Scales and tails

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#3 of Vala's Vale

This was a fun little story request from

It features characters from "Let sleeping dragon's Lie" which can be found here. but is not required reading

Vala belongs to

And of course a big thanks to NutRaisins for doing the proof reading. He genuinely completes my sentences. (

"That is total bull shit!" exclaimed Oswin as he flew alongside his green friend. His red scales glinting in the morning light as they glided over the thick fog that hung across the forest canopy. Glancing to his green friend he could see the dreamy expression plastered over his green snout. "Mazi! Come on! At least pretend you are listening to me." he added with a frustrated snap of his jaws.

"Oh, I'm sorry Oswin, I was just thinking about.... Vala..." he said, his words hanging on the air as he thought back to being between the dragoness's thighs, his virgin cock pressing between her folds as he experienced his first time with a dragoness. "What did you say?" He added and glanced to his frustrated red friend.

"Oh, fuck you!" Oswin cried and rolled his eyes, "I warm her up for you, and you get to get your dick wet! it's unfair." he exclaimed, causing Mazi to laugh loudly.

Mazi smiled and looked at his put-out friend, "Well, maybe if you didn't put your paw up her slit while she slept, she may have been more friendly to you!" He chided, causing his red friend to snarl slightly and snap his jaw in frustration. "Or, you know.... You could just have sexy green scales like mine!" he said with a cheerful smile, laughing as his red friend glared at him, "Not like those bloody red ones you have-" He added and tucked his wings as his friend quickly turned to snap at him.

The wind rushed past Mazi as he tucked his wings tight against his body, diving down to the fog that clung to the treetops. Smiling as he glanced back and saw his red friend hot on his tail. Although both evenly matched, he couldn't help but provoke his friend further, "I'm telling you Oswin, Vala just wants a real drake to take care of her, one that knows how to fly!"

"Oh, we both know I'm a better flyer!" Oswin shouted as they rapidly approached the treetops. He watched as his green friend twisted his tail and unfurled his wings at the last moment, darting across the treetops and vanishing into the fog. Following the same manoeuvre, he was able to track the green tail just ahead of him, every twist and turn of the green dragon ahead of him causing the fog to swirl and displace which allowed Oswin to track Mazi easier.

"A better flyer you say? If you are a better flyer, why didn't you get to breed her?" Mazi called back with a laugh riling his friend up, he knew that Vala was not on heat, but he couldn't help but push Oswin's buttons. "If you are such a big virile dragon, why didn't she want you?" he added with a chuckle, glancing back he could see Oswin's snout snapping at his tail through the fog. "Perhaps if you offered to clean her up after I was done, she might have let you take a turn." He chided with a giggle.

Oswin growled and beat his wings harder, smiling as he saw Mazi's eyes go wide and beat his own to keep the gap between them. Banking hard, the green dragon led the chase between the treetops, darting and weaving through the fog covered tips. As Mazi swung around a large red wood that pierced the canopy he looked back and saw Oswin was nowhere to be seen, frowning be banked tightly around the large tree trunk, letting out a startled roar as Oswin came around the tree and collided with his front. The wind was instantly knocked out of both males as they slammed together, both instinctively clinging to one another as they tumbled down through the tree branches.

Each limb of the large red wood tree whipping at the delicate wings of the pair as they plummeted through the white fog. With an almighty thud both slammed into a stone structure that was nestled under the tree, both dragons groaning in pain as they looked around at the old ruins they rested on.

"You good?" Mazi asked, untangling himself from his red friend, flinching when a sharp pain ran through his right wing as he tried to fold it, the ground feeling somewhat unstable under his shaky claws.

Oswin groaned as he rolled over to his feet and shook his head, giving a nod and noticing his injured friend. He swallowed and cleared his throat, pulling a leaf out from under a red scale on his shoulder. "Well, that went well-".

