You Snooze, You Loose.... Everything

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I am accepting commisions and story ideas, as a Pay what you want deal. More details can be found here

This one is for Lazrin who had this lovely art made of their character Morha

Morha stretched her large draconic body lazily in her nest of gold and trinkets, her soft purple fur and delicate feathered wings provided perfect insulation for the cold winter she had just slept through. Sniffing the air while she rested she could smell the scents of spring wafting through the entrance of her safe cave. She let out a content murr at the familiar warmth in her body, the same warmth she felt every spring as her body yearned for a suitable drake to come her way. 'maybe this year' she thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes and rolled onto her front.

With a loud yawn she stretched out and slowly pulled herself out of her nest, the black stripes over her purple furred body contorting with the firm muscles underneath. Before going into hibernation she had stocked up and put on some needed weight, but now she was nothing but toned muscle, ready to take on the spring and show the world her might. As she climbed out of the nest she left her back legs on the edge and gave them a good stretch her long tail flicking back and forwards, the fluffy tip dancing as her muscles clenched and relaxed.

Her soft furred paws making her steps nearly silent as she prowled towards the mouth of her cave, her lavender eyes contacting to small pupils as they adjusted to the midday sun. She shook her head back and forwards as she stepped out of the shadows, her long ears flopping from side to side as she shook.

Morha plopped her hind down on the stone entrance to her cave, being high on a rocky outcropping she did not need to worry much about predators and she took the moment to oversea her territory, the lush jungle canopy below her echoed with the sounds of birds and other animals calling out.

She flexed her retractable claws on the hard stone surface as she formulated a scheme for this year. The neighboring kingdom's gifts were dismal last year, and she contemplated giving them a visit to correct their level of generosity. "Their King always wears such a shiny gold hat, perhaps it's time he gives it to me... If he likes his daughters that is" she smirked to herself. While she wasn't known for being particularly evil amongst the land, there was a certain level of mutual respect that she commanded for not interfering with the kingdoms affairs. "Last year they gave me a bracelet and a horse... What sort of gift was that" she muttered to herself, technically the horse wasn't part of the gift but she felt insulted at the time.

Hunger gnawed at her stomach and she spread her large inky purple feathered wings and stepped off the cliff face, her long flight feathers supporting her weight effortlessly as glided away from the cliff face.

As she flew she could tell something was amiss, her powerful eyes catching sight of a few trees having been knocked over. She circled just above the canopy so she could see that heavy gouges were ripped out of the bark by strong claws. She flapped her wings a few times and made her way around the outskirts of her territory, checking to see any signs of another dragon trying to claim the piece of land she had carved out for herself.

Whoever had fell the trees in her territory made no efforts to conceal their efforts, as she continued her patrol she could see a small village smoldering in the distance. As she flew over she could see the evidence of dragon fire, the stone buildings burnt to slag and their timber supports little more than ash. She frowned slightly, she always hated that town as they were a muddy brown speck on the view she had from her cave, but the idea of another dragon in her territory concerned her more.

She re-marked her territory around the perimeter, making sure to leave new scents and scratches advertising that this was hers and she was not to be trifled with. By the time she was done her wings were starting to get sore and her belly was grumbling.

Flying low over the canopy Morah gave out a fierce roar of challenge, large birds exploding from the treetops in panic and she quickly gave chase. With a few loud snaps of her jaws she collected some, their feathers not ideal but would tie her over until the morning when the larger prey would drink from her river.

She rose on an updraft on the cliff face near the entrance of her home and she landed gracefully in her cave. She took a few steps forward and the fur in the back of her neck stood in end. Her nose twitching as she smelt something new in her cave, her eyes adjusting to her dim cave as she slowly took a few steps forwards. Something about the scent was causing her heart to flutter, her ears perking up to determine the possible threat. She quickly padded forward to check on her nest, her gold was still there and so was the trinkets and trophies she had collected from her conquests.

She whirled around at the deep gravely voice behind her, "Well well well. What has just stumbled into my new lair" glowing eyes emerging from the shadows, their amber ovals reflected the dying light of the sun as their owner stepped out from behind a large stalagmite. His large muscular body blocking all chances of escape as the clearly male dragon announced himself to her.

