Adventures Abroad - Toko's Hospitality

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#2 of Adventures Abroad

After a thorough shower, Jack is finally clean and refreshed again - the perfect opportunity for the shenanigans with his host mom Toko to continue. First, the red panda persuades him to let her brush his fur, then she finally shows him his new home, teasing him the entire time and not granting his young, horny mind even a second of rest. Fortunately, when they reach the last room of the tour, she relieves the fox of his pent-up lust and gives him another taste of her hospitality, introducing him to the sexual traditional greeting of her people. In the process, she makes him drink a strange, terribly bitter tea and helps him discover even more about her culture, her personality, and even his own desires.

This is the second part of the series "Adventures Abroad" with much more lewdness and some casual worldbuilding to breathe more life into Jack, Toko, and the setting. I wish you a fun read, and I would love to read your thoughts and comments.This is a revised version of the original part. In a change of heart, I turned Toko from a dickgirl into a futanari with all the lewd bits for even more fun.

A steady stream of hot air blew around Jack as the full-body drier took care of his wet fur. The young fox slowly turned inside the device, enjoying the soothing whir of the fans and the comforting warmth as he reminisced about his day. He had arrived in Kessan only a few hours ago, but it felt like he had been here forever already. So much had happened in this short time, and he had gotten more intimate with his host mother than he could've ever hoped for. But what could he do? The red panda's charms were irresistible; she was a gorgeous mature lady who exuded kindness and raw sex appeal. Besides, she was currently the only familiar soul in the entire country, which definitely affected his opinion even further. However, he wasn't sure if he could take her effusive hospitality seriously. Was she really doing all this because she liked him, was she just toying with him, or was it something else entirely? It just seemed too excessive to be genuine.

"Jack? Are you fine in there? I hope you haven't burnt to a crisp yet." Toko's facetious voice pulled the red fox out of his thoughts, and as he jerked around, he was treated to another delectable view of the mature red panda. Since she had finished showering well before him, she had already taken care of herself. Her orange-brown fur was dry and perfectly groomed, her long brown hair neatly brushed and shining, and her body veiled in a pink bathrobe. The translucent fleece clung tightly to her ample curves, leaving nothing to the imagination. The only knot holding the robe together was taut and struggled to contain her pair of massive tits, each bulging out from the top. Down below, Jack was greeted by the sight of her cute, pudgy belly and a feature that set her apart from all women he had ever gotten to know: a fat, uncircumcised penis hanging down to her knees and a dangling pair of luscious balls.

Toko's cock was an anatomical detail that had stunned Jack at first, but over the previous hour, he had come to love it. Just a day ago, he would've dismissed the idea of sucking a dick as a ridiculous notion, but that had changed. He had seen her hard, had sampled her smell and taste, and had even been doused in her cum. Maybe it was her otherwise overwhelming femininity that had tricked his poor, horny brain into doing the unthinkable and suck her cock. Or perhaps, she had simply awoken a dormant desire in him? Either way, now, the mere sight of her floppy cock made his muzzle water, reignited his arousal, and caused his blood to rush to his rapidly swelling penis.

Eventually, Jack realized that he was gawking at her again, and his cheeks reddened with embarrassment as he stammered an apology, "Umm... sorry. Yeah, I'll get ready. Give me another moment, okay?"

Toko chuckled, "Don't worry your cute head about it, dear. Besides, mommy can help you with that if you want." She pointed at the fox's erection and made a suggestive sucking gesture.

Jack's eyes widened. His face turned an even deeper shade of red, and he hastily averted his eyes despite her reassurance. It would definitely take him a while to shed his acquired manners and prudishness before he could truly appreciate her licentious hospitality and stop feeling so utterly embarrassed by it. As he turned away, he threw a fleeting glance at a pile of his clothes in the corner, still damp and soaked from their previous encounter. "You know, I think I'm good. Also, didn't we take that shower because you made a mess of me?"

"Fair point. I'll leave you then and take care of your clothes. Call me if you need something, okay, honey?"

"Sure. Thanks." Jack coyly watched Toko as she walked away with swaying hips and waving tail, catching another glimpse of her juicy butt and dangling shaft. Why was she so damn hot? He took a deep breath as his host mother disappeared behind the corner, but her impressive presence remained in his mind. Her looks, voice, and demeanor made him all hot and bothered, and his rosy cock was rock-hard and dripping again. His arousal just refused to go away, and with a sigh, he decided to quickly rub one out.

Bracing one paw against the wall, Jack closed his eyes and grabbed his dick. Moaning softly, he began to jerk it just hard enough to satisfy his steeply rising lust and enough to squirt a strand of pre onto the floor. All the while, the mental image of Toko's gorgeous body fueled his wank and turned his paw into a racing blur. He wondered how she would've helped him if he had accepted her offer. With her soft lips, her warm paws, or her tender foot pads? Or would she have blessed him with another taste of her delicious dick? He whimpered at the missed chance and pumped his cock even harder and faster, driving himself toward a fast-approaching orgasm.

A few more frantic strokes were enough to push the fox over the edge. Dazed by pleasure, he let out a hot moan and came hard, whimpering Toko's name as he blew his sticky load all over the wall and floor. He sighed with satisfaction as the high faded, his relentless arousal gone at least for a moment, but he was also felt a little ashamed of his verbal slip. Was he really this easy and impressionable? Good thing the mature futanari hadn't been here to hear it. Jack dropped his softening cock and rubbed his eyes before he finally stepped out of the drier, feeling reasonably refreshed and dry again.

