A Firefighter to the rescue — 12 — Their second-best Day

Story by Shingomera on SoFurry

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#12 of Firefighter

The last one of the Series and a Happy End :).

Have Fun reading

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

The same goes for used Music and those Lyrics.

Tags : No-Yiff, Pain, Birth, Riolu, Lucario,

A Firefighter to the rescue -- 12 -- Their second-best Day

It had been around midday when they both had done it, but their first time had been so hard and intense that they both slept until the next morning.

Tala woke up first. He slowly looked around in a dazed stare and was unsure of what had happened, but then he saw Tasida laying on his Body and he remembered of what had happened yesterday.

Seeing her now brought a big feeling of pride up inside his Body and he began to smile all over his face. Yet there was also something different woken up inside his Body. The hunger for more. He wanted to do her again, but he managed it to control himself this time. Instead of setting his Penis back into action, he moved his Head close to hers and said into her Ear.

" Wake up, darling."

She moved a bit and growled lowly, but she didn't wake up until Tala made another move on her. He slowly moved his Paw back between her legs and softly stroked her soaked pussy there. It worked perfectly. She did another deep growl and slowly opened her Eyes. Once open, she slowly turned around to face Tala and once she did, she said to him.

" Good Morning, my Love."

" Morning. Slept well ?" He asked back, still smiling.

" NNNNNHHHHHH !!!! Perfectly." She answered while she stretched herself.

Once she had finished, Tala moved a paw over her face and said with a bit of sad voice.

" I'm sorry for hurting you yesterday. I.... I don't know what had gotten into me."

She moved her Paw also onto his face while she said back.

" I know what it was, and you don't have to apologize for it."

" Really ?"

" Yeah. That was the beast that had been sealed inside your heart, which came out yesterday."

" Beast ?"

" Yeah. Beast."

" I didn't know that there was one."

" Everyone is having one."

" Really ? Then I hope that it does not come out again."

" Well.... I hope it does come out again."

" WHAT ??" Tala got a bit shocked. " Why ?"

" I hope it does because.... I want to tame it again."

Tala's eyes became big because he knew what she wanted, and shortly afterwards she spoke it out.

" I want to do it again with you ! I want you inside me again, Tala. I want you so many times in me until I'm pregnant. I love you... I love you very much."

" So... Do I." Tala said back with a now bigger smile than before.

He began to look into her emerald green Eyes and began to lose himself in them until his Body took him back by sending an urgent message. Toilet was calling, and so he decided to ask her something.

" How about this ? I go down, make some breakfast in the kitchen, bring it all up here, so we can eat, and then you will have another chance to tame the beast HHmmm ?"

" Sounds like a plan to me." She said, smiling back.

" Got any special wishes for breakfast ?"

" No. I'm happy with all you will bring me."

" OK." He said and moved slowly out of the bed.

The rest of the Day was simple. They both ate in bed, and then he gave her another ride. This time he was as gentle as he could be and that she loved it really much. She loved it so much that she asked him to knot fuck her right after he had climaxed, and of course he did her. Later on, they did it nearly everywhere in the house. One time in the bath. One time in the kitchen and two times in the living room. This they repeated for two Days more, and on the third day, Tala discovered with his Aura sight that she was carrying a little Aura inside her Stomach. A sign that she was pregnant, and one week later they both go the official message from Joy that she was it.

The second page,

2 Months had passed by, and her stomach had grown huge. They both knew that she would come down any time now, but until now, the egg hadn't moved. Even in the morning when Tala traveled to his work, she hadn't felt anything but only 2 hours after he had left their home and had reached the fire station, he received a really urgent call or better said that Sebastian had become for him.

Joy had called him from their home, telling him that her contractions had sat in 30 minutes ago. Once he heard that, he dropped the phone and ran as quickly as possible back home. Once he reached, he heard her scream in pain, and he feared that he was already too late. So he hastily opened the front door and ran to their Bedroom, which they had recreated into a Bed and Egg chamber. As soon as he reached the door to the room, he saw that the birthing was still going.

