Adventures Abroad - Lots of Love

Story by Matkaja on SoFurry

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#6 of Adventures Abroad

The first day at university lies behind Jack, and as the young fox returns home from the cold, wintry campus, Toko receives him with blankets, a warm meal, and open ears. After talking about the day and filling his belly, he surprises his host mom with a gift that triggers a long-overdue development. Almost by accident, Jack declares his love to the red panda, which she returns passionately before finally putting all his training to the test and stuffing his butt with love and lots of cum.

In the sixth part of the series "Adventures Abroad," Jack and Toko finally find together and share an intimate moment in the conference room. So get ready for plenty of warm feelings and love, but also lots of steamy sex, facesitting, and as always, excessive amounts of cum.

This installment concludes the second arch of my series about Jack and Toko's growing relationship. I wish you an enjoyable read, and I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this part and the entire story so far. Beyond that, I would love to hear what things you are interested in seeing next in the series because while I already have some ideas, I'm open to more.

"Welcome home, Jack! How was your first day at the university?" Toko greeted the young red fox as he entered the conference room. Her pink fleece bathrobe burst wide open as she jumped up and rushed toward him, her massive breasts jumping and her huge chocolate dong flailing from side to side with every step.

"Hey, Toko! It's been alri-ooof" Stunned by the dazzling sight, Jack hadn't even taken one step forward when Toko already wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. In her exuberance, she squeezed all air out of him and smothered him with her vast cleavage, but he didn't mind the overwhelming reception in the slightest. In fact, the glowing heat of her fluffy body was the thing he needed the most right now, because even though he was wearing one of Yuma's warm winter outfits, a thick turtleneck sweater and a long, woolly skirt, the icy cold of the Kessanian winter had worn him down and turned his fingers into icicles.

The freezing, shivering fox melted right into his host mother's embrace and sighed with relief as he pressed his cold paws against her hot, luxurious back fur. After a few more seconds, another kind of heat began to rise from deep within him. Toko's well-endowed body fueled his arousal like oil fueled a fire, especially now that she was dominating all his senses. Her plush tits enveloped his chest, her flaccid cock rubbed along his thigh, and her arms kept him close enough that he could sense her powerful heartbeat while she looked at him with her beautiful emerald eyes, her cute face beaming with a smile. And as if that weren't enough already, she gave him a loving kiss on the forehead while her intoxicating scent permeated his nose and made him rock-hard in no time.

Jack would've loved for the embrace to never end, but it wasn't meant to last. As the cold from his paw seeped into Toko's body, a powerful shiver raced through her, and she broke away with a shocked gasp. "Oh dear, you're freezing! Fortunately, I've prepared something that'll warm you right up again." She grabbed his icy paw and pulled him along before he could object or even just voice his disappointment. Whatever it was, it couldn't possibly be any warmer and better than the hug? But she didn't leave him much of a choice anyway.

When the young fox finally managed to tear his gaze away from the busty red panda, he spotted all the things she had arranged for him. She had laid a huge, thick blanket and a heap of colorful pillows on the floor, and on the tea table next to it waited a porcelain teapot, a big cup of hot chocolate, and a terrine filled to the top with steaming soup for him.

"If I had known that you would be this cold, I would've brought you another blanket, dear," Toko apologized as she seated him on the soft pile and wrapped him into the blanket before sitting down next to him. "We really need to get you something warmer to wear. Also, you silly boy forgot these here when you left this morning." She waved a pair of thick mittens at the fox, conjuring an embarrassed blush onto his slender muzzle. Right now, she sounded almost like his mom with those worries.

"Yeah, I completely forgot about them. I'm just not used to wearing mittens, but I definitely won't make that mistake ever again," Jack vowed, dropping his backpack before he picked up the hot chocolate and took a tiny, cautious sip. A sigh of bliss escaped his muzzle as the sweet liquid ran down his throat, spreading its heat through his core, and he greedily took a much bigger gulp, only to immediately burn himself on it.

"Oh no, take it easy, honey! The chocolate is still hot!" Toko giggled as Jack tried to cope with the scalding heat, fanning air at his face and panting rapidly. Once he had recovered, she handed him a spoon and pointed at the soup. "Let's try the soup instead. It should be a little cooler than the chocolate, and I even added something extra for you."

The fox nodded abashedly and set down the cup of hot chocolate, now turning his attention to the bowl of soup. He wasn't sure what she meant by something extra, and he was surprised by what he found. It wasn't the clear, watery noodle soup she usually prepared, but it was a thick, milky white cream soup that left no doubt about its main ingredient, and as he took a careful whiff, he could smell the heavy, distinct scent of her cum. "I-is that...?"

"A traditional Kessanian cream soup with only the freshest ingredients, yes," Toko chirped and demonstratively fondled her bloated balls and her half-hard cock, the lewd grin on her face speaking volumes.

"A-and it's all for me?"

"No, it's not just for you. It's for us," the red panda clarified and took a spoonful of her own soup.