Morha snarled, teeth bared at the intruder. "What do you mean your cave, this is mine!" her body poised for attack as she crouched low to the ground, her muscles wound tight and ready to uncoil in a pounce at the ignorant drake.

The male dragon continued his slow walk, his body confident and un-caring towards her obvious hostilities. "Was your cave. But I think I shall take it from you. Along with your little collection of... Well to be honest, I'm not sure if this measly collection of junk was even worth the flight up here."

Her claws dug into the ground as she sized him up, he was about the same size as her, well built and in another circumstance he might even be a suitable sire for her eggs. But his arrogance and cockiness was grating in her, he turned to her nest his eyes leaving her gaze as he picked up a small trophy, her teeth grinding slightly as he handled the piece with his paw before dismissively dropping it back into the nest.

"Like honestly, I heard stories of the almighty Morha 'protector of the vale' but I was expecting.... More" he said and turned to her with a smirk, he knew she was getting riled up and for his plan to work he needed her to loose control.

"Who told you my name!" She snarled, her voice a throaty growl that reverberated off the stone walls.

His expression darkened "just a few ex villagers. They called out to you, begged for you really. But let me guess, you were having a nap." He said as he slowly made his way towards her, stopping just at the edge of what she would need to lunge at him. "I don't think you deserve this lovely vale, if you are going to sleep the winter away. But it's ok, it's in safe claws now."

"You will not take one foot of my jungle you overgrown snake." She snarled, his eyes flicked to hers with amusement.

"I think I will, all of it actually. I always wanted a nice home for the spring time, and the view is... To die for" he said mockingly.

A twitch of his tail was the only warning he got as she launched herself at his dark scaled body, her back legs propelling her as her whole body extended to reach him, her long front legs extended fully with her claws exposed and mouth open, ready to rip and rend into the armoured hide of this intruder. Her mind making a million calculations at once as she aimed her jaws for his throat a smug thought running through her brain as he didn't even make an effort to dodge out the way.

As she collided with his body, she knew she had made an error. Instead of scales and flesh in her jaws and claws there was nothing but whisps of smoke. She landed heavily and tripped, not expecting to land on the ground she came to a crashing halt a few feet past where the illusion was. Before she got a chance to turn around she felt a solid firm paw slam her head into the ground, her eyes loosing focus for a second as the owner of the voice slowly materialized. His dark blue hide rippled and shimmered as his invisibility magic failed, the smug look on his face causing her to shiver. She knew she had been outplayed and was now at the mercy of the large blue.

"Bind her!" He barked, his gaze not leaving hers as he held her head to the ground. She tried to kick and pull back but his firm grip held true, she glanced frantically around and saw small kobolds leaping out from the shadows of her home with strong leather straps. He lifted his paw slightly as they slipped a muzzle over her snout and he used his bulk to hold her steady while the little creatures chirped and growled in their own little language.

He moved his paws further down her hide and pulled her wings in against her sides as the kobolds tightened her bindings, the thick leather not budging as she tried to thrash against them. He rolled her to her side and it only took a few moments for him to catch her paws and hold them together, his minions making short work of her limbs and before she knew it he let go of her, her body restrained on the floor of her cave, exposed to the beady eyes of his entourage.

His large head filled her vision, causing her breath to hitch and heart beat faster. "You know, it's in our nature to kill another over their territory." He said with a smirk, he looked dramatically at a claw and then gently ran it down her cheek. "But where is the sense in that. A little dragon like you should not be wasted when you have so much to learn. I think your first lesson will be finding your place in the world." His voice low and heavy, each word hanging in the air

Despite her at his mercy, a part of him was chipping away at her resolve. She thought she was the strongest, the most fierce and feared in the land. But the way he so quickly subdued her was a testament to his prowess and she couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at the idea of letting him take her. His strong body over hers caused her to shiver, his scent filling her nostrils and she felt her body weaken to him.

"But how rude of me, I know your name." He said with a smirk and held out a paw to one of his kobold minions who came scampering over, a heavy thick length of leather in their hands. He snatched it from the kobold and Morha heard the powerful metal click as it was attached to her muzzle "But you can call me master"

She groaned as he rolled her to her feat, her front paws tied together and her rears held apart by a large metal bar, she tried to run but he held her leash in his jaws and pulled her over to beside her nest of gold. Her walk was more of an awkward hop, her wings offering no balance as she was positioned next to his new nest. Her eyes went wide when she saw the kobolds approaching her with a large hammer, it's size almost that if the kobold himself.

