Elektra's Night Out

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Elektra, a powerful and beautiful vampire tiger goes to Club 32 to have a good time and hoping she'll meet someone speiacl. And tonight's her lucky night as she meets, Sara a pretty fox girl who's also looking to hook up with someone after being tired of going out with men. Sara is about to get more then what she thought would happen tonight along with Elektra.

Always wanted to do a vampire story and after a scene from a short comic I saw gave me the idea to write this.

Had fun writing this!

The music thumped loudly as Elektra walked down the sidewalk, hitting straight for Club 32. It was such a lovely chilly night, a full moon with dark clouds floated above the city. Trees shedding their leaves onto the streets. Street lights flickered with a few of them burned out. "Oh, how beautiful the darkness is." Elektra through to herself as she reached the front entrance of Club 32.

She glanced over at the moon again, oh it was so lovely to look at. "Oh, how I wish I could forever gaze upon the moon and stare at it's beauty wherever I go. If only I could block out the dreadful sun! It covers every inch of this planet in it's awful light. Exposing everything to everyone as it despises the shadows! The beautiful darkness I love. The sweet cool breeze I enjoy feeling against my body."

Elektra stepped into Club 32 as she was nearly tall as the bouncer. He made eye content, but the moment Elektra turned her piercing purple eyes it made him look away. Elektra lightly smiled and continued on. Wearing a black leather jacket, tight black leather pants, leather boots, tactical gloves, a small black leather purse. Long jet black hair, black lips, black shine yet sharp claw nails.

As Elektra walked past by all the men sitting at the bar. They glanced at the tall, muscular tiger woman as she was the most beautiful woman they have ever seen. But Elektra paid no attention to them. She wasn't interested in men, she was only interested in women. At the dance floor were a mixture of humans and anthros dancing around as the thrash metal pumped loudly out of the speakers and lights above shined red, blue and white.

It didn't take long till Elektra found what she was looking for. Dancing by herself was a very young and attractive arctic fox girl. Wearing a red leather jacket, short black tank top with a metal band album cover on it, tore black jeans, a punk style belt, running shoes. She had long white hair and ice blue eyes. For a young vixen, she had lovely huge breasts that looked like they wanted to break free from being covered up, wide hips and a nice thick butt.

Elektra reached for the leather jacket zipper and pulled it down just enough to expose her cleavage. She couldn't wait to let her large breasts be free, as she hated covering them up. Walking towards the arctic fox, she quickly took notice of Elektra. Those pretty ice blue eyes looked up at her piercing purple eyes.

Despite the loud thrash metal, Elektra soft yet powerful voice broke through all the noise as she asked, "Hey there, mind if I dance?" The arctic fox was unable to speak as her eyes just stared back at hers. It was like she was discovering what true beauty really was. Elektra was about to ask her again when the arctic fox spoke. "Umm, sure. I won't mind some company."

Elektra lightly smiled as she danced with the vixen. She could sense her spirits have been lifted the moment she lay her eyes onto Elektra. As the two dance they slowly got closer to each other till the arctic fox couldn't resist the urge to touch her. Elektra allowed the vixen to explore her body as they dance.

Feeling those soft paw hands against her muscular body really turned her on. Elektra then placed her hands around her and felt her soft, warm body. Not only that, she felt the blood flowing through her. But she didn't wish to kill her, no that's not the reason why she came to Club 32 was to find a lover, not a victim.

Elektra felt this vixen wanted to explore more her body as she playful tugged on her belt and caught her blue eyes staring at the zipper wishing she could pull the rest of it way down so she could see, Elektra's beautiful large breasts. "Let's go get a drink." She said, and the two went over to the bar.

As the bartender brought over two beers. The arctic fox said, "I'm Sara, it's nice meeting someone friendly for once." Elektra lightly smiled and replied, "I know how that feels. Specially creeps as I despise them. Oh where are my manners? I'm Elektra." Sara had her hand out as Elektra shook it and said, "Nice to meet you." The two women reached for their beers and drank them.

Elektra lightly nodded her head with a light smile and asked, "So, you come here offer Sara?" Sara replied, "Yeah. When I'm in mood for a few drinks, dancing and maybe getting with someone I find interesting. But I hardly go out with men anymore." Elektra drank her beer and said, "Yes, some men I find are difficult to deal with."

Sara said, "Tell me about it. One time I go out with this guy and at first he seems fine. But the moment nobody is around, he turns into a jerk. Just glad I go to the gym every week as I busted his balls for trying to rough with me." Elektra asked, "He never bothered you again?" Sara shook her and said, "He avoids me knowing full well I can do to him." Elektra grinned and said, "I like that. I love seeing both the beauty and toughness in a woman like you."

