A Demon's Pet

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$20 tier reward story for one of my patrons. For cool content like classes on writing fiction, early access to stories, and commission discounts check out: https://bit.ly/2JReJL8

A Demon's Pet will be an ongoing series for Jamie as part of their 20 dollar benefit tier. Mostly because I ended up loving the character of Castella Delarose so much

And yes! This series is in the same universe as this My Boyfriend Ate my Landlord: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1731079

"Why the long face, darling?"

Jamie's hackles went up, turning around to find a large goat standing over them. She had fur the color of a rainwashed sidewalk with long black horns coiling backwards behind and framing her thick copper-red hair. Her ears were long and fell to her shoulders, pierced with several silver hoops of different size and textures. Jamie couldn't take in anymore of her because something about her eyes sucked them into it. She had these shining red, reptilian eyes, pupils slimmed near to slits, traces of fiery orange streaking in her irises like comets, layered in such a way it almost looked like they drifted in a clockwise motion through the sea of red.

"I'm Castella Delarose." Something nudged Jamie's chest. They managed to glance down and see it was Castella's outstretched hand. She wore a silver ring shaped like a serpent biting its tail, the eyes on it faceted with tiny rubies. Her nails were black, eloquent triangles of obsidian. Jamie shook her hand, the opossum finding her palm soft, grip firmer than theirs.

"J-Jamie, um..." did they not remember their last name? No, it was--

"Charmed," Castella said, pulling her hand away. "Sorry to interrupt your pining, darling. Your aura just made me have to check in on you."


"Oh, right," she flicked her wrist in a dismissive wave. "I'm a bit of a psychic, more of a hobby than anything."

Jamie ignored the slight bit of annoyance they felt at that. They believed in psychics about as much as they believed in Santa Claus, but chose to not just reject her claims, instead asking, "You thought I was pining?"

They stood by the window of a fashion outlet in an outdoor mall. Jamie had a coffee shop they liked to frequent here, and had been on their way home when a summer dress on display caught their eye. They only stopped for what they thought was a second, they didn't even know how they didn't spot Castella on the sidewalk or how the goat with her cloven hooves snuck up on them.

Castella cocked her hips, smirking. The slight pull on her lips revealed a sharp, fine fang, and Jamie wondered what kind of hybrid she was to have those eyes with those teeth. She said, "Come now, you don't need to hide you were eyeing that dress in the window. With your black and white coat coloring, that red would be stunning."

"Um..." their ears folded back, "Thanks?" It came out as a question, but it flustered Jamie if only because they were not used to getting compliments in public. Being nonbinary meant most folks didn't know what to do with you, so Jamie often settled for leggings with hoodies, which they wore today. The hoodie helped obscure how chubby they were, while the leggings emphasized the parts of their body they liked, specifically what existed under their tail.

"What's stopping you from getting it?"

"Dresses aren't usually my thing..." Jamie trailed off, glancing back at the dress in the window. Its cut looked like it would barely go past the middle of their full thighs, but they loved its white lotus print on that bright red. They said, "Besides, places like this usually don't have things in my size." Weight aside, amab proportions made it difficult for Jamie to fit in most girl clothes in general.

Castella cocked her head, one ear slipping to her exposed collarbone. "Look at me, darling. Do I look like I fit in most girl clothes?" She wore a mustard blouse, buttoned far enough to keep most of her cleavage hidden, just the top of her chest exposed. Her black, pencil skirt had a tight hug on her hips. Her shoulders and ribcage looked just as wide as Jamie's, while her hips were slightly wider. She had an hourglass figure, which must have been a nightmare to fit for considering she had to be a few inches over six feet tall.

"Uh, fair... I just don't want to go in there and ask. If they don't I just know--"

"And if they do?"

Jamie paused. All they could envision was some skinny salesperson laughing at them and asking, "You think we'd sell anything in your size?"

Castella's expression softened, her pupils even opening a little. "What if I go in there with you?"

Jamie's prehensile tail wrapped around one of their ankles, but they managed to keep their discomfort swallowed otherwise. They asked, "Why should you even care?"

"Because look at you, darling!" Castella snatched their baggy hoodie and shook it. "Wearing frumpy clothing like this. I've no doubt you're a beauty who just needs a little push to show how stunning you really are."

"I... wow, okay..." Jamie took a breath, glancing around. Thank goodness it was a Monday morning and no one was out. "You're coming on a little strong, don't you think?"

"Oh, you've not seen me come on strong."

They threw up their hands and said, "I don't have the money to buy new clothes anyways."

