Io and His Panoptes

Story by Nemo0690 on SoFurry

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The search is over. The promised inheritance has been found. Doubt has been put to rest, and a wrong gone long-unaddressed has at last been righted. The morning after the hotel's renaming ceremony, Pedro and Oscar wake up to a brand new day, full of brand new possibilities.

And with nothing holding them back, the watchman and his charge can at last lay claim to what they've both been wanting the most: one another.

Commissioned by MinoAnon. who wanted a nice story of Oscar getting fucked good and hard, and posted in celebration of Minotaur March. Note that none of this should be considered as canon; it's all just meant to be nice, fluffy, lewd fun between the hinterlands boys.

His first thought upon awakening was that he'd been carried away to heaven. The dry, oppressive heat of that cave in the hinterlands was just a far-distant memory. The sounds which would stir him from slumber in the city were absent; no traffic, no voices arguing through the paper-thin walls, no rhythmic pounding of footsteps on the ceiling or from the corridor outside the apartment. Time and space felt frozen, suspended, like the dust-diamonds in the streams of dawnlight which filtered through the curtains.

There was only the warmth of feathers pressed against the fur of his back, and the warmer smell of sun and grain.

"You awake...?"

The words were quiet, almost quiet enough to be mistaken for imagination. But the gentle puff of breath against his ear was real, as was the feeling of slim arms wrapped around his torso. He swallowed, working his tongue to moisten the cavern of his mouth, and let out a grunt in return. "Yeah."

No other words came from behind, but the fingers which were curled against his chest began to stroke through his dark, thick fur.

"Wanna get up?"

Still no answer. His brow furrowed, and a tiny sliver of ice-cold worry slid down his throat. But when he shifted to turn around, to crane his neck, to peer behind him, the arms around his torso tightened their grip. The beak settled upon his shoulder pressed, firm and insistent, into the crook of his neck. The next puff of breath to tickle his ear, making it twitch and flick, was accompanied by a sigh of contentment.

He knew well that to break the silence of that moment would be unforgivable; and so, Oscar settled back into Pedro's arms with a contented sigh of his own.

Another silent moment passed. Another. Another. More light leaked into the room, gathering in a puddle on the floor which spread toward the bed. The bull's eyes wandered over the homey, comforting, and yet impersonal knickknacks which decorated the hotel room. Fancier than the run-down one they'd shared during that week in the hinterlands, or the scornful austerity of Pedro's apartment. But he liked it; it was different, as different from the hellhole in which he'd languished all his life as night was from day.

Oscar's thoughts were interrupted by another sound from behind. The shifting of a slim body underneath soft, silky sheets; so frail and fragile, despite how hard the peacock tried to keep up his mask of aloof contempt. More sighing and murmuring, soft enough to be mistaken for a coo; but Pedro would glare at him or, God forbid, be pouty and huffy the rest of the day if he said such things aloud. A grunt, accompanied by one more puff of breath on his jaw, as the bird pulled his face away from Oscar's shoulder and relaxed his arms. There was a gap, filled with embarrassment which the bull graciously ignored, between Pedro clearing his throat and speaking. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good." With his bindings loosened, the young man rolled over to face the older one. Even as Pedro's eyes darted away, and the corners of his beak turned downward, Oscar's own arms moved to engulf the peacock in another clinging embrace. "How're ya feelin'?"

"I..." Bit by bit, the bird's stiffened body relaxed against the bull. His fingers returned to Oscar's sides, feeling over the cushy edges of his tummy; lingering a hair's breadth from the waistband of the younger man's boxers, and then drifting away. "I don't know."

"Crazy shit last night, huh?"

There was that smirk Oscar was familiar with. "Yeah. Not every day you almost get brained by a god." Oscar felt the slight tremor which ran through the bird's form, and he pulled the other man closer against his chest.

"You didn't, though." He pressed his face against Pedro's throat, feeling the steady pulse under the thin flesh. He breathed in, slow and deep, filling his lungs with the scent of the other man's feathers. His own fingers traced lazy patterns up and down the bird's spine. "Yer alive, n' yer safe."

"Yeah." A slow, deep, steady breath in. Holding it. Letting it out just as slowly, like he'd taken a drag of a cigar. "Yeah, I am."

The words seemed to flip a switch within the peacock. He pressed in closer against the bull and rubbed his beak against Oscar's cheek. Careful. Gentle. Tender. The younger man was surprised, but not unpleasantly so, when a shift of the bird's hips let them brush against his thigh. Another deep breath in. Another slow breath out. Then he mumbled something into the fur of Oscar's shoulder, and it was the minotaur's turn to grow stiff. "Pardon?"

"I said 'I love you.'" This time the words had an edge of impatience to them, but they still made Oscar's heart flutter all the same.

"Well I'll be damned. Ya finally said it." Oscar couldn't stop the joy bubbling up within him from coming out in a laugh. His embrace tightened, and even as the bird squirmed in his grip--squirmed, then sighed, and finally accepted his fate--he refused to let go.