Jack's mood brightened as he saw himself in the mirror, and he couldn't help but chuckle at his fluffy and puffy fur. It looked utterly ridiculous, but it was nothing a thorough brushing couldn't fix. Until he remembered that he hadn't unpacked his stuff yet. His personal brush was still stuck in his suitcase between clothes and toiletries. "Um, Toko. I forgot to get my brush. Could you... lend me one?" he called into the hallway.

"Huh? Oh, of course. I'll get you a new one right away, okay?" his host mother's melodious voice echoed from around the corner. Not even a moment later, Toko was standing in the doorway, still wearing nothing but her skimpy pink bathrobe and a happy smile on her lips. She danced around him and headed straight for the cabinets. Apparently, the new brushes were stored in the lowest one because she had to bend all the way down to get one, coincidentally blessing him with a breathtaking sight. With her buttocks spread and exposed, the fox was greeted by her delicious, chocolate-rimmed anus, slightly agape and puckering gently, her balls, and her semi-hard cock dangling between her legs. And as if that wasn't enough, the futa even had a proper pussy under her tail. A pair of luscious nether lips adorned the puffy mound between her pucker and her sack, the feminine flesh glistening with moisture and fluttering softly. The full moon had risen in all its glory. She even lifted her striped tail out of the way for him as if she knew that he was watching. The glimpse was so hot, it made Jack's muzzle water, spawned desires he didn't even know were possible, and got him hard again in no time. So much for his attempt of getting rid of his boner and arousal.

After Toko had rummaged through the cabinet for a literal eternity, she finally got back up and offered him a brand-new brush. Her eyes coincidentally fell on his throbbing erection, and she giggled sheepishly, "Weren't you still soft when I entered the room? Did you enjoy the view that much?"

Jack nodded with a furious blush and shakily took the brush, unable to speak amid his embarrassment. Toko was obviously toying with him, and she was visibly and audibly enjoying every second of it. "Would you like me to help you? Or do you want to do it yourself?"

Even if it wasn't lewd per se, Toko's offer to groom him sounded even more ridiculous than her previous one. Jack hadn't had anyone brush his fur since he had left kindergarten, and he could definitely do it better himself than with her help. And yet, he didn't immediately rule it out because hadn't he regretted turning down her other offer? Besides, it was just a quick, little brushing, so what was there to it, anyway? Just a host mother helping her exchange student with his unruly fur, right? With a shaky grin, he returned the brush and nodded, "Alright, but be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll brush you like the wing of an angel," Toko rejoiced and immediately got to work.

Jack quickly found out that his host mother wasn't lying about the angel part. She obviously didn't do this for the first time as she wielded the brush with great skill, swiftly and efficiently flattening the fox's puffy fur even in the most hard-to-reach places. She started at his head, progressed down his chest and back, over his butt and legs, pausing only briefly to admire his erection. Thankfully, she refrained from toying with him in his highly exposed position because he wasn't sure if he could take any more intentional teasing. As a nice side effect, her casual treatment also made him relax more and more around her. If he had initially blushed up a storm of embarrassment, he now felt reasonably comfortable while she brushed his pubes and groin with her face less than a foot away from his swollen, throbbing cock.

The sizzling tension lasted only a few more seconds, then Toko moved on to his backside. After taking care of his voluminous, fluffy tail, she finally got back up and dismissed him, "There you go, honey, all done. Handsome and cute. Are you ready for a room tour now?"

"Oh, right, the room tour," Jack stammered as her voice snapped him out of his daze. He looked at himself and raised a brow. "Um, and what about my clothes?"

Toko looked at him in confusion, then she smacked her forehead and began to laugh. "I'm sorry, sweetie, I completely forgot about that. Here, I'll lend you my son's clothes. He's about your size, so it should fit just right." She turned around and rummaged in another cupboard, this time without bending over as much.

After a brief search, the red panda handed him a single light blue bathrobe made of the same cozy fleece as hers. Jack faintly recalled an image of a robe just like this from his textbook. But as he put it on, he quickly discovered that, just like her robe, it was pretty exposing, failing to conceal large parts of his chest and crotch even when he tightened it as much as he could. To make it worse, it was also completely see-through. "Is this all I get, Toko?"

"Yes, that's our normal house wear, loose and comfy," Toko responded with a nod. "Unless you make it as tight as yours. Can you even breathe in that anymore? Here, let me show you how it's supposed to work." She swiftly untied his knot, let his robe settle in a less restricting position, and tied it back up. Now, it covered even less of his front, but apparently, that's just how it was supposed to look. Jack blushed when he realized that the other family members would see him like that. Once the room tour was over, he probably should change into something more concealing. On the other side, if this was really regular wear around these parts of the world, he probably should get used to it, right? Would it even be considered rude if he didn't wear it? He looked at Toko, trying to discern if she was actually serious about the skimpy robe or if she had just made it up to toy with him, but couldn't find any sign that she was joking. Why had his books never lost a word about this? It felt like they had failed to mention half of the customs of her people.

"Okay. I'm ready, I guess."

Toko beckoned him with a wave of the paw and left the bathroom with him in tow. The young male tried not to stare too much. However, that was easier said than done as long as she walked in front of him with her tail hiked high and her juicy bits on prominent display. It didn't bother him personally as much anymore, but he figured that he probably wouldn't score any points if someone else caught with a raging hard-on while leering at Toko's butt. Fortunately, they were still all alone, which was likely the reason why the red panda was so brazenly open.

