The Two Grandpas Next Door

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This is a story I finished at the end of 2020, but never uploaded because I was wanting to get art to go with it; which ended up being this one, by FA: taighet_28. Those of you who might have been patrons of mine at the time might have already read it. It pained me to hold off on posting this for so long, as I was really happy with how it turned out. Big thanks to FA: brophey and FA: Karwood for letting me use their characters for this.

In this story Ash grew up in countryside, with his only neighbors being pair of older Anthros who he interacted with pretty regularly. Since then, Ash isn't the little pup he used to be and is back at home, for his Spring Break from college. But when he pays his two neighbors a visit, he has to confront the little crush he'd begun to develop for the older wolf and bear.

Art is by FA: taighet_28

Brophey belongs to FA: brophey

Karwood belongs to FA: Karwood

Ash belongs to me

The Two Grandpas Next Door

By: Ash Cinder

Featuring Brophey and Karwood

Sitting on my childhood swing in front of my house I gazed around the vast countryside in the middle of nowhere where we called home. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the relaxing evening. It was spring break, and instead of spending it vacationing in some far-off location, I was spending it relaxing at home, away from my university.

I said that like I wished it was the opposite, but in reality, I liked spending a week back home after months of living on campus.

I stepped off the swing and walked back up to the house, entering the kitchen, pouring myself some lemonade and chugging it down.

I looked over at my mom, making a pie to eat after dinner tonight.

"Aw, looks like I'm short on cherries," Mom said.

She looked out the window at the neighbors' place just down the road.

"The neighbors have a cherry tree, if I remember right," she said to herself before turning to me. "Ash, could you be a big help and go see if Brophey and Karwood have any cherries they could spare?"

"Sure thing mom," I said, putting my drink back in the fridge, "I'll try not to be too long, but you know how those two love to talk my ear off," I said with a chuckle as I went out the kitchen door.

I always liked when I could find an excuse to pay our neighbors a visit. Brophey and Karwood had lived just down the road from us even before I was born, and they were the nicest neighbors we could have asked for... I mean they were our only neighbors within walking distance in the small patch of farmland we both lived on, but still. I was pretty sure they were an old married couple, but oddly enough I couldn't remember it coming up in conversation.

Brophey was an older wolf, who I think had just hit retirement age as I graduated high school. He was a bit like my unofficial third grandpa. He was certainly the definition of "grandpa", with a very thick, white beard, a pair of glasses, a bandana and overalls, and was usually smoking a pipe. The perfect image of the "soft rural, non-redneck" type, you know, the type you imagined would be sitting in a rocking chair on the patio, smoking his pipe, while you sat on his lap as a kid and listened to him tell you stories from when he was your age.

Karwood was a grizzly that wasn't quite as old as Brophey. Whereas Brophey looked like the "soft rural" type, Karwood looked more like the fisherman type. Like Brophey, he also had a beard, and he usually wore a fisherman's hat and button-down shirt. Whereas Brophey reminded you of the grandpa you'd sit in a rocking rocking chair with, Karwood was more akin to the uncle who'd take you on fishing trips and stuff with your dad.

They were both great guys, practically unofficial family members to us growing up, sometimes pupsitting me if my parents were away, other times helping me and my dad drive into town to run some errands.

I'd been enjoying traveling out of state going to my university, but it did bum me out sometimes, not being able to see them every day anymore. Was glad to finally pay them a visit now during my week off.

I knocked on their front door and waited, looking back down the road at my house. After a few seconds, I heard the door open.

"Well, hey there Ash," I heard Brophey greet me.

I turned back to see him in the door and my eyes went wide with surprise. There was the old wolf standing in his doorway, completely naked. Jeez, is he going senile on me? I thought to myself

"Uh, hey sir..." I said, trying not to stare too much. "Did, I... catch you in the middle of something?"

He looked down before looking back at me with an awkward look, I guess forgetting he'd been nude until I'd mentioned it.

"Oh, sorry for the surprise, son," he said with a hardy chuckle. "Our A/C broke on Monday and we've been making do without clothes to stay cool until we finish fixing it. Probably should have put something on before answering the door, but I guess eventually you get used to walking around with nothing but your fur on," he said with a chuckle. "Good thing you weren't some salesman or Jehovah's witness, come on in."

