Adventures Abroad - At the University

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#12 of Adventures Abroad

It's the last lecture of a long morning at the university, and Jack can barely follow as his focus is slipping and his stomach is painfully empty. It doesn't help that Yuma is sitting right next to him, distracting the fox with his lewd advances until his mind is filled with horny thoughts. And while his hunger briefly regains his attention as they reach the dining hall, it's only a matter of time before his horniness catches up with a vengeance.

Chapter twelve of "Adventures Abroad" gives a glimpse into the university life of Jack and Yuma. Set on the same day as the previous chapter, it explores the relationship between the two and how the fox is growing more comfortable with his host country's open, casual approach to public lewdness. Along plenty of teasing and some paw play, you can look forward to themes of domination and submission, character growth, exhibitionism, and voyeurism. I wish you a fun read, and I would love to hear your thoughts and comments.

"... now we just plug the sine function into the differential equation and calculate the second derivative, then we can finally solve for our variable."

Jack could hardly contain a yawn, his eyes glazing over as the lecturer wrote yet another long, meandering equation onto the blackboard, and while it was mostly just a revision of the previous lecture, it didn't make his current situation any better. Sitting in the same stuffy, dimly lit lecture hall for about two hours was testing his resolve, and the only thing that kept him awake was the fact that he was taking notes, clinging to his pen as if it was a life raft while he gathered his fading focus to condense the lecturer's flowery explanations into a comprehensive, somewhat legible text.

Unsurprisingly, the fox was one of the last remaining students who still paid attention, as most others had already sunk deep into their seats in the cramped, steeply ascending rows of the lecture hall. Some were even asleep, as nobody would notice in the twilight if they had their eyes closed or not. Yet, his attention was slipping as the clock approached 3 PM and he hadn't found any time for lunch so far, the yawning pit in his stomach starting to ache with ravenous hunger.

The even bigger distraction, however, was sitting right next to Jack. Yuma had snuggled tightly against his side, an arm wrapped around his thigh and his big, bushy tail intertwined with the fox's. The red panda had already given up about half an hour ago, and he had been shifting ever closer to him since, his head resting on Jack's shoulder while he looked at him with half-lidded, dreamy hazel eyes. "You'll let me copy everything later, right?"

"Sure, that's why I'm still writing," the fox murmured, squinting and leaning forward to decipher the professor's latest squiggles.

"Thanks, Jack, you're awesome," Yuma purred and rubbed his forehead against Jack's cheek, scattering a few lazy kisses across his neck. At the same time, he sneaked a paw under the belt of the fox's skirt, unceremoniously sliding it deeper until his digits brushed against his friend's half-hard cock.

There was still a layer of fabric between Jack's penis and the shameless red panda's fingers, but that hardly diminished the impact of his caress. The seats right next to them were vacant, but there were still other students sitting in the same row, and the thought that one of them might be looking over to them sent a shiver down his spine. "Hey, what are you doing, Yuma?" the fox hissed under his breath. "Get your fingers away from there, I'm trying to focus."

"But I'm bored and hungry," the red panda moaned into his ear, only to follow up with a kiss right on Jack's cheek while he rubbed his warm, soft paw pad against the growing bulge on his panties. "And I gotta repay you for letting me copy your notes, you know?"

"The lecture ends in just a few minutes. Can't you keep it together for just a little longer?" the fox responded, rolling his eyes as his companion sucked on the end of his pen with a suggestive grin. He did stop stroking Jack's cock, though, even if he kept his paw on his thigh, rubbing and kneading it until the fox placed his own paw on top, interlocking fingers to put an end to his horny companion's advances before it rubbed off on him.

Unfortunately, the damage was already done, because the teasing touches dispersed what remained of Jack's struggling focus, and distracting fantasies rushed into his mind as he watched the professor in front of the blackboard. Usually, he tried to keep his eyes locked on the chalk in her hand, because the moment he looked at the rest of her, he immediately got lost in the sight of her. Although clad in a full dress suit, the fabric of the tall mare's black coat and cloth pants hardly concealed any aspect of her blessed body, her massive tits threatening to burst out of her shirt at even the slightest movement and that big, plump ass swaying as she worked her way from one side of the blackboard to the other. Even after spending an entire month in Kessan, he still hadn't gotten used to its marvelous sights.