"Alright, first the rooms you've seen already, starting with the dining room. You probably know what it's about, right? Breakfast, lunch, and dinner," Toko chirped as she led him into the central room. There really wasn't anything special about it. A large round dining table in the center dominated the room with eight wooden chairs around it. Aside from that, there were a few cabinets in the corners with framed pictures, decorative knickknacks, and a radio on them. The floor was tiled and heated, the walls decorated with an exotic, floral wallpaper. The red panda circled the empty table and presented it with exaggerated gestures, enough to make him smile before she pointed to the different doors. "Over there is the entrance hall. Not much to say about that either. You've seen it, haven't you? And on the opposite side, you have the office room for official matters. The final direction leads to the kitchen and the stairs."

The red panda walked onward into a small kitchen with a slate-gray countertop and white appliances, showing him the bare essentials, fridge, stove, and microwave. Adjacent to it was a storage room filled with several shelves of canned, fresh, and packaged food, most of it exotic and beyond his culinary knowledge. "Now you know where to find everything you need in case hunger strikes. Feel free to use whatever you want, but please remain reasonable with quantities," Toko stated with a chuckle. "Next, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping during your stay."

Next, Toko led him upstairs into a spacious bedroom. Three beds were spread around the room, each with its own wardrobe and nightstand. Two of them showed signs of use, their bedsheets pulled back and crumpled. Books, notepads, and writing utensils were strewn about one, and worn clothes scattered about the other. She pointed at the remaining bed in the center, the sheets still tidy and neat. "Since you'll be staying for a while, I put your bed in my children's bedroom to keep the guest room free. I hope you don't mind sharing a room with them. I guarantee they'll be nice to you. Is that okay with you?"

"Um, yes, sure. I'll give it a try," Jack nodded hesitantly. He hadn't slept in a shared bedroom since middle school. Now, he really couldn't wait to finally meet her kids, and he hoped that none of them snored.

"Splendid!" Toko cheered and clapped her paws. "Don't worry. Should it ever get too much for you, you can still switch to the guest room, okay? Just tell me about it, and I'll arrange everything."

"Thanks. I'll keep it in mind."

"Now, I saved the best for last. You haven't seen the conference room yet, our room of hospitality." With a subtle smirk on her lips, Toko took Jack back down to the first floor and led him through another hallway to the conference room. The fox was greeted by pastel wallpaper, countless framed paintings that showed scenes of tales and legends, and a vast floor that consisted of an ornamental wooden parquet littered with countless thick colorful rugs and cushy pillows. Other than that, there was surprisingly little furniture in the spacious room. Jack only spotted a handful of cabinets, a small tea table, surrounded by a couple of low stools, a single small color TV, and a strange wooden contraption at the far end of the room, a rack with soft padding that he had no idea what it was for.

All in all, the conference room was more or less a lavish living room, were it not for one glaring detail: A staggering variety of colorful rubber and plastic objects, ropes, and tubes of lubricant were scattered about the floor and cabinets, and it took Jack a second look to realize that they were all sex toys. That was the last thing the fox expected to find in this place. His jaw dropped, and he was speechless with astonishment.

Toko only had to see the look on his face to know what he was thinking. "You seem surprised? I take from this that you're not familiar with the conference room."

"I think I've never seen so many toys in one place before." Jack was pretty sure that the room contained more toys than he had ever seen in his entire life, and he was stunned by the insane diversity, so many shapes and sizes. In some cases, he wasn't even sure how to use them.

"Well, just wait until you see what's inside those cabinets," the red panda grinned, grabbed his arm, and placed him on one of the stools before she took a seat on one right next to him. Jack couldn't help but snicker as he watched her sit down and shuffle around endlessly while trying to accommodate her big butt, heavy thighs, and swollen balls on the tiny stool.

Once Toko had found a comfy position, she presented the room with a sweeping gesture. "This is the room in which we spend most of our free time. Aside from that, it also serves as a ceremony and entertainment room for good guests and friends, and I consider you a good guest, if not soon even a part of the family, honey."

"Um, okay, so it's kind of a living room?" the fox wondered. "It really does look like a living room, but those toys confuse me. Are they just for decoration, or do you actually use them in here?"

"Oh, of course, we use them. They're all for personal entertainment. Why are you asking? Do you want to try one?" Toko reached for the nearest dildo, one of the bigger ones, and pointed it at him with an impish grin.

"Like, right now?" Jack instinctively backed away from the plastic baton and vigorously shook his head. "No, I think I'm good on that front. Maybe we should do something else? I mean, what are you doing in here in your free time when you're not playing with sex toys?"

"Well, we could watch TV, read some magazines, or some books perhaps," Toko offered in a bored tone. Jack looked at the tiny television, the monitor not even half as wide as the one he had at home. Even the TV in his bedroom was larger than this thing. It felt oddly out of place, more like an afterthought than an essential part of the living space. But then, she lasciviously added, "Or I could give you a traditional welcome."

Jack furrowed his brows. "A traditional welcome? Bowing at each other and drinking tea? I mean, we technically haven't done either yet, so..."

"Um, that would be the quick and simple version, but no, I was thinking of the proper one."

"The proper one?" Jack's confusion mounted as his confidence in his textbook knowledge dwindled and evaporated. Not that any of the information in his books was wrong, but it was hilariously inadequate. They just completely ignored all the smutty aspects of Kessan's society and treated them as if they didn't exist, even though they seemed increasingly important.