He ushered me inside and I wandered in. Jeez, he wasn't kidding, it was pretty damn humid in there and they had fans running everywhere.

"Yeah, it's kind of gross in here, but at least it didn't wait until summer to break down," he said, taking a seat on the couch. "Don't make yourself miserable on our account, you can just put your shirt and stuff on the rocking chair if you want."

I was super nervous, yeah it felt too hot in here to keep my clothes on, but... well, I was hard. Here's a little fact about me... I have a thing for older men, and Brophey was definitely a major GILF. My eyes wandered a bit, admiring the sexy granddad bod he was sporting, complete with grey and white chest fur, which thinned out a bit around his belly, forming into an eye-catching treasure trail that led to his sheath and balls, likely pretty musky being in this hot house all day.

Most people cringe at the very thought of seeing a much older person's body, but I'm the opposite; the more mature a man looks, the more turned on I get!

"So, what brings you here?" He asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at that college of yours you got accepted to?"

"It's spring break sir," I explained, tossing my t-shirt on the rocking chair, deciding to only get half-naked, "I go back next week."

"Nice, so instead of hitting the beach, you're kicking it down here at home?" He asked, taking a drag of his pipe.

"What can I say?" I shrugged. "The beach is overrated."

"Yeah, why spend your week relaxing on the sand, admiring all those bikini-clad women, and chiseled lifeguards, when you can be sitting in a humid farmhouse admiring this?" He joked, giving his belly a slap and laughing.

I tried to laugh with him, even though all I could think was "You're sexier than any spring breaker I could find at the beach!"

"And to what do we owe the pleasure of you dropping by our place today?" He asked, taking a drag from his pipe.

"Uh, mom was making a cherry pie, but I guess she was short a couple of cherries..." I almost trailed off, my eyes drifting down to look at his cherries, but I snapped out of it. "She wanted me to ask if you two had any to spare?"

"Sure, we do, just picked some yesterday."

I heard some footsteps down the hall.

"Jeez, fixing that damn A/C is gonna kill me," I heard a familiar voice. "Who was at the door?"

I looked at the hallway entrance to the living room to see Karwood, almost as naked as his partner, apart from his hat. I gulped as I felt myself somehow get even harder. Damn, it was hard enough keeping cool when it was just Brophey in front of me, but now Karwood? I just hoped that my bulge wasn't noticeable.

"Well," Karwood said, walking over to me, "ain't this a nice surprise, how're you doing Ash?" He asked, patting my shoulder. "Didn't expect to see you again until summer."

"It's spring break," I said, trying not to stare at his unmentionables.

"Ah, of course, forgot about spring break."

"Anyway, he's here cause his mom needed some cherries for a pie," Brophey said, getting up. "Gave poor Ash a bit of a surprise when I answered the door," the wolf said with a chuckle.

I blushed as Karwood gave a laugh back.

"Sorry for the two-man nudist colony," he said, patting my shoulder again as I got up. "If we just get that A/C fixed, you won't have to bleach your eyeballs after your next visit."

I let out a nervous laugh as I followed Brophey to the kitchen, continuing to try and conceal my hard-on.

"So, about those cherries," I said, entering the kitchen.

"Way ahead of you buddy," the canine said, already snapping a lid on a container of them.

"Perfect," I said, walking over to him as he closed the top of the container, "I'll be sure to bring you guys some pie--"

Suddenly as we were walking toward each other, Brophey lost his footing, letting out a yelp as he fell forward on top of me, making me follow with an even louder yelp.

My eyes went wide as I felt the naked elder wolf on top of me, his grey chest fur rubbing against my nipples. I hoped he couldn't feel my painfully hard bulge poking him. I could smell his scent now, very musky and sweaty from the heat, god it was intoxicating. I began to fantasize about him pushing my face into his pits and forcing me to inhale his musk. I quickly shook the thought from my head and looked up at him. Karwood rushed into the doorway.

"Shit, you both okay?" He asked.

"It's okay," He groaned, "the boy broke my fall," he joked, looking down at me. "You alright, pup?"

"Y-Yeah..." I said, feeling my face getting hot.

"Sorry," he said, pushing himself up off me, "your sense of balance gets a little wonky once you get to be my age. Uh..."

