The Veil of a Dragon(ess)

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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In this story, his young dragon character Akheras welcomes an exotic looking escort into his home, he starts to discover things are not quite what they seem at first and quickly gets swooped into a world of pleasures that may be a bit too exotic for his innocent mind to fathom...

Description: Hello friends! I welcome you to a new two part mini series I created with my very good vernfriend, Tastywyrm! In this story, his young dragon character Akheras welcomes an exotic looking escort into his home, he starts to discover things are not quite what they seem at first and quickly gets swooped into a world of pleasures that may be a bit too exotic for his innocent mind to fathom...

Mysterious black dragon(ess) is my character, (c) avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor

Artwork done

Akheras belongs to



***Story starts below***

The pattering sound of the rain unnerved Akheras. Each drop felt like a precious second shattering in hundreds of other smaller pieces, passing by at such a dizzying pace. He wanted tonight to be special. A night as ideal as the tales he read in the dozens of finished books that cluttered his shelves. A night where he too would be a brave, handsome hero enamored with the most beautiful dragoness he ever lay eyes upon...

But all of that fantasy could crumble, should he fail in his preparations. There was a quote he memorized from the Scrolls of Ages, about how the success of any endeavor depended upon previous preparation. Without such preparation, there was sure to be failure.

Akheras wanted everything to be perfect. In the bedroom, the lights were dimmed down to a black, comforting darkness illuminated only by the crescent moon of the night sky when the heavy clouds would not shadow its form. The kitchen was stocked with everything he needed in terms of refreshments, from fruit to meals, and in the living room, the table was laden with all of the things he acquired based on the knowledge of his more experienced friends. Biscuits, sweet treats, salty delicacies, and of course, Dragon Balls!

Yet something felt off. Incomplete.

What was he missing?

Ding ding!

Oh no. Was it her? So soon?!

Akheras rushed to the door with his wings tucked tight in order to avoid toppling over his neatly organized romantic decorations he put up for this one night. His soft padded paws barely made a sound on the cushy carpet, something that could hardly be said about his huffing breaths.

"Yes! A moment please!" he pulled the door open hurriedly with his maw. The chill of the night washed over his heated body like a calm breeze, cooling off his thoughts for just a moment in order to realize he was fine. A tawny gryphon with its feathers all ruffled up by the copious amount of shaking they did in this horrid weather stood on his landing ledge instead of her.

"Yes? Sorry, who are- I've been expecting-"

"Starlight will arrive momentarily." The gryphon shook himself again, his crest all crumpled up to the side. "Apologies for the delay. It's this dreadful rain. The Institution extends its deepest apologies and would like to know if you have a change of plans in view of the delays."

"No, no, I'll wait. Thanks. Bye!" Akheras quickly sent the gryphon on his way without even waiting a reply so he could return to his copious preparations.

What... Was he... Missing?? He went from on end of the room to the other trying to find the missing piece until...

Diiiing! The doorbell's wail tied the knot in his gut further.

All is fine. It has to be. I only double checked a dozen times...

But what if it wasn't?

Burying that thought deep within the drawers of his mind, Akheras once again pulled the door's special knob with his maw, a maw that hung open as soon as his eyes caught sight of the splendorous sight that waited in the pattering rain just outside his ledge. She was as dark as the night without its stars, with sinuous spikes that complemented her horns and violet veils that accentuated the brighter tones of her plated underside, the color of fire itself.

"What a shame, for the rain to end just when I arrived. Maybe we can enjoy some time on this ledge after the...other things."

She sounded as lovely as she looked...

"Yes, that would be delightful. I have a balcony with an excellent view towards the park."

"Lovely. "Should I circle around to see it?"

"No, no, not with all these soggy rags turning your scales dull and soft."

"Seems we both had woefully informed parents." The dragoness growled with amusement. "Should I-"

"Of course, come in!" Akheras moved away to the side though even that was not completely enough to keep him from rubbing against her as she entered. Even from beneath her scent-treated violet veils that filled his nostrils with her suave, exotic scent, her scales felt so nice as they rubbed against his own, supple, small, with dull pointy tips as soft as her demeanor.