"Don't worry, sweetie, I'll show you. In a traditional welcome, the host demonstrates their willingness to serve their guest. In ancient times, before the Uprising of the Spring Flowers, there were actually two versions of the ceremony." Toko gracefully rose from her stool and shed her bathrobe, her mammaries bouncing free with a jolly jiggle. She sauntered over to the curious rack and pulled out a black paddle. "If the guest was of superior rank, the host was locked into this rack by the wrists and neck, and they had to serve their guest's every need until they were satisfied. Usually, this involves a thorough flogging because our ancestors were just as depraved as we are today."

The mature red panda snickered as she noticed Jack's shocked expression. "Legend has it that Kubaku, the Insatiable, once toured the country in an attempt to quench his unquenchable lust. Exploiting our traditional welcome, he simply invited himself to all the people he fancied. Since he was the ruler, every family had to accommodate him and bend over whenever he came to their homes. But he was so insatiable and inconsiderate that he visited half a dozen families every day and yet never granted any of his hosts the mandatory courtesy orgasm. Eventually, the people were so fed up with his antics that they revolted, sparking the Uprising of the Spring Flowers. Thus, our ancestors dethroned Kessan's last ruler and abolished that version of the traditional welcome for good. But to this day, Kubaku remains in our minds, as we refer to our pregnant women as visited by Kubaku."

Jack gasped as he finally understood that strange saying, for better or worse. "And why is the rack still there?"

"Because it's fun," Toko replied with a grin and sat back down at the tea table. She pulled out a fancy porcelain tea set and began brewing some tea while she continued her description, "The other version of the traditional welcome still requires the host to take care of the needs of their guest, but it takes place on a more mutual level. For example, as my guest, you may do with me whatever you want, but to make sure we both benefit, you also must give me an orgasm at some point. How does that sound? Do you want to try it?"

"Honestly, this sounds way too good to be true. So, just to be sure, you're saying that I can have sex with you however I want right now? Just like that?"

"That's right, you can do anything your heart desires. Well, with one exception. My pussy is... off-limits. You can lick and touch it, but don't stick it in, you hear me? However, before we do anything else, I want to make sure that you'll actually last more than a second," Toko purred and pointed at his raging, dripping boner. It hadn't softened a bit since they entered the conference room. "I am currently brewing a hornleaf tea for you. It's made from a special blend of herbs only found on Kessan soil that improves some of the body's abilities. It boosts stamina, speeds up recovery, and it has a few more beneficial long-term effects. Unfortunately, it's also quite tart and bitter, which is why foreigners rarely ever drink it."

Then, she grabbed her heavy dick and one of her massive tits and proudly showed them off. "I actually owe large parts of my appearance to the long-term effects of that tea. This blend right here stimulates the growth of your penis and your balls, enhances your productivity, and makes your skin and flesh more supple and flexible. It even swells your breasts, plumpens your vagina and butthole, and gets them ready for immediate and thorough fun."

"Really? Is that the reason why you're so... big?"

"Exactly. However, it's by no means a quick transition. It can take years or decades for all of the effects to become visible. There's also an upper limit to it, and there is no easy way to reverse the changes. But other than that, it's perfectly safe for consumption," Toko singsonged and handed Jack a steaming cup of dark green tea.

Jack spent a minute absently blowing on the hot liquid as he processed her words. Her claims felt too bizarre to be true, but luckily, there was an easy way to test them. Curiously, he put the cup to his lips and took the first sip. The tea was no longer scalding hot, but its taste was abominable. His muzzle instantly scrunched up so much that he bared all his teeth, his ears fell flat to his skull, and he let out a repulsed growl. Honestly, he would've spit it out if he hadn't accidentally swallowed it already. "Fuck, it's fucking bitter! Ugh, I think I need a new tongue. Are you sure it's supposed to taste like this, or is this some sort of joke?"

Toko laughed guiltily and comfortingly patted his knee. "Unfortunately, that's just what it's supposed to taste like, like the worst medicine in the world. Also, before you ask, sugar doesn't help. But don't worry, you'll get used to it eventually, and in the end, the benefits definitely outweigh its horrible taste."

She wasn't wrong. While Jack still smacked and licked his lips, desperately trying to get rid of the vile aftertaste, a soft tingling and a cozy warmth emerged from his stomach. He had taken only a single sip of the bitter beverage, but its effect was noticeable as he already felt much more invigorated. But he dreaded drinking any more of it. It would probably be more pleasant to administer that stuff with a feeding tube than drinking it the ordinary way.

"How the hell did anyone ever think this was drinkable? It tastes like liquid poison!"

"Well, the original recipe came from the winged tribes in the north. They don't have taste buds, so they never cared about the taste. Um, perhaps you can wait for it to cool off and try to down everything at once?"

Jack grunted dismissively, but she was probably right. He had to chug it if he wanted to empty that cup. While he waited for his tea to cool off more, Toko was sipping hers with a perfectly straight face. She even began to smile cheekily as if the taste didn't bother her at all. Then, as soon as she was done with her tea, the fox gathered all the courage he had and tossed it down all at once. The subsequent seconds were awful, like ripping off a particularly nasty, giant band-aid, but at least the rest of that nauseating tea was now inside him and could finally unfold its potent magic, filling every last fiber in his body with fresh energy.

"See? You did it! I'm proud of you, honey," Toko cheered.

"Fuck me!"

