sure we can be friends. Why don't you come on in? I'll give you the grand tour and familiarize you with the curriculum here at Bairnwold."

There is no way I am calling you Daddy, the sheep thought, furrowing his brow.

His new guardian stepped aside. The house looked as grand on the inside as it did on the exterior. Douglas ushered his charge in with a light pat on the butt. The ram stifled an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes as they stepped into the foyer. His irritation with the director's demeanor made him tromp loudly enough that he became overly conscious of the echo his hooves made against the marble floor.

"Have a bit of a short fuse, do we?" the project head noted aloud. "A common problem. Don't you fret- we have methods for quashing temper tantrums here. You will be well acquainted with them in due time. Go ahead and set your suitcase along the wall there. We'll have one of our teachers place it in storage until you graduate from the program. You won't be needing it. We really must start putting that information in the new student enrollment packet. Now, I know just what you're thinking, lad: 'Teachers?' 'Graduate?' 'Student?' Yes, this is the terminology that we use here. Our aim is to mold you into the best anthro you can be, and we find that treating you like criminals for making a few bad choices is detrimental to that goal. I'm sure you will find our initiative here nothing like whatever it was that you were expecting."

Liam set down his luggage and followed Dr. Douglas down the hall as he started to explain the program.

"We theorize that antisocial and criminal behavior are often deeply rooted in childhood experiences. Thus, we have you experience the early years of your life anew under proper supervision with nurturing guidance, along with corrective punishments should they be deemed necessary."


"In brief, you will be treated like a young cub. After several days of good behavior, we will advance you a bit. Bad behavior will be punished. If your infractions are egregious enough, you will be regressed to an earlier state. You will start as an infant and be treated as such. Then a toddler, then a kid. Reliving early adolescence will start with tween years, and finally you would move onto your teens. The course lasts as long as it takes. As soon as you can prove that you can make it through this five-step syllabus, you will be released and your criminal record will be scrubbed clean of the inciting incident. So far, the average time of completion for this program is about 10 weeks, but we've had a few rambunctious troublemakers that must really have enjoyed it here. I believe the longest time it took for us to be successful was-" he tapped his chin pensively- "eight months perhaps?"

Eight months of sipping juice boxes, watching cartoons, and doodling with crayons? Liam doubted that it would take him that long. He intended to breeze through in the minimum possible time.

The director continued to speak as they meandered through the house.

"The upper floors are dorms for the students and teachers, separated by age groups, with a few rooms designated as indoor play spaces for rainy days. We will assign you a bed, or should I say a crib, shortly. The first floor is primarily classrooms, as well as the kitchen and cafeteria. The basement is used for new student orientation, medical treatment, and storage. Also for punishments of particularly naughty cubs, if needed." The horned fur didn't have time to ask him to elaborate before they stopped at a doorway. "We're going to quietly peek into a classroom for a few seconds so you can see what part of your day will be like, eventually at least; you'll be starting a lot less advanced than this."

Dr. Douglas cracked open the door and they both silently poked their heads inside. There were a multitude of low tables littered with crayons and scrap paper while the walls were covered in whimsical murals. Close to a dozen furs were seated on cushions on the floor, two to a table. Although all clearly adults, the anthros were dressed in colorful attire like shortalls and superhero t-shirts. Among them was a lion whose mane had been sheared off only recently began to grow back in as darker stubble. Liam felt bad for him for having that vestige of masculinity and maturity ripped from him. The grizzly bear at the front of the room was drawing numbers, letters, and basic shapes on a chalkboard while the students dutifully copied him on their own pieces of paper. Some looked bored or annoyed with their situation, others engaged with a surprising show of enthusiasm.

They withdrew and shut the door as quietly as they had entered.

The director eventually led him down the stairs into the basement. Like elsewhere in the building it was clean and brightly lit, and each room was clearly labeled on a plaque above the door. The orientation room was more of a nook through an open archway. It contained many cupboards and cabinets, a few chairs angled toward a desk with a laptop on top of it, and most notably, an oversized changing table painted in white, powder blue, and bubblegum pink. The chairs were sturdy and conspicuously had straps that buckled at the chest, wrists, and ankles.

"Right then. You've seen the facility and have been given a brief overview of how the program runs. Your paperwork has long since been filed away and as of the time you entered the grounds a little while back, you are officially in my custody until I deem you capable of returning to society. The more effort you put in, the more you cooperate, the quicker you can graduate. Everytime you encounter something new, one of the teachers or I will give you an explanation if needed. Don't worry, we are very patient. That said, this is a good chance for any questions you have before we get you, shall we say, looking the part."

"Looking the part?" Liam asked. He thought of the youthful clothing of the furs in the faux kindergarten classroom.

"Now I must insist on respect when being spoken to," the badger replied sternly, but still with an amiable tone. He cocked his head and raised an expectant brow.

"What exactly do you mean by looking the part, doctor?"

"Better, but my colleagues get to call me 'doctor.' As I mentioned before, you're to call me Daddy Doug, or just Daddy, if you'd rather."

Liam's nostrils flared. As he stated the inquiry for a third time. He had to grit his teeth to make it through the sentence.

