The Grand Academy, part 2

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Lilian's adventures among unethical free-use wizards continue. This time, she will learn the basics of contraceptive spells, how to control (or perhaps not) her ley-wolf familiar, and demonstrate a surprising talent in magic. Perhaps something that will eventually allow her to really take what she wants, the way everyone else at the Academy does...

Sequel to

Commissioned by TheGrandPuppeteer

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Lilian dreamt she was riding a horse. No, not a horse. A wolf. An enormous, snarling wolf who bounded through the landscape. A ley-wolf, crackling with energies both subtle and crude - with great horns in the dream - and her in perfect unity with it. The cheetah felt her mount, felt his every muscle as if they were her own, and with her familiar's instincts guiding her, she effortlessly dodged every branch as they raced through the night. At the same time, she fed her magical power to her familiar, making the wolf faster, stronger, capable of nearly flying through the night. A perfect connection between spellcaster and familiar was a beautiful feeling, almost intoxicating, for how much both sides benefited from it.

Then, she woke up, with her face in a saliva-soaked pillow, with someone moaning in the same room. It took Lilian's mind a few seconds to connect the sounds with the movements of her own mouth and realize that she was the one moaning, and then a few more to realize that the thing on top of her was her familiar, its cock inside her and thrusting eagerly.

"W-what," she mumbled, and unable to do much of anything, she reached out to draw in the energy from a bag of ground coffee in the kitchen to hasten her awakening. A simple spell they'd learned very early so they could study without interruptions. "What the hell are you doing," she growled once the familiar buzz set in.

"Taking what's mine by right," the ley-wolf huffed and growled as it pounded into her. "Until you can stop me, you'll just have to take it," it added with a pleasured snarl.

"G-god, this place!" Lilian grumbled in response, trying her hardest to buck and hopefully throw the wolf off, but succeeding only at making its paws scratch her, locked tight around her spotted waist as they were. "Get. Off!"

She focused, as much as she could, on a spell of basic kinetic force - one of the basics that they'd learned at the academy so far - to push him off, instead. Yet just as Lilian tried to focus on the magic, the wolf's knot slammed against her clit, and rather than arcane syllables, her breath left her lungs in a loud, shameful moan.

"You're not there yet," the wolf laughed as it pushed against her tight entrance, slowly stretching the cheetah's body again as she slowly yielded to his knot. "Nowhere near."

"Fuck y-yo-ooh," Lilian moaned in response. The stretching sensation was heavenly, especially with how his knot was rubbing against her clit. And yet, _if_the wolf could actually knock her up, this was another load of very virile sperm about to be deposited deep in her unprotected womb.

"You know what your second class today is?" the wolf asked, pushing a little harder, until Lilian was squirming in discomfort to the point of pushing back to make the stretching pressure ease, even if it meant they'd be tied together. "Familiar control. During which I'm going to fuck you again in front of all your classmates."

"F-fuck-" was all that Lilian could muster. The wolf's knot popped into her stretched sex with a pop that vibrated and reverberated through her whole body, setting off fireworks of pleasure in what felt like every neuron from her cunt to the top of her head, a carnal and unstoppable cascade of pleasure that quickly left her squirming and panting in the throes of a full orgasm around her familiar. Her pussy dutifully spasmed and clenched and milked him, as it always did, begging for the forceful insemination that was only seconds away as the ley-wolf's knot swelled even bigger inside her.

The wolf gave a final, partial thrust, deep enough into Lilian's trembling body that he jabbed against her cervix, before erupting inside her with a loud, dominant snarl, announcing once again having established his mastery over his summoner, and leaving a long-lasting reminder of that mastery inside her with each warm rope of cum that erupted into her depths. For the better part of a minute, she could feel almost nothing but the rhythmic twitching of his cock inside her, and a blooming wet heat somewhere in her core. She could, as always, do nothing to stop her body from eagerly drinking every drop of seed it was given.

"Really, it's for your own good," the ley-wolf rumbled on top of her once his heavy balls were fully spent. "It's motivation. If I don't do this, someone else will. And they'll be far less gentle."

The ley-wolves were the epitome of the Grand Academy's philosophy. What they could take, they took, with no hesitation and no qualms. Their inherent morality was different to that of beings on the mortal plane, though. The act of dominating and claiming was perhaps best compared to a mortal stopping to pick up a coin on the street, or a berry from a bush; almost subconscious and unquestionably neutral, or even right.

Not that _knowing_that - they'd taught the basics of each extradimensional familiar species in a very early class - made it any easier to accept for Lilian. It still felt as if her wolf was forcing himself on her. Then again, she had known exactly what this academy was about before agreeing to stay. It was something she _had_to endure. One last time, her familiar's shaft jerked inside her, offering one last flush of thick, liquid heat.

"Okay, are you one?" she asked angrily. "I have to head to class."

"Did you learn the shrink knot spell yet?" the wolf asked, bemused and half-drunk with the pleasure of seeding his unwilling partner.

Lilian shook her head, her breathing still quick and heavy from her recent orgasm.

"Then it seems like you'll be in a hurry. Goes to show you need to study harder," the ley-wolf chuckled. "Unless you'd like to yank yourself off, which would probably hurt you more than it hurts me."

