Bumpy Roads
(This is part 1 from an ongoing F-List RP.) Cartesian had always taken after her mother in the looks department. Unlike her darker furred brother, she was a white and chestnut brown mare, with longer hair she kept in a side plait, usually draped on...
Bumpy Roads - Part 2
(Retro-actively added their mother's name to the first part. She ended up becoming more important to the story.) After piling in the car and hitting the road again, they finally made it to the campgrounds some 8 hours after initially leaving their...
Won't back down
It seemed time and area controlled my life a rather bumpy road in a never ending cycle. a routine that was both a plague and a gift my decaying arms hiding the truth behind my lips.
Her Accident
**Her Accident** ** ** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ _Commissioned by Garnet_ "Oof..." Garnet twitched, the anthro mare standing tall, quivering. Her tail flicked up and she forced it down again, everything...
"Family Tails" - Prologue
The g.e.l.f.s still had a bumpy road ahead of them as they continued their struggle for acceptance and integration into earth's population. some humans accepted them freely; many were either uncertain or undecided as to what to make of them.
Luna's Summer Vacation 3: Taken for a Ride
So instead, she merely folded her arms and waited for either the knot to deflate or for them to reach their destination...where-ever that was the ride wasn't all bad however, the bumpy road and pulling of the knot did made the pile of jizz still sealed inside
The Family
Luckily, the otherwise dangerous swerve simply ended up with cynthia's cheek gently bouncing against her mother's cushiony stomach, even feeling a bit of movement from inside which she knew was not the result of a bumpy road.
Cougar Baited
**" a bumpy road was never so wonderful to drive across as it was right then, and an exhausted cougar felt like she was taking a seat on the world's most amazing vibrator as luke panted aloud and squirmed in place, but all the while, his groans were muffled
Here’s Where the Dog is Buried
The smooth highway turned into a rough and bumpy road. the car was almost bouncing, making the wolf repeatedly slam onto the floor. the wolf whimpered in pain and despair.
A Quick Interview
With the last of her energy, brianna rode him like a horse on a bumpy road. her stomach and breasts pressed against the wall, but the lack of room did not halt their swelling.
The Iceberg Bar
Jean had trouble on the drive to the "iceberg" because it was a long a bumpy road and he now lay trapped under all of the things he helped jess pack. "uh hun? i am trapped..." jean called out.
Lost in your Eyes - Chapter 4
"lay down face down, and i'll take the least bumpy roads on the way home." spencer waited for mike to get his feet inside before he slammed the trunk shut and got back into the driver's seat. mike always looked up to spencer.