Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Chickadee in a Hot Summer (Jason Pt. 2)

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#19 of Pokephilia Story - Love has No Bounds (Reboot)

Jason's Tale Part 2

Jason has been undergoing a bit of a slump. Feeling as though he too is starting to fall for depression, Camilla the Blaziken does her best to cheer him up and make sure that he's happy. And she is willing to do almost anything to make him happy. And even if he refuses, she won't take NO for an answer and will simply force herself onto him.

What kind of steamy love will these two get into? And can Jason be saved from falling into a depressed stupor?

Why not read and find out?

Pokephilia Story (NSFW) - A Chickadee in a Hot Summer

By J.C. Solis

Pokémon is Copyright © of Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company

I do not intend to infringe on copyrights, and this work is purely fanfiction.

Poképhilia Story

Love has No Bounds

A Chickadee in a Hot Summer

By J.C. Solis

There was a lot of warmth on this beautiful summer day, with the people out and about, jogging in the heat of the high sun with a reasonably hot eighty-five degrees Fahrenheit - or twenty-nine and a half degrees Celsius to the more international folk. It was a sweltering day for sure, with people making the most of the end of the final month of Summer. It would soon be the end of August, and so too the end of parties, vacations, and overall summer bliss.

Lakeshire Town was not often known for being a summer destination. The large yet sleepy town still attracted people far and wide, especially those who wanted to go fishing out by Lake Shire and the Parfum River. Even the wild pokémon were out and about, basking in the warmth of a jolly summer day and taking in the wonderful vibes that were felt all around. It was a picturesque weekend, one filled with people who aimed to attend parties and nightclubs while they still had the remainder of Summer at their disposal. And they wanted to make good use of their time.

One of those people who wanted to take full advantage was Lakeshire Town native Jason Kitchener, who was out jogging on the streets with his Blaziken partner Camilla. The two were on the streets, getting a good jog in session - with the man even going about topless and in confidence with his well-sculpted and formed body. Jason took the initiative to go out and about. Jogging to beat the weight gain that came from the winter months and the early summer holidays. He wanted to look good for all the ladies, especially for his partner Camilla.

But Jason was also not one to toot his own horn too much. Though the man was not necessarily humble, he felt confident enough to display his six-pack abdominals and his lean though lanky body. He was a tall and proud man, one who wanted to excel in fitness as well as with work at the Pokéball factory. Living the life of an overworked engineer made for the potential for weight gain, which stemmed from living a sedentary life in front of a computer. Even Camilla was starting to put on some flab.

But the partners were far from wanting to allow the summer flab to get on their bodies. They wanted to get into shape, and jogging down the streets on weekday evenings and throughout the weekend provided them the opportunity to trim down a couple of pounds of weight. It was going to be an exhausting time for both partners, wanting to get into the best possible shape they could get into. This, in combination with healthy eating, would be sure to help shed some flab around the waistline and other parts of the body.

One thing that never seemed to stop, however, was the heavy drinking. Jason was a party animal through and through, and Camilla and his friends could never negotiate with him successfully to lay low on the beer and spirits. Though he didn't do the stupid risk of driving drunk - there was his friend Justin to ask as designated chaperone - he was still drinking, nonetheless. And he was far from finished with his first drink when he went along to order another one.

This behavior tended to irk Camilla to various degrees, though in all honesty she too also partook in some merry drinking of her own as well. Once the Blaziken had plenty enough alcohol in her system she was far from the refined and controlled creature she was when sober. The two were made for one another, it seemed, and the two made sure to make merry with a good drink or two during the weekends, whether that be at home, at a bar, with friends, or just the two of them.

Alcoholism aside, Jason was also worried a tad amount about his friend Saria. The news of her developing Clinical Depression hit all of her friends hard, and they all vouched for their support for her and the continuation of her treatment. It was difficult enough that the topic of Poképhilia was such a hot-button issue around town, let alone when someone is dealing with a severe mental condition along with the fear of being caught and shunned. But most people were now becoming more accepting of the phenomenon, and most were demonstrating their support for the Poképhiles as they made merry with their pokémon, even going so far as to ogle at the Poképhiles when they shared a tender moment with their partners. It was always a beautiful sight to see love bloom.