"How will I have to look the part, Daddy?" he snarled.

"A bit rough on the delivery, but you're a fast learner. Good." The director beamed. "As to your question, first things first. We will be putting you in a diaper-" the bighorn opened his muzzle to interject, but Dr. Douglas held up a finger to shush him and continued- "Yes, you will be put in a diaper, which you will use as necessary to relieve yourself, then wait for changes from an authority figure. Eventually you will go through potty training and advance to pull-ups, then training pants, then to proper underwear, but diapers come first. Next, we will have to sand down those big old horns of yours to little nubs. Can't look like a lamb with such large horns. Don't you fret, I'm an expert. You won't feel a thing, and they will grow back in due time."

Liam's jaw dropped. He wasn't afraid of pain. He knew that his horns were endlessly growing bone with no nerve endings. He even had met more than a few rams who had accidentally cracked or broken one or both off, but it took him the better part of two decades to grow a pair as large as he had, and he wasn't looking forward to having the stumps of an adolescent until he was nearly 40.

"I'd rather go to prison!"

"I'm afraid that is no longer an option. You are my responsibility and I will not let you down. When you signed your waiver, you agreed to any and all methods that Bairnwold deemed necessary for this experimental project to work. You can cooperate, or you can be compelled." The badger glanced toward the belts on the chair while the bighorn thought of the powerful ursine teaching the class from earlier.

Liam's lip trembled.

"Don't pout now. Sulking and being stubborn won't do you any good. Any further questions?"

I'm not pouting!

The ram shook his head and stared at the to one side, trying not to tear up.

The director straightened his back and shot him a strict look down his black and white snout.

"No, Daddy," Liam spat.

Douglas's face returned to its signature smile. He clapped his paws together.

"Excellent! Now strip down. Set your clothes wherever and we will have them laundered and placed in storage with the rest of your possessions."

The mustelid stood back with his paws clasped behind his back and watched him. Realizing that he wasn't going to be allotted any privacy, Liam blushed profusely. He was sure that the scarlet was going to show through the fur on his cheeks and ears. The sheep wasn't prone to being self-conscious, but the situation made him feel anxious and helpless. He pulled off his shirt and cast it aside. After a moment's hesitation, he stripped off his jeans and boxers as well, standing starkly naked. Fully exposed, he unconsciously moved one arm across his chest and rubbed his other upper arm with his hoof, face still blazing like the sun.

He had a short, coarse pelt that was a washed-out shade of hazelnut with bright white splotches on the end of his muzzle as well as on his rump beneath his darker, stubby, downward pointing tail. His arms, from his elbows to his three hooved-fingertips on either hand, and his legs, from his knees to his hooves, were likewise snowy. He had a unique series of sable stripes on his mask, starting on his forehead and going down between his eyes, shaped like curved Vs. This natural crest faded and dissipated just as the tan of his fur gave way to the ashen patch ringing the tip of his snout. Around the sheep's shoulders and the upper part of his chest, he had a more plush layer of shag to his coat. A pair of thick, ridged, sandstone horns curled back to circle around his ears and eventually point forward and slightly outward at the level of his muzzle. It seemed they were going to soon be unfortunately gone. Liam was on the short side of average and was heavy set, but he carried his bit of extra pudge well, giving him a soft yet sturdy appearance. He had powerful haunches that narrowed to hooves. His hooves, like his hooved-fingertips and nose, were all the same hue of hardened ebony. His eyes were his most striking feature. They were a rich, yellow topaz with horizontal slit pupils. Like most rams, he had a hefty pair of testicles in a low hanging sac below a plump sheath that contained his tapered length.

"There we are. Not so hard to do as you're told, eh? You're a bit too big of a cub to be carrying about, so go ahead and hop up on the changing table all by yourself, then Daddy Doug will take care of the rest."

Liam trudged the short distance over to the changing table and hoisted himself onto it. He laid on his back with his thighs splayed as the badger approached. The doctor booped him playfully on the nose before turning and rummaging through a cupboard to his side.

"These look about your size. I'll even let you pick which one you like the most to make this a tad easier for you.."

Clutched in his paws was an array of plush diapers. They rustled loudly between his claws. He fanned them out to reveal a variety of colors and styles, ranging everywhere from plain white with blue tapes and trim to other solid shades to patterned motifs of paw prints, blocks, rainbows, stars, and more.

"Personally, I think the pretty pink one would suit a tough guy like you, but it's your call, champ," Dr. Douglas teased.

Liam crossed his arms and inhaled deeply as he looked up at the director.

"...the white one...Daddy," he muttered.

"If you're certain." He grinned down at the bighorn. "Lift your hips for me, please."

The ram planted his hooves on the tabletop and thrust his pelvis forward and upward, raising his rump. The founder of the program unfurled the diaper and laid it out with a clinical precision suggesting that he had done so hundreds, if not thousands, of times before. The badger threaded the sheep's tail through the groove and then lightly tapped his rump to let him know he could lower his butt back down. The diaper beneath him was thick and soft, and crinkled loudly as he settled his weight onto it. Dr. Douglas folded it up snugly up over his groin and stretched the tapes into place on the plastic. The pillowy lining was shockingly inviting against his sheath and sac. He felt himself swell harder and harder with each beat of his heart as the padding hugged his genitals, and was absolutely mortified when he saw the director eying the telltale outline of his erection in the plastic with a smirk.