Sara giggled as the two finished their beers and ordered two more bottles. Sara asked, "What do you do for a living, Elektra?" Elektra replied, "Art, I'm an artist. I do both paintings by blush, air bush along with sculpturing with clay, wood and sometimes with ice." Sara said, "Wow, I never thought I meet an artist. Do you have any of your artwork on your phone?"

Elektra brought her leather purse over, unzipped it and took out her cellphone as she brought up her art gallery and pass it over to Sara to look at. As Sara looked through the images, Elektra glanced around her surroundings, then brought her eyes back on Sara. She said, "Wow, these are incredible. Do you sell any of your artwork?"

As Sara gave back Elektra her cell phone, she replied, "Yes but the ones I favour the most I keep in my castle." Sara asked, "You own a castle?" She lightly nodded her head. Sara said, "I didn't know you could buy castles." Elektra drank her beer and said, "Well, I didn't buy it. First, I bought the land then had it built since nobody makes castles anymore. To me I find most modern houses and high-rise buildings very boring and plain to live in. Living in a big castle feels so much better."

Sara replied, "I bet it does. I'm stuck living in a run down apartment that's seen better days. And I can't wait to move out as I really don't enjoy living there." Elektra said, "Before I own my castle, I lived in an apartment and at first it was fine till noisy neighbours came in and bloody hell were they a nuisance." Sara lightly shook her head and said, "I wish it was easier living with other people. I don't know why most neighbours have to act like jerks most of the time." Elektra said, "It's a real shame, as most forget proper manners and respect these days."

As they drank their beer, Elektra asked, "So, what do you do, Sara?" Sara replied, "Oh. It's nothing really interesting what I do." Elektra asked, "Part time job?" Drinking her beer, she said, "No, full time. I work at a hotel cleaning rooms and other stuff. Yeah, not the most exciting work in the world." Elektra finished her beer and asked, "What do you really want to be?"

Sara drank her beer, then placed the empty bottle away from her and said, "To tell you the truth I'm not really sure. After I finished high school a few years ago, I been wanting to go to college and get a career I rather have but. I'm not sure as I feel I never have enough time to decide and think about as I hardly get free time. And when I do, I make the most of it." Elektra knew this was the moment to use her psychic powers to gain Sara's trust, as she really did like her a lot.

Looking into her eyes and using her powers, she asked, "Would you like to have a career in art?" As Elektra did this, she placed her hand on top of Sara's hand. Looking into those pretty ice blue eyes as Sara was unable to break away. Sara said, "Well...I...I used to enjoy art when I was high school. But I haven't done it in a while."

Elektra said, "I'm willing to help you out, as I can show you many creative ways of making art." Sara's jaw hanged open a bit then asked, "You're willing to do this for me?" Elektra increased her psychic thoughts on Sara and said, "I'm willing to do anything for you." For such a young woman, Sara had a strong mind as it showed how focus and strong her will was. Elektra even sensed the potential of turning Sara into a vampire, as she would look even more beautiful than ever before.

Elektra glanced over at the clock on the wall, it read 1:00-AM. She still had enough time before the sun came to rise. She looked back into Sara's eyes and said, "Come live with me and all of your troubles will be gone forever. And why waste time with college when I can give you whatever you want." Sara blushed a bit, Elektra sense her sexual urges inside of her too. Moving her left hand closer to Sara and placed it onto her thigh and said, "But I know you want more than just a new job."

Sara blushed even more as she couldn't resist touching Elektra's thighs while she lightly purred. Sara then placed her hand onto Elektra's crouch and stoke it. She then leaded over and whispered in her ear, "Want to go have some fun?" Elektra gave Sara a playful expression, as Sara lightly smiled and nodded her head.

After paying for their beers, the two women left Club 32 and walked through the city a bit until they reached the park. Sara said, "I wish I bought a warmer jacket. It's so cold tonight." Elektra replied, "I love cool nights like this. Specially when it's full moon." Sara glanced up at the night sky for a bit, then brought her head back down.

The light posts buzzed while a few flickered, leaves blew across the pavement and grass while the trees stood tall and close together. Outside of the light posts was darkness that obscured the rest of the park. Between the darkness was the old gothic stone and iron fence that ran along the park next to the empty city streets.