She opted to wait while watching the time tick by, getting perilously closer and closer to when her first class of the day started, before her familiar's knot finally began to soften. She gasped as it popped out of her, following by a flood of cum and her own wetness gushing over the bed. Cleaning would have to wait, though.

Lilian pulled on her clothes as fast as she could, ignoring the wet, cum-soaked squishiness around her puffy pussy as best as she could, and then rushed outside. She wasn't late, yet, but the entire morning had been far more rushed than she preferred. Far more nonconsensual, too, but there was little she could do about that before she figured out how to control her unruly, domineering familiar. Oh, did she ever look forward to it. On one hand, yes, he was _amazing_in bed, but she was going to force the meaning of consent into the wolf's thick head sooner or later. For now, he was far too strong, but familiars were _born_strong. They could never reach the heights a mortal spellcaster could, though.

As Lilian made her way through the corridors, which were unusually unruly today - corkscrewing and looping, twisting through the academy and only retaining the path to the classrooms as an option due to magically enforced rules - she was led past an interesting scene. Well, interesting at first. Then outright fascinating. A gazelle, very feminine, was squatted down in one of the off-corridors that weren't usually there, surrounded by a crowd of men. One of them had his cock in her mouth and she was sucking eagerly, but that was something she saw several times per hour in this place. What was strange was that she looked nine or more months pregnant - it was one of those things that only made sense in this strange mirror-shard of reality - and her body was visibly straining with exertion.

Someone else knelt next to her and slid a finger inside her while rubbing her heavy-looking, swollen belly. Just then, the other men began to chant.

"Lay! Lay! Lay!" they yelled, excitedly.

Lilian had to pause. She blinked. This couldn't possibly be what she thought it was, could it? Sure enough, only moments later, with a womanly moan and a bovine bleat, she did begin to lay. As Lilian stared in surprise - not that she was sure why _anything_surprised her anymore, here at the Academy - the gazelle began to lay. One after another, eggs about the size of tennis balls pushed out of her distended sex and onto the carpeted floor. The gazelle's moans turned from arousal to relief as her belly began to shrink slowly with each one laid.

"Lay! Lay! Lay!" the audience continued, as if they were watching some kind of sport. Since when did gazelles lay eggs anyway? No, there you again, girl. You're trying to make logical sense of this place, as if you didn't just walk upside own and inside out through the corridors. Reality bends to magic, not the other way around.

Reality bends to magic. That was another thing one of the teachers had emphasized. It was magic that determined the present reality. Reality only had a default form that it snapped into when energy was not being directly channelled into it by a caster, enchanted object, or perhaps a dimensional rift. Yet, it readily yielded to the slightest touch. That teacher had, in addition, offered some of his personal interpretations on how that meant reality was feminine and magic masculine, one shaping the other like a cock shaped a pussy, but soon after that one of the female teachers had angrily walked in and knocked his thoughts out with a well-placed spell. Then, she had explained that neither magic nor reality had any gender, while the now drooling, empty-headed male teacher ate her out in front of the new crop of students.

Just an average day at The Grand, in other words. Just like this laying scene. Lilian forced herself to turn away and continue to class, and ended up just stepping through the door as the teacher began to speak. From hearing him groan and moan as he introduced himself, Lilian instantly recognized him as the wolf who they'd all met - soaked in cum - on the very first day here. Indeed, even right now, there was young but muscular bull behind him, happily thrusting away while he spoke.

Lilian took a seat; she was done questioning anything for the day and it was only nine o'clock in the morning.

"Alright. G-good morning, class. You've all met me before, but now, I'll be t-teaching you. So, I figure I should introduce myself. I'm Daviel. Professor here, and expert on... a lot of things," he laughed.

"T-today, we'll be learning more basic spells. Utility, this time!" he continued loud and clear, until his partner changed up his rhythm to something that made him moan. "Last- ahh, that's good- last time, you learned basic combat spells. Those are simple. They require only a s-strong will. These require a little more finesse. For example, the b-bull behind me, did you notice you can't hear him?"

Indeed, they couldn't. Though his mouth was moving as if he was bellowing out his masculine lusts while rutting the wolf, there was no sound at all. It almost felt like a silent, erotic, movie.

"A basic s-silence spell. You'll find a use for them if your roo-ooooh-oomates snore," the teacher moaned. "It's easy to cast. Make a motion as if pinching something shut while channelling pure neutral energy into the intent behind your gesture. Then channel into the target."

A few of the students attempted the spell. Some successfully quieted each other. Some, themselves, as their attempts backfired, to much voiceless laughter from the rest.

Daviel grinned, even as he was rocked back and forth over the pulpit by the bull's forceful thrusts. "That one is also a favorite among us teachers, for obvious reasons. Now, something a little more challenging. Cleaning up. Raise your hand if you feel like you need a cleaning spell right now."

Almost all the women and half the men in the class raised their hands, Lilian among them. She could still feel her familiar's bountiful release leaking into her panties, warm and thick.

"That's the spirit," the wolf laughed in lust-soaked stutters. "Okay. Imagine following a stream of clean water with your hands. Picture how it washes away all obstacles and all dirt..."

