The delicious dragon of truth

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#13 of Archive

Original Description: "Another unofficial short story/blurb I whipped up for ASaneMan since he can't stop making extremely attractive male preds, a bit of a personal burden, but inspiration is inspiration, after all, go check him out if you haven't already, he's one of the main reasons I started uploading here in the first place. Oh and legendary pokemon vore isn't something I'm prone to doing, but Zacian and Reshiram are my favorites out of the duo in their respective games, so I really enjoyed writing this.

This took longer than I wanted to, that's because I had to rewrite the entire story as I was unhappy with my initial draft, I wanted it to be short, sweet, and descriptive and I believe I nailed it here.

Thumbnail art courtesy of ASaneMan

Zacian and Reshiram © Game Freak & The Pokemon Company"

Originally Uploaded: July 26th 2021

A tale from the faraway Unova region speaks of a legendary dragon Pokémon, a dragon composed of pure white wings of truth, who brought the powers of triumph to those that were enlightened to the truth. Those that opposed her, supporting the ideals of her sister eventually found themselves at rest, bouncing within her toasty bosom. An unexpected fight with her sister had resulted in her fleeing to a faraway region, one where she would scrap with a new set of legendary siblings...

"I can't believe I let myself get assaulted like that. Foolish mutt..." Reshiram muttered. Her sleek and silky fur was now tattered and ruined with stains of the mire the two had been intimately struggling in. She thrust one wing into the soft green grass, the dew-filled clearing assisted in clawing away the clumps of mud that played heavy on her mind, only the cleanly should baptize the heathens in the beautiful cleaning flames she generated.

"Perhaps I should return to the battlefield and add that overgrown dog to the rest of the heathens that inhabit my pure plumage..." She pondered, watching as the dirt within her right wing washed away from her pelt. "No. To perform such treachery towards the people of this region would only sully my message."

Her thoughtful rambling halted after that, for under the scent of the fresh morning grass and her own scent from the battle, was a familiar, yet more adamant scent. Could it be? Was he back for round two?

"You know, I took you for an intelligent one, doggy," Reshiram called to the pokemon behind her, not heeding to examine who was eavesdropping on her private thoughts. "I left you there, inside the muck and grime, making you seem... less appetizing. Dare I reiterate that I'm now having second thoughts?"

"May I make clear that you're looking quite delectable yourself, newcomer." A less grizzly voice than the one she was used to, replied. "A beautiful, hot dragon to warm my belly on this perfect morning, and right on the edge of a cliff no less! How romantic..."

"You sound a little different, dog boy," Reshiram commented. "So, who exactly are you and what do you want from me?"

"Perhaps you should turn around and face me then? The voice proposed. "I much prefer to judge by the bosom than the rump anyhow."

"A human once told me: 'Overt flirtation will get you everywhere.' As much as I may appreciate the compliment, you won't get too far with me.' Reshiram adamantly lulled in response, prudently facing away from her flirtatious guest. Her tail flared up, a significant build-up of heat jetted behind, lapping him in a cozy tingle.

"Well, he was right? Considering how you plainly tilted your head further out of my view it seems that I've had more of an effect than you let on~." The voice cooed. Small, slight footfalls signaled a slow, bated approach by this mysterious benefactor. Looks like a cold morning was about to get a sudden spike of heat...

"Fine, perhaps your words have had a slight impact on me." Reshiram exhaled a heated sigh. "Let's look one another in the eye."

She pivoted 180°, facing her guest. Standing attentively was a cyan wolf, his shape alone recalled a similar-looking red wolf encountered earlier, his yellow eyes scanning her body piercing her fur, judging her soul residing deeper within. His effeminate eyelashes danced in the afternoon breeze, willingly following the direction of the soft wind. Pink braids descended from his ears, retaining the unkemptness along with the rest of his fur. His tail gleefully wagged, ordering the dragoness to cock her head forward, to peer over her massive, mounds of purity to view the goods. A painfully average pair of cream balls swung between his legs, bouncing off one leg and swaying into the next with every faint movement, a sheath for the dog's signature sword was hidden above, slowly emerging from the mound of fur covering it, elated. Massive battle scars dotted his body, preventing the fur that previously existed from being unable to grow back in his current state. A tiny stream of troll dribbled from his mouth as he took in Reshiram's mammaries, a pleading look gleamed in his eye as his legs cocked back, ready to glomp her on the word 'go'!

"So that's what you're hiding from me!" Zacian squinted, a wet smile spread on his mouth. He widened the distance between his legs, allowing his erect 7-inch sword to see the sunlight and the white dragon lady that provoked its awakening. "I'm not going to ask for sex, my dear lady. I just wanted to know that I'm fairly attracted to you."

"Yes, you're going to ask for something else instead. If you want them so bad..." Reshiram puffed her chest out, her breasts jiggling in the air for a few brief seconds before smacking onto her lower chest and spreading out. She lifted both of her arms to her head, highlighting her juicy curves. "Then feel free to play with them, bigger than any balls you've seen in your life I can assure you."

With that, Zacian pounced. His head collided with Reshiram's breasts while the rest of his body quickly wrapped around her, his arms and legs coiling around her, squeezing any sort of resistance from the legendary dragon. Zacian primitively bobbed his head between Reshiram's breasts quaking his head violently for a few seconds before retracting. Reshiram closed her eyes, feeling her entire body flip around, once again exposing her rear to Zacian. Then, she felt her legs rise to meet his maw. It appeared that Zacian initially had some other dirty desires to cure his throbbing needs, though it now felt like... he was fitting both into his maw? And pulling?!

Reshiram opened her eyes, peering backward, her blue eyes filled with a burning rage. "What do you think you're doing doggy?!" She demanded, feeling them slowly gaining more and more saliva as it progressed further and further backward. Zacian didn't vocally respond, only with a violent GULP! as her lower legs were suddenly yanked down into Zacian's throat.

