Shadow Encounter - Shadow Salamence TF

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A commission for :DracoNapoleonicon: of himself into a Shadow Salamence via an encounter with Hemos. Enjoy!

Hemos (C) MyselfPokémon (C) Pokémon/Nintendo

Posted using PostyBirb

"Let's see... I don't think I've been to this area yet!" Jonny mused to himself as he wandered around the forest, trying to find some new Pokémon to add to his team. He had brought an excess of Quick Balls and Ultra Balls with him, prepared for whatever might come his way, or at least he hoped. The forest itself was vibrant and full of life, so it seemed unlikely that he was heading into a dead zone.

"I wonder what Pokémon I might come across here?" He continued to ponder - some of his friends claimed to have reportedly seen some wild Eevee in the area, so it would be great if he were able to get one or two to add some additional type variety to his squad. Another friend even said that there were some dragon-types around, they didn't say which dragons they were, but the appeal of catching one was calling out to him, hence why he came prepared with a plethora of Quick Balls. He even made sure to have a few Timer Balls with him, just in case some of his capture attempts ended up running long, alongside some Dusk Balls - he had no idea how long he'd be out for, and if he was out after dark, they'd help boost his chances for catching Pokémon.

Oddly enough, the area he was exploring seemed to be empty, a very peculiar sight given that he had just come from an area teeming with life. The trees and bushes were rustling, but that was only due to the wind that was blowing through them.

"Well this is strange..." Jonny paused, taking a look around him, trying to see if he could spot at least one Pokémon, but there seemed to be no signs of life. "Are they sure that this is the area they were talking about?" He pulled his phone out, double-checking the messages. Sure enough, he was in the right area, and some of the photos did show off the Pokémon he was expecting to find, but it was as if someone had scared them away.

"Guess this was a bit of a bust then... hrm?" He was about to turn around and make his way back towards one of the more populated areas of the forest, but a faint glow coming from the corner of his eye grabbed his attention. He went to investigate what it was, the light coming from a space almost covered up by a pair of trees. Upon further inspection, he found himself facing what appeared to be a glowing, purple portal.

"What in the world?" He questioned, taking a look at it. For a moment, he thought a Hoopa might have created this portal, but it was lacking the large, golden ring around it. He didn't know any other Pokémon off the top of his head that could summon such a thing, but his curiosity was piqued.

"Maybe all the Pokémon went through it?"He thought - it was a long shot, but for all he knew, the Pokémon could have stumbled upon or even blindly made their way through the portal, ending up somewhere else entirely. It seemed plausible at the very least.

"I guess it won't hurt too much if I want to take a look for myself, right?" He moved closer, tentatively sticking his arm through the portal, holding it there for a few moments before pulling it back through. It returned fully intact, so it must have been positioned in a safe area, away from any predatory Pokémon, or at least, he assumed that to be the case. Knowing that much, he decided to take the plunge, stepping through the portal.

The sound of strong, gusty wind filled his ears as he emerged on the other side, finding himself standing several feet away from the edge of a cliff. "Woah, where did that thing take me?" He wondered, stepping closer to the edge, seeing that he was overlooking a city, the forest he had been in not too long ago visible beyond that. "Why would that portal bring me here? It doesn't look like there's a single Pokémon to be seen!"

The whole place seemed deathly quiet outside of the blowing winds. He could spot a few random flying-types in the distance, but none were within the range where he could attempt to throw a ball at them. "Who'd even want to have a portal set up here, it seems a bit pointless in all honesty!"

In the skies high above, a lone Pokémon was sparking through the clouds, casting its gaze at the ground below, as if looking for a target. It spotted Jonny standing alone near the portal, a smirk crossing its face.

"Heh, it appears that I've got another visitor... this will be fun!" It chuckled, starting to descend towards his prey.