I looked up at him, confused as to why he trailed off before I followed his gaze to his chest, and I think my heart stopped. Both my paws were groping both sides of the large wolf's chest.

"Getting a little pawsy there?" He asked.

I yelped and pulled them away, embarrassed that I'd been unknowingly groping him. He got up and I quickly scrambled to my feet.

"S-Sorry," I stammered, "I-I was just... pushing you off me..."

"Right..." he said, not sounding convinced.

I saw his eyes quickly look down for a second before making eye contact with me again.

"Let me get those cherries," he said, walking over to where the container landed.

I turned around and while his back was turned looked down and felt myself blush even harder as I noticed the outline of my cock was fully visible! Damn those tight jeans! And I wasn't the only one who noticed.

"Damn, boy," I heard Karwood say with a chuckle, "didn't know you were related to a horse."

"Kar!" Brophey scolded, handing me the container.

"What? It's a compliment," the bear defended.

"Don't make the poor guy uncomfortable. I mean I already fell on top of him."

"Well," I said nervously, trying to shake it off, "now you know why I didn't want to take off my pants..."

There was an awkward silence.

"So, guess that means you like what you see?" Brophey asked, smirking a bit and blowing a bit of smoke out of his pipe.

"Maybe I do..." I admitted matter-of-factly.

"Nice," Kar said, walking over and putting his paw on my shoulder and looking back to his roomie. "Looks like you and me still got it then."

They both laughed, and I couldn't help but join them. I could feel myself still blushing, but the knot in my stomach was going away now that I didn't have to hide anything anymore.

"Don't worry son," Kar reassured as the three of us walked back into the living room, "we were your age once too, used to get awkward hard-ons all the time."

"Part of being young and full of hormones," Brophey added, sitting on the couch, reloading his pipe with more tobacco and lighting it. "Happens to every young stud."

I sat next to him and Kar followed, leaving me in the middle of the two much older furs.

"You still wanna keep those pants on?" Brophey asked. "Not like you need to hide anything now."

I blushed a bit, but just shrugged.

"I guess you're right, and I don't want to be the only weird one wearing clothes."

I unzipped my pants and slid them off, followed by my underwear, letting my red rocket flop out, sighing with relief now that it wasn't so confined.

"Damn," Karwood said, marveling at it.

"Mhm," Brophey agreed.

I took a quick glance at both of their lower bodies and could see theirs were starting to emerge as well. Boy was this visit turning out a lot differently than I thought it would on my walk over here.

"So, you like guys?" Brophey asked, exhaling some smoke.

"Is it that obvious?" I joked, blushing a bit. "Yeah, I definitely like men... especially older men..." I admitted.

"Oh?" They both asked, smirking at me.

"Why's that?" Karwood asked.

"I don't know, I guess I prefer guys with experience?" I said, shrugging.

"Ah? So, does that mean you haven't tried much with anyone?" Brophey asked, continuing to smoke his pipe.

"I hooked up with a few guys at college, but we just kind of experimented and didn't do much other than some kissing and pawjobs." I admitted.

"Hm, well Brophey and I have quite a bit of experience under our belts," Karwood hinted, taking out a pipe of his own and lighting it.

"Hard not to when we've been partners for so long," Brophey said.

"So, you are married," I confirmed.

"Been that way for, what, 33 years now?" Karwood elaborated.

"Sometimes when you hit that certain age," Brophey went on, continuing to smoke his pipe, "you just gotta settle down with your best friend on a patch of farmland, and have all the kinky sex you want."

"Heh, wow, I'll keep that in mind for when I get old," I giggled.

"How long till your mom is expecting you back?" Brophey asked, rubbing my thigh with his paw.

I blushed and my cock twitched.

"Well, my trip wasn't supposed to take but a few minutes, but I have a feeling she wouldn't be surprised at me staying a bit longer to 'catch up' with you two."

The two older anthros both leaned against me, sandwiching me between them. I giggled excitedly, wondering what they had in mind.

"Still nervous?" Karwood asked, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Just a little," I admitted, my cock twitching more.

Brophey took a long drag from his pipe before offering it to me.

"Try this,"

"Hm... I've never really smoked anything before," I said, taking the pipe.

"Eases the nerves, give it a try," he insisted.

