Transformed College Days 2

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#2 of Transformed College Days

Janice deals with her new life, as well as the sharks. It's...not so bad, in some ways, but much harder in others.

Commissioned by Puffinking

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Transformed College Days

Part 2

For Puffinking

By Draconicon

Janice Dire woke to the sound of moans, squelching, and more going on just outside her dorm room. At first, she started to roll over, then she caught sight of the clock. The jumble of lines formed into numbers, and her eyes went wide.

"Oh, shit!"

The Border Collie threw herself out of bed and very nearly to the floor, still at a loss with all the weight that she carried in her chest now. The lack of a bra in her sleep hadn't helped, either, as even as she caught herself, her breasts swung up and clocked her in the chin. The sheer size of them, once something that attracted her when she'd been a him, made her realize how much big breasts actually hurt.

And that was completely disregarding the difficulty that she still had with her new center of gravity. Without a cock, but with a bigger ass and a large pair of breasts, it was very hard for her to keep her balance if she wasn't paying attention. Her body kept trying to default to the male mannerisms that it was used to, which meant that it was a different sort of walk, more from the shoulders than the hips, and -

"Ooooh, yeah..."

"Fuck me harder, sis..."

"Mmm, you're so wet."

"You need it as bad as me..."

Janice groaned under her breath, getting to her feet and grabbing a thong that had been thrown over the foot of her bed. Not much, but it was better than going into the common room naked. She stumbled along as she walked into them, pulling them up - the string felt so wrong going between her ass cheeks - before finally stepping into the common room between the four bedrooms.

Right in front of her, sprawled on the couch and in front of it, were Katie and Clara, the two sharks so deep in the middle of their lesbian love affair that they didn't even clock that she was there. The Border Collie's cheeks burned, a little buried male libido enjoying the sight of the naked, curvy bombshells -

Katie's tongue down her throat, sucking her tongue forward, those teeth a soft reminder of who was in charge and who was the real bitch -

And the memories from the past didn't help, either. She groaned, rubbing her forehead as she did the only thing she could: grab the water spray bottle and start blasting.

Of course, as sharks, they weren't that bothered by water. That was why she had replaced that with vinegar. The smell was more than sufficient to get her roommates up and moving. She herded them along despite their complaints to the bathroom, all while the sound of someone else moving around in the common area filled her ears.

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

She got the two sharks past the doorframe and into the bathroom just in time, slamming it shut just as she heard another door opening. The smell of concentrated vinegar was completely overpowering, but at least it wasn't nearly as bad as the smell of sex. That was something that everyone would have noticed.

"Mmmmph, come ooooon. We were having fun," Katie said.

"Yeah. Katie had her tongue all the way up my pussy."

"And Clara was going to fist me."

"Did you have to ruin it, Janice?"

The Border Collie rolled her eyes, doing her best not to engage right that moment. There was still the possibility of getting caught, and she didn't want to get kicked out of college before she could start her last semester. They were so close to graduation, and it had taken the court system a horrendously long time to find a place.

And she honestly didn't know if she could past the psych tests again. The last time, she'd almost snapped when the judge had ordered the stallion bailiff to hit on her. Her 'sisters' had completely lost it at that point, having to be restrained to keep from going down on the stallion right then and there, but she had been able to hold back.

Barely. She had been wet as fuck between her thighs, but she'd managed it. Next time, she might not be so lucky.

"Jaaaaanice, are you listening to us?" Katie asked.

"Yes, I am," she muttered. "But I'm also listening to make sure that no-one caught you."

"Who's no-one?" Clara asked.

"Must be a friend. Is he hung?"

Janice bit her lips, trying to keep from lashing out. The Transmogrification potions had done more than just change their bodies: it had changed their minds, and Clara and Katie had taken more of it than she had, had been warped all the more intensely.

Thankfully, they weren't this dumb all the time, or they wouldn't be able to attend college at all. They were, actually, surprisingly bright at times, and had utterly stunned their teachers in some of the long-distance classes that they had attended. Even in person, they were...kind of smart, though they were more easily distracted than the worst of the unmedicated ADD students in class.