"Yeah. I guess I did." Up, and then down. Up, and then down. The peacock's fingers wandered up and then down the bull's firm, cushy sides. Edging up towards his armpit, eliciting a soft snort and suppressed giggle from the younger man. Edging down to brush against his hips. Hesitating. "Think I'm-" He cut himself off, pretending the sound was just him clearing his throat, but Oscar wasn't fooled.

"Just say it, birdbrain." The minotaur rolled his eyes. Let out a snort. Allowed a hint of impatience to enter his own voice as he gave the smaller man a squeeze. Then Pedro spoke again; there was a gap, a breathless moment, between hearing and understanding.

"Think I'm, y'know... ready to show it."

Another moment.

"You mean...?"



The butterflies in Oscar's stomach whirled in a maelstrom. He had to swallow around the sudden knot in his throat. And down below, between his thighs, an insistent pulsing started up. Ever since their talks in the hinterlands--that night Pedro had taught him about rites, and again when they'd bathed in the hot spring together--the topic of sex hadn't come up. With the peacock's depression getting worse, and Storm taking any job he could to support his best friend, his only friend, the mood hadn't exactly been right. But he'd sure as hell thought about it. Fantasized about it. Dreamed about it.

"Are you sure?" Again he swallowed, then cleared the trembling out of his throat. "I mean, with everythin' goin' on, and-"

Pedro snorted, and then turned his head just enough to glare up at the younger man with one eye. "I feel truly alive for the first fuckin' time in my life. Of course I'm sure." Immediately, his voice and gaze softened. "I don't really know what I want to do next, but... I do know I want this." One corner of his beak perked up into a smirk, and his hips shifted. "And I sure as hell know you want it."

The bull took in a hissing breath between clenched teeth, and heat bloomed in his cheeks and ears. The movement put pressure on the pulsing spot between his legs--the firmness which had risen from his crotch--leaving no way to hide how aroused he'd become. "Well, I mean..." He clung a little tighter to the other man. "Yeah. Yeah, I do. But do you want it? I mean, ya keep sayin'-"

"Fuck what I've been saying. It was all just stupid bullshit to try n' push you away." The peacock let out a snort of his own; and then his bluster died down once more, and that hinterlands twang he always tried so hard to bury began leaking out. "I really do love ya, Oscar. You stuck by my side no matter what kind a' bullshit I've thrown at'cha, and... Fuck it, you already proved you can keep yerself together n' hold your own. Better'n I can..."

"None a' that." His embraced tightened around Pedro's own trembling. "I love ya, Pedro. 'Course I'm gonna stand by ya, no matter what." He rubbed his chin against the crown of the peacock's head. "Now are ya finally gonna believe me, or you gonna make me say it another fifty times?"

Pedro huffed. His hands clenched into fists in the fur of Oscar's back. He sighed, breathed in deep, and then let out another, warmer, cooing sigh. "Love you, too."

"That's better."

Again the moment became perfect, time and space suspended as the world around them melted away. But even if it was unforgivable, Oscar had to break the silence. He had to ask. He had to know.

"So... how're we gonna do this?"

"Well, first of all, we're gonna need to do some prep work." Again his eye met Oscar's, and again his beak curved into a playful smirk. "As much as I do love you, sex ain't like the pornos. We can't just shuck our clothes off and get right to it."

"Alright, then." Oscar nodded. His ear flicked. He listened, attentive and eager to learn. "What do I gotta do ta get ready?"

"First off, take a shower. You fuckin' stink."

A snort. A chuckle. A guffaw as Storm held Pedro close and tight, trapping the bird in his embrace. "Cunt."

"You know it." The minotaur almost thought he imagined it, but a glance down at the peacock's smiling face confirmed it; Pedro had let out a quiet laugh of his own.

"Alright. I'll make sure ta get rid a' my stench just fer you, ya prissy bastard." He hesitated, then pressed his lips against the side of Pedro's beak. When the bird didn't turn his face away--pressed back against the contact, in fact--he let the kiss linger. "So, uh... What else do I need ta do...?"

Steam billowed around the minotaur as he stepped out of the bathroom, fur still warm and slightly damp from his shower. As he'd dried himself off, the thought had crossed his mind to wrap the towel around his waist before he returned to the bedroom; to make a show of it, just like a porno. On the other hand, he liked going around as naked as he could get away with when it was just him and Pedro.

He liked how the older man would look at him. How his eyes--both the ones in his head and those on his tailfeathers--would linger on the bull's exposed body. He loved that Pedro loved looking at him, even if the birdbrain wouldn't let himself show it.

And so he strode out, naked as the day he'd been born. When he saw the peacock in a similar state of undress, however, Oscar froze in place and made a noise like a bone had caught in his throat.

Pedro was lounging on the bed, one hand resting on his bare, fairly-built chest. The bird's tailfeathers were splayed out below him, more than a hundred eyes all pointed towards the bull; and above, between the older man's slim thighs, Oscar could see the coral-pink flesh of his cloaca peeking through the softer down on his crotch.

"Looking good."