"Don't worry, it happens to every cub now and again. I've seen more hard penises during diaper changes than I can count. Just don't play with yourself. That's a special privilege, allotted only to students further along in the program who need to be rewarded for their exemplary behavior." He paused to retrieve a sky blue t-shirt with a smiley-faced sun peeking out from behind a frumpy looking stormcloud from a drawer. "Hooves up!" The badger commanded and reluctantly the sheep sat upright and put his hooves in the air. The shirt was yanked down over his head and ended up fitting well, even if it was a bit too short on him. It barely covered his belly, leaving his embarrassing, disposable underwear on full display. Liam shifted and pulled down the front of the shirt, only for it to ride up on his lower back and show off the ruffled waist of his diaper there. Somehow he felt more exposed than when he had no shirt on at all.

"Do as you're told and that's all you must wear...for now. Be good, and maybe you will earn some more clothes to cover yourself a little better. Remember that all privileges must be earned here. Inversely, the more you cause trouble, the less comfortable and more embarrassed you may find yourself among your peers. Pacifiers come first. Then thick, padded mittens. We will sometimes keep poorly behaved pupils from being upright at all with spreader bars between their legs. And you definitely don't want to act bad enough that we have to break out the bonnets. I should also mention that all of our teachers have paddles to spank you with as they see fit, so think twice before you get out of line."

Douglas opened a drawer and removed a portable belt sander, then revved it in the air a couple of times. "Time to do something about those horns. No need to worry, I have done this many, many times."

Less than 30 minutes later, the caprine was being led back upstairs, his head several pounds lighter. He couldn't stop reaching up into the empty space on either side of his skull with a pang of grief and fought the urge to break down and bawl like a kid. He caught sight of his reflection in the mirror-like sheen of a window pane and almost didn't recognize himself with the paltry bumps he was left with. It was as though the mustelid had undone the last 15 years of his life.

"While you are in your introductory period here, you are to do only as you are told. You may speak, but we expect vaguely age appropriate language out of you only. No big words, no bad words. And always treat your teachers with respect. It is still quite early in the day, so I'll be dropping you off with the other little cubs in the nursery this morning. Don't worry, the early part of the program is quite easy. You just have to play nice with all of the other boys."

He was ushered up to one of the classrooms. Inside the hardwood floor was covered in obnoxiously bright, interlocking foam puzzle-piece floor matts. There was also a changing table not unlike the one Liam had been on in the basement, along with several torn open packages of diapers stacked haphazardly to either side of it. A painted sign hung from the bars of a play-pen declaring it to be the "time-out area," in all capital letters, some of which were backward. Displayed on the wall behind the pen hanging from a peg was a fluted, oak paddle. Toys including stuffed creatures, blocks, plastic keys, and other colorful trinkets were scattered about. There were quite a few other furs inside, playing with each other in varying degrees of enthusiasm and inhibition. They were all dressed somewhat similarly to him, and all were clearly wearing bulky diapers. Some of those visible were clearly soggy and discolored from use, while others appeared crisp and freshly changed. A professionally dressed fox instructor smiled at them as they entered the room and nodded with respect toward the director.

"Good morning, Mr. Shigara. Good morning, cubs and hatchlings. This is little Liam. I want you all to give him a warm welcome."

All eyes being on him made his persistent blush intensify further. The other anthros in the room waved at him. Some vocalized a greeting, with a few even willing to engage with their role to the point that they added a youthful, excitable lisp to their speech. Most seemed far more reserved. They were more experienced and more comfortable with their humiliating situation than the bighorn certainly was, but still nonplussed with the turn their lives had taken.

The vulpine motioned his paw toward a caramel-furred river otter of about 20-years-old in a short-sleeved, white onesie covered in pink hearts that snapped at the crotch. He was sucking on a pacifier stuffed in his muzzle, oversized to fit his adult frame and maintain the illusion of childhood.

"Quillon, would you please buddy up with our new friend until he learns how things work around here? Thank you," the teacher ordered before turning to Liam. "Quillon has been here for a few weeks now. Follow his example. Or perhaps, better than his example. He's managed to make it out of infancy twice now, but keeps being sent back."

The other male waddled over toward him. Liam wasn't sure how much of the staggering gait was an act and how much was due to the soggy diaper forcing his thighs wide apart. He reached the sheep and took his hoof in his webbed paw and silently tugged him back to where he had been building a city on the floor out of blocks and toy cars. The director approached the fox and started speaking in a hushed tone. The ram twisted his large ear toward the employees to catch what they were saying above the ambient noise of the nursery.

"I expect that you've looked over the new ward's file and know what to look for during the rehabilitation process. I know it is more difficult with a newbie in our midst, but please try to keep all of the cubs on their best behavior. We have the media crew stopping by for a tour and interview today and I'd like to give the best first impression of the inner workings of our facility as possible. No need to negatively affect public funding."

Mr. Shigara assured him that he would maintain order.

