Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 41: Conclusion (We Go Down Together Part VII)
"right i will pull back spirit and initiate plan cut and run." will said running out of the study. "well played sir ram." the bald headed man with the nicely trimmed beard muttered to himself.
Wanderer (Sec. 3)
"when we have to cut and run, we're only going to be getting your item. what's the compensation for us?" "nothing can go wrong, we have issadore with us." "issadore?" at this, issadore perked his ears and entered the conversation. "yes?"
A Bison, A Boomer and a Lion
His laugh thrills me, and i decide to cut and run, until i realize he's been trying to flirt with me. and then he drops a bomb on me. "your peers told me you don't date anyone, though you seemed to be interested in guys, is that still the case?"
Unhealed wounds
I think about cut and running but what good would that do, it would only serve a more humiliating death. " silence you little vermin. now how to deal with you is the real problem, should i eat you".
Veshra and Netty 1
"oh, you want me to cut and run? i got a good thing going here. bored nobles who want fun and pay me with their family's wealth. why the hell would i give that up, huh?" she sits on the bed, resting a hand on the mattress herself.
Spirits (Part Five)
We just cut and run?" "unless you feel like living out the rest of your days doing dishes at leavenworth, captain. it's too dangerous now." "we can't leave the wreck-" "we'll come back for it...there's too much attention now.
We need to cut and run before whoever's waiting for us comes out and puts some tracking dots to our head and we all end up in federal! nasir! fucking listen to me you idiot, we need to evacuate before we all die!"
Mind Games - Part Five
"he won't cut and run if he thinks he's safe.. our biggest worry is we can't keep the cover story going more than a few days. you were too much of a sports celebrity in your younger days," he said, looking at blackthorne.
long hall. 2 furrs`s hook up at a gay bar on a space stationHope
The puppy was a hart stoper so he wanted to know up front if he wasgoing too cut and run at the thout of a much bigger guy making a move on him.but the k9 didn't even flinch.he merely reached across the table stealing a couple fries from the horse plate
Weaver Fever (chapter 2)
Mase struggled to keep his place - it was so tempting just to cut and run. if his plan went wrong... no, he decided. cut and stay. and he'd already done the cutting bit. he was only too aware of the presence of the grass in the box tucked under his arm.
Fetish 1
But just when i was thinking i should cut and run, she seemed to melt, and smiled. she laughed. well, giggled. always a good sign. i took her to the dance floor, and danced with her. i say danced, but i look more like i'm having a fit to music.
The end of things. Chapter 2: Introductions.
The problem being, of course, is that when you cut and run like that, sometimes someone notices. generally, i escape clean. but that time, i was seen. by roy snatcher, the snivelly little tosser.