The red dragon was silenced as a large tree branch fell from the treetops above him, colliding with his head with a dull *thwack*

"Oswin!-" Mazi exclaimed before the stone they stood on gave out suddenly. Grabbing his red friend, he instinctively tried to flare his wings and take to the sky, but his injured wing protested, like a leaf on the wind his green body spun and spiraled down into the temple. Closing his eyes, he held Oswin tightly as he fell, his wings offering limited drag and with a dull *thud* the pair landed in the depths of the dim temple.

Mazi coughed as the dust settles, opening his eyes he looked down at his red friend in panic his eyes slit as he ran his green paw over his still friend, the rising and falling of Oswin's chest making him sigh with relief. "Just knocked out." Mazi said to himself and looked up at the hole in the temple roof, the bright sunlight shining through illuminated the otherwise pitch-black interior in a soft light. Mazi stepped off his friend and rolled him onto his side before looking around the room they found themselves in, blinking his eyes as he tried to make out the details of the walls.

Taking a step forwards his injured wing dragged on the ground and sent a jolt of pain through his body, turning, he curled his neck so he could inspect the troublesome limb. None of his green scales were cracked, and as he probed his wing arm with his snout, he confirmed nothing was broken or out of place, "just a sprain." Mazi said to himself softly, looking down at his prone friend, his gaze narrowed, "why do I get the impression this is totally not your fault." He grumbled sarcastically to the unconscious Oswin.

A dull hiss from the temple walls shook his attention back to his surroundings, his eyes alert and scanning for threats as the intensity and volume of the hissing increased. "Who's there?" Mazi called out, his voice breaking slightly.

"Intruderssss." Called out a voice causing Mazi to snap his head into the direction he heard it from. "Intruderssss!" Called another from his other side. Mazi took a few steps back towards his red friend, mantling one wing to make him look bigger as he stood over his friend. "intruderssss!" Called another from behind him and Mazi whipped around, crouching low over Oswin.

"Stay back!" Mazi called out, "I'm warning you!" He added, his voice wavering slightly. His eyes going wide as he saw a writhing mass sliding across the floor towards him. "I'm a dragon! Don't make me hurt you!" He said as firmly as he could, his tail flicking as he turned to see more of the wiggling mass emerge from holes in the temple walls, the sounds of scales sliding over stone mixing with the building hiss coming from the creatures.

"A broken dragon more like it." Hissed one of the tendrils. Mazi's heart was pounding as he watched the hordes of large thick snakes emerge from the shadows, quickly losing count of them as they all slithered towards him, each one almost as thick as his tail. With a paw he quickly gave Oswin a shake but found him still passed out. Glancing up, the hole in the ceiling was well out of reach, searching for an exit his stomach dropped as he realised all of the paths were blocked by the large coiling snakes as they moved towards him.

"Please" Mazi whimpered, "we are just lost. We didn't mean to land here." He begged, lowering himself down onto of his red friend, shielding Oswin with his wings. "We just want to leave." He added and saw a large snake wearing a feathered headdresses perch himself up on a large chunk of rubble. "Please, just let us go."

The snakes kept getting closer, moving as one as they quickly surrounded the pair of young dragons, Mazi's eyes closing as he accepted the inevitable. A sharp hiss rang out in the temple and Mazi opened his eyes, looking at the large snakes around him he noticed they were all looking towards the snake chieftain.

The Chieftain responded in a powerful deep hiss as the snakes started to talk in their own language. Mazi's eyes darting back and forth between the snakes of the hoard and the chief. Minutes felt like hours as they discussed the fate of the two young dragon's before finally one of the snakes reared up in front of Mazi and turned her head to face the green dragon, her scales like amethyst gems as they sparked in the light. "Mistresssss has deemed you worthy." She said in a distinctly feminine voice. "We all obey the mistresssss." She added.

Mazi's eyes darting to the Chieftain and frowned, he had assumed the chief would be male, but cocked his head as he realised, he actually didn't know how to tell the differences. "Um, tell mistress I say thank you?" Mazi said softly, his voice quaking with fear.

The female sounding snake in front of him nodded but remained focused on the green dragon. "We mussst fix the dragon, for he is worthy!" The snake said in a smooth voice. "But the other can be a ssssnack." She added, eyes focusing on the red dragon under Mazi.

