Reeling In

Story by MammothElbow on SoFurry

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Smirnov has brought Blacksad to a lake from his childhood, and he's planning on catching more than just fish...

The lake stretched out before them and silently ebbed with an indistinct tide. The only sound that could be heard was the soft chirping of distant birds and the rush of the wind blowing through the trees. Smirnov held with him a set of fishing gear in one hand and Blacksad's hip in the other. They had just arrived where they would be fishing, but the two had much bigger fish to catch than those in the lake.

"You picked a beautiful day for this," remarked Blacksad.

"Any day with you can't be anything but beautiful," he replied. He nuzzled Blacksad's neck and let go of the shapely cat for a moment to put down the fishing gear. "I wish this could last forever," he said, staring out to the lake.

"It doesn't have to," said Blacksad. "It just has to last long enough for me to appreciate you." A smile found its way on Smirnov's face.

He picked the lake as it was a special place for him, having spent most of his childhood there catching not just fish but also trouble. Never having shared this place before, he felt it was right to bring Blacksad there, now that they knew how they felt for each other. It was a place for good memories, and just having Blacksad there already made for a good one. "Let's sit down for a moment," said Smirnov. He indicated for Blacksad to follow him to the foot of the lake before sitting down himself. He let his feet drift in the water and felt a floating comfort come over him when Blacksad sat down next to him.

He felt the cat rest their head on his shoulder and returned the gesture by giving them a half hug with his one arm. The two sat there staring off into the distance drinking in the moment, feeling complete with each other. As the sun was getting low Blacksad sat up a bit and turned to Smirnov with a devious smile. "How about we get going where we last left off?" he asked. Smirnov turned his gaze from the vista of the lake to the vista of Blacksad's eyes. "I thought you'd never ask," he replied before putting his hand behind Blacksad's head to pull him in for a kiss.

The two embraced as they kissed and soon Blacksad found himself pinned underneath the weight of Smirnov. They broke off for a moment and stared into each other's eyes, eager for what would come next. Blacksad ran his hand underneath Smirnov's shirt, feeling the German Shepherd's strong body before using a claw to cut the shirt open. Smirnov quickly discarded it before giving Blacksad another kiss.

Blacksad unbuttoned his own shirt and began to unbuckle his pants but found Smirnov stopping him. "I have to see that for myself first," Smirnov whispered and slid down the cat. He slowly pulled off Blacksad's pants to reveal a pair of tented boxers. "Glad to see I'm not the only one that's excited," he remarked with a smirk. Smirnov ran his hand over the boxers, groping the hefty package. Blacksad gave a soft whine making Smirnov smirk before he came in close enough to smell Blacksad's lust and slowly pulled the tight boxers off the cat. He was surprised for a moment when a large member sprang forth, its great length lining Smirnov's cheek. "If I'd known you were this big, I might have asked you sooner for this," he said, more so to himself than to Blacksad.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," teased Blacksad, but before any further teasing could have come out of him Smirnov began to work away at his shaft. Blacksad stifled a moan, caught by surprise with Smirnov's skill. Smirnov laboriously sucked Blacksad's dick, smirking as he managed to find each and every one of Blacksad's weak spots with his tongue. He kept a close eye on the cat as he took the entire dick in his maw, measuring how close they were to bursting the entire time. Blacksad on the other hand was struggling to form a single coherent thought as his senses were assaulted with a level of skill he'd never experienced before. All he could focus on was the immense pleasure that coursed throughout his veins and how it couldn't stop building up. But just as he felt his release coming, it all stopped.

His mind was still foggy, but he could at least whine out the sentence, "Why did you stop?"

"Oh, you thought I was just going to suck you off and call it a day?" chuckled Smirnov. "No, I was just warming you up for the main event..." he trailed off as he finally took off his own pants and let a long line of drool trail onto his dick. As he was slathering up his dick, he held an intense stare with Blacksad who himself was finally recovering from the blowjob. "Wait, you can't be serious? I've never even had anything up there!" said Blacksad. He felt slightly panicked, but that only made him feel more aroused. "Don't worry," said Smirnov reassuringly. "We'll take it slow, and if you feel anything that's not good, I'll stop."

Even though he was unsure of all this, Blacksad found comfort in Smirnov's husky voice. Besides, if Smirnov knew how to work him up _this_much, he was bound to know what he was doing. "Just tell me when you're going to..." he said, letting out a short gasp when he felt Smirnov's dick pressing against his hole. Smirnov held it there for a second, and the moment the cat gave him a reassuring nod he pressed in, slowly penetrating Blacksad's plump ass. The moment he felt his hole widening, Blacksad felt something that was more than mere pleasure. He felt a whole new level of lust and let out a loud moan. "Heh, you've got one greedy ass," remarked Smirnov. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" he asked, but Blacksad was too far gone to pay attention to what the German Shepherd was saying.

Blacksad felt like he had reached a peak in what he could feel, but he was pushed even further beyond when Smirnov's dick hit his prostate. All of the sudden a rush of pleasure filled his entire body and he felt like he would orgasm any second, but nothing came. Smirnov pulled out a little and slowly thrusted in again, sending another wave of pleasure throughout Blacksad. At this point Smirnov had gained a blissful grin listening to the beautiful sounds that Blacksad had started making. Every time he would thrust into the cat they would loudly moan, and as he pulled out the cat would slowly groan. Smirnov could swear he was directing his own symphony of lust.

Just as he started getting into a rhythm and finding his own conscious fading into pure pleasure, he heard something more than lustful mewling's from Blacksad. "F-faster," he heard. He wondered for a moment if he was hearing things, but he knew for sure what he heard when Blacksad growled more loudly, "Faster g-goddamn it." Smirnov now understood and let himself fully go, his balls loudly slapping against Blacksad's ass and his knot pressing harder to get in. What waves Blacksad felt before was now a torrent of pleasure, his eye's rolling over as his mind melted into a puddle of lust. He was not just moaning but screaming with pleasure and Smirnov complimented this with his own grunting.

Smirnov tightly grabbed Blacksad's waist, giving him more grip and power with which to ram into the lustful cat. Blacksad's dick bobbed in rhythm with Smirnov, pre leaking onto his stomach. Between screams he shouted Smirnov's name, the German Shepard returning the favour with a growl. Smirnov was bent over Blacksad, staring into the face of pure joy. With one final thrust Smirnov's knot popped into Blacksad and his seed began to fill the cat. Blacksad felt one final tsunami of pleasure come over him and barely noticed as he came in streams.

When his lust started to die down to just a mere ebbing flow, he found himself shaking underneath the weight of Smirnov who was now licking his neck. "T-that was amazing, Smirnov," he weakly whispered. Smirnov didn't reply but instead just huffed into Blacksad's neck. After a while Smirnov finally lifted his head and looked Blacksad in the eye. "This knot isn't coming out for a while," he said. "But when it does, wanna go for another round?"

A devious smile crossed Blacksad's lips as he pressed against Smirnov's immense chest and gave him a light kiss. "And here I was thinking you wouldn't ask."

Winding Down

There was a knock on the door, but Blacksad didn't notice. He was deep in a case file and was _this_ close to solving the case. There was another knock on the door, but still Blacksad didn't notice. The door slowly opened, and Smirnov stepped into the...

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