The two were happy to see society become more accepting of Poképhiles while they were out and about. It seemed that people such as priest Father Matthew Grint were losing the support of the masses. And with the recent escalations of violence against Poképhiles, nobody was happy to see people becoming antagonistic against the Poképhiles to the point of violence or death. If the Poképhiles were committing wrongs, then that was between them and Arceus - which was what Pastor Apolinar Cristian Solis did his best to convey. He didn't want to see blood spilled, and even less for this matter.

Jason stopped in front of his house; his torso soaked with sweat. Camilla too was also a bit moist, her feathers a little damp from the exercise. But both of them were just happy to finally be back home after an intense workout session like the one they just had. They ran for miles after miles, working up a good sweat from all the streets they crossed. Jason, for one, was in happy spirits, happy to see his partner also enjoying the moment of bliss from a good workout.

*phew* "What a workout, eh girl?" said Jason as he drank what little remained in the water bottle he had with him. "Funny, I thought we'd be done with seven miles. I didn't know you'd reach ten."

"Well, jogging with you helps increase my enthusiasm, dummy," replied Camilla. "It's always good to have a workout buddy. And nobody could be a better workout partner for me than you."

"No sweat, Camilla. I got to look good for the other chickadees out there. Hehe."


"Ow! I'm joking! I swear! Just don't hit me again!"

"Just open the door and get inside already, Dumb-dumb," chided the Blaziken after conking her trainer on the noggin.

It was then that a low rumble could be heard coming from further down the street. A silver and black Shelby GT500 came into view, the car's mighty V8 engine rumbling as the man parked his car next to the sidewalk. Out came Jason's best friend and workmate: Justin Solis and Lillia the Gardevoir.

"Howdy, you two!" noted Justin. "Were you guys working out just now? I thought you'd be getting ready for watching the wrestling pay-per-view match today. I hear today is Natasha's champion defense battle."

"Holy shit! I completely forgot about that!" exclaimed Jason.

"Same here. Dummy and I got so into our run we forgot the match is going to take place in about another two hours."

"Well, at least you two had a good amount of time exercising together," noted Lillia. "I hope you had a wonderful time. Today is such a beautiful, warm day after all."

"How bout I run to the store real quick and get us some brew and chips," suggested Justin. "In the meanwhile, you and Camilla can take a shower and get into some clothes."

"Sure, pal. My chickadee and I will get ready," noted Jason. "Just be sure to get the brew that I like - that Big Hazy Lycanroc that's strong."

"Dummy, that stuff is strong," noted Camilla. "You'll get shit-faced in no time with how strong that stuff is."

"All the more reason to drink it, girl. I want my favorite beer today if we're going to enjoy the match."

"Whatever, then. Just don't lean on me if you get too woozy. And Arceus forbid I catch you throwing up in the toilet or passing out."

"I'll be sure that won't be happening, girl," swayed Jason.

Justin and Lillia, after having just gotten out of their car, turned around and went back into their vehicle. The V8 engine roared to life as Jason and Camilla turned around and entered their house. The door opened, and the two stepped inside. There was a slight coolness to the air of the house, noting to how the Air Conditioner was turned on for hot days like this. With that, Jason went to the kitchen to get some water, giving one to Camilla so that she too could cool off with a refreshing drink. There was nothing like drinking cold water when one's body was tired and overheated.

"What do you think about that championship match Natasha will be having today?" asked Jason. "Think she's gonna win?"

"I have high hopes she will," said Camilla. "She and Ivan have gone against pokémon that Ivan was weak against type-wise, and he still came out on top. Nobody is going to be able to topple them, short of the champion of the Daegar Pokémon League. Anyone will be hard-pressed to beat them."

"I just hope those two come out on top. I made a few bets with the guys in the office, and I don't want to love five thousand pokémon dollars in that bet."

"Oh, dummy, how I wish I can punch you, sometimes. A conk on the noggin seems to not be good enough to reset the stupid that goes on inside your head," chided Camilla.

"And that ain't never gonna change, Camilla girl, heh," chuckled Jason as he drank his bottle of water empty.