"No!" Mazi bellowed, "stay back, he is my friend." He added with a snarl.

The female snake held his gaze before turning to the leader, Mazi's eyes following her gaze and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the Chieftess give a single nod of approval.

"No ssssnack." Said the female snake with a smile. "We will fix dragon and let red ssssleep." She added and the rest of the snakes moved forwards slowly.

"Hey, what do you mean fix?" Mazi said, nervously glancing around at the snakes as they came close. The large snakes continuing to move closer as Mazi whirled around and growled at one that was coming too close.

"Your wing needssss usss. We will fixsss you, relaxssss! We won't hurt you." Said the female snake, turning around Mazi was surprised at how close she was, her eyes unable to blink as they focused on his. "We tend to mistresssss, sssshe will reward usss for tending to you."

Mazi held the snakes gaze before glancing to the Chieftess, the large snake raised up like a regal statue as they oversaw the two dragons surrounded by snakes. "We just need to leave, if you could show us on our way. That would be great-"

"Nonsssence, you are hurt. Mistresssss would not be happy if you left un ssssatisfied with our care. Let usss massage you, we promise that you will not be disappointed." The snake said sensually. Mazi's head flicking around as he felt a large snake start to coil around his leg, the strong muscular snake squeezing his limb as it coiled up.

"Um, no... No thank you. I'm okay." Mazi stammered as he tried to turn to the snake slithering up his leg. Only for another to move forwards and start to climb his opposite forearm. "Excuse me, that's not necessary." He said as the one on his foreleg slid over to his injured wing, it's body gently undulating against his sore muscles.

"Relaxssss, let us care for you. We won't hurt you." Whispered the female snake. Mazi tried to take a few steps and found himself held tightly by the snakes, their coils quickly wrapping around his limbs. While his chest tightened in fear, he couldn't help but feel like he was being encased in a tight hug.

"I-I don't know..." he started, his words cut off as a large snake slid up his back and applied pressure to the tense muscles that ran along his back.

"Sssure you do." Whispered the snake, "just relaxsss, we can't have you broken for missstresss."

Mazi tried to focus, the snake's constant undulations and weight wasting away his tensions. Glancing down between his legs he could see Oswin safely ignored by the snakes, the red dragon's chest rising and falling in a blissful state while Mazi was encased in the writhing mass of snakes.

"Tell usss, are you feeling better?" Said the female snake as she moved forwards, slowly reaching up and running her snout up his neck before coiling around it and pulling herself up.

Mazi's chest tightening as he expected her to squeeze tightly, but as she moved, she dedicated herself to stroking and rubbing her thick body against his stiff neck muscles, his body feeling like it was floating as the snakes seems to take his weight and hold him gently in position. "I, I don't know." He said truthfully, he didn't want to offend the snakes that wrapped around him but couldn't deny the feelings of bliss that they were offering as he slowly relaxed.

"A big sssstrong dragon you are, I can sssee why you have missstresss's eye." The snake's voice low and relaxing. Her body moving up his neck and coiling between his horns before moving her head alongside his. "How about you relax, and we help you more?" The snake said softly, "this is jussst the beginning of what we can do to help you."

Mazi took longer than he thought he would to respond, his injured wing completely forgotten as the snakes held it at the perfect angle to be massaged by their brethren. Every slow squeeze and gentle rub erased the lingering pain until he was in a state of calm. He knew that if these snakes meant him harm, they would have done it by now, even Oswin was not being touched as he had asked. He glanced towards the Chief snake that still remained stationary, watching his clan prepare the dragons.

Mazi cleared his throat and contemplated their offer, "Well, I don't want to be rude-"

"Then don't! Relax and let us tend to your needssss." Interrupted the snake as it slowly moved to his snout, coiling around his nose and looking back at him with unblinking eyes, "don't you want to feel what it'ssss like to be treated like the big sssstrong dragon you are?" She added with a sensual smile.