Toko's appreciative sigh was enough to prompt Jack to sample a taste as well. A lusty shiver raced through his body as he swallowed the first spoonful. The rich, savory taste of the red panda's semen coated his tongue while the thick fluid lined his throat and warmed him up faster and more effectively than even the most delicious hot chocolate ever could. The addictive soup stirred his hunger as much as his lust, and he began to greedily gorge himself on it, much to the red panda's delight.

"I was about to ask if you like it, but I guess I don't have to ask anymore, do I?" Toko laughed. "So, with that settled, why don't you tell me about your first day at university, dear?"

"It was confusing but exciting. The campus is really big, and if Yuma hadn't helped me find my way around, I probably would've been lost within half an hour. Also, I think I'll need a week or two to process all that information the professors discharged this morning," Jack explained between two sips.

Toko nodded eagerly. "It'll come to you eventually. I still remember my first few days at university, and I was so glad to have Kama by my side. She's much better at navigating and keeping her head straight than I am."

"Oh, really? How were your first days like?" Now that the cold was finally leaving Jack's body, his curiosity had returned, and Toko was eager to indulge him with stories from her youth.

Once the red panda got into a storytelling mood, there was no holding back. She gave the young fox a detailed account of her experiences with the campus of Yuvan's most acclaimed university, enough to make his head spin before she returned the question, asking him about his experiences with his school days. From that point, their conversation swung back and forth as it often did, and the soup, exciting as it was, quickly became secondary as they moved on to other topics. Apparently, her boss had just found out that she was pregnant, the goalie of her favorite ice hockey team had suffered an injury from a particularly heated game, and the annual Festival of Lights was just around the corner.

When Jack thought about it, most of what Toko shared was gossip about people and occasions he had never seen before, and yet, the way she packaged everything captivated him, and his eyes stuck to her lips like glue. She probably could've read to him from the phone book, and he was sure that she would've managed to make it interesting. At the same time, the flow of her stories and anecdotes inspired him. After initially only responding with short quips and nods, the fox finally chimed in with more of his experiences from the morning, telling her of an eccentric professor he had met and a giant snowball fight on the university yard. These were all incredibly mundane things, but the way Toko listened and looked at him encouraged him to keep talking. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before, not even in his previous conversations with her, and it was a fantastic, fulfilling feeling to casually exchange thousands of little stories and lose himself in the tales over a bowl of warm, delicious cream soup.

Finally, when the last sip of soup had disappeared into Jack's stomach, and the porcelain terrine was entirely empty, he stopped talking for a moment, sat back, and rubbed his belly with a deep, satisfied sigh. "Ah, this was perfect and the most delicious thing I've ever eaten," he lauded when his eyes fell on his backpack. He apparently hadn't closed it properly, as the corner of a booklet was still peeking out. It reminded him that he had bought a gift for his host mom, but now that he was sitting right next to her, the thought of actually giving it to her made him blush vigorously. What if she didn't like it? What if she didn't care about it? The fox hesitated for another moment before finally finding the courage to pull it out and offer it to her, "B-by the way, I-I got a little something for you that I figured you'd like."

"Huh? Oh, honey, please! You shouldn't have," Toko giggled, taking the booklet from Jack's trembling fingers. When she read the title, her voice burst with excitement. "The lyrics and sheet music of the most popular Firetails tracks?"

"You said that you really like that band when we drove here from the airport, remember?"

"Yes! I absolutely love their music! This is so sweet of you! Thank you so much, Jack," the red panda rejoiced. She jumped up from her stool, pulled Jack into a tight hug, and kissed him on the forehead. "What did I do to deserve this wonderful gift?"

The fox wanted to tell Toko that it was just a sign of gratitude for everything she had done for him so far, which wasn't even wrong. However, the real reason was more profound than that. The real reason was kneeling in front of him, holding him close and looking at him with mesmerizing emerald eyes and an eager smile on her soft, plump lips. The mature red panda was perfect in every way, from her enchanting looks and captivating voice to her motherly affection and her silly humor. His kind of silly humor. His heart started pounding in his chest, and the butterflies in his stomach fluttered stronger than ever before he whispered just five words, "Because I love you, Toko."

Toko's jaw dropped as she processed Jack's words, and she stared at him in shock, instantly stirring second thoughts in him. Had he just said that out loud? Wasn't she married already? What was he thinking? However, before the doubts could get to him, she nodded vigorously and breathed, "I love you, too, Jack." And before he could respond, she cupped his head and pulled him up to her muzzle, kissing him right on his lips. It wasn't the first time she had done this, but it still felt different from all the previous times, much more meaningful and affectionate. This kiss wasn't born from the horny heat of sex alone but from a profound, passionate love that pushed the fox's emotions to the extreme.

However, even the glowing confirmation of his feelings couldn't overcome his worries, and something ugly curbed and tainted his ecstasy. In what could've been the happiest moment of his life, the image of Kama popped into his head, and he broke the kiss with a distraught gasp.

"Jack, dear, are you alright?" Toko asked, puzzled by his reaction.

"But Kama? What about Kama?"

"What do you mean?" the red panda wondered with a raised brow before she suddenly burst into gleeful laughter. She pulled Jack a little closer and showered him with even more kisses. Although the fox didn't quite understand her exuberant reaction, it still calmed his troubled mind a little because she didn't seem the least bit upset about his nagging concern.

