Nick's Devotion

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#37 of Recontextualize

Months after her rescue, Judy's desire for excitement reaches higher and higher heights. Nick realizes he needed a plan after she goes to Finnick for some fun without his knowledge.

It hadn't been easy to live with Judy ever since her return. She changed after months of being a sex slave. Even though she resumed her job at the ZPD, she wanted more than just an ordinary life. She didn't just want sex but seemingly craved degradation and humiliation. He didn't understand it, and only partook periodically and then only hesitantly. What he understood was she loved these encounters. The brand that she had on her chest still hadn't faded - it probably never will. She had "Koslov's Slut" branded into her stomach - and she was still on good terms with the bear by visiting him monthly where he abused her more.

Her lifestyle spilled over into work: she started wearing a vibrator and a diaper while on the job. Not so subtly, she misplaced the remote in front of him multiple times until he got the hint. Still, he hadn't used it but kept the remote.

She never outright demanded that he should use it but heavily implied it - to the point that she sounded disappointed. Maybe a quip that her other friends were more fun - namely Sasha and Tasha whom she met during her ordeal. More abusers took advantage of her - and she allowed it. Those two had a thing for diapers.

It was supposed to be an ordinary lunch with Finnick however things took a turn.

"You should be more like me, Nick," Finnick said.

"Come again?"

"I fucked your bunny bitch in the ass, then made her clean it off afterward. She even thanked me."

Nick laughed. "When?" There was no way this happened.

"This Thursday."


Judy was sitting right beside them. "Got a problem with it?" She dared him to say something.

"I..." Nick couldn't bring himself to ask her not to have sex with Finnick. "Why are we talking about this now, and in public?" They were in a fast food restaurant for crying out loud.

"Come on, Nick. You know that she must be bored if she went to me," Finnick said.

"Gee, thanks," Nick said. He had to voice that so openly. "Don't suppose you're meeting next week too?"

"Haven't decided yet," Judy said.

It was as if she was challenging him to do something. He still had the remote to her vibrator which he hadn't used yet even though weeks had passed. Eager to change the topic, he made some comments about the upcoming movies. What he needed was a plan - she would never be happy with just mundane sex.

An opportunity presented itself a few days later when they were stopping a robbery in progress. They were chasing two otters that ran into an abandoned building.

He chased his target upstairs into a room with a dead end. The otter carrying a small bag of cash had nowhere left to run.

"There's nowhere for you to run," Judy yelled, signaling that she nearly caught her target too.

It would've been better if he caught his otter first, but time was running short. His otter was unarmed and thus not dangerous so he assumed the same for the other one. For the first time, he used the remote, and on the highest setting too.

There was a crash.

"What's that?" The otter pointed to the remote.

"Paws behind your back, there's nowhere for you to run," Nick said.

With the otter's paws cuffed together, Nick went to observe what happened to Judy.

Judy was gaining on the otter until her vibrator turned on while she was chasing him down a spiral staircase. She lost her balance and tumbled down several steps until she reached the bottom which wasn't that far. Her chin was bleeding from the impact.

The otter laughed at her. "You cops don't know when to stop chasing."

"Nick?" Judy yelled. "Help!"

"Your partner won't be able to save you. Now, why don't we have some fun?" The otter started taking off his clothes.

"Run away with the money, you idiot," Judy said.

"Who's going to stop us? Sidney's going to pay us a good bonus for bringing you back there too."

"That otter is in prison," Judy yelled. She couldn't go back there. That crazy otter was in prison. He had to be there.

"What makes you so sure? Have you checked? You have a lot of catching up to do."

"No!" Judy tried to run but she wasn't quite steady on her feet just yet. The otter easily overpowered her weakened state.

"Enough talk. Lick." He shoved his dick in her face. "Let me feel that bunny tongue."

"Nick -" The otter used that moment to shove his dick into her mouth.

He looked rather similar to Sidney. Since he was an otter, his smell reminded her of Sidney too.

"You're not even trying. No matter." He withdrew his dick and started tearing off her clothes. "Really? Still wet the bed?"

"What? No!" The only reason she wore a diaper was to convey to Nick that she wanted him to do more. She wasn't willing to outright ask.

The otter had no issue tossing the clean diaper aside. "Quite the naughty one, aren't you?" He inspected the glistening vibrator lodged in her pussy.

"Please stop," Judy cried. She was supposed to be a police officer. This wasn't supposed to happen on the job. Something had to have happened to Nick.

He shoved the toy into her mouth. She got a good taste of herself while he raped her pussy. Only a few mammals took advantage of her that way during her time as a sex slave and none ever since Koslov saved her. The otter loomed above her, and she couldn't force him away. His cum flooded her vagina. There was so much, and she didn't even know his name. Not that she could ask with the toy in her mouth.

"Hey bro, mind if I join in?" the other otter said.

"What happened to the fox?"

"Tied him up, used the remote."

Judy wanted to call for help but with the vibrator in her mouth, only muffled sounds came out. She was able to talk for a second when the new otter took the vibrator out of her mouth. He forced her on all fours then shoved his dick inside deep. Her cries for aid went unanswered.

