Broken Home - Chapter Four -

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#4 of Broken Home

As winter's merciless grip relaxes, bringing with it the promise of spring - and new begininings for both Wolf and Deer...

Broken Home

Chapter Four

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

10thJanuary, 2024

All Rights Reserved.

As the days turned to weeks, and Alexander diligently cared for the Whitetail, guided by Richard's veterinary expertise, the deer's once-injured hind leg gradually healed. Eventually, the cast could be removed, marking a milestone in the deer's recovery.

What was more astounding, was its seemingly willingness and almost-understanding of what was happening, and its true growth in trusting Alexander almost like they'd lived together for the deer's entire lifetime.

Once the cast had been removed, Alexander established a daily routine. Each morning, he ventured out into the melting snow surrounding his log cabin for a brief walk. Initially, the Deer seemed hesitant to join him, exhibiting a fear of the outdoors. When Alexander moved out of its sight, it would bleat anxiously, calling out like a lost fawn until he rushed back to its side. Each time he returned, the Deer would rub against him, trembling with fear.

As its leg gradually regained lost muscle strength, it awkwardly followed Alexander. At first, it could only walk, then eventually it gained enough healing to keep pace and even run after him. Alexander ensured he remained within its sight, always mindful of its well-being.

With time, the deer began to settle, venturing further away with cautious steps. Alexander, however, felt a pang of sadness creeping in, sensing that their once-intense bond was slowly drifting apart--or so it seemed to him.

Sensing his melancholy, the deer perked its ears and turned back to look at Alexander. Trotting over to him, it gently nudged its forehead against his chest, as if attempting to comfort him or dispel his sadness.

"It's okay, little one," Alexander sighed, his hand tenderly caressing the deer's neck. "Soon, you'll be free to return to your natural habitat and your companions. You won't need me anymore, even though I've come to realise how much I needed you..."

The deer blinked, emitting a bewildered and slightly anxious bleat.

"No, you deserve your freedom," Alexander patiently explained, lowering himself onto the residual snow with a soft crunch, bringing himself muzzle to muzzle with the deer.

Gazing into its eyes, Alexander felt a profound connection, as if they _truly_understood each other. He saw intelligence and understanding, almost like a kindred spirit gazing back at him from those widely spaced brown eyes.

"You're strong now - better than when we first met," Alexander sighed, as he continued to lightly stroke the deer's neck, both soothing it - and himself at the gentle touch. "I've seen you grow, witnessed your determination, your will to live and eventually - your trust in me... Yet I fear, it is not for you."

Alexander stood up, then gestured widely with his paws towards the woodlands.

"That is where you belong, not here, especially not with the likes of me..."

Its ears twitched too and fro, its eyes never moving from Alexander's, before it glanced over its shoulder, then back up at him.

As Alexander knelt before the deer, gently cradling its cheeks between his paws, he softly sighed and spoke quietly and calmly, so as not to frighten it.

"You're meant to roam the open plains and forests, to be free, to live in the wilds. As much as I have grown fond of you, and I have - I can not in good conscience keep you here. Out there is where you belong, its not with the likes of me..."

A flicker of hesitation passed over the deer's eyes, a shimmering of tears that threatened to spill, before it twitched and opened its muzzle, before closing it again, before it trembled in fear and dropped its eyes, trying to look down at the ground, a barely audible whisper escaped its lips.


Startled by the unexpected words, Alexander lost his balance and fell backward, landing heavily on the frosty ground.

"You...speak?" Alexander wheezed, attempting to catch his breath.

"Help..." It whispered again, its voice so quiet, Alexander struggled to hear it, before it flinched, as if expecting to be punished for daring to speak.

"I'm dreaming...Deer can't..."

"Afraid...scared...always scared..." It flinched again and dropped onto its belly, cowering in terror.

"'re not a feral are you - you're a...a...oh my god...Please, let me help you, it's okay to be scared, but I'd never hurt you, I swear! You've been - hurt in the past, I know, but you're safe with me, I promise. I haven't hurt, or frightened you, in any way...have I?"

It shivered, then weakly shook its head. " speak, would be hurt..."

Alexander sat down, then held his paws out, timidly stroking the quivering deer's ears, until it swallowed and fearfully looked up at him.

"Help...please? Make me...less scared?"

"Of course," Alexander replied, his voice calm and reassuring. "You've taken a brave step by speaking. You're safe with me. We'll take this step by step. Trusting again is hard, but I'm here for you."

The deer hesitated, still visibly trembling. "Afraid..."

"I understand," Alexander assured gently. "You're free to express yourself here. I'll listen, and no harm will come to you for speaking. You're not alone, and I'll help you through this fear, together."

The deer looked at him with a glimmer of hope in its eyes. "Make me...less scared?"

Alexander, his mind still overwhelmed, took a moment, hearing that heart breaking plea, he took a deep breath and shuddered, before he carefully stroked its trembling and now wet with tears, cheeks.

"You're safe here. I promise, nobody will hurt you for talking to me."

It lifted its head ever so carefully, maintaining its connection with his paws on its cheeks, before its brown eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.


"Yes, you're safe," Alexander repeated, his voice tender and kindly. "I will never let anyone hurt you, I promise. I ask only one thing, you trust me - can you do that?"

It blinked, then trembled and swallowed, before lifting its eyes up to look up at him. "Try..."

"Good," Alexander smiled, then stroked its neck gently. "Whatever happened to you..."

Tears began to slide down its cheeks as it trembled.

"No, my dear, sweet deer - that's behind you, you've been through something I'd never want to imagine, but you're not going to be hurt - nor are you going to be alone anymore. I can help you, if you let me in. Take your time, there's no rush..."

"" Stammered the deer, its eyes widening.

Alexander frowned at first, then as realisation spread across his face, he gasped and shuddered, before shaking his head violently.

"NO...sorry, I...I didn't mean like that..."

"Deer would..." It began, then sniffled and shivered.

With a resolute, yet gentleness, Alexander lifted the trembling deer into his arms, holding it close against his chest. Initially, the deer was stiff and tense, before it reluctantly relaxed, leaning its head against Alexander's shoulder. They remained like this for over and hour, Alexander cradling the vulnerable creature in his arms, feeling the frailty of it and sharing his body heat with the deer, feeling its heart rate slowly ease and the quietening of its panting breaths.

" - " It whispered.

Alexander's heart swelled with a mix of emotions. Gratitude, responsibility and an overwhelming sense of affection of a genuine nature towards the deer. He slowly turned, cradling it tenderly, and carried it back inside his cottage. With careful paws, he laid the deer down on his bed, sitting beside it and gently caressing its neck and shoulder.

At first timid, the deer's eyes slowly slipped closed, lulled by Alexander's gentle caress and stroking, it drifting into a peaceful slumber under his watchful gaze.