The words jerked Oscar out of his stupor, and the bull wrenched his gaze upward to meet Pedro's own. He blushed. He snorted. He flicked his ear and shifted from hoof to hoof. The minotaur didn't move one of his hands to cup his own groin, hiding the bestial shape of his package in shame; he'd long since lost that impulse. Instead he puffed his chest out, pressed his fists against his hips, and grinned while showing off everything. "Likewise."

"Mm." As though in solidarity, Pedro opened his legs a little wider and reached down to brush a finger through his pubic feathers. Tracing up and down the length of that lower opening. Unabashedly giving Oscar a good, long look at it. The bull remembered those words the older man had spoken in the hot springs--it was completely normal for a mythical, Pedro had seen what he was packing hundreds of times, it looked good, he looked good--and his grin eased into a softer smile. "Well? Get on over here."

"Aye." With a nod, the bull did just that: he made his way over to the bed and laid himself down next to the naked peacock once more. "So. Uh..." This was it. It was happening. His eyes wandered up and down Pedro's nude body, over to the window, back up to the older man's face before darting away. "How... uh...?"

"Just relax." A hand settled on Oscar's shoulder. Rubbing. Kneading. Massaging away the anxious tension. "May I touch you?"

"Sure." With one last gulp to swallow down his anticipation, Oscar nodded. "Go on ahead."

That hand wandered downward, and Oscar couldn't stop a quiet giggle from leaking out as it brushed through the fur on his chest. Traced the curve of one firm, pillowy pectoral, then the other, then up and down the valley between them. Climbed up to one peak, and let a finger tease the plump bud of a single dark-grey nipple. Pedro's other hand cupped the other side of Oscar's trunk, just feeling him. Appreciating him. Looking at him.

The bull's cheeks burned as he flexed, making those mounds bunch and bounce under the peacock's wandering fingers. "Like what'cha see?"

"Yes." Simple. Easy. Direct and to the point. "You look real good, Oscar."

"S-same to you." The minotaur's confidence almost--almost--broke, sinking beneath a surging wave of shyness. He dropped his gaze downward, and pressed in close against that touch. Bit his lip at the sharp sensation of his nipple being pinched between a thumb and forefinger, then kneaded to soothe away the tingling. Giggled again when Pedro caressed the rise of his tummy, jiggling the soft cushion of fat underneath the tender flesh and thick fur. "Can I touch you, too?"

"Of course you can."

"Alright." A deep breath in. Holding it for five heartbeats. Letting it out, soft and slow. Oscar ignored the bird's slim shoulders, the toned rise of Pedro's own chest, the lithe expanse of the peacock's own stomach; he'd felt them, caressed them, touched and explored them more than enough in those times when he'd hold the other man close and tight. When they'd cuddle after a long day, finding strength in the other's presence. When Pedro would come to Oscar for the comfort and security he wouldn't--couldn't bring himself to--ask for out loud. As his blush grew hotter, and as the pulsing below his waist grew more insistent, the minotaur reached down between the older man's thighs and pressed his palm against the bird's flat groin.

A quiet grunt, and then a quieter laugh. "Goin' right for the prize, huh?" No admonishment, no disapproval; Pedro gave Oscar a smirk as he shifted his hips and turned a bit further onto his side. Crooking one leg upward. Giving the bull all the space he needed to feel, to caress, to touch and explore. And the minotaur was eager to accept the invitation, letting his fingers brush through the soft down feathers on the older man's crotch. The slight humidity leaking from the crevice between those taut nether lips drew his fingers like iron to lodestone, and the bird shivered and crooned at the contact. "Mm... what'cha think...?"

"S'cool..." Back and forth between Pedro's thighs. Up and down along the length of that moist opening. Over the rise of each lip, and then slowly pushing through to the hotter, slicker flesh beyond. A little like what he'd imagined the pussies on those girls in the magazines he'd occasionally find tossed into the alleys of Bloody Goat's slums felt like; but with every breath, he caught just the faintest waft of pungent, acrid, very masculine scent from the peacock's sex. It got his blood pulsing in his ears and in his crotch, making his own manhood--hidden away in the fleshy pouch of his sheath--throb with desire. And as he huffed and groaned with every surge of arousal, his other hand moved downward as well, thumbs kneading and then spreading the bird's cloaca wide open. "You, uh... you mind if I...?"

"If you...?" The peacock just perked one brow upward and smirked, waiting.

With a snort, Oscar ducked his head. "Can I get a closer look at it?"

Pedro didn't answer; at least, not with words. He grunted, and shifted, and laid back onto the bed. Then he moved his own hands up to Oscar's shoulders, pulling the bull with gentle insistence over him. Knees between the peacock's spread legs. Back arching, rump pushing up into the air, and chest pressing against the older man's thighs. Burning cheek brushing the flat expanse of Pedro's tummy, feathers brushing against fur as the bull moved downward to nuzzle those slim hips.

To snuffle into the musky down of the bird's pubes.

To puff a humid breath right onto those nether lips, that opened passage, that emerging length as he stared at it. Gave it a tentative sniff, and then pressed his nose against it. Took in a deep lungful of Pedro's scent, and then let his mouth fall open to lash his tongue around.

A gasp. A grunt. A hissing breath. "Slower with it. Don't just punch your damn tongue right in."