The explanation was complicated. In effect, as Lilian understood it, they were to guide a stream of pure magic across their bodies while convincing the energy that it should behave like water, bar for the wetness. Imagining water that wasn't wet was difficult, to say the least. Lilian could feel a pressure building behind her eyes as she tried to twist her thoughts into the right shape to picture a physical impossibility. At first, it was like being asked to imagine the fourth dimension - impossible for any mortal - but slowly, a picture began to take shape. Water, dry as air, or a stream of liquid ice, flowing between her fingers. She let it brush over her fur, and where the energy touched was indeed left perfectly clean. It was fascinating.

"And n-now, something a little dirty. This is primarily for the males in attendance, but it should in theory work for both sexes... oh, are you getting close?" he asked, craning his head to look at his lover behind him. The bull was indeed thrusting a little more quickly and clumsily now, his expression glazed with lust and his grip on the Daviel's hips tightening. The wolf closed his eyes for a moment, weaving a quick spell to prolong his youthful lover's stamina.

Then he looked towards the class again. "Not that one. That one takes a lot of practice and getting it wrong freezes up your sex drive for months," he chuckled as the bull steadied his thrusting again. "Trust me when I say losing your sex drive would make your stay here at the Grand a lot more unpleasant."

Lilian could certainly imagine it. Few things were as boring or irritating as trying to have sex when not in the mood. Being forced to would certainly be up there.

"Okay. This next one is to quickly take the edge off. Intended use is when you need to calm yourself down, but can't afford to have a full orgasm. Like I said, more useful for men. So, if you'll find the closest one, you can watch them practice it," the teacher announced, and then showed a quick series of arcane motions.

Lilian, still a little awkward about the open sexuality of the Academy, glanced over at one of her male classmates. His name was Ryan, she thought, but they hadn't had a chance to do much more than to greet each other, so far. An average-sized pony, rather attractive, and currently he had his very impressive cock out as he tried to get the spell right.

"You might want to hold a tissue to it, guys," Daviel smiled, before returning his focus to his enthusiastic lover, who was thrusting even faster now, quickly approaching his climax despite the calming spell. He made no secret of enjoying the sight of the students taking their pants off to practice the new spell. His show had gotten anyone even remotely bisexual rather hard, by now. Certainly, Lilian - despite her best efforts - was wet with more than just her familiar's cum.

It took the pony a few attempts to get the spell right. The first, cast while he kept getting distracted by the teacher's little show, fizzled and only had him throb lightly. On the second and third attempt, nothing happened, either.

"I could help," Lilian suggested quietly. She had to try to get over the shyness about it all, and quickly. Otherwise, there'd be no way she could last until graduation. "I think I memorized the right motions."

Ryan's expression was a little disappointed, as he seemed to have more trouble grasping spells than most other students. Still, for as much of a weakness as that was, he had absolutely no shame about either nudity or sex. He nodded stiffly.

Lilian imitated the motions she'd seen the teacher make. A small jolt of energy touched upon the horse's cock, and with a little grunt, a rope of cum erupted against the back of the seat in front, with Ryan blushing wildly at the sudden mess.

"That didn't really feel like anything," he whispered. "Like, maybe a really brief massage? I'd rather just wank in the dorm room."

"Yeah, I think this is for when you can't waste a single second but need to clear your mind?" Lilian replied in the same hushed tone. She couldn't deny that watching the pony's impressive pseudo-orgasm had her a little hot and bothered, the familiar tingly heat growing in her loins again. It'd be so easy to satisfy, too. Realistically, if she pulled up her skirt and stood in the hallway, someone could satisfy her in a minute or less, with how horny and eager everyone here was. At the same time, she had nothing in the way of protection yet, and while she wasn't sure about her familiar, any of the other students _could_certainly knock her up. There was no doubt of that.

On a whim, she repeated the spell but focused on herself. Every muscle in her pelvic floor seemed to clench at once, but of course, she had nothing to ejaculate. Still, it seemed to cool her down a little bit; enough so to focus on the class.

In front of them, the bull suddenly thrust deep into the Daviel's ass and no doubt bellowed, though he was still silent to everyone else. There was no doubt that he was, at least, filling the teacher with his cum given the blissful expression and the rhythmic little thrusts.

"Hey, professor? When do we get to fuck you?" a lion called out, and several of Lilian's classmates giggled.

"Oh, oh, it's an extra reward for those who show true academic prowess. Basically, do better. Then again none of you have taken any tests yet. Who knows, ace your first one and you might be up here next time," Daviel laughed. He was a slut through and through; completely shameless even by the academy's standards, but the students loved him. Even Lilian had to admit his attitude was charming, and on top of that, he was right. He class had only learned the very basics so far, and none had proven themselves.

Finally, the bull pulled out. The teacher snapped his fingers in turn, and suddenly he had his voice back.

"Wow," was all he could muster, but he was certainly panting heavily.

"And that concludes our class!" Daviel smiled. For all the sex, he was one of the friendlier teachers, it seemed like, far preferring to be a very willing victim over forcing himself on anyone else.

Ryan stuffed his cock back into his pants and did his best to pretend there was no mess to clean up, the young pony apparently having forgotten the cleaning spell they just learned. When he left, Lilian quickly and effortlessly cleansed his cum just to test herself, and indeed; the seat was left looking brand sparkling new. Everyone else was already out of the class by then, which left Lilian free to ask the wolf something more.