Somehow, the fox managed to wrest his eyes off his professor's gorgeous body just a second later, but the fleeting glimpse was more than potent enough. As if by magic, the equations on the board transformed into cryptic symbols, and his own heart pounded so hard in his chest that its thumping beat drowned out her explications. He tried to write down another note, but even his fingers refused to comply as his mind had moved somewhere else entirely.

"You know that she always throws a party for her best students after the post-exam review?" Yuma whispered and smacked his lips. "I think I'm gonna study extra hard for the exam."

"Yuma, you're not helping," Jack grunted, clenching his paw so tightly around his pen that his knuckles turned white. Yet, he couldn't stop his gaze from returning to the busty mare, and he began to wonder how soft her plump ass was and what she looked like without her formal wear. Just one good exam this spring, and he would even get to shove his cock inside one of her tight holes. The knowledge that this wasn't just a horny fantasy distracted him even harder, and more questions popped into his mind. Would it be in her office? Who else would be there? What were the requirements for attending the party?

"... alright, and this concludes today's lecture. I wish you all a wonderful afternoon and hope to see you again tomorrow," the professor suddenly announced, and the sluggish clapping from her half-awake audience snapped the fox out of his lewd musings. Hastily, he sat up straight and joined in with a blush, rapping his knuckles against his table as the mare's eyes swept across the ranks. Eventually, she turned around with a wry smile and left the lecture hall, leaving him with the hope that she hadn't caught him staring.

"Okay, let's get out of here and grab something to eat because I'm staaaarving," Yuma cut Jack's concerns short, pulling his paw away from the fox's waist to toss his utensils into his backpack. Once he had zipped it up, he stood up and eyed the other male with an expectant grin. "Sooo, you coming?"

"Yeah, yeah, just gimme a minute," Jack nodded and followed the red panda's example, hurriedly stowing his notepad and writing tools in his own rucksack while trying to suppress his lingering arousal. How had he gotten this hard just from lusting after his professor? Had he always been this helplessly horny? "There, I'm ready."

"Great! Come on, let's go," Yuma chirped and clapped before he reached for Jack's paw and dragged him along the row of seats and across the emptying lecture hall, seemingly oblivious to the fox's inner struggles.

Only a moment later, they were out in the hallway, large window panes immersing everything in so much light that Jack had to squint, blinking rapidly to adapt to the sudden brightness. Meanwhile, his companion was one step ahead again, pulling him down the corridor and the stairs until the muffled noise of cutlery and conversation reached the fox's ears, the scent of fresh, hot food making his muzzle water.

As Jack's hunger made itself noticed with a resounding growl, all that pesky arousal from the previous lecture dissipated, and he could hardly wait to reach the dining hall. Around the next corner, a magnificent buffet of hot and cold meals extended before his eyes with a dozen students and employees bustling around the various stands and tables. The fox wasted no time to grab a clean tray and throw himself into the crowd, following his nose to wherever it smelled the best until he eventually moved in line to get a dish of mashed sweet potatoes and beans.

All the while, Yuma embarked on his own foray into the buffet. Barely a second after they split up, the fox had already lost track of the red panda, continuing his journey for some drinks and condiments on his own. He only got to see him again as he reached the checkout, where the girly male grinned at him from the other side with a big bowl of steaming vegetable soup with dumplings on his tray.

A quick payment later, Jack joined back up with Yuma. "Another soup day?"

"Of course. If they let me decide, they'd make this soup every day of the week. Honestly, I'm already amazed that it's on the menu two days in a row now," Yuma laughed. "Your stuff looks pretty tasty, too."

"But don't you dare mooch my entire lunch again, okay?"

