The Veil of a Dragon(ess) Part 2

Story by Cheetahs on SoFurry

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This is the second part of a dragon loving storyDescription: Akheras and Starlight have grown fond of each other. Weeks later, and on much better terms, the two dragons enjoy a memorable night that ends like their first time should: in warm, wet, glorious climax.

Mysterious black dragon(ess) is my character, (c) SiranorArtwork done belongs to

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Akheras fret about as if it still was the very first time he met Starlight, a dragon he came to intimately know as Lassani. He passed from room to room, eager to see what else needed improvements apart from the slightly inconvenient angle of the flying eastern dragons statue he got a few days ago from the very same dragon that was about to visit him. Everything had to be perfect. The apartment had to be dust-less. The tasty treats, fresh. Less was simply not acceptable for a friend that not only stole his time, but also his-

"Mraaaawwwhh!" a familiar roar came from the balcony. The at stopped the golden dragon right when he was about to check if his fridge was stocked with his favorite meats.

"Damn it," Akheras hurried to him on his soft padded paws towards the landing ledge. They greeted warmly once he opened the glass balcony door, as they often did, the coldness of the night barely an inconvenience against the hot blood that ran through his tensing muscles.

"Are you going to come inside?" he invited Lassani with a raised wing that revealed the pleasant smell of incense wafting from his living room.

"Inside? Mrrrrmmm, that is an inviting temptation." Akheras shuddered as Lassani's lovely tongue brushed its way along his sinuous neck, traveling past his upraised wing, moving so close to his...his- "Mrrrhhh, I see some part of you still remembers our first meeting rather...vividly."

Akheras blushed with shame when he realized the reason for his friend's enticing scale polishing licks. To tease. To look at things he should not have. To-

"You wish to have me inside your cozy cave? I shed all responsibilities of my work tonight if you have something else in mind."

"Rrrrhhh, shut up, you dirty deceiver!" Akheras turned around to bap him on the head with the tip of his tail.

"Deceiver now, am I?" the black dragon rubbed around him like a slithering serpent. "The only thing I'm guilty of is restraint. That night was all about you, my dear, gullible drake. Of course I had no better course of action than to swim along in the sea of your desires."

"My desires? They explicitly pointed one way. One. Single. Way. A way that didn't involve...whatever happened after."

Lassani's lack of reply gave Akheras time to ponder on how much he truly yearned to finish in him that night, female or not. It could've ended so sweetly. Two dragons trapped within each other's warmest places, jaws locked together in a frenzy of salivating kisses and warm, tender, loving reverberations thrumming in their throats... and pulsations of untamed heat racing through their groins. He remembered how close he'd been to release. Just a few more seconds inside Lassani's vent, and his passions would've all but exploded.

"Nevermind." The golden dragon shook his head off the prickling thoughts that made him more than a bit excited. "We should go somwhere before that beautiful moon settles."

"That won't happen for another six hours." Lassani's wing descended upon akheras' golden back. "We have time to waste, and you home looks so inviting. Why not linger here for a bit?"

"I know an excellent burger place that will impress you far more than the meat assortments you've already tasted. Besides, six, nine, what's the difference?" with a playful nudge, Akheras pointed towards the resting part of his homely ledge.

"And here I thought you are the same innocent drake I met... Let's sit down for a couple of minutes. My wings still ache from the extended flight."

"Better the wings than other things." Akheras smirked. He rubbed lovingly against his friend on the way to their outside roost, nudging him to settle down in the single, spacious nest they build together on the ledge from the separate ones they previously relaxed in. So many things changed since that enticing first night...but many still remained the same. As they talked about how things could have gone in a perfect scenario that ended with a more fulfilling climax than a silly fight, Akheras realized how much deeper their friendship dug its roots.

"Really? You would have us cuddle about each other's fantasies? Without doing anything...spicier? Hard to believe someone in your line of work settles for some simple gesture-based romance."

"Rrrrr," the branches of the nest cracked gently under the warm furs they were covered with. Snuggling closer, Akheras found his head pulled tightly against Lassani's bright colored chest. "We learn many ways to entice our customers to make them believe they are in control, when in truth, they simply follow the cues they are given." He got a few licks across the top of his head, feeling like a kitten tended by a majestic tiger. "I can have you in whatever way I desire, if I wish it...but that momentary pleasure is as fickle as the weather. Knowing who you get into a nest with is sometimes the far more difficult...yet also the more satisfying outcome."

