Keema's Adventure: Jaree-Ra

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#23 of A Voluptuous Lizard's Adventures in Skyrim

Shade manages to drag Deeja by ropes to Broken Oar Grotto and holds her hostage until she is given command of the blackblood marauders. Jaree-Ra is given the task of getting titfucked by Shade, and must endure it for 3 minutes, unless he wants to lose his manhood, can he endure such a feat?

In the cave of Broken Oar Grotto, where a gang of pirates calling themselves the blackwater marauders were based, their leader was thinking about something, something extremely off/

Jaree-Ra had been waiting for his sister to come back for hours, the haul was good, and they didn't have to put in too much effort to rob the icerunner, at least that's what his blackblood marauders told him.

Still, he felt concerned and felt that something wasn't right, it usually didn't take long for Deeja to dispatch anybody they tricked to do their job for them... Could she have run into some difficulty? No, that was impossible, she was with at least 10 other blackblood marauders, there was no way a lone khajiit could take them on.

As Jaree-Ra contemplated this on his table, with the icerunner's chest next to him, Captain Hargar, a nord that was his next in command, came up to him.

"Jaree-Ra, there's something you need to see..." Captain Hargar said.

"Not now Hargar! Unless it's about my sister returning with the loot, I don't care!" Jaree-Ra hissed at him.

"That's just it, your sister has returned, with the khajiit you tricked" Captain Hargar admitted, as if nervous about something, more nervous than when Jaree-Ra got angry.

"Wait... What!? Where are they!?" Jaree-Ra grabbed Captain Hargar by his leather armor.

"T-They're here, but your sister is..." Captain Hargar said, not able to continue, afraid of any repercussions if he were to finish what he had to say.

Jaree-Ra pushed him on the floor angrily.

"Useless! Fine, I'll go find out for myself!" Jaree-Ra said as he descended down the platform of his personal bedroom, and as he looked down, he stopped as he saw something he couldn't believe his eyes had seen.

There was his sister, naked and tied to up, her hands bound to her back while her captor was none other than the khajiit he met in Solitude, the one he tricked, the one who was promised a share of the loot of the icerunner.

Behind them was his men, having been massacred, their arms cut off or beheaded by the khajiit single handedly, and she was coming for them next.

"I like your welcome gift to me Jaree-Ra, your sister was a good fuck considering she was a backstabbing bitch! I want to know just how much you value your sister's life, considering you took the loot and left her to deal with me" Shade said before pointing a knife against Deeja's throat.

The other men didn't want her to get killed, although they didn't exactly protest to seeing one of their beloved leader's wonderful body in full display, with some of them getting hard at the sight of her.

Jaree-Ra on the other hand, was panicking, and yelled at Shade to stop.

"Wait wait! Spare my sister! It's me you want!" Jaree-Ra yelled, wanting her to spare Deeja.

"It's okay brother... Don't... Don't let her boss you around..." Deeja said, sounding like she was exhausted.

Shade pressed the knife a bit more onto her, causing Jaree-Ra to almost lose it.

"Are you sure about that? I already slaughtered most of your men, and I think your brother is easy pickings if he's as tough as you are... What do you say Jaree-Ra? Do you want me to kill your sister and save yourself? Or do you want to make a deal with me and give me what I want?" Shade said, giving him an offer.

"Shit... Alright alright! Just drop your weapon already! I'll give you your share of the loot from the icerunner!" Jaree-Ra pleaded.

Shade started laughing, confusing Jaree-Ra even further.

"Do you really think I want the icerunner's loot? That I just want a few thousand gold? No, I want something more, something precious to you. Give me your position as the leader of this group, and I'll whip you all into shape and show you what a REAL pirate is like" Shade offered to him.

"What!? You mangy fucking housecat... I worked hard to gather this crew for years in skyrim, and I'll be damned if I-" Jaree-Ra was in the middle of protesting when Shade suddenly whipped out an iron dagger and threw it, nearly hitting his face, embedding itself into the wood beside him.