Mazi couldn't stop himself from giving a nod, his whole body feeling weightless as the snakes continued to rub themselves against his body. "That'ssss it, let usss sssshow you blissss." The snake said and gave a hiss in its own language to the others.

Mazi's eyes widened as he felt the strong bodies of the snakes slowly guide his paws to step off of Oswin and with gentle touches and caresses, he was encouraged to lay down next to his friend. Only resisting them when they tried to roll him onto his back, "ah, I think I'll stay on my belly. If that's okay with you." Mazi said nervously, the idea of exposing his vulnerable belly to the snakes causing him to refocus.

"Well, if you only wantssss to experience a fraction of what we can do, then sssstay on your front. Just relax and let us sssshow you what we can do." Said the snake and moved back on herself, pressing down on his neck and causing him to exhale as she worked his stiff muscles. "Just lay down and breathe." Offered the snake as she traced down his back.

Mazi lowered his head down to the stone floor after glancing to Oswin to make sure he was okay. As his chin touched down the other snakes gently stroked and rubbed up and down his neck while his tail was sensually rubbed by their thick bodies. He tried to push away the thoughts of bliss as they seemed to find every spot in his body that was sore and applied just enough pressure to relieve his tension.

"How are we doing?" The female snake now rubbing herself on the small of his back, causing him to gasp. "Good I take it?" She teased and continued, venturing down and around his thighs.

Mazi's mind was going blank as he felt all his troubles melt away, his whole body going limp under their dedication. He didn't realise he had closed his eyes until he opened them to watch as the snakes on his injured wing guided the problematic limb to fold, their motions gentle and careful. Mazi was amazed to find he felt no pain as he helped them tuck it close to his body.

"Ssssee? Ssssee what we can do. Relax and let usss sssshow you blissss." The snake repeated. Mazi's eyes ridge raised at the thought, looking to the Chieftess who remained watching from above he swallowed nervously. Thinking to himself that he would never be able to fight his way out, so going with the flow maybe the best option to get out okay.

He lifted his head and looked back to the female snake that was now tending to the sensitive base of his tail, "Well, if it will make you look good for your mistress..." He said, his words hanging on the air.

"It would be our honour." Said the snake and hissed to her brethren. Mazi helped as he was slowly rolled over onto his side, glancing back he made sure he wouldn't squash any snakes as he relaxed and let them roll him onto his back, his hind legs coming together defensively and paws tucking close to his chest as the snakes slowly moved onto his smooth belly and chest.

Mazi couldn't help but feel exposed while on his back, but as the snakes slowly pressed against his soft belly and firm chest, he could feel another feeling stirring between the hind legs he kept so tightly closed. "Just relax, you are a big sssstrong dragon, we are just little sssnakess are we not?" The female teased coiling around his thigh to explore his sensitive undertail.

Mazi groaned out loud as the large female snake rubbed herself on the base of his tail, her weight and movements causing his slit to tingle. "I just don't want to be indecent." He muttered more to himself than her, closing his eyes he tried to relax and not focus on the feelings of her body pressing against the back of his thighs while squeezing his tail. The other snakes having unfolded his wings slightly and rubbing against his sensitive wing membranes like a comforting heavy blanket.

"Nonsense, we would be honoured to care for such a handsome dragon." called the snake before pressing her head between his thighs, the scent of dragoness still hanging to his scales as she firmly guided him to spread his legs. "You wouldn't want to make misstress angry at me, would you?" Added the snake with an inquisitive hiss.

Mazi's hind legs slowly parted as she pushed herself between his strong thighs. Her eyes catching the sight of his puffy slit doing its best to contain his engorging shaft. "Just relax sweet prince, let us tend to you completely." She added as her body rubbed up the centre of his slit, her weight and shape encouraging his slit lips to part and release his length into the musky temple air.

Mazi's mind was torn as he felt the other snakes coil around his hind legs and massage his inner thigh, the female snake still resting against his groin while flicking her tongue against his soft belly. Not wanting to expose his sensitive length to so many snakes at once he shook his head slightly, "your touch, can you rub elsewhere?" He muttered, his words strained.

