A Tweak Too far

Story by Kajowwojak on SoFurry

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An interesting story of a codependent bunny with a bad boyfriend, who ends up in a much rougher crowd than anticipated. But they love him, and they love how eager he is to please.This was a 5 page story that I went a little overboard with for  ElberikHope you guys enjoy!

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A Tweak Too Far

"Welcome to The Body Shop." A feminine voice would call to Marcus as he stepped in to the piercing parlor. Marcus looked incredibly out of place among the displays of tattoos and piercings. The grey furred rabbit was clearly anxious, and that just seemed to put a smile onto the face of the reptilian owner of the business, Damiana. White scales and shiny piercings caught Marcus' eye as she would approach what served as a front counter. "How can I help you today, Cotton tail?" She placed her elbow on the counter, and rest her chin on her palm as she stared at him with a coy smile.

"Oh, hello, Ma'am!" Marcus spoke loudly, almost shouting, to be heard over the loud guitars of the heavy metal playing through the speakers. "I was wanting to know if you accepted walk-ins? Or if you have to have an appointment." The lapine fidgeted left and right between his feet. He wasn't wearing a shirt, as it was quite warm outside for the summer, though a modest pair of blue jeans did sit comfortably upon his waist.

Marcus didn't have a single mar on his fluffy hide, and Damiana could tell. She flicked out her tongue, showing off its pierced, forked length, still smiling. "Walk-ins are always welcome if I don't already have a big job on hand. What you lookin' to get? A rose on your ass?" She teased, but her voice was friendly enough, still sizing up the bunny. She wasn't wearing much, a fish-net tank top that showed off the various piercings running down her torso, albeit without pants, which showed her... curious modification, of a zipper running between her legs and part way down her tail. She had some rather large boots that went almost all the way to her hips too.

"Oh, uh..." The bunny hesitated all the more, biting his lip. "No, not that. See, uh... I've got a boyfriend, and... Well, he's said that he thinks I would look good with a little bit of body mods, and I thought... ya know... it couldn't hurt?" His big ears flattened down his back as he said it, thinking that it sounded silly.

"That's absolutely adorable!" She laughed, standing up from the counter, and pulling through some drawers behind the counter, until she found what she was looking for: A demo display of some various piercings. "Alrighty, so! For something starting off, for a normal person, I'd recommend one of these." She pointed to a couple of piercings. A simple ring, and a bar. "These would be simple to do. Buuuut big bunny ears like yours? You could easily pull one of these off." Damiana's fingers reached down and picked up a ¾ inch gauge. "A normal person would need to stretch and pry and open up a small piercing to this size, but you? I could fit these riiiiight in the middle of your ears without any problems." She set the gauge back down, and picked up another gauge, but this one was almost as big as her fist. "If you REALLY want to impress your boyfriend, though, you could always try one of these bad boys on for size."

Marcus looked almost like a kid in a candy store with the first series of piercings. Small, simple, not that imposing. The middle gauge was where he started getting intimidated, and the last one? It looked far too painful for him. "U-uhm... Maybe just... the little one would work fine. You know, something simple, makes me look tough too?"

"I can certainly do that. But..." She pauses a second, setting down the large gauge and looking him over. "We got a little bit of a special going on today. A bit of a BOGO deal kinda thing. These little piercings here? They're too cheap to qualify, but if you DO get this one right here," She held up the ¾ inch gauge again, using the tips of her fingers to make it look smaller than it was, "I can give you a second one for free. And I bet that your boyfriend would absolutely love a matching set."

Marcus could feel her eyes staring deep into his body, and he felt too self-conscious to say no. "A-alright, yeah. I mean, a Bogo deal is pretty good, r-right? What do I have to do?" Damiana waved for the bunny to follow her, and he did so carefully, hands sheepishly held to his torso as he looked around the studio proper. She waved at a table that looked like it belonged in an operating room more than a parlor shop, but then again, he didn't know any better.

"Alright, so, a pair of three-quarters. I'll get them looking nice and pretty. You're not squeamish, are you?" Damiana asked, though winked in a teasing manner. She dug through her tools until she found the right ones she was looking for. She took out what looked like a marker and a ruler, and while pinning his ears to the table with one hand, she started measuring and marking with the other. "So, fair warning, it's gonna sting, but the pain will be over quickly. Promise."