Castella leaned in and Jamie got a slight whiff of her scent. Something between crushed clove and burnt incense, enticing like a mulled wine. Her face very close to their snout, something about her made Jamie's hackles raise. "You go in there with me and ask for the dress," she whispered, "And I'll pay for it. You don't even need to walk out in it, but I have a feeling once you see yourself in it, you will."

A lump in Jamie's throat made it hard to reflexively say no. What would happen if she did buy them the dress? Did she expect to get their number? To go on a date or something? They swallowed, leaning back a little, and asked, "No... no strings attached?"

"Oh darling, I'd never expect repayment or force someone to do something they didn't want, but I do know you want the dress, hence," she took a step closer, chin brushing Jamie's cheek in a small, brief nuzzle that made the opossum lock up, frozen as her bust pressed to their chest, that scent now so much stronger as she finished whispering in Jamie's ear, "I'm not leaving you alone until you get what you want."

Fucking hell. Jamie couldn't tell if the shiver that ran down their spine was a fear reaction or something else. They just knew when Castella stepped away that they struggled to get the pulse under control, blood pumping so hard they felt their cock firming up in their boyshorts.

The bell to the door tinkled, Castella holding it open as she asked, "Coming darling?"

Still unable to speak, Jamie just nodded, head bowed as they entered the store. A young vixen, perked up as they came in, the store otherwise empty. "Good morning, can I help you?" she asked right away. Jamie always wished these types of places would just let you browse.

Jamie stopped next to a rack of billowy skirts, trying to work up the courage to not just say, "We're fine, thanks." Castella prodded them between the shoulder blades, and they cleared their throat. "Um, the dress in the window?" They pointed with their finger, "What sizes does it come in?"

"Every size we have is hanging up over there."

"Right, thanks," Jamie mumbled as they moved to the back of the store, where several versions of the same dress hung up against the wall.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Castella said as they reached the dresses.

Jamie scanned the hangers of the dresses, seeing a lot of different tags for smaller sizes that definitely wouldn't fit them. Some gut anxiety almost chased them back out of the store, but Castella reached past them and plucked off one of the dresses hanging on the very back of the rack. "Here." Castella offered it to them.

Rather than a numerical value, it simply read XL. Jamie was used to large and extra large sizes when buying women's clothes, after all their shoulders were simply too wide to fit into anything else. Still, they dreaded the thought of trying on XL clothing and it not fitting, even if it wasn't tailored for them in the first place.

Castella called out to the vixen, "Excuse me, can we get a key to a changing room?"

The vixen came around and led them through a doorway along the back wall where four different changing rooms waited. She unlocked one and said, "Let me know if you need anything else," before going back to the front desk.

Castella ushered Jamie into the room, saying, "You try this on, darling. I'm going to do some browsing."

The door closed behind them, and Jamie found themselves shut in a small, four by four closet, mirror on every wall but the door, which held hooks. The door did not extend to the floor or ceiling, leaving a small gap like most dressing rooms did. Trying to ignore their reflection, Jamie pulled off their hoodie and tossed it on a small bench along the opposite wall. They slipped the dress off the hanger and pulled it overhead, tugged it down, then started to fuss with the zipper under their left shoulder. Their fur kept getting in the way, but eventually, with a grunt, they yanked it up and fastened the top of the dress around their chest.

They tugged the hem down a bit, finding the dress would go no lower. If they weren't wearing leggings it would be very easy to accidentally flash someone. That aside, they bit their bottom lip when they saw themselves in the mirror. Their heart fluttered in their chest, so excited that even the obvious outline of their chubby belly didn't bother them. The red did go well with their mostly white coat, not clashing with the splotches of black on Jamie's left ear and again on the shoulder of the same side. The flush of giddiness they felt surged to their crotch, and they felt themselves firming up, cock getting hard without meaning, too.

A little gasp made Jamie startle and hiss. The door to their changing room had opened, and there stood Castella, holding a bundle of clothes in one hand. She pushed herself inside the changing room, throwing the clothes over the door as she shut it behind her. "Goodness, you're glowing, darling."

"W-what are you doing?" Jamie asked, watching her in the mirror as she pressed up against their back.

"Bringing you more things to try on, of course," Castella whispered in their ear. A sultry chuckle made Jamie's breath catch in their throat. The goat wrapped her arms around the possum, those finely trimmed back nails running across the fabric of Jamie's dress. "You seem distracted, however."

"I-I'm..." Jamie stopped as she pulled up the hem of the dress. No more than a few inches to show the clear bulge in their leggings.

Castella smirked, showing off her fangs again. "Mmm, I thought I sensed some excitement from you. You enjoy looking like this, don't you?"

