Acheron Part 5

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#5 of Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction

Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel (c) Vivziepop

I also made up some hellhounds^^

Loud music is booming from this building that's about the size of a small hotel, I'm a little nervous as I've never been to a part before, much less one meant for hellhounds. Now that I think about, Loona is 7 feet tall... how big are the males of the species? Loona's told me that she's the average height for a female hellhound and she's told me the guys are a lot bigger, but by how much?

I look to Loona "So, what do I do?"

The hellhound looks to me "Just chill and have fun the best way you know how, you'll stick out a little but I made sure to let everyone know that this isn't your typical scene. A heads up though, the guys can be a little rough, the gals are a little more easy but like me they have teeth." giving me a grin the whole way through, she looks back forward "I think you'll do fine, you're good at adapting and figuring things out."

We make it to the front door and there is a large hellhound, he's around eight feet if I had to guess and his build is of heavy muscle, a coat of dark greys and it looks like he's blind in is left eye, meaning I come up to only his mid-section roughly... I'm going to be the smallest person here by far.

Loona smirks "Hey Tex, we're here to party!"

The large hound looks "Hey Loona, glad you can make it." a grin on his muzzle, he looks to me "And you must be this Adam we've been hearing about. Name's Vortex." holding his hand out to me.

I shake his hand "Nice to meet you Vortex."

The hellhound looks me over "Like your digs little man, nice to see you've got your own edge."

Vortex leads us in and it looks like an improvised night club, the music sounding like some kind of rock or heavy metal, a little loud for my tastes but I'm enjoying it. Some of the hounds look our way and I am by far the smallest one here with the shortest hellhound looking to be a female hellhound just under Loona's height... compared to everyone here I'm a pup. Now I'm lost, even back on Earth I've never understood parties as to me it is kind of another language, I was more use to doing what I did best and sticking with it, which largely pertained to things like games and machines. If I did do something that required me to be outgoing I usually stuck with a close group of friends or others that I knew. Kind of ironic, the only time I feel comfortable going out alone was basically out in the field, now I'm a hunter among hunters and feel like I'm now prey.

Loona looks to me "Find someone or a group and mingle, try to find a click and go with the flow, we'll catch up later." with a grin.

I give her a nod with a smile of my own as she goes somewhere and Vortex heads over to what I think is the bar. I try to put my mind into a different mode, specifically when I go on mission, I take Loona's words in and make that into my objective, I begin to move around and I'm a little nervouse looking at the hounds towards their eyes as I'm not sure if it'll trigger a response. A female hellhound waves me over, she's adorned in a more punk-rock outfit with two other female hounds one wearing an outfit resembling a pastel goth fashion and the other adorned in a emo get up.. I give a nod and move over, taking some deep breathes to relax my heart.

The one who waved me over smirks "Here he is, the human." taking a sip of her drink "You look a little lost pup. I guess this isn't your ground."

I give a bit of a nervous chuckle "Uh... yeah, but I wanted to try it out. Anyway, I'm Adam, it's nice to meet you miss....?"

The hellhound gives a nod "Name's Hex, these two girls are my packmates."

The pastel hound is a little ditzy "Impala!" with this joyful grin and carefree.

The third hound gives me a simple smirk "Edge is my callsign."

I take a seat with them "It's nice to meet you ladies."

Hex giggles a little "Seeing a shy guy trying to break out his shell is always an interest, they tend to be the most... flashy, with some polish."


Loona is watching the human from behind a few hounds, a smile forms on her features as she sees him moving from his comfort zone, she can smell how nervous he is like everyone else and she knew some of the ladies will help ease him in.

Vortex comes over "How is he doing?"

The white wolf gives a slight nod "He's hanging out with a few hounds, Hex and her pals are pulling him in."

The large hound looks over while crossing his arms "Those three always help the newcomers, but I think he'll fit in no time.", he looks back to Loona "Already everyone is refering to him as 'pup' or 'puppy', think he'll take offense?"

"I doubt it, once he gets into it Adam goes all the way almost regardless what happens, he just needs to start talking and he can go for hours.", she looks to him "I knew he would go with hanging with the ladies in the end, since he's hung out with me and has an idea of what to expect."

A thought comes to the larger hound "You did tell him how rough we can get right?"

Loona gives a nod "I made sure to keep him in the loop on that, he told me if he gets caught in a fight or mash up he'll handle it the best way he can."

He raises a brow "With no weapons?" to which Loona gives a shrug.