Marcus bit his lip and fidgeted with his toes and fingers. He couldn't see what she was doing, and it made him nervous, but the reptile was so calm and confident with her movements, that it reassured him. The next thing he knew, there was a heavy clamp on his ears, and it felt like a vice grip. "What's that? It kinda hurts..."

"Well, like I said before, cotton tail, a normal ear would start small and stretch outwards. But since your ears have so much canvas space on them, I'm going to pressure a ring on your ears, and that will cut off blood flow. Give it a little bit of time, and then it will go numb, and then I can pierce through the ear with minimal blood and pain. Then I fit the piercings in, and you're good to go!" Damiana sounded like she did this eight times a week, and this was completely routine for her.

The time passed for the two of them, mostly with Marcus asking questions, and Damiana answering. Marcus was in the middle of another question when the artist would make a move, pulling down on something, and with a loud sound of metal on metal, the pieces of Marcus' ears were removed. He arched his back in pain, yelping in surprise, but the plunger was pulled back up, and there were two new holes in his ears.

"Oh, don't be such a baby. Hard part is already done!" She said with a giggle. The clamps still kept his ears, and head, in place as she would take a small container filled with a yellow powder, and apply the powder to the edges of the piercing with a Qtip. A clotting agent to ensure that they did not bleed once the clamps were removed. She fit the gauges in place, once she was sure the bleeding was stopped. Once sure everything was fine, she pulled the clamps off, and grabbed a large overhead mirror, swiveling it over so Marcus could see himself. She stuck her fingers through the gauges, and wiggled his ears teasingly. "You look adorable. Trust me, I know my work. There isn't a better body mod artist in this zip code. If he doesn't love them, he's a schmuck."

Two weeks went by before Marcus would return. This time he had a folder under his arm. The gauges were still in place, but not seen as Marcus had his ears flat down his back, clearly something bothering him. "Hey, uh, Miss Damiana? Do you do uhm... Ahem... personal piercings for other people?"

The reptile raised an eyebrow as she looked him up and down, seeing him fidget, not making eye contact. "Cotton tail, take a look at me, and ask me that question again. Do you think I'm squeamish at the sight of a dick? What you looking for? Jacob's ladder? Ampallang, King's Crown? Frenum? Hafada? Guiche?" He counted the various types on her fingers, staring up as she thought of the various kinds of piercings that she knew.

Marcus was a bit overwhelmed as he listened to all of them, his face turning red as he fidgeted. "W-well, uh... M-maybe a... Prince Albert?" He squeezed tight onto the folder that was under his arm, still not sure about it.

"Oh, honey, those are a dime a dozen. You really want something that boring?" She asked, in a way that stated that it was fine, but that she thought he could do better. "What's that you got there anyways? References? I promise you, I know to pierce a dick. Nice and... well... Relatively painless."

"No! Well, uhm... I mean... kindof..." Marcus bit his lip anxiously, holding the envelope in front of him, looking at some of it. "So, my boyfriend thought that the piercings were cute, but we haven't really fucked in over a week, and I uh... I kinda found him on a gay cruising website, and he seemed to really be liking pictures of guys with pierced dicks, and I figured that... if I got one, then maybe he'd like me again..."

"Oh, fluffy butt, you sure this is the guy you wanna get pierced for?" She asked, raising her eyebrow, for the first time seeming more sympathetic than anything. "Don't get me wrong, I can get this done and over within five minutes, and I think that you'd look good with one, but I know some MUCH better guys who can, and will, appreciate ya."

"Yes I'm sure! He's a good guy and I just want to make him happy, and if all it takes is a few piercings, then that's something I'm willing to do for him!" Marcus stood up straight, furrowing his brow, and looking fairly... defiant. He was serious about trying to find a way to make this work and he was GOING to find a way to do it.