The red panda promptly leaned in closer and grabbed his face, kissing his muzzle with a salacious grin. "That's the plan, honey."

Jack groaned, still recovering from the shock of having imbibed an entire cup of hornleaf tea, but her touch and her kiss eased his struggle and intensified the warm, thrilling prickle of the tea. He looked at her with glassy eyes, dazed and feeling like he was floating above the ground, too stunned to respond vocally or physically.

Toko's caress didn't stop, and she took advantage of his stupor. Nudging him slightly, she brushed her paws over his chest and down to the band of his robe, deftly untying the knot and pulling the sleeves down his arms, baring his whole chest and back. In one fluid motion, she wrapped her paws around his waist and reeled him into a hug, right up against her soft belly and ample cleavage. Her throbbing erection slid right between his legs, while his rubbed up against her midriff. A thrilling shiver raced through Jack's spine. He felt even more vulnerable and susceptible than ever, all nude and exposed in his host mother's tight embrace. And as the overbearing taste of tea decayed, he also began to smell her invigorating scent again. The mixture of soft musk and flowery shower gel soaked into his nose, slowly becoming more intense as her body heated up and her arousal grew.

So close to her, the fox's lewd curiosity soon got the better of him, and his paws began to develop a mind of their own. He slowly brushed them over Toko's curves and gently groped her ample flesh, relishing the moment with a shaky moan. Her entire body was just so wonderfully soft and plushy, the skin of her chocolate areolae supple, her fleshy nipples swollen stiff, and her fur silky smooth.

"There you go, honey," the red panda cooed as Jack's paws wandered over her exuberant tail, her breasts, her strong back, and down to her cushy butt. His inhibitions and reservations melted away like snow in the summer sun as he kept playing with her, his enthusiasm boosted by her lascivious sighs and her hungry leer. The fire in her emerald eyes was unmistakable. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. "Don't hold back. Have as much fun with mommy as you can. Not just now, but throughout your stay."

Toko tenderly grabbed Jack's head and pulled him up to her face, her hot breath washing over his snout as she waited for a second to look him straight in the eye. Then, she tilted her head and overcame the final inch that separated them. Their muzzles touched, her lips opened, and she gave him a deep kiss. Caught in a whirlpool of arousal and heated emotions, the fox just went with the flow and did the same, parting his lips and embracing her kiss with all it entailed. It didn't stop there. While their muzzles stayed firmly locked together, her tongue slipped free and nudged his, inviting him to play, and her paws began to roam his back, exploring him as he had explored her. Although tradition indicated that Jack should lead, it was still Toko who dictated the rhythm, but he didn't mind. In fact, he greatly appreciated her experience and guidance.

While Jack made out with his host mother, his perception of time diffused into a cloud of insignificance, and he simply existed in a state of lust, his mind flooding with more and more arousal while his chest filled with powerful flutters. His cock was rock hard and leaking, his sensitive rosy flesh rubbing against her pudgy abdomen while her massive schlong pressed against his sack and butt crack, drooling a never-ending stream of pre into his tail. This moment was perfect, and he wouldn't have loved to just keep going until he blew, but his voluptuous host had different plans.

A disappointed whine slipped out of Jack's throat as Toko suddenly broke the kiss and gently pushed him out of her embrace. "Could you get up, honey? I would like to sample a taste of you," she purred, eyeing his cock and licking her lips. A command veiled in honeyed words, a request Jack didn't hesitate to fulfill. He sluggishly stood up and watched her shuffle closer on her knees. She grabbed his dick with one paw and cupped his balls with the other, briefly examining her prize before she went to work.

The fox waited and watched with bated breath and thumping heart as the red panda's muzzle neared his cock, and he gasped when her soft lips finally touched his glans, lingering for a bit until she gave it a wet kiss. She swiftly brushed her tongue over his sensitive tip, savoring the swelling bead of pre before she began to work him properly, rubbing her nimble muscle up and down the throbbing rod like a candy cane, pausing only to briefly slurp another drop of precum from his tip. All the time, her free paw toyed with his balls, fondling and stroking them, sometimes each orb on its own, sometimes the whole pair. Starting with just a tender caress, she soon tugged and kneaded his sack vigorously.

Toko's warm and wet affection, the sight of her dancing head and jiggling tits, and the smell of her musk spawned a potent mixture that quickly melted Jack's brain into a lusty, horny puddle. Within mere moments, his thoughts were nothing but a whirl of lust and pleasure. His first groan was swiftly followed by a whole barrage of sighs, gasps, and moans as his body yielded to her ministrations, his legs weakening and his tail jerking erratically. The only part of him that got any harder was his cock, throbbing and drooling like a leaky faucet as the stimulation surged to heavenly heights. He had never been so aroused in his entire life, he had come from far less than this, and yet, his body refused to blow, teetering on the edge for several minutes as if held back by something. This had to be the effect of the tea! So she really hadn't been kidding him. "Toko, this is... great! Don't stop! Keep going!"

The mature red panda pulled back with a bawdy laugh and licked two of her fingers. "Oh, just you wait, sweetie. This is about to get even better." She returned to his tip and wrapped her muzzle around his glans. Her licks had been good, but the sudden hot tightness of her mouth was even better, and when she began circling her tongue around his shaft, Jack lost it entirely. He burst into a cry of raw pleasure and reflexively grabbed her head as his legs failed to keep their balance.

