The Burning Flame (part two of three)

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Sasha and Carenath date, the age difference between them seeming to melt away as they get to know one another and see just where their relationship is to go...

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The Burning Flame

Part two of three

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Commissioned by Fyrdrgon

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The dinner went even better than she could have imagined, though she was only halfway through with Carenath when she realised that something was different about how she was talking to him, relating to him. It really was like when she had first met Orrix, her late husband, but different. She had grown and changed and she ached to see just what the new version of herself was capable of.

"So, you have kids too?" He asked her, smiling. "I think I met Fyr, she was running around... I think there was a problem with the sound for the stage?"

Sasha chuckled.

"Oh, yes, she's probably about your age," she said, making a point, once more, of the age difference, not quite wanting him to forget. "Yes, she was so busy that I don't think we even got a chance to really sit down there and talk. But I'll see her for brunch next Saturday. From what I heard and saw, the event was a wonderful success!"

"It really was!" Car agreed, a mischievous twist to his tail. "And not only because I got to meet you there. I'd never even heard the band that was playing before, I think I'm going to go see them another weekend playing live."

"So..." Sasha probed, for she'd caught the compliment while he had not even taken the bait. "You don't mind the age difference then? I tried to be clear with you, but I don't want to lead a good-looking young dragon like you on."

Truthfully, Sasha was rather enjoying her time with Carenath, even though he was younger than her. He had a different outlook on life than Fyr did and, well, he was a breath of fresh air. She needed a little more of that in her life.

"No, not at all," he said, spreading his paws out on the table. "I just... I was a bit surprised by it. You didn't seem to be older than me, no. It took me aback...but only briefly, heh."

The drake rubbed the back of his neck, tail twitching sheepishly.

"I didn't think you'd be interested in me, I was just shooting my shot," he confessed. "And I do want to get to know you better, so I'm really glad you agreed to this date."

Sasha considered that for a moment. It was a date, a formal date, but she hadn't really thought of it like that before. It had been a long time since she had been on a proper date, but, wasn't a bad thing. Maybe she wasn't that old after all.

"I just enjoy being around you, I don't know..." He chuckled and rubbed his forearm. "What can I say, you're magnetic."

Sasha blushed a little, drawing back.

"Oh, my... You do come on strong."

"I'm afraid you'll get away before I have the chance for you to get you to know me too."

They talked more, easing into conversation, though they kept it light to moderate. Sasha talked about her family but that was not something Car could relate to, in the sense he had not had the life experience of raising a family and such. Yet he reminisced about his cousins and the good times he's spent with his parents, even that they were going on a trip together in the coming weeks. Just for a weekend, but he still wanted to be close to them, to have a connection, as an adult, that some of his friends didn't seem to have. Sasha could appreciate that too, considering how close she was to both her daughter and her son-in-law. Kao too, though he lived a little further away.

It was a shame to say goodbye in the Autumn chill, cool air nipping at her cheeks. If she had not had blue scales, rich and deep enough to hide a blush, she would have shown her shyness. What was it about Car that made her feel shy? Sasha didn't know, quite honestly, but she was ready to find out, to ride out whatever she'd started with Car to see exactly where it could take her.

At first, while she was waiting for her taxi, she thought he was going to kiss her. But, at the last moment, the drake put some distance between them again, perhaps being respectful. Yet the dragoness liked the chase and the play. It was not meant to be forward and brash, not when it was something sweeter, something lighter, something that...she didn't quite know the outcome of.

And that was okay too as they exchanged a hug instance, the dragon wrapping his arms around her and drawing her in against him.

Sasha inhaled deeply, her tail snaking back and forth. It was easy to lean into him, to take in the soft scent of his cologne, something musky and earthy with only a hint of spice to it. It perfectly accentuated his natural scent and the dragoness warmed through.

She wanted more of that.

But she could only keep going and see where things went, in the end.

And she was only at the beginning.


Carenath poked at his phone, deliberating over sending the message. Yet he didn't want the special night he'd had with Sasha just to fall by the wayside, as if it had never been.

It took him a while to build up the courage, but he found it in the end.

Carenath: Hey, how you doing?

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Carenath: I hope you enjoyed our dinner, I really had fun.

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It took a few minutes to respond but Sasha did.

Sasha: It was lovely, I'd never been to that place before. Thank you again for taking me!

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The drake grinned, replying swiftly.

Carenath: Would you like to go again? Or, I mean, somewhere else.

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Sasha: Maybe... The age thing really doesn't bother you?

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Carenath: Not at all.

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It had, admittedly, drawn him up short when they had first spoken but, there was no reason for him to feel bad about it in the slightest. It had been a shock, with how good Sasha looked for her age. She just looked good in herself! But having that time to process between meeting at the event and seeing her again at dinner, well... It had changed things irrevocably.

