Xerneas' Gift of Life

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Being an Explorer can be full of surprises. However, Marina the Typhlosion never imagined she would be on the position to rescue a Legendary from danger. Xerneas was grateful for to the people who have saved him, and he was willing to offer her a reward...

The Luminasi Forest. One of the most sacred, and most protected, locations on this world.

A place where trees grew to sizes where one would not find in any other place in the world. Where a single tree could sprout all manners of berries, both known and unknown, and all of them sweeter than anything any other Pokémon ever tasted before. A place where flowers could grow instantly as long as there was soil, water and sunlight.

It was a place of fertility like no other else on Earth.

A place if life.

And this place was in danger.

All because the one who ruled over this land was himself in danger.

"I have to say, this is kind of anticlimactic." The Charizard said as he looked down on his prisoner. The deer-like creature with a black and blue body and a pair of proud antlers decorated with multicolored gemstones.

Xerneas was quite the impressive sight, but he was certainly not looking as impressive now, that he was laying on the ground, with slight burn marks on his body, with glowing chains tying his front legs against his chest, leaving him unable to even stand.

"I did expect a lot more effort from your part, Xerneas." The Charizard said, crouching by the Legendary's side, who could only glare at him. "I mean, come on! I know I have the advantage due to my type, but you are a literal legend! What, were the stories about you all exaggerated or something?"

Xerneas said nothing, and the Charizard only sighed.

"Oh, well..." He said, and there was a brief, somewhat awkward silence between the two of them, before the Charizard said:

"On second thought, I did kind of cheated. I mean, I used _this_after all."

He was showing off the device on his hand. An ancient looking box of the size of a jewelry box, which was currently open and extending the very glowing chains that were holding Xerneas down.

"You gotta give it to the humans, they could be weak as hell, but they certainly had the most curious toys." The Charizard said, smirking as he looked at the open box. "Your powers were reduced by half as soon as you had those chains around you. And now that I have defeated you, I can... what was it that the old book said about this thing again? 'Capture' you?"

Xerneas glared at the Charizard, and this caused the Fire/Flying Type to growl at him.

"Oh, being defiant still?" he said, grasping Xerneas' muzzle and squeezing his cheeks, forcing the Legendary to look him straight in the eye. "Well, let's see if that defiance of yours will last for much longer. All I need to do is press this button, and those chains will push you inside of the box. Next time I open it, you will come out and you will be incapable of disobeying any of my commands. You will be my slave."

Xerneas struggled, only for Charizard to squeeze his face a little harder.

"Yes, my pretty little pet." He said, grinning like a madman as he looked at Xerneas. "My slave that I will use to conquer every single village on my path until I arrive back at the one where I was born and show to my asshole of a father who is the useless weakling!" He was practically spitting as he said that. Then, his smirk adopted a more... suggestive look.

"And... when you are not killing everyone and helping me take the world... when you and I are all alone on a nice little and cozy bedroom..." He said, and he leaked forward to drag his tongue over the other male's face in a very lewd way, causing Xerneas to groan. Meanwhile, the Charizard chuckled, and even murred, as he thought of all of the things he would do with the Legendary Xerneas once he was his personal slave.

"But I am getting ahead of myself." The Charizard finally said, and he lifted the small box in plain view. "First, let's finish this now, shall we?"

And with this, Charizard's thumb hoovered over the button on the box. As soon as he pressed that button, Xerneas', and the world's, fate would be sealed. He would finally get what he wanted and achieve all his goals and ambitions.

So, you can understand his frustration when something came sailing through the air and hit the box, causing it to fall off his hand, landing on the ground two feet away from him, still open and still producing the chains that were holding down Xerneas.

"Gah!" Charizard said, as he held his hand that had nearly been hit by the shards of stone of the Rock Throw move that snatched the small magic box from his hand. "What the fuck!?"

He looked over, to see two figures quickly approaching him.

"Oh, no! You two again?" He said in annoyance as he saw who the two coming at him were. One of them was a female Typhlosion wearing a yellow jacket on her body with a golden badge with wings in it. Next to her, a male Midday Lycanroc with a blue scarf with the very same badge in it. Those badges marked them as members of the Explorer's Guild. They were Team Brazen Hearts, a top duo of Explorers known all around the region.

And the Charizard was sick and tired of seeing their faces.

"I was pretty sure the Greninja Triples had gotten rid of you two by now!" He said, glaring at the two. "Ugh, this is what I get for trusting frogs to do a dragon's job! But it does seem that they managed to rough you two pretty bad, didn't they?"

It was true. The two members of team Brazen Hearts didn't seem to be on their top shape. They were both covered in bruises and cuts from the brawl with the Greninjas, and some of them could have actually been fatal had they not helped each other avoid the Water Shurikens of the ninja frogs.

But still, they came all the way there and they seemed ready for another fight.

"Please, let's be honest. You two don't think you stand a chance against me now, do you?" The Charizard said, looking at the two of them. They both had their eyes on the box, but their path to it was blocked by the great winged reptile.