"S-sorry, small hallway." He rubbed his nostrils with the back of a forepaw to dispel the natural aroma that could so easily coax an unwanted response from between his legs.

"No worries, I can slink through even smaller cracks."

By all the sacred texts, was she beautiful. If a single stare from her kind, expressive eyes was enough to petrify him like Medusa's stare, how would he be able to hold himself together for an entire night??

"So, how was the flight here?"

"Wet," she answered curtly while she looked around for...something. "Do you happen to have a stand where I could dry these silks? Water makes them all sticky and strange; we're supposed to keep them from absorbing so much water but I've had to fly here all the way from the outskirts."

"The outskirts? Aren't they dangerous at this time of the night?"

"Not if you have family there. My brother is a botanist. He-"

"Knows plants and not much else, right?"

"You'd be surprised."

Akheras gulped down his lapse of thought. Jokes were never his forte, but so many of his sources said that lightening up the mood with a well timed humorous intervention could be-

"Right! The drying stand! It should be here, or...should have been. Sorry." The golden dragon paced around as quick as his words came out of his maw. "We can leave them in the drawers along with my harness and the other riding implementations if that's alright with you?"

"As long as you don't mind a bit of dampness on your leathers, yes, that is suitable."

She began to untie the clasps which held her lavish garments together, but the more she tried, the more Akheras realized this was a two dragons job.

"Here. Let me help you get out from under this droopy artificial hide." He went around her hind side, the most problematic part even for him whenever he had to wear his special people delivery harness.

She spread her wings a little bit, motioning him towards her flanks. "Try those first. The loop keys with the claws, the strings, with your teeth."

"This here?" The golden dragon shyly poked her haunch. He hardly expected to come so close to her tail side during the welcoming stage.

"Yes, I can take care of the front." The female said, already working on her own things. "You may call me Starlight. Darkmist was a better name. A taken name. Such is my fortune. We used to fly unhindered of such ostentatious things before the Institution came up with this ridiculous rule. I feel like a gryphon wrapped in its own soggy feathers."

"Exactly! That's what I think as well!" Akheras added as he gently grabbed onto the strings with his maw and unclasped the larger metal clasps with his careful paws. "They invest far too much researching what they think we want when the truth is far more...simple..." his words dimmed once he noticed another set of clasps that kept her gender veiled behind a revealingly thin crotchpad.

"Should I-"

"If you were the head of the customer research division, what would be the main source of attraction for males such as yourself?"

She probably didn't hear him. "Everything?"

"Too vague. Pick one single thing."

"The tail. I-I mean the eyes!" he nudged her flank in the hopes of burying his mistake under the simplicity of a most stupid question. "There's a...problem...down there... I think I'll let you-"

"No, you have an absurdly quick set of paws. Slide a claw in and pull."

Only, it wasn't as easy as sliding just a claw in the circular clasp with his sort of paws. "I-it's not proper. Not before we eat and...ease into things."

"So you think." She turned around, slid her delightfully wet tongue along his surprised snout, then bid him to watch as her own dark pads traveled along the in between of her legs until one of her claws gently hooked onto the clasp. A gentle tug was all it took for the conspicuously dark piece of golden engraved silk to fall on the ground.

"See? Not so hard as most think. Now, where are these lovely smells coming from?"

"Your...meal. It's all there in the denroom."

"L-let me show you the way!" Akheras bumbled about.

As they sat down on opposite sides across the sumptuous feast spread all over the mahogany table, Akheras wondered what else could he do to make her feel more at home after they finished eating. Could he take her on his balcony, perhaps? She hadn't expressed herself all that clearly about the pleasures of being rained down upon, at least not on her bare, beautiful scales. No. Perhaps a siesta inside his wonderful nest of pillows was the better idea. But first...

"Would you like a taste of my balls?"

"Which ones are..." she stared curiously over the assortment of too many things to eat for two rather slim dragons.

"Dragon balls. I know. Terrible name." Akheras placed a forepaw down upon a bowl where several pink, spiky fruits resided.

"Mrrrh...those things look menacing."