"Here will do fine" he ordered the kobolds, one holding a large metal spike to the ground and the one with the hammer driving the spike into the hard ground. She couldn't help but flinch as the spike was driven down, blow by blow. Once almost all the way in, the dragon pulled her to it and firmly pressed her chest down, the kobolds quickly tethering her front to the ground, he then held the leash while the kobolds secured the end to the spike, leaving her chest down and rump up. She swallowed hard and quickly lowered her tail.

"It's ok little Morha. I won't force myself on you." He said, his voice low and powerful. "I won't have to" he added with a smirk. She glanced up at him, something about his strong intimidating presence made her heart beat a little faster, she could feel her body devolving to her primal instincts as she realized she had been beaten by this strong drake. She tried to shake her head, her jaws clamped shut by the strong leather muzzle.

"Let's make this a home shall we?" The drake said rhetorically and then gave a growling noise to the kobolds. Morha looked on in fascination as more kobolds came from just outside her cave, forming a line and then passing chests from one to another. The drake oversaw their preparations with his powerful gaze with his back to Morha as she stayed tethered and gagged next to where she used to sleep.

The drake snatched a chest from one of the kobolds and upended it, gold coins and gems scattering on the floor as he shifted through them for something. "Did you know that the little kingdom of yours tried to pay me to kill you?" He said, picking at the items from the contents of the chest. He glanced back and saw her checking him out, her eyes snapped from his toned rump to his eyes and he couldn't help but smirk. "Truly, something about you not siding with them for some battle with the northern nations... Ah! Here it is" he exclaimed as he pulled out a golden crown from the spilled contents. He lazily spun it around on one of his sharp claws. "Needless to say, there will not be an upcoming battle. The nations to the north are already under my control."

He flipped the crown a few more times and made sure she was watching, with a flick of his wrist he put it over one of his large horns, "What do you think? Does it suit me?" He said and turned his head this way and that. Morha grumbled softly, she had thought that King was a nuisance and was glad that he had been dealt with.

The drake looked around the cave "gods, it's awfully dim in here" he said and his eyes glowed softly as small beads of dancing warm light illumined around her cavern, a sudden warmth washing over her as his magic made her cave warm and homely. "There, isn't that better"

As the kobolds continued to bring chest after chest of gold into her cave her eyes couldn't help but go wide. He saw her tracking each chest as they were upended on her old nest. She couldn't help but feel in awe of this dragon, it would take her a lifetime to accumulate such wealth and she was starting to see how completely outmatched she was.

Her mouth watered at the smell of a roasted deer as the kobolds appeared with a large doe tied to a log and carried it over to the drake. "Ah! dinner, and right on schedule" he said as the meal was delivered to him. "I must say, when I came here I was a bit shocked that you didn't have a few pets." With a crunch he pulled off a leg of the deer with a paw and held it up, her eyes tracking it as he brought it to his mouth. His razor sharp teeth sinking into the succulent flesh, he made no efforts in hiding his enjoyment, a small dripple of juice dripping from his chin. Morha squirmed slightly in desperation, the birds she snacked on quickly forgotten as this powerful dragon ate in front of her. "Oh you want some do you?" He smirked.

He snapped off another leg from the roast deer and brought it over to her, laying down just Infront of her, his whole body filling his vision. "It took me a while to find the right kobold chef, and I must say I think it was worth it don't you think?" He said as he held the leg Infront of her snout by two claws. The warm comforting smells of the cooked deer making her mouth water and he smiled as he saw her swallow. Juices dripping off the leg of meat and onto the leather muzzle around her snout.

"You must be hungry, sleeping all winter. When was the last time you had a nice warm thing inside you?" He said with a smirk. He could hear her nostrils breathing in the fragrant meat and traced the leg of deer down between her eyes and over the bridge of her snout. Rubbing it tenderly over her nostrils, a long tongue slipped out of her bound mouth and tried to reach the meat. He enjoyed keeping it just out of her reach, almost letting her tongue touch the crispy roasted skin.

Her eyes went wide when he finally let her tongue touch the warm roasted deer, her tastebuds flooding her brain with need as her tongue pulled at the leg. He moved it to the tip of her snout and she tried to open her mouth to take it in, the strong straps restricting her jaws too much for her to take a bite.