However, if they got horny...which happened with startling ease...

Well, Janice got a good idea of just how horrible her fate would have been if the two 'sisters' moaning in the locker room hadn't startled her enough to make her drop the potion. She was less mentally affected than them, able to fake being normal. It was why she was allowed to stay with them, to give them someone from the past that would keep them safe, keep them from losing it in public.

"Janiiiiiice," Clara whined.


"Can we keep going?"

"...What?" Janice asked, blinking as she turned around.

The two sharks had stepped under the showerhead, turning it on to start washing off the vinegar. However, no sooner had they started cleaning up than they started groping each other, and Clara already had her fingers deep inside Katie's pussy. The other shark woman had her leg up on the edge of the bath-shower combination, moaning she rolled her hips.

It was an embarrassing, if arousing display, and she blushed worse than ever as she watched, turning her head to the side and covering her eyes.

"Yes, yes, sure, fine, as long as you're quiet. You can't just do that out in the open, is all."

"But it's so much fun. And it's so much woooork going back to bed," Clara said.

"Yes, but we have someone else here now. Someone that's keeping us from being found out, remember?"

And that person didn't know all the problems that they were dealing with. The chaperone had been assigned to them as a means of having one more pair of eyes on the 'twins' - they refused to think of themselves as unrelated, despite the incestual connotations of all their fun - and to help her adjust to being...feminine. That had been harder than expected, and for more than just the reasons of new centers of balance.

Still can't believe that she got me this thong...or the other things...

Her cheeks burned as she remembered the various different pieces of apparel that were strewn through her room. The most conservative of them had barely been enough to cover her appropriately for the late winter weather, and some of it was worse than summer-wear...on the beach...

She was just shaking her head when one of the twins grabbed her tail, giving her a teasing tug backwards. She yelped as she was pulled into the shower, one of the soft shark hands sliding between her thighs.

"Come on, little sis..."

"Yeah, come on. Play with us."

"But - mmmph!"

She moaned, biting her lips as the slippery digits found their way inside. She never quite knew what to expect when they did that. Hell, she still didn't masturbate herself, not used to the feeling of two holes between her legs rather than a shaft. But it still felt good. It felt really good, as a matter of fact.

Janice slumped forward, her legs shaking as those fingers - Clara's or Katie's, she couldn't tell which - plunged deep inside of her. She gasped for breath as they wiggled against her inner walls, and...and...

And her head went funny.

Not again...

She had a brief moment of absolute terror before the funny, fuzzy feeling that she remembered from that first time after taking the potion hit her again. She gasped for breath, moaning, her body shaking from head to toe as things just felt...warm. Warm and happy, warm and fuzzy, warm and horny. Everything was so sexy, everything felt so good, from the water running down her head to the hand between her legs.

She rolled her hips forward, grinding her clit against those gentle fingers, that wet palm. Toothy mouths pressed against hers, and the taste of another mouth entered hers. She tasted one tongue, then another.

Janice was losing herself, and there was little she could do to stop it. That little whimpering bit buried under the heated haze was getting quieter and quieter, as it always did when she started getting horny. It got harder to think, then it got easier to just enjoy herself, and then -

"Hello? Hello, is everything okay in there?"

The sharp rapping on the door was just enough to shock her, and she reached for the water knob, yanking it to cold. The sudden blast of freezing water was enough to shock out the heat-haze, and she hopped out, wrapping a towel around her as Katie and Clara started groaning to themselves again.

She opened the door, looking out to see an antelope - their chaperone - waiting. The young female could scarcely be more than twenty-two, but she had this long-suffering look that made her already long face look even longer than it was. She didn't look curious, but rather an odd mix of sad and bored at the same time.

"S-sorry," Janice said with a blush. "The twins were having some issues out here, and I thought that it'd be better to get them in the shower together."