Tears fell out of her eyes while the otters raped her. She escaped Sidney - it wasn't supposed to be like this. These otters were talking about bringing her back to Sidney for a bonus. If Nick didn't have the remote, she would've been able to save him. Now, the otter was going to get them both, and it was all her fault.

The otter pulled out after his cum flooded her throat. She quickly swallowed the bitter cum so she could talk.

"Please don't take Nick," Judy begged. "I'll go back there."

"But he's a witness. That just won't do."

"I'll be good and do everything he wants."

"You both will."

They swapped positions. A second otter was in her pussy, making her feel unclean. The other otter shoved his dick in deeper and at the same time prevented her from breathing by blocking her nose with his claws.

"You're taking this too far." The otter behind her said.

"How else is she going to pass out?"

"Just don't, okay? Let her breathe your musk."


Not that it was much of an improvement, getting a potent whiff of otter musk yet again. They were still raping her - one behind her pumping into her pussy while the other deepthroated her. She couldn't do anything against her attackers. She was supposed to arrest them.

There were paw steps above - maybe Nick had broken free.

"The fox caught me," the otter behind her said. "He cuffed my paws after I saw him pull out a suspicious looking remote. Then he offered me a deal - I could join in on the fun or go to jail without any. We weren't going to make it out of this - and you should have run."

Nick did this intentionally. She thought she was going back to Sidney all because of him. Everything was his fault!

The otter in front of her pulled out a knife. "Such a shame."

She was going to die because of him.

The knife dropped out of the otter's paw as he slumped over. The other otter slumped over as well. Nick was on the stairs with his tranquilizer rifle.

"Did you have a fun time?" Nick asked.

"I hate you!"

"Now, now, Carrots, tell me how you really feel."

"Get away from me."

"It was good, wasn't it? How the otters raped you - just how you like it. Why else would you go to Koslov?"

She finished freeing herself from the unconscious otters. Nick wasn't listening to anything she said. She marched up to him with a fake smile on her face then she slapped him with all her remaining strength. "He would never hurt me like this. I hate you."

"Look, Judy, I messed up. I'm sorry," Nick said. "What do you want me to do?"

"Give me the remote." Judy still couldn't believe that he thought that was okay to do to her.

Nick obliged.

She dropped it on the ground and stomped it into pieces. "What do I tell Chief Stripes? What about the paperwork? And, I need new clothes."

They were alone - as if to prove that she could still trust him - he undressed, giving his uniform to her. Of course, a fox's uniform was too large for a rabbit but she wouldn't be naked.

"Want a popsicle?" Nick pointed to his cock.

She kicked him in the nuts. "Creep." Although, she did put the fox's uniform on.

"Please stop sending mixed signals." He clutched his balls in agony.

"I don't know how else I can convey that I hate you, and I don't want to be with you anymore."

When they hauled the otters back to the police cruiser - she contemplated taking off alone without him but that would raise too many questions. Even though she hated him, she did stop by his house so they could get him something to wear. She waited in the car while he picked out something for himself. They were still partners - for now regardless of how badly he hurt her. Although, she wanted to be in uniform while on the job so she still wore his oversized clothes.

"Mind explaining?" Chief Stripes asked as he sniffed the air as they walked into the precinct with two unconscious otters in tow.

"We had a uniform mishap. I'll fill out the paperwork," Nick said.

"See you next week, Chief," Judy said.

They dropped the otters off at the holding cells. Judy was eager to get away from Nick. She went to the one mammal that she could depend on - Koslov. Koslov was at Mr. Big's mansion like always barring the occasional visit to his family.

"Can I stay here today?" Judy cried. "Nick hurt me."

"Of course," Koslov said. "Would you like to tell me more?"

Koslov led her to a bed where she could tell him about everything that happened today.

Judy left nothing out. She told him everything including how she started wearing a diaper and a vibrator to work because she wanted him to be more fun.

"The otters raped you?"

"And it was all because of Nick. I thought I was going to go back to Sidney."

"I'm so sorry. Is there anything you want me to do?" Koslov asked.

"Can I stay here for the next few days?"

"Certainly, my slut."

Judy's fur bristled, thinking that Koslov would demand something from her right now. She didn't want to do anything and didn't want to say no even though the bear shouldn't hurt her this way.

"Don't worry, you're safe here." He stroked her back with his paw.

She was right - she could depend on him.

Koslov found this unacceptable. His slut had issues with otters and the use of her pussy. There was also a flash of fear towards him. That wouldn't do. The otters didn't even treat her that roughly. It was only cum after all. The bunny could have her rest for now, but she needed to know her place. Her place was to do anything and everything that he wanted her to do. The only bright side was that her relationship with Nick took a hit so she could be his alone. He had to stamp the fear out of her before something worse could happen.

Luckily, he had a few otter friends that he could introduce to her. Emmitt Otterton on night howlers was also a thought. He could also have her pay Sidney a visit. It didn't matter whom he wanted her to have sex with - her place was to obey. Given her troubles with Nick, a few foxes wouldn't be a bad idea either. The possibilities were endless.

Judy belonged to him.:

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