Jamie couldn't do more than nod as they watched in the mirror: one of Castella's hands kept the hem pulled up, the other traveling down... They whimpered as those fingers rubbed along the outline of their package. The slightest brush made their knees wobble, how did the touch of this stranger feel so good?

"I can help you with this, if you'd like," Castella offered.

"We... we're in public," Jamie hissed.

"Hehehe, why do you think I scooped up all these clothes, darling? I wanted that vixen to know we'd be back here for a while. She's too busy texting to care about us." Jamie's eyes went wide when Castella's mouth opened: a long, forked tongue--blood-red with a silver stud in its center--spilled from her maw. She dragged it wetly along Jamie's shoulder, across their nape, before teasing Jamie's ear between that tongue and her sharp fangs. "I promise it won't take me long."

"Why..." Jamie sucked in a breath, finding the air full of Castella's musk now. They almost choked on it, swallowing with a shuddering exhale. "Why are you doing this?" they breathed.

"Cause I love giving others pleasure, darling," Castella said as if nothing more needed to be said. "Now turn around."

Jamie did because telling Castella no seemed unfathomable. To their surprise, Castella held between index and middle fingers two emerald gummies. "Edibles," she explained before tossing both in her mouth. Then: "Come get yours, darling."

Was that an invitation to...? Fuck this was getting weirder by the moment, but also quickly turning into some of the most exciting things Jamie had ever done. It felt strangely safe with Castella. She was odd, but Jamie never once picked up an ounce of malice from her. Her eyes almost half-lidded, she patiently watched like she knew their answer. But she wanted Jamie to take this plunge. No more pushing, Jamie needed to take the next step.

It was almost frightening how easy it was: to stand on their toes and lean in to kiss Castella. An approving little purr came from the goat as Castella's dark lips met Jamie's. Soft, fuller than the possum expected, a hint of sweetness made Jamie whine a little before Castella kissed them back. She grabbed the back of Jamie's head, tilting it ever so slightly, to get a better, fuller kiss before her maw opened with theirs. Her tongue slid the edible into Jamie's mouth.

Castella quickly broke the kiss and growled, "Chew and swallow it like a good girl, now." She did the same with hers, nosing into Jamie's neck as she did. She nuzzled there and growled. Her hands grabbed Jamie's full, round butt and squeezed it possessively, claw-like nails digging into their rump. Jamie melted and fell back against the mirror, practically held up by the bigger woman as they chewed up the edible. The gummy carried the faintest flavor of weed to it, but exploded with a watermelony sweetness that they quickly swallowed.

Soon as they did, Castella had pulled them into another kiss. Jamie moaned, forgetting entirely about the store as her tongue pushed into their maw. That strange, reptilian muscle, coiled around Jamie's, silver stud smooth compared to Castella's pebbly tastebuds. The goat suckled sweetly, and Jamie tasted both the familiar flavor of the gummy they just swallowed, and the sweet, almost fragrant flavor of Castella's saliva. Something about it made Jamie's tail curl into a twitching ball, and they grabbed fistfuls of her copper hair, needing Castella to kiss them deeper.

Her tongue slid across the roof of their mouth and deeper. Jamie's eyes watered as it wriggled into their throat. Just how much tongue did she have? The strange sensation just made them all the weaker against her. Castella lapped in and out, swabbing the entrance to Jamie's throat, and forcing a fresh mouthful of her spit into their mouth. The grip they had on her hair weakened a little as they swallowed more of that warm drool. Was there something with it? Warmth blossomed through the poor possum's quivering body, such that when Castella let Jamie come up for air they barely noticed, panting, eyes a little glazed over.

The goat knelt in front of Jamie, tugging their leggings and boyshorts down to their ankles in a single motion. Their cock sprung free, precum flicking across Castella's dark grey muzzle. Her tongue swiped out and scooped it up. "Mmmmhmmhmm, you taste good. So," she paused, puffing warm air on Jamie's glans, red eyes locked with Jamie's. "Needy," she finished before her lips puckered to give Jamie's tip a kiss. Castella kept looking up at them, the orange streaks in her eyes seemingly sharper in her iris, as her soft lips wrapped a tight seal around Jamie's cock.

She sank down, slowly, lips peeling Jamie's foreskin backwards. They felt the fork of Castella's tongue give a teasing, tasting flick across their urethra, before it spun circles, dancing around Jamie's glans. The possum huffed, grabbing onto Castella's horns just to help keep themselves upright. She bobbed back, wetting her lips with spit, before she slipped down. She lifted up the hem of Jamie's dress with one hand so they could watch her swallow their cock to the base. Jamie groaned and ground their pubic fur into Castella's nostrils, which sucked in a deep breath. She purred, pleased by what she smelled there. Her half-lidded eyes still watched theirs as she swallowed them. The added suction of that wet maw made Jamie double over a little. She cupped their balls, slowly rolling the sensitive testicles in her palm while she sucked, tongue wrapped around the top half of Jamie's cock and tugging on it in a stroking motion.