"I mean, come on! You two barely manage to escape with an inch of your lives last time you tried to fight me! And you were in top shape back then!" The Charizard said, looking at the two of them, as he walked in direction of them. He was not too worried with Xerneas. He knew the Legendary would never be able to free himself from the chains without external help.

The two Explorers tensed as they saw him coming their way. They both knew that he was right. On their last fight, he was the one with the upper hand over them all the time. Now, as they were hurt, they had all the reasons to think that he would be the one emerging victorious against them.

However, he didn't know that now they had, not one, but two cards up their sleeve.

"So, here what I propose..." Charizard said. "I won't ask you two to join me again. You two made it perfectly clear you are not interested. Instead, what I will be doing will be give you two the chance to walk away."

"See, you don't have to betray the Guild and side with me." He said to them, "Just turn around and walk away. Sounds good, no? This way you two are not really betraying your friends and your world. You are just... well, let's say that you two decided to live to fight another day. No way anyone would hold that against you, right? You can even say that I had already captured and enslaved Xerneas and threatened to get you to run away! Sounds like a good excuse. Come on, you two should really take the deal I am offering. After all, anyone would run away from a battle they know they can't win."

The two Explorers looked at him. They didn't move. They didn't say a word. They just continued to glare at him with hard expressions on their faces. It soon became clear that neither of them was even considering turning away and just leaving as if this was not their business.

It was their business. Not only for them being Explorers, but because, if they did nothing, then the whole world and everything they knew and loved would be in danger.

Charizard looked at the two of them, and then he sighed.

"Well, everyone except you two, it seems." He said, seeming aggravated. "Honestly, heroes are so annoying..."

With this, there was a silence, before the Charizard suddenly unleashed a Flamethrower at the two of them. They both quickly moved out of the way of the stream of flames, each one of them going into a different direction.

And then, the battle began.

And it was a battle tending on the Charizard's side.

He was faster and stronger than the two of them, and it was obvious that he had been in many battles before. Way more than the two of them. The battle was leaning heavily to his side, as he easily pushed the two of them back. His Flamethrower could not be as effective on them, but he also knew Dragon Claw. The Lycanroc possessed the advantage over him thanks to his typing, but the Charizard made up for it with his ability to fly, his speed, and with his Brick Break.

During the fight, the two of them tried to reach for the box, hoping to get a hold of it and free Xerneas. However, neither of them was able to get close enough to snatch the object. The Charizard would not let them have this luxury.

"You idiots!" The Charizard said, opening his mouth and letting out a torrent of flames. This time, however, they were purple blue flames. This was Dragon Breath, and it was pretty effective on the two of them.

As they were both pushed back, the two of them were suddenly struggling to even stand.

"You should have left while you still could..." The Charizard said to the two of them, smiling like a winner, as his two hands glowed up. The claws on his left hand extended as he prepared Dragon Claw, while his right fist glowed as he prepared yet another Brick Break. He would take those two all at once.

However, before he could...

"Marina, now!" The Lycanroc said, and the Typhlosion then put both of her hands together. A ball of energy with a blue glow formed between her hands, before she threw it at the Charizard.

He didn't had time to react as the ball of energy hit him square in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him as it pushed him back several feet before vanishing, leaving behind a very nasty bruise, which was already turning purple.

"W-what the fuck!?" The Charizard said, as he held his stomach in pain. He could still feel it slightly damp.

"Hidden Power Water!?" The orange dragon roared as he looked at them. "Are you fucking kidding me!? When did you even learned that, you bitch!?"

She didn't answer. The Lycanroc was the next one to charge forward, with a Rock Fang ready. The Charizard screamed as he was bitten hard by the attacking wolf-like Pokémon, before he grabbed him by the neck and pulled him off his body, before slamming him hard into the ground, enough to create a small crater.

"You little shit!" He said, as he prepared a Brick Break that would make the Licanroc's ribcage cave in.

"Balto!" Said the Typhlosion, Marina, as she fished something out of her bag. It was a small pill, colored pink and gray, and then she threw it with all her strength, right at the Lycanroc, who saw it coming and opened his mouth. Once he caught the pill, he immediately swallowed it.

"Die!" The Charizard said, bringing down his fist on the Lycanroc's body. However, as his fist was about to connect, the fur on the Lycanroc's body all puffed. His Brick break made contact and, while being still quite the blow for the wolf Pokémon, was nowhere near as damaging as the Charizard was expecting it to be.

"The fuck!?" The Charizard said, as he saw that the amount of fluffy fur on the Lycanroc's body had softened the blow.

He tried to pull his fist back, only to find out it became entangled into the fur. He managed to pull them out, but the fur entangled all around his fist.

"The fuck is that!?" Charizard demanded, and The Lycanroc, Balto, could only smirk at him.

That was an Ability Capsule. However, it was not a traditional one, which only shifted one's ability to the other one that their species could have. No, this was a unique capsule developed by the Researchers Guild, the Explorers' sister guild. This pellet didn't only shift one's ability, it would, temporarily, grant them two different abilities at once, and not necessarily only the ones that their species could have.

