The Jungle Book

Story by Rykela on SoFurry

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_ The first and ONLY story request I'll ever do, for Mystery-Guy. It took foreeeeever... DX _

The jungle was quiet today, as if it could sense the coming conflict.

Sherina Khan, tigress and self-proclaimed Empress of the Forest, was draped on her back across a broad limb in the highest tree, her tail swishing slowly from side to side. If anyone dared sneak up on her and somehow managed to be silent enough not to be heard, the flailing limb would smack them in the face and the feline would be instantly awake and ready for battle.

But for right now she was simply basking in the sunlight. A large sunbeam had broken through the canopy and Sherina felt as if Shiva himself had blessed her exploits. Her body felt so lovely and warm, it was nearly enough to put her to sleep! She almost felt like a kitten again, even though she was a gorgeous tigress in the prime of adulthood. Big, perfect breasts that if human would easily match the largest of porn star busts, and a lithe, hourglass frame, supple feline muscles giving her a ballerina's graceful body. She was naked, as most of the animals were, the only thing adorning her body a fantastically intricate necklace of corded gold and brilliant, dark opals and sapphires. A growling purr echoed through her frame, those massive breasts rising and falling with her breath. By the gods above, it was a nice day.

Unfortunately she was jolted from her happy kitty coma by the noise of two clumsy bodies thrashing through the jungle floor. Even though they were loud enough to wake the dead and send birds screaming for the sky it was clear to someone of Sherina's sensitive hearing that they were at least trying to be quiet. Trying, and failing miserably. As she looked down, her good mood evaporating, she recognized who it was and leaped down from her perch to confront them.

She could have landed on one of them and torn their throat out in an instant, but neither the bear nor the human were regular visitors to her territory so she was genuinely curious why they had made it all the way down to her valley. Oh, and of course the look on their faces was priceless as the bear was knocked flat on his face. As she bounded off to a safe distance, chortling disdainfully she heard him offer one of the most vulgar curses she had been insulted with!

A growl hissed from between Khan's clenched teeth. Baloo was perhaps the only denizen of the jungle she couldn't stand; not only was he rather homely but even by the tigress' finicky feline standards he was a pervert! He had a nice, big penis, and huge muscles, sure - even she had to admit that, but he was scruffy and acted like someone's creepy uncle.

On the other paw, Mowgli was downright sexy. The tigress had a well-known taste for human cock but even compared to other men the jungle boy looked just delicious. Living in the wild had given him a toned, buff body, with rippling cords of muscle that rivaled even Sherina's own. With striking dark eyes and a perpetually somber expression set in a face that still bore remnants of childhood, his tanned skin and dark hair gleamed in the uneven jungle light. There was a scrap of animal hide, no larger than a handkerchief, wound tightly around his hips and the tigress could see his half-erect manhood dangling between his thighs. The loincloth did nothing to hide it, and as she watched a small droplet of pre fell to earth, the tigress felt a corresponding trickle of femjuices abruptly squirt from her cunt and run down her thighs, matting the striped fur with her sticky need. Neither of them seemed to notice, sparing Sherina shame and humiliation, so she simply sprawled out in the grass like nothing was amiss. If anything, felines were good at acting smug and self-absorbed.

"What are you two doing here, bothering me? If it's about the necklace you can't have it. That stupid old ape lost fair and square. It's not MY fault he came before I did..." She purred; despite the lust for Mowgli clouding her mind she reveled in the memory of her victory. It had been a simple masturbation challenge, and she knew she would win, that old orangutan couldn't hold it in for all the jewels and coins in the world! The finely-wrought metal necklace strung around her neck was the trophy, and it made quite a good toy when she wrapped chestnuts in it. In fact, more than good, she adored it - the gold was still quite sticky from last evening...

Mowgli's scowl deepened and Sherina wondered if she had ever seen him actually smile. He'd probably be really cute if he ever did, and another burst of fluid erupted from between the tigress' thighs. She was able to stifle her moan as a hiccup, then reached back to tongue-bathe her leg in what cat owners would call a "dignity bath," trying to hide her awkwardness with a graceful cleaning.

"We're not here to get back the necklace, we're here to put you in your place!" Baloo's voice was gruff and scornful, and as he pointed at Sherina his cock throbbed visibly, the foot-and-a-half length starting to actually grow erect. Oh, yuck. The tigress hissed and arched her back, her fur floofing up and her muscles flexing as she ground her breasts into the earth in a warning display. "We're tired of you having your way and abusing the good animals of the forest, and the only way we can solve this is to teach you the value of humility!"

"Look..." The tigress hissed, baring her fangs. "I get you're offended and all, but stop grandstanding! If you're going to do something go ahead and do it, or I will..." Suddenly Baloo lashed out with a right hook, catching Sherina in the side of her face. The force of the blow caught her by surprise and knocked her to the ground; she hadn't actually expected the bear to have the balls to attack her! When she looked up, though, Baloo was looming over her menacingly and Mowgli had a flimsy, homemade knife in his hand. He didn't look so sexy anymore...

