Unwittingly Summoned 8

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#8 of Unwittingly Summoned

Teryx is off having fun on his own while Nievuhn is having fun in the city. Seems like he's rather enjoying pretending to be a mortal.

Commissioned by TeryxC

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Unwittingly Summoned, Part 8

For TeryxC

By Draconicon

Teryx, disguised as a weasel in an entirely different party, smiled as they discussed the news around the campfire that night. The city had given in to the dragon's demands, becoming part of a protectorate, so the stories went. The water dragon knew that wasn't the case at all, considering he knew what he had demanded and he knew what Nievuhn had actually gotten from the city, but that didn't mean that he didn't like hearing that some of the rumors were already running wild.

I barely had to lift a wing...

Of course, the city was getting more than just his protection. He had lent his power to Nievuhn to make sure that they were getting the sort of irrigation that they needed for their crops, and had shown the city that they were going to get the water that they needed for healing, for raising their crops, for food, for everything. The city would be his, and he...

Well, when he got back, he planned on visiting the temples and seeing his new priests, not to mention everything else that had been done in his absence. He had little doubt that his little champion was going to be busy as a bee, trying to find everything that could be done, and that would keep him busy. The more that the little mortal fixed up the city for him, the less that Teryx had to worry about when he returned.

Besides, it was rather fascinating to spend time with the different mortals without having them trying to kill him. None of the two-leggers knew that he wasn't actually a weasel, and he was getting eyed by a wolf - a fighter or something similar - over the fire with a very clear intention there. The hidden dragon smiled, imagining what he might do if he did indulge the canine's desires.

Of course, that would have to come after dinner. A hippo walked around the group, passing out bowls of soup. The bowls themselves were bread, something that was vaguely new to him. Teryx leaned down, little whiskers on the side of his face twitching as he sniffed the white soup, and he took a taste.

A surge of salt, spice, and cream hit him and almost knocked him off his stump. He didn't quite gasp as it went down his throat, but the sound wasn't that dissimilar, either. Shaking his head in shock, he pointed at the bowl and poked one of his teammates.

"What...what's in this?"

"Uhhh..." The coyote leaned over. "Looks like venison, potatoes, cream, and pepper."

"It's delicious."

"It's alright."

The coyote shrugged, going back to eating, but the hippo seemed to have heard what he said. The leather-armored cook smiled back at him, giving him a thumbs up and a nod at the pot. Getting the signal that he was clear to get seconds if he wanted, the 'weasel' tucked in, moaning softly under his breath as he ate away.

He knew that he was getting weird looks, but that was fine with him. The food was more than worth the appreciation that he was showing for it, and he wanted the hippo to know that he appreciated all the work that had gone into making it. He had seldom had cooked food up in his old home, and while there was the occasional bit of rations that he had stolen off of a party, he had never had it fresh.

I had water, and I had seafood, and this...this is so much better.

He finished the bowl without even hesitating, and then ran back to the pot to get more. The entire party stared at him for getting that much eaten that fast, but again, he ignored them, focusing on the flavor rather than anything else.

There was a different texture to cooked meat that he hadn't gotten from his raw food, something that was more teased. Yes, it was more crispy, slightly more chewy, but that didn't mean anything compared to the flavor that was dripping from every bit of it. He tilted his bowl back, swirling his tongue around to get every bit of the creamy broth that clung to the bread.


"You know, the bowl's edible, too," the hippo said.

"Mmmph?" Teryx grunted, pulling the bowl down. "What?"

"You can eat the bowl. That's why it's bread."

He stared down at the saturated bread bowl, his eyes going wider. All that flavor, combined with the bread to sop it all up, and -

The 'weasel' wasted no time in biting through it, ravenous as could be. His stomach was complaining, yes, but that didn't mean that he was going to stop. If anything, that only encouraged him to eat faster, to fill himself before his stomach could marshal the fight to stop him from doing so.

Soon, the bread bowl was gone, and he was utterly stuffed. He flopped back, one hand over his stomach. He half-expected to slide back into dragon instincts of sleeping after gorging himself like that, but instead, he merely burped. The sound echoed through the small clearing that they were eating in, and the party laughed.

