Spreading Her Empire Part 1

Story by TheGreatJaceyGee on SoFurry

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Bastet, the feline goddess who has conquered and hypnotized countless worlds in order to forge her empire, finds out that Nick Wilde, a previous lover of hers, is alone on his birthday. Determined to send him some quality company, she enlists Ms. Fortune to go out and hypnotize some sexy vixens for him.

Note: I am unfamiliar with many of the franchises referenced to in this story. Brief research was done to make each franchise mentioned as accurate as possible. I apologize in advance for any canonical errors.

Sequel to Goddess Among Queens

Commission for an anonymous Twitter userPart 2

Pride Rock had stood as the pinnacle of the Pride Lands in both elevation and majesty since that swath of African landscape had been claimed by lions. It was an impressive formation that pierced the horizon for miles. It was a monolith of stone featuring a flat balcony that jutted out from its face like a stage. It resembled an open ring box, or the jaws of a crocodile breaching a river. It was where Simba and his family made their home and ruled. For years he had maintained peace and tranquility, making sure the lives of every animal that lived there were fair and easy.

That was until Bastet showed up.

Bastet was a feline goddess hailing from another universe. She was a tall cat woman, decked in snow white fur. She was stocky and strong, featuring broad shoulders and long arms. The scleras of her eyes were a malignant yellow, slitted down the center by ruby red pupils. She wore an Egyptian style black tunic trimmed with a golden lace. A red jewel sat amidst her headpiece, the most stand-out piece of her outfit as well as one of her most dangerous weapons. She was a formidable woman, thanks to both her physique, intelligence, and powers most unnatural.

She stood at the very edge of Pride Rock's balcony, watching the sunset over the savannah. It would rise on a kingdom that belonged to her, the latest of many. Bastet had been traveling between dimensions, staking claim on numerous worlds and hypnotizing the people who lived there. Her abilities, granted to her by the red gem on her forehead, allowed her to enslave and control the minds of other felines. She took control of other cats who were not barred by such a limitation, exponentially expanding her control. Soon she had lost count of the worlds that were obedient to her, and the number was only increasing. Her lieutenants numbered in the hundreds, each one working daily to expand her power. Much as she held sway over, she was not satisfied, nor would she ever be. The multiverse was infinite, thus she would never stop.

She was alerted to a deep growling sound behind her. She turned around and saw dozens of lions lying down, waiting for any commands. They were her newest conquest. There was Simba, the proud, red-maned alpha. With him was Nala, and their daughter Kiara. They had each been a majestic bunch of cats who were free to do as they pleased no more than an hour ago. Now their minds were filtered and controlled entirely by their new master, never to question nor fight against her will. They were happy that way. So was Bastet now that she had an entire platoon of fierce lions to act as her bodyguard. She turned back and resumed watching the sunset with a smug grin on her face. Many more worlds awaited her, but for now, she could rest and await whatever tomorrow would bring her.


A shrill crackling sound like a thrum of a generator came from behind her. Abrupt as it was, she was familiar with it and did not flinch. She turned back around and saw a thin red disk of energy pulsing and shimmering with energy. A figure stepped through, materializing out of the flat disc like someone stepping out from behind a wall. It was Callie Brigs, one of her servants that she had "recruited" not long ago. She was a cat woman like Bastet, featuring dull yellow fur and a fantastically fashioned head of long golden hair. She was wearing an egyptian dress much like Bastet's, much unlike the pink business suit she used to wear before her hypnosis. Her scleras were red like Bastet's pupils, the telltale sign of servitude to Her Majesty. The red disk imploded on itself. Callie bowed her head reverently. "Master," she said humbly.

"Callie!" Bastet said gaily, raising her arms out. "How lovely to see you. How is everything?"

"Fine, Your Highness. I come bearing news of Nick Wilde."

Bastet's expression grew serious. She had employed Callie to spy on Nick not long after their encounter in his universe. She had developed a severe liking for both him and his girlfriend, Judy. She had promised to return to him one day, and sent Callie to determine when that should be. "Go on."

"It's Nick's birthday today."

Bastet's smile returned. "Wonderful! I hope he's celebrating. I should send him something, perhaps myself."

"That would be wise, Your Grace. Nick is alone today."

"Alone? Where is he?"

"At his apartment. It's his day off, but not Judy's. Last time I was there he was in their apartment, waiting for her to return."

"Oh. And what about Gazelle?"

"Not there. She hasn't been around either of them since you first met him. She was rather shaken up by the event and doesn't want to be reminded of it."