"Maybe I should head back the way I came, it doesn't look like I'm gonna get any Pokémon around here... not to mention I'll have to have a word with those guys and see if they sent me the wrong way!" He let out a sigh - it was a slight disappointment to go back empty-handed, after all. Jonny turned around to face the portal, not noticing that a Pokémon was heading his way, and by the time it let loose a low screech, it was too late to react, the monster grabbing the human in his taloned feet. "GAH!"

"I'd advise against struggling, unless you fancy falling to your death!" The creature chuckled, bringing him skywards, ascending to the top of the mountain. Jonny didn't have much room to squirm even if he wanted to, the monster's talons keeping a firm grip on him - they felt so sharp, he was worried that his arms would be sliced clean off.

A few short moments later, the Pokémon swooped into a cavern near the peak of the mountain, dropping Jonny to the ground as he landed.

"Ow!" He winced, following about on the cold ground, stopping at his captor's feet. "Ooowww... what on earth was all that about?" He asked, taking a look upwards, freezing in shock at what he saw. Looking down at him was what appeared to be a Lugia, except this one was pitch-black with crimson feathers along its underside, its frame much more slender and predatory looking. Its wings were tipped with giant, dagger-like claws, matching those on its toes. "Holy crap..."

"I wasn't expecting any company today - it never hurts to leave the old portal open, though, you never know when someone might be foolish enough to drop in!" It spoke in a dark, masculine voice. "It's been a few days since the last time I've come face to face with a human, all that've come through that portal as of recent are a few random Stantler!"

"What... kind of Lugia ARE you?" Jonny asked - the creature he was looking up at appeared to be far too demonic looking to be a normal one, that much he knew.

"A Shadow Lugia~" He smirked. "But not the one known as XD-001. I am known as Hemos!"

"H-Hemos..." Jonny nodded. "You literally look like you've come out of the depths of hell..."

"For all you know, I might have!" He teased. "Let's just say that old Giratina was afraid that I'd take over the place!"

"So just what... what have you brought me here for? To be your next meal?"

"Not at all, I only feed on humans as a last resort. There are much better services that they can offer me, and that's where you come in."

"Services?" Jonny gulped. "What kind?"

"The kind that involves a person shedding their humanity and joining me as a Shadow Pokémon!" Hemos grinned wickedly, showing off a beak full of serrated fangs. A faint, dark aura could be seen emanating from the beast as he said this.

"Joining you as a Shadow Pokémon? So you're NOT going to eat me?" He followed up, sounding relieved.

"Not unless you decline, though Icould just as easily drop you from the top of the mountain just to make your last moments excruciating~" He cackled, a shiver running through Jonny's spine.

"I... I don't think I'd want to suffer!" Jonny shook his head. "What exactly does being a Shadow Pokémon entail?"

"Casting away your humanity, obviously enough!" Hemos told him. "I turn you into a Pokémon that I find fitting, and all you have to do is surrender your humanity!"

"Do I get to know what Pokémon I'll be before I agree to this?"

"Depends on if I want to keep you in suspense or not. I can promise you that it won't be some small, weak Pokémon like an Eevee or a Riolu!"

"So I'd probably be something that was fully evolved, or something naturally powerful like a Legendary?"

"Legendary and Mythical tend to be rare cases." Hemos glanced over Jonny. "But, my dear human, I believe I've got the perfect form in mind for you, and all you've got to do is accept my offer!"

As they talked, the dark aura radiating from Hemos was slowly making its way around Jonny, working its way into his mind and soul.

"Is it a painful experience?"

"That will depend entirely on you - I know there's a few twisted individuals who get a thrill from feeling pain as the changes happen, but at the same time, I'd sooner prefer for the target to enjoy it, it makes things more fun that way!"

"Yeah, I suppose that makes sense!" Jonny said in agreement. "I think I'd prefer for it to be painless in that case!"

"Perfect!" Hemos grinned once again. "I say that we shouldn't waste any more time, then!"

"Anything else I have to do before we do this?"