As they settled in to eat their meals slightly more sanely, he groaned. The feeling of being utterly overstuffed was not something that he was so familiar with, and it felt like it was weighing him down. He struggled to get up, to walk it off, but his guts felt like they were filled with rocks, now. The weight was so extreme that he honestly wasn't sure that he'd be getting off the stump that night.

The wolf that had been eyeing him up all night walked over, patting him on the shoulder. Teryx groaned, looking up at him.

"You gonna be okay, little guy?" the wolf asked.

"Yeah, I'll be - mmmph." He groaned, rubbing his stomach. "I'll be alright."

"Heh, must have been starving."

"I was hungry, yeah."

"So, tell me. You, uh..." The wolf looked around before leaning down, whispering. "You got any interest in, say, other males?"

"...Maybe," he said, smiling slightly.

"Well, tell you what. You get 'hungry' for other meat tonight, you come to my tent. I'll make sure that you get everything that you need."

The wolf patted him again, just short of knocking him off the stump, and then walked off. Teryx shook his head, smiling to himself. It seemed like this body was good at attracting interest if one knew what one was doing. He had just made sure that he looked keen, and the wolf had been more than willing to make the first move. He wondered why Nievuhn hadn't gotten much in the way of action if it was that easy...

Well, it didn't matter at that point. He could have his fun tonight, and tomorrow, he'd be 'proving' his worth. The party was hitting up a dungeon in the ass-end of nowhere, somewhere in the opposite direction of his mountain, and they needed a healer. He planned on being exactly what they needed, and he looked forward to testing himself a bit.

Just as soon as his belly stopped feeling like it was stuffed to the brim.

The dungeon was supposed to be a simple one, and Teryx supposed that by dungeon standards, it was. There was a front door, and according to the party map, it was supposed to go down in a steady spiraling slope to the treasure room down at the very bottom of the dungeon. That was simple enough to understand, though not necessarily so simple to fight through when it came down to it. Particularly with...kobolds...

Teryx hissed as soon as he realized what they were going to be fighting. Not because of any possibility of danger while fighting them, of course - the dragon was confident enough of that - but more the fact that they had the chance of realizing what he was under the magical disguise. He had managed the shapeshift well enough, but that didn't mean that there wasn't some residue of dragon to be picked up if one knew what to look for. Kobolds were always looking for dragons, so this was not the time to allow them to get too close.

He was more than happy that his weasel body was frail enough to be assigned to the middle of the group, allowing him the chance to just fling healing spells around and be out of the way of the fighting. The hippo and the wolf were on the front line - the wolf in particular making sure to keep the kobolds away from him, after last night - while the team cleric, the coyote, was behind him. The cleric was more of a war-fighter, someone that bashed heads in and cast offensive magic, which was why they needed him.

Teryx saw the wolf stumble backwards and immediately extended a hand, a whip of healing water flicking out. It caressed the bleeding wound in the wolf's shoulder, taking both pain and injury away immediately.

"Thanks," the wolf grunted.

"No problem."

Shaking his head, Teryx glanced around the room. It was fairly empty, for the most part, though there were pitfalls here and there. It was the third room of the same sort since they'd entered the dungeon, curving on either wall and leading to a door on the far side. It was, indeed, basic, but while he and the party had the height advantage as they went deeper, the kobolds had the advantage of entrenched defenses.

And holes, too, he reminded himself as he felt his foot slipping down one of them. He dragged himself back, shaking his head. Just a little too close there.

The last kobold went down, and the hippo and wolf pulled back from the dead bodies. They picked rocks to sit on, while Teryx remained standing. They shook their heads, panting softly, while he glanced at the far door.

"So, how long do you think it'll be til we get to the end?" he asked.

"Uh...seven more rooms? Something like that," the wolf muttered.

"Not too bad."

"Long as there's not that many more kobolds."

Teryx nodded. The less of those, the better.

"Anyone else injured?"

The rest of the party shook their heads, and he smiled. Good. He was doing a good job.

"Just gonna stretch my legs, then. I won't leave the room."

The rest of the party nodded, happy enough to let him get on with whatever he wanted to do. That was enough for him to feel happy, too, which was better than what he had gotten from the other party.