Eventually, Toko stopped laughing and explained her reaction. "Oh, I get it. It's because of this thing here, right?" She held up her left paw, a golden wedding ring gleaming on her brown fur.

Jack swallowed nervously and nodded, his throat tightening as he saw it.

"In short, you don't have to worry or even think about it," Toko assured him. "It is true that I married Kama, but that is only a matter between her and me. It is also true that I love her with every fiber of my being, and my love to you will not change that because there is room in my heart for everyone, you, her, my two dear sons, and all my wonderful friends."

"And... and what kind of love am I then?" Jack muttered, feeling the painful sting of disenchantment.

"A true kind of love, and that's all that matters for me," Toko purred, petting the fox's head and nuzzling his cheeks. "Occupying the most special spot in my heart and making it complete."

"And Kama?" Jack asked, choking as he spoke. He didn't even want to ask about it, but he had to because the tormenting thought simply wouldn't leave his mind.

A wistful expression slipped onto Toko's face, and she took a deep sigh. "Well, she's perfectly fine with it. I've talked to her about this possibility, years ago as well as yesterday, and she doesn't mind. You know, the love between her and me is... on a completely different level than the one between us, and each fulfills me in its own unique way. That's all I can say and all I can offer. Now, it's up to you to decide, Jack," Toko whispered hesitantly, sounding the smallest she had ever been. "Are you willing to share me with her while I promise to treat you with all the love you deserve? Or would you rather step back a-and... l-look for s-someone e...? I-I'm sorry, I just... never thought... i-i-it's n-" Her voice hitched and broke while her eyes became suspiciously wet.

Jack felt as if he had arrived at the most decisive crossroads of his young life, and there was no easy way out. There was no third option to undo everything that had happened so far. Speaking of, Toko's emotional address had stirred his memories, and he recalled all their moments together, from their first meeting at the airport, the fun conversations in the conference room to the shopping trip in the mall. Moreover, all the times they had been intimate before popped into his mind, and knowing what he knew now made them all the more meaningful. Her love and feelings for him felt true, and when he looked at her for even just a second, he felt the same emotions bubbling up inside him, seizing him with almost incomprehensible might.

The thought of letting her go was simply unbearable.

Ultimately, only one option remained, and Jack mustered all his strength before he responded, "I-It's alright. I've felt uncertain all this time, but I've now learned that I love you, and I'll take you completely as you are, Toko."

Toko's face immediately lit up with relief, a single tear running down her cheek as she fervently promised, "And I'll take you as you are and do everything to make you happy, Jack!" She reinforced her words with another passionate kiss, pressing her tongue against Jack's lips.

The fox believed the red panda's every word, and finally, he hoped, the emotional rollercoaster had come to an end. His worries dissipated while his horny desire for the red panda was reinforced by a love no longer restrained by uncertainty. A feeling of profound happiness overcame him as he parted his lips and eagerly embraced her kiss, wrapping his tongue around hers and moaning as he tasted leftover soup on her lips.

After a moment of gentle indulgence, Toko broke the hug and pulled away from Jack with a euphoric smile on her muzzle. Her emerald eyes sparkled with a brilliance he had never seen before, and she almost sang as she spoke, "Now, would you be so kind and remove that blanket, dear?"

Jack followed her melodic request in a heartbeat and threw the blanket off his body. He didn't need it anymore anyway, as the heat of the room, his arousal, and his newfound love warmed him plenty from the inside and out. Besides, he was still wearing Yuma's winter clothes, and it was honestly getting pretty hot in them.

"Wonderful~ You look absolutely gorgeous in this outfit, Jack. It's a sight... I can barely even describe your beauty, honey," Toko gushed, excitedly clapping her paws.

The red panda's praise was music to the fox's ears, and his tail began to wag wildly, wondering if she really meant what she was saying. "No, I... are you sure? I mean, look at you. You are a stunning goddess of beauty, from your fluffy fur to your wide curves and dazzling eyes. Meanwhile, I'm just a boring, ordinary fox."

"You sell yourself short, dear. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: You're a young, handsome lad with a nice, firm body and a cute face. Besides, it's not just about the appearance, but about the whole person. Your humor, your character, your eagerness," Toko chuckled and leaned closer, affectionately rubbing his cheek and kissing his nose. Moving her muzzle up to his ear, she added, "And let's not forget your obedience. Admit it, you're eager to please me and worship my fat cock. You're thirsting to call me mommy and howl my name while I pound your tight boy hole. You probably wouldn't even refuse if I told you to eat my ass for the rest of the day, would you?"

The red panda's lewd whispers electrified the fox and struck him where he was the most receptive. His cock jumped in his panties, and he moaned as a surge of arousal swept through him. The radiant red on his cheeks deepened when she stripped her bathrobe and unveiled all of her voluptuous body, fondling her heavy, full breasts and her semi-erect cock to guide his attention from her eyes to her other assets. "This is all yours now, even more so than before. You're free to worship me whenever I'm home and in the mood, honey, and if you ask nicely, I'll even let you fuck me," she offered before leaning over him and grabbing his bulge. "And you are mine. Just say the word, and I'll treat you appropriately. One word, and I'll happily put you into your place."