Sara said, "It's so peaceful here. I enjoy jogging here but never late, as it can be unsafe." Elektra replied, "Yes, it's a shame there are people who cause nothing but trouble for others." Sara said, "Yeah! All those damn creeps, perverts and stalkers!" Elektra replied, "Yes, they are terrible people." Sara said, "It would be nice if someone came along and got rid of them all." Elektra said, "I agree with you on that."

When the two women reached the centre of the park, it was in the shape of a circle with more trees. There was a fountain with a round stone wall, in the middle was sliver angle like beings flying through the air as water flowed around them. Sara walked up to the fountain and said, "This is so beautiful. Sometimes I just stare at it's beauty, forgetting all my problems." Elektra placed her hands onto Sara's shoulders then said, "Yes it is."

As the two stared at it more, Elektra added, "But it could be more beautiful." Using her powers, Sara watched as the water changed into blood. At first she was shocked by it, but found herself drawn to it. Elektra sense so many desires within Sara, it felt like years since she felt these feelings from another woman.

Elektra turned Sara around to face her and asked, "Now then, shawl, we get to know each other more?" Sara asked, "Here, in the park? Won't someone see us?" Elektra lightly purred and said, "Nobody will bother us here." Then a thick fog rolled into the park as Sara notice it. It was like they were in another place, as she could hardly see outside of the park or anything else.

Sara's eyes looked into Elektra's then her large breasts as upper part of her massive cleavage was exposed. Elektra sense her heart was beating faster, along with her sexual urges growing stronger. Elektra said, "Go on, do what you always dreamed of." Sara couldn't resist holding back these feelings anymore.

She reached for the zipper of Elektra's leather jacket and pulled it all the way down till her large breasts popped out as the leather jacket fell onto the stove pavement. Sara gasped at the size of Elektra's large breasts along with her big thick black nipples, as they were fully hard. Staring at them as she reached for them and felt how firm yet soft they were. Sara gave them a good squeeze, then rubbed them as Elektra purred louder.

Sara continued to group Elektra's large breasts, then felt her thick nipples. She moaned while giving them a light pitch. Reaching for Sara's light jacket, Elektra unzipped it as she took it off. Pressed against her black shirt, Elektra saw Sara's nipples were hard. Elektra didn't have to say anything to Sara. She pulled off her shirt along her huge breasts to be free as they bounced a bit.

Sara giggled as Elektra placed her hands onto them, giving them a firm squeeze. Sara closed her eyes and moaned as Elektra played with them for a bit, then worked her hand down towards Sara's crouch. "Oh, you want this badly. I can tell." Elektra said as she allowed her to unbutton her pants then pulled the zipper down. Sara moaned louder as she felt Elektra's fingers moving under her panties and fingering her pussy.

Sara lightly bit her lip as she moaned more. When Elektra stopped, she brought her hand over to mouth and licked her fingers. "Oh sweetly, you're in heat, that really turns me on." Elektra said as Sara reached for Elektra's belt and unbuckle it, unzipped it then pulled her tight leather pants down. Once Sara saw Elektra's big black pussy, she didn't even hesitate. Sara brought her muzzle right up to it and began licking it.

Elektra moaned as she held onto Sara's shoulders, purring away. She felt Sara pushing her tongue deeper inside of her. Elektra then brought her hands onto her thick butt cheeks, giving them a firm squeeze while spreading them apart. When Sara was doing eating out, Elektra then lifted her up and brought her close as the two pressed their lips together and kissed.

With their arms wrapped around each other. Elektra used her powers to remove their boots, so they were fully naked. She enjoyed feeling the cool breeze against her muscular body. Elektra enjoyed the taste of Sara, as she too couldn't get enough of her. After they broke away, the two stared into each other for a bit. Then Elektra rested her down on the pavement and brought her muzzle towards Sara's pussy and licked it.

Sara moaned while playing with her huge breasts, feeling that big soft tongue getting deeper inside of her. For a moment, Sara thought she was dreaming the entire event and would be woken up by her alarm clock or some other loud noise any minute now.

But it never happened. Sara continued to feel that tongue inside of her reaching the sweet spot. And when she felt so close to her climax. Sara knew this was really happening and nothing was going to ruin it for them. Breathing heavily as Sara moaned loudly, feeling a strong orgasm as her pussy leaked with juices and Elektra sucked every drop.

Sara said, "Aww, that felt so amazing!" Elektra giggled and said, "Oh, we're only getting started." Elektra stood up and held out her hand to Sara. Reaching for it as Elektra pulled her up. Sara then grabbed Elektra's large breasts and said, "Mmm, these tities have been making me thirsty!" Elektra grinned, with Sara helping herself to Elektra's right nipple. Licking it then began sucking on it.