"Don't worry," the red panda promised with a wink. "This time, I'll sample just half of it~" With that, he turned around and ambled across the dining hall. Spread across three floors, most of it comprised long tables with a dozen seats or more, but while almost all were occupied during peak lunch hours, it was late enough in the afternoon that most tables were almost empty. Yuma walked past all of them, though, as the same held for the student café on the lowest floor. Unlike the fairly industrial setup on the floors above, the dining tables down here were just for five people, and each was nestled into its own separate compartment, bordered on three sides by a cushioned red bench, with stylish hanging lamps and potted plants decorating the space in between. Only the earliest and latest students could ever hope to find seats here, and the latter was the case for them right now.

After locating a vacant spot in the rearmost part of the café, Yuma set down his tray and slouched himself onto the bench with a happy sigh. "Finally, food and no more lectures for the day."

"Yes, three lectures during lunchtime is just cruel. I sometimes wonder if Dr. Ksimu has a grudge against undergrad students," Jack groaned, dropping onto the other side of the table.

Yuma stuck out his tongue and giggled, "No, he probably just wants to prepare us for the hardships of life or something."

"Speaking of hard, good job on keeping yourself together until the end of the lecture. I could tell you were getting bored halfway through," the fox commented with a smirk and picked up his fork, taking a first taste of the mashed sweet potatoes. "Someday, you might even last an entire morning without trying to tease me, you hornball."

"Easier said than done, especially when the lecture is just a recap. Besides, what can I do when there's much more interesting stuff around me," Yuma cooed and leaned forward, fluttering his eyelashes at Jack.

"Sometimes, I wonder if it would be more productive if we sat on opposite sides of the lecture hall."

"Oh, come on, where would be the fun in that? Then I'd have one less reason to attend the lectures."

"You know that we're likely going to have some separate modules next semester?" Jack chuckled.

"Yes, I know, and I'm already dreading the moment it starts," Yuma moaned and over-dramatically rolled his eyes. "Although, if you think about it, that only means that we have to cherish the time we're together now all the more."

"Yuma, we live under the same roof. I don't think being separated for a few lectures... ah..." A thrill raced through the fox and he almost dropped his fork as something grazed his inner thigh. Reflexively, he clenched his knees together to trap the perpetrator, and a single glance at the red panda's face and his cheeky grin told him all he had to know.

For a moment, they just stared at each other before Yuma continued to push his foot further under Jack's skirt, turning his speechless surprise into a subdued moan as the soft, warm pad of his foot paw met the bump on his panties. A single teasing rub later, it was already swelling into a much larger, fatter bulge as the stimulation reawakened the fox's cock from its slumber.

Jack cautiously glanced around the other tables, and while the one on the opposite side of them was currently empty, the ones in front and behind of them were occupied. Fortunately, nobody seemed to have noticed yet, but the fact that there were people within earshot, that there could be someone passing by at any time exacerbated his thrill. Not that anyone would mind, though, since a sign on the structural pillar next to him proudly designated the café as a fun zone with a pictograph of two people and a heart. Another reason why this place was in such high demand.

The fox's thoughts were cut short when all of a sudden, a pair of students passed by. Too busy chatting with each other, they couldn't have paid less attention to what or whoever was around them, but Jack instantly froze up at their presence, experiencing every caress and rub of Yuma's toes against his cock all the more intensely.

"You want me to stop?" Yuma asked with a sheepish smile.

Jack turned around and indecisively looked at the red panda. This didn't break any rules and his sorely unsatisfied arousal was returning with a vengeance, but everything else about the situation made his heart race in his chest. Sure, he had done it in "public" with Toko before, even with Yuma, but always in a changing room, a toilet stall, or an enclosed room designated for sexual relief. Never, however, had he done it in the open like this, where any stranger could watch.

Struggling to come up with a clear response, the fox perked up when a series of telling smacks reached his ears, and when he leaned out of his compartment to check where the noise was coming from, he saw that a couple at one of the neighboring tables had beaten them to it. Between two empty trays, a tanuki girl lay sprawled across the table with her lover bent over her, his pants dropped to his ankles while he pounded her ass with heavy grunts and swinging balls. She rewarded his vigorous thrusts with throaty moans, and a squeal of particularly horny delight as he yanked up her top and groped her tits for his pleasure as much as much as the viewing pleasure of everybody around them.