Like Yuma or Kama, Jack thought. He swallowed nervously as Toko towered over him, exerting her full influence on him and stoking his submissive nature. And yet, the ball was in his court as she left the whole decision to him. She was ready to dominate him, to push him further than ever before and likely claim his ass, the one thing he had been working toward all along. He just had to say the word and submit, and with a pounding heart and shaky breath, he finally did just that. "Please, put me into my place, mommy. Make me y-yours."

The red panda nodded with a winning smile. "With the greatest pleasure, my dear. Now, let me help you undress, will you?" she cooed and reached under the rim of Jack's sweater, removing it long before he could respond. "We really have to go shopping again and get a few nice outfits for you, so you don't have to borrow Yuma's clothes all the time. Also, I'll gladly pay for any gear you let me choose for you, alright?"

Jack nodded eagerly, too excited to speak. If the last few days were any indication, he already knew what kind of clothing she would buy for him, and he was all for it. Besides, even just the fact that she wanted to dress him up turned him on.

"Splendid! What a good boy you are," Toko sighed, playfully tweaking the fox's nipples and coaxing a needy moan from his lips. Her praise and touch melted his mind into a blissful puddle in an instant, and they had barely even started the fun yet. However, her next idea didn't really rouse his enthusiasm in the least. The red panda lifted the teapot off the tea table, dipped her finger into the lukewarm hornleaf tea, and gently put the porcelain spout to his lips. "Now, do me a favor and drink."

The fox hesitated and tensed up reflexively, warily eyeing the brimful pot with his arguably least favorite beverage in the world. His lips remained sealed save for a single, reluctant comment, "All of it?"

"Every last drop, yes. And don't worry, it's your mixture, dear."

Even though Jack still wasn't keen on chugging an entire pint of that weird tea, Toko's comment finally convinced him, as his personal blend wasn't as offensively bitter and revolting as the other mixtures. Slowly, he parted his lips and allowed her to guide the spout into his muzzle. Not a second later, a gush of warm tea streamed over his tongue, and he swallowed immediately, trying to take care of the bitter fluid as fast as he could. The less time it spent violating his taste buds and the sooner it was in his stomach, the sooner it would unravel its more pleasant effects.

Toko did her best to help the fox swallow the tea, gently stroking his neck and his jumping Adam's apple while whispering an endless string of sweet nothings into his ear. He barely understood any of it, but the sound of her voice was enough to loosen him up and send thrilling shivers through his spine. His urge to push her away and spit the tea out faded, and he ultimately accepted his fate.

Thanks to the red panda's assistance, Jack managed to empty the teapot surprisingly quickly, and it took him a few more empty gulps before he realized that nothing more was coming out. The last drop had already run down his throat, and Toko pulled the pot away from his lips, commending his efforts, "Well done, dear. You've shown impressive restraint, and I'm very proud of you."

Her praise enraptured the young fox without fail, and seconds later, the tea finally unfolded its effects, a powerful wave of restorative warmth coursing through him and energizing him to the tip of his fingers. It could've been so perfect if it weren't for the terrible aftertaste. While it was somewhat bearable compared to any of the other blends, it still conjured a nauseated grimace onto his muzzle. "Ugh, but now I need something else to wash that taste down."

"Well, I think I can help you there," Toko purred and grabbed his head. Jack instantly thought of her fat chocolate cock, and then of the cup of hot chocolate, but she chose neither. While distracting him with a kiss, she gently pushed him over and laid him on his back, increasing his confusion further. Finally, when she stood up and squatted over his head, her vast, round butt looming over his face, he caught on to her plan. "Open up and enjoy, honey. This is all for you~"

"Oh yes, mommy!" Jack gasped avidly. He heeded Toko's suggestion without a second thought and opened his muzzle as she sat down on him, burying his entire face beneath her hot, sweaty flesh. Darkness engulfed the fox as her ass blotted out all light and muffled all sounds as her body overwhelmed his other senses. With his nose pressed against her chocolate pucker, every breath he drew was imbued with earthy scents and sweaty musk; a concoction that acted like the most potent aphrodisiac on him, flooding his poor brain with pleasure as much as the taste of her delicious pussy. Her plump folds were pressing against his lips while her sweet juices leaked and dripped right into his open mouth, quickly washing away the remnants of the tea and stoking his craving for more. He greedily drove his tongue into her hot depths and rubbed it against her sensitive flesh, gorging himself on her delicious nectar.

A powerful tremor shook the fox's body as Toko responded to his affection with a guttural cry. While he didn't understand what she was saying, the lust and passion in her voice were more than enough to boost his arousal and turn his licks into a frenzy. He needed to hear more of her delight and feel more of her arousal.

Eventually, the heavy body on top of Jack began to move again, and he felt Toko's bloated balls sagging against his chest as she bent forward. While he couldn't see her paws, he felt them on his fur as she reached for one of his legs and pulled it up by the ankle to remove his sock. She took her sweet time with it, slowly rolling it down his thigh, over his knee, and off his foot, and once discarded, she still didn't let go of his foot. Instead, she took a moment to enjoy his footpaw. The fox trembled as she pressed her cold nose against his skin, sniffing it with deep breaths, and he curled his toes as she sampled a taste with a broad lick.