"Uh, is it tobacco or...?" I asked.

"Nah, I switched to a mild strain of week a few years ago. Better for your lungs anyway."

I slowly brought the pipe to my lips and took and took a drag. My eyes went wide, and I immediately started coughing, smoke coming out of me in bursts.

"Sh-Shit!" I managed to cough out.

"Aw, happens to everyone the first time," Karwood said, puffing some out from his own pipe.

The bear got up and walked into the kitchen.

My coughing eased up after a few seconds and I took some deep breaths.

He came back and handed me a glass of water.

"Should have given you this before you tried it," he said, handing it to me.

I chugged the water, and immediately felt the burning sensation in my chest start to lessen.

"Feel a little less tense?" Brophey asked.

"Well, now that I can breathe, I actually kind of do..."

I meant it, I felt just a little bit more at ease, and it looked like my cock was fully hard as well. I looked down and saw Karwood's paw stroking it. I felt my face get hot and I decided to bring Brophey's pipe to my lips again and inhaled, not too deeply this time. I managed to stifle my coughs enough to hold the smoke in my lungs for a few seconds before exhaling it out with just a mild cough or two. I drank more water to ease it.

"There you go," the bear to the left of me said, continuing to stroke me. "How long has it been since we had a younger friend over to join in on our fun?" He asked Brophey.

"Too long, I'd say," the wolf answered.

"Feels good to help these younger boys discover more about themselves," the bear said, winking back at me.

"Hey, let me see that pipe," Brophey said, "I wanna try something."

I handed it to him, and he looked back at me.

"So, I'm going to take a little drag of this, then I'll lock muzzles with you," he said. "You follow me?"

"I think so," I nodded, getting a pretty good idea what he planned to do.

I watched him inhale deeply from his pipe before he turned back to me again. I felt my face heat up a bit as he moved closer, preparing to kiss me. I closed my eyes as I felt my muzzle meet his, his thick beard tickling my nose and chin. I moaned as he pushed his tongue into my mouth before doing exactly what I thought he was going to do and breathing out the smoke he'd been holding in into my mouth. I felt the cloud swirl around in my mouth as we held the kiss.

It was a bit of a strange sensation, but I liked it. I breathed it in and then exhaled it back out into his muzzle, making him moan back at me. We kept this going for a few seconds, some of the smoke escaping through each of our nostrils while we exchanged the smoke between us.

Meanwhile Karwood was still jerking my erect cock, getting faster and faster. I gasped feeling the bear flick his tongue against the tip. I pulled away from the kiss to glance down at the bear, whose face was now inches from my cock. He shot me a little smirk and licked it again. I let out a moan, my cock twitching in his paw.

"That feel alright?" He asked.

I nodded. I was so excited I could already feel my orgasm building.

"Y-Yeah, I just wasn't expecting that," I said.

He licked my cock again, this time letting his tongue linger a little longer. I panted before turning back to the elderly wolf, who was taking another hit from his pipe. Without exhaling, he turned his attention back to me and brought me in for another kiss.

I happily accepted, locking muzzles with him again and letting him breathe his smoke into my mouth. I put my paws against his chest and rubbed his grey chest fur, teasing his nipples a bit. He let out a deep moan as I breathed the smoke back in his mouth, some of it escaping through my nostrils. I let out an equally pleasured moan while Karwood kept jerking and licking my cock. Brophey rubbed his big strong paws against my body and we both breathed out through our noses together, all the smoke forming a cloud around us. It was so erotic doing this with furs two generations older than me!

Suddenly I felt a wet tightness around my cock, my eyes flung open and I felt myself burst. Karwood yelped but didn't remove his muzzle from my cock. I panted and Brophey rubbed my chest while Karwood swallowed the rest of my orgasm. My body was trembling, I was a little annoyed with myself for cumming so prematurely, but this was still the most fun I'd ever had as an adult!

"W-Wow..." I panted.

"Someone sure had fun," the bear said, licking his lips.

"Too bad it happened so fast," I tried not to sound too disappointed.

"Why are you talking like the fun's over already?" Brophey asked, rubbing my torso up and down with his paw.

"W-What else did you two have in mind?"

"Ever been spit roasted?" The wolf asked, blowing some smoke out his nose.

"W-What's that?" I asked, instantly getting hard again.