Liam's stomach plummeted. He was still getting used to hearing himself crinkle with each step he took. He didn't want to be on camera without his horns, let alone in a diaper for all the world, including his friends and family, to see. His older brother would never let him live it down, and even local news was sure to get clipped and uploaded online for the rest of eternity.

The badger turned to leave.

Without being prompted, the entire class of students waved and said in unison, "Bye, Daddy Doug!" The director smiled, waved back, and left the room without saying another word.

"There will be visitors in the building today. If you're all good, you can have a piece of candy from the jar," the fox announced, then looked pointedly at the implement on the wall. "I don't think any of you should need a reminder of what happens if you aren't, but just in case young Liam wasn't made aware, any of the other small ones can attest to the strength of my paddling arm and willingness to use it."

He did look strong, for a typically less powerfully built species. The ram had no doubt he could proficiently swing a paddle.

Several of the anthros winced or sympathetically rubbed their backsides through the seat of their diapers.

"Excellent! Time to see who needs a change."

Within a few hours Liam had settled into the strange rhythm of the class. It was mostly playtime, with the occasional structured activity. They were kept well hydrated, with the constant passing around of bottles and sippy cups. It took some getting used to- suckling the nipple of a bottle again. The river otter, Quillon, showed him all of the toys he was expected to play with. When he spoke, he did so in an exaggerated babble. The affectation came and went, growing louder and more noticeable when Mr. Shigara was within earshot, and almost disappearing entirely when it wasn't, relaying the unspoken message that this was how the caprine was expected to speak when anyone with authority was around. He was told that group play and sharing were looked positively upon, and that just staying out of the way quietly wouldn't get him punished but wouldn't advance him through the program very quickly. Liam actually found himself enjoying the otter's company, even though they could only chat over meaningless things like snacks and toys. Still, the camaraderie made the time pass noticeably faster. Despite being surrounded by furs his age in similar circumstances, it was still difficult to get over being self-conscious about his state of dress.

At one point, Quillon cryptically suggested, "If the teachers ever want you to do things for them, just do it. It only gets worse if you don't. Sometimes it's fun. Some teachers are better and nicer than others," but he refused to say more when pressed.

After those first few hours, Liam was starting to feel the effects of all he had to drink. His leg bounced up and down where he sat as his bladder started to twinge with need. He knew he was expected to relieve himself into his diaper. He knew that there was no getting out of it. He couldn't hold his pee forever. It would happen eventually. But he had a mental block against wetting himself and beyond that didn't relish sitting in his own urine until his instructor saw fit to change him. He noticed several other anthros with varying states of sogginess, and the teacher regularly checked the class for who needed a change, eying or feeling just how full their padding was as he passed. Most of the furs were fairly recent inductees, only ahead of the ram's inclusion by a couple of days to a few weeks, and were still humiliated each time they hopped up onto the changing table. They would cover their face from view whenever the vulpine loudly tore away their tapes and replaced their padding. Unlike "Daddy Doug," the fox didn't give the choice of what diaper to put on which pupil and instead grabbed one at random that was the proper size and fit. He seemed to trend toward cute, sissy colors and padding and couldn't resist making comments about how adorable each of his charges was after each was through.

Quillon noticed his urgency when Liam's restless leg bumped into the table that he was finger painting upon, ruining his art. He rolled his eyes, apparently having been at Bairnwold long enough for the shame to have subsided somewhat. The otter nodded down at the sheep's crotch, eyes bulging in exasperation, as if to say: "Just do it already!"

Liam skewed his face and concentrated. Despite his growing desperation all morning, he needed to focus to force out his piss. For several heartbeats, nothing happened. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Then he started to relax his bladder enough that a trickle escaped the tip of his sheath and dribbled down his length. It ceased almost immediately after it began. He powered through with another effort. This new spurt came quicker and harder, and lasted for longer, but also tapered off not long after starting. Finally, he gave one last attempt, and as soon as his stream started, the dam burst and he couldn't stop his flow if he wanted to. There was a loud hiss of his pee spraying against the lining of his diaper, and he felt the padding swiftly swell with warmth and moisture from the torrential offering, squishing around his sheath and balls. He shuddered and sighed in relief. The moisture wicked up into the diaper and forced his thighs wider apart. His bladder was full enough that he was worried that the wetness would leak out around his thighs and shifted position. Glancing down, the once pristine diaper was sodden and yellow, and sagged noticeably with the weight of his piss. The press of the damp padding around his maleness was just as strangely arousing as it was when he first encountered a dry diaper, and he felt himself throb and grow half erect. The rosy tip of cock crept from his sheath and rubbed against his used diaper, making him squirm and, in turn, making the diaper crinkle loudly.

Mr. Shigara's large, black-tipped ears rotated toward the sounds he was making and the teacher trained his impish eyes on him, but made no move to check him for a change. He sniffed the air in an exaggerated fashion. Surely the new whiff of his scent in the air would reach a fox's sensitive nose.

Just before the class was going to break for lunch there was a knock at the door. Without waiting for the instructor to answer it, it was opened and Dr. Douglas stepped through, followed by a television reporter from a local news station, her camera operator, and sound technician. The journalist was partway through a monologue explaining what an exciting first look on the inside of the facility it was. Liam ducked his head and faced away from the camera as best he could, trying not to draw attention to himself as he continued coloring next to Quillion. The rest of the students all had a similar idea, not wanting themselves recognizable on TV.