"I'm giving you an offer Jaree-Ra, but I won't take any insults from you. Next time you hurl another insult at me, I'm gonna take one finger off your sister, one by one. I'll start with the ring finger too" Shade said, placing her elven dagger on Deeja's ring finger.

"No wait! Stop! Stop! Alright! Alright! You can have my position! Just... Just don't kill her!" Jaree-Ra agreed, worried for his sister's life.

Shade smirked, she was going to come out on top one way or the other. She would have preferred to get some loot but she preferred ruling over a bunch of people rather than just a few thousand septims.

"You hear that my bitch? Your brother and these pirates are mine now" Shade whispered to Deeja, before kicking her towards one of the pirates.

Deeja nearly fell before Captain Hargar, who had came down earlier, caught her.

"Are you alright captain?" Hargar asked Deeja.

"... Yes... Yes I am..." Deeja said, before looking back and glaring at Shade.

"Get that bitch clothed, the sight of her disgusts me. And clean up those dead bodies, I want this place clean. Now get to it!" Shade yelled at the other pirates, who were afraid of her considering she had killed many of the others, including the one that Deeja seemingly brought with her to the icerunner.

Jaree-Ra felt embarrassed by his own men, he had been brought down by having his own sister get taken hostage by somebody he had tricked. He didn't think that she'd be this capable, this ruthless, and this tough, he shouldn't have underestimated her.

Shade came up to his room, and started to fiddle with his property, looking at his books, the snacks on his bedside table, and even looking inside the icerunner chest.

"Hey! That's mine you-" Jaree-Ra was about to yell at her when her clawed hand grabbed him hard on the neck.

"I guess I didn't make myself clear here. Everything in this grotto? It's mine. Your men? Mine. Your loot? Mine. Your sister? Mine. You? Even your life is mine" Shade said, tightening her hand on his throat with each statement, before kicking him on the bed.

Jaree-Ra gasped and coughed, breathing air in his lungs as she almost had a death grip on her earlier.

"How pathetic" Shade said before admiring one of the enchanted blades inside the chest.

"You could... Ngh... Ease up at least..." Jaree-Ra muttered as he tried to get up, but before he could, he felt Shade pin him down.

"Am I hearing you right? Are you talking back to me? Your new captain? Is that how you show loyalty to your superiors?" Shade said sternly, the blade that she took out still in her hands.

"I-I'm sorry... I... Just please don't kill me!" Jaree-Ra said, feeling like he just made the biggest mistake of his life.

Shade looked at the hourglass on Jaree-Ra's night stand, and got a devious idea.

"How many minutes does this thing last?" Shade asked him.

"Three minutes... Three minutes... Now please don't kill me!" Jaree-Ra said as he begged for his life.

"Who said I'm going to kill you? You're going to answer for giving me an offer that you intended to kill me with, and I want you to suffer for it" Shade said before forcefully tugging his armored pants off, revealing Jaree-Ra's cock.

"What the hell are you doing!?" Jaree-Ra yelled, and before he could question what the psychotic khajiit was doing further, she undressed, revealing her ridiculously voluptuous body.

Jaree-Ra had to admit, if it wasn't for her personality, he'd be all over her already, but this bitch just took everything he had in a span of a few hours already.

"Let's make a deal, if you don't cum within 3 minutes, I'll let you and your sister keep your positions as leaders, as long as I get the final say in everything you do. But if you cum within that time..." She showed him a dagger and placed it nearby "You're losing the last thing you own"

This horrified Jaree-Ra completely, and if he didn't do as Shade said, she'd cut his cock off... But if he managed to do what she was asking him, well at least it was better than the humiliation that he had, as well as redeeming him and his sister's blunder.

Shade smirked before putting the hourglass upside down and placing Jaree-Ra's cock between her tits, rubbing her furry breasts together and pleasuring Jaree-Ra greatly.

Jaree-Ra shivered at how much pleasure he received, her tits were absolutely fantastic, the best that he had ever felt.

In no time at all, Jaree-Ra's cock had become hard and twitching in between Shade's tits, pulsing in between her mounds as she then used the tip of her tongue to taste the head.