Brophey let out a deep chuckle and Karwood stood up.

"Follow us to the bedroom and we'll show ya," the grizzly said.

They both helped me up from the couch and led me down the hall to their bedroom.

"We shouldn't get too hot in here, I'll leave the window open," Karwood said.

"We won't get too loud?" I asked, worried my parents would be able to hear from across the way.

"Do you know how many times we fucked with the window open while you were growing up?" Brophey said with a smirk.

I blushed.

"So, what's 'spit-roasting'?" I asked.

"First, have you tried a little butt fun yet?" Brophey asked, patting my ass.

I blushed hard and my tail wagged nervously behind me.

"Just a little," I confessed, "I may have bought a toy while I was away from home..."

"Nice," Karwood said, giving me a slap on the back, "so how big is it?"

"How is it compared to me?" Brophey asked, stroking his hardened cock.

My face was burning up as I stared at it and thought about the one I had in my dorm. Brophey's seemed a lot bigger, but I felt like I could handle it...

"Well, it's a little bit smaller..." I admitted.

"A bit?" The wolf asked, "I'm asking cause the last thing I want to do is have to explain to your mom why you're not going to be able to sit down for a while."

"I think I can take it... you have lube, right?" I asked.

"Of course," Brophey said, walking over to their dresser.

Karwood went ahead and crawled onto the bed, laying back, with his erect cock pointed up. He smirked at me and stroked it.

"How about you come over here and return the favor from earlier?" He beckoned.

I giggled and crawled onto the bed, putting my face up close to the bear's cock and giving it a lick. I fondled his balls while I licked his shaft slowly. It tasted nice and musky, perfectly aged. Karwood moaned, reaching down and petting my read mohawk. I looked to the side, seeing Brophey taking a tube out of the dresser drawer and walking behind me with it.

"This is gonna be fun," Karwood growled, floofing the fur on my cheeks.

I giggled and wrapped my muzzle around his member, slowly moving my head up and down. I felt Brophey climb onto the bed behind me. He gently rubbed my butt with his large paw, giving it a gentle squeeze. I wagged my tail and giggled.

"I'm gonna start lubing you up," I heard Brophey say. "If it feels too uncomfortable or you need me to slow down, don't hesitate to say something."

I let go of Karwood's cock and looked back at the bearded wolf behind me.

"Okay Brophey."

My tail wagged behind me excitedly as I turned my attention back to the grizzly's cock in front of me. I stared up at him as I stroked it and he looked back with affectionate eyes. He stroked the fur on my right cheek with one paw and stroked the red fur on the top of my head with the other.

I gave his cock a few more licks, tasting some pre that was already leaking out of it. I murred at the salty taste of it.

"You enjoying that grizzly cock, son?" The bear asked.

I nodded, taking it into my muzzle again and slurping it. I then felt Brophey's digit start to slide into my ass and I let out a moan, my cock going fully erect once again. The old wolf wiggled it around inside me, stroking the fur on my back with his other paw. I breathed deeply and kept moving my head up and down slowly on the bear's cock.

"That hurt at all son?" Brophey asked.

I made eye contact with Karwood and shook my head. It was slightly uncomfortable at first, but I was quickly getting used to the feeling of something moving in and out of my rectum. Only question was, was I ready for his cock?

"He says he's alright," the bear relayed.

"I'm gonna try adding two fingers now," Brophey informed me. "Just let me know if I need to stop."

"Mmhm..." I moaned.

I gasped and moaned louder, as I felt him push his middle finger inside me alongside his index finger. His fingers were sliding in very smoothly thanks to the lube. I panted excitedly, knowing I was getting closer to Brophey topping me. I looked back up at Karwood, continuing to exhale smoke from his pipe. He looked back down at me with a warm smile and petted the top of my head.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" He asked.

I wagged my tail and blushed.

"You like pleasing your two granddaddies?" He asked with a grin.

I deepthroated his cock in response and he sighed happily, ruffling up my red mohawk. I giggled and squirmed as Brophey pushed his two lubed fingers deeper inside me. He spread his fingers every now and then, making sure my ass would be nice and stretched so he could enter me comfortably. He growled deeply and I felt him give my balls a quick lick, making me jump.