Damiana laughed at the bluster of the bunny and waved for him to follow her to the back again. This time to a different booth that had a privacy counter. "Alright alright big guy, no need to get your knickers in a twist! Drop trou and hop on the table." There were a different assortment of needles and items available for her to use, clearly designed for harder mods. Her customer was a bit hesitant before dropping his pants, but eventually complied. He wasn't much of a looker, but she'd dealt with smaller projects. "Alright honey, I'm gonna need you hard if you're gonna get this to look right. You can do it yourself, or I can help. Your choice."

Marcus fiddled with the button to his jeans for longer than was necessary. He'd never been naked in front of a girl before, so it felt odd. But with a huff to strengthen his resolve, he pulled his pants around his ankles and stepped out of them, hopping onto the table and looking down at his rod. "Get hard? Uh... O-okay." The steam didn't last long before he was anxious again, but it made perfect sense that he needed to get hard to do it. His fingers reached down to grab at his sack, giving it a firm squeeze, and groping at his flaccid, circumcised bunny rod with his other, gently stroking it. He was nervous, but he closed his eyes and just tried to focus on the stroking and getting hard. It was only a little bit of time before he was hard, and when he opened his eyes, Damiana was between his legs, elbows on the edge of the table, just... watching. "H-hey!"

"Sorry! You looked like you were enjoying yourself so much that I didn't want to stop ya, hehe." He winked as she picked up the piercing gun, and gripped his dick by the base. It was firm, slightly firmer than most would consider comfortable, but she didn't want to worry about him going soft from anxiety, and kept all the blood inside the dick. "Close your eyes, and count to three." She said, lining everything up.

"A-alright." Marcus took a deep breath, curling his toes and closing his eyes. "One-AH!" She didn't wait for him to get all the way through one, just pulled the trigger before he could flinch. When he opened his eyes there was a new, shiny ring hanging off of the tip of his dick, as well as some bandages and gauze to make sure the bleeding wasn't a problem.

"There we go, cotton tail! One prince albert, ready for viewing! Now, just be careful with this, alright? It's gonna be tender for a while." She patted his balls reassuringly, and scooted away, letting him put his pants back on. "Oh, and if he doesn't appreciate THAT work of art... let me know, I know a bunch of people who would love a bunny so eager to get pierced to please someone!"

Unfortunately, the next time they saw each other was two days later. Marcus looked like he hadn't slept since the piercing, and his eyes were red and bloodshot, one hand clenched in a fist against his chest.

"Oh bunny boo, what's wrong? You didn't get it caught on something, did ya?" Damiana asked, genuine concern upon her reptilian features.

"No, no... M-My... He..." Deep, slow breaths did their best to avoid tears welling up again. "I showed him my piercing... and we started fooling around and he was tugging on it, and he yanked it and..."

"Oh no no no! Good gracious! For someone who likes piercings, he must be a complete moron" She shook her head and stepped around the counter to look him up and down. "Did the ring come off?"

Marcus slowly opened his hand, where there was the ring, with a few droplets of blood on it. "He... pulled it off... and then broke up with me."

"What!? After all the hard work that I-I mean, that you did to yourself for him? You're better off without him." Damiana grit her teeth and shook her head. "Oi! Ares! Stop acting like a bitch and get out here!"

Around the corner of the work area, there was a very very tall komodo dragon, roughly nine foot tall. He was wearing a shirt that had a death metal band's logo on it, and his pants were actually slung over his shoulder. A pair of hemipene were throbbing in mid air. Each one had a row of studs going down the underside, and each also had a prince albert, with a small weight hanging from them. The rest of his body was covered in tattoos, and there were also piercings along his eyebrow ridges and along his tongue when it slipped out. "What's up Lil' liz?"

"Take one look at this bunny." She said, sounding more like she was on a commercial for abandoned puppies. "Some poor sod ripped off his brand new PA, that he got FOR HIM, and then dumped him. Can you believe that!?"

Marcus looked up at Ares, visibly intimidated, but noticed that the big monitor lizard only seemed... curious. Walking over to him, he examined him all over, flicking his tongue out a few places, but overall confused.

"Seems like a right moron. You need a new pal to hang out with?" He grinned at the bunny, almost looking predatorial as his fingers stroked along Marcus' ears, stopping at the gauges, toying at the openings with his claws.