"Ngh... N-No way... Y-Your tits are... N-Nguwooohh!!!" Jaree-Ra cried out, gripping the straw from the bed as he tried to resist, remembering that his own manhood was at stake.

Shade grinned, teasing the tip with her tongue, and licking it teasingly. Her rough tongue was very different compared to the nord whores he used to pay for in the taverns he visited in his travels.

"You better not cum just yet, you know what's at stake lizard" Shade said, nibbling on the head.

Jaree-Ra managed to make it to one minute, but the heavenly pleasure was too unbearable for him to imagine that he could last longer.

Jaree-Ra was in heaven, yet knew he couldn't enjoy it as failure would not only mean losing his manhood, but he wouldn't be able to recover from this humiliation if the others found out he lost what made him a male in the first place.

"Nguwah... S-Slow down... I can't possibly resist if you keep going like this...!" Jaree-Ra said, gritting his teeth and closing his eyes shut to try his best to keep her from making him cum as his cock released a few drops of precum.

Two minutes... He only needed to last one more and he'd be free.

"Bah! Don't be soft you lizard, I've seen others complain less than you" Shade berated him and squeezed her tits harder onto the cock, making Jaree-Ra go practically insane from the pillowy softness on his cock.

Jaree-Ra wasn't sure how long he could possibly last anymore, the relentless assault on his cock was agonizing, he wasn't going to last, and it would surely doom him.

"Ngahhh... Wait... Just... Let me rest... Let me rest or I might cum...! P-Please have mercy on my cock...!" Jaree-Ra pleaded to her.

This only spurred Shade to go faster, titfucking Jaree-Ra's cock fast to the point that Jaree-Ra couldn't hold it.

"Wait... F-Fuck... Let me last... There's only 30 seconds left...!" Jaree-Ra groaned, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth as he thrusted impatiently on her tits.

"Can't do that when you're thrusting hard on my tits~" Shade said, before placing her whole mouth on his cock and sucking on it while titfucking him.

"N-Nguwaaaahhhh!!!" Jaree-Ra screamed before cumming in her mouth, with Shade swallowing it all easily (no thanks to Sorex).

Jaree-Ra panted, and then a thought occurred to him, he lost, and he was going to lose his cock.

As promised, Shade had taken the dagger and pressed the blade next to his cock.

"Wait... We can talk about this... Please...!" Jaree-Ra said as he felt vulnerable, like a child that had been caught stealing.

Shade smirked, preparing to cut his cock off... Before laughing and putting the knife down.

"That was absolutely priceless! You should have seen the look on your face!" Shade laughed at him, confusing Jaree-Ra even further.

"S-So you're not going to cut my cock off?" Jaree-Ra asked her.

"I'm not that grotesque to do something that undignified. Now keep me warm for the night, and I might just consider the deal I gave you~" Shade purred, before snuggling up against him in the bed.

Jaree-Ra couldn't believe he was snuggling with such a hot and voluptuous khajiit in his bed that night, but he didn't mind as long as she didn't kill him. In fact, he liked this, as long as he wouldn't get humiliated once more, and was allowed to keep his position for now, then he'd be glad to.

Captain Hargar respected Jaree-Ra and Deeja for bringing this crew together, and busting them out of jail when they had nowhere to turn to.

But Captain Hargar thoroughly displeased, he didn't like taking orders from one of the beast races, but a bloodthirsty khajiit? He was going to find the right time to get rid of Shade, he just had to find the right time.

Next chapter will be Keema going through the Dibella quest, and the cursed tribe quest in one chapter. Being directed by the orc to a stronghold, and said stronghold redirects her to another one that actually needs help, starting the cursed tribe quest. Plot twist is the orc chief is the corrupted dragonborn's brother, and fucks her by surprise and reveals he is more than who he seemed he is before being killed by either Keema or the shaman of the tribe following them to the cave after they haven't come back for a long time.

Also I will be adding another short scene of Shade and Jaree-Ra fucking in the next chapter so watch out for that.

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