Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)

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#41 of Counter Earth - Chaundoon Chronicles: Two Futures

Last Chapter:

On Free Counter Earth Sir Ram activated his mind control device!! The new rebellion made a desperate attempt to locate said device within Castle Wundagore before their human operatives were idled... elsewhere Alex Winter was attending a Consortium For Mutual Coexistence event when the second class citizens present received THE MESSAGE and started following our hero trying to corner him before he jumped into what he thought was a friend's utility vehicle to escape. In reality it was an elaborate trap set by his ex and he fell for it! [AND] On Chaundoon far and away from Conquered Counter Earth, an alien race of robotic bears answered World Seven's call for help. They attempted to implode the dark moon only to be dispatched promptly for their efforts... elsewhere Naka learned from one of the Perna Pride chieftains the true reason while the savage felines will not let him, Song, Kiwi or Tonka continue on their journey through the Marble Canyons, meanwhile Impale, Stab, Shred and Skewer took Kiwi hunting.... Well they were hunting Kiwi, not the local wildlife as the boy had hoped. Shortly after the conclusion of their outing, the group was attacked by the Yowie. Impale and Kiwi were the only ones to escape.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities

Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)

October 5th, YOE 35 (Continued)

7:22 PM Madam Olga's Psychic Truths (Exeter Station's Bazaar)

"UGG what a long day! I think Ritz had me check through every nook and cranny of that castle after Iya did- twice." The exhausted partial beastial said entering th rented room. "Alex?"

Seeing that the bedroom he shared with his human boyfriend was empty, the tian mountain dog figured that the event for the Consortium For Mutual Coexistence must have been running long. Spirit decided to make himself comfortable as he awaited Alex's return. Hours would pass.

10:22 PM Alex's Room (Madam Olga's Psychic Truths)

Spirited Spirit awoke from his slumber. He realized that his Alex had not returned. The tian mountain dog sprung from the bed to find and question their landlady.

October 6th, YOE 35

6:30 AM Commander Ursa's Lair (Castle Wundagore)

I came to feeling incredible sensations all over my body... fuzzy shaggy fur... firm, but soft breasts... strong arms embracing me... soft paws caressing my backside... and an intense wonderful sense of intimacy...

Spirit and I must have gotten frisky after his mission yesterday. No... wait... that is not quite right. My bed companion had an incredible toned physique, breasts, brown fur and was much larger than Spirit and me....

The last thing I remember... I was at that event for the Consortium For Mutual Co-existence... I was singled out by the crowd... I tried to run away... tried to escape... I saw Dongo. I jumped into his utility vehicle... it was really the blue prototype in disguise!!

*GASP* I looked to my right to find a fierce and ferocious female brown bear.

"Morning pet." The familiar voice of my ex said happily greeting me.

I arose with a start and looked around. I was inside her inner chambers and nude. She was nude.

"NO!!" I shouted.

"Yes. Most definitely yes." She cackled, pulling me to her chest as if I were some random plushie.

(Her breasts, my soft pillows! Squee! Wait Alex! Stop! Just Stop!) I thought to myself as I started enjoying her warmth a little too much.

"How did I?"

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to Alex." She said as she mashed my face between her breasts.

(I really missed that and struggled not to kiss, lick and nip what was there. I couldn't do that with Spirit for obvious reasons- he had no breasts.)

"You abducted me!" I shouted as I snapped back to reality.

"Nonsense. I just re-acquired something that already belonged to me." The she beast said, flexing her muscles.

"How did I get here in your chambers?!"

"You were unruly, rowdy and uncooperative after I rescued you from that mob yesterday; I had to sedate you. Welcome back." She said allowing me to come up for air.

"You mean you knocked me out." I grumbled.

"Very gently. I have missed you in ways you can't even begin to imagine." She said rubbing my head and shoulders which felt incredibly good.

"I know."

"Don't lie pet. You have missed me as well."

"I have, but my anger at the High Evolutionary, Sir Ram and even you has overridden that."

"I know." That huge paw said petting me on my head.

"So you have me once again- now what?"

"Reconciliation of course." The she beast said studying me carefully.

"Let me guess you are going to force me into re-attending condition therapy sessions under the guise of re-integrating me back into the fold? Which will just be an excuse to experiment on me again!"

"No, little human that won't happen."

"That's right Sir Ram and Mara were taken by aliens."

"No. Alex, they are alive and well."