After another lick and a fat kiss onto Jack's paw pad, the red panda finally set his foot back down and repeated the procedure with the other one. This time, she also flicked her tongue against each of his toes, eliciting a series of desperate moans from his lips before she moved on with the next piece of apparel. Her paws slid up his legs and to his waist, where she deftly unbuttoned his skirt and pulled it off with one firm tug.

Now, only one pair of pink panties remained, the fabric taut and stretched by Jack's throbbing cock and dampened with pre. Toko gave his bulge a gentle rub, enough to make the fox moan into her wet depths before she took it off as well and unveiled his swollen, dripping erection. He heard an excited gasp and felt her cunt throbbing and pulsing against his lips before she bent over even further and went to work on his dick, closing her warm palm around it and stroking it tenderly.

Jack groaned and squirmed as Toko jerked him off, and his arousal quickly got the better of him. Unwilling to hold back and unable to tell her to go faster, he took matters into his own paw, bucked his hips, and thrust into her paw. His eagerness incited a surprised giggle, followed by a surprisingly clear "So needy!" But instead of indulging him further, the red panda let go and lifted her rump off his face. A string of pussy juice and saliva connected his lips to hers for another second before it broke as well.

The fox whimpered with horny frustration as the red panda took away all his sources of pleasure, but she appeased him with sweet praise and another tantalizing offer. "You've been such an eager boy so far, Jack. I certainly wouldn't mind putting that hungry muzzle of yours to good use in the future, and if you want me to sit on you, just say the word. But I think there is something else you wanted to do, isn't there? Something you've been waiting to do for so long?"

Toko took a step back and dangled her huge chocolate cock right into Jack's face, indiscriminately rubbing and grinding it against him and soaking his fur with her sweat and pre. He received the treatment with a blissful smile and a needy moan, trying to sneak a lick while her schlong slid against his muzzle.

"You finally want to feel my fat penis inside you, don't you? Feel it stretching your insides before I pump you full with my cum?"

"Yes! I want it!"

"Aren't you forgetting something there, sweetie? A word, by chance?" Toko reprimanded Jack with playful tutting and abruptly pulled her dick away from his greedy muzzle. "Tell me how much you really want it."

"Please, I can't think about anything else anymore. I need it now! Please, fuck me, mommy!" the fox begged, not even caring about how desperate he sounded.

"Well, in that case, who am I to deny my best boy the treat he deserves? But let's get your tight hole ready first," Toko purred and got up, shuffling over to the tea table to fetch the items she needed.

In the meantime, Jack sluggishly pulled himself back onto his knees. His heart hammered in his chest, and he nearly fainted as horny anticipation spread through every fiber of his body. This was it! It was finally happening! She was finally going to stick her humongous cock inside him!

When the red panda returned, she offered the fox one of those satchels of flower nectar, the same kind to which she had introduced him at the shopping mall. Jack took it and quickly tore it open, taking a deep whiff of the artificial yellow liquid. Not a moment later, a burst of euphoria settled on top of his effusive excitement, and he began to giggle uncontrollably as his entire body loosened up. "Oh wow, first the tea and now this?"

"Everything to make this moment perfect, dear," Toko chuckled and opened a big bottle of lube. First, she prepared herself, pouring a generous amount over her massive schlong and lathering every inch with thorough care. Jack stared at her with an open muzzle and a dumbfounded, horny grin, tracking the motion of her paw as she stroked her swollen, throbbing shaft. With that glossy coating, it looked even tastier than usual, like a special dessert, and he just couldn't stop drooling.

"You want to taste it, don't you?"

The fox nodded coyly and whimpered, still unable to move his eyes off the shining treat. He barely even noticed her other paw until it grabbed the back of his head, and she unceremoniously pulled him down to her tip, poking it against his lips. "Well then, give it a kiss and a lick for good luck before I stuff it inside your butt."

The red panda didn't have to ask Jack twice, and he licked the glossy glans, filling his muzzle with her salty pre and swallowing it down with a horny sigh. "Well done, and now let me show your rear some love, honey." She lovingly patted his head and gently turned him over, placing him on all fours with his rear facing her. She spread his butt cheeks with one paw and hovered the bottle of lube over his exposed pink pucker, pouring the cool liquid right onto his sensitive flesh.

The fox yipped shakily as the lube ran over his crack and down his taint, but his voice swiftly melted into a drawn-out moan as Toko stuffed a finger into his butthole. Two weeks ago, he would've reflexively clenched it shut, but all the exercise with the toys had rewired his brain, and instead, he loosened up, her finger sliding it all the way to the knuckle without a problem. "Oh, I'm impressed! Your training really paid off, Jack," the red panda cooed, turning her finger a few times before curling it inside him. Her fingertip hit right against his prostate, and a burst of pleasure washed through him, drawing an even lewder moan from his lips.