"...Together?" Emily asked.

"Well, one at a time. They've seen each other naked; you know how it is."

"...Are you alright?"

"Oh, yes, sure, why wouldn't I be?"

"...It's a stressful thing." The antelope nodded, then seemed to brighten slightly. "Oh, and I found something new for you."

"...Um, did you now?" she said, her smile becoming slightly more wooden as a result. "It's not, uh, not as showy as the last thing, is it?"

The last thing, of course, being something of a summer dress, but one that had a skirt that barely went lower than her bottom, hugged her hips something awful, and came down in a sweeping neckline that almost went right to her belly-button. It shouldn't have been allowed on campus, but - and she blamed the fact that all her teachers were men for this - it was. She was sure that they were all getting one hell of a show, too.

But that was the most extreme bit of far. Her stomach fell as Emily rolled her eyes.

"Dear. You have to learn that you're attractive. Just because you have the perpetual problem of low-self-confidence doesn't mean that you can let it rule you. You have to at least try and show yourself at your best."

The way that Emily always talked in that dull monotone while rambling on about psyche difficulties made her feel like a professor, but unlike the various members of the faculty, the antelope had power over her. Quite a bit of power, for that matter, when it came to her dress code. Janice never got around to leaving the dorms without Emily's approval unless she snuck out, a feat more easily said than done.

And for all that Emily said that she suffered from low-self-confidence, the other female could have been a case study in it. The antelope looked great, or if not great, then at least fine. Her shape wasn't so exaggerated as Janice's or the twins, but it was more than sufficient to catch the eye. Or at least, would have been if it wasn't for the fact that she dressed down rather than up.

Take your own advice, why don't you?

But at the same time, she was bound by the rules...and by her own goddamn changes. She groaned as she covered her face with one hand.

"I'll take a look."

"Thank you. I think you'll like it."

"I'm sure," she lied. "Now, I need to get the twins cleaned up."

"Please, do. Then I'll take them to class, then?"

"Please. I have a new class later, myself."

"Good luck."

And with that, she was left alone with the shark twins, who were glowering at her over the sides of the shower curtain...and still hadn't turned the water back to hot.

Don't you dare blame me for this...

The outfit was worse than she thought, and considering what the sundress had been like, this really was ridiculous.

It wasn't just that it was so minimalistic, though that was a huge minus to it. The 'outfit' consisted of a pair of booty shorts that hugged her ass so tight that it felt like they were constantly groping her, the denim working between the cheeks and right up to the base of her tail. Worse, it felt like the whole thing was just about to push right into her crotch at all times, spreading her thong against her pussy.

And it just got worse from there, with a top that was more like a skinny bra that was just barely opaque enough to hide her nipples, an overshirt that was more like a jacket that didn't actually close, and a pair of stocking-leggings that did keep her legs warm, but did fuck-all to actually hide her shape. She might as well have been dressed in underwear for all the modesty that it let her keep.

Fuck, fuck, fuck...

The hardest things were the high-heels. While more like boots, and the only nod to her former masculinity that she was allowed, the boots pushed her already arched paws up even higher, making her walk with her ass pushed out and with a sway that was impossible to miss. It was a giant hindrance to getting anything done, and she blushed that she had to deal with it like this.

And it didn't help that all eyes on the college grounds, male or female, turned to watch her walk by. It was a display that she couldn't stop, and if she could have filed a complaint against Emily for this...


But she couldn't. The potion had messed with her mind just enough to make it impossible for her to completely turn down a command, and Emily had just enough authority from the courts to make it a command. More to the point, she knew that if she did actually fight it, she'd go from this to frump in the space of two seconds, and that would get the attention of everyone on campus. What would make the exposed slut go from that to something so modest? Then people would start digging, and...

The Border Collie sighed. No, she had to grin and bear it for the sake of the two 'twins' now. They were worse off than she was, and they would be in serious danger if someone dug up how compromised they actually were. This was her responsibility now, even if it did piss her off something awful.