"Indeed," Akheras lowered his neck to sniff in their tart foresty smell. "I heard they're very good at easing the blood flow when things know...a bit too tight during a copulation. I heard a few disturbing cases where one or even both partners collapsed straight into the world of dreams, robbed of their breath by their explosive pleasure."

"That's very hard to believe." Starlight said as she tried one of the fruits by biting it whole. Several seconds later, her puckered up snout spat it out in an empty plate designed for such quick evacuations of unfortunately sour tasting foods. "I have no intentions to exert my dominance like the dragons of old by choking the air out of your throat with my mating bites. But if you specifically ask that of me..."

"Noooo! No, it's just, I'm not made for such rough exertions." Akheras said, nosing into his own dragon ball. "Are they...that bad?"

Starlight motioned him to try it, and sure enough, his own reflexes forced the unruly fruit out of his sore mouth promptly. "Mreah their taste is truly vile!"

"Perhaps a sign to stick to what we know, mrr? Studying is more your style, right?" She walked inside his bedroom where the largest book case she saw in a common home according to her was. "You can assist me should I require your expertise. Stay. Enjoy the rest of your lavish meals. I prefer to thread the unexplored roads be it out there or in here."


While Akheras munched on some of his favorite treats, he followed every one of Starlight's movements. He knew exactly where each of his books were placed, and thus could tell which grabbed his fine escort's attentions just by where she paused with her curious snout.

"The courtship rituals of the ancient dragons? What an interesting coincidence!"

"A must read for aspiring historians," Akheras chipped in. He tried not to let his embarrassment crack through the confident tone in his scholarly voice. "Males and females spent weeks testing each other through their courting rituals, and just as much mating if they liked each other enough to build a nest together."

"Which is not a whole lot if you consider how long those sessions of their lasted."

"I-rrhhh, I'd prefer we don't mock the male's ability to withhold their seed, or the eager nature of the females. Those were different times. Dangerous times. The only things we have to worry now are being late and stomach aches induced by dragon balls."

"Indeed, indeed..."

She kept on analyzing more of his raunchy tales while he fumbled for a less risky dialogue topic.

"Dragonology! A first peek through a dragon's scales! I remember reading this with my brother. There are some very revealing things in there, but I suppose none are too much for a cultured dragon such as yourself, rrhhh?"

"True," Akheras gulped apprehensively. "We can talk more about history or try to...explore some of the wilder things from an age long passed. Would that be...too fast?"

"That depends on how long you can last."

Akheras slowly followed her into his nest of pillows, too apprehensive and far too shy to voice any of his uncertain thoughts. Once she made herself comfortable, he settled down next to her, exposing his vulnerable belly to her kind, fiery eyes.

"No need to worry about any possible harm that might come to your scales, gentle dragon. I have pads just like yours."

True, her soft touch was out of this world delicate. With slow, sensuous motions of her paws, she traveled expertly towards the tail side of his body, removing any strain from his hardened muscles on the way there. During this time Akheras was trapped in a state of relaxed bliss, his breathing so calm that he could almost fall asleep to the feeling of those silky pads pushing so nicely into his-

"Nrrrhhhaawwwwhhh!" Sharp, spiking bliss forced his shuddering toes to spread far to the sides, just like his tensing wings. His body froze with pleasure. So much so that he had to wait until the oppressive tightness of her pads rescinded its dominance from the delightfully sensitive nubs that ran along the bottom side of his cock. "N-not there...please, I'm too...I'm not ready yet..." Akheras muttered as he looked with pained bliss at how hard his aching member started to throb from just a single touch.

"Apologies. You seemed quite eager."

"I am, but what I want...what I need right now is a moment of reprieve to practice what I learned."

"Were you...studying me?" Starlight smirked playfully.

"Every touch." Akheras huffed softly as he got up on his fours and invited her to take his place on her back.

"You are mine as much as I'm yours during the course of this night, and we are going to do exactly what those wild dragons from your books did...eventually."

"Be that as it may," the golden male's pads were treated to a most delightful heat once he placed his paw down upon her plated chest. "Practicing newfound skills is important for me. Studying is my life's goal. In some ways, it matters to me even more than mating."