"This is our early stages classroom. Through our efforts here, our charges will not only avoid lengthy prison sentences that will lead them through cycles of criminality for the rest of their lives, but also get a chance to relearn basic social skills and build support networks with those of similar age in similar circumstances. We actually just had a new student join the program this morning and it looks like he's already made a friend. Liam, why don't you stand up and wave to the camera?"

The sheep stopped what he was doing and froze up (except for the fact that he was practically shaking). His ears must be tinted scarlet with humiliation. He briefly considered doing nothing, but then the bighorn thought of the paddle that was displayed on the wall, intentionally or not out of frame of the camera, and awkwardly rose to stand and weak legs. Liam did his best to tug down the front of his shirt to cover his sodden diaper as well as he was able to, and failed miserably at the task. He succeeded only in drawing more attention to himself as he nearly stumbled, heavy diaper hanging between his legs. He hoped that the crew wouldn't be broadcasting live and would at least blur his face before airing it, if not avoid using any shot with him in it entirely.

"No need to be shy, lad," the badger spurred him.

The sooner he went through with it, the faster it would be over. He let go of the hem of his shirt and quickly waved his hoof at the camera, ears drooping low. His shirt rode up to his belly and displayed his obviously wet and slightly yellowed diaper, before he settled back down next to Quillon. He wanted to headbutt the table to relieve some embarrassment and irritation, but without his horns, he would only succeed in hurting himself.

"Looks like it's about time for our young pupil to be changed," the director announced loudly with a chuckle, inciting snickers from the news crew. He returned to answering the reporter's questions while the group transitioned to the next room along the hallway.

Mr. Shigara apparently agreed. He looked at Liam with a smirk and motioned toward the changing table with his pointed muzzle. The bighorn waddled over to the table and lifted himself onto it. At least he tried to do so, but it was tall and he struggled to accomplish the job. He ended up needing a bit of help from the instructor who seemed to take no small amount of pleasure in the situation.

"You really had to go, didn't you, little one?" he cooed with a laugh. "Who knew such a tiny lamb could pee so much."

The vulpine peeled away the tapes one at a time, taking his time and making them protest as loudly as possible. Often during changes that morning it seemed that most furs respected the embarrassing situation and looked away. Perhaps because it was his first time being publicly changed and he was clearly uncomfortable with it that they drew such an audience from the other petty criminals. At least a few tittered at his expense, and those that did manage to stifle their guffaws had to hide their muzzles behind their paws.

Once the tabs were free of the plastic, the fox pulled the wet diaper from under his rump and rolled it into a tight, squishy ball. He deposited the wad into a nearby receptacle. Liam wanted nothing more than to die then and there. His erection had persisted and a few inches of his fleshy pink cock poked upward and outward from his fuzzy sheath. The teacher raised his brows and leered openly for a few seconds, licking his lips. He selected a new diaper to slide beneath his student hindquarters- this one covered in images of various flowers with an overly happy cartoon bee weaving a path around them. He slowly taped it into place before playfully drumming his claw-tips along the bump Liam's shaft left where it pressed into his diaper. This successfully teased the ram and made him grow harder. He stopped when the sheep was obviously quite hard in his padding.

Lunch ended up being an interesting experience. Students were brought in and out in waves and given slotted trays of food that reminded Liam of his time in public school. Thankfully, while his hydration was consumed from bottles or sippy cups for his group and the "toddler" group directly after, they were given actual food rather than congealed mush, even if it was childish in its display. He had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, crusts cut off, baby carrots and slices of apples, and a cookie. He found himself strangely jealous of the "older" cubs who were given different meals, including juice boxes. The age groups that included "adolescents" and "teens" must have felt secure enough in their positions of how far they had advanced to point out specific furs and giggle about their embarrassing diapers whenever an authority figure wasn't within earshot, but stopped short of openly mocking them. None of them were willing to risk a punishment if an instructor had happened to overhear.

Once their food was finished, they were allowed a recess to play outside. His teacher informed him that, as he advanced in age groups, he would be allowed to play with more and more activities. But as it was, cubs at the infancy phase of the program were stuck rolling balls around in the grass and digging in the sandbox, while the more senior students were allowed free run on the playground equipment. A few dozen anthros were running around and playing with startling fervor while a couple of the educators were keeping order in the thick of it. Most of the staff were content to hang out near the outer wall to make sure no one slipped away and tried to escape, seeing the post-lunch playtime as an opportunity to take a little break and converse among themselves.

The director was one of the more active employees circling around and making sure that all of his pupils were acting appropriately, his interview apparently having been concluded. He patrolled by where Liam and Quillion were sitting in the sandbox, sopping diapers between their legs. When they saw him approach, both transitioned from sitting bored and idly chatting to pretending to scoop up castles of dusty earth.

The doctor smiled as he closed in on them.