It wasn't the first time that other students had succumbed to their lust and indulged each other with a quick fuck on the tables, but while it was usually just another part of the café's atmosphere, like the smell of fresh coffee and the omnipresent chatter, Yuma's foot under his skirt made Jack see it in a completely different light. Almost like a pressure relief valve, the couple's vocal excess eased his own reservations, as he now no longer felt like the only one being naughty, but his heart still pounding in his chest when he turned back to Yuma and whispered. "Toeless socks?"

"Just for you, handsome~" the red panda replied and braced both his paws against the edge of the bench as he slipped his other foot between Jack's thighs, pulling them apart with gentle but determined force.

The fox still made no move to stop Yuma, sitting back with a shaky sigh as his partner's foot paws dived into his lap. Barely a moment later, the red panda's nimble toes had already pulled down his panties, freeing his throbbing, engorged cock from its confines only to trap it between his warm, slightly sweaty paw pads and pump it with slow, savoring strokes.

"Don't you want to finish your soup first?"

"So, you do want me to stop?" Yuma purred, polishing the fox's tip with one paw pad while the other slipped beneath his balls, squeezing them just hard enough against his crotch to draw a fresh moan from his lips.

Jack quickly bit his tongue and took another look around the café to see if anyone had noticed, but nobody paid them any mind. The couple one table over was still too busy fucking each other's brains out, and two tables in the other direction, a group of three students had followed the example, two of them spit-roasting their colleague on the bench with visible and audible enthusiasm. The horniness was spreading quickly and, for once, it wasn't just inspiring the other students, but the fox as well as the sounds and sights permeated his brain. With everybody busy screwing, who would even notice that Yuma gave him a footjob under the table? At that thought, he finally shook his head. "No, please, keep going."

"With the greatest pleasure~" the red panda giggled, continuing the dance of his soles with twice the enthusiasm. And while Jack kept looking around, on edge at the thought that someone might walk by at any moment, Yuma's eyes never left his body. Licking his lips, the red panda's gaze alternated between the fox's face and chest, and he eventually asked, "Jack, could you... maybe do me a favor?"

"Huh? What do you need?" the fox wondered, tilting his head at the girly red panda.

"Could you... open your shirt a bit?"

Jack looked at Yuma with a raised brow, but he heeded his request and opened the first button of his shirt, as he was getting quite hot from all the excitement anyway. With his companion's eager eyes on his fingers, he opened another one still, and then he finally understood the red panda's fascination as his paws brushed over the subtle bumps on his chest. A flustered smile formed on his muzzle and an even stronger wave of heat washed through him, prompting him to accelerate the unbuttoning and eventually just rip the shirt open until it split all the way down to the rim of his skirt.

As the fox pulled his top open, the changes of his budding breasts showed themselves in their inconspicuous, yet undeniable existence. The shallow humps were too small to warrant a bra so far, but the pink buds on top had noticeably fattened, and his areolae had almost doubled in size already, garnering the red panda's attention like a moth to the flame. "Like this?"

"Yes, that's perfect," Yuma swooned, squeezing and rubbing both soles against his partner's tip until the fox moaned and squirmed with pleasure. "Fuck, you're so hot, Jack, and you're getting even hotter every day."

"T-thanks," Jack gasped, clutching the edge of the table as the red panda rubbed the sensitive spot under his glans with one toe. Already, the affection was making him leak like a broken faucet, and he wasn't sure how much longer he would last as his companion's ministrations and the café's increasingly lewd soundscape contended for his attention. Shooting another glance at the neighboring tables, he also couldn't help but wonder how many of the other students were taking advantage of the hornleaf tea's effects the way he did. According to Irene, it had to be quite a few, maybe half of them exploring and experimenting with different mixtures and their bodies to figure out what appearance suited them best.

The realization that he and most of the students at the other tables were on the same quest of discovering themselves was strangely comforting to the fox, and his heart beat even faster when Yuma chimed into his thoughts. "So, are you already set on how far you want to take it?" he asked, demonstratively gesturing at his own chest. "Just a bit more feminine than this? Or with tits and ass as big as mom's?"