"That remains to be seen." She gently pushed his paw further down her belly. "We can skip the mundane parts...with your permission of course."

"Alright. Alright. We'll get there. Slowly."

More than he tried to convince her of his worthiness as a male, he fought to keep his own rusting composure in check. Outside, he may have been a courageous scholar in control of his needs, but inside...inside, he was a wet mess of nerves almost as tight as her!

So tight, so shapely, so warm...

Throughout his entire clumsy attempt of a massage, he had only one thing lodged in his young, needy mind. An urge as primal as the dragons he valiantly defended. The need to mate. To spill his thick streams of pent-up essence deep inside the very attractive dragoness that almost pleaded for him to make his move. The way she exposed herself before him, legs spread, paws up, tail swishing its playful tip along his own tickled the deepest parts of his being. Parts that had nothing to do with cohesive, sapient thoughts. He wanted her possibly as much as she wanted HIM!

But no. Unlike the old wyrms, he was a weak, bumbling, stuttering coward of a drake. One that was never ready for this no matter how many books he read.

He was all those unworthy things he convinced himself of and more. A coward not even fit to touch his first female... with his paws nonetheless!

"You can knead a little bit harder. Practice that grabbing motion I showed you, and try to go slower. Pretend you're combing through the coat of a gryphon. You've been with those, mrrrrr?"

Only one who flew away in a place that only the inexistent, omnipotent gods knew for certain.

With a dip of his head -for words could easily betray the uncertainty in his voice- Akheras applied her knowledge. And the better he did, the further she directed him closer towards that delightful cavern of wet, perfect dreams that waited...just waited for him to slip himself inside with a long, aqueous, sonorous squelching embrace.

"Mrrrhhh..." Akheras whimpered. He imagined her forelimbs push him down against her chest and squeeze him hard that he toppled over her, belly against belly, slit against slit...

His entire spire, smothered relentlessly between her soaked, wanting walls...

Too much. Too hot, too intense...too much!

"Mraaaaaaaahhhh!" Akheras gritted his jaws, shut his eyes, and whined...

For whining was all he could as the fire of lust leaked out of him in two powerful squirts that impacted her belly scutes hard as any spurt of seed would have. The third was weaker, and by the time the fourth arrived, his composure started to return to him.

"Oh no...oh no!" he pawed the slime off, spreading it all over her slippery scales. "It's...I'll get it off you. So sorry, I-I'm so-"

"Silly!" He found his stuttering form grabbed firmly in her winged embrace. "Yes, you are, for denying the very reason you summoned me here into your nest. I warned you of what will happen, and now the question remains...will you bury yourself between all these pillows and treat them to a fresh sheen of your splattering lusts? Or will you be like the dragons from your books and claim silly wyrm?"

"I...don't know. What if...the myths are true? What if I finish too fast?"

"Then we can talk about a few other things you can do for me until your vigor returns. But first..."

She presented herself to him again, this time even more enticing than before. The way she stared at him like a huntress that knew exactly what sort of prey she had her eyes on, rubbing him gently with paws as soft as her silky veils while her tail sneaked ever closer to his privates...

He liked her too much to say no again. He wanted to have her.

Needed to be...inside her.

"Alright, I'm going to do this...I'm going to do this..."

As he aligned himself carefully to her sex, he froze with indecision until her soaked lips began to kiss the tips of his throbbing ridges.

"How's that?" She licked him sweetly over his snout while she rubbed herself back and forth along his tensing spire.

"Too fast, I-I'm going to shoot too fast if you keep-" he whimpered not even a few seconds after he started kissing her slit with his cock.

"Then perhaps it's better if we get right into the thick of it."

Just as it happened in his fantasy, her gentle paws became mighty hooks that pulled him down hard enough to slam his entire shaft into her vent down to the very base of his blood-infused member. The sound that came out of his throat at that exact moment was sharp and wild, full of passion and completely devoid of any scholarly dignity.