"Ah Quillion- I thought I saw you in the infancy classroom again. Just can't quite seem to behave yourself for long. You'll learn eventually, I suppose. In the meantime, I hope you have been at least setting a proper example for our newest inductee and not earning yourself a stinging backside, eh?"

"Yes, Daddy Doug," the otter responded with a nod and a smile. His voice had a purposeful pleasantness to it, but his awkward expression was thinly disguised.

"Good, good. We can see about earning you some extra credit later if you'd like to make it out of diapers again a bit faster. And my little, lost lamb, Liam," he said. "I hope you are settling in well."

"Yes...Daddy." The ram stated with as much sincerity as he could muster, almost forgetting to add the honorific until an awkward pause built between them.

"Looks like you could already use another change," the badger said, glancing between his thighs.

It was hardly the case. After flooding himself earlier and having a humiliating change in the classroom, he was making sure to do as his fellow student advised him and wet himself in small spurts so it can soak in slowly over time. His diaper was noticeably damp and heavy, but could still take a bladderful of urine before it was saturated.

"Why don't you come along and follow me and we will get you taken care of."

The bighorn rose and Quillion silently waved goodbye to him. When Douglas turned away, the river otter winked at him and mouths something that Liam couldn't quite make out.

...He's big? Maybe.

The director passed by Mr. Shigara and assured the vulpine he would drop him back off in class in a little bit. The caprine toddled along quietly behind him. They climbed the stairs to the top floor.

"Here is my office," the larger fur told him, unlocking the door with a heavy key from his jacket pocket. He ushered Liam inside and locked the door behind them. Inside was a stately, wood paneled studio with a large desk that the caprine didn't even want to imagine taking up multiple flights of a twisting staircase. "While I have plenty of spare diapers in here, I'm afraid I don't have a proper changing table. Luckily my desk has worked just fine in the past." He removed the only object from atop it, his laptop computer, and set it aside on an end table near a pair of chairs. He turned to Liam and placed his paws under the ram's arms. He unleashed a small grunt and lifted him onto the desk. The sheep was not at all light, and even though the middle-aged badger was larger than he was, it was still an impressive show of strength.

Liam laid back, sprawled across the desk, and waited. The director gathered a diaper, powder, and a pacifier from a storage cabinet and set them next to his ward.

"I want you to do well here. And I have a feeling you want to get through Bairnwold as quickly as possible. I gathered upon our first meeting that you were rather reluctant to fully engage with the program. Your teacher said you were a bit shy and quiet compared with the other cubs in class too. You also didn't seem particularly excited to play in the sand during recess," he paused every several words for the obnoxious tear of the tape coming free to punctuate his speech. "Normally we would punish misbehavior harshly to get you into the swing of things and set you on the right path from the start, but I'm willing to overlook that behavior. All I need for you is to give it a good faith effort in the future. And a display of- let's say eagerness- wouldn't go amiss. If you understand my meaning?"

He grabbed the ruffled end of the diaper near his charge's tummy with his wide paw and pulled it forward, revealing the ram's furry, damp sheath and sac. Liam most certainly understood. The black and white anthro wasn't unattractive. He was, in fact, the ram's type; older, handsome, solidly built. His endless condescension was an issue, but under other circumstances he would be keen to pleasure the mustelid. The framing of being made to act like a kid dampened his excitement. Nevertheless, if it was a choice between being paddled and possibly extending his stay by upsetting the director, or play into Dr. Douglas' fantasy, the choice was as easy as choosing Bairnwold over prison.

"So what do you want me to do exactly?"

The badger tutted and waggled a claw.

"What do I do, Daddy?" He asked again, with a youthful inflection.

"You don't need to do much. Daddy will take care of you." He picked up the pacifier and shoved the bulb of it into the sheep's muzzle. He pressed it all of the way in with one finger, then tapping Liam on the nose. "Don't let that drop now. Hooves up!"

Liam did as told and the badger peeled his shirt up much like he had that morning, leaving him sitting naked on a damp diaper.

Douglas removed his spectacles and set them on the desk. He lowered his own muzzle to the inmate's torso and kissed his belly. He nipped and licked and teased a trail of kisses lower until he made it to the ram's sheath, which was already engorging from the attention. The older fur nuzzled his snout into his groin in the space between the caprine's plump sheath and hefty sac. He inhaled the scent of his charge's piss and pheromones which had soaked into his fur from wearing wet diapers for most of the day. The bighorn bit into the rubber nub and shuddered as his hardness began to entreat from its scabbard.

Soon, all six-and-a-half inches of pink flesh had slid free and quivered next to the badger's nose. The director wet his lips then ran his moist tongue over the full length of Liam's maleness, making him writhe and moan into his pacifier. Not letting the article drop from his mouth was going to be an easy task. If anything, the pleasure caused the sheep to bite into the nipple of it and suck harder.