(You don't say?)

"There is no need for you to attend conditioning therapy, have a tracking chip or participate in the overseer program ever again." She said placing her paws on either side of my face forcing me to look at her.

"There isn't?"

"They have been discontinued. Going forward the knight core will place less emphasis on the human populace; we will be focusing our attention on the extraterrestrial threat the empire is now facing and hunting bad beastials."

"Why is that?" I asked, feigning curiosity.

The bear woman locked her golden eyes on me. "Oh YOU KNOW, pet."

"Sir Ram..."

"Yes Sir Ram.... He ordered all second class citizens within the empire to be on the look out for one Alex Winter."

"That explains why the crowd was acting weird at the Consortium event yesterday."

"That's right, the empire now has a means to control and to limit negative human activity now and forever." She said pulling me toward her bosom again.

"Forever, ever, ever, ever?" I gasped.

"Forever and always my little human. As I have a means of making sure we never part ways again- ever."

"The device Sir Ram was testing on me during our sessions..."

"Yes pet. It has been perfected and deployed. Effective immediately every second class citizen will be docile, demure, respectful and obedient to us first class citizens forever and always."

"But you are taking away everyone's free will!" I protested as I was unceremoniously flipped over and snuggled.

"True but it is for the greater good of the empire pet. You once believed in those ideals. Something about if the humans were in charge they would destroy themselves and the planet?"

(Yeah, I remember that.)

"That was before I was punished for questioning your master's actions regarding Spirited Spirit and the flawed beastials that inhabited World Six. Oh and I was labeled a pre-rebel too." I countered.

"Alex the mind control device is one of the best inventions Sir Ram has ever made. Besides, it helped reunite me with you."

My former perfect person let the magnitude of her words sink in.

"Humanity's free will, will be non-existent. But it will also mean the end to human protests... human disobedience... human violence and human grievances against beastials and the empire."

"You are saying human mind control equals harmony?"

"Blissful harmony; eternal obedience my little human."

I grew silent. The mind control device must have been created out of Sir Ram's mind reading invention he used on me the day I arrived on this planet; its creation was a natural evolution and inevitable!

"Lady Ursa, will it hurt? I mean losing my free will?" I asked, remembering the prototype versions the ram had tested on me this past spring.

"Bah! You will hardly notice that it is gone. In its place will be an intense desire to obey me, to submit yourself to my dominion and to never question my orders."


"In other words, you have already lost it- pet."

The fierce ursine warrior measured the look of horror on my face as she placed her snout to my ear.

"My first edict is this- from this moment onward you will address me as mistress. I am your mistress now and forever- forever and always."

"Yes mistress." I replied.

(WHOA! I said that without thinking.)

"Good." My bear knight said, kissing me on my forehead. "My second edict is that you are going to clean my cub tunnel with that tongue of yours- thoroughly and completely."

"Yes mistress." I replied to her direct commands.

The female knight flipped me over, then reclined spreading her vaginia wide for me. Instinctively I started licking.

"OAH YES!!! I have missed you pet very, very, very much!"


"Congratulations on the promotion." I said in between licks.

"Thank you." She replied, placing her paw on my head. "When you finish eating me out, I am going to drain your testicles dry!"

7:00 AM Deer-feeder's Study (Stuyvesant Neighborhood)

"Riz we have a problem!" William Masters said running into the bald headed man's study.

"How bad is it?" The leader of the new rebellion asked, turning his attention from his notepad to the blond haired man wearing green pants, brown boots, a brown shirt and frilled collar.

"Apart from Spirited Spirit, I can't reach ANY of our operatives." Deer-feeder's second in command complained.

"What about Alex Winter?"

"Inactive. He is there but won't acknowledge or answer." Iron Will responded.

"There is a reason for that." The leader of the rebellion said to his second in command.

"You mean?"

"Sir Ram activated the mind control device while we thought he had been taken by the KLIS."

"Ritz, what are you saying?" Mr. Masters said.

"We need to leave NOW."


"We lost. Most likely Commander Ursa has recaptured her wayward pet." Mr. Site responded.

"And if the mind control device is indeed active..." Will said thinking out loud.

"That is right, everything Alex's knows they will know. Our operations will be exposed; how we work! How we think!"

"Oh no! Just like when that ram exposed our observation post to the S'mar warriors we were observing on that planet!"