"And? Are you happy with the prey you trapped under your pesky paws right now?"

"Quite so."

They snuggled a while longer, then took wing from the tall skyscraper they inhabited diving fast towards the lower city. Twisting their way amidst flying cars that intruded upon the winged creatures lanes to save a few precious seconds, the two adventurous dragons landed in a bustling plaza surrounded by many outside dining establishments, the foremost being Draggin Dragon's Burgers, Akheras' favorite place.

"You know," he began his customary stories with juices still dripping down his jaws shortly after they seated themselves on warm cushions. "This place really was dragging a couple of weeks ago. Long, long before I met you..." Akheras swallowed. "The meat tasted like the paws of a car. The sauce was bland. The buns, frozen. It only turned around when this famous middle-aged chef twisted his key of success in the owner's rock of a head. A human chef. Can you believe it?" Taking another bite from a delicious, juicy burger impaled on a rotating skewer in front of him, Akheras thoroughly savored the sauce-dripping treat.

With a hearty bite as his own reply from the ingenious mechanism that made something as easily trashed as a burger able to be easily savored by dragons without the use of any tools or even their own paws, Lassani gave a nod for an answer.

"There's more. This is, actually, the third burger place I visited since I started my culinary foray into fine anthro-made treats. It all started with this friend I had, a gryphon. He worked at..." Akheras droned on and on with tales of his tastes veered more towards cooked treats his ancestors would've likely turned down. He spoke so long his meat turned ice cold...and even then, he kept on talking.

It fell upon Lassani to see the two of them inside a lovely eastern-vibes teahouse. In the warm, steamy alcove of peace, they could wash the greasy treat down with something warm and healthy.

"I like hot chocolate more, but this," Akheras lapped at a small barrel of a cup he received. "The pungency of the citrus is just thin enough to let me taste the infusion of berries. Quite amazing. How did you say it's called?"

"Something impossible to pronounce."

"We have to try more types!"

Their night went splendidly after that. So good in fact they had to pick what to visit next.

"How about my brother's botanical gardens? They're only a few hundred wingbeats away."

"Plants? Sure, why not? I love plants."

Although his sarcastic answer hadn't initially registered to his black scaled friend's excited mind, Akheras began to suspect the real reason why Lassani picked this place. First, they sneaked in through an entrance at top of the glass dome only his discerning eyes could find out. Then, he got a strangely comprehensive tour of the whole inside of the dome. They walked along the pathways for what seemed like hours, with Lassani taking peculiar peeks around while he presented the lush flora's properties. It almost as if he wanted to make sure they were completely and utterly alone in here.

"Enchanting bioluminescent flora isn't the only reason we find ourselves it?"

With his usual slithering tricks making his scales stand on end with bliss, Akheras was led into a cozy grove surrounded by glowing flowers as blue as the sunlit sea, but refused to settle down on command. No! He had the right to know why here, of all places.

"What's there not to like?" Lassani looked at the stars sparkling through the crystal clear ceiling of the dome. "We are in a perfectly preserved sliver of the old world here, removed from worries, noise, and the draining allure of city life."

"That's a cheap way of saying my apartment is not matching your elevated standards." Akheras chuckled, then leaned closer to the rather serious face of his friend, nuzzling sweetly under his chin. "We can sleep here. I don't mind that... I can appreciate nature just as much as you in an enclosed space like this."

He talked too much when he got worried. That had been one of the things that distracted him from the truth behind Lassani's veils the first time. It still did, preventing him to pick up on the black dragon's affectionate cues, just like before.

"Mrrrhh, but you do feel in a loving mood today." Settling down on his haunches, Akheras lifted his wing, thinking Lassani wanted to snuggle close to him.

But the black dragon had something different in mind when he bumped his snout with that of Akheras. "Heyyy," he drew back with a funny smirk on his face. "What are you trying to do? Kiss me?"

"You...don't want to?" The black dragon drew back, confused. "I thought..."

"You can use your mischievous tricks on me all over again? No no, this time, this time, I know exactly what I'm getting into."

The silly remark had a rather different outcome when Lassani turned around to present his rear to Akheras in a very specific way. Tail raised, fiery eyes staring back seductively, there was no way for any dragon, male or female, to mistake this display for something else than a blatant sexual invitation.

"Arrhh, T-that' really no!" The flustered golden dragon fumbled for words, his heart climbing into his throat, blood feeling hotter than ever. "That's a joke. I never meant to say I want to mount you. I mean, mate you."