She had a pinched face and a sour muzzle when she arrived in her history class, sitting down and putting her books in front of her. She had a reserved spot in the front of the class, something that her professor had recommended for her. The wolf gave her a smile as she walked in, though it was impossible to miss the dip in his vision as he realized just how she was dressed. They managed to stop before going all the way down to her breasts, but it was a narrow thing.

And so it begins...

She sat down, the wolf stood up, and the lecture started. Another history of Transmogrification, and despite her annoyance at being kept up front like some sexual trophy, Janice did her best to pay attention...and to ignore the slight smell of sweat and male bodies in the air...


It was all but impossible. By the time that the forty-five minute mark rolled around, Janice was struggling to stay in her seat. Her thighs were pressed together, and her pussy was drenched. The smell of the teacher...


The doctors had warned her that certain scents would get to her now, that her brain had been rewired to make it easier to just slip down to that happy, horny state that she had been in, but this was the first time that it was hitting her so hard. Her tail was wagging lazily, probably giving a show to the boys behind her, but the Border Collie barely cared. Hell, she barely cared about whatever the professor was saying.

Wonder how big he is...

He looked like he had a nice full sheath down there, something that would really grab her and hold her attention. The thought of it filling out, opening, spilling out so that his big, musky cock would flop over her face almost had her panting. Almost; she had enough self-control to keep her tongue in her mouth, but her tail wagged a little faster.

The class's last five minutes felt like they took forever, and it took everything she had to sit there like a normal student. The utter lack of sex that she'd had, save for the few times that the 'twins' had pulled her into a threesome, was taking its toll on her. She didn't know how much longer she could handle this, or whether she could take it for more than another day or two without doing something really, really stupid.

Do it for it for them...

But that was a harder and harder thing to keep in mind. Janice wanted to do something for herself for a change, something that would actually make her happy, rather than just keep the others safe. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fucking fair.

The professor had stopped talking, she realized. The Border Collie looked up, only to see that he was looking down at her. She looked left, right, left, and realized that the class had emptied out.

She'd missed the dismissal. He probably thought...oh god...

She got to her feet as fast as possible, seeing his expression fall. Oh, yes. He had thought the thing. He had thought that she was...oh, there was a part of her that wanted to, but no. No, no, no, that was such a bad idea, and she was not going to do that. Not now, not ever. Not with her professors, and not...

"Sorry," she managed to mutter, grabbing her stuff and hurrying past him to the door. "Spaced out, won't happen again."

Except that it probably would, she thought as she hurried down the steps, making her way to where her 'sisters' were probably having their class. She needed to find them, fast, before someone else did. Emily would be around eventually to pick them up, but the antelope was chronically late to the classroom to pick up the twins, usually relying on the Border Collie to collect them and hand them off before Janice went off to do her own work somewhere else. It was a rough situation, but she was usually fine with it.

But usually, she wasn't so distracted by the crotch of one of her professors.

Dammit, dammit, dammit...

She speed-walked down the hall, the other classroom memorized. It was past the central junction, then to the right, and three doors down. It was a biology class, which had the problem of having the perfect pick-up lines for a pair of bimbos in waiting. She sped up a bit faster, not daring to take it any slower than she already was.

She finally reached the classroom as it emptied out, spotting her shark friends inside. There was a wolf, a big, black-and-gray-furred one that would have loomed over the professor, talking with them. He had his hand on Katie's desk and his arm around Clara's shoulders, and he was obviously flirting with them.

Shit shit shit...

Janice fought through the flood of people that were still coming out of the classroom, throwing herself forward. More than a few wandering hands brushed up against her accidentally, or more likely, 'accidentally'. Her breasts got groped more in those few seconds than they had in the entirety of the last few days, but she didn't care. She had to get through to the 'twins' before they made a mistake.

The wolf was leaning in, looking from one to the other. Janice idly realized that he had two different eye colors, one brown, one a piercing blue. She barely had a chance to see that before she heard him.