He still remembered how that orc and the other bitch had treated him as the weasel. Oh, they had been more than willing to take advantage of his body at that time, and that had been fun enough - though he'd never admit that to Nievuhn, as no mortal should believe that they had the right to fuck a dragon - but as people, they had been utterly horrific. He would have been happy to leave them in the past, but he had the feeling that they would come again at some point, and when they did, he imagined that they would be just as annoying as they had been in the past.

Shaking his head, he put them out of his mind. He had a different party, now, and they were much better, both for him and in general. He imagined that they would be better in the future, too, people that would go far. They were certainly far more competent than the last group. Not that they would have succeeded dealing with him, either, but he wouldn't have felt the need to go so easy on them, either.

He wandered away from them, groaning under his breath as he stretched his legs out. The feeling of being in the mortal, two-legged form was very strange. Movement was different, though the tighter hole meant that he didn't need to find things that were so big to tease him properly. More to the point, though, he felt the agility that the body had, the way that it could move with ease, and how his own nature empowered it past what it was capable of doing on its own.

On the other hand, he still wasn't used to moving in it, and when he found a hole, he silently stumbled through it.

The 'weasel' bit off a yelp as he tumbled forward and down, managing to stop his fall a half-second into it. Looking over his shoulder, he could already tell that the room that he'd fallen from was half a floor up, but more than that, he could tell that the tunnel went further and further down.

More to the point, he could smell something down there. Something familiar.

Something dragon.

...Well, that explains the kobolds...

Teryx withdrew his claws slightly, allowing himself to slide in fits and bursts down the hole. He would stop himself every few feet, catching hold of the stone walls, letting himself drift down without picking up too much speed. If there was another dragon down there, then that meant that there was someone that might be able to see through his disguise. Rather than waiting for that to happen while the whole party might be around him, he wanted to pre-empt this and keep it from ruining what he had going.

Drop, drop, drop, until he was right above the entrance to the lower chamber. Glancing down, he spotted one door in, and no other doors out. It must have been the boss chamber, which would make sense if there was another dragon in the dungeon. He lowered his head a bit further, following the winding, raised pathway down from the door to the treasure pile, and there, right smack in the center, was the dragon in question.

Big, red, and very much aware of someone else, the dragon was looking between the holes above him. Teryx sighed. Well, no point in hiding at this point.

He flipped down, transforming as he went. The illusion of the weasel disappeared, replaced with the far more powerful image of a dragon, light blue along the belly, dark blue along the back and limbs. His mane, a deep gold, flared as he hit the ground, flashing brightly as the transformation completed itself in rapid succession.

The big red looked at him, then chuckled.

"So, you're the one that I smelled."

"I suppose I am. I didn't expect another dragon in here."

"I didn't expect a dragon to be working with mortals."

"Well, I got bored."

"Bored, and...corrupted."


"That's not what I smell on you, heh..."

"..." Teryx growled, flexing his foreclaws. "I doubt you smell anything."

"Oh no? I think I smell exactly what you don't want me to..."

The big red was slowly climbing down from the treasure pile, and Teryx knew exactly what the other male had smelled. While he had enjoyed himself with the wolf the night before, he hadn't precisely had the chance to get rid of all the mess from that, and that...that smell probably lingered. A dragon's sense of smell wasn't precisely weak, and if the big red had picked that up...

He started circling, moving sideways onto the pile of gold. The big red grinned at him, chuckling.

"Well, well. Are you afraid?"

"I don't think I know the meaning of the word."

"All talk, no proof. Just like a water dragon."

"And just like a red, burning bridges before he has to."

It had to be a red, didn't it? He would have been fine with another blue, though there would have been some talk about the submission that he had apparently done. A red, on the other hand...

Well, they mixed with blues about as well as fire and water mixed together. They didn't like each other, they didn't care for one another's company, and the red was obviously keen on taking advantage of a perceived weakness. The two feral dragons continued to slowly circle one another, narrowing their eyes, waiting for a moment to strike as the red dragon kept up his annoying diatribe.

"Now, now, is that any way for a tail-raiser to act?"

"You think that it matters?"

"Ah, so you admit that you are one."

"Quick to overextend yourself."