Marcus felt his heart beat hard in his chest, biting his lip and blushing. "W-well, I mean... maybe I could make him jealous or something." The reptile continued petting his head, and that just made the bunny squirm more.

Looking back over to Damiana, Ares smiled wide. "Oh, I have an idea. IF he completely fucked up the piercing... Maybe give him one of these." He reached down and tapped at his dicks, which were already eye level with Marcus. "Maybe I'm biased, but I think you'd look good with a pair of dicks, rather than just a single one. I'll even pay for it!"

"Y-you think so? I mean... I guess it would look better than just trying to stitch it back together..." Marcus smiled awkwardly, appreciating the feeling of Ares wanting to do something to make him look good.

"Oh, bunny, you're gonna look SO good. Come on, let's get you fixed up." Damiana said, as both reptiles pushed the short bunny into the back room. "So, we're gonna put you under in order to work on that dick of yours. Anything else, since Ares is paying?" She jabbed her elbow at the monitor lizard, causing the dick weights to swing, and click together.

"Uhh... W-well. If he's paying, I guess just make sure I look good?" He asked, looking up at the big reptile, who grinned all the wider, and all the more predatory.

Damiana sat down next to him, pulling out a canister of laughing gas, and slipped it over his face. The last thing that Marcus heard as she started going under was the discussion. "What about... mumble mumble... Matching mumble... I like mumble mumble... purple mumble..."

The bunny had no idea how long he was unconscious. He had no clue what had happened to him while he was out. Slowly his eyes opened up, and through the haze of his visions did he see... himself. Well, a mirror looking at him. Everything had an odd blue haze to it, but as his vision cleared, he saw that there was a lot more that had happened to him. Starting at his ears. In addition to the gauges set in the middle of his ears, there were a series of piercings up and down. Three sets of industrial piercings that went through one edge of his ear to the other, keeping the pointed and curved. About a dozen small ball piercings followed around the edges, keeping them heavy, but providing a nice texture. His face... His eyes looked different. Blue. Looking carefully, it seemed more like they were contacts than anything. There were some piercings in his eyes, and snakebites on his lower lip, A ring in his nose. Above his face, his hair had been cut into a mohawk, with a red fade... hopefully that was red, it was hard to tell.

His chest was sore, and he could immediately tell why. His nipples had been pierced, but with a metal... something that raised them, and kept them hard and perky. Errant piercings all over his body, which just drew the eyes towards the new tattoos. About that time the pair of reptiles walked back in. "Oh good, you're awake!" Ares said, rumbling with pleasure. As his eyes shifted to look at the Monitor, he looked... different. Every muscle seemed to be glowing one way or another. Almost like he could see the heartbeat of the large reptile.

"I see you're enjoying the contacts. Since I dropped such a wad on making you look good, I figure that I'd add something for myself. Those will let you see how I see things. Ultraviolet and all." Ares reached down and let his finger tease at the nipples of the bunny, arching his back.

Letting the rest of his vision return to the mirror, his junk really was the most worked on area. A large, elaborate display of tentacles coiled over his fur, and his ballsack looked... Very distended. Like something was inserted in them to make them bigger, and as a result, like the head of the octopus who's tentacles were over his hips and torso. And then his penis... They weren't joking about bifurcating it. It was split all the way down the middle. And on the inside were a series of ball piercings as well, arranged in a way to line up, not unlike a zipper. Finally, there was a small chain with a little metal ball hanging off of the tip of each of his dicks, looking like a weight. Ares walked between his legs, and shifted his hips forward. The matching set of weights clung to each other like magnets.

"Well now. I see you're enjoying it as much as me. How about we go back to my place, my little modboy? We'll try everything out. We can always come back if I want to shove some more metal into you." He grinned and picked the bunny up in one arm. Being held, the 'threat' of more mods, the piercings, the tattoo that he just woke up with... His twin, split dicks were rock hard before they walked past the privacy curtain.

"W-wait, what about my pants?" He sputtered out, trying to find them with the new blue haze everywhere.

"What, and hide all that work? No no, I want everyone to see everything you have."

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