How rude. "Well then, I suppose I shall give him a proper visit. If it's his birthday, then I don't think I should go alone."

"Who shall I fetch?"

Bastet rubbed her chin. She decided against bringing back the same women she had made Nick have sex with before. Variety is the spice of life, after all. He also might be averted to more cats. Though he clearly had no problem lying with animals of different species, he may enjoy some quality time with women of his own kind. She didn't have any vixens under her control, nor did she know any, but that didn't mean she couldn't find any. Normally she would set off and find more servants with the help of a few others, but she didn't want to leave Nick on his lonesome for a moment longer than she had to. She would have to send someone else.

She knew just the right person.

She tapped the jewel on her forehead. Another red disc materialized in front of her. Almost instantly another cat woman came out. It was Ms. Fortune, the undead feline who had proven to be one of Bastet's most capable lieutenants. Though she was mostly human in appearance with bare skin and a humanoid face, she bore several unmistakably feline features such as triangular ears, sharp claws, and a lithe, athletic build. She had short white hair and bright blue eyes. The clothes on her body were nothing more than a short skirt and linen gauze wrapped around her chest. The disk vanished behind her, and she bowed. "Your Highness."

"Fortune! How lovely to see you. I have a mission for you, a fun one, to be sure."

"Anything, Master. What is it?"

"I want you to find me... let's say... four female foxes for Nick Wilde to make love to. It's his birthday today, and I'd rather not go without treating him properly. Do you think you can do that for me?"

"Of course, Master. I can handle that in no time."

"Lovely! I know you won't disappoint me. Go out and find the most beautiful vixens you can, ones a handsome fox like Nick would love."

"At once, Your Beauty."

"Thank you. Off you go now."

Fortune bowed and did an abrupt about face. Another disk appeared in front of her. She stepped through it, and it vanished behind her. Bastet tapped her head jewel, summoning a portal of her own. She noticed her lion troop, watching her curiously. "You all just wait here. Mommy will be back in no time to bring you more orders." They nodded at her unanimously. With that, Bastet stepped through the portal.

* * *

Fortune's portal navigated her to the most available vixen that she could hypnotize. Kate was just waking up and getting dressed. She had dull orange fur and long blue hair that exploded into a fabulous thrush behind her neck. She had a pretty and youthful face that reflected her chipper demeanor but belied her sharp intelligence. Just as she was buttoning her jeans around her waist, Fortune's portal zapped into existence, making her jump about a mile. She spun around just in time to watch fortune step through it. The horror and confusion on her face was illuminated by the red glow of the disk, as well as the rest of her bedroom. The portal collapsed, leaving the two women in an eerie silence.

Kate, too stunned to speak, could only twitch her jaw. Fortune looked her up and down and nodded approvingly. "Oh yeah. You'll do just fine."

Kate was French, and could only speak a few words of English. "Who... Who are you? Why...? Why here?" she asked in a thick accent. So many other questions flooded her mind. What are you? How did you get here? What do you want? Are you here to hurt me? Why are you dressed like that? Her lack of English kept her silent, however. All she could do was hope that this strange, smooth-skinned cat woman wouldn't hurt her.

Luckily, Fortune had no plans to bring her harm, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to do something to her. She lifted her paw into the air and snapped her finger. In that instant Kate was struck by an intense buzz, nearly knocking her off her feet. She felt lightheaded. Colors and distortions unlike anything she could imagine began floating in her vision as well as in her mind. Those colors she saw began staining her scleras until her irises were surrounded by a menacing crimson, one that matched Fortune's. The swimming sensation in her head vanished, and she stood upright. She was Fortune's now, and by connection, Bastet's.

Fortune lowered her paw and smiled. "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Kate," she responded immediately.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Ms. Fortune. Are you willing to do everything I tell you as well as serve the great Bastet in every way she demands of you?"

Kate wouldn't have understood her in any other situation, but Fortune's hypnosis deciphered her words perfectly. She responded in French. "[Yes. I am here to serve you and her Majesty in any way I am asked.]"

The translation didn't carry over to Fortune. "Looks like I'll need a translator for this to work." She snapped her fingers, creating a portal. "Follow me. We have more servants to find."

"Oui m'dame" Kate said, and followed Fortune into the portal.

