Rental Job
AN: This story is based off the "Claire's Toybox" storyline. If you have not read the first in the series, entitled "Working for the Toy Store", it is recommended you do so. Link can be found in the author's profile page. There were several things...
The Witch
I just cleaned up, and some of these artifacts cost a for--" "disembodied hands, seize her!"
The feline growled again as blue glowing disembodied hands appeared and grabbed at his wrists and ankles.
Null House
He then saw it, two disembodied hands approached him, and he had the strangest feeling that the hands were very delighted to see him. "um... hello?"
Tales of Flame: Disembodied voice in my head.
Tales of flame: disembodied voice in my head. by jessy toph. all intellectual property for pokemon (aka pocket monsters) go to gamefreak, nintendo and pokemon™. life is full of trouble i've found.
The Mook Maker, Chapter 66: From Bed to Worse
The disembodied voice praised and went silent, but whether it was a sign of surprise remained a question.
I Am Draagon BloodBlade
As they were dealing with the boy, i had gone to push a golden yellow disembodied dong away from my mom.
The Wizard's Wager
Another ghostly, disembodied cock formed behind him with its dripping tip pressing against his pucker. "wouldn't it feel so good to just cum right now?
Alistair and the All-Purpose Umbrella: Episode 1: Chapter 2
A disembodied voice replied in a soothing tone, "pablishire england 1974." "no. no. um..." the man hesitated to think of the right terminology, "computer. address." the disembodied voice replied again, "619 gillete lane."
Jem's Bad Week (Part 10)
As the turning of the screw continued, somewhere nearby a disembodied voice chimed in, "yeah, i think she's okay."
Huffing, the draconic disembodied member pulled himself up over his balls and toppled forward.
Contains: bedding, disembodied dragon dicks, implied ctf, scree in a bed, udtf, tail, null groin, messy cumming and narrative payoff.