"Will, it is not just Alex Winter... Iya Summers... Augustus Striker all of our human operatives here on Counter Earth." The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard said.

"What are we going to do?"

"Act like that entity that destroyed this planet."

"You mean ONE?"

"Remember what we learned, it tried repeatedly to conquer this world only to be thwarted time and again."

"That was on the original timeline." Iron Will observed.

"Even so, it regrouped, rebuilt its power and tried again and again and again repeatedly until it succeeded. We, Will, are going to do the same however long it takes."

"But Ritz, ONE was neutralized in this planet's distant past which altered the timeline affecting the present. Sir Ram, if he determines we followed him to Counter Earth, he could do the same to us!"

"That is why we are going to fall back into the shadows."


"The Oasis, our crowning achievement. It must be protected. If it is detected, it will fall and if it falls that is the end of everything." Deer-feeder said standing up from his desk.

"Right I will pull back Spirit and initiate plan Cut and Run." Will said running out of the study.

"Well played Sir Ram." The bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard muttered to himself. "It seems we will have to settle accounts another day."

_7:30 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers (Castle Wundagore) _

"I don't think I will be able to walk for the next couple of hours let alone days!" I groaned feeling my balls ache.

"Oh how I have longed for this! My Essence of Winter straight from the source and not a vial or test tube!" Lady Ursa said as I laid on her chest, my penis still deep inside her.

The fierce ursine warrior let me recover for a moment after she realized she had drained me dry.

"And now why don't we cuddle and catch up on what you have been doing the last few months?"

My ex had me right where she wanted. She had studied up on the operation of Sir Ram's mind control device and like Lea with Aldor Cancel that day in the lab, was issuing me direct commands to which I readily complied.

"Ermmm...." I replied.

"You have some strange scents about you. I want to hear everything, ALL OF IT."

(Uh oh!!!)

To Be Continued....


October 5th, YOE 35 (Continued)

7:22 PM Sector 6992 (Open Space)

"Based on my calculations and the trajectory of the robo bear's ship, they should be around here somewhere." The panda bear commented.

"But it has been six hours!" The wolverine commented. "Sorry Panda Lee, I didn't mean to shout. But we have been looking for six hours!"

"I never truly realized how vast the comos was." My lioness said looking at the composite diagram of the viewscreen of the bridge.

"Hue, Cassia, Milo, Panda Lee, are we sure that Raizi's ship came through here?" My bear asked the members of the planetary sciences division.

Hue made his way to the she panda's workstation. "The calculations are sound, we just don't know exactly where they ended up when they got blasted."

"It looked like into next week around 6:30 - 7:30 PM."

The sexy lioness' attempt at humor received snickers from everyone present except Cassia.

"Everyone! Funny this is not! Raizi and his people attempted to come to our aid out of the spirit of kindness and friendship!"

"And now our would be saviors need saving." Hue said joining his mate. "They could be in bad, bad shape or worse."

"Mr. Manassas how do you suggest we proceed? There are many stars, planets and moons in this area." Lady Ursa asked the red tentacled eyeball.

"We divide this sector into grids and systematically search. Madam knight, you can keep track of our progress." Hue said. "We don't want to waste time chasing our tails."

"Snacks and Hon hon, monitor your stations, look for wreckage and debris however small it may point us in the direction they went." Cassia added.

"And Shakara and myself?" I asked the friendly aliens.

"Get your medical supplies ready... most likely there will be casualties. I just hope we can find them in time." The yellow tentacled eyeball replied.

_10:22 PM Central Chamber (Perna Pride Village) _

Kiwi Goodfellow was having trouble sleeping that evening. For one he was not allowed to stay with Black Scythe's children in their hut, only with the rest of the tribe's prisoners in the central chamber.

The pre-teen had become accustomed to Impale and Stab being HIS personal handlers. In a weird way, they were like the siblings he never had. He had grown accustomed to sharing the sibling's hammocks with them. He missed Stab's warmth, the feel of her breasts on his back and generally being hugged by the nude female. It was the same with Impale only the sensations weren't on his back but much lower toward his backside. He also liked counting the warriors' scars, talking about their body art and what it was like living primitively in the pridelands as they settled down to sleep each evening. He was missing that tonight.

Sleep did find the brown haired pre-teen but it was a night-mareish recap of the day's events:

_3:30 PM Double Drop Falls (Marble Canyons) _

"Impale, Kiwi Is this the place you and the others were ambushed?" Red Sword asked his nephew and his prisoner.