"So, there was a woman outside, right," she hesitantly spoke. "A gazelle, except she was laying eggs."

"Oh, and you figure that's weird compared to living in an impossible space that operates, more or less, on dream logic that we only have a very rough grasp on?" Daviel smiled, grinned, and then laughed out loud. "I love seeing what sticks out to you newbies."

Lilian tilted her head.

"It's just the simplest contraceptive spell. Most of them require transmutation or annihilation, which are hard. This one only requires a slight tweak. So, sperm triggers a laying of unfertilized eggs," Daviel explained. "It's sort of like tricking reality rather than manipulating it. Works on men too with some effort."

He paused. "You know, if you want to try it out, I could take a moment to help you test it," he grinned, his typically horny self quickly emerging again only a few minutes after the orgasm. Lilian politely declined, and he was too exhausted still to press the issue.

Lilian left the classroom wondering about it. The gazelle had certainly seemed to enjoy it. Not too strange. Even in reality, many people seemed to like the sensation of laying eggs, hence a plethora of sex toys. It was just odd to imagine the eggs being real.

She left the classroom and sat down by a nearby table. It'd be a while until the next class, and she didn't feel like spending that time waiting in her room. Yet, if she didn't, every moment spent in the public spaces of the school was a risk. An_alluring_ risk, maybe, of being forced into something, and she didn't know any contraceptive spells. Several of her female classmates had already been knocked up by the senior students, and more than one of the males had been collared for use as sex toys. New students were rather sought-after by the older ones, and the academy encouraged it. It forced them to learn faster and to improvise.

She thought about the dumb-down spell she'd seen used on one of the teachers. How had the motions and words gone? Something like... she drew a few jagged lines in the air, feeling it thicken around her fingers like molasses, just as someone tapped her shoulder. The spell fizzled back into the nether.

"Familiar class next. What'd you get?" she, a small vixen, asked. This one was named Clara. Thankfully, Lilian had never had trouble remembering names.

Lilian sighed demonstratively. "The worst option. You?"

"What's that?" Clara asked. She took a seat next to Lilian, which made her feel a little safer. One person was easy prey. Two, even if largely defenseless, would be annoying.

"Don't make me say it," Lilian scoffed. "What'd you get?"

"Some kind of elemental. I'm not sure what element though, and he won't tell me," Clara replied.

Lilian stared at her. "Won't tell you? Is it hot, cold, air, or water?" she asked. "Shouldn't be too hard to tell."

Clara learned closer. Her voice was almost a whisper. "No, I mean, like _meta-elemental._You know, based on abstract concepts like anger, or lust."

A light went off in Lilian's head. "So, a demon?" she pointed out.

Clara looked at her, then narrowed her eyes. "Goddammit, of course it's a demon," she hissed. "Really horny asshole, too."

That told Lilian two things. Ley-wolves weren't the only horny familiars, and despite demons being very real, everyone thought that ley-wolves were worse. Still, at least time passed quickly as the two women talked about just how theirs behaved, and soon enough, it was time for the class to begin. For this one, though, the students were led to the gym, necessitated by a need for more space than a regular classroom allowed without significant warping spells. This one was led by same dainty-looking squirrel who had originally introduced them to the familiars, and today, the air around her was so charged with magic that it crackled.

"Okay. Everyone. Spread out a little, and then summon your familiars! Be careful not to summon them on top of each other! We'll be studying control spells today," she announced, right to the point and with her cheerful attitude standing in stark contrast to her frilly black dress, which looked more gothic than anything.

Lilian weaved the summoning spell, which was barely needed. Her wolf was eager to be close to her, especially when horny. Indeed, soon it stepped through the veil between dimensions, with a familiar, lecherous grin on its midnight-black muzzle. Yet, it waited, sitting obediently in front of the cheetah while waiting for the teacher's instructions. Lilian cast a quick glance at the other students. Clara did indeed have a rather classical-looking imp - a lesser demon - and Ryan from earlier had managed to manifest some sort of giant snake, just like her roommate. And then there was that perfect, handsome fox she'd seen masturbating in class the other day, who had a...

Lilian squinted. A very small dragon. A faerie variety, maybe? It fluttered happily around the fox, glitter scattering from its wings with each motion. No, not it. She, even if the only reason Lilian could tell it was female was the pair of proportionally large breasts. Briefly, the cheetah wondered if they had sex. She looked about the right size to be used as a... toy.

Lilian shook her head. This place was really getting to her if that was the first thing she thought of.

"Alright then. I see you've all got your familiars. How many of you already got raped by yours? Girl with the ley-wolf, you don't need to answer," she began, snorting at her own sense of humor, and once again wasting no time at all. A wave of giggles and laughter went through the class at her remark, but soon enough, one after another, some three out of every five students raised their hands. Lilian was fascinated by how many had apparently been taken by much smaller familiars than hers, and in particular, many of the men by their female familiars. Gender was, perhaps, only a suggestion. Even the fox she was slowly developing a crush on had his hand up, despite his little dragon being only slightly bigger than a thermos.