"Graarrrhhhh," he snarled, his soft features hardening with the purpose of a completely different male. The enrapturing feeling of her kneading flesh was so overpowering that it became his entire world. His whole being, stripped down to the simplest and most basic of necessities.

" yourself gently inside me. Fast if you will, or slow, if you so desire. I'm yours to claim in any way you see fit...and when the heat overwhelms your senses, let it...for there is no greater desire I have than to feel the slimy burden of your seed wash inside me like the vibrations of your cute, whimpering roar."

She licked and encouraged him to feed this growing urge throughout his jagged, needy thrusts...leading him to snap and moan out his great delight as their instincts merged ever closer into one single pressing desire. To soar over the peaks of their pleasure together.

During this time, they licked and made out with each other in ways only two dragons lost in the frenzy of copulation would...

Until her claws raked his scales hard enough to get him out of his fantasies. Akheras winced. It was not just the sting of claws, but...something hard that pressed him out of the only place he wished to be in at that moment.

Akheras blinked open his wet, starry eyes to see not her tight, welcoming pussy, but the tip of a cock, protruding right from the cave he was ploughing!

"What-what is that?" It took all of Akheras' might to disentangle himself from her loving embrace. "WHAT IS THAT???"

"I-please, I can explain-" Starlight perked his head up, shame and fear replacing the confident seductiveness he used to charm his prey.

"No no no, there's no way The scents, your way of being...they were...they were all a lie!"

"Yes, but only because the Institution had their best escorts attend the Rising Stars event that begins tonight! I tried to say not but it was either their way way. Back to the ragged outskirts with my siblings."

"That's the most pathetic excuse I've heard from a liar I welcomed into my home...into my nest!" Akheras paced around, hurling pillows left and right in his anger. "I exposed myself to the mercy of your paws, I shared myself with you...I...I wanted you so much...but now the only thing I desire is to see you gone."

"My wyrm, please, we can work something out."


"You know how the outskirts are, full of depraved dragons hooked on crystal powders and just as many scale looters. Don't send us there. Please..."

"OUT!" Akheras roared with all his might.

She gathered her composure quicker than he expected. Even as tears streamed down her cheeks, she stubbornly struggled to get herself, or rather, himself into his ridiculous silks, Akheras watched and waited how yet another creature he thought he loved was preparing to fly away from his life, just like the gryphess and the others that would follow in the wake of his relentless mistakes.

"Hold on a moment." Akheras walked in front of the door to block her path.

"You made yourself clear. I'll depart before I cause further heartaches."

"It might have been an unpleasant surprise, to uncover the truth in such...heated circumstances. And I admit I have been rash and stupid with the things I said in my anger, for which I apologize."

"Gratitude, but-"

He flared up his wings, making her attempts at dodging him even harder. "Perhaps there is a way we can enjoy the rest of this night, and in the process, uncover a few more indecent surprises."

"Are you really going to charm me back with tales of the past eons?"

"Past, present, future...whatever we can uncover from my library...together."

The black dragon let out a long sigh of relief. "I'll stay. But before we stick our noses into your wall of knowledge, I would appreciate some help with these ridiculous clasps."

"It will be my pleasure." Akheras cocked his head with a sly smirk. "As long as you don't expect help with the more...intimate regions when your secret is out in the open."

"Not unless you wish to document it from up-close." The black dragon lifted a wing and motioned him towards his hind side.

It was eerily familiar to find himself right back where he started, tentatively unlatching metal clasps with his claws, breathing in that aromatic mixture of oils and exotic scent that sent his mind aflame with questions of what exactly hid between this gorgeous dragon's haunches. While some answers had revealed themselves along the way, such as the surprising truth of Starlight's gender, others, like what exactly tricked his misguided instincts into believing into the most convincing self fulfilling fantasy still vexed him.

One thing was certain, however.

Some things never changed

***End of Part 1***

Yay, you've made it to the end! If you enjoyed this particular story, please throw it a fav and let me know what you think in the comments! On the other paw, if you wish to show your appreciation for my writing, you can** Support me with tasty treats here**

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A Trek Through the Nightwood ch3

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A Trek Through the Nightwood ch2

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