"Quick to defend something that you claim isn't a weakness."

He growled deep in his throat. He was off his game if a red was starting to get to him this much, but there was something just so...infuriating about this one. This red seemed to know just what to say, and it bothered him.

Time to put you in your place.

Teryx stopped, and the red kept moving. For a split second, the other feral was in mid-step, and thus, off-balance. The water dragon took that split second to strike, leaping shoulder-first into the other male.

They tumbled backwards together, hitting the gold pile and rolling through it. Coins and gems went flying, some falling into lava at the very back of the chamber, others clattering off walls and scales. The red roared at the attack, trying to savage Teryx with his foreclaws, and when that failed, snapping at him with jaws filled with fangs sharp as his own.

But the water dragon was ready. He rolled, spinning, spiraling, twisting like the water currents of his home river. He was everywhere and nowhere, pinning one limb, then another. He turned this way, flipped that way, using tail, forelegs, hind-legs, everything to mess with the other dragon. Slamming his neck against the red's stopped any biting attacks from hitting their intended target, and his tail slapped the other male around enough to keep him from easily getting back to his feet.

Their wrestling dislodged more and more treasure, opening up a clear spot in the middle of the chamber. Teryx felt the ground shift, and suddenly, the red kicked him with a blow that he hadn't seen coming. He grunted at the impact, spun backwards, only for the red to leap at him and land on top of him.

The impact was enough to knock the air from his lungs for a moment, and he wheezed as the bigger male leaned down on him. They were belly to belly, and -

"Heh...is the tail-raiser enjoying himself, then?" the red asked.

Teryx blinked, then blushed ever so slightly as he realized that his cock was starting to emerge, stiffening against the other male. The only consolation there was the fact that the red was getting hard, too, and felt like he might have been getting had for the last few minutes. He growled.

"Feels like you like it more."

"Of course. I'm winning."

"You weren't a minute ago."


"Maybe you're the tail-raiser here."

The red growled, snapping forward. Teryx dodged the snarling bite, and struck back with one of his own, latching onto the red's neck and squeezing. He felt his fangs denting the scales, but he didn't want to bite and bleed the other dragon. No, no, that wasn't what he wanted at all. His honor, his pride had been insulted, and it was time to take some revenge for that.

Call me a tail-raiser like it's some bad thing? Well, let's see how you like it.

With a grunt, he finally flipped the other dragon over, slamming him down into the ground and thrusting him forward. Teryx grabbed him from behind, using his tail and lower body to nudge the red's tail out of the way. His throbbing prick pressed under that tail, right against the pucker that was already twitching down there, an instinctive reaction to pleasure, but also just a hint of invitation.

Teryx chuckled.

"What was that about me being the tail-raiser?"

"Get the fuck off me!"

"Mortal language? How coarse."

"Blue, you will get off me."

"Make me."

And before the red could do any such thing, Teryx thrust forward.

The feeling of sliding his tip past that waiting pucker was just what he needed. Though he had enjoyed the pleasure of being under the wolf the last night, there was definitely something pleasant about being clamped down on by another dragon. The fact that it was a red under him only made it better, reminding him of the superiority of water over fire, and the power of blue over red.

The bigger male grunted under him, huffing and shuffling, claws scraping against stone as he struggled not to make a sound. Teryx didn't push him too far, just yet, more just wiggling his hips forward, gradually sinking his cock further and further into that warm hole. It was not quite fiery in there, but it was definitely hotter than what he had felt with the mortals.

"Mmmm, not exactly stopping me, are you?"

"You're not letting me."

"Am I? Or do you just want it?"


Teryx thrust forward that little bit harder, fully sheathing himself in that pucker, giving it the good filling that it so obviously needed. The red slumped forward, panting, gasping, a true show of submission in its own way. He chuckled, grinding his cock forward, pulling it back slightly, and then doing it again.

This wasn't a true rutting, of course. If that was the case, he would have been going much harder already, thrusting in as if it was a dragoness's vent that needed breeding. No, this was more a reminder, a reminder of who was on top, and who was not.