"Yes uncle the Yowies made off with Stab, Shred and Skewer. Kiwi and I tried to fight them off but there were too many of them." Impale replied lowering his head in defeat.

"We will discuss that later." Black Scythe said to her son grumbling.

"He was protecting me." Kiwi said sticking up for the berated warrior. "I was attacked and bitten by a female yowie. She took great delight in listening to me plead for my life."

"Kiwi are you sure?" Lyre asked the brown haired boy.

"It was humiliating." The boy replied as Song placed her paw on his shoulder.

"Then what happened?"

"She told me that I wasn't going to take the big eternal dirt nap, just a very, micro small one. She then demanded I thank her for deciding not to end my life. I did. The next thing I remember we were at Salamanca's."

"Salamanca said that the spider gave him just enough venom to knock him out." Naka added.

"Those things are quite hideous and devious." Lyre replied as the pride's warriors assembled.

"They are in the next canyon over." Hatchet observed. "I think I see Stab, Skewer and Shred as well."

"Are they?" Mr. Goodfellow asked.

"Bound and bitten." Black Scythe grumbled. "I will personally cut off the spiders' legs and use them as kindling!"

"Whoa, so scary." The pre-teen said watching the female feline dressed in only a orange shoulder cape and necklace bare her fangs.

"Listen up. This will be a three pronged attack." Black Scythe announced.

"I wouldn't want it any other way!" Hatchet replied.

"Alright. Attack team with Red Sword." Lyre said, pointing to her brother.

'I WILL CARVE THE WAY FORWARD!!" The savage wearing only a brown cape and brown belt announced- his serrated sword raised.

"Pursuit team with Hatchet." The female chieftain with the lyre announced.

"Warriors with me. We will make the enemy wish they were never born!" Hatchet shouted, her oval spiked weapon raised.

"Rescue team with Black Scythe." Lyre ordered.

"The rest of you are with me!" The female warrior with the scythes announced.

"Chieftain." The maned wolf asked Lyre.

"What is it canine?"

"I would like to offer my assistance. Within my tribe I am known as a defender." The knight announced.

"Trying to curry our favor?" Lyre asked.

"Well um, yes, a little."

"But this is not your fight- prisoner."

"I beg to differ. One of those things attacked my son." Naka said, clasping his sword.

"Very well. Go with the rescue team. But try not to get in the way. Your mate and son will stay here and observe the battle." Lyre said calmly as she watched her siblings leaving to engage the enemy.

"Chieftain, so what exactly are the Yowies?" The chakat asked clasping her knife.

"Large hideous spider creatures." Kiwi said, trembling.

"Not entirely true." The female savage said placing a paw on the boy's other shoulder. "That is just one of the forms. "They are a tribe of insects from the north that have tried to drive us out of the marble canyons."

"And you have repelled them time and time again?" Song asked Perna Pride's story teller.


"Chieftain, has anyone tried to negotiate with them?" The chakat asked.

"Numerous times. The warriors we sent were cocooned." Lyre said as Song and Kiwi gasped.

The three of them turned their attention to the bloody battle in the next canyon over from the top of the waterfall.

The savages attacked a large horde of the blue six legged arachnids hacking and slashing legs, gouging eyes, impaling adomins while trying not to get entangled in their webbing.

As one creature collapsed and died, Red Sword and Hatchet's teams would advance to their next victim while Black Scythe's teams moved toward Stab, Shred and Skewer.

"We are lossssssing!" A female yowie who was guarding Skewer shouted.

"Then let's teach these felines a lesson in sorrow!" A male spider shouted before he was split into two.

"It is over creature! Release our warriors!" Black Scythe shouted making a grand entrance.

"IT IS NEVER OVER!!" The purple female said, sinking her fangs into Skewer's neck.

The male S'mar with the strapped blades to his arms grabbed his head writhing in agony.

"Get away from him creature!" Naka shouted charging at the purple female.


She limped away using five of her six legs. The last cut by the maned wolf's blade.

"Rescue the prisoners!" Black Scythe ordered. "Skewer, are you okay?"



The force of the explosion threw the female chieftain backward.

"SKEWER!!" She shouted running towards him. At the spot where the warrior had stood, she found his arms, head, his weapons and insides splattered all over the ground.

"IT'SSSS TIME!!!" Another of the purple arachnids shouted.