Jamie came before they even had a chance to register the tension in their loins. The dress, the public setting, the strange, hot goat sucking them off like no one ever had, it was too much. They whimpered and cursed as their dick twitched in Castella's maw, seed spilling in quick, pulsing spurts. She made a pleased moan, still sucking, but content to remain still and let Jamie fill her mouth. Gasping, Jamie felt their balls drained and licked their lips, about to say something when Castella grabbed their hamstrings.

Forgetting where they were, Jamie yelped when Castella yanked the possum's wobbly legs out from under them. With speed and strength the possum didn't expect, Castella swept their legs onto her shoulder. They gasped, trying to adjust to their back pressing hard into the mirror behind them, butt resting on the bench along the back wall. Castella nuzzled into Jamie's buttcheeks, spreading them with her snout before that hot tongue slid up Jamie's crack.

The overwhelmed possum almost fainted. Jamie froze up, then felt Castella's tongue, stud first, push up against their pink little pucker. "Oh... fuck," Jamie breathed as she spread them. That muscle wormed itself inside their asshole, lapping in and out a moment, before sliding back. A slimy cocktail of Jamie's cum and Castella's spit helped lube and work that anus open, making their entrance prickle with warmth and need. As deep as it went inside Jamie's mouth, Castella's tongue worked just as far into their lower entrance. They squirmed, legs kicking in the air, unable to do more than huff and pant. They didn't want Castella to stop. In fact, the more she kissed and frenched their hole, the more they craved something deeper, thicker to penetrate them.

Castella seemed to sense this need. She retreated, setting the frazzled possum down on the ground with her. She leaned in and gave their cheek a quick peck. "Mmmm, how was that, darling?"

"G... good."

"Any regrets?"

Normally shame and guilt dogged Jamie in the clarity that came post orgasm. Even when they just masturbated at home. Any other day, they'd be feeling sick about this, but when they looked up into Castella's warm, smiling eyes all they could think was: "I'm... I'm still hard?"

Castella snorted, laughing as she reached between Jamie's legs and groped them. "How observant!" she whispered with delight. "We could do more if you like."

"H-here still?" Jamie whispered as well.

Castella shrugged, "You came very quickly, darling."

Jamie's ears folded a little, whiskers pulling back. "Sorry... I didn't mean."

"Shhh, none of that," Castella cooed. "You were such a good girl, letting yourself just enjoy the moment." Something about being called a good girl made Jamie bite their bottom lip. Castella asked, "You want more?"

Jamie's rear gave a little squeeze as if wanting to answer. They said, "If that's okay with you."

"Hehehe, I'd love to, darling." She got to her hooves, keeping Jamie on the ground with a gesture. She hooked her fingers around the hem of her skirt and shoved it down, reaching into her panties, she pulled her sheath and balls free of their tuck. Jamie gawked, not surprised to see a trans woman, but amazed they didn't put it together sooner. And of course she needed to tuck: proportionate to the rest of her, Castella's balls and sheath were large enough they would have left a very lewd and obvious outline in the front of her skirt.

Jamie scooted a little closer before Castella touched under their chin. She had let her panties down, and now the tip of a bright red cock just poked free around the dark grey fur of her sheath. Her scent took on a slightly sweaty, acrid tinge to it.

"That's it, that's a good girl, take in the smell," Castella encouraged while Jamie hovered near that sheath. They whined, unable to help the sound as something about Castella's scent remained so enticing. Normally musk didn't do much for Jamie, but the exotic tinges to hers just felt so... right. She clenched her lower abdominals, and that massive sheath and her heavy balls lifted then fell. More of that tapered cock spilled free. A translucent sheen of her arousal glistened along the cherry red flesh.

Castella reached down and grasped her sheath between finger and thumb. She pinched the flesh around her cock, then slowly let it unwrap again, peeling more back. "You want to taste it, don't you?" she asked.

Jamie had salivated so much they needed to swallow spit before they could say, "Yes--please let me suck your cock."

"Hehe, because you asked nicely." She moved her hand away. "Go ahead."