The tigress reacted instantly, her feline reflexes working in her favor. She lifted herself up legs-first and caught Baloo under the chin with an upward kick, spinning away and putting distance between herself and her two foes. It looked like things were getting serious for once, but Sherina was still confident, teasing the two as she spread her legs, stretching her muscles and giving them a brief view of her open, dripping pussy. It seemed to distract Baloo quite a bit, to her amusement, his thick pink penis at full mast. Mowgli was trying his best to concentrate, but the hard-on pushing his loincloth out of the way made the tigress grin and purr. It was even bigger than Baloo's...


Little beads of tigress juice rained to the ground as Sherina dashed forward in the next instant, grabbing at Mowgli's hand and sending the knife flying. The boy cried out in fear, but her pleased growl was cut short when she felt Baloo interrupted her and lifted her into the air.

"What the HELL are you doing!?!?! Let me down!!!" Sherina kicked and flailed, but Baloo held on tightly with his ursine strength. He was actually chuckling, and the tigress soon found out why, as he stuck his muzzle in-between her thighs and took a deep whiff. She was pretty wet - fighting always turned her on - and Baloo could tell. Another sniff of her pheromones, and then he licked, his broad tongue lashing all over her pussylips. The cry that escaped Sherina's mouth wasn't very feline or dignified, a mix between a shocked squeal and a hoarse moan, but to Baloo it was only encouragement.

Unfortunately, he didn't manage to keep a grip on her for long, for true to her feline heritage it was like trying to tie down a wet noodle, and she had wriggled her way out of his grasp. As soon as her paws touched earth she leaped again into the trees, the tigress shivering as juices trickled down her thighs and matted her fur. So undignified, how could she have possibly been caught like that? By Shiva they were going to pay! That stupid oaf bear and Mowgli...

Then she realized that the human was nowhere to be seen, but it was too late. He had tackled her from behind, knocking them both back to the forest floor. Before she could turn back and claw at him there was the most wonderful, HOT firmness in the creamy white cleft of her ass, and a shiver ran through her muscles as she yowled with sudden need and fury.

"Don't... don't fight back... I don't want to hurt you... I think you're pretty..." The boy's voice was unexpectedly soft and comforting, and Sherina grew quiet as he continued to rub his massive, thick hard-on underneath her tail. His fingers caressed her prized necklace gently. "I mean... the jewelry makes you look beautiful. I wish you weren't so mean... maybe you could make friends if you were nicer."

The thought had never crossed Sherina's mind. Shi was a tigress, the undisputed queen of the jungle, the sexiest being in all of existence! Who needed friends when you were as perfect as she was? But... these two friends working together had been able to overwhelm her easily, and she had to admit it wasn't as bad as she had originally believed! In fact, being dominated for once... it felt good... better than good, in fact, she hadn't been this wet and aroused in months! Mowgli seemed to sense it for he eased back and dipped his head in-between her thighs. She wasn't about to protest anymore, especially once his tiny human tongue dipped into the warm treasure of her nethers.

The human seemed to chuckle, although it was muffled now that his face was buried between her thighs, and Sherina marveled at the sweet sound of his laughter. But then she found out why he was laughing, for Baloo was suddenly standing over them both, his claws digging roughly into her soft-furred shoulders as he flipped her over on her back. His thick, throbbing penis was rubbing against her snout and once again the tigress felt fear spike within her soul.

"P-please don't... you're the... the last one I'd..."

"I bet your other victims said the same thing. Did you let them escape?" Baloo's eyes hardened and suddenly the tigress found his cock sliding down her throat. She coughed a few times but her gag reflex was stifled once she swallowed, and then the salty, thick taste of his musk was flowing down into her belly. The liquid itself wasn't that bad, but now that it was all the way in there Baloo began to thrust roughly in and out, the flesh raking against her sharp teeth and making the bear growl pleasurably. He was violating her, making it as rough as he could, but if that was so why was she enjoying it so much? Her eyes watered but she wanted more, her body quaking with lust as her cunt suddenly flexed and erupted in a sweet wave of her nectar, splattering all over Mowgli's face.

His moan vibrated through her pelvic muscles and her legs lost all strength, the tigress collapsing in a weak heap on the grass. The human eased off, straddling her body as Baloo continued to face-fuck her. Since Mowgli's arms weren't long enough to reach the ground he held onto the bear for leverage as he slid his thick, pre-coated shaft in-between the tigress' breasts. They were perfect no longer, the fur matted and sticky with watery human preseed, and the tigress felt a humiliating flare of pleasure flash through her nerves like one of Shiva's earthquakes at the thought of her royal body being defiled like some common whore's. She was no better than one of those randy she-wolves that had raised Mowgli!