At their vantage point Kiwi, Song and Lyre watched as the purple spiders started biting their forces, sinking their fangs into the feline warriors. The bitten warriors dropped their weapons grasped their heads writhing in pain before exploding.




"By the ancestors!" Lyre shouted as body parts rained down on the fighters within the canyon.

"Let me guess, the enemy has never done that before." The chakat replied as several more explosions were heard.

Lyre scanned the battlefield. The objective had been achieved albeit with heavy losses. She then gave the signal.

Hatchet and her team threw several of what looked like containers at the advancing horde. This purple gaseous substance enveloped the enemy, causing many of the insects to retreat.

"Attack Team, Chase Team, Rescue Team! Let's Go!" Lyre shouted from atop of the waterfall as Song's ears started twitching.

"What is it?" Mr. Goodfellow asked his adoptive mother.

"Lyre!" Song shouted drawing her blade as two bipedal wasps stormed their position.

"Cave needles?!" Kiwi gasped as Song charged toward the attackers stabbing and slashing. The she cat was trying to force them back without being stung. Something she was finding quite difficult with only a knife.


The attackers turned pink and collapsed where they stood.

As Kiwi approached the corpses he saw both had two darts sticking out of their necks. He looked back at the female minstrel as she lowered her blow dart.

"Quick acting poison." Lyre replied. "A justification for our experimentation on prisoners."

"You are much more than a minstrel." The white chakat replied, collecting her son.

"We better check on the others." Chieftain Lyre said walking toward the path behind the waterfall.

Perna Pride had won the battle but had sustained heavy losses.

October 6th, YOE 35

6:30 AM Central Chamber (Perna Pride Village)

"Kiwi. Did you sleep well?" The pre-teen human stirred feeling a furred hand on his head. It was the pregnant female he had seen carrying water to and from the village the day of his arrival.

"Pierce? No. I was having trouble sleeping and then I started dreaming... the dreams turned into a nightmare.... the yowie battle yesterday."

"That was rather bloody, but the pride prevailed." The pregnant savage said smiling.

"Say where is everyone?"

"Well Naka I think is trying to talk to the leadership. Song I think is with Tonka and Salamanca helping the wounded."

"What about Stab and Impale?"

"You miss Stab and Impale huh?"

"They were my um, keepers?" Kiwi admitted.

"They have been reassigned." The brown haired warrior with the hazel eyes said gently. "I will be looking after you today."

"Reassigned how?" The pre-teen asked. "They have been grounded haven't they?"

"Well..." The nude native replied. "They were taken by surprise by the Yowie and had to be rescued..."

"I take it they weren't supposed to lose." The boy said, rising to his feet.

"Warriors of their skill and experience level? No. The tribe will be busy cleaning up the site of the battle. I think given what you have been through perhaps we should just avoid the area and take it easy today." Pierce said, offering her paw to the pre-teen boy.

Kiwi looked over his new handler. Her hair was brown tied together with long multicolored pins, she wore a green oval necklace around her neck and carried a walking stick. The lack of clothing indicated to him that she was a low ranking warrior within the pride, but still a pleasant looking one at that. He liked the large brown areola rings on her breasts, they matched her hair and the tuft of fur on the tip of her tail.

Naka and Kiwi's son took her paw.

6:31 AM Salamanca's Hut (Perna Pride Village)

"Inhale deeply Bow." The white chakat replied as the female and male leech looked on. "Your lungs are clear and your breathing isn't labored."

"Bow will make a full recovery." Tonka cheered.

"Thank you. It is quite possible that you saved my life again." The female warrior replied.

"Well that is one is doing better." The green leech replied.

"And Pestle?" Song asked.

"I was able to stop the advancement of the fungus- but eradicating it is another thing entirely."

"So the danger has passed for him as well." The beautiful chakat remarked.

"Yes. But that also means that time has expired for you, Naka, Kiwi and Tonka here."

"Yes Naka was going to speak to the leadership again this morning." Song replied as Bow and Tonka directed their attention to the conversation.

"He won't succeed." Salamanca commented.

"Really, why is that?" The chakat asked.

"That is because this pride has already made a decision regarding all of us." Bow commented.

6:32 AM Chamber of the Four Kings (Perna Pride Village).

"Despite achieving our objective we incurred heavy losses." Lyre said to her siblings.