Lassani let his tail slide back down, rising back up on his fours from his bowing position.

"It's alright, sweetie. We can try something else."

"We can...but I'm not sure we need to." The golden dragon gulped apprehensively, excited and terrified at the idea of getting intimate a second time with a dragon that he fancied a lot more now. "We're alone, right? In here, nobody will hear our growls, no matter how loud we get."

"Or how messy." Lassani came over to plant a wet, lovely lick on his snout.

"Arhhh, this is so confusing!" The golden dragon got up to pace around like a flustered virgin on the brink of losing said virginity. "I want us to try something more than...well...more than what we've been doing, but it's not proper for me to take you. IF anything, it should be the other way around. I want to..." he stammered for words. "I think we on top of me? ...down there...?" he pointed an apprehensive paw at grass leaden with warm drops of silky, crystal clear pre-seed, the very same place Lassani posed in.

"Mrrr, that sounds deliciously devious, coming from you."

"Yes, well, I..." he wanted to say that particular thing that had to do with love, yet his tongue felt so tangled, just like his nascent romantic feelings towards a dragon he only knew for a week at most. "I...we, I mean, are we really... are we even ready to-"

His words fumbled into a long, blissful growl once strong, confident paws wrapped around his neck and pulled him into something more than a winged hug. As if lost in a dream, Akheras found his shuddering breath rolling over Lassani's, their snouts pressed together more intimately than they ever had before.

"Mraaa..." he opened his mouth to voice what should've been a word of caution, but then, Lassani's forked tongue intruded in his mouth like the smoldering heat of his affections, melting Akheras' worries in a puddle of bubbling affection. "raaawwhhhh..."

He embraced Lassani with his own forepaws, the two of them rearing on their hinds, wings trembling with elation, slits, puffy and moist with arousal. They shared far more than just a single kiss, licking each other lustfully plenty of times before they broke apart. Once they touched the ground with their soft padded feet, their wits least for one of them.

"What...did we just do?" Akheras shook his head to free himself from the fuzzy feelings that raced all over his scales.

"Something we should have done far earlier." Lassani licked his snout enticingly. "I wanted to show you what you mean to me, Akheras. To show you what my words never achieved so far. You may have started off as a customer. An easy one at that. Bestowed with an eagerness to impress, your honesty, your loneliness at that time, most importantly, your kindhearted nature made you such an easy prey to my schemes."

"I know. You could've had me whichever way you wanted." A joke to ease off part of the tension.

"Indeed. But not as the friend you became...or the mate I wish you do be."

Akheras almost choke on his next quip. "You mean like me more than a friend?"

Was that even possible? They were males! Both of them! How could two dragons of the same gender be mates?

Lassani seemed to know the answer to that question. For that reason alone, Akheras placed himself in his warm, caring paws, allowing himself to be eased down on his back by his...friend's...loving nuzzles.

"Nrrfff..." he shuddered when those rolling puffs of heat went down along his sinuous neck, so slowly, so gently, so...arousingly nice.

"Don't tense up. You know exactly where this is going..."

Akheras winced and huffed as the black dragon's body disappeared from his field of view. He felt his hot breath cascade down his chest, his tongue, trailing along his increasingly finer scales of his belly, approaching ever closer to the tense pole that started to form between his legs.

"Slow down. Let's...pause for a moment."

Lassani did, yet the more he waited, the hotter the blood boiled beneath the golden dragon's scales.

Akheras felt so at odds with himself. Wasn't this what he wanted? What he always dreamed of? To have a dragon he cared about spoil him like royalty? As his blood churned with both lust and embarrassment triggered by the incredibly tense response triggered by said lust, Akheras tried to grab onto Lassani's horned head, to put a stop to all of this before it spiraled out of his control...only to realize, much to his shock, he missed his chance.

"Sssstop!" he cried out like the shy dragon that put a pause on the most beautiful act of their first meeting a week ago. Wide, beady eyes stared at the snout sniffing inches away from his monstrously aroused member. Lassani's eye bore into his, sunset red and beautiful. He wished to know why to stop. Why!

But since Akheras' tangling tongue offered no discernable answer save for huffs and whimpers, Lassani turned around with his rear end right on top of his face not to tease...but to have an easier time slamming his soft padded foot right on the middle of Akheras' snarling snout.

That damned sixty nine... was his only thought once the wetness of his friend's genitals became apparent in the light bouncing between the glowing flora. That mischievous bastard obviously planned this moment.