"Not at all... in fact, it's already getting started~" Hemos smirked, the corruption taking full hold within Jonny, a rush of energy hitting him. His irises turned from a soft blue to a deep, glowing red, his chest heaving up and down with every breath he took, dark, blue-grey scales beginning to grow outwards along his front, thick and durable.

"Gghh..hgrhhh..." A growl left Jonny's throat as he stumbled backwards, his pants tenting as a strong wave of arousal hit him. He fumbled with his zipper for a moment before pulling it down, his shaft springing free, standing fully erect. Hemos watched on as the human wrapped his hand around his dick, starting to pump it up and down.

"I guess I should have mentioned beforehand that the changes tend to be intensely pleasurable!" Hemos chuckled, gazing over the human, watching as Jonny's cock grew within his grasp, a reddish-orange coloration taking over it, the head reshaping into a spike-covered point, the base swelling outwards into a girthy knot. The foreskin retreated downwards, wrapping around the very base of his spire, working its way around his balls as well, which in turn grew to the size of coconuts, the scaly slit serving to contain his improved member. He let go of it momentarily when he felt it spasm and throb, suddenly splitting evenly into two equally-sized spires.

"GRGGHHH!!" Jonny huffed, nearly collapsing from the sudden euphoric feeling that came with the swift division of his cocks. Catching himself against the wall, he noticed that Hemos's shafts were starting to emerge outwards from their hiding place, a pair of long, barbed, prehensile penises. Without even thinking, Jonny reached forwards, grabbing one of Hemos's cocks in his left hand whilst using his right hand to jerk himself off, alternating between the two shafts as he did so.

"Mrrghh..." Hemos growled, thrusting into Jonny's hand. The scales continued to spread around the human's body, indigo scales beginning to work their way around his body, the armour-plated scales the thickest around his front. "Most changees don't tend to be this forward until they've changed further!" He commented, noticing that Jonny had grown slightly, standing at an even seven feet where he had been 6'6" a few moments beforehand, his growth continuing as his spine elongated.

"What can I say, I felt like being direct!" Jonny replied with a laugh, stroking himself and Hemos off in unison. His hands grew thicker, sharp, curving claws sprouting from his scaly fingertips.

"Good to know!" Hemos spotted a pair of bumps sprouting against Jonny's back, the beginning of what would soon be his wings, putting pressure against his shirt, which was already growing tighter around his frame. The changing human's spine worked its way out past its confines, flesh and muscle covering it as a long, powerful tail started to form, the new limb brushing against the floor of the cave whilst it grew. Jonny was so lost in his changes, he never even noticed that his muscles were growing along with him, his biceps broader, abs and pectorals more defined, though it was hard to notice them too much underneath the plate-like scales that adorned his front. "Oh, that's a thought, I never bothered to ask you for your name, did I?"

"Grrrgghhh..." Jonny growled, the muscles in his legs swelling, scales wrapping around them. The seams of his trousers slowly split, the scales showing through the tearing fabric. He ran a clawed hand along them, tearing more holes in it, causing them to shred faster. His shoes bulged, his feet growing broader within them, toes merging together, the big toe shrinking away. A trio of taloned toes soon burst through his shoes, tapping against the ground as pressure shifted towards the balls of his feet, Jonny kicking what was left of his shoes and socks off in the process.

"My name..." He growled - he was too far gone to give Hemos his human name, a new one springing to mind. "Call me Inderion!" He hissed

"Well, Inderion, you're coming along nicely. Just a little longer and you'll be a perfect Shadow Salamence~" He peered at Inderion's tail, noticing the same red/orange coloration on it like his dicks. All the while, his growth had continued, and he was now standing at around nine-and-a-half feet, his clothes lying in tatters around him.