This was actually happening. She was being devoured. What's worse was that she couldn't bring herself to fire off a dragon's breath to scare the wolf off. If he was anything like the other one... It was a fairy type.

But what did she do wrong? She didn't want to hurt this cute lil' dog in the first place and now he's eating her?! Was it the look she gave his member? Was it so insulting compared to the rest of his oddly effeminate body? The truth was that he just wanted to worship her. Right? Was it just a Galarian way of showing affection? Surely this scrawny mutt couldn't finish her entirely, right?


While her mind buzzed to find answers, Zacian's tugging worsened, a loving bite to her lower rump provoked a squeal from the Dragoness as she watched her thighs be crammed into Zacian's gullet. A few more loving licks in Reshiram's nethers sedated her, and another yank and a powerful swallow pulled her ass to the back of Zacian's mouth, next on the menu to be hastily banished into his stomach, digested by the swill of burning acid within. gluuuurp! A force of air shot outward onto Reshiram's ass as it burrowed into his throat, forcing the main bulk of air back into Zacian's stomach as it plummeted in its descent. Now, the buildup of the massive dragon had taken form inside of Zacian's stomach, bloating his gut out further with each gulp, developing a large sack in which it offered rest for Zacian's body as he consumed larger and larger amounts of dragon meat.

Next up, fitting those pesky wings in there in addition to her torso... Zacian's arms firmly gripped Reshiram's arms, pulling them down and pointing the wings in the trajectory of his mouth. Then, he shifted his force onto the wings, gluing them to Reshiram's torso. Now, she was really in a bind, even if she could free her wings, what would she use? Dragon claw? A lesson, perhaps, for when she reawakens. Don't focus your non-dragon-type attacks to be released from your mouth. She could have cocked her head around far enough to release her devastating signature attack, fusion flare although there was one fatal flaw. Her breasts. Those pure orbs filled with boiling milk had been a testament to her battle prowess and now, her trophy was forcing her head further back with each inch that Zacian was gaining. Who had now started ramming her wings into his maw, scattering feathers all over the place as he did, Reshiram attempted to retaliate, only for her head to be lodged between her breasts for a brief moment, completely disrupting the small ball of fire she was charging. She watched fearfully, her wings vanishing into the starving maws of a warrior with words. Glllk! A forceful swallow pulled Reshiram deeper down, her head tugged upward as Zacian's swallow continued its steady force.

"You'll never be able to finish me!" Reshiram blurted, "Y-you stupid mutt!"

Issuing a challenge to your smaller predator? Bad idea.

Glllk! Hglrk! Zacian, with an overwhelmingly powerful gulp, leaving only a few parts of Reshiram in the shining sun. Her head, shoulders, and massive tits. As Zacian slowly polished off the remnants of his meal, Reshiram's breasts dragged up his swirling belly, meeting her head at his maw. The force of Zacian's gulp and the cramped space between his upper and lower jaw, forced Reshiram's head between his boiling orbs, the mounds of meat joining together as Zacian funneled the tips into his mouth. Reshiram struggled to breathe. But she needn't worry about the tight space, after all, She could feel herself and Zacian joining into one being. Just Zacian, and only Zacian.

Bloorglll... Sishigigshhh!

With a heave utilizing the intertwined strength of his arms and legs, Zacian rose to his feet. Allowing gravity to deposit the rest of his lunch safely into his stomach. His massive gut jutted out from his body, certainly the biggest waistline he had experienced - in recent memory, of course. This gargantuan belly would have put Reshiram's breasts to shame if only they weren't one of the main ingredients to its mass. He lovingly pressed onto his orb, and a jettison of boiling air rushed up his esophagus, breaching his throat and...


It almost felt like using the move flamethrower, the seething air filled the air around Zacian, its heat bringing a quaint blush to Zacian's face. He strode off from the clearing, towards one of his favorite spots after a delightful meal...


The mighty cliff overlooked the spreading sea, sprawling out for miles back towards where Reshiram had come from. By now, unfortunately, his stomach had eagerly digested his meal, the sun was setting, the tide was coming in, and it seemed that Reshiram had found the best areas to settle in... Forever.

An ass lady, apparently. A large amount of the fat had engorged both cheeks, causing his natural cloak to become redundant, his ass on full display to those that may wander by, to find the marvelous protector of Galar. The small beams of sunlight that were still being exuded by the setting sun focused on his shining rear, he crushed the cheeks together, clenching for a few seconds then allowing them to naturally spread out once more, dragging his cloak further off his rump. Seemed that Reshiram really wanted to improve those balls too, the wolf had to force his legs to stand much wider than previously to accommodate the new girth on his sack, the boiling milk within Reshiram had been rightfully repurposed as slightly less boiling semen, ready to erupt from his massive sack whenever he pleasured himself or was enjoying some of the fine pokemon he had found within the wild. His legs felt the boiling sack producing more and more of his sperm. What had previously been a production line, had been upgraded into a fully-fledged factory. Reshiram's body had served him quite well, even spared him a lot of stomach fat he'd need to trim.

"You've served me quite well, dragon of the truth." Zacian commented, eyeing up his enhancements for the final time. "The real question is..."

"How will you serve Galar?"

Zacian affixed his attention onto the ocean, watching the waves slam against the rugged cliffs and the sky filled with a radiant pink, a smirk filled his face, staring aimlessly at the marvelous sky. In his right hand, contained a white stone, wiped clean of any trace of saliva, belched out from within his stomach, a souvenir of the legendary meal he had just consumed.

Zacian mouthed towards the sky as it slowly began to dim, "Pink sky at night, sailors delight."

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