"So, girls, how about the three of us go somewhere else, hmm? I think I have a great place in mind for some 'biology lessons,' heh. What do you -"

"Oh, thank god, I found you."

It was more of a scream than it was meant to be, but her voice cutting through the air did the job. More than a few students turned around to see what the fuss was, and the teacher - who had been on the way out - paused, the older chinchilla cocking his head to the side. He looked her over the same way that the history teacher had, though with less of an obvious bulge in his pants.

"Is there a problem?" he asked.

"Uh-um. No. Just needed to, uh, collect these two."

The Border Collie smiled behind the hair that had fallen over her face. It wasn't entirely a lie. The entire school knew about the way that she was supposed to be looking after the sharks, or at least, the faculty did. Emily and her were always around, or supposed to be. They were responsible for the 'twins.' Of course, nobody knew why, save for the fact that the sharks were obviously a bit 'challenged' in some way or another, and due to the threat of lawsuits from the court, nobody was going to ask a damn thing to find out for sure. In fact, it was almost dangerous to just be curious.

The chinchilla nodded, closing his books and continuing to pack up. The oversized wolf looked down at her, a raised eyebrow silently questioning her right to get between him and his conquests. That look, that one look, set off a chain reaction inside of her that she barely managed to withstand.


It was that look, that silent expression of a male that knew that he had the right to take what he wanted, that there was nothing that anyone should, or could, do to stop him, someone that understood the way of the world and would demand that he get the primal male privileges which he was due. The way that he fixed that stare at her, the way that he loomed so tall compared to the other males around her, was almost enough to send her falling to her knees and her nose against his crotch.

If she had been like the others, she already would have. She barely managed to lock her knees then, even as she thanked the stars that she had had the foresight to add a little padding under her thong to keep the worst of her juices from flowing in public. Otherwise, her booty shorts wouldn't have been able to withstand the sudden need from inside.

"'s time to go," Janice managed to say through clenched teeth.

"Oh, do we have to?" Clara asked.

"I mean, he's a stud..."

"You do. There's a rule, remember?" she said, trying to keep her voice even. Her thoughts certainly weren't; she wanted them out of the way so that she could have a turn, so her body could be ravaged the way that he wanted to ravage them. "Emily's waiting."

"Oh, right. Emily."

"Emily?" Clara blinked. "Oh, right. Emily."

"She probably has homework."

"And tests."

"Oh, the tests. Please, no, not tonight..."

"Well, you two better get going, and maybe you can convince her not to give you the tests," she said, trying to keep it from sounding like a different sort of 'suggestion.' No point in scaring the living hell out of the straight woman. "Better get going. She's just - yes, she's just outside."

The 'twins' looked back at the wolf again, and somehow, the massive male seemed to look them in the eyes in return, one eye for each. The brown one for Clara, the blue one for Katie. They giggled as they looked at him, only to finally break off and walk away with one last clearing of the throat from the Border Collie. They wiggled their fingers over their shoulders, and Janice sighed in relief.

One disaster averted...

Or so it seemed. Once the twins were out of the way, the big wolf turned his attention on her. He fixed her with a solid stare, both eyes, but the blue one hit her harder. There was almost a glow to it, some strange intensity that struck her to the core. She wanted to take a step back, to put some distance between herself and him, but there was no chance for that. He closed the distance, a smile on his face but one that didn't reach his eyes.

"Wanna tell me what that was about?" he asked, his voice low, just on the verge of growling. Oh, he was possessive, alright. "That wasn't just looking out for 'em, was it?"

"...I was just keeping them safe."

"From what? A good time?"

"They had a good time before."

"Heh...I don't think that's the case."

"I can tell you, it was."

"No, no, I meant just now." The wolf smiled down at her, cocking his head to the side as he stopped right in front of her. God, he was tall. "You weren't trying to 'save' them from anything. You just wanted what they were getting."