But as soon as he stopped drinking his water, Jason frowned as he looked down at the ground. He didn't know why, but he felt rather downhearted. He didn't know where this feeling was coming from. It was just a tinge of sadness that came so suddenly. There wasn't much for the man to feel sad about. He had a steady career along with a fat bank account, friends to hang out with, a Poképhilia relationship with Camilla, and so much more. But the feeling simply didn't allow him to enjoy himself through all of the riches he had. There was simply something in his head, a nagging feeling that something was off.

"Would you like to hit the shower with me, Camilla?" he asked the Blaziken.

"Only with the water hot," she agreed. "I need to relax my muscles. We worked out good today."

Jason and Camilla went to their bedroom so that Jason could get his clothes and a towel, to which they then headed to their bedroom bathroom. The water was turned on and allowed to fall so that the heat would steadily build up. But the feeling of doubt and dread still filled Jason's mind, and it was something he simply couldn't shake away. As he got naked and Camilla stepped in ahead of him, he wondered about his life and his current happiness. He didn't have much of a reason to be in this state. And yet here he was, upset over nothing.

Camilla noted this about her trainer. She didn't much like seeing her partner becoming upset and even less about trivial matters. But the frown that was on her trainer's face made her worry that something underlying was the reason for his apparent gloom, and it was something she wondered as to the reason her partner was so upset and forlorn.

"You feeling sad, Jason honey?" asked Camilla worriedly. "I noticed you've been frowning ever since we got home from our run."

*sigh* "I don't know why I'm like this, Camilla," replied Jason with a sigh. "I just feel distraught over nothing. I don't have a reason to be upset. I got everything I need right here with me. I'm not mad at anyone. I don't have anyone on a shitlist or grudges of any kind. I got a nice house, an awesome car, and enough food and drink to be happy about. I even have you, the best person I've ever had in my life." But on saying that, he looked down at the drain. "I don't know, though. I just feel as though I'm so upset and so down and out of it. I want to be happy. I do. But I just can't bring myself to be happy."

Camilla placed a hand on his cheek, smiling as she looked at his face.

"You're a wonderful man, Jason. I couldn't ask for a better trainer," said Camilla. "I don't like seeing you so upset when there isn't a reason to be. Maybe it's because you have nothing to fret about that's causing you to fret. But whatever the case, I just don't want you to fret anyways."

"It's hard to describe, girl. It's almost as if the joy is sucked out of the things I enjoy doing. I kinda feel like Saria and her depression. Though I'm not really in her state, I feel like I'm heading down that path. I know Razor's taking really good care of her, and I know you'd do the same for me. It's just that... it's just..." Jason lifted his head, and his eyes looked like they were about to cry. "I don't know why I'm like this, Camilla. I should be happy, and yet I'm not. I can't think of a reason to be sad, and yet the sadness is eating me alive. I don't know what to do."

Camilla then wrapped her arms around him and brought him to her chest, pulling him close to her and her warm body, hoping that his woes were transitional.

"You'll always be my man, Jason honey. You'll always be my fuzzy-haired goofball, and there ain't nothing out there that's going to change that."

Jason lifted his head to look at the smile that was on her face. A tear trickled down his right eye, perhaps one that was indistinguishable from the water that dripped down his face. But the tear was that of joy, realizing he had everything he needed.

In truth, perhaps this was a depressive spell, something that was bound to happen eventually to perhaps every man or woman out there who had everything in their lives forged to perfection. When perfect lives don't know or have anything to feel sorry about, their minds fabricate all sorts of scenarios that bring about sadness and tears. Jason was perhaps undergoing one of those moments, unable to understand his current happiness, and so reverting to despair. He was happy to have Camilla around to whip him back into shape, using her as a shoulder to lean on when he was under sadness.

The two of them continued with their shower, the two bathing themselves with fragrant soap and making sure they'd lather up in the fragrant perfumes of body wash and hand-pressed soaps. It was time to come back to the real world, and in the real world, they had a wrestling match to watch with their friend Justin and Lillia, one in which they'd cheer for their friend Natasha to come out on top and trounce an opponent at an event that was sure to be spectacular. But first came the task of washing after working out so vigorously beforehand.