He smirked at her needy whine as he pulled the food away from her "Whether or not you get some depends on you. You see I take good care of my pets." His eyes drifting over her restrained form. "But I don't think you are wanting to be a pet just yet are you?" He added and chuckled as she tried to shake her head from side to side. "Don't worry, you may find I am quite convincing."

He continued to eat the best bits of the deer, the smell and warmth drifting over to Morha who looked on hungrily. There was still a fair bit left as he walked away from the deer and moved to her side. With a growl in a different languages he ordered the kobolds and they quickly scampered over towards them, collected the remaining deer and hurried out the front of the cave. Morha looking longingly at the meal as it disappeared to be divided amongst his pets.

"So the real question is what I am going to do with my latest treasure." He said softly, "I can't say I have met many like you." He said and she felt his powerful paw on her side. "I admit, if I had such plush fur and warm wings like you, I might be tempted to sleep the winter away as well."

Morha didn't pull away from his paw and felt her body starting to warm to his touch. His paws drifting over her purple and black stripes. He learnt his snout down to her neck and breathed deep. "Such a lovely scent, although what I can't help but notice about your hoard, it's missing the scent of a drake." He teased while running a paw down her spine, his claws gently brushing her thick fur. "To think. Such a little needy ness, all alone in this dark cave.... It's almost criminal." He smiled. He draped a heavy wing over her and he could feel her lean into his side. "That's it. Now you are getting it." He said. He knew what he was doing, the display of wealth, the food, his commanding presence were all tricks he knew to push the right primal buttons on a dragoness.

"And to think, you can be apart of my collection. It doesn't take much, just a little lift of your tail and submit, we both know you need it." He whispered into her ear, his hot breath causing her to shiver in excitement. It took all her will power to keep her tail down, her baser instincts telling her to be taken by this powerful drake, his strong blue body cool to her touch but so much more powerful than her. His masculine scent causing her hips to raise a little more against her bindings, the firm leather holding her securely almost like a strong hug. He lifted his wings and moved behind her, her eyes trying to look back behind her to see what he was doing.

She quivered and let out a soft growl as she felt his steamy breath on her flank, his snout twitching as he took in her fertile scent. Pressing just the tip of his snout to the base of her tail she closed her eyes and tried not to moan, for so long she had wished a strong drake would take her, and now she was starting to become undone to this large blue dragon. A voice echoing in her mind to just let go and lift her tail, her draconic pride having issues with her becoming his pet.

He stood up from her and circled her restrained form, the leather restrains creaking as she tried to track his body with her head, the leash from her muzzle holding steady to the stake in the ground. As he moved around in front of her, her eyes went wide. Jutting out proudly from the dragons ventral slit was a proud long tapered shaft, She was not ignorant of its function but she let out a stifled murr sound as her mind wandered to what that would feel like deep inside her. She blinked hard trying to clear her head from her corruptive thoughts, her body begging to be bred but her pride demanding she not be taken.

"Like what you see?" He smirked, noticing her gaze. He stretched his hind leg back to give her a good view of his dragonhood. "This can be yours, Imagine what it would feel like. Imagine me deep inside you. As I said, I take good care of my pets" he said softly, his voice deep with desire and she shivered all over, her body betraying her as she felt her groin become moist. 'Go on, you could do a lot worse' her mind whispered to her. She closed her eyes in defiance, trying to burry the sight and smell of his arousal from her mind.

"Just think Morha, As mine, you could sleep in for as long as you liked...." He said, leaning his head down to hers. His voice resonating with her as she felt her body giving in to his promises, her mind trying to push back the feelings she had bubbling up inside her. "You will be fed, and warm, and safe. All you have to do is give in." He said and placed a paw on the base of her neck, with his claws out he gently stroked her spine taking a few hobbled steps down beside her as he traced his paw all the way down her neck to her shoulders then across her back. By the time his paw reached her hips her tail was raised, inviting him to take her.

"Well well well, Looks like someone has finally come around" he teased as he gently stroked her rump with a paw. "It looks like you will be added to my collection after all." He moved around to her rump and her hips instinctively raised higher. He dipped his snout down to her folds to inspect her, Her purple fur slightly matted with the wetness of her built up arousal, her black stripes drawing his eyes to her tidy tight slit between her legs. He couldn't help but close his eyes as he breathed in deep her intoxicating aroma of fertility and desire.