While Toko eagerly slurped Jack's tip, her paw slipped around his thigh and onto his butt. At first, the fox didn't realize what she was doing until her fingers prodded his anus, and he reflexively cinched up with a whimper. This was the first time anyone had touched him back there. Not even he had ever tried anything with his ass, never even had the idea or motivation. Caught up in an overwhelming storm of lust, however, he couldn't stop her, allowing her to rub his sensitive skin and familiarize him with the strange sensation for better or worse.

However, his host mother didn't even give Jack the time to think about the fingers at his ring because suddenly, her head shot forward, and she swallowed his cock whole, her tight, hot throat wrapping itself snugly around his pulsing flesh. In a split second, all his thoughts evaporated in a flash of raw, unbridled pleasure. His jaw dropped open, but he couldn't speak, he couldn't cry, just whimper as the insane stimulation ravaged his mind, and as if this wasn't too much already, the busty futa began bobbing her head back and forth with savoring slurps. The wet insides of her maw rubbed and squeezed his sensitive penis better and tighter than his paws ever could, but he still held on to an infinitely thin thread, his climax so close and yet so far.

Toko seized Jack's momentary distraction to shove her digits past his quivering ring and into his rectum. His eyes widened, and his breath hitched as he felt her inside him. He puckered up and lowered his tail, but it was too late. Her fingers had breached his barrier, and they were going in only one direction: deeper. A volley of strange sensations and tingles washed through the fox as her fingers curled and spread his sensitive depths, but before too long, her touch started to stir something wonderful. Hidden in his rectum, there was a spot that responded avidly to her caress, and even just her initial touch flooded his brain with a new wave of pleasure that easily rivaled the pleasure from her blowjob.

The red panda grunted and grinned as she heard Jack moan in confused bliss. Having discovered his weak spot, she rubbed and massaged it with even fiercer and faster strokes. And just like that, the awkward anal fingering turned into an eye-opening blessing that virtually doubled his pleasure and made him moan even louder than before.

Finally, the tension in the young fox's chest snapped, and an intense orgasm washed through him, dominating his mind and pervading every last fiber of his body. "I'm cumming!" he groaned, and his dick twitched violently, erupting right into Toko's greedy maw.

Not missing a beat, the red panda pulled back until his tip rested on her tongue, so she could fully savor his flavor. She slurped and swallowed his warm cream with bawdy grunts and huffs while her fingers went absolutely feral on his prostate, giving Jack the hardest and best climax of his life. Caught in a thoughtless, mindless high, just grunting and nutting, he unloaded squirt after squirt into her gullet for almost half a minute straight, longer than ever before, probably only thanks to that strange, bitter tea.

Eons later, Jack's exceptional orgasm released its vice grip around his brain, and he slowly came down from the mind-numbing high. Panting heavily and soaked with sweat, he shakily regained his balance and let go of Toko's head while she removed her fingers from his butt and pulled her muzzle away from his cock. "Wow, that was awesome!"

"It was! You taste absolutely delicious, sweetie, and you have so much energy. I can't wait to see what else you can do with that body. Do you want to show me?"

"Show you?" Jack stared at her in confusion.

"Well, in case you haven't noticed, I haven't come yet. So, you either jerk me off or you do my butt," Toko pointed at his cock -- somehow, the fox was still rock-hard, even after cumming his brains out. "What do you say? Are you up for it, honey?" To make his decision even easier, she bent over and spread her butt cheeks, showing him her juicy chocolate asshole and moist pussy.

A renewed burst of arousal swept through the fox. Hard and horny, there was little reason to refuse her tempting offer. "Oh yes!" However, before he stuck it into her, he had to try something else. With nothing holding him back anymore, he dropped behind Toko and put his paws on her mighty butt, kneading the supple flesh and stroking her luxurious fur. A thick cloud of her raw musk engulfed him, making his mouth water and drawing him even closer to the source, the deep cleft between her ass cheeks. Before he knew it, Jack had moved his muzzle up to her plump cunt, softly prodding the dripping hole as he took one deep breath after another, filling his nose with her aroma and committing it to memory. He whimpered as he sampled a first taste, brushing his tongue over her hot pussy and lapping up her tangy fluids. An addictive flavor spread over his taste buds and fueled his licks into a greedy frenzy. In turn, the futa rewarded him with lusty growls and heated moans while he drank her feminine nectar straight from the tap.

Huffing in a horny daze, the fox was eventually distracted by an earthy, even more potent scent from the tight hole just above Toko's fluttering cunt. Softly prodding her twitching anus, he was inhaling her raw musk where it was the strongest, and he enjoyed every breath with needy groans. Sniffing butt, that was yet another thing he had never thought he would do until he met this irresistible red panda.

"Are you having fun back there, honey?" Toko gasped with a tinge of disbelief. Her body vibrated with a rumbling purr, and her fluffy tail coiled around Jack's back, caressing him as he prodded her ring with his nose. He didn't respond, though, at least not verbally. Instead, he let his lusty instincts guide him. Slowly, he dragged his muzzle upward and pressed his tongue against the rim of her swollen ring. After circling it with one broad stroke and giving her anus a sloppy kiss. Her aroma became even headier, a mixture of musky, salty, and tangy flavors with a distinctly earthy spin that relentlessly stirred his lust. He was hooked immediately and craved more. Continuing where he had left off at her cunt, he began to rim her ring with sloppy slurps and passionate licks.

With every stroke and lash of his tongue, the young red fox pushed harder against her pucker, and soon, she was relaxed enough that his organ simply broke through her ring and slipped deep inside her. Toko reacted with a guttural cry of pleasure, and Jack's taste buds were flooded with even more of her intoxicating flavor as she started to actively push back against his hungry maw.