Jamie's face fell into her crotch. Their snout twitched, nostrils flaring as they swam in her musk. The clove was sharper, singed, burnt with something that lingered in the back of their tongue and made them whimper. They lapped at the heavy tube of flesh, admiring the weight on their tongue as it lifted and fell around their oral muscle. The cherry tip nudged Jamie's lips, and they kissed it, maw quickly opened to slurp that leaking length. They sucked and moaned, tail swishing behind them like an overstimulated cat's, the pheromonal flavor of Castella's arousal made Jamie short of breath. They whined, overwhelmed but needing more, as more of that meat twitched and filled out their mouth. Their tongue swirled around the thickening underside, tracing veins that pumped the fat cock full of blood. It blossomed inside Jamie's mouth, a heft that grew to the back of their throat.

They swallowed and steeled their throat, taking a breath before bobbing down. Their lips kissed her thick sheath and peeled it backwards, plugging up their throat with the now spade-shaped tip of Castella's leaking cock. She placed a hand on the back of Jamie's head, a pleased little sigh followed by rolling her hips. Her pubic fur ground into the possum's snout, staining their facial fur in her potent musk. Jamie inhaled, feeling their cock twitch and leak like they spent the last hour edging themselves. They felt Castella's pulse flowing through the length of that impressive shaft, past their lips, down their tongue, to the leaking tip still growing deeper in Jamie's throat.

Jamie had always been proud that they tamed their gag reflex and could deepthroat someone. Still, Castella's was the biggest cock they had tried to swallow, and when the strange goat's organ reached its apex, their eyes watered, throat stinging with a clear bulge working under Jamie's adam's apple.

Castella watched them take it all, biting her bottom lip with a fang. She reached down and stroked Jamie's neck, claws drawing through their fur, teasing along that flesh wrapped so tightly around her cock. Something about that affectionate scritch made Jamie whimper, a shuddering wave of bliss working through them. "Such a good girl, taking all of me. I didn't, mmf, expect you to be so talented, darling."

Jamie moaned happily, ears folded down while their eyes met hers, pleading.

"You want it elsewhere, don't you?"

Jamie gave an affirmative whine.

Castella smirked and placed a finger on their brow. "Off."

Jamie slowly leaned back, still suckling, savoring the feeling of that massive dick sliding from their throat, along their tongue, and their lips till it popped free with a little, "Ah," from them. It bobbed in the air, dripping possum drool, its urethra soon beading with fresh precum. It was a little fatter in its center, slimming ever so slightly till it reached the base that would later no doubt inflate with a knot.

"Present yourself to me, darling," Castella whispered.

Jamie got up and turned around. They bent over, legs spread and tail hiked into the air. They braced their palms on the ends of the mirrored wall and said over their shoulder, "Like this, mistress?"

Castella giggled at the addition of that title. "Yes, perfect my pet." She took it a step further, but Jamie liked that. This stranger had certainly pushed all of Jamie's boundaries, but Castella always let them be the one to push things the next step further. It was like she knew exactly what Jamie wanted before they did.

Castella stepped up and grabbed palmfuls of Jamie's butt. She spread that fat ass and found the pucker she had lavished earlier, still a little wet with saliva and the same tender pink color of the possum's tail. She spat on the entrance for good measure, rubbing the saliva into Jamie's asshole with a thumb before pressing her leaking cocktip there. Jamie froze up like they waited for a predator to strike. Castella let them wait until it became too much. Jamie whined and wiggled their hips, rubbing their rim against Castella's tip.

"So needy," Castella whispered.

"Please mistress," Jamie breathed, trying to remember they were in a store, in public. Their asshole itched, practically burned asking to be spread. "I need you so badly."

"I'm here, darling," Castella said. She leaned against Jamie's back and kissed their nape. "Just close your eyes and focus on the feeling."

Jamie did, and Castella's cock began to press against their entrance. The possum whimpered, pressure building on their entrance for just a breath before that spade tip worked its way inside them. Their body yielded, deliciously, in degrees, asshole spreading more as those inches slid inside. The slight sting of pleasure quickly overtaken by the satisfying scratch and friction along their rim, complimented by the budding fullness. They grinded their ass backwards, stretching around the apex of Castella's girth, her length rubbing along their prostate. Jamie felt pressure, hot and pleasant, spread through their loins as she stroked along their nut.

Castella stopped and sighed. She gave Jamie's ear an affectionate nip. "You're doing great, pet. Almost there."

Castella's clawed grip shifted, digging into Jamie's hips. They slid back then shoved forward. Jamie bit down a groan as her girthiest portion spread them open. The possum panted, finding it a little hard to breathe as Castella bottomed out, balls shoving flush to Jamie's smaller testes. She huffed, standing back up to get a better stance. Her right hand wrapped around the base of Jamie's tail, smirking down at the quaking possum. Jamie had opened their eyes, and watched Castella in the mirror. She met their gaze. Her pupils had opened, and the irises... Had the orange in them always danced like that? As if flames pranced about inside them.