If things worked well between them, Carenath just didn't see any harm in seeing where they could go. It might be fun or it might be something more.

Carenath: Do you want to go see a movie next Friday? Anything you like. Or there's a cocktail bar opening up down by the lake. They serve really nice drinks there, it's a casual kind of place, not rowdy.

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Sasha: A movie sounds lovely. I've got one in mind...

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He chewed his lip, wondering if their tastes in movies would line up too, though only time would tell there.

And time did tell, even if their relationship, by conventional standards of finding a partner close to one's age, shouldn't have worked. They went on that movie date, finding a thriller that gripped them both, and then a date down by the lake - having a drink and then going for a walk, so they could talk a little more than they had at the movies.

It was when Car stopped her under the cherry blossom tree that Sasha truly knew something was different that time, her heart leaping and fluttering wildly as he kissed her. Even the anticipation of the kiss was just as good as the moment of the kiss itself, drawing out and out and out as she shivered and curled her toes within her shoes, claws lightly catching against the inside.

His breath tickled her lips - and then they were against hers, softly moving together as they kissed. It took them a moment to tilt their heads just right to press against one another, Car's arms going lightly around her waist as the dragoness let herself be drawn into the curve of her body.

Like it had with Orrix, it let right, so very right. It felt like she could lose herself there, panting softly, her heart rate increasing, pounding in her chest. It kept going and going and she inhaled deeply, sharply, through both nostrils at once. One of her hands found a place in the crook of his arm while the other went around him, resting on his hip. It may have been a bit more of a controlling position, as if she was letting him know she was not going to be entirely swayed by him.

They could take things as they came, not worrying, not wondering, simply letting them be.


Sasha tilted her head, parting her lips slightly for him. He snaked his tongue lightly against her lips and the kiss deepened, the two dragons gently and softly exploring one another, paws moving to find new positions. Pink petals swirled around them in a breath of wind and they lost themselves in one another, nothing else and no one else in the world existing. At least for them.


Car exhaled softly as they broke the kiss, though they did not move far apart, not when they still wanted to be close. It was as if the dragons were connected by an invisible thread and they were unwilling to break it.

He took her paw gently and brought it to his lips for a gentle kiss.

"Come on," he said. "Let's walk."

There was something about movement that let them talk more easily, as if the gentle tread of step after step performed a soothing rhythm. Yet Sasha kept her paw in his the whole way around, not wanting to let go. As their fingers intertwined, it simply felt right.

At the end of the date, back at the car where Carenath was taking her home, they kissed again, a slightly deeper, slightly rougher kiss, both testing the boundaries. Heat flared within Sasha and the dragoness could not resist a tiny grunt, shuddering against him.

"Are you cold?"

She grinned, ever so slightly wicked.

"Not with you to keep me warm."

That little quote most certainly kept Car warm that night, though his tastes were raunchier than he felt fitted Sasha. Yet that was a side to the dragoness that he didn't know of, not quite yet.

With his paw around his cock and a blush creeping down from his cheeks into his neck, it was all the young drake could to retain some self of himself. He groaned deep in the back of his throat and pumped his hips up from the bed, barely able to believe himself as copious pre-cum dribbled from his cock.

Car had never felt like that about someone before. It wasn't infatuation, not really, but more like Sasha dominated his every waking moment, curling and twisting through his dreams. She embodied everything that he had never imagined he'd wanted in a dragoness and, well...he just wanted her.

Everything of her. Her body, her mind, her soul, her heart... Especially her laugh. Her laugh was so light, so musical, with a glint of wickedness in her eyes too, that sparkle that made Sasha exactly who she was. Carenath didn't want to say that he was already falling for her, but, well...the dragon didn't honestly know how else to look at it.

And that was just how he ended up with his paw wrapped around his cock, humping and grinding, losing control of himself in the moment to ejaculate all over his lower abdomen and upper thighs. Long, hot spurts of dragon cum left him in sweeping arcs, but the dragon was not all there in that moment. All he knew was pleasure, but it was Sasha's image in his mind and the memory of her paw in his that gave him what he needed.

And what Carenath needed was her, only her.

Continued in part three of three...

The Burning Flame (part one of three)

**The Burning Flame** **Part one of three** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Fyrdrgon_ _ _ _ _ Sasha wasn't looking for anything special. Not at all, not that day. Not as she headed out to the Autumn...

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Her Accident

**Her Accident** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Garnet_ "Oof..." Garnet twitched, the anthro mare standing tall, quivering. Her tail flicked up and she forced it down again, everything...

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