The snake smirked as she looked up to his head that was still resting against the stone, "why? Do you find my touch irritating?" She asked and stroked her body against his slit, her scales gliding over his like silk.

"No!" He called out louder than he should have, "no, it feels good. You feel good. But I'm afraid I'll embarrass myself if you keep going."

The snake never ceased her stroking, moving her body up his belly to align her vent with his slit. "What would be sssso embarassing?" She asked while rubbing her vent back and forth on his swelling slit. "Your such a ssstrong dragon. We ssshould please you entirely, mistress wants thisss." She said softly, gently pressing her snout against his belly while grinding herself on his sensitive slit.

"Nngh!" was all Mazi could gasp, his jaw clenching and his snout blushing red as he struggled to contain his arousal, under her smooth scales his slit was showing hints of his pink shaft trying to emerge. "I shouldn't." He gasped softly.

"You sssshould." Replied the snake in a soft sultry tone while pressing more firmly with her vent against his slit, her own arousal building as she moved. The young dragon under her as tense as a drum, his scent causing her soft cloacal walls to clench and unclench in anticipation.

The feeling of her damp puffy vent gliding over his slit eroded his restraint, the scent of her arousal hanging in the air as she started undulating her body against him. "Jussst relaxssss. Let usss care for you." She whispered.

He closed his eyes and pulled his front paws against his chest in embarrassment, with a desperate groan he felt his tip press out between his tight slit, as soon as it came in contact with her soft scales his hips rocked involuntarily, causing his shaft to emerge more and press firmly against her smooth scales.

"That'ssss it." She gasped, lifting her body up from him and glancing between them to see his length proudly jutting out from his groin. Mazi groaned loudly as she wrapped her tail around his length and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You are ssso big." She added with a reassuring tone.

Her words causing Mazi to smile slightly and try to relax while the large thick snake on his belly continued to gently stroke and squeeze his hard cock. "You think?" He asked softly, his cheeks still burning, and eyes closed.

"Of coursssse!" The snake whispered with a long hiss. "You have an impressive ssshaft." She said with a smile, tracing her body up his long length, encouraging the last few inches out of his slit. "I bet you make the dragonessssessss ssscream." She added.

Mazi couldn't help but blurt out a sharp exhale of breath he didn't realise he held. "Now you're being silly." He chided, his mind going back to his time with Vala and how she was kind enough to let him experience his first time inside her.

"I am not jesssting, you would fill me up sssso much." She said while squeezing his shaft with her tail and slowly rubbing her vent up his shaft, pausing only when she had her puffy cloaca at his tip. "Do you want me ssstretched around your ssshaft?" She asked, her words hanging on the air, her eyes focusing on Mazi's as he lifted his head to look down his body at her. His eyes half lidded in pleasure.

His mind racing as she continued to gently squeeze her tail around his shaft while holding his tip against her opening. "I... I don't know." He said weakly, looking down at her size compared to his shaft he knew it would be a tight fit, but the idea of what it would feel like was chipping away at his resolve.

"You can tell usss to sssstop at any time." She offered while rolling her vent on the tapered tip of his member. "I promissse" she added, Mazi looking into her unblinking eyes and then glancing back to Oswin who was still passed out next to him. Looking back at the snake he gasped as he felt her press her opening against his tip more firmly, her wet walls being parted by his hard tip.

"Fuck yes" Mazi gasped and leaned his head back at how tight she felt on his tip.

"Asss you wissssh" she said gleefully and pressed more firmly down on his shaft. Her tight walls being spread by his hard length as she slowly fed inch after inch of him into her. Mazi's head snapping back to her as he felt his sensitive cock be enveloped by her wet walls. Every wiggle of her body down his shaft caused her walls to ripple and contort in ways he couldn't describe. Meanwhile the other snakes continued to coil and massage his body as he gave a convulsion in pleasure, each of the snakes grinding their vents on his scales in an invitation to be next.

"Nnnngh, fuck!" Mazi groaned out, his jaw clenching at the overwhelming tightness of the snake's body around his hard cock. His eyes widening as he saw a bulge under her scales from his shaft pushing further and further into her body. "Does it hurt?" He asked, his voice showing his genuine concern.