This pellet that Balto swallowed granted him the abilities Fluffy and Tangling Hair. The former softened the blows of any physical attacks, reducing their damage by half, while the second caused anyone striking one with a physical blow to have hair (or fur) stuck into them, hindering their movements. For that specific battle, it granted Balto just the edge he needed as it protected him from the one move that the Charizard had that posed a real threat to him.

This, combined with Marina's Hidden Power Water, gave them both the edge of advantage that they needed to turn the tides of the battle around on the Charizard. He was still a formidable opponent, but now he didn't have the same overwhelming advantage of the start of the battle. Now they had a real shot at whining. As Balto resisted his Brick break better and even managed to slow Charizard down even more with each time he attacked him, Marina was able to cause him some real damage with a powerful move with Water-Type energy.

This gave them just what they needed to be able to reach out for the box with the chains holding down Xerneas. She managed to once she delivered a Hidden Power right into the Charizard's face, sending him flying and reeling back right after he tried one more Brick Break into her, which was blocked by Balto using his thick fur, which entangled even more on Charizard, causing him to become quite slow at this point.

And right on cue, because right after this, the effect of the pill run off, and Balto's fur unfluffed, as the two abilities he acquired ran off and he went back to having Sand Rush.

"Marina! The box!" Balto said, and Marina didn't have to be told twice, as she used Flame Charge to propel herself into the box, taking it on her hands and trying to remember how to turn it off. She needed to remember what the book said, as she needed to free Xerneas without imprisoning him inside that thing.

Meanwhile the Charizard was groaning as he got up. He was rubbing his head and he looked on Marina's way just in time to see her find the one button that would cancel the capture.

She closed the box, causing the chains of light to disintegrate in glowing dots as Xerneas was freed from his shackles.

"Yes!" Marina said.

"No!" The Charizard said, as he got up and, with the speed, he had left, he charged at Marina all at once, a Dragon Claw ready.

"You bitch!" The Charizard roared as he lunged at her.

"Marina!" Balto said, as he rushed to her and dove on the way of the incoming attack, shielding Marina with his own body as the claws connected with him.

The whole scene froze for a few seconds, as the three of them had shocked expressions on their faces.

Balto then coughed, blood spurting out of his mouth, before the Charizard pulled his claw back, now covered in blood, and Balto fell back on Marina's arms.

"Balto! Noo!" She screamed as the Lycanroc fell limp on her arms. The Charizard stumbled back. He was about to strike again, when he noticed the box on the ground. He tried reaching out for it, but that was when a great black hoof came out of nowhere, stepping on the box and reducing it to small pieces and shards, leaving it destroyed beyond any hope of repair.

The Charizard froze, before looking up and seeing Xerneas standing before him, each gemstone of his antlers glowing like miniature stars as he glared at the Charizard who had tried to take a hold of him.

The next minute was a "whack-the-Charizard" party for Xerneas. Charizard even tried to fight back, but he was no match for Xerneas at his full power. By the end of it, the big orange lizard was bruised, with missing teeth and with his face so swollen he could hardly even open his eyes.

Xerneas looked down on him with a serious expression, when...


That cry made Xerneas turn his head to look at the person who cried out, and he saw the Typhlosion looking into his eyes. Her face was matted with tears and her hands were caked with blood as she desperately tried to stop the Lycanroc's bleeding.

"Please, help!" She begged to Xerneas. "He is bleeding, and I am all out of berries!"

Xerneas looked at the two Pokémon who saved his life.

"He is my husband!" Marina pleaded, still trying to stop the bleeding with her own hands, and now wishing, more than anything, that she knew any short of healing moves. "You have to help! Please!"

And he helped.

Walking to them, the gemstones on his horns glowing, he stood before the two and then a wave of light came from his antlers, washing over the two of them. Marina felt her bruises and cuts healing, and she looked at Balto to see the wounds he suffered also closing, including the lethal one that had been open by Dragon Claw.

As they both were washed over by Xerneas' Heal Pulse, all of their pain was washed away as their wounds closed. The bleeding lessened, and eventually stopped, and now both she and Balto looked pretty much recovered. But Balto was still with his eyes closed.

"He is not moving." Marina said, "Why is he not moving!?"

"He is tired." Xerneas said to her. "The wounds he suffered were more severe than yours. He will need help to recover." He said to her, then he crouched to their level. "Climb on me. I will take you to my home."

"B-but what about...?" She looked in direction to the Charizard, only to see that he was being dragged away by something... dark.

"The forest will take care of him." Xerneas said somberly, "Now both you and your husband, climb on."

Marina did what she was told, placing Balto into Xerneas' flank before climbing in herself. As soon as they were both in, Xerneas got up and started stotting as fast as he could, bounding through the trees and deeper into the forest, and it nearly seemed as if the roots, the branches, and even the trunks of the trees moved out of his way to give him a clear and unobstructed path to wherever it was he was taking the two.

All the while, Marina continued holding Balto close to her chest, gently caressing his pale and unconscious form.