"I assume that you're fine with one more?" Toko giggled and shoved another finger into Jack's butt before he even had time to respond. The red panda rubbed and tickled his sensitive bulb for another few seconds, delighting in his response, his horny cries, curling fingers and toes, and jumping cock before she began to prepare him properly. She switched from tickling to rapidly thrusting her fingers back and forth, turning and twisting them as she made sure to lather every inch she could reach with plenty of lube. She even poured another dab onto her paw to make absolutely sure that it was enough.

After a few more seconds of fingering, Toko finally withdrew her fingers, and Jack curiously peered over his shoulders, his heart pounding in his chest as his anticipation grew to infinity. She was towering over him with a randy grin on her lips and gleaming eyes, one paw on his butt and the other guiding her huge cock toward his dripping asshole. Time slowed down to a crawl as she came closer, and when her tip kissed his sphincter, the gentle nudge reverberated through his body like the shock from a huge explosion, making him shake and quiver.

"Are you ready, Jack?"

Truth be told, the fox was incredibly nervous about the impending penetration. What if she was too big after all? What if it turned out much worse than hoped? Then again, he was as ready and prepared as he could ever be, he had trained with a toy her size, and he was so incredibly desperate to finally take her cock that he didn't want to wait any longer. "Y-yes. Yes, I'm ready!"

"Are you perfectly sure, honey? It's the very first time taking it up the ass, isn't it?"

"Yes. It's my first time, and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you."

"Oh, that's so sweet of you, Jack~" Toko swooned, and before Jack had any time to respond, she was already thrusting her hips forward. The pressure at his sphincter rose rapidly before her entire tip popped in with a loud, lewd squelch, stretching his ring wide open and coaxing a stunned gasp from his throat. It had begun! This was the first time he had a real cock inside his butt, and it was absolutely colossal! Only thanks to the ample lubrication and preparation, the red panda managed to push more and more of her fat cock meat inside him, spreading him wide open while he burst into a needy, wet moan. Her warm, throbbing cock was already a thousand times better than riding his big silicone dildo, as it wasn't just a detached, artificial replica, but the real deal belonging to a jaw-droppingly gorgeous girl.

Once the red panda's dick reached Jack's prostate, a firework of stimulation exploded inside his lust-addled mind. A tsunami of pleasure washed through his brain and completely overwhelmed him, making him howl with pure bliss. This was every bit as amazing as he had hoped it to be, and his anticipation swiftly turned into ecstasy. "Oh fuck, Toko! Keep going! I love it!"

"I never thought of doing anything else," Toko snickered and added another inch before finally getting stuck. With half her cock inside him, she had reached the point where the fox was still too tight for her, and after granting Jack a few seconds to get used to the sensation of half a foot of swollen, hot cock meat inside his butt, she pulled back and began to loosen him up further with gentle thrusts.

Jack yowled and groaned every time the red panda's schlong rubbed against his prostate, and her tender but thorough affection stomped his mind into a lusty puddle in no time. This was heavenly and unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Better yet, he didn't have to do anything, didn't even have to think anymore, and could fully revel in his pleasure while her cock stretched and explored his insides. Thrust by thrust, she pushed deeper and deeper, spreading his sensitive flesh and claiming his guts with her gargantuan schlong, and as Jack looked at his belly, he could already see the impact of the penetration. A huge bulge was moving up and down his midriff, while his own little cock dangled and flailed between his legs, dripping pre everywhere.

Eventually, as Toko came close to bottoming out, she bent over him and wrapped her arms around his chest, pulling him into a tight hug. He first felt her huge, soft breasts settling on his back and then heard her randy grunts and huffs as she moved her muzzle right next to his ear. "You're taking my cock like a champ so far, dear," she growled and licked his cheek. "And you're so incredibly tight and warm. A perfect new cocksleeve for me~"

The red panda's assertive voice sent a titillating shiver through the young fox, her growing dominance accelerating his descent into utter submission. The physical stimulation was glorious, but her words managed to multiply its effect many times over. She could rile him up like nobody else and tease words from him he never thought he would say, "Yes! Please, make me your cocksleeve!"

"I'm already on it, honey," Toko purred and cupped Jack's head, tenderly pulled it around. Her lips locked with his in a big kiss, and the moment his muzzle opened for another moan, she eagerly shoved her tongue inside his tight maw, sliding and twisting around his in a lewd dance. Just a moment later, her cock finally bottomed out inside him. She had sunk every last inch into him, the fat, throbbing meat forming a massive bulge on his taut belly while her pubic fur tickled the root of his tail and her heavy, bloated nuts pressed heavily against his taint, smushing his own little sack against his body.

The red panda sustained the kiss for a few more seconds, gently stroking and rubbing the bulge on the fox's belly and before she broke away, untangling her tongue from his and humming, "You've done it, honey. You've taken all of it, and I'm incredibly proud of you. How do you feel about it, dear?"

At first, Jack just stared blankly into his lover's gleaming green eyes, too entangled in a flurry of emotions to respond. Lust and pleasure swirled through his mind, happiness and love, and now also a generous portion of pride about taking her entire cock. But then, it finally broke out of him in a profuse moan, "It's amazing! I never thought this would ever happen, but it did! And it's even better than expected. I'm so full and happy! I love you so much, Toko!"