"No sssilly. I wouldn't do thisss if it hurt." She reassured him with a firm press down his length, taking more and more of him into her. "Itsss a nice ssstretch, from ssssuch a nice cock." She added smiling as his eyes rolled back as his length was squeezed and rubbed by her body.

His hips gave another weak hump into the air as she delved deeper, with a soft wet pop his length hardened even further as his knot slipped out from his slit. Her tail wasting no time in wrapping around behind it and using it as leverage to pull the rest of her body down his length.

"Mmphf!" He groaned incoherently through clenched teeth as the pressure on the back of his knot increased. "Oh Gods!" He cried out. "That's good, that feels Soo good." He cried out. The other snakes moved across his chest and forearms while others rested on his tail, the added weight anchoring him down as she slid down his long shaft until just his knot was between their two slits.

She paused to let him become accustomed to the warm tight embrace of her body, his tip pressed deep into her core while her vent was mashed against his thick knot. Gasping for breath he glanced to her, her long body coiled on his chest with the exception of what was being forced straight by his length, giving him a clear indication as to how far inside her he was.

"Your name?" He gasped weakly, "what is your name?" He asked desperately while trying to focus on her face instead of the soft rhythmic clenching of her body around his sensitive shaft.

"You're ssso sssweet." She replied softly, "I am here for you, we all ssserve our mistress, and care for thosse she caresss for." She added softly. "You don't need to call me anything ssspecial."

"You're just so..." He started, unable to find the words as she slowly lifted off him, "Good!" He exclaimed as she plunged back down his length. The sensation of her tight velvety walls being parted by his hard tip, the muscles of her body contorting and rippling as she proceeded to rise and fall on his length.

His front paws moved to her sides, his soft paw pads gently holding her body as she continued to slowly ride up and down his hard cock. The snake giving out a gentle hiss as she felt his paws affectionately stroke her scales, his eyes looking to hers warmly as she continued to dedicate herself to his enjoyment.

"You feel so tight, are you sure I'm not hurting you?" He asked with genuine care in his eyes, while slowly helping her slide up and down his hard shaft with his paws.

"Relaxssss." She whispered, clenching her body on him, causing him to groan out loudly in bliss. "Just enjoy thisss." She added with a soft giggle of a hiss. His eyes almost going cross-eyed as she pressed back more firmly, her stretched entrance kissing his knot and parting even further as she almost took his knot before sliding back up.

The scents of their combined arousal filled the air, with a shudder that made her gasp he felt a small jet of pre escape his tip, helping lubricate her already slick walls for the next drive down his swollen cock.

She could tell he was tense, close to firing his load deep inside her, but she was determined to have him experience everything she could offer. While lifting up along his shaft, she gently wrapped her tail tip around his hard cock, collecting the slick combination of their fluids as she slid back down again.

Mazi's breath hitched as he felt her tail tip probe around behind his slit, "um..." was all he could say as the pointed tip of her tail slid towards his tight puckered tailhole. "What are you doing?" He stammered.

"Do you trussst me?" She said playfully, clenching her body on his shaft and holding tight until he moaned out needily. "I will sssshow you a whole new level of pleasssure. Unlessss, you want me to sssstop."

His mind was awash at the feeling of her body holding him, her velvety walls gripping his smooth shaft tenderly as her tail tip circled his tailhole, smearing the collected juices over his anus.

"You will stop if I say so?" He asked nervously.

"Of coursssse, just relaxssss." She responded tenderly and pressed her tail tip more firmly against his entrance. His tight virgin asshole resisting as he clenched down hard. "Shhh, let me sssshow you. Just breathe." She added in a reassuring tone.

Gently and almost reluctantly he forced himself to relax, her tapered tail slowly pushing inside his puckered hole, the soft stretching sensation making his eyes flutter and breath to hitch slightly. His paws gripped her sides, with his toes he could feel his hard cock buried deep inside her as she slowly and gently slid into his rump.