The teacher nodded, sagely. "Right. They're like that. Even worse than the men at the academy. Now, watch; this is a spell to make your familiar actually do what you want," she explained, and then performed a complicated set of motions. "Repeat after me, please!"

The fox was the first to do as instructed. The faerie dragon quickly countered his attempt with a quick waggle of her tail that made the fox slump backwards into his seat, all intelligence gone from his eyes in a heartbeat. With a melodic giggle - she sounded like raindrops on thin ice in spring - the little dragon went to work, tugging his zipper open with both hands. Lilian felt an odd pang of jealousy, but she also noted those motions, too. The spell seemed similar to the "dumb-down" one she'd seen teachers use.

"Yes, you'll have to be faster than that to avoid being counterspelled, or a little smarter," the squirrel said. "Try something like this," she continued, adding a small flourish to the end of her sequence of magical gestures.

Lilian's wolf fixed his eyes to hers. "I won't even try countering you," he growled quietly, while the other students attempted their spells. "Cast your spell. Let's see how strong-willed you are."

If there was one positive trait to the ley-wolves, as Lilian had noticed, it was that they - or at least hers - did genuinely support her learning more and growing in power. In a way, the "wolf-ness" seemed to transcend dimensions; she was his packmate. The problem was that he was the alpha, and not afraid to take advantage of her between lessons.

Lilian repeated the spell she'd been shown. Energy twisted between her fingers, and then struck at the wolf like a bolt of lightning, snapping from her fingers with a crack close to a whip than thunder. She felt her will clash with his, and it was like a wave against solid bedrock. She didn't even make him flinch.

"A good attempt. Certainly, better than what the fox over there managed. You'll improve quickly enough," her familiar grinned, his mouth hanging open with unconcealed desire. "Now bend over, you haven't had my pups yet."

Lilian refused, and as she was instead magically forced on onto all fours next to her seat, she could take solace only in the fact that she wasn't alone. From what she could see, out of the people who had admitted that their familiars had taken advantage of them, nobody had managed to make things go differently. The faerie dragon was teasing the helpless fox. Clara's demon was already pounding into her mouth. She couldn't tell what was going on with the pony and his python, but it didn't look like he was the one in control, being constricted.

In just a few practiced motions, her wolf was on top of her once again, rutting gleefully into her. This time, at least, her body welcomed it. Lilian had been pent up enough that she moaned instinctively.

The classroom quickly deteriorated into an orgy, with each familiar establishing dominance over their owners in whatever ways they could, and each of them succeeding due to far more experience with the magical arts. Lilian stared, transfixed, as the faerie dragon moved the handsome fox-boy like a puppet, controlling his arms directly to make him masturbate until he was begging for mercy, teetering on the edge until his shirt was soaked in precum.

The squirrel-teacher sighed. "You'll have to keep practicing that spell until it takes. It's the basis of controlling a familiar! Before you master it, there's no point in teaching you anything else! But then again, I guess it could be worse, half of you were moaning pretty loudly."

At the same, she did nothing to stop the orgy, and sure enough, a few thrusts later, the ley-wolf was already fully swollen with his knot battering Lilian's entrance as the cheetah yowled with lust. She caught brief glimpses of the other students; some were still trying to muster the focus to cast the control spell, others were getting fucked silly - Lilian herself among them - and others yet, like the fox, growing with frustration as their familiars denied them even release.

The professor leaned back in her chair, wiggling her fingers to summon her own familiar. A ley-fox. Cousins of the wolves, but far less brutish and more cunning, as Lilian remembered reading. Not that she could remember much with every rough thrust sending her thoughts rattling and scattering through her mental landscape, leaving behind only a kind of blank, pleasant arousal.

It didn't last, of course. Soon the ley-wolf's knot slipped inside her again. By now it was almost easy, with how many times she'd taken it. It was as if her body had adapted for it, changed, grown more accustomed at least. And the instant that hot, slick bulb was inside her, she was cumming hard, without any shame or inhibition despite the climax happening in a classroom full of her peers. But what did it matter? Half of them were in the throes of orgasm or very close. The few who had managed to immediately control their familiars were staring. The professor herself was having her familiar eagerly eat her out while she watched the disarray.

Once again, heat flooded Lilian's body, and she nearly passed out at the satisfying, warm buzz that sensation brought with it, while her body responded with a squirming, thrashing orgasm. She heard nothing except the frenzied, happy panting of her wolf, and felt his very heartbeat through the lupine cock buried deep inside her.

"Well, you've got a pretty healthy specimen of a familiar, there," someone spoke, making her stir. The orgasmic haze only slowly dissipated. "It's going to be a real bitch to control, though."

The teacher was standing next to her, without her skirt. Looking at what a slobbery mess her familiar had made of her groin, Lilian understood why.

"Bastard, I suppose. He probably wouldn't appreciate being called a bitch," the squirrel giggled, and then reached to pet the ley-wolf, who happily accepted the touch with a little rumble. "But all jokes aside, the wolves are by far the hardest to tame. The flipside is that when you finally manage it, you'll benefit more than most."

"Here's a hint. Find out his name, first. And then think like a wolf from there," the squirrel advised, and in response Lilian's wolf snarled and snapped his jaws at her. "Tut tut. See, that reaction is how you know you're on the right track. And remember, he can't actually hurt you. Not in that sense, Mr. Toothy."