In, out, in, out, a powerful, slow glide that pressed down on the other dragon's pleasure button to keep him in line. The red groaned just as he was supposed to, shivering and panting as he was filled and emptied, teased and taunted with each successive thrust. In, out, in, out, each time pushing down just enough to draw out a clench, a squeeze, a rippling, milking motion around his shaft.

Teryx grinned, his forepaws pressed down on the red dragon's shoulders, keeping him pinned in place, showing him where he belonged under blue dragons, where fire should be kept beneath water. In, out, in, out, that pucker starting to push out a bit more, caressing his cock on every thrust, that tail starting to rise on its own.

Tail-raiser, indeed.

That should have been all that was required, but there was something about the sheer arrogance of the other dragon that made him take it further. He growled deep down in his throat, and he began picking up the pace. Rather than pulling out, his next thrust was the roughest yet, going deep and fast, and the red dragon gasped, puffing fire towards his treasure for a moment before catching his breath.

"What...what the hell...are you doing..."

"I'm going...to teach...you a lesson," Teryx grunted.

"You - stop it!"

"No. Not until you admit what you are."

He pulled back slowly, but then slammed in just as hard and fast as before, ramming his dick all the way into that pucker and making the red slide forward by a full foot across the stone floor. He shifted his position, getting a better grip, and then started really hammering home, feeling the clenching, the squeezing, the tightening and more get more and more intense around his cock. The red dragon's insides knew what was going on, and they knew how to submit, even if the mind attached to the body did not.

Of course, with that level of rut, there was nothing that the red dragon could do to stop him. In, out, in, out, each thrust making their fun a little bit louder than before, a little naughtier. It didn't take long for the copious pre-cum of a water dragon to start making a wet mess inside of the other male, and soon, their thrusts were followed by the hot, wet squelches of each slam together. He groaned under his breath, enjoying the slapping sound of scales against scales, of the pair of them enjoying one another as much as they were.

In, out, in, out, each thrust reminding him who was on top, and who was not. He growled, he leaned forward and bit down on the other dragon's shoulder, and he felt the tightness that followed. A mating bite? No, a claiming one, one to show the red that the bigger male was the bitch, now, the tail-raiser for a water dragon.

Take it...take it!

It was so different to the power that came from taking it from the mortals, from taking their cocks and enjoying the feeling of being penetrated. There was something to that which was mystical, pleasurable, but he knew that it would never work with him for other dragons. He was the one that had to be dominant there. He had to take charge, show them where they belonged, and they...would never...fuck him like this.

In, out, in, out, rutting the big red. The protests had stopped, which meant that the big guy had realized just where he belonged. He wondered if the other male had cum already, already stained the floor below them, and realized that it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he was getting closer and closer to his orgasm, and he was going to get it.

Hump, hump, smack, smack. Each thrust was wet, wild, and more than sufficient to drive the red dragon to distraction. His tongue was lolling out now, showing just how out of it he had become. Teryx doubted that the big red would have been able to deal with the adventurers further back in the dungeon, and wondered if he should just leave the big guy there, leave him to be beaten. It would be no less than this asshole deserved.

Yet, at the same time, he was another dragon. Barely - he was a red, after all - but still a dragon, and still one worth preserving. He growled under his breath.

"Admit it," he growled.


"What you are."


"That you're a tail-raiser...for blue dragons..."


There was a sudden clench, and Teryx grinned as he smelled the raw, hot musk of another male spurting across the floor. He had just pushed the big red over the edge, and he chuckled as he cracked his tail like a whip.

"Proof, there..."

"Not...not proof..."

"You came from me fucking you...came before I did."


"And now..." Teryx grunted as he started speeding up again, hammering home, hammering in. "Now, I'm going to take you...over the edge...one more time..."

With all the motivation and urge to dominate the red in the world, he started humping and thrusting faster than he had ever done before. Each rutting thrust felt like it shook the room around him, and he growled deep down in his throat as he took his pleasure. In, out, in, out, each thrust rattling through his frame, each hilting push making his cock feel like it was taming, claiming, shaping the red beneath him into an obedient minion rather than another dragon.

On the bottom with mortals, on the top with dragons. It was something that he never would have expected for himself, and certainly not like this. He growled, pushing down, feeling his own pleasure rising, but he was determined to drag another orgasm out of the big red before he was done. He was going to put this bitch right where he belonged, and no higher.