"Ssssee?" She chided as she pressed her tail against his swollen prostate causing him to groan out in pleasure. "Ssso you like thisss?" She asked rhetorically while pressing into his rump to lift up his shaft, then hissing softly as he pulled her back down with his paws, his thick cock driving deep into her clenching core.

"Yesss." He hissed between his clenched jaw, his eyes closed at the strange filling sensation he was receiving and the mesmerising clenches of her smooth love tunnel. His paws sliding her up and down his length with more urgency as he felt his pleasure increase.

She hissed in pleasure as his length drove into her with more force, her tail still buried in his asshole as she explored his depths, pressing further and curling her tip slightly she smiled as she felt two hard lobes nestled inside his body. "You are ssso pent up! I can feel your ballss begging to unload, deep in me." She added and he groaned in pleasure at the thought.

"I shh-shouldn't." He stuttered, moaning loudly as she pressed against his internal testis with her tail tip before rubbing against his swollen pleasure button. Despite his words, his paws kept pumping her up and down his shaft, her entrance stretched wide and pressed inwards every time he pulled her down, and dragged tenderly along his shaft as he pulled her up. Every pump of her on his cock taking him another step closer to his release. "I don't want to be selfish." He whispered with his eyes scrunched closed, his hips starting to hump up with a mind of their own.

"Jussst let go, mistressss would want you to sssseed me." She replied, her words hitching as he pumped her up and down his length with more force. "Flood me with your cum, I'm all yourssss." She encouraged, tensing her body on his shaft as he slowly became more assertive.

Feeling deep inside him, she could feel his internal balls ready to blow, his shaft slick with their fluids as he started to use his whole body to rock up into her. "Let me feel you entirely." She encouraged, his grip becoming tighter on her sides, "push it into me, all of you, let it ssslip in." She moaned with a desperate hiss. His length was rock hard as he came close to blowing his load. "Do it for your mistresssss." She cried as he snarled and pulled her tight against him.

Her vent stretched wide, forced open by his knot, but instead of pulling her up again he held her tightly and continued to pull her body down, his tip pressed ruthlessly far into her body, he growled a deep rumbling growl of pleasure as he felt his knot start to spread her around the thickest parts. "Yesssssss!" She cried out in ecstasy and with a final thrust of his hips and a tug of his paws his hard knot slipped past the tight entrance to her body. His tip darted even further into her core, stretching her tunnel right along his shaft as his knot locked him deep inside her, the lobes rapidly swelling to ensure he was in while her tail, still buried in his ass, twitched against his prostate.

"Nnnggghgaaaah!!!" Wailed Mazi as he became undone, hot jets of his dragon seed shot deep into her body, every pump of his internal balls caused his hips to hump up into her and asshole to clench on her tail, not missing a beat, the snakes tail tenderly caressing his internal balls through his walls, alternating strokes between each one while undulating her tail against his prostate to ensure he flooded her.

And flood her he did, her body quickly became full with the volume of his release, her whole-body quivering and shuddering as she felt him claim very inch of her body with his virile seed, eggs, nestled deep inside her body stood no chance as they were covered in his incompatible seed. His whole length quivering with every throb of his cock while his knot held strong, ensuring not a drop of his precious essence be wasted.

"Yessss, good dragon." She whispered breathlessly, her body still milking the shaft buried deep inside her, desperate to take everything he had to offer, deep inside her. With a gentle stroke of his P spot, she slowly withdrew her tail from his quivering asshole. "You did good. I see why misstress likes you."

Mazi craned his neck and the other snakes quickly moved under his spine to allow him to look at her tenderly, he could see the outline of his shaft buried deep into her body with his knot stretching just behind her vent in a lewd bulge. "That- that was incredible." He gasped between ragged breaths, his front paws still holding her sides starting to gently caress her body while his shaft continued to give weak throbs inside her. "You were incredible." He added and she gave a soft hiss in appreciation followed by a weak clench of her used walls.