"That is because our enemy evolved." Hatchet said, clasping her necklace.

"Who knew their venom could cause their prey to burst?" Red Sword asked his siblings.

"Regardless, they have become more formidable than any enemy we have ever faced." Black Scythe commented. "This won't be our last fight against them."

"Who goes there?" Two warriors asked blocking Naka's access to the chamber.

"Crunch, Slash, it is me. You know the chieftains favorite canine?" The maned wolf said greeting the chamber guards.

"They won't be seeing you today." Slash replied.

"Analyzing their battle yesterday huh?"

"Chief Red Sword made it clear why you and your caravan were denied passage through our territory." Crunch added. "He didn't want to see you die foolishly."

"Let me guess, live for nothing, die for something... it is the S'mar way." The knight said trying to speak to the savage's level.

Crunch and Slash ignored the wolf's attempt at humor.

"If you are looking for something to do today canine, you can help with the cleanup of the battlefield; there are many corpses to dispose of."

7:00 AM Central Hanger (World Seven)

"Hmm...." Professor Stern said studying the disassembled platform as Corbin, Club, Axe and waited impatiently. "This is like one large jigsaw puzzle."

"You did make a note of how the platform looked fully assembled right inside the haboob right?" The mongoose boy asked his adopted mother.

"Not exactly."

"Such a flake." Corbin face-palmed.

"Um, what is a jigsaw puzzle?" Club and Axe asked in unison.

"It is a puzzle- game where a picture is disassembled into many parts and you have to reassemble it." The blond replied to the loinclothed S'mar warriors. "It is time consuming and requires patience."

"Like now?" Axe replied.

"Be that as it may, this is the only lead we have." The mongoose boy sighed. "After what happened yesterday afternoon I doubt anyone else will step forward to help our imperiled planet."

"It wasn't all bad, Corbin." Club said trying to cheer up the little mongoose. The robo bears did manage to unfreeze the suns."

"Yeah we are back to daytime and night time at least despite the timing being off. But we still have all the other problems too, sentient weather, shifting skies and all of the other fun stuff from the imbalance like the crazy."

"It isn't all bad though." Axe observed.

"Really how so?" The professor asked the savage.

"The imbalance brought us all together."

"Why yes, yes it did. But back to the objective at hand, the only recourse to save the planet came from our chosen one." Dawn suggested trying not to be distracted by the S'mar warriors' physiques. Had the robo bear's plan succeeded she would have personally celebrated with Club that night.

"Yes, finding a way to deconstruct the space-gate making it portable." Corbin added. "If we can reassemble it in front of the dark moon, we can send it somewhere else saving ourselves and the planet."

"Now Club take your section and move to your right. Corbin to your left, Axe rotate in the opposite direction."

"It still does not look right my Dawn."

"You are right. Perhaps a tad to the left?"


"Your other left dear."

"Sorry." The former chieftain of Kenja Pride apologized.

"I have a feeling we won't be going anywhere for a while." Axe replied.

"Not like it would be safe to do so anyway." Corbin added.

7:30 AM Double Drop Falls (Marble Canyons)

"Pierce, why are we here? This was where chieftain Lyre was directing the battle yesterday." Kiwi replied as Pierce spoon fed him.

"This is one of the most beautiful places within the canyons." The pregnant female said presenting another spoon to his mouth. "Take a moment and look around. I mean really look."

The nude female was right. There were green, pink and orange trees that complimented the contrasting morning sky and a small pond- where the tribe bathed; it was fed by the high waterfall.

"It is quite beautiful." The pre-teen replied. "All of it."

"So glad that you approve. Now don't talk with your mouthful." Pierce teased.

"Say what is this?"


"Hopefully without the sleeping agent today." Kiwi said to his handler.

"Trust me, it is not. Now come on, let's get you clean." She replied side stepping the question.

Pierce watched as Kiwi removed his shirt, pants and undergarments until he was just as naked as the S'mar female.

She noted that the human male looked like a S'mar male sans the fur, fangs, claws, paws and tail. Just a variation on a general theme. He was also very cute.

She offered her paw to him. He took it, letting her guide him to the edge of the pond. They stepped in together at which point she started rubbing him down with what was the tribe's version of soap starting at his shoulders and worked her way down.

"This feels nice...." The boy replied.

"Does your village have a waterfall?" The female warrior asked.