Instead of responding, Jack looked down at his own chest again, trying to imagine the changes before his inner eye while he absently stroked his right breast. Of course, he had fantasized about what it would be to be a different species and gender before, like most other people, but while he couldn't turn into a bear or a tiger without actual magic, the transformation he was currently undergoing -- no matter how agonizingly slow it was -- was as close to changing his body into something different as he could get, and this was already much further than what he had ever considered possible. But was this better? Was he liking his looks more than before? Did he want more of this?

As if his moments of fascination every time he spotted himself in a mirror weren't indication enough, be it at home in the bathroom or in the reflection of a shop window, the riveting thrill he experienced just thinking about it right now convinced him. Was he doing this because Toko preferred bigger, bustier body types? Was he doing this because he loved her bigger, bustier looks? Absolutely, but now that the changes were manifesting in reality, he still regretted nothing as it was even better than expected. Like getting something he hadn't even been aware he was missing.

"Hey, you still there?" the red panda interjected Jack's musings with a chuckle.

Looking up with a dazed yip, the fox finally shook his head and admitted with a crimson blush, "N-no, I'm not set on anything yet, but I know that I want more than this. A-a-and I can't wait to get even bigger."

"Same. Although, watching the journey is just as exciting. It's adorable to see you get all giddy ogling yourself in the mirror every morning. You'd probably fuck yourself if you could, am I right?"

"H-hey," Jack protested as Yuma called him out with a sassy grin, but he wasn't wrong in his assessment. Even if the red panda's lecherous comments made him once again aware that they were still in the middle of the university café. "I-I mean, yeah, I would if I could..."

"Speaking of, do you mind if I come over? Pawing you off is nice and all, but I need more after all that talk."

The fox wordlessly stared at Yuma, trying to figure out what the red panda had in store for him. Was he actually suggesting a fuck? Here and now? In the café? Jack wasn't sure if he was ready for that, but at the same time, the red panda's footjob had gotten him so hard and horny that he was curious enough to find out about his intentions. "No, no, you can come over if you want."

As if he had already expected Jack's approval, Yuma pulled his foot paws away from his cock and shifted around the table, moving next to the fox before he even realized that the warm, sweaty paw pads were gone. The girly red panda wouldn't stay in that spot for long either, as he took advantage of his partner's surprise to climb onto him and straddle his lap.

Settling right on Jack's thighs, Yuma was suddenly much, much closer to him, close enough to share his body warmth with the fox and look him directly in the eyes while casually rocking his hips back and forth. Although he was moving barely an inch, the sensation was magnified by the fact that he was gliding his soft, fuzzy rump directly against Jack's throbbing bulge, carrying on where his feet had left off.

"Mnnnnhh, Yuma, w-wait," the fox objected weakly, aware that even the least attentive student could now tell at a glance what they were up to.

But just as the thrill was about to become too much for Jack, Yuma closed the gap between their muzzles and distracted him with a deep, sensual kiss, parting his lips just enough to intertwine their tongues in a hot, wet dance. The fox's heart still hammered in his chest, but he couldn't help but close his eyes and moan with joy as his partner's paws roamed his back, one scratching him behind his ears while the other slipped ever deeper down to his butt. Meanwhile, he wrapped his own arms around his slender, girly companion and pulled him tightly against his chest, losing himself in the kiss as it lasted.