Only when his tongue trailed along his member from tip to base, and more so, when he found himself engulfed in the steaming bliss of a needy dragon's suckling jaws, could Akheras fully know just how much Lassani wanted him. This wasn't about mutual pleasures, about sixty nines, or even about mounting. Lassani wanted to make up for something...and the way he employed his skillset...gods, that lovely, twisting tongue...even a few passes were enough to squeeze tears from Akheras' gleaming eyes.

"Mraffff," he whined pitifully, nostrils aflame with his friend's obvious lusts. He strained in his captive state to break free of that damned padded prison. Tried to reciprocate half of the enrapturing bliss his friend's messy suckling efforts filled him with. But he couldn't. All he tasted was dust and pads and claws. Just like in that first night, he was too shy to speak his mind, too afraid to take action. A virgin whose only experience came from a library of adventures lived by better, more confident dragons.

Rhuvyrel's warfare Akheras' eyes suddenly blazed with brilliance when his mind somehow made the connection to a simple paragraph ripped from an ancient warfare book. When pinned by a stronger opponent, analyze their bearing. Use their weight against them.

Twisting his body around to fracture Lassani's balance even for one moment, Akheras shook free of the blackened paw and scrambled onto his feet, his member jutting angrily against his belly, dribbling with copious amounts of pre and saliva alike.

"Hrrr, you think you can have me that easily?" He challenged playfully, only...he didn't get the reaction he expected. Instead of rising up to the challenge, Lassani's beady eyes stared forward as if he was still entrapped in a dream, clattering jaws and dreamy expression already giving Akheras a painfully obvious answer of how much he really enjoyed tasting another dragon's strong, virgin scent.

"I'm sorry," Akheras rushed to him, applying plenty of licks on his friend's wet, clattering jaws. "You truly have the most skilled tongue I ever tasted in my mouth, or on my nethers. But as much as I loved to let you continue, I yearn for a better way to show what you also mean to me...and that won't come from the tip of my member."

"I'd rather focus on you." Lassani regained his voice. "Let me taste you first, and then, we can switch."

"We can indeed switch...with me taking upon the role of a dragoness."

Lassani was once again perplexed to see how quickly his friend turned the tables on him. High on his lusts, fueled by the many warm revealing things that happened tonight, Akheras settled on his side with his privates widely exposed to the black dragon's delighted gaze. Many words could be shared. But instead of wasting his time on them, Akheras waited for his mate to approach with baited breath, not knowing what his intentions were until his sniffing nostrils descended along his member all the way to his tight, squirming tailhole.

The assault on his taut gates felt far better than it had the right to. Thanks to his heightened state of arousal, Akheras found himself fussing from licks alone, rolling on the grass with his member throbbing so hard, pleading for his partner to take him before his seed had the chance to spring forth. He growled harshly once his sphincter widened to accommodate for the tip of his mate's throbbing love, each and every ridge testing his resolve to commit to this act until, at last, soft, wet lips kissed the narrow gates of his hungrily squeezing rim.

"That's it, the trickiest part is over." Lassani licked his huffing snout lovingly. "All he have to do now is wait."

"How long?" Akheras looked back, rather proud to have sheltered his mate fully inside on his first try.

"As long as it takes for you to moisten like an oasis in the heart of the desert, my lovely, golden dragoness."

They kissed and shared many amorous gestures while deep inside Akheras' shuddering tail, Lassani's squirts of pre moistened his tunnel to leaky perfection.

"Ready?" he asked

"How ready were you, when you took your first partner inside?"

"A bit less than you."

"That sounds...encouraging." Akheras nodded. "Go on. Show me how you dear dragon."

Though the first thrusts felt more than strange, Akheras' snarl of discomfort quickly mellowed in whimpers of pleasure. The further his muscles got used to the throbbing girth spreading them apart, the louder his voice kept rising in the same manner as the jerks of his leaking penis. Squirts of pre flung out in arches with every pass of his partner's cock, his insides feeling so warm they almost burned with a strange breed of bliss akin to nothing he ever felt before. Almost within seconds, the ridges that brought such biting discomfort earlier now lashed him with tendrils of terrible pleasure once they rolled along his hungry, squeezing tunnel, particularly when they hit that place he read in his anatomy books. The prostate. A jewel packed with nerves said to make every male yowl with pleasure when properly stimulated.