The mustelid opened his muzzle and enveloped the tip of the ram's cock in his maw. He swirled his tongue slowly around its crown and savored the taste, expressing his pleasure with a husky sound. The black and white fur revelled in the small spasms it made as it jetted spurts of pre into his throat. The bighorn found himself fidgeting. He bent his knees to either side of the director's head and placed his hooved fingers on the back of his skull, wanting to spear his shaft deeper than just the inch at the tip. However, his keeper was both patient and skilled, and resisted the efforts to speed things up. He rolled his tongue along the sensitive underside of the caprine's hardness, occasionally pausing to flicker his tongue against the very tip. Meanwhile, he opened a bottle of lubricant that he had procured from his jacket pocket and drizzled a hearty amount onto one palm. He made a fist and generously slicked his claws with the oil. When his paw was slippery, he placed a finger at Liam's pucker. The sheep tensed as he felt the cold, wet caress of the older fur.

Douglas circled his ring teasingly, and ever-so-briefly prodded at his entrance, poking a digit in less than an inch before retreating again. Liam flexed his haunches, wanting to feel the finger probe deeper.

"D-doctor-" he began, voice muffled by the pacifier, but the director simply paused and shot him a stern glance. "Daddy!" Liam corrected himself, his voice an involuntary whine.

"Better," the badger responded, and rewarded him by driving his finger into Liam's tight heat to the knuckle in one smooth thrust while twisting his wrist. The chubby mustelid beckoned inside of the ram. He immediately found the sweet spot that made his hefty ward tense and shiver, and he made every effort to press against it relentlessly as he wriggled and rotated his paw. With each pass he felt the sheep flex his ring around the invading member and then relax again, loosening just a bit more each time. It wasn't long before Liam was gasping and whining and wiggling his hips for more.

"Not such a tough lamb anymore, are you?" The badger chuckled, lifting his head from his ward's shaft as he added another finger beside the first. It slipped in with little difficulty and curled around its partner. "Positively wanton, if I do say so."

He scissored his digits apart to spread open the ram further and was treated to a garbled moan. As he started fingering the bighorn more aggressively, he dropped his mouth further down the caprine's erection, tasting the salty morsels splashing across his tongue. Soon he had fully engulfed the entirety of the inmate's rod, and suckled on the thickness at its base. The doctor pressed on his prostate to swallow endless jets of pre. Liam's tail fluttered wildly with the building pleasure, flipping up against his caregiver's chin. He choked back an involuntary bleat, and blushed at the reflexive noise.

"Eager, eh?"

At long last, Douglas deemed that his student had been sufficiently stretched. He stopped bobbing up and down on the thrumming length in his muzzle and loudly slurped off of it when Liam was within seconds of reaching orgasm. He whimpered.

"Don't worry, you'll get more pleasure soon, lad," the director promised him.

He slipped off his jacket and cast it aside where it landed neatly over the back of the nearby chair. His sweater vest was peeled away and soon followed the other article of clothing. The badger fully unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it away, but left it and the undershirt beneath it over his round frame. He pried his belt free of its loops and cracked it once in the air before letting it drop to the floor. Finally, he shucked his trousers and was left standing naked from the waist down save for his underwear. The vivid lavender trunks suited his heavy physique well and were a bold splash of color over his monochrome fur. The white piping hugged his thighs and stretched taut around the prominent bulge of his ample sheath and sac. His rigid maleness pressed against fabric and freely leaked pre, staining a spreading damp patch on his pouch. The badger hooked a thumb under the elastic and pulled the front of his boxer-briefs down beneath his testicles, revealing his throbbing erection. His penis was a bit over eight inches long, and thick enough to eclipse the ram's own as the other anthro stood over him. It was a pulsing, needy crimson. Pre beaded at its apex before cascading down the underside in a glittering river and filling the air with his heady scent.

He grabbed his student's hips and pulled his rump even with the edge of the desk. The mustelid then oiled his rod with a healthy drizzle of lube and a few pumps of his fist until it glistened. Douglas angled the head of his cock below the caprine's tail and pressed his hips forward. Even with the thorough preparation Liam's eyes bulged as the girth began to penetrate him. His own member twitched and jumped with each slight grind as the hardness worked its way in. The doctor drove forth, slowly but surely, letting inch after inch be swallowed by the bighorn's ring. He unleashed a throaty, feral grunt when he was halfway in and his charge clamped down around him with a flex of his hole.

"You're well on your way to becoming my star pupil. Maybe I will have you visit me and some of the other teachers for extra tutoring over the next several weeks and we can fast track your graduation and release."

Liam's mind had already drifted. He was lost in a haze of lust and ecstasy as the thick phallus forced its way in, dragging past his prostate. The mustelid's hips made contact with his ass, and with a final jerk, he had wholly hilted himself. He smiled down at the aroused ram beneath him, and hunched over his body. The badger planted his paws just above Liam's shoulders, and his paunch pressed against his submissive's maleness and lower abdomen as he ground himself in deep. His student trembled with pleasure and nearly let the pacifier fall from his lips but managed to suck it in at the last possible moment.

Douglas pulled back with the same methodical pacing as he had first entered, then buried himself fully again with a swift, powerful thrust. The motion caused Liam to splatter pre all of the way up to the tuft of fur on his chest. His head rolled back in bliss and he noticed the strange sensation of feeling his skull touch something without his horns getting in the way. The director repeated his thrust multiple times, picking up speed with each long pass, until he was driving himself roughly into his ward's ass. The sheep moaned loudly. He had never been stuffed so thoroughly. He reached down to wrap his fingers around his rigid, tapered cock. He barely got two strokes in before his caregiver slapped his hoof away.