Moxxie and Millie are sitting around having some dinner, the latter being all excited her parents are coming around and the other silently droning at it, as the last time they saw each other... things didn't really go that well.

Millie puts on a thinking look "Hmm, I wonder how Adam and Loona are doing." she looks to her husband "Adam isn't exactly known for dealing with crowds."

Mox raises an eyebrow "From what I know, hellhounds are a little... crazy, I can see a few trying to assert dominance with him, but given he's small compared to them and he'll likely be the youngest there, they could see him as a cub or something. I don't know, I'm just spitballing."

The female imp give a faint nod "I can kind of see that, but Adam has made a bit of a reputation for himself so I can see him getting into a fight too."

The two finish their dinner and Mox begins to look over a few client invoices as Blitz had a quick errand to run and asked Mox if he can look over the few files and sort them out. The imp goes over each one and sorts out the best combination for each one, typical lines of texts talking about affairs, murders and being the death of a revenge kill which earns a slight chuckle from him. The seventh and last file catches his attention, the client went into talking about agents injecting him with some kind of chemical, the description of death detailing muscle spasms and breaking bone before their body splattered. Agents? Adam did share with him what that sinner demon had informed him of, it's now confirm how far the progress is coming along. Mox texts Blitz about what he's found as he thinks it's important and brings up that they should talk to the client more about this. Normally, Mox wouldn't suggest such a thing as they were use to hearing the messed reasons why and how the clients died, but something is really amiss.

Millie sees how focused her husband is "Is everything alright Mox?"

The imp looks to her "Yeah, I just think something is a little off."


Blitz is with Stolas as the bird wished to bring something to the imps attention.

The raises an eyebrow "So you think Mr. Smiley might be up to something?"

Stolas sighs "I can't confirm what he is up to, but Alastor has always been one for stirring up trouble when it suits him. If I had to guess he's after your human friend."

The imp raises an eyebrow "Really? He could have taken him at anytime, why would he try something now?"

The owl sighs "He isn't stupid, he's toppled overlords by being a puppet master pulling strings behind the scenes or being a snake in the grass.", he looks to the imp "No one knows who, but he was caught talking to someone through a mirrior, but it was at the end of the conversation. Something about a secret project."

Blitz hears the text notification on his phone and sees it's from Moxxie, it sparks his curiosity as he looks back towards the owl "I don't think we're the only ones noticing there's a gag going on. Sounds like Mox has caught something when it comes to one of the clients, you think we're being hunted?"

The owl waves it off "Please, the humans for the most part don't know we exist let alone know how to fight us. Those that do are regarded as nutcases and outcasts, ironically the best human demon hunter we know works for you.", he moves towards the balcony "If Adam is the target, it would be wise to bench him for a time. But he's become accustomed to the hunt, going after prey and delivering the killing blow and I know you won't consider it."

Blitz thinks for a moment "I'll send him out one more time, I have a feeling that we know the assignment we need to check out and if it's what we think it is we'll put him on stand by. I'll just be sure to talk to him before we head out so he's up to date."

Stolas isn't too fond of the idea as there are too many unknowns, for all they knew at any time a trap could be sprung no matter were they wen't and he knows if he uses his royal status to force Blitz to have Adam stand down it'll draw all kinds of attention. He decides to agree with Blitz in the end, though he does advise to keep the human close while on the next mission just to be safe. But if the sinner demon is up to something major they need to uncover it fast, but they don't know why Adam has caught his interest at all as he was much like any other human aside from his training and some of his know-how, but even then at the end of the day he doesn't have magic or any supernatural abilities any could speak of.

Stolas takes a breath "But anyway Blitzy, with all the stress from this puzzle and Stella's antics, how about we...", he looks to the imp "Have some fun?" those quad-eyes glowing red as he zooms over to Blitz.

Blitz blinks a couple of times "Alright, but I'm on top this time, tired of being the pitcher." with a fiendish smirk.


The hound party is in full swing, as the music is getting more energized with not just Hex, Impala and Edge remarking about it but several others, that they smell I have hellhound girlfriend with some of the males being completely shocked, especially when they glance over to Loona herself. Dancing has never been my strong suit but the three ladies help me get into the grove a little as they help teach me little on how to move, which is good as the last time I tried to teach myself to dance I had some mixed results. I think since my body has become better conditioned I am handling it better and I'm getting it reasonably well with Hex even showing me a few routines with a partner.

Hex gives a smirk "You're a fast learner, though try to improvise and mix it up, it'll take some time but you'll find your mix."

