Dewie Doesn't Do!

Story by Beaverspear on SoFurry

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#1 of The Trials of Dewie

"Hey, I could get anyone in this bar and you know that." A voice echoed in the background, the certain sound hooking itself to Dewie's long, ridged ears, Dewie closed his eyes in annoyance. Sitting at the bar, he sighed knowing that a competition was in order. He just hoped that he wasn't the prize.

"Oh yah? Whadda bout him?" Another voice travelled its way across the bar scene to hit Dewie's delicate ears. "Can ya get Dewie?" Dewie couldn't help but let out another long sigh. Sitting shrouded in the darkness most people knew him as, "The A-Sexual." And therefore a challenge to every single bar-slut player of this world. Dewie reluctantly turned his position on the stool and looked up with annoyed eyes at the next challenger.

"Hey there. You must be Dewie?" He was a black equine with a blue mane. Obviously dyed for that ultimate clubber look. Wearing blue jeans, and a white undershirt with a sparkly black dressy shirt overtop, he looked like the regular barhopper. Letting out a third sigh Dewie looked up to the ceiling in a gesture of, "Why god why?" He then lowered his head and glared at the stallion before him.

"You must be Dewie?" The Equine said. His posture open and inviting, Dewie couldn't help but notice his strong equine frame. Muscles of pure strength, they seemed to outline themselves thoroughly along his rather tight clothing. Normally it would send any male-hunters head spinning, but Dewie wasn't up for any game.

"Yes I am? So my reputation does follow me."Dewie grudgingly said as he tried to look as uninterested as possible. "Honestly though, if you're trying to get into my pants, you've already failed." The equine snorted, as his friend, a blue female cat, laughed in the background.

"And how did I do that?"

"Well, for one. You're a horse. You get in bed with me and it'll be hell up my ass. Not everyone's got wide hips. Especially a virgin like me. For two, what are you wearing; you honestly think you look good? Blue hair, who actually likes blue hair? And for three, your approach was all wrong."

"Why you son of a B-"The equine snorted loudly, highly offend. Dewie just turned himself back around to face the barkeep.

"Why do they try Jon?" Dewie said, a little bit of a laugh escaping him as the equine walked back to his table, swearing under his breath. Jon smiled and turned around. Jon, being the barkeep, had a bar glass in his hoof that he was currently cleaning. His tall equine body was matched with an eagles head. Wings folded on his back, he was indeed a fine hippogryph. With white head feathers and yellow equine fur, he was quite handsome. Wearing the customary black bar uniform, along with black shades he leaned over at the bar to talk with Dewie.

"Cause everyone gotta have sex sometime, eh?" A smile broke on his eagle beak as he dropped the bar glass in front of Dewie. Not only being a great companion to Dewie they also happened to be roommates. Jon placed both hoof on the bar top and looked at Dewie, his tall body shadowing Dewie's smaller form. "What will it be?"

Dewie smiled as well, "The usual." The barkeep laughed and walked over to the fridge pulling out a carton of apple juice. Jon filled the mug up to the top, as Dewie groaned, "I mean, what is so physically appealing about me?" Jon, gave Dewie an examiners eye,

"Well, could it be the way your golden head fur gracefully flows around your cute rigid and tall ears, and down the back of your head, stopping short just above your collar bone. Or perhaps it's how nicely your brown fur shimmers so smoothly off your small but built-enough physique. Your fur being so dark, it almost adds this sexy mysteriousness about you. Even your wings spell desirability for any gay male." He nodded, "You gotta look at yourself in the mirror, you are one sexy bat."

Dewie just rolled his cute fox like eyes, "Thought you weren't gay?"

"I'm not. Just know how to compliment a man that's all. It's part of the job." He laughs looking around the gay bar, " Kinda bad when a straight man works at a gay bar eh?"

"Ya." Dewie said sipping his apple juice as he slouched his body over sadly, "Like my coat? It's new.."

"Oh yah. Forgot about your new sexy black overcoat." Jon smiled, "You feelin' alright?"

"Well you know. I just get lonely." Dewie sighed, "Not much fun being an A-sexual."

"Then why don't you hit that bar and dance a bit. There's plenty of willing game out there."

"I wish it was as easy as that. I just haven't met anyone I have an attraction to. You know?"

"Well don't call yourself A-Sexual just yet. I'm sure someone is out there for you." Jon smiled, "If I was gay I'd date you."

"I can't say the same about you. The thought of being with an equine scares me."


"Still, the wrong half I want to have to deal with."

"You're lucky I'm straight then."

"I guess I am." He smiled, raising his head to give his back a stretch. "I should be off though. I want to have a date with Mr. Right before I go to sleep."

"Just make sure your door is locked this time, roomie." Jon smiled. "Later."