"Good cubs don't touch themselves," he was informed. "You don't don't want to be naughty when you've been doing so well, do you?"

"No, Daddy," the caprine responded while feeling the frustration well up behind his sac. He was so close to orgasm, and the badger's fat length abusing his hole was leaving him a whimpering, horny mess.

The badger uttered a bestial snarl as he leaned in closer and started bucking more wildly. His haunches pistoned forward and back. He nearly removed his entire rod from his lamb's greedy pucker before hammering it home again repeatedly. His thick thighs made audible slaps against Liam's chubby backside. His breathing grew ragged. The sheep could feel the shaft resonate inside of him, ready to burst at any second.

The older fur's elbows and knees buckled slightly as his muscles tensed. Liam sensed his gut clenching and his balls drawing tight to his body as he embedded his rod completely and spasmed. A deluge of wet spunk flooded the ram's abused hole and oozed out around the director's veiny erection. The cock in him twitched erratically several times, spewing more cum with every pulse. He stayed hilted, huffing a hot line of breath across his charge's collarbone. His softening maleness slipped from his partner's ring. A runnel of semen trailed after it, leaking onto the desk.

The bighorn felt empty- gaping even- from the relentless pounding.

The doctor snagged a new diaper and put it beneath Liam, letting the rest of his essence ooze into the lining and making the seat of the diaper wet with his ejaculate. He heavily powdered the younger fur to cover the cloying scent of their mating, then diapered him snugly. The caprine's own erection continued to leak pre into his padding as surely as spunk seeped from his hole. Dr. Douglas milked the last remnants of his seed from his spent length and collected the viscous bead on one fingertip. He plucked the pacifier from his ward's mouth, smeared the vestiges of his cum on the nub, and replaced it in Liam's muzzle, allowing him to taste the salty morsel. The favor drove him mad with desire and he involuntarily humped upward, grinding into his padding.

"Now now. I told you this morning that you weren't allowed an orgasm. It'll only be a few weeks before you can cum, little one," The badger assured him, gathering his clothes to dress again.

Hours later, Liam had just been put to bed. The second half of his day passed very similarly to the first. He shared a large bedroom that was decorated like a nursery with the other anthros his "age." They all slept in cribs that were about the size of queen mattresses, two furs to a bed. The ram had been placed alongside Quillion. The otter seemed serially restless, tossing and turning and kicking and rolling and swatting him with his heavy tail. He also made a racket with the rustling of his diaper with every move he made. Every half an hour or so a teacher peeked into the room. This must've happened about four times before the sheep heard the snores that made him confident the other students had all fallen asleep. He waited until the teacher closed the door, which he figured should give him plenty of time.

The rough sex that he had earlier played through his mind on loop. His ass was still delightfully sore from the pulverizing that it had taken. It had gone hours before he was wet enough to need a change. The entire time had been sitting in the dampness of the director's semen leaking from his tailhole. If Mr. Shigara noticed the smell over the powder and urine when he was changed he didn't say anything, but- of course- he smirked at the ram's turgid cock. Liam had been hard almost endlessly since he had failed to climax earlier in the day, and each step he took made his cock slide against his pillowy diaper lining. Tickling him. Teasing him.

Seeing his window for the slightest amount of privacy, he thrust his hoof into his diaper and found his craving shaft. He started furiously pumping it, making his diaper crinkle obnoxiously. He was worried that he would attract attention, but after several heartbeats nobody stirred. He closed his eyes and pumped his member. As horny as he was, it wasn't enough. Without thinking he removed his hoof and flipped onto his belly. He started humping the crib, grinding his cock against his damp diaper. He almost reached climax when he was startled by a voice in his ear.

"Stop!" Quillion whispered harshly.

Liam froze, embarrassed, with his ass in the air.

"You definitely don't want them to catch you," the otter cautioned. "Some furs snitch to get favorable treatment, and you don't know who is actually asleep in here. It's better to just wait."


The river otter poked his head up and glanced toward the door to make sure there wasn't anyone coming. Assured that he had a small window he rose to his knees and unsnapped the crotch of his onesie. He hiked it up, then shimmied down his diaper several inches to reveal a shiny steel cage around his sheath, complete with a miniature brass padlock holding the device in place. Once the ram had a good look at the apparatus he pulled his padding back up and refastened the crotch of his pajamas. He patted his new friend on the shoulder consolingly, and whispered a "goodnight."

Frustrated, Liam stopped, committing himself to a restless night with a maleness that refused to soften. He reflected on his first day at Bairnwold as he managed to ultimately find himself worn out enough to drift off to sleep. So much had happened that it was difficult to consider it all. As much as he hated admitting it to himself, the thing that stuck out the most was how much he didn't mind the feeling of the diaper at his waist, even if it was humiliating. And his session with Daddy Doug meant that there were definitely perks to be had.

Yeah, it's not all that terrible. I'll make it through this course in no time.

His final thought before nodding off was that he had made the right choice.

A Shift in Balance (Suited for Adventure Part 6) [COM]

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Not so Black and White

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A Splash of Color (In His Service Part 4)

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