"Balto... my dear, sweet Balto." Marina said, as she continued to caress her husband's muzzle. "Why did you jump on the way? Why are you always sacrificing yourself for me? I know why, but why? Why are you so selfless and so ready to put yourself on the line for others..."

She hugged him even closer, feeling the beating of his heard as she held him, and praying it would not stop.

"Balto, you have done so much for me... and I could never even give you the one thing you always wanted... I am so sorry, my love."

Xerneas carried them on a surprisingly smooth ride to his home, which was a gigantic tree with great branches, filled with leaves, flowers and berries that gave it the most varied colors, like a true rainbow on the top of this tree so enormous on could only assume it was older than time itself.

Xerneas continued to bond in direction to this tree, which was the center of all life in the forest. As he did, the roots of this eon-old tree moved, unraveling themselves and revealing an opening on the trunk of the tree. Xerneas and his two passengers passed through the opening, and he guided them through a long hallway that led to a series of tunnels that were like arteries inside of the three, which served to transport sap, but that were now dry, allowing someone to move freely through those gigantic passes that formed a complex network of tunnels and hallways.

They eventually arrived into a great chamber inside of the tree, where they were received by a great number of Plant and Fairy-Types, all of which seemed to be worried sick with their lord Xerneas.

"I am fine." The Legendary said to the two, "One of my rescuers is wounded. He needs help."

And the help was given. Each one of those Pokémon helped Balto, after they convinced Marina to let go of him to let them take care of him, while she followed them to be sure that her husband, the one love of her life, was fine and breathing.

Over an hour later, she and Balto had been taken to a room filled with glowing veins, which the Fairy-Types said to be glowing due to the sap running inside of them. The Lycanroc had stopped bleeding completely, and the color had returned to his features, and now he looked like he was sleeping peacefully as he laid on a bed made of a gigantic blooming flower on the center of that living room.

Marina remained by his side all the time. She didn't knew how many hours she remained kneeling by his side, gently caressing his neck and head, and noticing how soft his fur was for a Rock-Type, and taking in how handsome he was, and asking herself if she deserved to have someone as wonderful as her husband, when she couldn't do that one thing for him...

She almost didn't notice someone approaching them as he entered the room, until he was standing right by her side.

"... hello." Marina said to Xerneas, as the Legendary stood by her side in all his magnificent. Marina had always been religious. It was an influence of her father. She learned to believe in the grace and power of the Legendaries, and she always heard the stories her dad told her about those living gods. She used to dream about them and imagine what she would do if she had the privilege of standing before one of those magnificent beings.

She finally was, and it was not as much of a great experience as she had always imagined. Not when she was so worried about her husband, whom she had thought she was going to lose.

"Marina, ain't it?" Xerneas asked, and she bowed her head.

"Yes, Lord Xerneas." She said to him, before saying:

"Thank you so much for saving my husband. I will forever be grateful to you."

"No. I am the one who should be grateful to you." Xerneas said, looking at her. "Would you come with me?"

Marina looked at him, and then she looked back at Balto. She was hesitant to leave his side, but Xerneas reassured her that her husband was fine, and that all he needed was to rest a while now. This served to convince Marina to come with him, although she was still hesitant to leave her husband behind.

She followed Xerneas through the hallways of the gigantic tree. As they passed by a wooden bridge, which looked grown from the tree rather than built there, Marina could have a real dimension of how massive the whole place where Xerneas resided with all those Pokémon whom she could only assume were his servants.

Do all Legendaries have such big houses? Marina caught herself thinking, as she followed Xerneas until yet another great room within the tree. This one was filled with small bushes, all of them filled with all kinds of berries, as well as a lot of fruits. Some she knew. Some she only heard about, and some that she had absolutely no idea what even were.

"Fell free to pick the ones you want." Xerneas told her. "Don't worry, they are all edible. You must be starving."

Indeed, she was. This whole mission took a lot out of her. She believed that the last meal she had was a single apple that she shared with Balto two days ago. Suddenly, as the sweet smell of those berries and fruits all reached her, she could not help but feel her stomach growling as her mouth watered.

She tried some of them that she knew she liked, and she also tried some of the unknown fruits, and she quickly found the ones she appreciated the most.

They were all delicious, and it felt wonderful to be able to put some real food on her stomach after so long on this mission. By the end of it, Marina sighed, and she leaned back against one of the bushes. She looked at them and saw that some of the bushes were already growing new berries and fruit on them, much faster than they would in any other place.

With all that happened until now, she was hardly even surprised at this. All she could think about now was taking some of those fruits to Balto so he could eat them once he woke up. He was probably as hungry as she after so long, and he would certainly welcome the food.

Xerneas approached her with surprisingly light steps, and then asked her if she had enjoyed the fruits, to what she says they were the most delicious ones she ever tasted on her life.

"Consider this the least bit of thankfulness I can show for both you and your husband for saving me from a dire fate." Xerneas said to the two of them. "Now, I'd like to ask you if there is anything else I can do."

She looked at him and shook her head.

"Please, Lord Xerneas." She said to him, "It was an honor for the two of us to help you."