After a solid ten minutes in the shower, the two came out smelling of perfumes and natural fragrances. They dried themselves off and headed off into their bedroom, with Jason putting on fresh underwear before moving on to his more usual attire. He put on a white t-shirt, burgundy button shirt, and a pair of black trousers before slipping on some comfortable-looking dress shoes - his usual attire, and one that he was fond of wearing. He then turned to face Camilla, a wide smile on his face as she reciprocated with a smile of her own.

The two left their bedroom, and at that moment the front doorbell rang. Jason went to open the door to find Justin and Lillia standing in front of them with a few bags of food and with a small box of ice-cold brews. The two walked inside the house and got ready to watch the TV for the wrestling match - which was going to start in about half an hour. Jason turned on the TV and changed the channel to where the match would be taking place, clicking on the purchase option to pay the fee for watching the pay-per-view event.

The four sat around the coffee table in the center, and they looked at in giddy anticipation for the main event. There was still plenty of time left, and the pundits were currently talking about how this event might end up being the one that ends the championship reign of Natasha and Ivan. All the while, Justin walked to the kitchen to prepare the chips and dip that he and his friends would be eating throughout the match. He was hoping to see how Natasha would perform, and hopeful that she'd retain her title.

At the five-minute mark, before the match would begin, Jason looked on at the screen as there was a little ceremony being made for the Daegar National anthem to be played. Everyone on the TV rose and put their right hand over their heart, hearing the anthem being played with pomp and circumstance. And the anthem ended right at the moment that the match was bound to being. The announcer walked onto the stage, smiling as he prepared to announce the two combatants' arrival.

"First, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this bountiful match of sheer perseverance and awe, one which is bound to end in either joy or tears. This is the match for the belt, to see which one of these two fighters will come out on top and defeat the other for the title. And with that in mind, let me get on with announcing the runner-up for the title of the next champion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, he is a man of much skill and power, a duo who've struck fear in the hearts of everyone who face them. Give up for Cain and his partner Rigel the Runerigus!"

The crowd erupted with cheers and boos, with a slender man in a black wrestler heel costume walking down the aisle with a Runerigus to the side of him. The pokémon looked powerful and imposing, one which struck fear in the hearts of those nearby. The man named Cain also looked rather terrifying, wearing an outfit that made him look to be a part wrestler and a part grim reaper. He was rather imposing and tall, and his partner pokémon had the type advantage of being a ground-type, albeit with a type disadvantage to it also being a ghost-type. Nonetheless, the crowd cheered and booed them on as they walked to the stage.

"And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time to greet the two you've been dying to see. Can they fight at their best and retain their titles? You're about to see for yourselves. They're Russians with backbone, Cossacks with comeuppance, give it up for the current champions: Natasha Anastasia Ivanovna and Ivan the Incineroar!"

The crowd cheered as fanfare music was played, with Natasha and Ivan appearing at the stage entrance and walking down with looks of happiness and joy. Natasha looked as peppy as ever, with a wide smile on her face as she walked. And they certainly gave the crowd something to cheer for. She and Ivan gave a high five to all of the people who stuck out their fans, happy to see them coming to such an event and for making their match an eventful one. The two of them were always happy to be around their fans, and they were more than happy to have them all around so that they could have the match of a lifetime. The two walked into the stage, taking a side of the arena as the sinister man and his sinister-looking pokémon took their position.

Everything was set to be the match to end all matches, to which both sides have worked hard to prepare for such a momentous occasion. It was a fight to see who would come out on top, and take the belt home. And neither side would give up their win.

Jason looked at Natasha in her bright red outfit and saw her as the friend he grew up hanging around with when the two of them were younger. She was his childhood friend, after all, and the two shared a connection- as well as with their pokémon. And he was more than willing to cheer her on as she would fight against this challenger.

The bell rang, and with that came the start of a new battle. Rigel the Runerigus loomed forward, a massive stone ghost that writhed in sheer force. He charged forward towards Ivan with a Bulldoze move, hoping to hit the fire cat with a sheer wall of ground-type energy and cause massive damage. But Ivan quickly got out of the way, dodging the move with ease as he jumped up into the air. He then used Darkest Lariat against the ghost pokémon, slamming into him with strong arms that caused tremendous damage. It was a strong hit.