"No. We have to carry in our water in heated buckets for bathing. But there were plans on trying to change that." Kiwi replied as the female turned her back to him.

After trying to hide another nosebleed, he started soaping her up- all of her. She like Stab, and Bow was rather lovely, especially with her big pregnant belly.

"I think we are ready." She said, taking his hand. They dipped under the water, rinsing themselves off.

They made their way back to the shore. The brown haired boy was amazed that the water was so warm. Especially at morning's light.

"Here let me dry you off."

Kiwi blushed as the female grabbed a cloth she had conveniently placed near a fallen log next to her walking stick. She rubbed the cloth on his small youthful frame starting at his shoulders, then down his back, bottom, legs, neck, chest, torso and then the rest of his body. She then beckoned him to do the same to her.

Mr. Goodfellow started at her shoulders, then moved down her back, her arms, legs, tail, before moving on to her front, her breasts, tummy and then her groin... where something was wrong there.

"Pierce, do you know you are leaking? I mean a lot." Kiwi observed.

*achoo* *achoo* *achoo*

"I had a feeling today would be the day!" The female replied, rubbing her nose as she looked at her groin.

"The day of what?" The human asked, looking at the feline who smiled at him giddily. Oh No! We have to get you back to the village!" Kiwi shouted as the leaking increased.

"Too far away." She said booping the boy on his nose.

"This can't be happening!" Kiwi screamed.

"Oh it is happening!" Pierce said lifting her right foot-paw onto the log giving the boy a ¾ view of her ass and her vaginal lips which were swelling in size.

"What are we going to do?!" Kiwi gasped.

"You are not going to panic." The female said wrapping her arm around him. "You tend to do that a lot."

She then guided the hyperventilating human back to the log.

Inside were plenty of cloths.

"You were planning for this!"

"This is my favorite place in all of the marble canyons." Pierce replied leaning against the log. "Look around! This is the perfect spot!"

"Well it is a warm and sunny morning." Kiwi said trying to calm down.

"It is a good day, no, a great day to bring life into the world and for an outsider from another clan to witness this prides' newest warriors make their entrance." She said making herself comfortable on the fallen log.

"Um, what am I supposed to do?" Kiwi asked nervously.

"I take it you have never witnessed a female give birth before?"

Kiwi shook his head no.

"Well this is what is going to take place..."

*whisper* *whisper* *whisper* *whisper*

The boy's eyes went wide at the impromptu anatomy and physiology lesson.

"You are going to pass what is in there through that?!" The boy gasped looking at her big belly and small vaginal slit.

"Umm, hmm. It is the order of things." She said placing the cloths on the ground in front of her cub tunnel. She then took the boy's hands placing one on her tummy and the other at the entrance of her vagina.

Mr. Goodfellow started hyperventilating again as he watched Pierce's vaginal lips continue to swell before a tan mass appeared touching his hand. It looked like a small egg before it began emerging from Pierce's swelling and leaking vaginal slit.

"It has begun." Pierce said relaxing and enjoying the moment.

"Doesn't it hurt?"

"No S'mar births aren't painful at all Kiwi."

"Where I come from they are." The boy replied as the mass grew larger and larger.

It really did look like an egg at first before Kiwi realized he was looking at the head of Pierce's forthcoming cub.

"How much is there?" The female sneezed.

"I see a head, ears and snout."

"Good, just a little more...."

"What is a little more?" Kiwi asked, his voice trembling and unsteady.

"Wait until you see the arms."

Slowly the rest of the cub began to emerge from the female. Kiwi gently guided the small form until enough of it had appeared. He then grabbed its arms lifting it from Pierce's cub tunnel.

"This thing is huge!" Kiwi said, handing it over to Pierce.

"Shred warned me that our offspring would be monsters. Welcome to the world little one."

The cub, a boy, opened his eyes and yawned.

(Wait, it's not crying?!)

"See Kiwi, that wasn't so bad was it?"

"No, I guess not." The pre-teen said catching his breath.

"Good because I am not done."


Pierce placed Kiwi's paw on her still pregnant belly.

"That is a litter in there; Shred always wanted a big family- many, many cubs to bring honor and glory to our pride. Looks like he is getting his wish."

"Help me!" Kiwi said trembling despite the warrior female's assurances that he was doing just fine.

"Come on, aren't you anxious to see the rest of my litter?" Pierce, sneezed again as she started pushing out her next cub.