When the red panda eventually broke the kiss, he took a single breath before he whispered, "I love you, Jack. You're such a cute, smart guy, and so scorching hot that I could eat you right up." Demonstratively, he squeezed the fox's left buttock. "And while we're at university, I have you all for myself. Maybe not as much during the lectures, but all the more in between," Yuma purred, grabbing Jack's wrist to pull his paw up to his muzzle. "You're all mine, and I'm all yours~"

"I- I love you too, Yuma." The fox bit his lip and blushed as his partner unceremoniously wrapped his muzzle around two of his fingers, tilting his head as he sucked on them with wet, horny moans and slurps. Yuma even gagged a little as he took the digits all the way to the knuckles, although he evidently lacked a gag reflex from all his experience with Toko, but that didn't matter to Jack, and the people in the café around him merged into a hazy blur as the girly red panda awakened a side of him that was so unlike the one he always experienced around Toko. While his legs spread and his anus loosened just thinking of her, his entire body trembling in desperate need to take her gargantuan fuck rod to the hilt and get pumped full with hot, thick cream, her son's playful teasing did the opposite, evoking a primal desire to bend the slutty boy over and make him squeal as he reamed his tight, hot butt.

Emboldened by his budding dominance, Jack grabbed the red panda's butt with one paw and extracted his fingers from his muzzle. Shining with spit -- a strand of glistening drool hanging between the two digits -- he moved them down under Yuma's skirt and pressed them against his asshole, already relaxed and ready to receive his affection. "All mine," he grinned and buried his fingers to the hilt, drawing a breathy moan from his partner. "All mine~"

The fox immediately began to curl and spread his fingers, eliciting even noisier groans from the red panda while he searched for his prostate. "Yes, that's it! That's the spot! Harder, Jack, finger me harder," Yuma squealed when Jack found his target just a second later, and his partner's entire body shook as he worked his digits against that sensitive patch, back and forth, squeezing the pleasure bulb until the other male lost his balance and slumped against him.

Bracing himself against Jack's chest, Yuma quickly focused his attention on the fox's budding breasts, and even if they offered not much volume to play with, his nipples were still highly receptive to the red panda's enthusiastic ministrations. Every rub and stroke against his sensitive buds sent thrilling flashes of pleasure through the fox's brain, and he burst into a quavering, high-pitched moan as his partner took one of his nipples between two fingertips and twisted it hard. However, the surprise was immediately succeeded by a wave of hot embarrassment as Jack remembered just how many people could hear his slutty cry. He had been a lot louder than he ever wanted to be, and a cautious look around the other tables returned a few curious glances, stirring powerful flutters in his chest as he realized that the other students had taken note of his squeal.

Feeling hot and cold at the same time, the fox blushed harder than ever in his life, and that was saying something because he had been blushing a lot ever since he arrived in Kessan. Yet, it had almost always been only he who was ashamed about things that seemed perfectly natural to all around him, and this moment was no exception. While he had frozen up, Yuma was actively riding his fingers, unleashing a slutty serenade of whines and moans as if he wanted the others to listen. "Ah, come on, Jackie boy, keep going," the red panda begged, tongue dangling from his muzzle as he peered at him with big brown eyes. "Or do you want to stick it inside me now? Because I'm ready to take your big, fat cock~"

Jack wordlessly stared at his partner while embarrassment and lust struggled for dominance, part of him getting riled up even more by the teasing while the rest of him wondered what he was even doing here. Part of him wanted to slam the girly red panda onto the table and breed his ass like there was no tomorrow, but then his concerns got corroborated when a shadow appeared in the corner of his eye. Three more students were walking past their table, but unlike the previous passerby, they weren't engaged in conversation, shooting the fox and his friend meaningful glances. One even nodded at him, and he could've sworn that one of them commented on their situation. "This café really has some hot pieces of cake."

The fox's discomfort worsened as the group of complete strangers ogled him, and the effects of their looks and comments still unraveled long after they had passed by. However, before the urge to get up and run away in shame could grow too powerful, Yuma distracted him with another deep kiss. "Let's give them something to remember," the red panda gasped, licking Jack's lips with a horny moan. "Let's show them what it looks like when the two prettiest boys in the university fuck." Wrapping his paws around the belt of Jack's skirt, it didn't take long until he unbuckled it with a click. "So, what are you waiting for, stud? Pin me on the table and pound my tight, hot ass until I forget my own name."

What was Yuma doing? Why was he saying something like this out loud for everybody to hear? But instead of making Jack curl up even more, the lewd insinuations transformed his unease into something equally potent, but much more riveting when he realized more than ever that he wasn't alone in this embarrassing situation, that they were being naughty together. Moreover, the girly red panda's words tickled the same part of the fox's brain that fired whenever he strutted around town with Toko's load inside him, flaunting his bloated cum belly at everybody around him.