The wolf grumbled, but relented, resting on top of Lilian's spotty frame.

"Hey, Ms... um, squirrel?" Lilian stuttered. "Can he actually knock me up?"

"Oh, that's not an easy question," the squirrel answered, immediately forgetting to tell Lilian her name again. "What star sign were you born under? How old are you, exactly, down to the hour? What season is it in the real world? Gosh, I'll find you an answer, but it'll take a while."

She made a little note in a surprisingly old-timey little notebook she was carrying.

Lilian's wolf chuckled tiredly while it was her turn to grumble, again, as the teacher continued on, giving little pointers and tidbits of advice to each of the students who had been beaten, while instead congratulating the ones who had won this little contest of wills.

Eventually, though, Lilian figured that she wasn't that bad off compared to the others. Sure, she'd been forced to take a womb-full of ley-wolf cum, but at least she'd been compensated by an earth-shattering orgasm in return. Some - like the poor fox - hadn't even gotten that much. It seemed his familiar enjoyed tormenting him and then leaving him unsatisfied, which almost seemed worse.

As long as the wolf wasn't actually able to breed her, that was. Otherwise, she'd soon be stuck with a whole litter of ley-wolves just as rowdy as their father, which seemed like a nightmare.

This time around, her familiar disappeared directly when his knot softened enough, not bothering to pull out say anything. One moment, he was there; the other, he yawned, and in a blink, he was gone, leaving Lilian to sweep up the pieces of herself, and wipe up the spillage. At least that was easy with the new "utility spells".

"For next time, I expect you all to make a better attempt. And those of you with easy familiars," the squirrel informed them. "I expect more. You'll be making them perform tasks for you, so be prepared."

With that, the class was over, and the students all left the classroom one by one, in various states of exhaustion and satisfaction. One more remained for the day. It'd been a long one, but at least Lilian wasn't the only student who left the familiars class walking bow-legged. The fox, for one, looked rather in pain the way he limped out, as if his balls were twice the size they should be. With how he'd been teased, it wouldn't be a great surprise, either. Lilian used the opportunity to talk to him briefly.

"These familiars are some real bastards, aren't they?" she asked.

"Tell me about it," the fox replied. "That damn dragon has been teasing me to point of nearly exploding every day, and then leaving me with blue balls until I can take care of it."

"Yeah... I'm sure you noticed what mine does," Lilian commented.

That made the fox chortle. "Yes, and I'd be lying if I said you didn't look hot as hell under him," he grinned. "Though it'd be even hotter if it was, say... a fox?"

His attempt at flirting was so coarse and obvious that it worked. Lilian couldn't help but smile and then fail to suppress a giggle at his hopeful expressions. "Yeah," she grinned, with a smile from ear to ear. "We could always plan a date or something, one of these days."

"Oh, I'd love that," he replied, briefly brushing his long, fluffy tail up along Lilian's legs. "Just have to make sure we leave our familiars somewhere else."

"Or learn to control them," she whispered, just in case either of the two was listening. Something about her tone and expression set the fox off laughing. "Yeah, well, we'll get there sooner or later. I'm Reynard. Yep, just like the fable fox. You can call me Rey though."

"Lilian," the cheetah answered. "Nice to meet you."

Still, the two of them didn't have much time to talk right then; the fox was hungry and, as he put it, he "had to take care of some business", which Lilian took as a euphemism to finish what his little dragon had started. To masturbate, that is. She half wanted to ask if she could watch, but even though the fox was friendly, things were just as likely to spiral out of control with him. She still_didn't know any protective spells, and the _intent of whoever squirted their seed into her mattered precious little; she'd end up waddling through the twisting halls of the Grand all the same.

She rounded a corner. For this last class of the day, the class was divided up by sex. One might say "men and women" but that was hardly the case especially in a world where reality bends to magic like this one. Suffice to say, everyone who could become pregnant went one way; everyone who could cause a pregnancy went another.

All but one who suddenly tackled Lilian as she rounded a corner. It was the same tiger that Lilian had been accosted by on the very first day, only without his friends - and her without a surprise roommate to save her. He pinned her against the wall.

"You thought I'd forget? Oh no, you need a bellyful of my cubs," he rumbled, using his superior strength prevent Lilian from moving. He wasn't even using any magic, as assured as he was about his physical prowess. "Your bitch of a roommate is fun but it's just not the same once you know protection spells. Makes it way too much work."

He extended his claws, digging a hand under Lilian's shirt and dragging his fingers through her fur. This isn't good, she thought, in the calmest manner she could, forcing herself to not react as he groped her.

What were her options? Quicky, Lilian went through the situation while the tiger began to force her pants off with his other hand, greedily taking in the warmth of her thighs. She couldn't overpower him. She had no contraception, magical or otherwise. If she didn't resist, there was only one way this could end. Wait- what was that spell just on the tip of her tongue? The one that she'd been seeing performed across the academy? It went something like-

Lilian managed to yank one hand free from the tiger's grasp to quickly trace a complex pattern into the air, just like she'd seen a teacher and the faerie dragon do. At first, nothing seemed to happen; enough for her heart to sink as the faintly glowing pattern faded back into the nether.