Impala blurts out "Do you like to sing? There's karaoke in the back!"

Edge giggles "Impala, he just got done learning to dance, let him breathe."

"Actually that sounds like fun, I use to play some singing games back on Earth."

The three bring me to a singing room and I let the ladies go first as I want them to have some fun too, I find myself rocking my head as the ladies steal the show, honestly is definitely something I struggle with so I never did it that much even by myself but here it's all in good fun, besides if I mess up they won't make a big deal of it. For my turn we go over the list of songs and surprisingly I recognize a lot of the music, though I decide to go with one I think they'd know to and go with Crazy Train by Ozzy Osborne, surprisingly not only am I singing alright but I can actually feel my vocal cords being more fluid and my lungs not being as rigid as I hold notes and I begin to dance around and add movement as I really start to get into it about a minute in a half, the hounds look both surprised and enjoying the music, I guess all that trained paid off in more ways then one... though I'm not sure how. I finish up the song and the three hellhounds go into full applause mode, I give a bow as I give them a verbal thank you.

Edge raises a brow "Dang you did amazing, the look of power metal and you can shred, with a chill feel."

Hex snaps her fingers "Are you comfortable playing in front of a crowd? Why should we have all the fun? If you show them the same vocals you just did for us, it'll help bring you into the fold."

I blink "Heh, heh, Uh... I'm not too fond of being in a crowd, let alone being in front of it. But I think I'll give it a shot. I have a question though, what do you mean by 'show'?"

Impala gives her voice "We hellhounds can feel emotion from our hearing much like how our smell tracks it, it plays a role in rivalries and it helps us stay in tune with our friends and mates."

Edge folds her arms "Plus it's how our ancestors hunted their prey."

I blurt out "That is so cool!" with an intrigued smile which causes them to blink, I relax a little "Uh, I've been learning more from Loona but I always get blown away when I hear something new."

The three ladies put on smirks as they give some nods, Hex speaks up "It's good to see that some like to learn more about us, not because they have to but because they want to. Are all humans this curious?"

I shrug "Eh, depends on the person and what their tastes are, much like anything else. I've always been as interested in learning mythology and reading about things like Hell and demons is just as fun as it is speculative."

Edge tilts her head "You're making it sound like you've always wanted to explore here." earning nods from the two other hounds.

"That is true, it's crazy I know. But we've always wondered what lays after death and we've always been trying to find a way to walk between both worlds."

Impala lazily crosses her arms "You humans are a strange bunch."

We eventually leave the back room and the stage is lit as one of the hellhounds begins to sing a heavy metal song, I decide to put my name down for it and now I just had to wait, I'm nervous but I can't wait to get on there.

Loona comes over to us "Lost track of ya hon, enjoying the party?"

"Definitely, I've never really been to something like this." with a smirk.

Hex looks to Loona "I guess you know how to pick em Loona, I've never seen anyone go from being reclusive to part of the scene."

Loona gives a light roll of the eyes "I'm not sure about that, we just clicked together.", she looks to me "You are the talk of the party though, I guess being a human in Hell just puts a spotlight on you."

I chuckle "Yeah, I think I'm just going to get those looks no matter what." as I scratch the back of my head.

Loona puts on a thinking look, she relaxes her eyes to a more smooth look "After your song, there's something I want to talk to you about."

"Okay, I'll come find you after I'm done."

After a few performances my name gets called, I get on stage with everyone looking surprised as the beginning of the song begins to play, most if not all of them perking their ears and I begin to sing to Army of the Night by Powerwolf, the hellhounds start to get into as I let loose, I was thinking of doing We Drink Your Blood or Night of the Werewolves, but I wasn't sure how they would receive it. The song runs it's course and the entire room gives into some appluse of one or another with some howls mixed in.

A shewolf calls out "Can we hear you howl?!" all energized and another this time a guy "Heck yeah!" as quickly down a glass of water.

I think 'Couldn't hurt, what's the worse that can happen?', I take a breath and I begin to howl to ceiling as I activate the lights on the inside of my jacket, some of the hounds join me as more cheer, suddenly I hear something shatter in a high-pitched ping, the howling and applause slowly stop as I calm down, I look to my hand and the empty glass in my hand is no more as crimson begins to flow, the strange thing though is that I don't feel any pain, I can feel the glass but nothing else.