"Please, you can drop the 'Lord' with me. That's for my father and most of my siblings." Xerneas said to her. "Just call me Xerneas. You and your husband went through a great risk to rescue me, and you saved my whole forest and the world in the process. There is no way I can leave such an act without reward. You have my personal gratitude, and I am ready to give you nearly anything you desire, as long as it is within my means."

He looked at her, his eyes kind and caring.

"So, tell me, what can I do to repay you?" Xerneas asked her, "Would you like fortune? Health? I can grant you those and more, if it is what you desire. I can extend your life for decades, even centuries, or make you immune to diseases. Just ask me what you desire."

She looked at him, and she shook her head once more.

"I am flattered, but there is nothing, really." She said to him, "We were just doing our duty. There is no need for rewards."

Xerneas looked at her for a few moments.

"What about that one thing your husband always wanted?" He asked, and this question made Marina freeze, looking at him in shock.

"I heard you mention it while I carried the two of you here." Xerneas said to her. "There is this thing your husband desire that you cannot give to him? Perhaps I can help with that."

Marina blinked, and she just stared at Xerneas.

She stared at the Legendary.

At the living god that stood before her, and who could, perhaps make impossible things happen.

Could he do it for her and her husband?

Could he grant them...

"But first..." Xerneas told her, "I need to know what is it that your husband desires so badly, to know if I can, and if I should, grant it."

For a long moment, Marina only looked at Xerneas, as the Legendary asked her about this one thing. This one thing that was so personal to her and her husband. That one thing that they never shared with anyone other than their immediate family and their closest friends. Even the rest of their guild didn't really know about their personal affairs. This was not the kind of thing that she would share with a person who she just met.

However, as there was an underlying promise of this one thing being solved, of she finally being able to give Balto what he desired so badly...

"I... I can't have children." Marina said to Xerneas. The Legendary said nothing in return. He only listened as Marina continued.

"I have a birth defect. I have all the necessary parts, I don't lack a womb but... I am not capable of having children. We only found out about it two years ago." She said, as she opened up to the Legendary.

"Balto and I have known each other since we were both cubs." She said, "We always were close, and we looked out for each other when our parents weren't around. Ever since... Ever since I knew him, Balto spoke to me how he wanted to have many children. How he wanted to be a father and to see his sons becoming strong and his daughters getting married. He used to say he would be a far better father to them than his own was to him."

"We fell in love around the time we both joined the Explorers' Guild, and we got married nearly three years after." Marina said, "Shortly after that, we started trying to have children. We assumed it would be easy, since we were both young and on the same egg group, so we would be parents in no time... but, nearly two years passed, and nothing. No eggs."

"We eventually went to a doctor." She said, "They explained to us that..." She paused, it was hard talking about it, but she forced herself to:

"That I was the problem. That there was a problem with my uterus that made it an 'inhospitable environment'. That I'd never be able to produce eggs to the point where they could be laid. They told me that I could never be a mother."

"There was nothing wrong with Balto, though." She said, "They told him that he could have eggs with no problem if it was with someone else. They even offered us an option where we could rent a female to be impregnated. But... Balto said he wasn't interested."

Marina paused, and she sighed:

"He said that I was the love of his life and... and that... if he could not have his children with me, then he preferred not to have them at all."

At this point, she was starting to break.

"He said he loved me. That he loved me and that he wanted to be with me and no one else, even if it meant that we would never have our own children. He was fine being with me." She said, "But I know him. I could see on his eyes that he was sad for knowing that he would never be able to be a father like he always dreamed."

She then looked up at Xerneas.

"Can you... can you fix me?" Marina asked him, "Can you fix me so I can finally give Balto the children he wants? Please, I have tried all kinds of treatments for years now, but none of it ever worked! Balto even made me stop with all those treatments because they were affecting my health. Everyone tells me that I should accept it and move on but... I want Balto to have children! I want to be able to let him become a father! So please! Please, if you can do it, then fix me! Please!"

She was tearing up, and tears were leaking form her eyes, as Xerneas looked down at her.

He leaned over, and Marina saw a kind smile on his face.

"You are a wonderful person." Xerneas said to her, "So is your husband. Both of you are amazing. Maybe the more amazing people I have met in centuries. There is nothing in either of you to fix."

As Xerneas said that, he leaned forward and started to lick Marina's tears away.

"B-but I can't have children!" Marina said, and Xerneas said nothing. He only continued to lick her tears until they were gone. Then he started licking the rest of her face.

Then kissing.

"W-what..." Marina said, as she realized what the Legendary was doing. Meanwhile, Xerneas continued to kiss her, on her cheek, and closer and closer to her mouth.

"W-wait... Wait!" Marina said, and when Xerneas' lips touched on hers' she practically shoved him away.

"Stop!" She said, looking at him. "Stop it! I am married! I love Balto!"

Xerneas smiled at her, said "I know" and went back to kissing her face and neck. She tried pushing him away, but she found out that she could not resist him. It was not that Xerneas was much bigger and immensely more powerful then her, as he was a literal god, but it was the fact that Xerneas seemed to know every one of the things she enjoyed.