"I will. If you keep any girls you bring home muted."

"Yea sorry if I'm just that good." Jon said, laughing. Dewie just sighed a bit, a feeling of loneliness looming over his body. He exited the bar to be greeted by cold and hard pelts of hail. He would have to walk, for the hail did not make safe flying conditions.

The hail was vicious but survivable, making the trip home long but safe enough. However, since he couldn't fly he would have to take the elevator to his apartment. The elevator was always a place he would get hounded at. The close quarters of the confined space tended to make any laws of sexual harassment go out the window.

The bat sighed and walked into the apartment building's lobby. Ringing for the elevator he waited letting out a moan of loneliness. He pushed his spine against the back of the closed elevator door. Taking off his over-coat he gave his wings a stretch. With the coat on, he has to scrunch his wings closer to the arms of the coat. Which made his wings highly uncomfortable at times. Under his coat he was wearing a white muscle shirt and black jeans. The white shirt cut appropriately to fit his wings.

He let out a sigh. This was something he would do often. It just made him feel better every time there was something annoying or wrong. His life was pretty empty; he had dated before, but found himself never able to fall in love. Eventually he realized that there was no point in trying anymore, he had no sexual desire for anybody but himself, and the thought of other furs naked made him feel uneasy at times. What a curse it was to be born with such beauty, and not be able to utilize it to its full extent.

DING! The elevator was here. As the door split down the middle he almost fell backwards into the box. Luckily he was able to catch his balance. The doors split away to show a completely empty space. Hallelujah! He quickly jumped into the elevator and whipped his body around, his overcoat flowing out like a wave he moved to press the close door button. He pushed at the button and,

"Gross!" Dewie cried out as his furry finger pressed down on a wad of gum that covered that particular button. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He cried as the gum stuck to his little finger. A sticky bridge connecting itself to each digit, he wiggled his wing-hand around to try and get the sticky substance off.

"Scissors could help with that friend!" Cold eyes darted from Dewie as he looked for the one who just spoke. His gaze finally matched with the midsection of a rather tall Greyhound standing outside the elevator. His cold orbs darted upward to see his face. Wearing a grey feathered fedora that covered his face and a grey overcoat he looked rather mysterious and threatening. Inviting himself into the elevator, the door closed behind him. He stood right across from the bat and smiled, "The Name is Grog."

Dewie let out a moan, "Fuck off, you are not getting into my pants."

Grog just laughed, as Dewie pressed 6 on the elevator floor. Eyeing at the Greyhound cautiously, Dewie couldn't help but let out a loud grunt as the next number the canine pressed was 9. Dewie stepped his foot paw down hard and snarled at the dog.

"Okay what are you trying to do here?"

"I thought you would notice."

"Fuck, just because we're in elevator doesn't give you any right to act like a dumbass."

"Calm down. Not here to fuck. Just here to talk."

THUMP! The elevator hit the sixth floor, and the bat made his way to exit, before the greyhound grasped his paw unto his winged shoulder.

"We haven't talked yet." The greyhound said lifting up his fedora to show his eyes. They were strong and threatening. If he had to make a guess, this dog looked like a hit-man. Dewie eyes turned scared as he realized this could be the last minutes of his life.

"Are you here to kill me?"

"Only if you don't co-operate." The greyhound laughed, opening his paws to show that he was not armed.

Dewie nodded his head and turned back into the elevator, still afraid of the canine.

"So, your name is Dewie that's correct?"

"Yea." Dewie said, keeping his eyes to the ground.

"And you don't like male or female?"

"Yea." Dewie still kept his eyes to the ground.

"Do you honestly believe that there isn't someone out there for you? That you were born without a match? There's somebody for everyone. And I have a friend who wants to help you. " Dewie finally looked up at the Greyhound as the elevator hit the ninth floor. There was a long pause before Grog left the elevator. Standing at the other side he looked back to the bat who stood mollified in the small box.

"Come with me, there is someone very special who wants to talk with you." The greyhound offered a paw. Dewie didn't say anything nor did he move. He just looked at the greyhound. "Are you going to come or not?" Dewie still stayed frozen, until he snapped back into reality. Extending his wing hand into the greyhounds paw he was pulled out of the elevator and into the apartment buildings. They walked in silence. A nerve racked Skelton he couldn't help but shiver. Something about this greyhound reminded him of the white rabbit in the Alice in Wonderland story. He was stuck in curiosity, entranced at what this rabbit had to show him. Safety, security, life, all didn't matter, because he knew somehow this greyhound was going to lead him into finding what he wanted most in this world. Love.