Tasida was laying in bed and Joy was working in between her legs. Yet he could see that her stomach bulge hadn't moved really far, so he did something that his instincts were telling him to do. He moved towards Tasida, told Joy that she should go away, and then he commanded Tasida to stay up from bed.

" Tala !!! Are you serious ? She is ...." Joy tried to say, but Tala immediately growled, hardly back.

" I know what I'm doing !!! Stay aside Human and see of how we Pokémon help each other !!!"

That surprised her so much that she did what she had been told. Not to mention that Tasida was already following his command, also driven by instinct.

She moved in front of Tala, turned around, so he could grab her from behind and spread her legs so that she was staying stable but also in a position to gave birth. Next, Tala moved behind her, moved his arms around her Body, and then he began to lick her neck softly while he began to press his spike into her back. These actions brought her somehow to relax past her limits and on the next contraction, her Legs gave somehow in so that she dropped to her knees. Tala shortly behind her and on the next contraction, the egg slipped out of her Body.

Once out, Joys Chansey took the egg to do some quick checks on it and while it did, Tala took Tasida into his Arms and laid her back into the bed. Afterwards he said to a still surprised looking Joy.

" I'm sorry, Joy. I was just.... Something inside me told me to act like this... I cannot...."

" I.... I understand Tala. I have heard from these acting many times before, but you had been the first who did them in front of me. Your Instincts had simply taken over and that was right in time to save your Mate and the egg I guess."

Tala then wanted to say something on but right t that moment, Chansey came back and in his arms it was carrying their, now cleaned, egg. Carefully, it placed the egg into the nest next to their bed, and then it said happily in Pokémon to them.

" Congratulation, you two. The egg is not broken somewhere, and the Baby inside is still acting normal."

" That's some good News. Thank You from both of us." Tala answered because Tasida had been knocked off.

Joy then did a few more tests and things on Tasidas Body, and then she left the two alone.

5 Months later

Tala was on work again when he received another call from home. This time it was Tasida who was calling him and her Message was really short, but it didn't miss it's meaning. She only told him hasty at the phone.

" It's coming !!!"

And a blink later, there was only a dust wave to be seen from Tala.

He ran as quickly as possible back home and once he reached he saw some pure white blinking from their bedroom. Quickly he entered their Home and also quickly he entered their Bedroom. Right in time to see the eggs hatching in front of him and his Mate, who was kneeling directly in front of it.

The hatching was nothing more than a flash of pure white light and once it faded, a very little Rioulu, which shortly afterwards began to scream like a baby, was sitting where the egg had been. Tasida quickly took it with her Paws, and immediately it became silent and began to smile and laugh just like she.

Slowly, she moved the Baby to her chest and there, the baby quickly began to suck on one of her tits. Meanwhile, Tala had moved next to her and once she saw him, she said to him.

" It's a Boy, Darling.... And he looks exactly like you."

Tala wasn't able to answer because everything inside his Body was running wild. He didn't know if he should start to cry or to scream. He didn't know if he should be proud to himself or sad for her because it was a Boy and not a Girl. Furthermore, he didn't even know of how to name him.

" That's.... I don't know...." He said slowly and unsure. " I know that .... I should be happy but..... When I look at this little wonder....."

" I know." Said Tasida. " I'm feeling the same way, Darling..... What should we call him ?"

A Moment of silence in where both were thinking hardly. Then Tala said, right after he had looked at the Cover of an old Book.

" How about Honon ?"

" That.... Sounds nice to me. So it is Honon then." She looked at the Baby while she spoke on. " Welcome to the world, Honon."

Tala slowly moved a Paw to the Body to stroke it softly and once he touched it, the baby stopped to suck and took his Paw with his both little ones and began to laugh again, letting Tala smile all over his entire face.

" Hello, my Son." Tala said lowly and lovely. " Thank You for filling my Life with Joy and happiness."

The End.

A Firefighter to the rescue — 11 — An empty book for more Life

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 10 — A wonder happens

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 09 — A High paid decision

A Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers...

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