"Mngh. Sorry..." Chastened, Oscar licked his lips; spreading the bitter-spicy flavor over them before he tried again. Slow. Gentle. Moving up and down the length of those lips, then pushing through to swirl around the growing bud of flesh pushing outward.

"It's fine." A hand petting between his horns. "It's your first time." Slight pressure atop his skull; just enough to encourage him, but not enough to hold him against his will. "...How is it?"

"Good." He slurped, letting more of that flavor bloom within his mouth and travel down his throat. "Real fuckin' good. If I knew it was like this, I'd've wanted ta try suckin' dick long ago."

Pedro let out a laugh. "You ain't even gotten to the sucking part, kid. You still gotta get me hard." With a sigh, the peacock laid his head back on the pillow and started rocking his hips; bucking upward against the inexperienced working of Oscar's tongue. "Nn... Keep that up and it won't take long, though..."

That was all the bull needed to hear. With his ears flicking and his tongue lashing, he pushed deeper into Pedro's groin. Licking. Lapping. Slurping all over, tasting the older man's bitter-spicy flavor; a little acrid towards the top of that slit, the sharpness of it far from unpleasant, and then gaining an almost earthy pungency further down towards the bird's backside.

Maybe everything really was up in there. Truth be told, the thought sent a little thrill through the minotaur's mind, and a lazy pulse through the throbbing firmness underneath him. It was unfamiliar, different from anything Oscar had seen before, new and interesting and attractive.

His tongue was broad and flat enough to cup the entire humid, musky expanse. It brushed through the soft and airy feathers, and ground over those delicate lips; when it pushed through, wriggling into the so-tight passage beyond, both the bird and the bull could feel how the inner walls stretched around it.

"Sweet fuckin' Jesus, Oscar..." Husky. Panting. Wanting.

Pedro's voice spurred him onward. Deeper into that passage. Deeper. Pulling out to give the winking outside a few soothing licks, and then pushing right back inside to go deeper. Until his oral muscle found the firming length of the bird's cock, and Oscar froze where he was.

Trembling. Glancing up at the older man. Snorting out a gust of musk-tinged air through his nostrils.

But before Pedro could say anything--could ask if the minotaur was alright, or if he wanted to stop--Oscar's eyes fluttered closed in bliss while his tongue pressed against that plumping shaft. The peacock's penis. His first taste of another man's dick.

It didn't really taste like much of anything, beyond the heady flavor of the flesh surrounding it. But as it pulsed, and hardened, and pushed back against the contact--began to slide free of its hiding place, growing longer and thicker as it emerged--it tightened the knot in the bull's stomach. It made him tremble as his heartbeat quickened. It sent a throb through his own stiff and dribbling erection, soaking his crotch and inner thighs with his own precum. As soon as it had emerged far enough from the peacock's depths, Oscar wrapped his lips around the tip of it. Latching on to suck the salty-sweet tip. Letting it grow to full mast between his lips and upon his tongue, filling his mouth.

He was doing it. He was sucking a cock. He was sucking Pedro's cock; the very same one he'd been fantasizing about.

It was easy, surprisingly so; his muzzle seemed to be the perfect size and shape to fit Pedro's erection without the tip poking against the entrance of his throat. It was simple, just wriggle his tongue and purse his lips as he slid up and down that tapered length; up to the tip, swirling around and over it, then down to bury his nose in the bird's pubic feathers once more. And as he got the hang of it, Oscar heard the low huffs and soft croons he was drawing from Pedro's throat with every bob and suckle; he was pleasuring the older man. He was enjoying himself. Just being there between those splayed legs, a hand rubbing between his horns while those thighs clenched and pressed against his cheeks and neck, felt so good.

So right.

"Mmf..." The bull didn't know how much time had passed when he felt that caressing palm move to his forehead, holding him in place while those hips pulled away. "Shit. That was real good for your first time. Almost got me close to cummin'." The peacock looked down to the younger man; flushed and panting, beak hanging slack, eyes hazed with lustful pleasure. "You ready to get to the good part?"

"Y-yeah..." Lips still pursed against the phantom sensation of firm flesh between them. Tongue trying to settle into his mouth, now that it had nothing over which to lick and slurp. A soft groan gathering in his throat before he swallowed it down: disappointment? The bull didn't take too long to consider it; he shook his head, letting his ears flop against his temples, and then looked up to meet the older man's gaze. "Yeah. Let's do it."

As he pushed himself back up onto his knees, Oscar felt the weight of the erection bobbing between his thighs. He glanced down to it; long, tapered, bestial, rising from the furry sheath at his crotch. Not all that different from Pedro's, now that he could sit back and get a good, long look at the peacock's own inhuman manhood. The thought quenched the brief flare of shame in his fluttering tummy. It pulled the corners of his lips upward. And when his partner sat up, leaned forward, and rubbed his beak against Oscar's burning cheek while grasping the bull's throbbing shaft--kneading and stroking it with a deft, experienced touch--he couldn't stop a low, rumbling 'moo' from leaking out.