They stopped in front of the door 969 and the dog knocked on the door. Knock...Knock. Knock. It was a special knock, like at a kid's club house or something. Finally realizing the significance of the door number, Dewie turned his head up to look at the greyhound. The canines face now cold, and lifeless, Dewie tried to grab his attension,

"69, seems to be your bosses lucky number."

Dewie laughed as Grog remained a stone. He seemed so sociable before, why so dead now? Dewie turned his eyes off the tall greyhound as the door opened up; there stood a small pug dog. Shorter then Dewie, his eyes were bulging out, and his face looked as though he was just hit with a shovel. Wearing a male kimono, he had an "I'm the boss" type look that he glared from his black furred faced.

"Grog? Who is this?" He said, his lip curved up, Dewie couldn't tell if he was joking or being serious.

"This is the man ya wanted." Grog slowly said. His personality now turned dull, the bat gave him a long awkward look before the short pug spoke again.

"Dewie! My friend, come in, come in." The pug said lifting his paw to grab onto the bat, pulling him painfully by the tender wing. Walking into the room, Dewie couldn't help but groan at the blandness of it. White walls, white carpet, were accompanied by no windows. The room only had 3 pieces of furniture that were placed in the center of it, a quite boring iron desk accompanied by a wood stool and a office chair set parallel on either side of the desk.

Dewie made his way to the stool, as the pug struggled to get in his office chair. Opening his jaw, Dewie was first to speak before the Pug lit up a cigar smugly and stole that opportunity.

"So Dewie, I heard ya got a broked heart on ya? Righto?" The Pug said, blowing smoke from his cigar, in the air.

"I heard you got a height deficiency." Dewie said, his eyes cold at the small pug.

"We got a joke'ster among us Grog." The pug watched the greyhound with a masterful eye as he walked into the room and stood behind the pug. Like a tower, he leaned over the small shovel faced fluff ball. A growl had now scorned itself on the wrinkles of the pug's squished face, "You lucky, I isn't with my boys right now, or we'd ruff ya up real messy."

"You're lucky this isn't grammar school, or you'd be writing lines on the chalkboard. I assume ROUGH and messy as well." Dewie's eyes remained cold. His body in a defensive position, the pug just growled at the bat before calming himself.

"Listen, ya want my help or not?" The pug said, snapping his fingers. Grog, nodding obediently, took an ashtray out of his pocket and placed it on the grey desk. A metal cling echoed the room. The pug extinguished his cigar. The bat remained silent until something clicked in his head.

"I've seen you before. In a newspaper-"The bat's eyes widened as he looked at the pug, a grin now placed on his mutilated muzzle. "You're, you're the leader of The Mad Dogs aren't you?" The bat paused again before widening his eyes, "What do you want with me? I didn't do anything!"

The Pug laughed, "Your right. Dewie didn't DO anything. Dewie would never do ANYTHING. Dewie doesn't do." The bat just sat their frozen, uncomfortable with the thought of a crime lord before him, "But, Dewie will be able to do. If you let this dog do what he needs to do for Dewie. This dog is going to do a favour for Dewie. This dog will help Dewie do. Does Dewie want to do?"

The bat nodded his head, his ears perked up. "If I understand what "do" means, then ya I'd like to find someone to do." He tried to remain as pleasant as possible, now realising the mistake of his past aggressiveness, "But I've heard about the mob, and I really don't want to be set up on some type of sick and twisted contract. "

"This? This is private business. Has nothing to do about my life of crime. A distraction, really. Keeps the police at bay. You sign up for my dating service, and I'll find you the love of your life. As easy as that."

"There's a catch isn't there? What do you really want?"

The pug dog starred at the bat for a minute or two, before smiling, "What do I want? Nothing, just for you to find a date. You do this for me. I use you as my poster child, and my business starts from there." He smiled smugly, "So my friend. What kinda women you lookin' fo?"

"Women? Oh well...I've always considered myself with a male..." The bat slowly shifted his eyes to the greyhound. Thinking he saw him smile off the corner of his eye, he shrugged it off noticing that Grog's face was still stone cold.

"Male? No, no, my poster child's gotta be straight and appealin to the masses. No one wants a fag representin' there business unless they are into interior design. So, you got the perfect girl in mind, or do I have to get you a quiz sheet. And makes sure she's got tits. She's gotta have tits to be the perfect companion for my posterboy." The pug now placed two paws over his own chest pretending to grab large breasts on a woman. The bat looked at him confused before sighing. Closing his eyes he thought about his perfect mate. It was difficult to summon him at times, but if he thought hard enough he would always be there for him.

