Tinsel's time

Story by YamYam83 on SoFurry

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#1 of Tinsel's time

This is the first of, hopefully, a series about a DnD character of mine named Tinsel. This series will go into far far far more detail about the little kobold's backstory than what's on his character sheet.

I know to anyone that doesn't play DnD that all sounds pretty boring and inconsequential, and it is really. I like DnD and it often gives me ideas, which is probably why I've done a few pieces themed around my characters.

God help me if anyone that plays DnD with me finds this but if they do- Hey! bet you have a few questions.

I'm rambling now.

This one's pretty short but the next one is about quadruple this one's length so......

Anyway, enjoy

"Dinner's over scales!" Halda shouts from over the bar. I get up off the ground and look at the tin bowl I'm forced to eat out of like some dog. I'd not even gotten to eat the two bread crusts that made up my 'dinner' for the evening, perhaps I could come back to it later, if Halda is in a kind mood she'll not throw the crusts out. "A customer's waiting for drinks so hop to it!" Halda and I met a few months ago; I was wandering through town after leaving the burrow I was born in when she quite literally picked me up off the street and put me to work at her tavern. Of course I agreed to it, she had me by the scruff of my neck about 3ft higher than I am tall and looked like she could snap me in half if she wanted. It's in my nature to submit myself to those with more power than me, I've been doing it all my life and I just can't seem to stop. I suppose I do it to stop the thing from hurting me or worse, killing me.

I walk out from behind the bar and Halda hands me a tray of drinks which I carefully begin carrying to a table she points out. I'd accidentally lost balance of the tray once and dropped it which had led to me having to be 'taught a lesson' as Halda beat me till I couldn't walk. I arrive at the table and place the drinks down on it before asking if the four people sitting at the table wanted to order any more drinks. After being told no I carry the tray back to the bar where Halda loads it up with four more drinks and points to another table. I've been serving Halda for four and a half months, serving drinks, food, and cleaning every inch of her tavern. Halda's not the kindest person but at least she feeds me, sometimes. I can't say I enjoy the terror she instils in me whenever her eyes rest on me but what can I do? I'm certainly not as strong as her and she's shown she can outrun me; I'd tried to scamper away from one of her beatings but found a hard grasp around my neck before I got far.

"Do I need to remind you what happens when you don't listen!" Halda warns me out of my daydreaming.

"N-no, madam," I reply furtively while looking anywhere other than at the imposing half-orc lady. I quickly make my way carefully over to the table she had pointed out, a dwarf, dragonborn, and goliath sit around it and each looks my way as I approach.

"Ah Yilrek! One'a yu'r people!" The dwarf remarks as I place the drinks on the table.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" I ask the table, the dwarf stands drunkenly and grabs my arm harshly.

"Well, ain' yu a cute un'." He starts running his other hand over the scales of my arm slowly, feeling over my seafoam green scales.

"Thank you, sir." I say to him as he continues to feel over me, now moving on to my body, the leather collar Halda forces me to wear the only thing on me so the dwarf has free range of my body. Halda took all my clothes when I started working at her tavern and says that all I'm allowed to wear is the leather collar. Of course I had reservations with just wearing the collar but I don't dare bring anything like that up in case it makes Halda angry.

"Here he goes again..." the goliath says to the dragonborn who just nods and sighs.

"'Ow much fur yu?"

"I'm here to serve, sir." I tell him, Halda had explained that that is the only answer I'm allowed to give when posed that question.

"Free ar' yu? Come wi' me then."

"Of course, sir." The dwarf drags me across the room, up the stairs leading to the customer's rooms and chucks me through a doorway before closing the door. I land face down on the ground, the fall not really having injured me that much, and pick myself up off the ground. The room has three beds in it, one for each of the people at the table, other than that the room is mostly empty.

"I love yu'r kind, the' listen an' do as 'r told." The dwarf says as he climbs drunkenly onto the middle bed, the beds to the left and right belonging to the goliath and dragonborn. The dwarf lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. "Come'n then, put 'r muzzle tu work over 'er." I walk over to the dwarf's prone body and start undoing his belt and then pull down his trousers, knowing exactly what he expects of me. "Get on the bed."

"Yes, sir." I get onto the bed and wait on my knees for the dwarf to instruct me further.