"If we're going too fast, just let me know, okay?" The bird's voice was husky, and yet gentle. Needful, but affirming. Lusty, but caring. The words were accompanied by another roll of those digits over the drooling tip of Oscar's cock, and the bull's breath hitched in his throat. He was putty in Pedro's hands, and they both knew it.

"N-nah..." He pressed against Pedro's smaller, slimmer body, one arm wrapping around the peacock's waist. His hips bucked, rocked, pushed his twitching shaft up into the older man's grip. At last, Oscar smiled, taking a deep breath in and letting it out in a slow sigh. "I'm ready ta do this with ya, Pedro. I... I want it."

A deep breath in, tickling the fur of the bull's neck. A slow breath out, puffing out over Oscar's throat. A grunt, and a sigh, and a careful squeeze of the minotaur's erection. Pedro moved his head back, a crooked smile on his beak. "I'm glad." He let that hang in the air, and then brushed the edge of said beak along the younger man's jawline. "Hands and knees, then. Let's..." The peacock's throat bobbed just briefly. "Let's get started."

Oscar obeyed. Again, reluctantly, he pulled away from the bird so he could move onto his hands and knees. Spreading his legs, hunching down, folding his arms underneath his chest as he presented himself. "Like this?" His ear flicked, and then he craned his neck to peek over his shoulder at the peacock.

"Just like that." With a nod of approval, Pedro moved up to settle behind the bull. And with a quiet murmur, he dropped his gaze down to the ass before him. Large, cushy--not just because of the soft coating of black fur over it--and plump. Yet firm underneath the padding; solid, just like the rest of Oscar. At last, with one more breath in and then out, he grasped those cheeks to knead them, and squeeze them, and spread them wide open.

"Nnf..." With a gulp, and a shudder, and a low moan, Oscar pushed back against Pedro's touch. "How's it, uh... How's it look?"

"Real nice." The bull bit his lips when he felt the bird's thumbs edging up and down his asscrack. Slowly moving closer to the twitching, tingling ring under his hiked-up tail. Touching it, light and soft as the brush of a hummingbird's wing. "You clean yourself out the way I told you?"

"Yes, dad." The minotaur snorted and rolled his eyes, thankful that he was turned away; thankful that the searing blush on his cheeks and the insides of his ears wasn't visible. With a furrowed brow and downturned lips, he continued. "I was a good boy n' did it how ya told me." Then an open palm smacking his flank--firm, and yet tender as it caressed the stinging spot afterwards--made Oscar's façade fall away with a strangled groan. His jaw fell slack, and his rump pushed upward; even his tail hiked up just that bit higher. And underneath the stiffened limb, he could feel the rim of his hole flexing as the stinging sensation spread through his backside to join with the churning in his groin.

"Good." A low chuckle from behind. "Then you're gonna be a good boy for Daddy n' stay still, right?"

Hearts pounding in their ears. Stomachs fluttering and roiling. Cocks stiff and tingling and ready to proceed.

"...Eh. Kinda doesn't do anything for me." Pedro shifted on the bed, tightening his grip on the bull's rump.

"Uh, same." A deep breath in. A long breath out, turned into a quiet laugh as Oscar's ears flicked. He glanced over his shoulder to Pedro and stuck out his tongue. "But sure, I'll be a real good boy fer ya."

"You'd better, kid." Another smack against the bull's asscheek drew another sharp, whimpering groan from deep in Oscar's chest. Pedro rubbed at the spot, soothing and kneading and massaging away the soreness, as he dipped down to press his beak into the bull's opened cleft. "Now, relax..." And then that beak opened, and another surge of sensation rocketed up the minotaur's spine as the peacock licked him.

Slow. Experienced. Tentative at first, growing in enthusiasm with every passing moment. The bird's tongue--long and dexterous and slick--slurped through the thinner fur in the minotaur's trench. Pressed into the hollow behind Oscar's heavy ballsack. Slid upward to swirl around and around the younger man's heretofore-untouched pucker. Oscar felt every touch, every caress of it, and let his eyes slip shut as it worked over his rim.

Lapping. Slurping. Pressing and prodding against the center of his taut ring. The minotaur huffed out a quiet moan, feeling it relax under the older man's ministrations. Enough to let the tip of that oral muscle wriggle through. To give Pedro a taste of his insides; freshly-washed out, just like the bird had instructed him. To let the peacock work in deeper, deeper, pulling back to swirl over the flexing rim once more, and then pushing in deeper.

A deep breath in. A low, long groan. Oscar relaxed under Pedro's gentle care--his touches, his caresses, the kneading of the bull's flanks and the tongue slipping into his depths--and bucked backwards against every surge of sensation. The roiling in his groin was reaching a crescendo, and his cock was jumping and spurting with every lick against his inner walls. He was getting close. He was going to cum from getting his ass eaten out by another man.

Deeper. Deeper. Delving in and out, in and out, and then going deeper still. Until that passage clenched like a vice, and Oscar let out a moo of delight, when Pedro's tongue found his prostate. Until the probing had eased the muscles keeping his depths shut tight, allowing him to bloom open for the older man. Until the peacock pulled back, gasping and panting and huffing humid puffs of breath against the slackened ring. "Fuck yeah..." A finger slipped into that opening, tugging the ring open a little wider as it felt all around. "You like that, Oscar?"