He kissed her very gently on the cheek. He flicked his tongue over her ear. He gently sucked on her neck as he locked his lips into it. All the things she loved the must.

All the things that Balto did that drove her completely crazy.

"N-no..." She said, trying to push him away, but her attempts were now only half-hearted. "S-stop... please... B-Balto..."

Xerneas then moved down, as he kissed her down her neck and then down her chest. His trail of kisses, licks and nuzzles went down her stomach, as Marina could do nothing but lean back until she literally fell flat on her back. She knew where this was going, and she wanted it to stop. However, as Xerneas rose his head and looked at her, he had a smile on his face that was identical to Balto's whenever they were in the bedroom.

"Just relax, my dear." Xerneas said. "I will take care of you."

The exact same words that Balto so many times told her. This was enough to disarm Marina's resilience and make her lay back and relax, as Xerneas, just like Balto, took it upon himself to pleasure her.

That tongue felt as good as Balto's. Marina shivered as it touched her gender, the most sacred and personal parts of herself, that were forbidden to anyone save for her husband and her doctors. And there Xerneas was, defiling those parts with his tongue with slow, romantic strokes that covered all her gender with each long lap.

It was only a matter of minutes before Marina was completely soaked, her gender dripping with liquids like a faucet. Clear fluid leaking from her folds and quickly being lapped by the Legendary who was now pleasuring her with his tongue.

She gasped and squealed, arching her back, as she felt that tongue forcing its way into her folds. Xerneas' tongue was long and very dexterous, and it twisted like a snake inside of her sex as it licked on every corner of her gender, all the way to the more unreachable inside of her.

She orgasmed as she was tongued by the Legendary of Life, her juices exploding all over Xerneas' snout. However, the legendary was not bothered at all, as he simply continued with what he was doing. That skilled tongue continued to touch every corner of Marina's folds, tasting the insides of the Fire-Type Explorer and causing her to have another orgasm mere thirty seconds after the first one. Followed by another one twenty seconds later.

At one point, Marina squealed in a mix of pleasure and pain as she was wracked by two consecutive orgasms with only five seconds between each other. That was the point when Xerneas stopped, allowing her some time to recover and to pull herself together.

As she did, she started to think about Balto again.

Balto, her husband who just survived a life-threatening injury and was on that very same tree, resting on a flower-bed. While she was in there, being eaten out by their Legendary host.

"I-I should-" Marina tried saying, but she was stopped when Xerneas started nuzzling her lower body with his snout. Well, not as much as nuzzling, as he was gently bumping it with his nose, as if trying to get a newborn fawn to move as he wanted them to.

Those gentle snout bumps caused her to shift so she was now no all fours, and then more bumps served to cause her to lift her rump for the Legendary.

Next thing she knew was that Xerneas' hooves were all around her, as the bigger Legendary was standing over her. She then felt something else bumping on her rump. Something long and warmth.

She knew instantly what this was about.

"W-we should stop..." Marina said, "W-we should stop this now... M-my husband... I-I love him... I should not be doing..."

"Shhhh." Xerneas said to her, lowering his head until he was nuzzling gently on the side of her face, rubbing his cheek on hers' just like Balto many times did when she was feeling sad and needed some comfort from her beloved.

Behind her, she felt that long dick touching all over her body, rubbing on her rump as it looked for something.

It seemed to have found it, but then:

"W-wrong hole!" Marina said, she was not sure why. Maybe because she knew that Xerneas could probably cause some serious damage if he tried to use that hole. Xerneas, taking in what she said, pulled back, and then aimed a little bit lower.

He met her other opening, and Marina's whole body shivered as she felt the tip of that member touching on her own gender.

She knew what came next. She knew it far too well.

Her mind tried to tell her to stop it now. Tried to remember her that she had a husband who loved her and was faithful to her above all else. He even gave up having children of his own because he wanted to have them with her and no one else.

She could not do it to him.

She should tell Xerneas to stop now.

However, as she felt Xerneas' breath on her ear, as the Legendary whispered:

"Will you accept my blessing?"

All her mental resistance melted away as she felt that breath, smelling like berries and wild flowers, tickling the fur of her ear.

"Y-yes..." That was all Marina could bring herself so say.

So, it began.

Xerneas was a gentle lover, much like her own husband. He started off slow. He needed to, otherwise he could seriously hurt her with his dick, much bigger than Balto's, but that slid in surprisingly easy on her smaller body.

She moaned as she was penetrated, and she felt that member, the biggest one she ever took, sliding in and out of her on the gentlest, most pleasurable way she could ever imagine. She immediately understood why Xerneas was a legend, and she knew that every aspect of him was perfect and god-like.

Even his manhood.

The fucking was gentle, and Xerneas was silent as she moaned and breed her ever so kindly. However, as it usually happens on those situations, they both eventually wanted more. Marina didn't even need to ask Xerneas to give him more, it was as if he could read her mind, and he soon was giving her more of himself.