A low groan from Oswin caused Mazi to glance to his red friend. The other dragon slowly lifting his head and blinking blearily as he saw his friend beside him. "What... What happened." He stammered, eyes slowly focusing on the outline of Mazi's shaft buried deep inside the tight snake's body. "What have you done?" He asked and got to his feet, keeping his distance from the writhing snakes that supported Mazi.

Mazi glanced to the Chieftess who was watching from the large rubble chunk, their unblinking eyes having not missed a single detail. Turning back to the female snake that could speak his language Mazi smiled. "Can you tell your misstress that I am thoroughly impressed with your skills, and if it is okay with her, we will take our leave?" He asked and glanced back to the Chieftess. "Once my knot softens of course."

"That is not mistress." The snake said with a giggle of a hiss.

"I am." Called a powerful voice from the shadows, Mazi tensed as the shadowy figure slowly prowled forwards. The snakes all giving a hiss of reverence and turning towards her, arching their necks up high before tilting their heads down in a bow.

The female still wrapped around Mazi's shaft wiggled on his cock causing him to groan as his sensitive shaft was tugged by her body. With a sloppy wet plop his softening knot slipped out of her vent and she quickly slid off his length, leaving a slimy wet trail of his fluids leaking from her gaping hole, Oswin's eyes going wide as he caught a glimpse of his friends aftermath before trying to focus on the large black mass lurking in the shadows.

Mazi and Oswin quickly rolled to their feet, and both gave a sniff, the heavy scent of Mazi's seed hung like a cloud along with the rich scents of a female's arousal.

"Which one of you broke my temple?" Called the voice, its powerful female voice resonating in their chests.

Oswin swallowed, "it was him." He stated and glanced up at the ceiling, trying to judge how many flaps it would take to get out. "We were playing, and he collided with me and..." His lie trailing off as the large imposing figure stepped towards them, the large black dragoness emerging from the shadows with a smile on her snout.

"Vala!" Mazi exclaimed, his hard wet shaft throbbing slightly as she approached, the scent of her arousal following her like a cloud. A smile pulling at Mazi's snout as he caught sight of her front paw, glistening in the light, clearly, she had been watching them for some time and had enjoyed the show immensely.

The large blue winged dragoness staring intently at the two as she prowled around them. "Is that so, Mazi broke the temple roof?"

"I'm sorry Vala, we didn't see the temple, the fog you see, I-I hurt my wing, and then your snakes they took care of me...." Mazi started but was silenced as she focused on his red friend.

"And you? Did you damage MY roof at all?" She asked firmly.

"Me? No, not at all. I got knocked out and I- I just woke up." Oswin stuttered, "I didn't break the roof, he did." He said while pointing a paw at the green dragon.

Mazi was about to retort when Vala cut him off, a knowing smile tugging at her lips "because you didn't harm my snakes, you can leave. As for you my little green Mazi." She said before turning to face him. "You will rebuild my temple roof," she said before smiling. "Once, I nurse you back to full strength." She said warmly, stepping alongside him and brushing her long tail along his side and neck, using her tail tip to lift his chin up before continuing to walk away, her puffy folds on full display to the green dragon.

She kept walking slowly away, her hips rocking from side to side, "you can go home now Oswin. Mazi, come to your mistress, let me make you feel better."

"But, but..." Oswin stammered as Mazi gave him a weak smile and trotted off to walk alongside Vala. "But what about me?"

"You didn't break the roof." Called Vala with a chuckle.

Claiming the top deck

The resonating bass of the boat horn commanded the attention of the occupants that milled around the party deck that proudly sat on the roof of the cabins, the large cruise ship having been pushed back from the dock by two tugs now started to move...

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Meat the dragon

To say vex was nervous was an understatement, his paws trembling slightly as he stood in the kitchen, overwhelmed by the mountain of ingredients the recipe called for. Glancing at the clock on the wall he knew he didn't have much time, regretting the...

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Let Sleeping Dragons Lie

"I'm telling you, I totally did," Oswin called out confidently over his shoulder as he soared through the sky, his wine red scales glistening in the warm sunlight. He and his friend, Mazi, were making their way back home when they found themselves...

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