"I think you've grown big enough for me to take this to the final stage now..." Hemos smirked, lifting Inderion up, holding him above one of his giant cocks. He held him tight in one hand whilst he brought his other hand to one of Inderion's dicks, grasping it firmly as he lowered him onto one of the Shadow Lugia's prehensile phalluses.

"GRROOAARRHHHHH!!!" Inderion hissed, clenching against Hemos's dick as he bucked against it, thrusting into the wyvern's winghand. His hair fell away as the scales worked their way over his head and up his elongating neck, carrying it away from his shoulders. His jaws pushed forwards, growing out into a broad, rounded muzzle, his teeth growing into vicious fangs, several more filling his expanding mouth. Inderion's tongue flickered between his fangs, becoming long and forked, his nose sinking into his upper jaw whilst the nostrils flared. His ears shrank away into little holes on the sides of his head, a trio of horns jutting out from both sides of his skull.

"Mrrgghh, I can tell how much you're loving this~" Hemos teased, his thrusting and pumping growing faster. The scales on the underside of his jaw matched the colour of those on his belly, his square-trimmed glasses falling from his expanding head whilst his eyes were forced to the sides, the sclera turning from a pure white to an inky black, the pupils pulling into thin slits. Above his eyes and along the top of his head, a pair of scaly ridges formed, sharing the same red/orange coloration as the scales on the underside of his throat. "But it still feels like you're missing something important!"

He watched as Inderion arched his back, the bumps swelling further outwards, soon blossoming fourth as a giant pair of wings, relatively simple in appearance, looking like a pair of giant axe blades with little detail, but they were more of capable of granting him flight, the colour matching the scales on the underside of his tail. His shirt was destroyed by the growth of his new appendages, the fabric falling loose around him. "GRRGGGHHHH!!" He flapped his wings, creating a strong gust that blew through the cave. His growth had halted at a monstrous thirteen feet tall, double what he stood at originally.

"I'm... grrgghhh..." Inderion growled as he was pushed over the edge, feeling Hemos's dick throb inside of him momentarily before the mighty beast came, a fierce roar leaving the demonic creature's beak as he flooded the dragon's rump with his potent seed, his other cock firing off around him. The Shadow Salamence couldn't hold back any longer, either, his twin cocks spurting off cum in plentiful supply as he threw his head back, a devastating Hyper Beam firing from his maw, going through the wall closest to them, creating another cavernous tunnel. "GRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

It took a few moments for the two shadowy creatures to come down from their blissful high, Hemos pulling away from Inderion as he lowered him back to the ground.

"Hrhh... rhrarhh..." Inderion rubbed his rump, looking at Hemos - he knew he'd probably be feeling that for a few days.

"How do you feel, Inderion?" Hemos asked.

"A little sore, but aside from that, I feel perfect!" He hissed, looking up at the Lugia. "Reborn as a Shadow Pokémon~"

"Yessss, a perfect creature..." Hemos chuckled. "I can only imagine that the transformation left you with quite an appetite, am I right?"

Inderion's stomach rumbled loudly, as if responding to Hemos's question. "I could go for something to eat, yeah!"

"And perhaps, along the way, we might find another human or two to corrupt, turn them into powerful Shadow Pokémon like us!"

"Heh... I would like to actually find my friends who lead me to you. I'm still a little mad that they lead me to a dead end with the promise of finding rare Pokémon!"

"Technically, you did find a rare Pokémon, and now you're one as well, so did they really lead you that far astray?" Hemos pointed out.

"Hrm... you've got a point there... still, I'd like to thank them personally at some stage!"

"Let's keep things local for tonight, a bit of food and hopefully finding some more recruits. Then we'll look into tracking down your friends~" Hemos purred.

"Sounds good to me!" Inderion nodded. "Lead the way, Hemos!"

Hemons grinned, letting loose a low screech as he turned towards the cave's entrance, wings spread wide as he got a running start, kicking off from the ground as he took to the skies. Inderion followed suit, roaring as he followed behind the larger monster, the duo vanishing into the night.

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