But the Runerigus didn't yield, instead launching Stone Edge at the fire cat and hitting him with a resounding and strong move. Ivan was knocked back hard, a move that dealt a lot of damage to him. But he was far from yielding just yet, and he then used Flare Blitz and charged forward and crashed into the ghost pokémon, dealing a bit of damage to himself while also sending the ghost reeling in pain. It was then that the ghost felt a burn on its body, a sure sign that it had been dealt a serious blow.

"That's rather good, Miss Ivanovna," noted Cain the dark man. "But I don't think your pokémon is strong enough to withstand this." He then turned to his partner. "Rigel, use Earthquake!"

The Runerigus did as it was told, using a powerful move to cause the ground around him to quake in sheer force. Ivan was knocked unsteady, the move dealing consecutive damage to him as the arena was also shaken up from the sheer force of the move. But Natasha was far from worried, instead thinking it best to showcase something that she recently acquired from her time in Alola.

"It's time to get serious, Ivan," smiled Natasha. "Let's use Malicious Moonsault!"

Natasha did the pose as the Z-band around her wrist sent the wave of Z-energy from her forward. The energy filled up Ivan with tremendous strength, certainly with more than enough to power through the Earthquake move. He leaped high into the air before crashing down in a spinning fashion, the move causing tremendous damage to the Runerigus a massive gust of dust blew around in all corners of the ring. There was nothing to be seen from the powerful move, wondering who had come out on top.

But when the dust settled Ivan was shown to be standing on top of the now fainted Runerigus, having come out as triumphant from the battle after having dealt such a devastating move. Cain was shocked to see his pokémon bested so quickly and easily, half expecting him to win the battle despite the long odds and the sheer strength that his pokémon boasted. And yet Ivan's strength proved triumphant, having bested the ghost-type with a good amount of damage being taken in turn.

Ivan lifted his arms triumphantly in the air, having best his strongest opponent to date. He was then hugged by Natasha, who ran up to him with so much joy evident by the smile on her face. She couldn't be any happier or prouder, attesting to the strength that her pokémon partner had and noting how well he managed to fight. Ivan grabbed her in turn, bringing her to the front as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her with a warm bear hug. The two of them couldn't be any happier than they were now, and it was a well-fought battle that once again proved them to be victorious.

Cain called his pokémon back into its Pokéball, smirking a bit after seeing how good fighters his opponents were. There was a reason why they were undefeated, and how they managed to stand tall with the force they displayed in this scene. The happiness that the two of them displayed was infectious, with him wondering how a bond like theirs could form to be so strong. All he could do was walked forwards to Natasha as he extended out his hand to give the winners a firm handshake.

"You won fair and square, Miss Ivanovna," noted Cain. "That was quite the match. No wonder your two remain undefeated to this day."

"Well, the brawny cat and I put on lots of hours training," admitted Natasha. "We love having battles just like any other person, and we train so that we can always perform our best."

Jason looked at the woman he faced with red cheeks - and not just because of the alcohol he had imbibed. He was smitten by the woman, displaying a keen sense of sportsmanship and finesse. It was only a shame that she only had eyes for her pokémon partner and that he now had Camilla, otherwise, he'd think about hitting her up for a date.

Justin and Lillia were amazed by the battle that the two had witnessed. It was nothing but a sheer determination that the battle was won so decisively. It was here that the two Russian fighters shined, displaying their power well for everyone to admire. And Justin was perhaps wondering if he'd ever get the chance to see his dear friend fight in person. Perhaps he could get Jason to arrange something between the two of them. Though Lillia had the type advantage, with her being a part fairy, he knew their battle would be a spectacular one to have.

The TV then displayed commercials as the pundits were displayed once again, offering their takes on what was a wonderful battle. Jason and Camilla were already flushed in the cheeks, having imbibed their second tall can of the strong ale that they asked their friend to bring over. Justin was not quite as drunk, perhaps being well enough to drive away, but the two friends spent the rest of their time chatting with one another. There was a lot to discuss and to take away from the recent battle, and they both had their take on it.

Soon, after another hour of relaxing partaking in discussion and merriment, Justin and Lillia decided it would be best to head on their way back home. It was a fun little moment that the two got to share with their friends, but Pastor Solis would be starting sermons the following day on Sunday, and so would need to prepare for the gospel that the older pastor would be giving to his congregation. And with that, Jason and Camilla were left alone in their house.