"I love you, too, Jack, and I'm delighted to hear that. You've taken it exceptionally well, and I think you're going to love what comes next~" The red panda giggled and gave him a peck on the nose.

Jack's eyes went cross, and he moaned profusely when Toko's body started moving again. She slowly pulled back, sliding inch after inch out of him until only the tip of her fat glans still held his ring open. The emptiness persisted only a second, because just when the fox's insides began to tighten again, the red panda thrust forward with slightly more force than before, coaxing an even lewder cry from his lips as she buried her entire cock inside him once more. From that moment on, the thrusts never stopped, and she continued to shove all twelve inches in and out of the slender fox in a slow but thorough rhythm, really making him feel and appreciate her girth.

There was nothing but gentleness and passion in Toko's thrusts, but her immense size still overwhelmed Jack and finally broke his mind. His insides were singing and sparkling with stimulation, all nerve ends from his stretched pucker to the ones deep inside him firing with bliss, and every movement of her fat cock rubbed and squished his prostate, kindling a vast firework of pleasure. While his brain drowned in pleasure, his muzzle fell wide open, and he delivered a serenade of raw, unadulterated bliss, his moans swelling into cries and howls that shook the entire building to its core.

The red panda rewarded Jack's delight with an endless string of sweet nothings, murmuring "sing for me" and "good boy" into his ear. She kissed and licked his cheeks, tenderly stroking his raging erection to fuel his arousal and carry him to unmatched heights of pleasure. Moreover, every time the fox started to get used to the stimulation overload, she made sure to fuck him a little harder and a little faster, never granting him respite from his mindless ecstasy and making him cum in just a couple of minutes, in spite of the hornleaf tea's deferring effects.

Jack barely even noticed his imminent orgasm, too busy succumbing to the constant flood of pleasure, but when it finally happened, it instantly catapulted him into another sphere of existence. His vision blurred, and he threw back his head, howling at the ceiling while an overwhelming climax rolled through his body and seized control of every fiber of his being. His fingers curled up, his insides clenched around Toko's massive schlong, and his dick throbbed vigorously, squirting his cum all over the floor, over his chest, and against his arms while she rapidly jerked him off. But despite his outburst, she didn't slow down and shoved her fat cock through his clenching sphincter, asserting her dominance and demonstrating her superior strength once more.

As the last strand of cum dripped from the fox's tip, Toko started to pound him with even greater fervor. "Mmmm, that was a big one, but I'm sure you've got one more in those lovely nuts," she purred into his ear while he squirmed and whimpered from overstimulation. It was so much that he wanted to ask her for a break, but then she whispered, "However, you're probably much more curious about my load, aren't you? Eager to feel the warmth of my semen while I turn your sweet, little tummy into a huge, sloshing ball of cum?"

The red panda's words made Jack rock-hard again, and despite the roiling chaos in his brain, he nodded and groaned, "Yes, please, give it to me, mommy!"

"With the greatest pleasure, my dear," Toko grunted and gave him a sloppy kiss on his cheek. She pressed him even tighter against her voluptuous body and sped up her thrusts until she was hammering him so hard that the smacking and slapping of her bloated balls echoed through the entire conference room, adding the rhythm of her thrusts to the melody of his moans.

Unlike Jack, Toko had seemingly infinite stamina, and she kept railing him for minutes on end without slowing, stopping, or showing any signs of an imminent climax. Time flew by in a hot blur, and as the fox's brain surrendered to her giant cock, he stopped caring about anything else, the rest of the world fading into insignificance. They could've done this for the rest of his life for all he cared.

The red panda still hadn't come when the fox sensed another climax building up inside him. His chest tightened, and his body tensed up, and he managed to squeal "Toko, I'm cumming!" before erupting a second time and adding another milky white layer onto the wet splatters on the floor. Once again, she jerked him vigorously while her massive cock pummeled and pounded his prostate, milking him dry for every last drop while coaxing one needy howl after the other from his gaping muzzle. Once again, his insides tightened and clenched up around her schlong, and this time, the vigorous massage bore fruit.

"And so am I, Jack. Fuck, I'm going to bloat you with cum, you tight... little... slut!" Toko growled, wantonly slamming her schlong into him a few more times before she stopped abruptly and came with a guttural roar. A mighty shiver raced through the fox's body, as he knew that sound very well. It echoed through the house every time she bust a nut inside one of her other partners, be it Yuma or Kama, be it in the morning, the afternoon, or at night, but now, for the first time ever, he heard it while she bust inside him. Finally, it was his turn to become her fuck toy and cum dump, and he howled with bliss when her cock throbbed deep inside him, unleashing the first fat squirt of cum of many more to come.

Jack felt every twitch of Toko's bloated nuts, every pulse of her massive cock, and every blast of her warm, thick cum as her orgasm unfolded, and she pumped a gigantic load into his guts. He felt her hot breath on his cheek and heard her randy grunts in his ear, heard the splashing and gurgling of the gooey torrent inside him, felt the rising heat and pressure as she filled him up, and watched his belly rise and swell from the sheer amounts of liquid at play. The mounting sensations were too much for the young fox, and they catapulted him back into a blissful rapture, his mind exploding as his orgasm flared back up.