Akheras was no exception. Especially on his first time. Huffing dreamily with every pump of his mate's hips, he drooled on the ground, lost in a world of heat, love, and endless pleasure. "Arrrhhh," he whined softly as his tail jerked hard and his member throbbed with another healthy spurt of cloudy, rich-smelling pre-seed. "That feels so good...keep...keep going. I want...I want your seed...deep in me."

Bringing his head down to offer him a few more loving kisses, Lassani thrust himself back and forth as gently as he could, his pace picking up steadily once he realized his partner's anal contractions grew hungrier.

"Nraahhh," Akheras picked his drooling head off the ground to look back in his mate's concerned eyes.

"Too quick?" Huffing and panting with effort, Lassani still found the breath to splatter his mate's snout with a frenzy of licks. "I'll...slower."

"No...too much...mraffff...too intense...I-I think I'll..."

"I'll pull out."

"No...close...too close..." Akheras insisted. "Inside. Please...inside."

He strained to speak. Strained to keep his tense nether muscles from unraveling altogether. Akheras knew that at that point, his anal contractions became far too quick for him to have any sort of control over. Beads of cloudy pre trickled from his twitching hip, every squeeze, every contraction applying even more of that stinging pleasure to his oversensitive prostate. Yowling under the lashes of this untamed pleasure, Akheras argued with his mate over the possibility of becoming the recipient of a rather harsh mating bite. He pleaded his case like no other, knowing every throb could spell his resilience's demise. But Lassani licked instead of biting, remained firmly lodged inside, instead of thrusting.

With a whining sigh escaping his exhausted jaws, Akheras dropped his head on the ground. Drool pooled by the base of his hanging tongue, his breathing as quick as his cock. close...yet so far away from that simple, exotic fantasy where he was a dragoness claimed by her strong, lustful mate. The sting of his jaws. The heat of his seed. It all...felt...SO REAL!! It took but milliseconds for his mind to delve out of blissful fantasy into the sharp intensity of a male with a throbbing, leaking shaft lodged deep inside of him and a pair of jaws tightly wrapped around his neck.

This was no fantasy. He was being claimed. Filled. Lashed by the loving markings of his strong, dominant mate. Shuddering from every joint in his body, Akheras's throat erupted with a roar as intense as his climax. Spurts thicker and stronger than he'd ever released on his own splattered their way in arcs over his scrunched up, roaring mess of a snout, every bit of them milked hard by his tight, quaking muscles. He squeezed so strongly he made his mate moan inside him. Unsteady on his feet, drunk on his own indomitable pleasures, Lassani's grip faltered. Licks quickly replaced bitemarks, whines gave way to strong, dominating growls. He too was a dragon lost in the haze of his passions, his claws tearing into the ground as he desperately pressed his wet, twitching vent against the rapidly throbbing tail of his partner in an attempt to secure his thick, creamy legacy deep within him.

Trapped in this infatuating moment, this release felt unlike any other; so intense it seemed to last for hours. Only when his member started throbbing with lancing pain instead of unbridled pleasure could Akheras finally crash down from his dreamy, claimed-dragoness state.

"Arhh, how it aches...I never felt so...drained." He complained while his eyes scanned the matted ground he impregnated with bountiful essence with nothing but admiration. "Was it...pleasing for you too?" he quickly turned his eyes back to his mate when he felt him attempt to slip away from the creamy flood he created back there.

"No. Don't!" He flapped his wings hard to keep his mate inside. "I would have you rest in my embrace while we both recover our bearings."

With his mate flopping down in his embracing paws, Akheras painted his snout with loving licks in between the silly jokes he made about an equally messy mutual oral session.

"We can try that tomorrow. For now, I'm spent."

"That works to my advantage." Akheras snickered. "With your little pest inside, maybe I can finally get you to perform like you should have in the first place, as a dragoness."

"My dear, I'm not sure you can last long enough to appease my extravagant tastes."

The clever comeback put a massive blush on Akheras' face. Indeed, it had been a nice dream of his to fulfill the role of an alpha male up to this point. A fantasy, to flood Lassani's slit with his essence. Something that made him throb with desire even now, in his spent state.

"Grrrhh...stop plastering your paws all over my-"

"Hrrr, afraid to fulfill my premature expectations?"

"I just might. Who wouldn't, with such a striking dragoness wrapped in their embrace?"

They nuzzled lovingly for a while, then fell prey to the dreamworld's enticing pull to the song of crickets and the lovely feeling of their wet, loving licks.

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