Her pregnant belly deflated slightly as her vaginia lips swelled and another mass started to make its way into the outside world.

Kiwi again watched as the crown of the head emerged, then ears, then a snout, head, neck, shoulder and arms. Seeing the arms and armpits he knew it was time to grasp it and to pull it out completely.

He inspected the new born warrior especially between its legs.

"It's a female."

"Welcome little one!" Pierce said cradling her cubs who both started yawning.

The pre-teen had witnessed and participated in the births of two new warriors for Perna Pride.

"Pierce your belly, it hasn't gone flat."

"More coming." Pierce sniffled as something else started to emerge from the new mother 's cub tunnel.

"Triplets?!" Kiwi gasped.

"I did say litter." The nude female said lost in the moment once again.

Again Kiwi watched another cub emerge- but this one came out foot-paws and legs first; the umbilical cord wrapped around its neck.

Kiwi guided it out from the female and unwrapped the cord.

"This one is a boy." He said handing the third cub to Pierce.

Unlike his siblings. The second boy did not open his eyes or take a breath.

"Pierce what is wrong?" Kiwi asked watching as the female warrior tried to coax her third cub into breathing. She even slapped his bottom. There was no response.

"This one didn't make it." The female said glumly.

"No." Kiwi gasped.

"This one was in the wrong position and joined the ancestors before its time. Perhaps they will allow him to return in a future litter?"

That morning Pierce brought two warriors into the Perna Pride. A boy and a girl. Kiwi Goodfellow witnessed something not many outsiders got to observe let alone participate in.

"See you did quite well." The female said wrapping an arm around the frazzled teen. He looked down to see her two of her cubs breastfeeding.

Kiwi realized that Pierce loved being pregnant, loved birthing her young and loved being a mother.

"I may have you assist me during my next litter as well little Kiwi. You have the makings of a fine servant."

(There was that word again....)

7:52 AM Sector 6992 (Open Space)

"It has been a while since we have been in this position." My bedmate replied.

"You mean able to sit back, catch our breath or do you mean just cuddle?" I asked my lioness.


"Yeah we seem to be doing nothing but running from crisis to crisis Shakara."

"Just think if the robo bears had been successful there would have been one hell of a celebration all across Chaundoon."

"Across Chaundoon and in our bedroom." I smirked rolling on top of my devious person.

"Alex Winter, what are you suggesting?" The red eyed lioness with the big tatas asked fening innocence.

"I would have screwed you stupid and our other lover too." I said, bouncing my eyebrows at her.

"What about Boris?"

"He could watch I suppose."

"Nah, I would let him participate- we just would have to keep him away from big cutie otherwise."

"More siblings for Beatrice." I figured.

"But all that will have to wait until we are free from the dark moon and Chaundoon is safe." Shakara sighed.

"Does it though?" I asked smiling.

"What do you know about this room we are in?"

"It is a multi-purpose room the Manasassas use for a variety of purposes. Today it is sleeping quarters for additional crew members."

"No little cutie, I mean are there any cameras? Could we be observed right now?"

"Want to find out?" I asked feeling frisky.

All crew to the bridge!!


Shakara, Cassia, Panda Lee and I joined Hue, Milo and Lady Ursa on the bridge.

"What's going on?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as Panda Lee took her station between Hue and Milo.

"We found the robo bear's ship pet." My beautiful brown bear remarked.

"Hue?" Cassia asked her mate.

"Snacks, on screen." The red tentacled eyeball said to the chubby wolverine.


Hue, Milo and Lady Ursa had found the bowl shaped spacecraft orbiting a tan-ish white planet halfway across the sector.

"Hon-hon what are you seeing?"

The she panda looked at the readings from her station. "Their ship is badly damaged... propulsion, communication is out and they are in decaying orbit."

"That explains why they didn't call for help." My lioness added.

"It is even worse than that." Milo said, providing some clarity.

"Snacks?" Hue asked the wolverine boy.

"The planet below- the atmosphere is comprised of 100% sulfuric acid."

"Crash landing onto a planet of sulfuric acid? That is a grisly way to die." I gasped.

To Be Continued....

Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough

Counter Earth Chronicles - Dual Realities Chapter 42: Nothing Ever Is Going To Be Enough October 6th, YOE 35 (Continued) 8:00 AM Lady Ursa's Chambers (Castle Wundgore) "You are holding back on me Alex." The female ursine warned- eyeing me...

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