A nearby hound comes over with a first aid kit, we get the cuts cleaned up and the glass pops out much to everyone's surprise, including me for obvious reasons. The cuts soon heal completely, I blink in confusion and I test out my hand, it's perfectly fine as if the cuts were never a thing.

The hound looks to me "Is that normal for humans?" her expression being just gold.

"Not at all."

I get the glass cleaned up and the hounds pat me on the back for not just the performance but for the howl as well, I think I definitely left an impression on them all with Hex, Impala and Edge giving me praise. Loona brings to one of the back rooms, she locks the door and we sit on the bed next to each other.

I raise an eyebrow "What would you like to talk about? You wouldn't pull me aside if it wasn't important."

The hellhound looks to me with a little bit of a nervous expression "Remember how last night, we slept together naked?"

I give her a nod "Yeah, I enjoyed it very much." with a smirk.

Loona blushes "I don't know how you feel about it, but I was wondering... if you were ready too uh, have sex?"

I blink at her for a moment "I'd be lying if I said it hadn't crossed my mind. I've never done it before so I don't really know what to expect."

Loona takes my hand "It's just I feel the same and I want to mate with you.", she holds up her other hand as she looks to it "But I am afraid of hurting you with my claws or worse my teeth, you have seen what I can do with either.", she puts her hand down and her eyes gaze on me "I'm just not sure."

I gently take her other hand as I give her a kiss, I lay into her "I just want you to be happy Loona, if you don't want to do it then we won't, if you want to we will." as I snuggle her.

Loona places her head on top of mine "But what if I hurt you?"

I blink "We won't know that detail until we try, from what I've heard so far hellhounds can be a little rough, but from what I've heard of somethings back on Earth, so are some humans during the act.", I look up to her "You've seen what my body has been through, I think I can take whatever happens."

Loona brings my head up, she kisses me on the lips and invades my mouth with her tongue as her eyes look into mine, bringing a hand of hers to my back while bringing the other to my crotch, we stop kissing and she licks my face "Then my mate, let's have a helluva ride." those eyes practically beaming.

We get our clothes off and we begin to really examine each others bodies, she kneels and begins to examine my penis and balls, dragging her finger along the shaft, I give a light gasp as the sensation hits me. I gently caress the side of her face and give her a kiss. I look to her breasts and I begin to gently touch and feel them, they are soft to the touch and fold a little under my grip.

Loona's blush is becoming just as red as her outer eyes "Go ahead hon, suck on them, because I'm gonna suck and lick this in a minute."

I give her a nod and I begin to suck on her right breast, the hellhound begins to moan and she begins to go a little faster. After a few minutes, Loona gently pushes so I back away from sucking her nipple, she gets on all fours and begins to lick my penis and balls, I gasp here and there as I feel my left leg twitch a little. Loona brings her right hand up and slaps it on my rear as she engulfs me, I let out an "Ah!" as the sensation grows.

I look down to see those eyes of hers looking up at me as she gives a loose grin while going back and forth, I put my hand on her head and brush it through her hair "Ah, good... girl.", I shiver as I can feel something building in my balls "I think I'm... I'm gonna cum!", I begin to move my hips as I take the back of her head as Loona slaps my ass with the other hand, as soon as it hits I gasp while pressing her against me as I feel her nose hits me and I release into her maw.

I pant as I let Loona go and she gets up as she swallows the cum, a smile forming on her face "That tasted great, but now you have to get me off.", she gets on the bed back to all fours, lifting her as up as she shakes it with her tail out of the way "Go ahead, lick my pussy and eat me out!"

I get onto the bed and examine her, her nice round cheeks, tight-looking tailhole and her pussy looking nice and wet, I don't know what it is, but I can smell something coming from it, what ever this smell is I can feel my brain go crazy as my penis almost instantly flares back up and I can feel something of instinct kicking in, I want to do more then eat her out and drink her juices... I want to just mount the hellhound and shoot into her womb, but I don't want to rush it. I put my hands on her hips as I take her in, I begin to lick her opening, juices from the tunnel drop-by-drop hitting my taste buds and it has thing lingering sweet-taste as the scent grows in powers, I feel cock getting really hard as I shake a little, I want to mount her... I want to so badly! I try to get up a little but her legs wrap around me one at a time and I see her looking back towards me.

The hellhounds gives a smirk "Yeah, you really wanna pump that seed into this bitch because of what my musk is doing to you.", she glances down as I release some pre-cum "Aww, your virgin dick wants in my virgin pussy as your cheeks burn and spunk rumbles in your balls. Eat me out good enough and I'll let you inside." with a teasing smile, showing those teeth of hers.