Jamie couldn't look away once again. Mouth hanging open, amazed by the beauty of her. The only thing that brought them back to their body were her claws digging, prickling their flesh as she tightened her grip. Then she started to fuck them.

Something about her made it impossible for Jamie to keep quiet. As her hips pistoned away, yanking backwards with every thrust, their bottom slapping her pelvis, jiggling slightly, getting bounced off her lap. Her cock churned up Jamie's insides until their ass became a single mass of heat, pressure, warmth, and pleasure. She didn't even fuck them that fast, but the size of her cock made each thrust feel like the desperate rut of a beast. It robbed Jamie of their senses, and they moaned loudly. Their cock swinging and slapping their tummy on each clap of Castella's hips. Their legs wobbled, cock bubbling with sensation as their prostate got milked over and over.

Jamie felt themselves leaking cum, unaware of when their first ever prostate orgasm began. Their body, numb and weakened, tried to clench, but Castella's grinding girth made Jamie's orgasm endless. They couldn't quite cum like normal, so seed oozed out their dick, flicked across the floor and their clothes. They couldn't care less. Not about the occasional strings of seed that splattered the hem of the dress they tried on. How their voice, an incoherent chorus of begging and pleasure, seemed to echo confined in the tight dressing room.

They lost track of time. Castella fucked them through their orgasm, and they barely came down from that high, body a wobbling mess. It took Castella's help to stay on their feet, as she continued plugging away. Their ass caving in on every thrust, copious precum from their mistress leaking out as she worked in and out their abused hole.

Then she hilted, cursing in some language Jamie did not recognize. She doubled over Jamie's back, and they almost fell over, but Castella grabbed them by the pit of the possum's knees. Jamie yelped as their feet swept out from under them, the delicious, sink, of pressure on their asshole deepening as Castella lifted Jamie into the air. She held their back against her front, legs spread, the hem of their dress caught against Castella's front and hiked up so Jamie saw their inner thighs and crotch. Jamie's cock was still full of blood but almost looked soft, pink flesh a drooling mess of cum, fluid still leaking from the tip.

Castella hooked her head over Jamie's shoulder and kissed their cheek. She whispered, straining, "You can--ah, feel it, can't you?"

Jamie did, the pressure on their sphincter expanding.

"That's my knot, growing inside you," Castella confirmed as it swelled into the size of Jamie's fist. Castella pulled Jamie's legs up higher, folding the possum in two so the pair had a clear view of where Castella's cock was rooted inside her pet. Jamie saw the base of the knot, pulsing, promising to tie them.

"It's not too late," Castella growled. "I--nngh--don't have to knot you."

Another boundary pushed, an offer to cross it. Jamie panted, tongue hanging from their lips, dress covered in wet, slick spots from their cum. There was no way the pair wouldn't be caught. Might as well go all the way.

Jamie reached down and spread their cheeks the best they could. "Give it to me, mistress," they begged. "Mark me, claim me, tie me, please!"

"That's my good girl." Castella shifted and let Jamie drop the rest of the way on her inflating knot. A slight, stinging burn followed by soothing fullness made Jamie give a happy little moan. The possum twisted their neck and gave their mistress a haphazard kiss.

"Thank you," they whimpered. "Seed me, breed me."

"Hehe, such a slutty pet." Castella nipped Jamie's jaw and purred, "How can I say no?"

Jamie felt her cock twitch inside them. Followed by racing, pulsing heat that flowed from her knot and into their guts. They groaned, toes curling in the air. They watched Castella's pendulous balls lift and fall. Clench... Clench... Clench... The finely furred testicles a marvel to watch as they dumped rope after rope of cum inside them. More than Jamie thought should be possible. They felt liquid heat build up and sit in their core. Thick strands of semen oozing through their ass, plugged by the knot at Jamie's base. Enough to positively mat their fur and dress with Castella's musky claim had she cum outside. Jamie felt their chubby abdomen grow a little taut, the flood of seed inside them so much they'd be leaking it for hours after.

Yet as they studied themselves in the mirror, all they could be was pleased with their appearance: dress a mess, a possum's eyes half-lidded, trapped in a stupor of pleasure, their cock still dripping and straining against their swollen stomach, almost looking like Jamie sported a baby bump.

Castella kissed them on the ear and whispered, "That's my good girl. Look at you, so stunning and beautiful like this. You'd be the envy of any woman who saw you with me. But I don't want them, I want you, Jamie. My slutty, perfect pet."