"Gugh..." Oscar's eyes fluttered as he ground his cheek against the pillow. It had felt good. Amazing. Better than anything he'd ever experienced before. "Gah... dammit... dun stahp..." His tongue felt numb, and it was so hard to grasp any thought at all.

"Oh, don't worry. I won't." With a laugh, Pedro's hand moved down to cup the bull's balls. With a grunt, he pulled himself back up, swiping his forearm across his beak a few times; rubbing his tongue on the roof of his mouth to savor the minotaur's taste. With a quiet croon, full of warmth and affection, the peacock bent over to press his slim chest against the bull's wide back. Wrapping his arms around Oscar, and pulling the younger man up into a better position for the both of them. Guiding his protégé through the maelstrom of lust, back to that perfect moment between the two of them. He rubbed his beak into the hollow under a flicking ear when Oscar whimpered at the touch of hips on his rump, and murmured gentle nonsense as he pressed his erection into the saliva-slickened crack of the bull's ass. "You ready...?"

"Ngh... Yes, sir." There was a gap, the space of a single hitched breath, between the word slipping out from the bull's slackened lips and it reaching his flicking ears. Oscar hadn't called his--employer, patron, rite-master, only friend, best friend, boyfriend--that since they'd fled the Hinterlands together, and he'd almost forgotten how it felt upon his tongue.

Easy. Simple. Right.

Oscar almost choked on his hitching breath when that hot, pulsing, firm tip pressed against his pucker. And when it slipped through, just as easily as Pedro's tongue had, his eyelids fluttered and his burning ears flicked once more. There was a little pain, the sting of flesh unused to being tugged and rubbed stretching open around the intrusion, but the peacock was slow. Careful. Stopping in place at the slightest grunt or whimper from the larger, younger man shuddering underneath him.

"Easy. Easy kid. That's it..." Hands on his sides; stroking up into his armpits, around to his fluttering chest, and then back down to cup and knead his churning tummy. Breath on his shoulders and nape, blowing away the pecking hummingbirds; mussing up the bristling fur just a bit, but neither of them noticed or cared. Lightning arcing up into his ass, up along his arched spine, up to spark and sizzle in the back of his brain; the sensation of his virginity being taken by his rite-master, his boyfriend, his sir. The peacock's own torso pinned the bull's twitching tail in place, but even that felt good--felt right--to the minotaur's floundering mind.

"Shit. Shit. Fuck. Dammit..." The stream of profanity dribbled out of him; Oscar barely noticed he was even saying anything.

"Want me to stop?"

His passage clenched. His hands curled into fists around the sheets. He trembled, then rocked backward against Pedro's crotch, as hard as a wave crashing on the shore. "Don't you fuckin' dare."

"Ngh!" The bull heard the strangled groan from behind, and then a rumble of laughter. "Attaboy, Oscar." With another pat on the bull's rump--another smack, getting that ring and passage to squeeze around his throbbing cock once more--Pedro pushed himself forward. All the way in. Hilted in his protégé's, his best friend's, his boyfriend's clinging depths.

And when he did, all of time and space became perfect for the both of them.

"Fuck me..." Panting. Groaning. Whining, voice full of the overwhelming want that flared and boiled and surged within him. It was like his body wasn't his own anymore; instinct took him over, making the bull buck underneath the presence that had laid itself atop him. "Fuck, sir. Don't hold back, just... just fuck me..."

And Pedro did. Slow and gentle at first, with only a few shallow jabs and some careful, back-and-forth sawing to move his shaft around in the bull's back passage. Testing the stretch of the inner walls, and the receptiveness of those depths. Finding just the right angle that would give Oscar the best experience possible. But it quickly became clear that wasn't what either of them wanted; the desperation burning in their loins was too great. The bird began to thrust in earnest, working in and then out of his eager partner. In, and then out. In, grinding the soft down of his crotch onto Oscar's tingling rim and velvety ballsack, and then out so he could slam right back in harder.



Every smack of hips on his rump ignited every nerve ending in the minotaur's backside, working the tide within him into a roiling, seething boil. Every twitch or pulse or movement of that tapered shaft sent surges of electricity deep into his passage, the spark tensing his inner walls and dancing along his arched spine. Every huff, every puff, every quiet murmur against his flicking ear got his heart, his stomach, his brain fluttering like they were trying to fly away from him. Oscar didn't even notice the hand wrapped around his own erection, stroking in time to the bird's rhythm, until another touch against his prostate--rougher, less merciful--made the length spasm in Pedro's kneading grip. Every thought, every iota of both his attention and his being, was focused on his ass and the cock pounding into it.

In and then out. Harder and faster. The rhythm growing desperate and then slipping up, off-beats and hiccupping, staccato notes slipping into the sounds of their passion.


The word--the name; his name--dragged the bull's mind up from the abyss of pleasure into which it had sunk. He swallowed, wriggling his tongue around in his mouth, then tried to answer. Failed as a hitched breath made the sound catch in his throat. Tried again. "Y-yeah...?"