He grabbed under her tail with a powerful paw, a toe bean pressed firmly against her folds and slowly pulled his paw up the length of her tail, her whole body quivering as he rubbed her sensitive undertail, at no point did she feel like he didn't know what he was doing, her body being played like a tuned instrument by his paws. Her fur standing on end as his claws traced over the sensitive erogenous zone that was her undertail. She let out a needy moan as her brain was flooded with the pleasurable sensations of him dragging her warm furr. She knew that it was just a tease of what was to follow as his hips would be running against the area soon enough. She let out a murr of pleasure as he repeadly rubbed his paw over her undertail, causing her to lift her tail higher it's fluffy tip flicking back and forth with excitement.

"That's the goods stuff' he muttered to himself as he drew his snout up over her hips, a needy whine escaped her lips as she was hoping he would eat her out. "Oh don't worry little pet, Once you have proven yourself you will then, and only then be rewarded" he chided.

Placing his paws onto her rump he couldn't help but kneed his toes in her thick fur, enjoying the sensation of something so soft under his paws. Morha let out a groan as she felt his weight move over her and his paws move to her shoulders, her tail pushed to the side by his bulk and instinctively draped over the top of his, only to be intertwined by his powerful tail. "Doesn't it feel better to just let yourself go" he stated rhetorically, his deep voice echoing through her thoughts.

He pressed his hips against hers, the sensitive parts of her undertail being rubbed against his hard scales. "Don't worry my little pet, I'll fill you soon enough" he whispered to her large ears and he gave an few slow sensual humps into her rear. The weight of him and the bondage holding her tight offering her comfort as he gave her a glimpse of what was to come. Back and forth his body rocked against her, her nethers almost dripping with excitement as her body prepared itself to finally be taken.

Her eyes opening wide as she felt his tip brush against her folds, she let out a muffled gasp into her muzzle as she felt him slowly trace up and down her slit with his tapered tip. Pre dribbling out of his tip, only to be smeared across her fur by his long shaft. His strong thigh muscles pressed and flexed against her furred hide as he gave her a few powerful dry humps causing her to cry out softly into the leather muzzle. Her lust reaching a fevour point and if she could talk, she knew she would be begging him to take her. She could feel his smiling face burning into the back of her head as he teased and tempted her with his hard shaft. "Like I said, I wont need to force myself on you. You have to make the first step" He whispered to her, leaning his head to be just next to her ears. "Show me you want me to be your master" he hissed, his voice low and deep.

She couldn't stop herself, the leather holding her tight, his weight and warmth oddly comforting and her folds being teased by his tip were a combination that eroded any doubts she may have still had. She let out a needy whine, the last of her reservations dying with the firm thrust she gave her hips back towards his, His tapered tip slipping easily into her folds and he then powered the rest of his long length into her, driving the wind from her lungs in a muffled wail as her body finally received what it had been begging for.

"That's it, my little pet." He groaned and began to move in a steady rhythm, "You are mine now".

His shaft parting her wet folds with practiced ease as he moved powerfully inside her, pulling out so just a quarter of his smooth shaft was inside her before driving in firmly. Her warm walls begging him not to withdraw, clenching hard down on him as he pulled back only to drive back in again. She moaned as loud as she could as he started to take her, his powerful hips pushing into hers and causing them to lift slightly as he drove his long length into her, his tip mashing against her cervix giving it a kiss of what was to come.

She felt his whole length spasm as he shot a jet of pre deep inside her lubricating her already dripping snatch to allow him to drive in harder and harder with each stroke. "Look at you, so easily tamed" he growled, her chest tightened at his words but she couldn't deny the feelings that were washing through her. It had been years since she had found a drake she would bed, and longer still since she had a good one. But this big blue drake was driving her to levels of pleasure that she had not experienced before, the bondage holding her steady as he powered into her again and again and again. She could feel the restraints tugging and pulling at her as he pushed her forwards with each thrust, every forward stroke of his shaft would cause them to tighten over her shoulders and neck amplifying the sense of power that the drake had over her submissive form.