The two turned off the TV and sat there on the sofa. It was a rather somber moment, with Jason still wondering what he could do with the remainder of his day. With his friend now gone, Jason once again returned to having the depression he felt earlier. His heart was forlorn as the heaviness started coming over him in waves, just as it did before. But Camilla noted this, seeing his frown as he looked down at the ground. She wasn't going to give him a moment to be mopey. She was going to do everything in her power to make him happy - even so far as to offer herself to him for his sadness.

"How're you hanging, Jason deary," asked Camilla with curiosity.

"To be honest? I feel a little like shit," he admitted.

"Well, I ain't about to have frowning and mopey like this. How about I take you to the room so we can have some quality time? I know for a fact that you'll be wanting some."

But amazingly, Jason was not in the mood for any sexual activities.

"No thanks, girl, I'll just sit here, drinking a bit of booze. I need time to think to myself.

But Camilla was having none of it.

"Dumb-dumb, that wasn't a request. You're gonna get boned whether you want to or not."

Camilla stood up from her seat, and with great strength picked up her man from the sofa. Jason protested a little at first, but he couldn't help but giggle at the tenacity of his lover for being so forthcoming with him. The Blaziken carried him down the hallways towards their bedroom, where she was sure to have her bloody way with him. Even if he was truly against having sex, her drive and the urge of making her master happy would not allow her to simply let her master rot.

She was going to have her way with him, come hell or high water.

Camilla dropped Jason on the bed with a bit of a thud, locking the door behind them. She then went for his shirt, which she unbuttoned, and then took off his undershirt so that his bare torso was in front of her. She then took off his shoes and began to remove both his pants and his underwear, revealing a raging boner underneath his clothes. Though he claimed to not want any sex, his erect member was proof that he was awaiting a happy time. Camilla got on her knees and walked up to her trainer; her breath hot as she stuck out her tongue. She didn't have any lips, but she was sure to lick his cock and give him a lick job and hand job if not a full blow job. She licked his cock tasting his pre cum as she squeezed on his member tight, causing him to wince from the pain as she stroked him. It was a hot session, one which was tantalizing and very much stimulating. She stroked him at a steady rate, licking him up and drinking his cum.

It had been a good while since the Blaziken had an honest sex session like this. It wasn't often that the two got to have steamy sessions such as this one, and all the more reason to do so with Jason's depressive state. But Camilla felt it worth trying out in the hopes of making the poor man at least feel somewhat better. Perhaps some good sex will allow him to finally climb out of his slump and back into a more blissful state of mind. And the fact that he looked more blissful noted to someone who was having a wonderful time.

The sex was good and well worth the depression, with several minutes of stroking and licking following suit as Camilla licked his rod like a lollipop. She found his cum to be so tantalizing and tasty, perhaps even euphoric, and overall tasting slightly sweet and slimy. She adored his cock, making sure to squeeze out as many drops of sperm as she could off of his rod as he leaned his head back against the bed in the pleasure he was feeling. It had been so long since he had an honest sex session such as this, and he knew that the Blaziken had plenty more in store for him.

After ten more minutes, however, Jason started feeling as though he was on his last legs in terms of endurance. He felt the burning pressure behind his cock as the stimulation built up behind his member, a burning desire for release that mounted more and more. Camilla was emphatic with giving him as much pleasure as he could withstand, and she was far from slowing down even if he was on his last legs. His legs started tensing up, and pressure built more and more.

Soon, spasms of euphoria shot up Jason's back as his cock erupted into Camilla's mouth, the female Blaziken still stroking him despite his raging orgasm as globs of sticky and warm cum shot into her awaiting mouth. She was happy to taste her prize, with jet after jet of cum shooting into her as she greedily gulped every last drop that entered her. She continued stroking him, however, causing the man to moan loudly into the spasms of rapture that shot up his back. There was something to be said about a sex session this good, and Camilla was a professional at pleasing her partner.

The stroking soon stopped, with Camilla letting go of her death grip on her trainer's member as she pulled her mouth back, pleased with having received her prize. She was far from finished with the man, hoping to carry on the session towards the next few things that she wanted to do to him. She was intent on easing all of his woes, his pains, and struggles, and she would do so while providing herself with some added stimulation for herself.