More of his cock slid in and out of her gender, tickling every inner part of her folds as it moved in and out of her body as the Legendary grew in speed ever so slightly.

Marina moaned as he entire folds were stimulated by that member, pumping into her and spearing her, spreading her folds as far as they went, as more and more of it made it's way into her with each thrust from the Legendary standing above her who, while mostly silent and composed, allowed himself to hum happily as he nuzzled onto her face as he continued to breed her.

Marina was the first to come, as her gender exploded around Xerneas' member, just like it had exploded on his face. She was shivering and moaning as if she was on her death throes, and Xerneas continued to go. Ever so slightly. Ever so gently. Changing just the tiniest bit to satisfy her desire for more while continuing to give her the gentlest fucking Marina ever received on her entire life.

And it was just as pleasuring to her as the times her husband riled her hard during their intimate time at night on their house.

"B-Balto!" Marina said as she orgasmed again. This time, Xerneas orgasmed with her. She knew because she could feel his member throbbing into her folds, the Legendary grunting on the most subtle way as he unleashed something inside of her, and Marina could feel herself being filled to the brim with the contents of Xerneas' load.

After a while, they both stay in there, with Marina shivering and whimpering softly, while Xerneas remained silent, until he finally let out a sigh, and then he pulled out. As gently as he pushed it inside, Xerneas pulled his member out, slowly, nearly tantalizing, and causing Marina to moan once more as she felt that big member leaving her gender. However, the contents it deposited deep inside of her remained where they were.

She could feel it all inside of her. Sloshing.

This was Xerneas' seed...

Not Balto's.

Oh, Arceus, what had she just done?

Marina stood up on her four legs. She was shivering. A feeling of immense guilt and grief coming into her as clarity hit her. She could feel the material Xerneas' unloaded on her womb. She could swear it was moving s if it was alive.

Would a Legendary's seed make a barren woman pregnant? Marina had reasons to think it would. And it filled her with despair.

Xerneas nuzzled her again, and this time Marina had it in her to push him away.

"D-don't touch me..." She said, as she pushed Xerneas away from her with her hand. She didn't want to be touched by him again. She regretted having succumbed to his touches on the first place. She felt... well, not defiled, she had accepted his caresses, after all.

However, she did feel dirty.

She felt like a dirty slut who was not capable to remaining loyal to the man she loved and who gladly accepted when another man came to her.

"Marina." Xerneas said to her, sweetly. "It's okay. It will all be okay."

"No, it won't!" Marina said, shying away from his touch again. "I-I should not have done it! I-I could not have done it to Balto! H-how could I? How could you?"

Xerneas, seemingly unfazed by the accusation on her voice, simply said:

"I have bestowed my blessing upon you." He said to her. "I have granted your desire. You will now have children. Please, rejoice knowing you will soon be a mother."

"Rejoice!?" Marina said to him. "How can I rejoice!? You totally missed the point, you idiot!" She didn't care if she was insulting a Legendary. She didn't care if he would get mad at her and curse her for the rest of her life. She was too upset to care.

"I wanted Balto to be the father of my children!" She said to him, almost yelling now. "It were his eggs I wanted to have!"

Xerneas, once more, was completely unfazed. In fact, he had a smile on his face. Not the shit-eating grin of an asshole, but the kind and gentle smile of a father figure.

"And it will be his eggs that you will have, my dear." Xerneas said to her. Marina had no answer to that.

"I... I don't understand..." She managed to say, and Xerneas could only chuckle. For a moment, Marina thought he was chuckling at her, but then the Legendary said:

"It is ironic, you know? That me, the god of life, an incapable of having children of my own."

Marina could only look at him, and Xerneas continued.

"It was Arceus' decision. After he either created us or had Mew birth us, as it was in my case, he determined that, due to our great power, there should only always be one of each of us." Xerneas explained. "So, he made it that none of us would be able to produce descendants with the same power as ourselves. We can't have children."

Marina looked at him. Then, she felt something.

There was something happening.

Inside of her.

"Even I, the legendary that embody life in all of its forms, an incapable of impregnating someone, no matter how much I try... or want to." Xerneas said, and he seemed to be a bit sad talking about this.

However, Marina was only half-listening to what he was saying. She was more focused on the feeling inside of her, as she felt that the semen, or whatever liquid it was that Xerneas filled her with, being absorbed into her body and into her system.

Then, a feeling overcame her. A feeling of hotness of the likes she never experienced on her whole life. A feeling that immediately caused her flames to ignite and burn in a bright, neon-pink light.

Marina gasped and panted as her pussy started dripping again.

"What I can do, however..." Xerneas said, looking at Marina as she started to moan, her pussy dripping more and more. "Is to prepare the soil to receive life. I can make even the most barren and sterile places become welcoming for the seeds that may be planted in them. I can make even the most inhospitable of environments ready to receive and grow the seeds of life."

The heat was now unbearable. Marina was squealing now, as her pussy convulsed and spasmed, as she had an orgasm without single touch to her pussy. She was soon on all fours again, and she was panting and shivering. Her pussy felt so sensitive that even a slight breeze was causing her to moan in pleasure. A single touch would probably be enough to cause her to have another mind-shattering orgasm.