Her mind mind conflicted with doubt as to her new role in the world as he continued to pound into her, her sensitive ears filled with the wet slapping sound of his scaly groin meeting her wet vulva, her labia stretched wide around his girth and kissing his slit with every thrust. The scent of their combined arousal sending a tingle through her body and even though she couldn't see what was happening behind her she didn't need too, she could visualize his large shaft driving deep into her core with each stroke.

Reaching forwards over her shoulders, the drake started to fumble with the leash that was tied to the ground. He never stopped thrusting into her as he resorted to cutting it with a sharp talon and then gripped the strap in his powerful paw. With a sharp tug he pulled her neck up to look at him, her neck bent in a tight curve so he could look her in the eyes. He smirked as he saw her eyes filled with lust and pleasure, her mind broken by his careful tactics. "Look at you, A toy for your masters pleasure." he said while driving firmly into her. "I must say, with your feathered wings, You remind me of a certain gryphon I know" He smiled. "Just a needy hen, wanting a strong drake to fuck you straight, that's all you are aren't you" his deep gruff voice causing her to shiver. There was no part of him that was not meant to dominate, between his shaft that stroked over all her sensitive spots, to his strong paw on her shoulders, to his piercing amber eyes which told the story of countless dragoness's that had fallen to his charms.

"You are mine, Say it" he snarled. He could feel her body clenching on his shaft and knew she was close. His shaft hard and strong as he kept pounding into her tight body. He smiled when he heard her muffle something back. "I didn't hear you" he said with a smile. He could see the desperate look in her eyes and he stopped thrusting into her. "Prove it". he said with a smirk.

Morha paused for a moment, knowing that this was going to be the turning point. She could try to pull away and see where that got her. Or she could push back and become his pet. She stared into his deep amber eyes, not enjoying the smirk on his face as he knew the answer before she did. Thoughts of a warm nest full of gold, meals brought to her and the safety and protection of a hunk of a drake proving too much for her mind and before she knew she had she thrust back into him. "Good girl" he whispered and pulled hard on the leash, forcing her neck upwards. Snaking his head around to the other side of her thick neck he took her throat into his jaws and resumed pounding away at her.

Her body exploded as his teeth bit down firmly, Not enough to pierce the skin but she felt her breath hitch as he drove hard into her, while his prior rhythm was about bringing them both pleasure, this was all for him. She closed her eyes and let him take her, the sense of being dominated by such a worthy drake driving her wild, she pushed her hips back into him as he rode her hard and fast, his tapered length jabbing into her innermost barrier with increasing frequency and power.

With a powerful thrust he drove into her one last time, his jaws biting down harder, the tips of his sharp teeth grazing her skin under her thick fur as he shot a heavy rope of cum from his tip. His shaft was buried deep into her warm tight body, his tapered head pressed firmly against the barrier to her womb as his whole length throbbed. She let out a gasp as she felt him flood her insides with his hot dragon juice. Her body instinctively clenching and rippling on his shaft to draw as much of the life giving essence as possible deep into her body.

Her body gushing with her fluids as it mingled with his seed to help it be pumped further into her, the lips of her labia doing their best to contain the mess, but she shivered as she felt her juices trickle down her leg, a testament to his ability to provide for his new possession.

Feeling her body betray her completely he gave her a few more rams of his hips, making sure his shaft was as deep as possible as it continued to unload the contents of his internal balls into her waiting depths. While it was still early in the season, there was no guarantee that his seed would take. But as he continued to give her little thrusts with each throb he made sure to give himself the best chance of success. Her mind going blank as her body took everything he had to offer

"That's it my little Morha, My plaything" He panted after letting go of her neck. "Take it all, milk me dry". He gave her neck a tender lick where his teeth had marked her. "No one will ever doubt you are mine"

Using the leash he curled her neck around so he could hold her head in a paw, a sharp claw cutting through the restraints around her mouth and she gasped for air with her mouth. Her whole body quivering with him still deep inside her. "Who am I" he growled looking into her purple eyes.

She panted to get her breath before replying "Master" she gasped while staring into his powerful eyes, thoughts of snuggling on a warm nest with a clutch of eggs while warm food was brought to her causing her smile softly behind the remnants of the muzzle

I hope you all enjoyed. If you can leave a fave and a vote that would be awesome. Comments also welcome.

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