For now, Camilla simply allowed Jason to catch his breath. She was far from finished with him, and now she too also wanted to achieve her piece of sexual bliss.

"Did you like having me stroke you long and hard boner, Dumb-dumb?" she asked cheekily.

"F-fuck yeah," said Jason in sort of a trembling voice.

"Good, because I'm far from done with you, deary." Camilla looked at his eyes wickedly, noting full well the intent that she had behind them. "It's now my turn to get to cum, and I'm going to your cock until either we both cum or until you beg for me to stop."

"Please do," said Jason. "It's time you got your pleasure."

Jason's cock was still hard, and he was happy to see her partner taking the dominating role in their session. Jason was sometimes the one on top of her, but she also liked becoming the one who pounded onto him in turn. He pulled his pillows from the top of his bed and rest his head on them, looking on at Camilla as she climbed on top of him. His cock had now recovered enough so that they could continue with the next stage of their session, and both were eager to carry on.

"Are you ready for a good pounding, Dummy?" asked Camilla teasingly.

"Let's see what you're made of, Camilla girl," quipped Jason.

Camilla climbed on top of him, aligning her warm snatch with his length. She was ready to get started with the pounding, and she hoped that she'd get to give it her all toward making the both of them happy. She lowered herself onto his tip, feeling his slick cock onto her clitoris.

Slowly but steadily, Camilla allowed herself to be penetrated by the long member. She slid her pussy onto his member, his cock slowly sinking into her depths. This wasn't far from the first sex session the two will have had, and it was something they both enjoyed greatly. The two of them were going to make the most out of this steamy session, and all of it would start with Camilla lowering herself more and more onto her trainer. His cock slid down deeper and deeper into her tight and warm vaginal walls, the fire of the fire-type keeping her trainer's cock long and erect. She continued lowering herself, welcoming the familiar feel of her partner's cock as she slid down even more.

The Blaziken knew fully well what her limits were. She knew that her lover's member would reach to the back of her canal, hitting her cervix and the deepest parts of her womanhood. In all honesty, she had been hoping to have a sex session with her partner for the longest amount of time now. She craved the feeling of having a penis deep within her vagina, and she was happy to feel him deep inside of her as she continued to bury him deeper and deeper into her. And it was a feeling that she relished and wanted to keep experiencing.

Soon, her trainer's cock hit her back wall, and there was no more cock for her to engulf. She loved the feeling of something thick and hard inside of her. She hopped up and down a little bit before rising till only his tip remained inside before coming crashing down onto him. She picked up the pace of her humping, sliding him along her walls as she contracted her pussy for even more pleasure. The session started slowly but quickly progressed to one that was both energetic and euphoric.

Camilla kept the steady pace of her rising and falling, feeling the pleasure shoot up her back as she was getting more and more engrossed in the session. She was in love with the feeling of finally getting some cock, and she wanted to ride her partner for all he was worth. There was not much else to their sex session other than to ride her trainer hard and fast, doing their absolute best to achieve orgasm. And the sex was something that the two of them enjoyed to the nth degree. There was hope that they'd both cum at the same time, together as a loving pair.

For ten long minutes afterward, Camilla rode her trainer's cock like a cowgirl, doing so in the cowgirl position and rising and falling onto him at great speed. There was not much else to the session except seeing how far their combined endurance would last. Jason was panting hard from the warm and intense pressure he felt around his cock - though since he had already cum he'd been on his way towards acquiring his second orgasm. Camilla, on the other hand, proved to have great endurance, not slowing down for an inkling as she continued rising and falling onto his member.

The two were poised for achieving the heights of pleasure, with Camilla moaning loudly as she rose and fell. The pressure was mounting behind both of their sex organs, and their stamina was about to run out. They were aiming for achieving the heights of pleasure, hoping that they'd cum together in unity as their minds were barraged with small nervous spasms of jubilation that mounted further and further. There was nothing that could stop the two from achieving their goals for pleasure, and they were bound to reach those blessed heights the longer they pursued them.

Jason began to feel the familiar burn behind his cock as Camilla felt her pussy beginning to contract even more and more from the excitation. These were the little precious bits that remained of their sanity, what remained in their minds, and those tiny threads were getting thinner and thinner the closer the two were to achieving the feeling that they'd both been striving for. And the closer they got to achieving this new height, the more the two felt that they'd be able to jump off the cliff and into the freefall that came with orgasmic relief.