I keep licking her and sucking her folds to shoving my tongue in her tunnel, all it's doing is making me more eager to shove myself in there as I think I'm about to release no matter what but I try to fight it as best I can. She's moaning and gasping as she even bounces herself against me, I need to find a way to up her pleasure and move this along, I think back to when I watched explict videos and remember on occasion seeing something else they would do as I look to her anus... I'm just so desperate, I need to do it. I do my best to get a good amount of my spit on my right hand until it is really drenched, I bring it towards her tailhole and with my pointer and middle fingers I begin to round her rear opening.

Loona gasps "Ah yeah baby! Play with my ass, it feels great!" as her tail really swooshes in the air.

I eventually get it to where I can swirl my two fingers in there and begin to pump her rear with them, I feel her body spasm as she pants.

The hellhound lets out "Ah fuck! I'm gonna cum, enjoy your drink!"

She lets out this spasm as she wails and this clear fluid sprays all over my face, Loona lets me go as I find myself licking the sweet fluid off my skin, I look and see she's on her back and spreading her legs, the panting hound exposing her tongue as she plays with her breasts.

Loona flashes a smile "Come on, get your prize... you've earned it, I want to feel that spunk hitting my walls!"

I practically jump on her, I rub the head of my cock against the lips of her pussy as I lay against her, I slowly put it in which causes her to moan and I eventually get it in all the way, I let loose a moan of my own, it's so tight, wet and warm, I look to her and I give her a kiss which she returns.

Loona wraps her legs around me "Go ahead baby.", she embraces me "Enjoy."

I nod and I begin to slide back and forth slow at first as I want to savor it and suck on her left breast, Loona looks down at me with a warm smile as she gasps and gives blissful squeaks. I can feel my balls growing a little as her pussy juice coats me and them, her tunnel clenching and rubbing my member, I stop suck to catch my breath and lay against her chest. I lose myself in the warmth of her pussy and fur as they both complement each other. I feel something kick in and I really begin to go at it, pumping her and feeling those juices flow, the overwhelming musk hitting my nose as my pleasure centers just scream. I feel the head of my penis burn and get wider to claim more surface of her vagina, her fluids start to drip past my balls and I feel some go down my legs, I let out grunt and go harder and faster, my balls slapping against her harder and harder.

The hellhound cries "Ah, your balls are hitting my taint... oooooooh! Fuck me! Shoot that cum! Yeah baby! Cum! Cum! CUM!!! I want your spunk!"

I can't take it as I was holding it in and I cry out as my hips go faster and faster, I slam my crotch against her and cry out loud as I fire my load, Loona gives this orgasmic scream of bliss, my cum after a few squirts starts to leak out a little as I spasm and gasp, I collapse completely onto her as I feel wiped out.

Loona embraces me and begins to lick my face, I look to her as I see that smile of bliss on her lips as she keeps our bits together, I begin to try to lick her tongue and quickly both fo them are licking each other as she occasionally thrusts her tongue in my mouth. We soon stop and we just lay there trapped in each others embrace as she puts her head on top of mine.

The hellhound gives a purrish growl "That was amazing hon, how was it for you?"

I take a breath "Ah, paradise." in cloudy bliss as the effects of the musk still have me in a trance.

Loona gives me a kiss "We'll do some more later, right now let's just lay here."

I look to her "I love you... Loona." tiredly.

The hellhound gives a warm smirk "I love you too Adam."

I can feel something up with my back, to be fair she was holding me pretty good, but I don't care as I spent this wonderful moment with her. I enjoyed it all from the foreplay to the musk and finishing in her, even though it was torture here and there it was good torture. I slowly close my eyes as I lay on her breasts, I don't want to leave this spot any time soon.

To be continued...

Starlight Part 6

Vanessa and Sabrina are having a lunch out before the get together that is happening tonight, the skunk wishing to talk to the doe and fill her in a little given the events with the mystic. Sabrina is someone who could practically mingle with almost...

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Starlight Part 5

Vanessa is in the shower, humming away at the days upcoming events as she looking forward to hanging out with Sabrina tomorrow, the get together with the two of them, her children and Magnum in her opinion is going to go very well. Speaking of the...

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Starlight Part 4

Darkness has the sky enveloped as storm clouds unleash waves of blue lightning, Magnum moves from building to building as he observes the ruins of the modern world as the signs of battle are everywhere, broken bodies, burnt out wrecks of armored...

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