The praise did something to Jamie. They squirmed and whined, unable to stop a fresh, weak wave of bliss working through them. Their ass clenched on Castella's prodigious length, as their balls lifted in one final weak, whimpering orgasm. Their cum dripped in a few thick ropes that ran glistening down their length, getting lost in the fur of their balls.

Castella loved it. "Hehehe, oh Jamie, I'm so glad I found you."


Somehow, the two of them didn't get caught. It passed in such a blur, the time it took for Castella's knot to go down, the plug she produced and pushed inside Jamie to hold all that warm cum inside their bottom. The pair came out with Jamie in the dress, hugging Castella's arm as the poor possum's legs barely worked. Castella plucked off the tag and bought it with a few other items Jamie guessed were meant for them. Then they were back outside. The Carolina air was humid, skies starting to cloud over with the promise of rain later.

Castella, one arm hooked around her pet, another carrying a bag of clothes that included Jamie's hoodie, led the pair to a nearby bench.

Head still swimming, they sat down together. Vaguely, Jamie recognized they should be panicking about the very loud and illegal sex they just had. Surely that clerk had heard them and called the police. But something about the warmth of Castella's body, the musky clove scent of hers, all those little anxieties skirted under the surface for Jamie: fish under a sheet of ice. They sat on the surface of the ice, warm in the arms of this stranger. Warm with her cum still pooled inside them, the pressure of the plug they wore tingling pleasantly as their pucker recovered from its abuse.

"How are you feeling, darling?" Castella asked.

"G... good," Jamie answered sleepily before they rallied their thoughts a bit. They sat up and managed to ask, "How did we not get caught? Did you pay her to look the other way?"

"Oh, nothing so garish," Castella said with a little dismissive wave. "That's not a bad guess, however, which is good. I need your wits about you for this next part."

Jamie glanced around. With noon approaching, there were some people out and about finally. "What are we doing now?"

"Nothing with any real risk. Just talking, because I'm certain you have questions." Castella shifted on the bench to face Jamie better. The possum no longer leaned against her, but their legs still touched, which made Jamie notice Castella had not bothered to tuck. Her junk pressed right up against her pencil skirt, making clear at a glance what she carried--no, hauled, really, between her legs.

Jamie, not sure what to expect, asked, "Alright, why didn't we get caught?"

"Because, to that sweet little vixen, only a few quiet minutes passed before we left the dressing room," Castella said.

Jamie frowned. "Did you do something to her?"

"A spell or two, only to make sure we went unnoticed while you tried on your lovely dress."

"Spell?" Jamie scoffed. "I thought you were a psychic, not a magician."

"Truth be told, I'm neither, darling." Castella brought her face next to Jamie, gaze so intense the possum could barely stand it. "I'm a pleasure demon."

Jamie snickered, trying to hide how nervous that confession made them. "You're joking, demons don't exist."

Castella rolled her eyes and presented her hand to them, palm up towards the sky. She snapped her fingers and a ball of fire flashed into existence. The flash of light made Jamie blink and look away--the flame's warmth undeniable even as they couldn't see it.

"Ugh, what was in that edible?"

"Just your run of the mill sativa," Castella said. "And we both know it will take at least another half hour before we start feeling anything from it."

"Christ," Jamie looked again at the ball of fire she held. "How are you doing that?"

"Call it magic, if you wish. I'm just exercising one of my many robust powers," Castella said before she flapped her wrist like she was shaking out a candle. The flame snuffed out with a few trails of smoke, and she leaned backwards, "I can sense you're still dubious."

Jamie said while they looked around. "Just trying to figure out what prank show I'm on."

"Oh, come now, look at me! Do I look like your standard goat?" Castella hissed, forked tongue flickering between fangs and eyes once again a fire of colors.

"Okay, I just... I don't? Some weird hybrid with a reptile?" Jamie rubbed their temples, still trying to process what Castella told them. Eventually they asked, "So you're a succubus?"

"Oh please, succubus, incubus, such gender binary terms. You'd think you of all people would be beyond them."

"Fine, pleasure demon. Not a succubus."

"I can take whatever gender, I please. Any pleasure demon can, which is why we prefer something more ambiguous."

"And you're like a demon... from hell."

"Underworld," Castella corrected. "The cosmology is a little more complicated than you might expect, but we can talk more about it later."

"So, I'm talking to you," Jamie pointed at her, "A demon. We fucked and... uh, does my soul belong to you now?"

Castella sighed like this was far from the first time someone asked her this question. "No, you are not my thrall, and I'm not going to suck out your soul like your whole spirit is somehow stored in your balls."

"Hey, listen, I'm trying to make sense of all this, but all I've got to work off of is a bunch of nonsense I never believed in."