And when that moment came, it hit both lovers hard.

Camilla slammed one last time onto her trainer's cock, pushing him as deep into her as he could go. Jason's cock once again erupted with orgasmic euphoria, though not much sperm came out after having expended his seed by shooting it into Camilla's mouth. But Camilla was the one who felt the most pleasure, her vaginal walls contracting hard after finally achieving the pinnacle of pleasure, the heights that she had strived in achieving ever since she brought her partner with her into the room. She wanted this moment so badly, and she was happy to get to experience this with her partner.

As for poor Jason, the man's mind was struck by another mind-melting orgasm, his head leaning back against his pillows as he felt the orgasmic rush fill his mind. He didn't know anything else other than the bliss that came with orgasm, and he was more than happy with having achieved these heights with his chickadee pokémon partner.

But it seemed that perhaps Camilla's orgasm proved too strong. Her face was empty and blank, noting how her mind shattered into billions of pieces as she leaned forward and collapsed onto the body of her partner. Jason felt the thud of his partner collapsing on top of him, but he was also too lost in his euphoria to even notice what had happened to him. The two lovers were now together, with Camilla's warm body laying onto the one belonging to her partner. She lifted her head to look at him, a wide smile on her face as the man with steel blue eyes looked at her in turn.

This was exactly the kind of thing that Jason perhaps needed to help him recover from the severe slump he had been feeling all this time. It was because of Camilla that he was able to recover his senses, and without her, he would've indeed fallen into a deep depression. He didn't know what to expect from his life the way he was carrying on, and in truth, he shuddered to think about the dark thoughts that would've formed inside of his head had they not been kept in check. But overall, the young man was happy to share this moment with his partner. He had achieved orgasm not once but twice, and for sure Camilla was feeling that same about her release.

Camilla smiled as she looked at her partner, as happy as trainer-loving pokémon could be.

"Feeling better now, Dummy?" she asked him.

"As good as I can be, girl," said Jason with his smile. "Thank you for bringing me out of my mind's madness. I was in a funk for a little while, and I'm glad you brought me outta that mess."

"Good. Because the next time I see you depressed, I'll conk you on the head to snap you out of it. I can't be giving you sex every time that you're a mess."

"I kinda wish you would, hehe," snickered Jason. "Sure would beat getting a hit on the noggin every time I goof up."

"And if you keep goofing, I'll keep hitting," warned Camilla.

"Calm down, Miss Rotisserie, there's no need for violence." *conk* "Ouch! See? What'd I tell you? No need to get all angry and solve your problems with violence," said Jason as he massaged his head from the hard hit he took.

"Oh, shut up and kiss me already, Dumb-dumb."

Camilla leaned down onto him and pressed her beak onto his lips. Her tongue stuck out, dancing around with his tongue as they relished the kiss they had with each other. There was nothing quite like ending the sex session on a high note to encapsulate what their relationship meant to one another. It was another jolly, comedic moment for the two lovers, with Jason more than happy with reciprocating the love that he felt towards the female pokémon who truly cared for him and made him feel like the happiest man on the earth. There was nothing like romance and sex to allow one to climb out of a depressive slump, and he was more than happy for what Camilla did for him.

The rest of the evening would be spent with Jason and Camilla cleaning up and getting ready to head out the door. The day was ahead of them, and the two decided that heading out somewhere to eat would be the perfect thing to follow up on such a pleasurable sex session. Though perhaps the Shire Lake Bordeaux Eatery was too fancy for their tastes, eating at a still high-end restaurant would certainly allow the two to make the most of their time together.

The V8 engine of the Charger SRT Hellcat Redeye roared to life, with Jason's alcohol levels having lowered back down to acceptable levels. He was more than capable of driving, and as he and Camilla sped off for downtown Lakeshire Town, there was the hope that the two of them could spend a magical evening underneath the setting sun of the lake shore.

And it was bound to be an outing that would prove to be just as magical as the sex session that both of them relished taking part in. And the evening was high with the promise of even more memories being made as the future brought good tidings.

So one could hope...

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