La Leono kaj la Vulpo
Is kaj ekdormis kune.
Academy, 1: The Void Within
[please...kaj...] kaj sat in silence. he bit his lip, taking in this revelation about bradon. it simply wouldn't process. kaj was at a loss for words. "i..." kaj started, but couldn't continue.
Paying Debts
Either way, kaj was a man who was going to get paid for work, and if not in credits, then in some other way. jason assured the wolf that kaj would get his money, but words were just empty air.
kaj's feet planted firmly on the ground, toes spread wide in preparation for the strike. as the barstool swung in, kaj lifted his hand up to intercept it.
Darzhja Chapter 2 (Originally from
kaj roared again. he whipped with his tail, but i jerked back, keeping them lodged together. "it goes however i can make it go, kaj!" i yelled over the wind. "submit and i'll release you!" kaj hesitated and the ground grew nearer.
Darzhja Chapter 1 (Originally from
"kaj... please?" i begged. i thought about mentioning that i could tell his superior that he was napping on the job again, but i would never do that to kaj and the big dragon knew it. "no."
Grey Heroism- Chapter 1: Flight
"you gave up on me, kaj, remember?" kaj sighed. "no. i didn't. but you think i did because that's what you wanted to hear." he glared at eli. "we're not arguing this here.
Cocoshark's Mistake
kaj said with a shrug. wasn't the first time he accidentally ran into a client like this. "i figure that you'd like this."
Whispers in the Night - A Winter Warmer
Unseen in the chair, kaj the liar smiled.
Ashes to Stardust: Chapter 1 - Part 2
Malu gazed up at the kaj with love and devotion, nodding eagerly. "i will, oh great kaj," he replied as solzar took his paw, helping him back up to his feet.
New Alveri Chronicles: Darzhja (Chapter 1)
"what about kaj?" i answered. markus' eyes widened. "kaj?" he snorted, both surprised but also intrigued, "you mean the south-eastern gatekeeper? by nodalisk!! you don't think small do you darzhja?"
The New Alveri Chronicles: In the Land of Nod
"what about kaj?" i answered. markus' eyes widened. "kaj?" he snorted, both surprised but also intrigued, "you mean the south-eastern gatekeeper? by nodalisk!! you don't think small do you darzhja?"