Time flew by in a blur while Jack slurped Toko's delicious ass. Driven by uncontrollable lust, his tongue drilled and slithered in and out of her tight, delicious hole in a delirious frenzy. His muzzle was opened as wide as his jaw allowed, his lips pressed flush against her skin, and every breath he took was blessed by her potent scent as he cherished and caressed every last part he could reach with horny grunts and groans. However, his horny frenzy eventually became too much for his poor brain. The ceaseless onslaught of sensations muddied his mind and made him so dizzy that he suddenly lost his balance and slumped over backward.

"Jack, why did you stop?" Toko whimpered and sluggishly turned around to check on him. "Oh no, are you alright, honey? Do you need help?"

The red fox nodded weakly and attempted to reply but only managed a few incomprehensible grunts. His mind was too clouded by lust to form proper sentences, and his muscles too weak to get him back up.

The red panda crawled over to help him, but she didn't attempt to pull him up as he had expected. Instead, she climbed onto him and straddled him, burying his crotch under her pillowy ass and pinning him down onto the parquet. Once again, she took matters into her own paws. With a naughty smile on her lips, she raised her rump, grabbed his dick, and guided it to her wet anus. A shiver ran through Jack as he felt the tight ring wrapping around his tip as she lowered herself just a bit, just enough to keep it steady.

Toko finally removed her paw and sank onto his cock, taking his entire girth from the tip to the base in one go. Her face melted with bliss and her eyes went cross, her muzzle parting as a deep, guttural moan escaped her. Jack mirrored her reaction and let out a lewd, loud groan as he was swept away by the sudden warmth and tightness of her ass. The blowjob had already been a revelation, but this was even better. Besides, this was only just the beginning. Resting her paws on her thighs, the red panda lifted her ass back up and started to ride his penis with gentle but deep humps.

Jack watched his host with spellbound fascination as she thrust her heavy body down on him again and again. Aside from her perfect tightness, her salacious moans, and her hot body, it was the sight of the slowly bouncing futanari that made this the most memorable moment so far. Absolutely everything on her was in permanent motion. Her jaw opened and closed as she moaned out her pleasure, her humongous breasts jumped and gyrated enchantingly, her fur shook, and her flesh jiggled, and her massive cock bounced and flailed wildly, smacking into his midriff every time she slumped down. Even her tail swished around in an excited frenzy, brushing over his legs and caressing his feet. The only part that never moved was her eyes, which were always pinned to his face. They sparkled and gleamed like two round emeralds, filled with endless lust.

Driven by her desire, Toko soon lost all restraint and humped Jack faster and faster, really making him feel and hear the sheer weight and strength of her massive body every time her butt smacked into him. Her moans swelled into cries of joy, and she began to howl in her language. The fox only understood fragments, the words good, great, and his name, over and over again. But he didn't need to understand any more than that to know that she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

Eventually, Jack's focus shifted to her fat schlong, which was flailing around right in front of his face, delivering resounding blows to his chest and spurting pre everywhere. Intrigued by the sight, the fox lunged forward and grabbed the thrashing meat, accidentally squeezing it hard enough to release a fat wad of pre. It splashed all over his face and covered him with her potent aroma. He tasted it on his lips, salty and savory, and he was instantly hooked. Fortunately, the source of the unexpected treat was just inches from his muzzle, her hooded chocolate tip leaking and throbbing with more of the sticky goodness.

Jack eagerly parted his lips and met Toko's fat glans with a kiss, enough to draw another gush of pre from her twitching urethra. He swallowed the wet blessing with a bawdy groan and wrapped his muzzle around her tip. Defying her vigorous humping, the fox held her dick in an iron grip and refused to let go again, claiming every drop and squirt of delicious pre for himself. His paws began to dance over her pulsing shaft, up and down, squeezing and pumping even more of the clear, sticky goodness into his maw, and he gulped it down greedily, savoring every last drop.

While Jack drank from her cock, his tongue explored her hooded tip with curious strokes, digging under her stretchy foreskin and fervently rubbing against her leaking cumslit. And soon, the mix of Toko's taste and tightness proved to be too much for him. The fox's thoughts devolved into lusty madness as he lost himself in the slurps and thrusts. His surging arousal swept him along like a raft in whitewater, carrying him closer and closer to the edge until he finally came hard. Still clutching her dick, he threw his head back and howled out with otherworldly bliss as he pumped his nut inside her. A staggering orgasm rushed through his body and took over his brain, wrenching rope after rope of cum from his tensing balls as his vision blurred.

Only seconds later, Toko joined him with an effusive cry of pleasure. Her thighs tightened around his waist, and her asshole clenched around his erupting shaft, her insides literally sucking him dry with powerful undulations. The fox also sensed a spreading wet warmth on his midriff as her contracting pussy drenched him with plenty of girl juices. But most importantly, her urethra opened up, and she exploded with a gigantic torrent of wet, hot cum. The individual spurts merged into a single big stream of milky white, and the eruption was powerful enough to rip her cock out of Jack's weakening grip. Like a loose fire hose, it sprayed semen all over his chest and face, into his hair, on his shoulders, and even on his arms, and there was no sign that the lewd shower would stop anytime soon. Not that he could do much about it anyway, as he was still utterly overwhelmed by his own massive orgasm and powerless against the much bigger, stronger red panda.

