Star Wars: Call of the Holocron (Unrated)

Call of the Holocron A Fan Fiction by Stallon Becket Dramatis personae Stal Lo'bec: Jedi Knight (Trianii, male) Darth Xero: Sith Lord (Human, male) Darth Brannux: Sith Lord (Twi'lek, male) Darth Safira/Kyllistin: Sith Lord (Unknown...

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The Beginning

However, this was approximately 300 years after a long and bloody war, called the p-war(1), where powerful human nations waged war against the furry kingdom(2). the humans ultimately lost, and surrendered their position as the superior race.

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Lost love

"war" called a communications officer. "i have completed a situation report and the only thing out of place is the huntress is not responding to our calls. the sensors are saying that she is in lasers room."

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Flight Academy: Chapter 3

It doesn't sound like it's due to pain but more a war call. uski, who is struggling greatly himself, begins to run through his head different ways to not die. due to his small frame, he would easily become the walls new paint job.

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Children of Earth - Part 4

A war broke out in the us over it, a war called the civil war. it was fought over state rights but it was sparked off by president lincoln signing the emancipation proclamation.

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As soon as september 1, 1939, the germans started to poland, revealed a new tactic, and the type of war; quick war called blitzkrieg.

The Draconian Viking (Part 1.5)

Vikings also engaged in running, swimming, tug-of-war called toga-honk and wrestling. vikings also played a ball game with stick and ball. it wasn't uncommon for someone to get hurt or even killed, as vikings played rough.

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The Draconian Viking (Part 1.5)

Vikings also engaged in running, swimming, tug-of-war called toga-honk and wrestling. vikings also played a ball game with stick and ball. it wasn't uncommon for someone to get hurt or even killed, as vikings played rough.


That Special Night in Boston (I Want to Forget You)

The vibrating strings of the guitar sang a destructive harmony as three strings bent at once to create a dissonant tune, the thumping bass strings sent finality to the rhythm, the drums slammed their last war call and the vocals repeated their last lyrical

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The Draglem: Part I

His family was of the merchant class, and so he was well-educated, but times of war called for fighters, not scholars, and so he enlisted. and he was extraordinarily talented.

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Illian: War of the Brothers

\*\*\*\* by the time the sun started peaking its head out of the misty horizon, markus, kia, eon and every last able bodied man and woman who heeded the war call stood out on the grassy plains outside of scycrain.

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