"He...I mean she...should be taller than me..." His eyes still closed as he tried to bring the image of his imaginary mate back. Slowly but surely the image was fading in. Sitting in blankness of his mind the tall fur appeared. His frame matched that of himself, a bat. Only he was strong. Really strong, a goliath he was bulky and at least five times taller than the bat. The muscles began to pump off his structure. The arm blimps extended to a stunningly large size. His legs curving out into an immortal form, they were a chiselled path meant for any hand to find his more sensual area. His manly extension, small and fit for Dewie's virgin ass; he still had a ball sack that hung desirably strong in-between his mountain thighs. Sometimes he didn't have wings attached to his arms. Sometimes he was more of a canine or just a fox. His hair was golden and thick, flowing like oceans waves off his head and around his backside. A cape, it danced off his delectably rounded buttocks. There he was, his mate. The perfect form in his mind, standing there openly, inviting the bat into his large protecting body, the only body that he had ever loved. Too bad it wasn't real.

"You okay there Dewie?" The pug said now looking at the dazed bat.

"Oh right, Ya. Uhm... A girl who's tall, muscular, and with big tits. And a great personality or something." Rushed the bat blurted that out quickly. His pecker had grown to its full size thinking about his mate, and he felt a sudden urge to paw himself off.

"Okay okay, sounds great. I think we've got no more business to discuss. Just meet me outside your house at noon tomorrow, or rather today (the pug looked at his watch), and I'll have you date ready for you. Got the perfect girl all set." The pug then reached for a rolodex that was positioned in the corner of the desk and started flipping through the cards. Grog snapping into reanimation touched Dewie on the shoulder and pointed to the door. Happy to leave, Dewie ran out the door, wing over his crotch.

It was a quick run back to his home on floor 6, as he decided it was best to take the stairs. Practically breaking the door down he made his way into his room, closing the door shut.

"Hello?" Jon said, sitting with a female griffin on the couch, he gave a half wave before Dewie disappeared into his bedroom. Dewie could hear muffled giggles from the other side of the door, but he didn't care. He had a pitch in his pants that needed to be taken care of.

Sighing and closing his eyes he was now in his favourite spot of the world. Standing before the muscular canine, the beast wrapped his protective arms around the bat. Concealing him in his embrace the bat moaned at the image in his mind. How nice it would feel to have that bulky body hold him, the bat thought to himself leaving the dis-reality for a second. He went back to the image. With the bat resting in the creatures arms, the imaginary friend slowly slid his hand down into the pants of Dewie. His barbarian face smiling in a loving manner, his hand gently grabbed onto his hard erection. Pulsing up and down Dewie let out a sigh. The feeling of his mate was always perfect, for it was his own.

Up and down the muscular arm pulled on him, concealing his dick within his pants. He wish he would be released him from his clothed torture, but his male companion always loved to tease him. The slowness of the massage felt extremely satisfying; already he could feel his body melt out a release of sexual tension that had built up over the past days.

ZZIIIP. Finally, the beast started to push Dewie's pants down, and then his underwear. Now sitting at his ankles, his penis raised upwards. The shaft, pulsating for attention, the shaft, pulsating for the feeling of the burst, the shaft, pulsating to send its seed flying all across the room. The hand worked it's magic gripping upon his member again. Now working harder and more aggressively it bounced from base to head in a sensual rub. A feeling of pleasant shiver sparkling along the spine of the bat as he, ''Oohh-ed'' in pleasure. The grip tightened and sped up, the pleasant sparkles now moving to a strain on his dick as the erotic beast moved Dewie closer and closer to the edge. As he neared the edge, he started to fully undress himself; slipping out of his overcoat and muscle shirt.

Only letting out a slight ''Mmm...'' sound, the beast brought him past the edge as he squirted his juicy substance over his chest, and onto his chin. With much pressure it shot out hard and fast, in a powerful load. His own juices were a favourite of his. The taste, the smell, and even the feel were heavenly to his senses. Letting out a moan of relief and joy, he leaned back and fell to sleep, cum stained on his body.


Hahahah, and thus a new series is started. Hope you guys enjoyed this beginning. I've got about 2-3 other parts for this story coming. Originally the 1st and second story was supposed to be together but this one was running kinda long. So it' now divided into two parts.

Also expect from me in the future another crime/pulp fiction type story, a western story series, and a hero myth (I happen to be a big fan of creation stories/mythology stories.) based around the origins of Beavespear. Also as a little advertising for my friend, make sure to check out the author Cold Turkey. Rolling Stones magazine called his writing, "Truly ass-tounding! Emphasis on the Ass part." and "A truly wonderfully imaginative tale." New York Times rates his current story series, "Amazing! Like nothing I read before." Cold Turkey will literally blow you away, or make you blow something at least. By the way, those aren't real quotes at all; let's make sure that it is known the above statement was all said in satire. Even though Cold Turkey is a talented author he has yet to be recognized by New York Times or Rolling Stones Magazine.

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