Elektra lightly moaned as she reached for her pussy and began fingering herself while grouping her left breast. Sara lightly pulled on the thick nipple with her lips as she groped the other breast with Elektra. Then Sara tasted warm breast milk in her mouth. "Suck every drop." Elektra said and Sara did what she wanted.

Elektra couldn't wait to turn Sara into her ultimate form, the next stage in her life of becoming a beautiful yet powerful vampire like her. Sara kept drinking more breast milk from her, as she could sense her body changing. After a while, Elektra couldn't wait anymore. She wanted the sweet, warm blood flowing through Sara's body.

Elektra moved Sara's muzzle away from her breast. She asked, "Wanna suck on mine?" Elektra lightly smiled and said, "Soon, but first I have something else in mind." She turned Sara around, then got on her knees and licked the side of Sara's neck. Sara moaned as Elektra brought her muzzle closer to her shoulder top. Holding her firmly and using her powers to relax her.

Elektra then brought her fangs onto her shoulder top and bit into her. Sara gasped, but didn't move. Elektra then crawled around Sara and pressed her nose into Sara's left breast. Sara looked over to see the two bite marks as blood began to pour down chest and onto her left breast. As it dipped off her nipple, Elektra licked it and began sucking on her nipple. Sara moaned as more blood kept pouring down onto her chest. Elektra groped Sara's right breast, enjoying the sweet taste of blood and breast milk. Sara gasped, feeling her nipples leaking with breast milk.

After Elektra had enough breast milk, she licked her lips then licked all the blood along to Sara's shoulder top and bit down again as she began sucking on her blood. "Oh, how long I have been craving for this." Elektra thought. But reminded herself that she didn't want Sara to be too weak.

When she had enough, she released her fangs from Sara as her teeth were covered in blood. Sara said, "Wow, I never had that before." Elektra asked, "Would you like to try it?" Sara replied, "Oh yes please." Elektra wrapped her arms around her and said, "If you want to become like me, show me how badly you want it." Sara brought her lips to Elektra's and kissed. While doing this, Elektra used her powers to turn Sara into a vampire.

When Sara felt it, she didn't resist it, reject it or try to fight it. She accepted it as the power flowed through her body. It's been so long since Elektra has found a woman like Sara, as it's been too long. Once she transferred enough of her power to Sara, she broke away with her kiss to Sara's ice blue eyes were now glowing along with two fangs. Sara moaned as her huge breasts grew bigger along with hips and butt becoming thicker.

Sara lightly moaned as she brought her muzzle above Elektra's right breast and bit into it. Sucking on the blood as Elektra moaned loudly. She rubbed Sara's head as she did this. "That's it, drink as much as you like." Sara kept sucking more blood out of her till she had enough. Looking at Elektra with her face covered in fresh blood as it oozed down Elektra's breast and dipped off her thick nipple. Sara helped herself licking the nipple and began sucking on it.

Blood poured onto Sara's face, making it red along with her breasts. Elektra moaned, then said, "Aww, bite the other one." Sara brought her fangs onto Elektra's left breast and bit into, sucked some blood, then allowed it to pour down onto her as her large breasts creating a waterfall effect. Covering more of Sara's body in blood, she then brought her face close to both of Elektra's tits, placed them into her mouth and sucked on both of them.

Elektra purred loudly, then glanced up at the full moon glowing brightly in the night sky. When Sara had enough, she wiped her lips as Elektra placed her hands on her shoulder tops and asked, "Taste good, doesn't it?" Sara giggled and said, "I love it." Elektra grinned and said, "Yes, it's wonderful." Using her powers, she healed both herself and Sara. Sara looked at herself, then Elektra, to see the bite marks were gone.

Elektra said, "We better get going now as it will be dawn soon and we can't be exposed to the dreadful sunlight." Sara nodded her head as the two began putting their clothes back. Sara asked, "And my job?" Elektra replied, "Forget about your old life. It's over. This is your new life. The one you always wanted." Sara thought about then said, "You're right, I been wanting to escape it for so long. This is my chance. And to get to see your castle."

Elektra giggled as the two walked out of the park and towards a parking lot. Waiting for them was a black, shiny luxury sedan. Elektra got into the driver's seat as Sara sat beside. Elektra started up the car and said, "Now, I have a few rules you must follow. But other than that, you'll be living in paradise." Sara grinned as they drove off. She said, "I'm looking forward to it."

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