If words could be said to grab someone by the pussy, that's what he just did. Her eyes went wide, her breath caught in her throat, and she stared at him like he had said something completely mad. Instead, it felt like something...something right.

You just wanted what they were getting...

It felt all too right to her in that moment, her body shaking from head to toe, her eyes flicking. She wanted to look down, wanted to see what he was packing. Her body was on fire, needy, hot, begging for the chance to submit to this male. He was even better, more tempting than her professor, something that she hadn't known was possible.


If she gave in once, then her body would have permission to do it again, and again, and again. There would be no stopping her, no keeping her off her knees. If that happened, then they would examine her, find out that there was still something wrong with her, something that prevented her from living a normal life. She couldn't let Thomas and the others win; she couldn't just be broken down the way that the 'twins' had. She could...

She could beat this.

She would beat this.

One step back became two, though he followed her backwards with a smile on his face. That same smile, that same toothy grin that promised to take all that he wanted and more. Her eyes tried to flick down, and she barely managed to stop them, though she still wound up staring at his chest. Hard, well-muscled beneath his t-shirt, looking like something that could cushion her as he pulled her close, before he pushed her down to -

No, no, no!

She could smell him, she realized as she took another step back, watching him follow her through the desks. They were alone in the classroom now, just her and him, the most dangerous place for her to be right then, and the most unlikely for her to be able to escape.

Gotta get out...gotta go...

"You haven't answered me," he said. "Maybe a better question would be, what's your name?"

"Janice," she said without a thought.

"Well, Janice. Do you want what they were getting?"

He smirked in the way that she just hated, the kind of smirk that said that he knew what was going through her mind, and that he knew it was filthy. It was, too. Her getting to her knees, serving this man, giving him what he asked for without a second thought. All it would take would be one sniff, one touch, one taste.

Would it be...that bad?

She only had to think of the 'twins' to know that it would be that bad, and worse. She would lose herself to it, and who knew how she'd come out the other side? Everything would be different. Everything that she had kept since the Event in the locker room would be lost, or at the very least, altered and weakened.

Her breath was coming fast and shallow, her breasts bouncing, almost coming free form the bra-like shirt that barely covered them. She was wet enough that it was starting to show through her shorts.


She was almost to the door now, and he was still following her, still flashing her that knowing smile, that grinning, fearsome confidence beaming off him. It took everything she had to keep moving backwards -

And then, it happened.

She was halfway out of the class, a single step away from escaping, but she'd forgotten about the flood of students still occupying the hallways, and that flood formed a barrier to her escape, and one student in particular spelled her doom. Just by accident, not even by malice, someone bumped her as she leaned back through the doorway. It was no more than the lightest of bumps, something that would have slightly jostled her and no more during most times. But this time, with her balance all but gone, it knocked her off her feet. Worse, it knocked her forward.

It felt like it happened in slow motion. Janice couldn't stop herself, couldn't even throw out her arms fast enough to keep that muscled, chiseled chest further from her. The Border Collie clicked her boots against the floor, tried to stop herself, but only threw herself forward all the harder. Her nose brushed against his shirt, she breathed in -

And then it was over.

That smell...that intoxicating smell rushed through her, her eyes rolling back in their sockets, her mouth hanging open as she felt those pheromones hit her like an out of control truck. It was so strong, intense that her mouth hung open, her eyes hazy as they had been in the locker room as she looked up.

The wolf met her stare with a smirk. He took her hand.

"So, name's Ajax..."


"And you want to be on your knees right now, don't you?"


That was her legs giving out, her knees hitting the floor.


That was the door shutting, the door locking.


And that...well, everyone knew what that sound meant...

The End

Summary: Janice deals with her new life, as well as the sharks. It's...not so bad, in some ways, but much harder in others.

Tags: M/F, F/F, Corruption, Mind Control, Wolf, Shark, Border Collie, Antelope, College, Bimbo, Obedient, Series, Hoping for Normality, Smell, Scent, Musk, Fantasies, Lost in Head, Heat, Fingering, Oral, Threesome,