Although... it seemed like they had definitely taught him the right way to pleasure a woman.

Baloo, on the other hand, was just raw, vulgar power, his thick bearcock sliding deep down Sherina's throat as the little human bred her breasts. The two, round orbs jiggled and quaked with each thrust, and the sight seemed to urge Baloo onward, his balls slapping against the tigress' face over and over. Judging by the flow of his precum, he was getting close...

After what felt like a too-short eternity of being used Mowgli was the one who ended up cumming first, the boy emitting a cute little shout as his cock erupted all over Sherina's chest and face. By the gods, he had just as much cum as his cocksize suggested! At least a bucket's worth of the thick, musky goo, squirting out one thick shot at a time. As Baloo saw his friend topple over the edge of climax he joined him, ejaculating violently and filling Sherina's mouth with awful, salty bear seed. It was too much for her to swallow, stringy globs of jizz spraying from between her lips and running down her chin to mingle with Mowgli's mess.

Sherina barely kept herself from drowning in the pleasure, and only by focusing on her seething hatred for Baloo and how badly he had treated her was she able to keep her mind on the fight. The bear pulled from her muzzle - he had to if he wanted to actually fuck her cunt like she could tell he wanted - and in that instant the tigress squirmed out from underneath Mowgli's legs and tackled the bear. He had been off-balance already and he was only able to turn halfway to keep from falling on his back, his face slammed into the dirt. Sherina clapped her paw over his muzzle, keeping it shut, and slid her fingers into his mouth to keep him quiet. They were painted thoroughly with her nectar and Mowgli's cum, but the pervert actually seemed to enjoy sucking on them! He didn't even bite down like she had been afraid he would! She hissed again, and would've torn his tongue out of the back of his neck if it wasn't for the sudden... piercing of a very thick, very sticky, and very familiar human cock into her depths.

She hadn't even thought that holding onto Baloo from behind would expose her hindquarters and pussy, and Mowgli had taken complete advantage, turning the tigress into a mewling kitten as he slammed half his thick shaft into her. Since both he and Sherina had cum once already it was already well-lubed up, and one orgasm hadn't quelled either's lust as he rammed his way home. Her claws slid out and sliced up Baloo's muzzle in shock, giving him scars that he would boast about for the rest of his days. Mowgli's hand reached down as he mounted the tigress, beginning to stroke the bear's cock to distract him from the pain. Obviously this wasn't the first time he had helped his friend get off, for apparently he knew all the best places by heart, fingers diving and caressing around the bear's glans and big, drooling cockhead. His other hand petted the tigress, reassuring her as he thrust in and out of her depths. Judging by her increasingly happy mewls he was doing a good job of taming her and making her into his housecat.

Her tail finally stopped lashing and curled around Mowgli's waist as Baloo cried out and came. Thick jets of seed splattered over his chest and stained the jungle grass white. A few more thrusts, and Sherina's body responded the same way, her muscles tensing up all at once as her cunt rippled and milked the boy's shaft. Another wave of her nectar splashed out, soaking Mowgli from the stomach down in her feline heat-scent, and he fulfilled his half of the breeding by filling her womb, cumming hard and deep within her. If she had been anywhere near able to think coherently the tigress probably would have marveled at how forceful his orgasm was - she could feel his seed splatting against the inner walls of her womb as if she were being kicked!

All three combatants collapsed in a tired, sweaty heap on the ground, stinking of sex. Once he had caught his breath Mowgli reached up and scratched Sherina's ears, not very surprised to see her grin goofily and arch her head back against his hand. She was purring, and all the wildness and hate had disappeared from her eyes.

"Good kitty... good girl. I know you didn't mean any of it. You just wanted a friend, huh? Someone who could make you feel good... you're so pretty... Wanna be my kitty?" His voice was soft and loving. Despite his original intentions, perhaps the boy was a bit tamer after the encounter too. Baloo, meanwhile, was asleep and snoring, every bit as uncouth and oafish in his sleep as he was awake. But Sherina found herself thinking it was kind of cute... for a stupid bear.

"All right, Daddy. I'm sorry I was bad..." The gentleness of her voice was startling, as was the fact that she felt milk welling up in her breasts and trickling from her nipples. She was lactating, the sweet cream pooling under her bust.

"Sherina... I think you're gonna have our kittens."

"I know, Daddy... and... that's okay. Cause..."

"I love you."

Snow Day

Rykela is naked and horny. Shi chuckles, sitting lazily there with hir legs spread. Casually shi shows off hir impressive endowments for whoever was lucky enough to pass by... which in this case, appears to be you. Hir soulful golden eyes gleam as shi...

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Anastasia St. Clair

_ **Churned out in about an hour after I decided I really, REALLY enjoyed a roleplay with an anonymous vulpine on F-List. X3 I mean, it's sort of a similar scenario to Hellkat's "New Found" universe, it's a giant inspiration to me in more ways than...

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