"I'm real fuckin' close..." Feathers and a nuzzling beak on his nape, on the crook of his shoulder, on his temple. "You alright if I do it inside?"

"Yes." No hesitation at all. The thought, the very idea, nearly sent him plunging over the edge as well. When had his heavy balls drawn up so tight, eager to empty themselves? When had the pressure in his tummy grown so great? When had the knot wound so tight, ready to snap at any moment? "Do it. Please. Want it. Pedro." Words fell from between his lips in a babbling stream, half-nonsensical as he floundered beneath the waves.

With one last thrust and a throaty moan of completion, Pedro drove his manhood into the bull to the hilt. Oscar could feel the twitching, the pulsing, the eruption deep within him; and in that moment, it all came undone. The tidal wave crashed down upon him, the force of its current dragging him into the depths. Then stars bloomed to life in the abyssal darkness behind his clenched eyelids, and everything became white light and soul-searing heat.

They stayed frozen like that for one moment. Another. Another. Then Pedro sighed, and Oscar grunted, and the two of them collapsed into a heap on the bed together. Panting, and huffing, and moaning in bliss as the afterglow washed over them. "Fuck, kid... That was..."

"Yeah..." Oscar's eyelids felt so heavy, but he managed to force them open so he could look over his shoulder to Pedro. He gulped. His tongue swiped over his lips. His ears flicked and flopped all around. "H-how'd I do, sir...?"

"Amazing." With a quiet laugh, the bird craned his own neck to press the length of his beak along the bull's snout. "I can say without a doubt that was the best fuck I ever had in my life."

"Mm..." Oscar rubbed against the pressure, feeling his lips curling upward of their own accord. "Same..."

"Thought that was yer first fuck."

"I mean, yeah. It was..." A breathless snort. "Don't make it any less true."

Pedro laughed, shifting into a more comfortable position atop the younger man. "You know, yer settin' a real goddamn high bar for the next time we do this."

Oscar's ear flicked again. "N-next time...?"

"Well, I mean..." The peacock's fingers worked into the fur of the bull's sides. Stroking up and then down. Tidying each mussed, sweat-slickened strand. "If you want a next time."

"Of course I do." The bull's smile bloomed into a wide and toothy grin, overflowing with warm and openhearted affection. "I love ya, birdbrain, and I wanna keep doin' this with ya. Havin' sex..." He bit his lip. "Gettin'... y'know... Gettin' fucked..."

"Glad to hear it." Pedro shot the younger man a crooked, but no less warm smile of his own. Then his brow furrowed as he rocked his hips, rubbing his crotch on the bull's ass. "Gonna pull out now. Might sting a bit, so... get ready for it, okay?"

"Okay." With a nod, the minotaur obeyed; he didn't really know what to expect, but he was ready for anything his peacock could throw at him.

Then he yelped, and took in a deep, hissing breath through clenched teeth, when the bird slid his softening shaft free of his tingling, aching, broken-in hole.

"Mmf... I warned'ja." Pedro rolled onto his side, facing the younger man, reaching to stroke along the length of Oscar's spine. Slow. Soothing. Gentle and tender. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... Yes sir." A nod. "I'm fine. Jus'..." A slow, deep breath in. "Just wasn't expectin' it ta be so sore." A glance with eyes that were just the tiniest bit wet at the corners.

"Well, I did do quite a number on ya." That stroking hand slid downward, and then gave the curve of Oscar's rump a careful pat. "Trust me, it'll get easier. And who knows, maybe one of these days I'll let'cha return the favor." The bird laughed, shifting and settling in to catch his breath and rest his weary body. "Been a long while since I had anything up in me, but if you wanna give it a try sometime, all you need to do is say so."

Oscar wasn't listening. He'd turned onto his side as well, facing the older man, but his gaze had dropped downward. Down between the bird's slim thighs. Down to the twitching, pulsing, semen-coated length which still hung free from Pedro's cloaca. Again his tongue darted across his lips as he eyed that shaft; the shaft which had just been deep inside him, filling him, fucking him. He could still feel the tingle in the flesh of his rim, and all along his inner walls. The emptiness left behind when it had slid out of his depths. The embers of want flaring anew into a smoldering, ravenous desire.

The peacock cracked his neck, grunting in satisfaction as the sensation shot down his spine. "Whenever yer ready, we can go and wash up. Don't wanna stink of sex for the rest of the day." He laughed, the sound holding none of the sourness it had for so long. "Need to look presentable when I go talk with our hosts. You wanna tag along 'n talk some more with that Asterion guy, Oscar?" He waited for the bull's response. Waited. Blinked. "Oscar? Y'alright?"

Oscar didn't answer; at least, not with words. He moved down, grabbing onto Pedro's lithe thighs, and pulled them apart so he could shove his nose in between them. Up into the bird's crotch. Right up against that flagging cock, grinding all over it while he huffed its bitter-spicy scent. The bull could smell his own ass on the shaft; earthy and yet inoffensive, adding a darker and richer tone to the aroma of Pedro's musk.

"Ngh..." In reflex, Pedro reached down to grasp onto the bull's curving horns. "The hell's g-gotten into you?"