They reappeared inside of an enormous safe, one with chrome walls and shelves lined with stacks and stacks of money. In the center was an entire palette of bills. From the vent in the ceiling directly above it hung a vixen on a black rope. She was slowly lowering herself closer and closer to the palette, extremely careful with her movements. She was a tall, slender woman with sleek yellow fur. Her hair was red, styled into a neatly trimmed bob. She wore a tight, black cat suit with white fur around the collar. She was the epitome of focus and collective until the portal appeared, completely knocking her off her game.

"Whoa!" She went into a panic and started flailing her limbs. The nervous sweat that had built up on her fur went flying off of her. She stared in horror at the portal just meters away. Fortune and Kate stepped out, instantly triggering the alarm system by walking into several invisible lasers at once. With her frantic flailing, the vixen accidentally unhooked the rope from her harness and fell right on top of the money. "Oof!"


The alarm screeched. A red light flooded the safe, rotating around its bulb like a lighthouse. Fortune and Kate were unperturbed, focusing instead on the vixen in front of them. She rolled off of the palette and jumped to her feet. "Who are you?" she demanded, speaking in the same accent as Kate's.

Fortune took that as a good sign. "I am Fortune. This is my associate, Kate."

"Bonjour," Kate greeted.

"What's your name?"

"I'm not telling you that!" the vixen barked. "We have to get out of here now! The guards will be coming any-" Fortune stopped her with a simple snap of the finger. Just like that, the deafening screech of the alarm turned into a muffled howl like something off in the distance. The red light spinning around the safe landed on Fortune, illuminating her as something more beautiful than even the most expensive jewel or artifact. The aura of colors bleeding across the vixen's sight melded into her eyes, cementing her as Bastet's newest soldier. Her hearing returned, but she no longer cared about the alarm. All that mattered was pleasing her new master.

"Now tell me, what's your name?" Fortune asked.

"Claudette Dupri," she answered.

"Do you speak any other languages?"

"Yes. I am French. Same as this girl."

Fortune smiled. "Good. Just what I needed. Come with us, Claudette. We have work to do, work that I think you'll be suited for."

"Yes, ma'am."

Fortune snapped her finger, making another portal the three of them promptly walked into.

The lock on the safe door began spinning rapidly. It flung open, and two guards came in with their pistols drawn. "FREEZE!" shouted one of them, but there was nobody there to obey. All they saw was the last moment of a bizarre red disk before it shrank into nothing.

Their next destination was a place Bastet and her earliest subjects had visited before. This was the universe where Bastet had captured Jenny, one of her most useful soldiers. Neither she nor any of her subjects had returned since, yet the people who lived there were on guard for their return. Since Jenny's inexplicable disappearance, Bucky O'Hare, captain of the Righteous Indignation, had been on the alert for any physical anomalies out in space. He had sent Jenny to investigate the first one they encountered, and now she was gone.

He told other ships to be on the lookout, and they heeded his word. One of them was the Screaming Mimi, captained by Mimi LaFloo. One of the bravest foxes in space, she had made a name for herself as a clutch commander. She was as smart as she was athletic, possessing a body that could be described as statuesque. Broad shoulders, muscular limbs, and a barrel chest attested to that. Her fur was brown and smooth except where the tip of her tail turned white. Her emerald eyes and handsome face exuded confidence, something she had in bounds. She was sitting at her desk in the captain's quarters, writing in her log. She had just finished writing about her search for another anomaly when the appearance of the portal behind her ripped her out of her focus.

In one fluid movement, she jumped to her feet, grabbed her laser pistol, and spun around. She aimed from the hip in front of her, finding nothing but a massive slate of glowing red. Ms. Fortune walked through. Mimi aimed her gun at her, but quickly switched it to Kate after she appeared, then Claudette. She was poised to fire at any of them, but she didn't think she could shoot down all three before at least one of them attacked.

Once the portal was gone, she calmly but firmly demanded who they were. "Who are you? How did you get here?"

"I am Ms. Fortune. My cohorts and I are looking for vixens to join our harem."

A million guesses and Mimi wouldn't have predicted that response. "Well, I'm afraid you've come to the wrong place, Ms. Fortune. I'm a ship captain, not a whore. I advise you to leave now before I either gun you down or every soldier on this ship comes rushing here to take you down for me."

"That won't be necessary. I think you'll find me more persuasive than you think." Fortune snapped her finger. Mimi tried pulling the trigger, but she wasn't quick enough. A sensation like the most extreme euphoria came over her. Years of mental and physical discipline vanished like chalk in the rain. Her vision turned red, so did her eyes. Her grip on the gun loosened. It fell from her shaking paw and clanged on the metal ground. The three women in front of her turned into the most respectable trio of commanders she'd ever had the honor of being in the presence of. She found herself swearing loyalty to them and whomever they answered to. She stood at attention and saluted. Fortune laughed. "At ease, soldier. What's your name?"