"Mmm, I don't think I'll have any problem fitting inside you," he said, pulling his fingers out and giving my tailhole a lick. "If you think you need a little bit more stretching, I'll be happy to take more time to prepare you, otherwise... we can get started?" I could hear the anticipation in his voice.

He seemed as ready to do this as I was. I pulled my muzzle off Karwood's cock and looked back at Brophey.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready!"

My tail began wagging wildly again before I felt the elder wolf grab it, using it to lift me slightly as he teased my entrance with his member. I breathed deeply, waiting for him to penetrate me. I tried turning my attention back to Karwood's cock, but I was too focused on the wolf behind me. I just slowly stroked the bear's cock while the wolf rubbed his tip against my entrance.

I let out a gasp as I felt him slowly push it inside me. Karwood chuckled a bit and patted my head while I tried to keep servicing his cock. I slurped the salty precum oozing out of it while my tailhole clenched around the thick wolf cock sliding into it.

"Been a while since I felt a tight young bitch around my shaft," Brophey murred, stroking the fur of my back.

I blushed hard, this wasn't the first time I'd tried taking something up there, I experimented with some toys back at my dorm, but I hadn't taken the real thing until now! It felt incredible, I could feel it throbbing inside me, or maybe that was my tailhole throbbing around it?!

I felt the old wolf stop pushing just where his knot began. I breathed slowly and deeply, fondling Karwood's balls while I continued to suck him off.

Brophey leaned forward, pushing his soft, furry belly against my back and nibbled my ear. He petted my head, combing my red mohawk with his claws.

"Feeling alright?" He whispered in my ear.

"Mmhmm..." I moaned.

"Not in any pain?" Karwood asked?

I gently shook my head, my body starting to tremble with excitement.

"Good..." Brophey whispered in my ear, "now we can take this coywolf for a ride."

I felt the old wolf grab onto my hips and begin thrusting in and out, nice and slowly. I moaned and deepthroated Karwood's cock. I felt the wolf's thick member slide in and out of my entrance, making the fur of my spine stand on end. I couldn't believe I was getting spit roasted between two old men more than twice my age! I'd really hit the jackpot!

My body rocked back and forth gently. Each time Brophey pushed into me, he'd force more of Karwood's cock down my throat. I made a small yelp each time the grizzly's shaft slid down my gullet. Karwood caressed my head tenderly while Brophy bred me.

I took a deep breath through my nose, God the smell in here was intoxicating, the smell of hormones, weed, and sweat. I didn't mind that it was warm in here either, it just made us sweatier and sexier!

I felt my own cock rubbing against the bedsheets while Brophey humped me. I could tell it was leaking pre, no doubt all this excitement would make me go off again! My body tensed up as Brophey started to hump me a little harder and faster. Karwood ruffled my mohawk and smirked at me.

"I'm getting pretty close, and with the way Brophey's really starting to give it to you, I'd say he won't last much longer either," the bear said with a chuckle.

I blushed and wagged my tail. I couldn't wait for the both of them to fill me from both ends! I really hoped they'd go off at the same time!

"Someone's sure loving this!" Brophey growled.

I let out an excited yelp as I felt the wolf grab my tail before using it as leverage to help him pound away at my needy tailhole. His hips slammed into mine, making a rapid _pap, pap, pap_noise, my eyes started to roll back in my head as I began to just lose myself in this moment, letting the both of them take control of my body and use me as roughly as they wanted.

I moaned and trembled, eager to feel the two daddies burst inside of me!

"You still good, pup?" Karwood asked.

I held up a thumbs' up, and let out a very slutty moan.

"Are you hungry, boy?" Karwood growled.

"Mmhm..." I moaned.

I yipped, feeling Brophey give my ass a little spank.

"Hope you've got enough room for two loads," the wolf added. "I have a feeling this is going to be a big one!"

He gripped my hips tightly and began going all in smashing into me so hard, it pushed Karwood's cock down my throat each time. The bear noticed this and proceeded to lean back against the pillows and relax while Brophey did all the work. I let out pleasured whines each time Brophey's cock jabbed my prostate, my eyes teared up slightly from how far Karwood's shaft was forced down my throat.

My limbs trembled at the force Brophey was fucking me, I felt pressure in my cock and knew I was close as well.