"Can I keep suckin' yer dick, sir?"

The peacock blinked. He stared down at the bull. And when he saw the look in Oscar's eyes--still filled with lust, desire, and burning arousal--his cock jerked and started trying to stiffen once more. "Uh, you wanna? After it's been in yer ass?"

"Yes." Rubbing. "I want it." Nuzzling. "Should clean up the mess I made of ya, right, sir?" Snuffling into the base, sniffing along the length, and then meeting Pedro's gaze as he flicked his tongue against the tip. "Please...?"

The corners of Pedro's beak pursed, and then relaxed. He breathed in deep, and then sighed. One hand moved to settle on the crown of the younger man's head, while the other slid down to scratch along Oscar's jawline; and he laughed, soft and warm, when the bull's eyes fluttered as he leaned into the touch. "Alright. Have at it, then."

And Oscar did. He wrapped his lips around the older man's cock once more, nursing like a calf upon it. Swirling his tongue around the tip, rubbing it along the shaft, and even pushing it down into the more flavorful depths of the bird's cloaca. Bobbing and suckling upon it, trying to get it hard once more; trying and, eventually, succeeding.

"Shit, kid..." The peacock was panting, groaning, clenching his thighs around Oscar's cheeks and shoulders. The bull knew that the bird could see him, even with his eyes screwed shut in pleasure; those tail feathers of his were positioned right between the younger man's legs, and Oscar was eager to give them a show. Bucking his hips, making his balls sway and his own returned erection smack against his tummy. Lifting his tail and flexing the burning ring of his well-fucked pucker. Making sure that they could see him licking, lapping, slurping and sucking on his boyfriend's rock-solid manhood.

In, and then out. In, and then out. In, letting the tip tickle the opening of his throat while he buried his nose in Pedro's pubic feathers, and then out to knead that tip between his soft, saliva-slick lips. With every slow and considering bob, he could feel the older man getting closer; the peacock's breath was coming in short, sharp gasps, tinged with a low moan every so often. Just when it seemed that he was reaching his peak, Oscar pulled off of that cock to let it twitch and throb in the open air.

"Fuck! Shit..." Panting. Gasping. Letting out a groan from deep in his chest. The peacock looked at the bull, watching as the younger man crawled up his body. "Christ-almighty, but you're a quick learner."

The minotaur answered with little more than a half-distracted murmur. His hands moved to Pedro's shoulders, pushing the peacock down onto the bed, and his legs moved to straddle the bird's slim hips. He hunched over. Squatted down. Shifted himself, trying to position the older man's rejuvenated erection up between his hiked-up tail. "You wanna go fer that 'next time' you were talkin' about?"

The bird's own hands slid up and then down the bull's back. Down to rub, and caress, and knead those plump, furry asscheeks. Back around to grab hold of the younger man's hips, helping to support and center him. "You know what? I do." He smirked, eyes burning with lust and surging want. "You want it?"

"Yes." Hoarse. Husky. Full of deep-seated want. He let those stroking, kneading hands guide him downward. Onto the older man's crotch. Onto his sir's erection, the tip of it kissing his entrance like a lover reunited with their darling. "Please, sir..."

"Alright. Here we go, kid..."

Again, the pair made love. Hard, fast, deep; eager and passionate, rocking together like waves upon the shore. Pedro's hands wandered over Oscar's sides, his chest, his shoulders, and the bull delighted in every single touch from the bird. Slackened lips pressed against the older man's beak in kiss after searing, needy kiss, and rocking hips slammed up against the younger man's rump again and again.

Until they both raised their voices in another cry of completion, feeling the merciless tide taking them both away. Until they both lost themselves to another orgasm, the bird filling the bull with another load of cum while Oscar painted Pedro's stomach with his seed. Until they collapsed into another boneless heap together, both sore and deeply sated.

"Hey, Pedro?"

"Yeah, Oscar?"

Io met his Panoptes' gaze. The ward wrapped his arms around his watchman. The protégé and his rite-master shared a long and clinging embrace, and shared the soothing warmth of their afterglow with one another. "I love you."

Pedro pressed his beak into the crook of Oscar's neck, murmuring with a gentle croon. "I love you, too."

The day and all its worries, its responsibilities, its joys and sorrows could wait; in that frozen moment, filled with the smell of sunlight, grain, and the sea, all of time and space was perfect.

[Commission] His Place - Part 3

Darkness surrounded me. Engulfed me. Wrapped around me like a blanket. Faintly, distantly, I could feel something tugging my mind out of the depths of slumber. I was cold. My throat hurt. The space between my legs was sore and throbbing, and my...

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[Commission] His Place - Part 2

When we got back home, I noticed that both mom's car and dad's were still missing from the driveway. They both had work that day, and so had left Jake in charge of the house; in charge of me. Part of me had been hoping they would've returned already,...

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[Commission] Grab the Bully by the Horns

The low rumble of the tires on the road--along with the occasional thump of a pothole--was the only sound in the car. In the backseat, Roy sat hunched over and against the passenger-side door, arms crossed and a scowl on his face. The young-adult bull...

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