Chocobo Macro Raiding Party

Story by justin102955 on SoFurry

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The story is about Cross's recently made Red Chocobo, Mattheor, and Justin in his Chocobo form, joining forces in order to raid a city of robbers with some tricks that his characters can pull off too~ :)

Mattheor and Story by darksidelightChocobo Justin is mineOriginal: 

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Chocobo Macro Raiding Party

"I hope I am not getting lost...", said a certain silver Chocobo with a yellow beak and black belly. His name was Justin, and he was a Chocobo that was looking for a new job. He already had been part of other groups, but they were inadequate for his standards and most of them ended up in a filling manner. However, most of them were non-Chocobo groups so it was not that Justin minded, but much to his surprise, for this time, it was an unusual species group; it was a Carbuncle, a Moogle, and a Chocobo, forming a business adventurer jack-of-all trades association.

Or so said the letter that Justin himself was receiving. After all, he was looking for a new group and recently got this letter from the organization that the group was forming. Right now, he was following the instructions and map locations that he got, and that led him to a very dense part of the forest, which was an interesting place to have a business headquarters. By the time he reached the location, he noticed indeed a boulder-wooden like house that at first seemed like not much, however he did notice a guard on the entrance. That Guard was a red Chocobo wearing a blue police like outfit with a tie and cap and black glasses and a blue collar. He was standing there with a serious expression.

"Hello?", began to greet the red Chocobo, as he slowly approached him.

"Hello there, you must be Justin, right?" asked the red Chocobo.

"Yes, I am, but how do you know my name?" asked Justin, concerned about how the organization or even how the red Chocobo knew about him.

"Well, firstly, my name is Mattheor Terranail, and it is a pleasure to meet you. Me and my associates, Oswald Firanail the Carbuncle and Magni Aquaneil, the Moogle, all of us were watching for potential new associates that would like to join with us. You were one of those cases, Justin.", explained the red Chocobo, now in a friendlier voice.

"So, what do you do here? I came because I indeed am looking for a job and to be with others while doing so..." explained Justin, now a bit more confident with the red Chocobo.

"As mentioned in our note, we are a little business association that is looking to do all kind of jobs, basically like an adventurer guild of some sorts, and we're trying to get rich via all kind of methods, like doing jobs, fighting alongside groups, trading, crafting and gathering. Right now, we are only three, but it is where everyone starts... Plus, all of us we have special abilities that help us out." explained Mattheor, still with his friendly tone.

"So, I presume you wanted more help with me. I am flattered and yes, indeed, I have certain special abilities that might be of help to you. But it depends if you wish for me to join." asked Justin, liking how the jobs he mentioned could work for him.

"Totally! And personally, I wanted a Chocobo partner to help us, and I was going to be the one that would test you on joining our organization. Do not worry, it is an easy job. And of course, we will get paid for it." explained Mattheor.

"And what might that job be? Also, I am ready to do anything you would ask me. I shall make it my worth if that is what it takes to join." said Justin, now confident this might be a good group to join.

"My comrade Oswald told me there is a nearby town filled with robbers that got to steal some treasure from sunken ships and from sailing ships. Our job is to retrieve said treasures and to stop the robbers that caused it for good... And while doing that, I might show you how I tend to deal with said persons. Oswald and Magni will not come since they are busy on another job, but the place is safely hidden and I am sure that the two of us is more than enough." said Mattheor, smirking and looking forward to do it.

"In that case, I am in. I shall also show you what I can do with certain people..." said Justin, also smirking from the thought of having new *flavors* to taste. Mattheor then guided his new partner Chocobo into the outskirts of the forest and then both Chocobos ran through some hills before encountering what seemed to be a little modern era city with just some buildings and apparently with a population filled with people of bad reputation.

"Even at this age, bad people like robbers use these kind of cities to be their base. Still, they seem to be a lot more than we thought. You sure we can deal with them all?" asked Justin, not wanting to fail his first job.

"Trust me, we can handle them, and thanks to this potion that me and my comrades made together, this is something that will give us a nice advantage..." said Mattheor, looking on his shirt pockets and taking out some vials labeled as *Maximum III*. It was an orange like liquid that Mattheor gave to Justin.

"Are you sure about this?", asked Justin as he was handed a vial of the orange substance. Mattheor just nodded and then drink from the vial. Justin was still doubtful but decided to follow his Chocobo friend into it. After drinking the potion, both Justin and Mattheor then felt a sensation caused by the potion and much to their surprise, both Chocobos were now in a much bigger size.

"So, you all found ways to become big as well?", asked Justin, seeing how he and Mattheor were much bigger than the buildings in the city.

"Yes, we did. Thanks to Oswald and Magni, we made a growing magic potion that we use sometimes to deal with some jobs or to deal with people that dare to be a menace to us. And these people here are of those kind.", said Mattheor as he then walked into the city with a huge tremble caused by the steps of his paws. The shaking and the sudden appearance of a giant Chocobo quickly caused huge chaos in the city. Many tried to get their weapons ready, but Justin quickly stopped them by using his paw to stomp them all, and he then used his wing hand to grab some and dangle them over his beak before dropping them and swallowing them whole with a loud gulp. Mattheor also joined the fight by also using his feet to crush some of the robbers and to also defend himself and his new comrade by blocking the incoming attacks caused by weapons, vehicles and some magic thrown at them. It was nothing more than a nuisance. Mattheor and Justin crushed their defenses and captured most of the robbers. In that moment, Mattheor decide to also take out something, this time from a bag he brought before the fight, and that was some slices of pizza. Mattheor claimed the pizza was supposed to be supper for the both of them after the mission, but he thought it would be a nice surprise for Justin to share such a nice pizza, and especially if it was seasoned with such tiny micros. Justin smiled and accepted the offer of his Chocobo partner and while he was still crushing many of the robbers with his paws, he also took his time to enjoy the pizza and to be with his new partner and do some rampaging together.

It took some time, hours even, because both Chocobos were not just dealing with the robbers and everyone who joined into the defense of the city, but also because Justin was teaching Mattheor how to deal with micros in other ways, like crushing them between the fingers, squishing them while also using his rear, and even use other kind of meteors with other effects, like freeze and thunder-paralysis types. After dealing with the robbers and having captured some of them, both Chocobos used the last of their time to recover the treasure that the robbers had in their buildings and brought them to the base. By that time, the potion wore off and both Chocobos returned to their normal size and dropping off most of the treasure they both brought back.

"So then, how did I do?", asked Justin, having enjoyed the adventure, and thinking having a Chocobo partner was indeed a good thing that made the experience more enjoyable.

"You did fine, you followed me pretty well, and you even taught me what else to do with the micros. I would be more than glad than to welcome you into our company~, said Mattheor as he not only was happy with the rewarded treasure they got from their raid rampage, but he also wanted to give a special barding to Justin. It was another police outfit much like his, but a darker blue color.

"For me?" asked Justin.

"Yes, of course. I mean, you're our companion now, and I am sure with your abilities and strength, no one will try to rob us or mess with our company. Plus, we will be matching Police Chocobos who bring justice and riches to everyone in the company!" explained Mattheor to Justin, while also giving him a pat on the back. Justin smiled while putting on his new outfit. He was happy to be in this company and to be with a new Chocobo partner and friend. Many new adventures awaited them and they promised to be big and full of tasty treats.

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