Suddenly, Toko grabbed his head and her dick and shoved them together in an attempt to tame her eruption. Too dazed to stop her, Jack could only watch wide-eyed as her glans popped back into his muzzle. She still didn't stop cumming and rapidly flooded his entire mouth with warm, thick semen. The fox tried his best to gulp it all down, but despite all his efforts, he couldn't keep up with her productivity, and his mouth soon spilled over with her jizz.

After feeding him at least a dozen ounces, Toko's orgasm finally diminished into a more manageable trickle, her raging lust dissipated, and the horny mist in her eyes cleared. She blinked at him in confusion before she realized just how much of a mess she had made. Not wasting any more time, she pulled her dick out of his mouth and allowed Jack to catch his breath. For the first time, he saw the red panda's face flush with embarrassment. "Oh, I'm so sorry, honey. I've gotten carried away! Are you okay, sweetie?"

Jack took a few deep breaths and collected himself as he pondered her question. His stomach was full with cum, he was sweaty and exhausted, and his fur was thoroughly soaked, but he was also happier than ever, his chest fluttering with lewd excitement. A grin grew on his muzzle and he finally answered, "Yes, I'm fine. This was awesome! It just... kinda defies the purpose of the shower, doesn't it? Probably need to take another one now, right?"

Toko's expression softened, and she responded with a relieved chuckle, "I'm glad to hear that, and I must agree, this was simply wonderful. Again, I'm sorry that I made such a mess, but I can show you something, so you don't have to take a second shower."

"Oh, what? How?" Jack blurted out.

The mature re panda carefully got off his softening cock and crawled to the tea table. Opening one of the little drawers, she pulled out a little tin. "This is a special moisturizing cream that doesn't actually moisturize. Instead, a small amount of it turns semen into a moisturizer. It removes its less pleasant properties and allows it to soak into your skin." She knelt down next to the young fox, unscrewed the lid, and put some on her fingers.

Jack was slightly wary about the strange white substance. "Are you sure this is safe? Or are you joking me? That sounds just a little too weird to work."

"Absolutely! Why do you think my fur is as shiny as this?" Toko responded with a smirk before devolving into laughter at his thunderstruck look. "Okay, maybe I don't do it every day, but once or twice a week. Trust me, I wouldn't do it if it didn't work." Still giggling, she rubbed her paws together and put them on his chest. With large, circling motions, she slathered the warm sticky mess all over his torso, diligently rubbing, kneading, and massaging the mix of cum, girl juices, and moisturizer into every last inch, not stopping until she had spread it evenly. The fox was pretty sure that he would smell like her miles against the wind once she was done, but he didn't mind it too much. In fact, the idea that he would reek of her love juices was strangely thrilling and satisfying.

Toko smeared the last bit of goop over Jack's back and the base of his tail. Then, she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him up against her chest. "There, now you're all set, honey. You just have to wait for another minute or two, and it should be gone," she purred warmly and nuzzled his cheeks, her face overflowing with happiness. "That was so much fun! We should definitely do this again sometime, yes?"

An offer Jack simply couldn't refuse, even though he was spent, still soaked and panting from the romp. "Absolutely! This was the weirdest thing I've ever done, but I don't regret anything. This was just awesome!"

"Weird? What do you mean?"

"Oh, you know..." The red fox tilted his head and chuckled, blushing furiously. "All the things I've never done before, never even thought about, like sucking a dick, eating ass, that kind of stuff. But with you, it all felt pretty natural. I mean, I really like you a lot, Toko... and your body."

"Aw, I'm flattered, Jack. I'm glad that you feel so because I like you quite a lot, too. You're such a lovely, handsome boy," she whispered, the desire in her eyes displaced by a caring, motherly warmth. Rubbing her paws over his back, she pulled him even closer, up against her chubby belly, her soft breasts, and her somehow still semi-rigid cock. "We're going to have a lot of fun together, alright?" Her paw brushed over his neck as she pulled him into a gentle kiss. Their lips touched for just a second, the kiss nothing more than a fleeting encounter, but its effect lingered for much longer, sending a pleasant shiver through the fox's body and filling him with an amorous rapture. When their muzzles finally parted, he looked at her with a thumping heart and flutters in his chest, realizing that he had a serious crush on his host mother. But what else had he expected after everything they had already done together?

The sound of the doorbell rudely interrupted their moment of intimacy. Toko jerked her head around and loosened her embrace, her ears swiveling as she tried to identify the newcomer. Somewhere in the distance, the door opened with a click and a subtle squeak, followed by footsteps and a bright, feminine singsong announcing, "Toko, I'm back home! Did you pick up the exchange student?"

"Oh, what wonderful timing! Come, I'll introduce you to my wife Kama," Toko giggled with excitement and slipped a paw around his, gently pulling him up on his legs. With the other, she picked up his robe and returned it so he could put it back on. "Just so you know, she can be quite stressed and pent-up after work but don't worry. Most of the time, she is a wonderful woman."

It was finally time to meet a new face. Admittedly, Jack had mixed feelings about this. On one side, he was curious about getting to know Toko's wife. On the other side, it felt wrong to meet Kama while he reeked of her spouse's cum, pretty openly showcasing what they had done just moments before her arrival. Besides, it really stung to know that she had a wife, and his crush on her suddenly felt a lot more futile and pointless than it had just moments ago. But Toko didn't give him the time to worry about it. She vigorously pulled him along and out of the conference room, eager to introduce her guest to her wife.