After another minute of mindless pleasure, Jack's renewed climax weakened again and released its overwhelming grip on his mind. However, Toko was still far from done with him, and her nuts were still churning up a relentless torrent of cum, so much so that the individual spurts merged into one persistent stream that rushed through his swelling, sloshing belly. It had grown so big and bloated that he couldn't see his own dick anymore, and the mounting pressure and incredible heat were pushing the fox to his limits. He whined and squirmed from the excessive stimulation, making fists and gritting his teeth as the red panda filled him without pause.

Only when the fox almost couldn't take it anymore, Toko's orgasm faded, and the stream subsided to a meager dribble. "I'm proud of you, honey. You've taken every last drop," she cooed and gently brushed her paw over his bulging, sagging belly. "Just look at yourself."

Her caress drew another whimper from Jack's muzzle but produced no verbal response. His brain was mush, ruined from all the pleasure and stimulation, and he was still busy coping with the enormous filling. His belly was so full and taut that he could feel even the tiniest movement. He could feel the trembling of his own muscles, the movement of his diaphragm with every breath, and even the echo of his thumping heart. There was so much cum inside him that it had turned his belly button inside out, making him look as if he was in the last stages of pregnancy. But despite all the struggle and sweat, he felt the happiest and most satisfied ever, literally the most fulfilled in his life with all her semen and love inside him.

Toko granted Jack another minute of peace, not speaking a single word either while she tenderly stroked and patted his bloated body and sweaty fur. Only once his breathing slowed, and his heart rate normalized, she carefully rose from his back and slowly slid her softening cock out of his battered ass. "Take a deep breath, dear. I'll pull out now." One last time, the fox moaned out with shaky pleasure as her schlong rubbed against his oversensitive insides and his battered prostate. Inch after inch of fat, glistening chocolate cock emerged from his well-used depths until her glans finally popped out of his gaping asshole.

Not a moment later, the red panda turned around and shuffled over to the tea table, still full of energy despite their long fuck. Jack, however, was too exhausted to get up or even move a single finger, so he just stayed as he was on all fours, panting and groaning as gusts of air caressed his yawning, leaking asshole.

The young fox still hadn't moved an inch when Toko returned, carrying a tube and a sizable black buttplug in her paws. He could already sense what the latter was for, but before the red panda plugged his gape, she granted it another moment of affection. She dropped behind him, gently spread his ass cheeks, and gave his throbbing ring a surprisingly deep tongue kiss. He squeaked with surprise as he felt her warm muscle squirming and rubbing against his prostate, triggering another flicker of pleasure before she parted with a lewd slurp and opened the tube.

"What a delicious, cream-filled gape~ I'm almost tempted to take you for another spin, Jack," the red panda purred and licked her lips, slathering her paw with salve. Another jerk raced through the fox as she unceremoniously stuffed three fingers into his butt, tenderly fingering him for a few seconds to apply the ointment to his reddened insides. "But I think this is enough fun for now. I don't want to overdo it." After she withdrew her fingers, she quickly sealed her load inside him with the massive plug, the insertion stretching Jack just enough to coax another wet moan from his muzzle.

Once Toko had taken care of everything, she finally reached under her fox's arms and pulled him up into her lap, seating him on her broad thighs and pressing him closely against her soft, vast cleavage, his navel touching hers. Her paws languidly roamed his back until one came to rest on his head, pulling him into a loving kiss, while the other landed on his butt, tenderly stroking and kneading his warm, sweaty flesh. This position was as comfortable as it was arousing. The toasty warmth, her luxurious fur, and her powerful heartbeat lulled him while the feeling of her wet, flaccid cock against his crotch, her sweaty, overbearing musk, and the smell of cum made him hard again, providing that wonderful mixture of love and lust that he liked so much about her.

Eventually, Toko broke her kiss to ask the most crucial question, "Tell me, honey, how was it?"

"This was absolutely incredible! Like nothing I've ever felt before," Jack raved, lazily stroking her massive breasts while he basked in her affection. "I love you so much, Toko!"

"I love you, too, Jack. With all my heart," Toko replied. "I don't know where you've been hiding all this time, but I'm glad that you're finally here in my arms." She gazed at Jack with a dreamy smile before she kissed him again, and as their tongues met for a lewd, languid dance, he felt a throbbing between his legs and a growing pressure as her massive chocolate schlong rose back to life. With her, arousal and affection were so closely interconnected that they might as well be the same, and her lust was insatiable, but that was part of what he loved about her, and he was more than ready and eager to see what she was up to this time. A blowjob for her good boy? A pawjob from her warm, supple paw pads while he licked her cock? Perhaps she would sit on his face again, or maybe she would even allow him to fuck her luscious tits? Whatever it would be, he knew they would try it all eventually because there was now more than enough time for him to experiment with her.

Jack wasn't yet sure what long-term effects and consequences his love and relationship with Toko would bring, but he knew that it was the biggest change in his entire young life. He didn't know what the future held for them, whether he would stay in Kessan or not, but he knew that they would find out together and that every second with her would be heavenly.