"Mimi LaFloo, ma'am."

"Well, Mimi, we have a very important mission for you. Care to help us?"

"Yes ma'am, anything at all. I can do it."

Fortune was drinking in her athletic body. "I bet you can. Come with us. We have one more vixen to bring into our group."

"Yes ma'am."

Fortune snapped her fingers. A new portal materialized, and the four of them vanished into it, leaving behind a proud ship without a captain.

The four of them found themselves in the midst of chaos. They stepped out of the portal and onto a small, flat island that was in the middle of what looked like a shallow ocean. Similar islands, ones covered with thin patches of grass, were dotted randomly around them, no further than a pitch away. That went on for as far as the horizon stretched, seemingly beyond that and for eternity. It would've been a serene setting if not for the tremendous battle happening in front of them.

In the center of one island was a vixen, or so she looked like. She was enormous, standing several feet tall and with an incredible wingspan. She was wearing a long, flowing qipao that covered her entire body down from her neck. On her head was a black hat, tall and cylindrical like a stovepipe. On her qipao as well as the thin shoulder spikes she wore was the Yin-Yang symbol. Her fur was a bright yellow. Red and purple slash marks were etched across her face.

Surrounding her was a throng of monsters, all of whom were attacking her or getting ready to do so. There had been many more only moments earlier, but they had already been dispatched. This woman was proving to be a much fiercer warrior than any of her foes had prepared for. She dealt with them swiftly and brutally. No matter how many came at her at once, how fast they struck, how big they were, or where they came from, she cut them down with either a blindingly fast chop or a bright flash of aura she fired from her fists. One by one those monsters fell, not dissuaded by their thinning numbers, nor their inevitable defeat. Something drove them forward, something Fortune could not diagnose. Whatever it was, she was impressed by their dedication, but even more so by the vixen's skills. She was going to be a perfect soldier, for sure.

More and more of those hostile monsters fell, vanishing into an explosion of pixels like motes of dust, dissipating into nothing. The last one charged. It was dealt with promptly, leaving the battlefield in silence. The vixen came to rest finally and stood upright, not exhausted or bothered in the least. She faced the newcomers and called out. "Who goes there? You're not Digimon. How did you get here?"

Fortune had no idea what a "Digimon" was, but she hoped that she could find more of them if they were anything like the one in front of her. "I am Ms. Fortune. I've come searching for vixens to recruit for a very special task. What's your name?"

The vixen crossed her arms. Her scowl was withering. "I am Taomon. I'm not interested in assisting you with any task, whatever it may be. I'm busy as it is, as you may have seen."

"Oh, I have," Fortune said, lifting her hand. "I think you'll be more suited for what we have in mind." She snapped her finger.

Taomon's intimidating scowl flickered at once, then softened into an expression of shock and awe. Her usually astute focus disintegrated. Her black scleras swirled, flashed, and throbbed into a more menacing red. The four women in front of her became brilliant tamers, masters beyond anyone before them. Everyone Taomon had ever fought with before were rookies compared to those in front of her. The last quadrant of her eyes became red, and her bondage was sealed.

The mighty vixen that had just moments ago been vanquishing evil fell to one knee. "Forgive me, Ms. Fortune. I humbly ask that I be accepted into your group so that I may perform whatever is required of me."

"On your feet, then." Fortune said, beckoning with her finger. "Your new Queen has much to ask of you. Follow us, and we'll introduce her to you."

Taomon jumped into the air. She floated down to the ground in front of them like a wandering umbrella after a storm. She landed lightly and bowed. "I would be honored."

Spreading Her Empire Part 2

Nick Wilde was in his apartment, on the couch, watching TV. That was about how he had spent most of his birthday, although things were sure to pick up once Judy got off her shift. He had a beer bottle in his paw, resting on the couch's backrest where...

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How Do I Look? - Commission for Papapatooie

Gabe was sitting on a bench in the dressing rooms in front of a row of booths with black curtains. He was a cat, covered mostly in fluffy fur that was a creamy brown color except where his face, underbelly, and forearms turned into a soft white. He was...

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The Mayor's Secret Part 1 - Commission for hoot12

Alex was very conscious of the sun as it bore down onto the back of his neck. He was utterly bathed in sweat, glistening his skin into a sheen and making the hairs on his arms stand out on ends. He was hunched over, hands on his knees, breathing hard,...

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