Brophey gave one more hard thrust and held me there as he erupted inside me, letting out a deep growl. At the same time, the grizzly in front of me let out a deep moan and I felt his warm seed flow down my esophagus. My own cock pulsed as well, splooging all over the sheets.

Brophey lowered his soft body down on top of mine, while he continued to gush inside of me. The elder wolf wrapped his arms around my body and rubbed the fur of my chest. I wiggled giddily and clenched against his cock. Karwood gently petted my head and face while I sucked his cock dry.

None of this felt real, it felt like a dream, being filled and caressed by my two childhood neighbors! I moaned and breathed deeply through my nose, I was very much enjoying all the attention they were giving me. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of their paws exploring my body. I felt Brophey's drift down and rub my belly, while Karwood scratched under my chin.

"Looks like I was right about this being a big load," he said proudly, "that belly feels rounder than when we started."

"That's how all good spit-roasting should end, with the canine in the middle brandishing a full belly," Karwood added, winking down at me.

Now that they mentioned it, it did feel like my gut had expanded. By this time Karwood's orgasm had died down so I pulled my mouth off his member, letting it flop onto the mattress.

"You guys sure you hadn't been saving all that for me the past few days?" I asked.

"Guess it just worked out that way," Karwood said, giving my head a pat.

Brophey's bushy beard tickled as he licked the side of my neck.

"I think it's time for some after-sex cuddles," he said, sliding his cock out of me.

He crawled up past me and got on the left side of the bed, while Karwood scooted over a bit to make room for me in the middle. I took the hint and got in between the two older furs. They both pushed their bodies against mine and rubbed me with their paws. I blushed and looked down at my swollen belly. They were right, they filled me up good!

Both of them took drags from their pipes while I snuggled against their soft frames. I rubbed both of their grey chest fur, letting out a content sigh.

"Did our pup enjoy himself?" Brophey asked, turning my head to look up at him.

"He did," I giggled, blushing harder.


Brophey pushed his muzzle against mine in a deep kiss, blowing some tobacco smoke into my mouth while working his tongue around inside it. I ran my fingers through his grey beard before he broke the kiss.

I turned around to Karwood, certainly not leaving him out.

"That's right," he said with a happy sigh, "give papa bear some sugar."

Our muzzles met and just like with Brophey, he blew some smoke into my mouth with the kiss. Brophey pushed from behind so that our bodies were even more sandwiched together. I moaned into the bear's mouth as our tongues slid in and out of each other's maws. I rubbed his fuzzy belly and inhaled the smoke from his mouth.

Once the three of us had our kisses we just lay there, cuddling in peace for a little while. I could have just gone to sleep there had I not known that my mom expected me back with cherries soon.

"This was the most fun I've ever had," I spoke truthfully, "but I should really start heading back up the road before my mom starts wondering why I'm taking so long."

"Yup, don't want her to suspect something," Brophey replied, pushing himself up.

"I'll get you some more cherries before you go," Karwood added.

"Right, let's not forget that," I said with a chuckle.

I followed them to the kitchen, picked up my clothes from where I left them, and made myself presentable for the walk back home.

"That was definitely a nice way to spend an afternoon," Karwood said as he handed me the container of cherries. "We should do it again sometime."

"If you're ever in town between semesters, don't be a stranger," Brophey said, giving me a pat on the butt.

"I-I won't," I said, blushing.

"Now run along home, you little scamp," Karwood said playfully, seeing me to the door, "before your mom sends out the search party."

"Bye guys," I giggled on my way out.

I made my way back home down the dirt road, thinking about all that had just happened. I really just let my two neighbors fuck me from both ends at the same time. I still couldn't fully believe it myself. Well, once I finished this semester, summer break was definitely going to get a lot more interesting.

I opened the backdoor and stepped into the kitchen.

"Mom, I'm back, and I got the cherries."

"Wonderful, you were taking so long I was afraid they didn't have any to spare." She said taking them from me.

Though from the size of that belly, I'd say they had more than enough.

I my eyes went wide and I blushed hard when she mentioned my belly.

"Jeez, Ash, you really couldn't wait till I made them into a pie?"

"Uh... yeah, sorry mom, you know how much I love cherries..." I said nervously.

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Blah the Otter

Strannik Wolf