It was fine to show off, and it was just as fine to fuck.

Still staring at Yuma, Jack began to nod as his lust won out over his reservations, and with it, his assertiveness returned with a vengeance. "You got it, Yuma," he growled, extracting his fingers from the red panda's ass to grab him under his arms and hoist him off his lap with a heavy grunt. Toko really made this look easier than it was, but Yuma gladly helped him out, keeping his arms wrapped around his back as he got up and heaved him onto the table, sprawling him across the surface like that girl two tables over.

In the process, the fox's loosened skirt slid down his thighs and dropped to his ankles, and where his panties barely managed to contain his cock in its flaccid state, they now failed entirely to conceal it in its fully engorged glory. Thus, he stood there between the red panda's splayed thighs, skirt down, shirt open, and his rock-hard penis on full display, knowing without checking that some of the other students were watching, but he couldn't care less as he had only eyes for the grinning male in front of him.

"Fuck, you're hot when you're being assertive, Jack," Yuma cooed, bending his feet back over his head with catlike flexibility while the fox pulled up his skirt, exposing his stiff, leaking dick to his horny gaze and their whole audience. Only his anus was still concealed by his pair of panties, but that wasn't anything a quick swipe of the paw couldn't fix, and just a second later, Jack had liberated the slightly loose and spit-lubed pucker of that pesky patch of fabric.

Squelching and clenching wetly, the rosy orifice winked at the fox, and he indulged the greeting without another comment, grabbing the red panda's ankles and bending over him as he slammed his entire rod up his ass in a single thrust.

Jack burst into a heavy groan as his partner's insides wrapped themselves around his cock like the snuggest, warmest glove, but he didn't pause to bask in the initial rush of delight. Instead, he instantly followed up with another thrust, yanking his cock back out to the tip before plunging it back in, again and again, greedy for more of that heavenly pleasure without bothering to ease the other male in.

Not that Yuma needed any time to get used to the immediate pounding, as he had taken plenty of much bigger cocks and toys before, and Jack didn't treat him even remotely as hard and thoroughly as Toko usually did, but that didn't seem to diminish his joy in the slightest. He squealed and moaned at every thrust, curling and clenching his fingers into fists as the fox straightened his guts. "Ah, fuck, that's what I'm talking about. We're breeding like two horny rabbits..."

The red panda didn't manage to say anything more, though, as Jack grabbed his dick with one paw and his head with the other, pulling him into a sloppy tongue kiss and sharing his wet spit and hot moans with him while he started to jerk him off.

In return, Yuma wrapped his arms around his partner's back while he rutted him with a whipping tail, holding his head steady with one paw while the other traced its way down the fox's spine, reaching all the way to his fuzzy butt to give his ass cheeks a firm squeezing.

The wandering paw sent a titillating shiver down Jack's spine, and he broke away from their kiss to voice a particularly wet moan, only to look up for just a second and notice that a student was watching them from the table directly across from them. A brown-eyed doe had taken a seat there, probably to enjoy the cup of coffee in front of her, but instead, she had gotten enthralled by the sight of him and Yuma. With her head propped onto one hand, she looked at them with dreamy eyes and thirsty bleats, her other one nestled between her furred cream thighs as she pumped two fingers in and out of her plump pink pussy.

The fox briefly paused his thrusting when he realized that the other student was actively getting off to the show. Every other time, even just minutes ago, this would've made him cringe so hard, he would've exploded from the sheer embarrassment, but it barely even bothered him right now as he was literally in so deep that there was no backpedaling. On the contrary, the stranger's attention fueled his rutting frenzy, and the fact that she was fingering herself to it was starting to excite him as much as strutting around with a belly full of Toko's cum.

But before the fox lost himself too far in his own thoughts, Yuma reclaimed his attention with a single stroke of his finger when he unceremoniously shoved it deep into his ass and rubbed it up against his prostate. Stars and sparkles flashed before Jack's eyes, and his thrusts faltered as he erupted into a breathy, slutty moan, the avid touch almost sending him over the edge then and there.