In, out, in, out. The minutes passed, the pleasure rising, and he eventually felt the spasms beneath of another orgasm. Teryx had gone further than he had ever intended to, but he couldn't stop. His hips were slamming forward, and in the back of his mind, he could almost see his champion in the city thrusting away, lost in the same lust that he felt. A reverberation through their connection that bound them together.

Enjoy it, champion. Just like I'm enjoying this.

He didn't know how long he kept thrusting, but the pleasure eventually took him over the edge. Teryx slammed in one last time and buried his cock up to the hilt, feeling the spasming, loosened inner walls clenching down on him, and hard. He groaned under his breath, feeling the sheer pleasure washing over him, the need that he had been building up finally quenched as he came.

As the spasming trembles of pleasure ran up his cock, he saw his champion in his mind's eye. He saw the poor mortal running to an alley and pointing his cock against a wall, spurting seed over and over and over again. It was almost amusing, and would have had him chuckling if it wasn't for the fact that he was so busy enjoying himself.

The pleasure finally came to an end, and he slowly pulled back, stepping away from the big red. He shrugged out his shoulders, letting some of the tension that had built up during the hard rut fade, but he still braced himself just in case the big guy decided that he wanted to fight.

He needn't have worried. The big red just groaned, flopped out on the ground, his eyes rolled back and his asshole oozing cum. He wasn't going to be getting up anytime soon, that was for sure.

Well, that's done. I suppose -

Teryx blinked, cocking his head to the side as he caught the noise of others moving. He whipped his head towards the entrance to the chamber, hearing something knocking, beating against the door.

The adventurers.

He looked down at the dragon, then groaned. The red was useless; too out of it to fight.

Would they believe that I beat him?

Not a chance in hell. He was a healer-caster, not a battle caster. They wouldn't believe that he had beaten the dragon, and they'd see him as just one more liar that they had picked up, someone that they could never trust again, and they'd move forward to take the red down. Kill him, probably.

Gods dammit...

There was nothing that he could do that had a good outcome, and the one that was least bad meant doing a favor for the unconscious red at his feet. He grumbled under his breath, grabbing hold of his magic and getting to work.

The air shimmered around him, illusions coming to life as the water in the air was manipulated to reflect entirely different images. The red dragon at his feet shrank away, replaced with the image of the weasel that had been part of their party. His scales shimmered as he went from blue to red, looking almost like the big guy that he had just rutted into oblivion. Smaller, admittedly, but still looking something like him.

It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing. He had a pretty good idea of what the power level of the party was, and he knew that they wouldn't be able to take a dragon without the help of a healer. He had filled that role, so provided he could fight well enough to scare them off without actually killing them, there was the possibility that they might actually run off without checking the room.

Maybe they'd even have a little funeral for the weasel, he thought, looking down at the illusion of his body on the ground. Maybe that will have meant something.

A pity that he would have to pick a different party after this one, but, oh well. Better than exposing the secret of body-shifting.

The door crashed inwards, the coyote, wolf, and hippo bursting through. They stared at him, obviously not expecting a dragon at the bottom of the dungeon. The coyote looked down, saw the body, and so did the wolf.

And the wolf surprised him, lifting his weapon and shouting at the top of his lungs.

"For the slut!"

"For the slut!" the rest of the party shouted at the top of their lungs, running down the raised walkway at him.

...I would have preferred 'For the Healer', but I'll take it, Teryx thought, hiding his smile as he leaned in with his first breath attack. Cleric first, then fighters. Get rid of their spells, and then...

He had dealt with adventurers time and time again, and he knew how to cripple just how well they worked together. As long as one managed to break the teamwork that they had, as well as the composition that allowed them to work at maximum effectiveness, the individuals tended to be much easier to handle.

Except for wizards. Fuck wizards.

The End

Summary: Teryx is off having fun on his own while Nievuhn is having fun in the city. Seems like he's rather enjoying pretending to be a mortal.

Tags: M/M, Dragon, Feral, Weasel, Wolf, Hippo, Coyote, D&D, Party, Series, Dungeon, Fighting, Anal, Fantasy, Magic, Cum, Orgasm,