"No, you didn't," Castella said, "but trust me, it's better this way. You have no idea how much trouble it is convincing someone who has had a solid religious faith their entire lives. You have to drag them down to the shores of Styx to get anywhere, really."

"Okay, alright..." Jamie tried to take a deep breath and asked what they were afraid of asking, "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because, I like you, or I sense I will. There is... such a sea of shame and anxiety inside you that I'm having to force down right now--" and, like the fish under the ice felt themselves noticed, all those anxieties scattered, not wiped away but trying to hide from what Jamie realized was suppressing them. Castella continued: "I want to help you realize what you are, deep down, but are scared to let yourself be."

"And what do you get out of that?"

Castella shrugged. "My time on the surface is limited. I have a visa right now letting me stay here, but unless I make a contract with a mortal, I'll have to go back. I'm not ready to."

"Is it, um, bad down there?"

"No, it's not lakes of lava or rivers of blood," Castella said. "Eternity is dreadfully boring after a while, and this is the way demons like me get to have any fun."

"So you're saying pleasure demons aren't bad?"

"Oh, well some certainly are," Castella said. "I'm trying to not be one of the bad ones. The last thing I want is someone like that monster Sisyphus hunting me down for breaking the laws of the Underworld."

Jamie just stared at her, confused.

"Tsk, don't worry about it, darling. I'm sure you want to know what a contract would entail?"

"Does it hurt?"

"No more than putting in the plug you're sitting on right now," Castella said with a little smirk. "A contract means you are, essentially, taking responsibility for me. Think of me as a fairy godmother, only," she squeezed Jamie's thigh and leaned in to whisper, "with a much more hands on approach to your pleasure."

Jamie shivered. "S-so, that means... we'll be stuck together?"

"Till either of us wish to sever our contract. I'll be bound to you, and we'll share some, albeit not all, of our thoughts and feelings. You'll more or less gain my senses, a little fraction of my power, and all I'll ask is you let me stay on the surface, and indulge me like back there in the dressing room."

"Okay..." Jamie took in a deep breath and scooted away, back bumping against the bench's armrest. Even that tiniest bit of distance helped them size her up and actually think about this.

Castella frowned. "I don't mean to be pushy. While this is rather urgent for me, I can leave you my card so you can call me up after you've given it some thought."

"You'll just leave?" Jamie asked.

Castella nodded. "I'll walk back to my hotel, pick someone up at the bar, and ride out my high with whoever I scoop up."

"Why not form a pact with whoever you find there?"

Castella shook her head. "It doesn't work like that, darling. I felt you from across the parking lot. You and I are a good fit for a contract. Not any pleasure demon can be attached to any mortal, you see. If our accord isn't mutually beneficial, then forming a contract is risky for both of us."

"Fair enough."

Her long ears dropped a little, pupils opening as she made a pleading expression. "Think it over?" In her left hand she held out a small business card. "Please?"

Gingerly, Jamie took the card, eyes still on Castella as they asked, "How long do I have?"

"As long as you like," Castella said. "Simply tear the card in half to summon me, or burn it and I will know you've declined."

Jamie now glanced at the small business card. It was stamped with characters they didn't recognize from any language, underlined with a small streak of dried blood.

Jamie stared at her. Thinking about going back to their apartment--what did they even have planned for that day? A game on the Switch they were meaning to beat, dinner to cook, then to bed because they worked the next day. Assuming the edible hit like Castella promised, they'd enjoy a pleasant high for some of that time. Empty apartment, trying to fill in time before they went back to a job they didn't hate but didn't find fulfilling.

They wanted... something. They were not sure if Castella was that something they wanted, but perhaps the yearning she sensed, that called out to her, had been more than a longing for a simple dress.

Jamie held up the card by both corners and ripped in half. Castella gawked for only a moment, then grinned.

"I know my answer, Castella."

"Call me Cass, darling," the demon purred, "We are going to have so much fun, you and I."

In Another Life Pt. 6

Something solid nudged her back, getting Liolyn to stir. She lifted her wings, which had been coiled around her in her sleep, to see Sirtas' head hovering over her. "Lily?" he whispered, "What's wrong?" Catch released, Liolyn sprung up and hugged him...

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In for a Pound Pt. 2

Sebastian's full sized bed seemed small with his mother lying back in it, her feet dangling off the edge, the soft pink pads of her toes leathery and smooth as Sebastian touched them. He kneaded the pads with his thumb, admiring the texture while...

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The First of Many Eggs

Samael's fangs pinched his bottom lip as he watched his swollen stomach clench. A contraction worked through his body and he groaned, wiggling in Clay's lap. The obstagoon purred as it held Samael open by the thighs. The big, beastly pokemon's claws...

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