"Now get ta suckin'.'" I crawl up between the Dwarf's legs and bring my snout close to his malehood, the rank smell of dwarf assaulting my nose as I breathe in. The dwarf's member is stiff in anticipation and jerks as my tongue slips across its surface. I lick the dwarf's member, the taste not exactly pleasant but I push through it and continue my laps at it, pleased moans leave the dwarf's lips and he spreads his legs a little wider. I keep licking his tool until he seems to get fed up of it, his pleased moans subsiding, and move myself up until my head is directly above it. The dwarf moans as I take the tip into my muzzle, careful not to catch it on my sharp teeth. My tongue slides all over his tip and wriggles its way under his foreskin, something I learnt brings races with them quite a bit of pleasure, my slick saliva drenching the tip of his penis. I push myself further down his member until his tip is just at the back of my throat; the dwarf thrusts up into my muzzle causing me to gag as his tip rams itself into the back of my throat and I begin bobbing my head as the dwarf's salty pre-cum begins flowing from his tip. I use my tongue to lather every inch of the dwarf's penis in my saliva and try to bring him to his climax quickly. The dwarf must either really like kobolds or be seriously pent up because not half a minute later he grunts and blows his load into me. I gag as a jet of dwarf cum hits the back of my throat and begin coughing, the dwarf pays me no heed and puts a hand on the back of my head before violently pushing me down his length. My snout hits his hips and the dwarf moans all the harder as my throat clenches around his tool as I gag around his cock and try to cough out the cum that had invaded the wrong pipe. I struggle but the dwarf holds me firmly against his hips and thrusts up into my throat. I'm forced to swallow repeatedly as the dwarf pumps jet after jet of his cum down my throat and into my stomach. The only escape the small bit of semen that I keep trying to cough up gets is through my nose slits and so it oozes out and some drips onto the dwarf's pelvis. Soon the dwarf finishes depositing his seed into me but he keeps me hilted on his dick.

"Lick it clean." He orders and I move my tongue over his length, gagging around it as my throat tries to force it out of me. I satisfy him and soon his hand eases off the back of my head and allows me to raise myself slowly off his cock, my tongue licking all over it as it leaves my muzzle. The dwarf's manhood exits my muzzle and I wait in case he wants me to do anything else.

"Leave, damn cock sucking lizard." He tells me as he lays on the bed still with his eyes closed. I get off the bed and leave the room.

I'd left the dwarf's room and had been serving drinks and the like for about ten minutes until I saw Halda talking to the dwarf I'd 'serviced' and soon she's stomping over to me. The half-orc woman picks me up by the scruff of my neck and carries me down some stairs and into 'the Patrons' Room' as she calls it; it's somewhere that the regulars can go to 'blow off steam' and only opens at midnight and only when I'm being punished. Halda opens a locked wooden door that leads to the other side of one of the walls in the room and chucks me to the floor.

"Get on the table! Now!" Halda orders angrily. I meekly bow my head and crawl up onto the smooth wooden table, leather straps with metal buckles draped to the sides of it, for now. Halda wraps my legs with two of the thick straps and tightens them so I can't move them at all, she then repeats this process with my arms and drags the table over to a small hole in the wall, just small enough to fit my open muzzle through by design. Halda grabs my head and shoves my muzzle through the hole. "Stay like this till I tell you otherwise!" She lets go of my muzzle and I don't dare move a scale as she leaves the small room and enters back into the Patrons' Room.

Moments after the door to my side of the wall is locked I feel Halda's hand tap my muzzle. "Open up scales." I do as I'm told and open my muzzle. I feel Halda put a metal ring around my snout and push it back until it's halfway into my mouth, the cold metal feeling unpleasant on the scales of the top of my snout. She puts another ring into my mouth, this one going around my lower jaw. Halda ties a thin rope around the top ring and then ties it to a small metal hitch on the wall before doing the same with the bottom ring; she'd once shown me exactly how this form of punishment worked after a particularly long night of drinking on her part. "That dwarf just told me you didn't satisfy him so that means you need to be punished, doesn't it?" Halda asks. Unable to close my mouth to form words I try to agree with her by making some random sound, trying to keep her happy enough with me not to beat me or kill me. "I think some time here will teach you a lesson, I'll keep you here as long as it takes until I think you've learnt your lesson." Halda tells me. I hear Halda walk out of the room and softly start tearing up as I think about my situation.

All too soon I hear rowdy laughter get louder and louder as several people descend the stairs to the Patrons' Room. "Feel free to use him, he's being punished but that doesn't mean you can't have your fun with him. I'd prefer to keep him alive though so don't go out of your way to kill him."

"You sure he won't bite?" One of the people asks. "Those fangs seem mighty sharp."

"You know me Gwydrez, I've made sure he can't do anything other than please you. Besides, if he bites you just tell me and I'll sort him out, not that he'd dare to. Right little lizard!?" Halda asks. I let out a grunt and everyone laughs at my expense. "Feel free to use him all night, I'll be back tomorrow morning but until then do what you will."

"See you tomorrow Halda." One of the people, slightly younger sounding than the one who asked if I might bite them, says.

"Have fun boys." I hear Halda make her way up the stairs, leaving me alone with who knows how many people with who knows how much alcohol, because of course there's alcohol, my muzzle forced open and completely at the mercy of those same people till the morning.

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