"Just look at us. We're just incorrigible butt sluts, aren't we?" the red panda moaned, an impish smile on his muzzle as he added a second finger to the fox's reflexively slackening asshole. Turning and twisting them, he broke his partner's rhythm entirely, and while Jack still recovered from the initial teasing, Yuma doubled down with a lusty purr, "You're getting so loose, I bet you couldn't refuse if a hot hunk walked by and asked to take your hole for a spin~"

That notion finally did it for the fox, unraveling all that pent-up thrill and tension in a huge explosion. "Shut up and take my cum, you horny slut," he managed to growl before he slammed his dick balls-deep into the red panda and succumbed to a powerful orgasm.

In an instant, Jack's mind went blank with bliss, and he erupted inside the other male, squirting his thick, hot seed deep inside his ass. All the while, his own anus clenched and contracted around Yuma's finger, sucking on it in a desperate thirst for cum that wouldn't come while the curling digit skillfully milked him of his own semen. The urge briefly grew so powerful that if the doe at the table over had had a dick, he would've asked her to give him a nice cream filling to satisfy that primal desire.

Instead, Jack only got to watch as she joined his orgasm, arching forward and bleating in joy while she slammed her fingers deep into her convulsing cunt, and the sight and sounds of her delight distracted him from his own unfulfilled need, thrusting his mind back into the blissful orgasm where it belonged. Besides, Yuma popped as well, bursting with a passionate, guttural cry of pleasure while his asshole started tightening just as hard as the fox's ring, lifting his orgasm to even greater heights while the powerful contractions sucked the cum from his nuts as if he was an incarnate milking machine. A machine the fox strove to become as well.

But for now, Jack was more than happy to ride out his high and dump his load inside the red panda while still holding his twitching, tensing cock in his paw, gripping it tightly as Yuma painted the insides of his skirt with squirts of milky white semen.

The fox's climax lasted for almost an entire minute before it faded, shifting into a state of comfy, contented afterglow as he collapsed on top of the red panda, holding him close against his pounding heart while he recovered his breath. At the same time, clarity returned to his lust-addled mind, but although he was lying on top of the other male in the middle of the university café with plenty of students around them, some of them actively watching them, his previous embarrassment wasn't nearly as overbearing as before.

"Not gonna lie, that was a pretty hot show, you two," the doe chimed into Jack's afterglow, winking at him as she pulled her panties up to her soaked, dripping pussy and tossed down her coffee. Then she got up and walked off to return her tray, leaving the fox to look after her with a fiery blush on his cheeks.

"And it was a really nice fuck, too. You're getting more productive by the day," Yuma added, grinning at the fox as he celebrated the occasion with a passionate kiss, parting his lips to embrace Jack's tongue in a languid dance. "Love you, Jackie boy." Then, he gave him a pat on the back and pulled out an inflatable black plug. "Here, you know what to do."

"Thanks, Yuma," Jack nodded and took the toy before he got up and pulled out with a sluggish groan. "I love you too." Sliding the inflatable rubber bulb against the red panda's stretched, leaking orifice, he pushed it in all the way to the base before applying the pump until it was big enough to slip back out. "Now, we just need to take care of the remaining mess we made..."

"Already on it!" Yuma chirped and handed the fox a few tissues before he slipped off the table. And before Jack could say anything else, the red panda had already dropped to his knees in front of him and began to noisily suck and slurp his sweaty, cum-soaked cock clean as if it was the most normal thing to do in the middle of a café. With most of his arousal gone, the exposed position made the fox slightly uneasy again, as he felt the gazes of the other students on his hide, but he didn't stop Yuma. Instead, he just placed a paw on his head, affectionately ruffling his hair while he realized that now that he had overcome his reservations, this was only the first time of many more to come. Soon, he would be as comfortable doing it in public as the others of his host family, and honestly, he couldn't wait to surprise Toko with this newest development, perhaps on a date this weekend.