Then, she noticed the tiger wasn't moving. He stood there, completely immobile, and eventually the arm that'd been pinning Lilian to the wall drooped. He was staring straight ahead, with a blank expression on his face and his mouth hanging half-open.

It worked! "Didn't see that one coming, did you? Fuck you!" Lilian chirped triumphantly, pushing the tiger off her. He stumbled backwards like a zombie, barely retaining his balance, and returning to blankly staring at nothing in particular the moment he stopped moving.

She had successfully defended herself. At the same time, it was a huge rush, directly controlling someone like this. It made her want to try it on someone else, someone she wasn't so viscerally disgusted by. It was, she surmised, the same kind of feeling that drove most of the students of the Grand. Probably the teachers too. The thrill of forcing their will on someone and making them do what you wanted.

Lilian, after a moment's thought, yanked the stupefied tiger's pants down, leaving him standing there like a half-naked statue, before heading to her last class of the day, giggling quietly to herself.

This last class - where everyone else had already sat down, and was waiting for the teacher to arrive - was about contraception and protection. For the males, she wasn't sure. Likely they learned some form of protection as well, but she got the feeling their classes would be focused on breaking contraception instead, going by what she had seen.

Lilian sat down next to Clara just as the teacher walked into the room. Well, "teacher". They were all professors, highly educated in the magical craft, but thinking of them as teachers was easier, Lilian found. This one was a stocky-looking crocodile. Older than average. Forties or even fifties, with coarse-looking scaled skin and a weather-worn face with some early wrinkles, and a protruding belly. He reminded Lilian a lot of her own father in build, if not species. It seemed every dad ended up looking the same after enough time looking after children.

"Okay, kids. Girls and other genders that might risk having babies," he began, slamming his open palm down on the pulpit. "Today we'll be learning how to stop just that from happening. 'cause you know, even if some of you might want lots of babies, I figure you deserve a fighting chance. Gods! I had to fight tooth and nail to get this class approved. All those goddamn-"

He paused, and then cleared his throat. "Well, yes. As I said. Contraception and protection is tonight's theme. Do we have a volunteer? Of course we do," he paused, as another reptile - an alligator, maybe - got on stage. "This is Janice, a few years ahead of you in studies."

The alligator waved to the class with a toothy grin. The fact that she was naked barely registered at all for Lilian, as low as it was on the scale of weird academy things.

"She will be demonstrating egg contraception for you. Maybe you've seen others using it, already. It involves tricking your body into laying unfertilized eggs as a result of sex rather than any true pregnancy. Quite handy, and very simple. If you would, Janice?"

Janice drew an egg shape on her belly. "Remember, it's not just the shape. It's the _intent._You need to visualize laying eggs, for this one," the crocodile explained, and Janice shuddered. "It needs recasting daily, and more advanced students know how to break through it, but it'll keep you safe from your own class. Except the particularly studious ones."

With that last note, the old crocodile stared directly at Lilian. Had he somehow heard about what she'd managed to do? Either way, the class continued quickly.

"Now, allow me to demonstrate the practical effects of this spell," the professor smiled. "Bend over, if you would, Janice. And in case you're wondering, this is very much an excuse to get my rocks off. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. They still say that, don't they?"

Sure enough, Janice bent over the desk, happily offering herself to her teacher.

"Now, I'll proceed to impregnate her. Well, to deliberately trigger the contraceptive ward, anyway. God knows I've got more than enough kids at home!" he laughed, pulling out his cock, again without any shame whatsoever. He wasn't much bigger than average, but his balls looked huge; a proper sack for a_daddy¸_ certainly. Looking at his length made Lilian blush again. "Meanwhile, all of you try to get those wards up for yourselves, right?"

Is this just an excuse to make us watch you two fuck, was what Lilian wanted to ask, but she already knew the answer, and it was a resounding yes. At least in the previous class, it had been punishment for failure, and at least the wolf and his bull had been doing it while teaching. This one was just gratuitous. Still, she drew the egg-ward over the outside of her lower belly, as did most of her classmates. Lilian imagined herself laying eggs, picturing how it might feel in vivid detail as they pushed out of her, one by one. Like that gazelle. With a crowd of horny young men around her. Despite how tired she was, how badly her pussy ached from her familiar's ravaging, she still felt a pleasant surge of warmth at that.

The crocodile thrust into his "volunteer", his cock making her moan with joy, no doubt having tried him before. Any teacher-student relationship was typically frowned upon, but of course, that wasn't the case here at the Grand, and it _was_hard to think of any well-reasoned protests as Lilian watched the alligator's expressions melt into pleasure at being filled. They both seemed to be into it, which already put it a step above the academy's typical "might makes right" approach to sex.

Lilian wondered if she'd think like they did, eventually. If enough time in this magical realm would warp her mind and leave her with the same bizarre, alien morality that both the long-time teachers and familiars exhibited. It was a risk she'd have to take, but at least, the cheetah decided that she'd try to keep an eye on herself for any sudden changes in her ethical stances.

After a flurry of quick thrusts and neither party caring to hold back in the slightest, the teacher-student pair were done. With a satisfied groan, the crocodile hilted inside the younger student and held himself there. "There... yeah," he groaned, steadying himself against the desk to avoid his heavy frame crushing the much smaller alligator. "God, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that. Stand up for me, now."