And Marina wanted to be touched.

She wanted to be absolutely ravaged.

More than anything, she wanted to be ravaged by Balto and no one else.

"Right on cue..." Xerneas said, as he looked over his shoulder. Marina looked at her, panting and whimpering as he hot breath caused mist on the air. Xerneas then told her:

"You husband has just woken up. Go meet with him."

Marina didn't need to be told twice.

She rushed out of that berry-bush filled room, while Xerneas watched her go with a smile, which just became slightly mischievous as he saw her go on her way, leaving behind a trail of fluids dripping from her pussy as she went on her way.

This trail continued as she made her way through the wooden bridges and hallways, being guided by her instincts, which told her to get to her husband as quickly as possible.

She arrived on the room, and stood in there, panting as she looked at the flower-bed, in which was her husband, who looked at her with surprise.

"Marina! Where are-" he tried to say, but that was when Marina pounced on him, seemingly not worried about the wounds he suffered earlier.

"Oofff!" Balto said, as he felt his wife's body landing on top of him like a raptor diving into a prey. "Marina, what the heck!?" He said, and then he took one look at her, seeing the way her flames were burning, as well as the look on her face. Her mouth was drooling as she panted, just as much as her folds.

"Balto..." She practically mewled. "Balto, my love! My one and only love! Take me! I need you! I need you now! Please, take me! Take me as your wife! Take me as your one and only mate! Make me yours! Now and forever! Make me yours and only yours! I need you now, Balto! Now!"

Balto could only look at her in shock. He saw the way she was panting and the look on her face. He saw how her flames were burning pink. He heard the need on her voice as she begged him. Most then anything, he could smell the scent coming from her folds.

"M-Marina?" Balto said, "Y-you are... You are really in..." He tried to say, but that was when Marina grabbed his muzzle.


She kissed him. Balto was shocked, but soon, he was melting on her kiss, and he started moaning just like she was as she pressed her mouth into his' and wrestled his tongue into submission. The supernatural heat she was feeling now passed to Balto through that kiss, causing his own member to emerge from his sheath and throb, ready for breeding.

And breed the two did.

Longer and harder than ever before, they had sex. In all possible positions imaginable.

In one moment, Marina was on top of Balto, bouncing on his dick as he moaned and laid on his back, his knot slipping in and out of her folds as she begged for all of him and even more. The next, she was the one laying on her back, as Balto fucked her hard, breeding her like a bitch and biting on her neck as he claimed her. Then she was on all fours, and she moaned as she had yet another orgasm while Balto knot-fucked her, causing her pussy to throb and convulse around his dick as she had yet another orgasm, which she shared with her beloved, who then continued fucking her even though his cock felt sore and spent, as something powerful made him continue breeding his wife and not stop for anything lesser than a truly life-threatening situation.

They only stopped nearly six hours later, when both were on the verge of dehydration and starvation. Luckily, they were able to both eat and drink from a berry-filled bush and a water-filled flower that had, apparently, sprouted right by the side of the bed where they were.

After drinking and eating their fill, they both curled together into the flower, cuddling with each other as they both drifted into an exhausted sleep.

Balto and Marina were both hailed as heroes as they came back from their mission, with many people asking them questions about the adventure they lived, and if they really saw Xerneas and asking what he was like.

They were given not only a great reward in money, but all kinds of gifts from the many admirers and fans that they now had.

However, the greatest gift of all came a few weeks after their return.

All the doctors were baffled at Marina having laid eggs, as they were all unanimous that she would never have been able to conceive naturally.

Well, it appears that they were all wrong.

Not only she laid eggs, but she laid a surprisingly large clutch.

Thirteen eggs.

As weeks passed, she and Balto took turns watching the eggs, and they were congratulated by everyone they knew, from their partners on the guild and their neighbors to their own families, who were all overjoyed at them,

Then, it finally came the day of the eggs hatching. One by one, each one of the eggs hatched, revealing either a Cyndaquill or a Rockruff baby, which squealed as they were greeted by the world for the first time, and who soon squeaked in happiness as they were nuzzled by their mother and father.

It was a whole litter of children. Cyndaquills and Rockruffs, boys and girls. It was a big family.

Just like Balto always dreamed he would one day have.

The proud Lycanroc had tears on his eyes as he nuzzled the little Cyndaquill girl, and he looked at his wife, who had just as many tears on her eyes as she held two little Rockruffs on her arms.

They nuzzled and they kissed as they watched their children, both of them unaware that they were being watched as well.

Xerneas was watching over them from a room on his tree, looking into them through the water in a pond. As he did, he smiled as he watched this happy and beautiful new family, which he had a hand (or hoof) in helping come into existence.

"Congratulations, Balto and Marina, for your new family." Xerneas said, "And for you, little ones, good luck and a good future growing up. Know that you are already blessed, for you are the children of two of the bravest and most admirable Pokémons I've ever had the privilege of meeting."

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