The alligator stood up. And sure enough, her belly was growing. She was already swelling with something, and for it to happen this quickly, it couldn't be life. That caught Lilian's attention. It looked almost pleasant, in a strange and kinky way. At the same, she noticed a deluge of cum oozing down the alligator's legs. It looked like the professor had pumped a gallon of it into her, to the point it was difficult to tell if she was full of more cum than eggs.

"You might think it looks like a burden, but the eggs come right out, and it saves you from having to raise a kid or two," the crocodile guffawed, his belly heaving as he laughed, and his softening cock still slowly oozing cum, as if he hadn't just filled his volunteer to the absolute brim. Still, given how swollen his balls still looked, he no doubt had more to give. "Alright. Now, I'll be testing your wards. Don't worry, just some groping. Too old to fuck you all in a row without some magic, but-" he yawned. "You know, the older you get, the better a nap sounds instead. Line up, please."

The dozen-or-so students lined up obediently, and Lilian realized she could feel the buzz of active spells on several of them, even from meters away. Hers was indeed active. Clara had failed. The others - yes, no, yes, yes - were a mixed bag. The others seemed oblivious to it.

The professor placed his meaty hands on Clara's belly, after a few other students. "Mm. Nope, you go and get fucked like this and you might actually get pregnant," he chuckled, other hand dipping lower to cup the vixen's sex. "The ward never manifested. Did you remember to visualize laying?"

Clara, in turn, blushed bright red. "Maybe... not," she stammered, squeaking as the teacher randomly, if very briefly, felt her up. Whether any of that touching was necessary, Lilian couldn't tell, but before she could think more about it, it was her turn.

"Now, you. Let's see..." the crocodile murmured, and shamelessly placed one hand on Lilian's belly, with the other one sliding down between her legs. At the same time, he pressed himself against her, enough for her to feel his whole package in vivid detail. And still dripping cum, though politely enough, he avoided letting any stain either of their clothes. Briefly, Lilian wondered just how long he could keep fucking and then inseminating someone, if not hurried along by a demonstration.

Probably hours.

Lilian gave a quiet chirp, snapping back to the present moment. "Yes, it's active," she huffed. The crocodile kneaded her firmly with his rough, heavy hands.

"You're that sure? Would you let me fuck you like this?" the teacher grinned, leaning closer teasingly. "I saw you starting at me earlier. Can't really _blame_you, of course..."

The cheetah glanced at the line of women next to herself. "Yes. And in order... yes, no, yes, yes..." she began, effortlessly telling him exactly which ones had succeeded. "And yes, I was staring," she finally admitted.

That was enough to give the crocodile pause, taking his mind off the sexuality of it for a moment. "Mm. You seem to have a natural talent," he said, lowering his voice to a whisper. "Not many of us can sense magic at a distance. If you're correct, that is."

His finger brushed firmly over Lilian's stiffening clit.

"But if you have talent like that, you could easily control your familiar too. Did you just choose not to? Don't worry, I don't mind liberated women at all," he whisper-growled in that throaty, reptilian tone. He gave her another little pushing grind of his hips, letting her feel all of him.

Now, it was Lilian's turn to blush. She muttered something about at least not doing it intentionally, but the chance that the crocodile was right had her squirming far more than his fingers rubbing her slit. Still, it wasn't long before he moved to the next student, and then the next. With each one he tested, he glanced back at Lilian with a smirk, confirming that her guesses had indeed been correct, which left her with a lot to think about.

At the end of the class, she recast the egg-ward, with a clear plan in mind. The teacher might've not cared to fuck her after using the alligator in front of them all, but she knew exactly who would. For once, she wanted it, and the relief of not having to worry about pregnancy quickly had her juices flowing, soaking the soft fur of her thighs as she made her way back.

"Hey, wolf?" Lilian asked as she got back to her little room. Her roommates weren't there yet. The senior students were often gone for days on end, and nobody had explained why. Not that the cheetah really minded. It meant more time for herself.

Her familiar peeked, lazily, into the real world. She hadn't had to use any spells to summon him for a while now; the one in the class was merely for show. "Yes?"

"Well, I wouldn't mind if you... you know," she sighed. "Fucked me, right?"

The ley-wolf chuckled. "I already did that twice today. I'm quite happy," he grinned.

"W-well yeah, but like, I'm actually in the mood, now!" Lilian countered.

Her familiar's grin only broadened. "You came pretty hard the last two times. Use your fingers, or go seduce that fox you like. I'll be having a nap until you _really_need me."

He withdrew back into whatever dimension familiars resided in with a toothy yawn, and left Lilian sitting there, her pussy wet and her fingers suddenly not feeling very up to the task. She stared, angrily.

Literally every time he tries to, or actually fucks me, and when I actually need it he's going to be lazy? The sheer nerve of it just about made Lilian's blood boil. She flipped open the large tome of familiars and began reading. Gods! The instant she figured out how to control the damn wolf she'd chain him to the floor and use him as a living dildo for a week.

She needed his name. And then, she needed to somehow tap into her "natural talent" for magic. It was a tall order, but she had the right motivation. Lilian dove deep into her studies.