A Thief's Trials: The Wyvern's Spines

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#4 of A Thief's Trials

(( Part four of this series. Comments, criticisms, advice are welcome, hope you enjoy. New comers you might want to read at least the part before this one if not the whole series to find out what's going on. :) ))

Tenja's wings stretched and caught the wind beneath her sails only to slam it down beneath her and force her body to raise higher up in the air. It was a flight fueled by panic and fear as the drake chased his prospective mate higher and higher above the mountains. She could feel her heart beating rapidly against her chest. The sound of it pounded in her ears until it started to drown out the whistle of the wind as it slipped over her form. Was it truly hours ago she had been sitting beside a warm fire with the Mage? On the heels of that thought was a curse against him. The reason she was trapped in this foreign body.

The air was so cold it almost burned her lungs as she rose just below the level of the clouds. Cold enough that she knew that if she were human she would have frozen her lungs trying to breathe it in, but this body it gave her the fuel to continue her flight. Her chest swelled as she drew in a breath and she snaked her head downwards spy the ice white form of the drake that ardently pursued her into the clouds. The moment she tried to level out he drew back his head and snapped his jaws forward to try and catch her tail in them. She snarled out and drove her wings upwards again to gain a few dozen feet into the sky.

She had almost broken through the cloud covering when a shadow was cast over the grey surface of them. It grew rapidly and became more solid. Her body knew before she did that she needed to move, she dropped her wings to her side and twisted away violently in the air. Just a handful of feet away from her wing the clouds burst open around a massive wyvern male, his wings disrupting the thick cover as they pulled flat against his back. Like a comet he fell from the sky and he opened his jaws as he fell to bugle out a challenging roar towards the male behind her.


The old drake had managed to gain altitude on the female easily enough, she was young and not yet fully in season. She struggled to keep herself from being driven into the heavens, while he embraced them as his rightful kingdom. The ice that formed on his wings when he reached above the clouds crackled off each time he beat them downwards and followed the indistinct shadows of the pair beneath him. Anger and possessiveness welled inside of him at the sight of a female in his territory being flown by a drake barely old enough to warrant striking out on his own, let alone hold his own lands!

When the female had almost reached the clouds he pulled his great wings backwards and let himself drop towards the earth. He would drive the rutting male away and claim for his own the beauty that had wandered into his lands. The clouds wrapped around his body until he had to close his second eye lid over his eyes to protect them. The moisture of the clouds hardened to form ice crystals at the leading edge of his wings a moment before he erupted back out of them. His body dragged the vaporous wisps behind him as he folded his wings more tightly to his sides.

He fell past the female who faltered and spun away to the side away from his attack, he spared little thought for her now. His eyes sought and found the male that chased after her and he roared out his challenge. His wings opened with a snap that shattered the ice that had formed over them and he swung his legs forward beneath him to help break his fall. Talons glittered in the light as the younger male let out a squeal and frantically tried to flip himself over to meet his aggressor. It was too late, how many generations of these young ones had he fooled? Age and treachery would always overcome youth and enthusiasm.

The old drake's claws caught against the youngling's shoulders, one just behind the neck and the other at the tail base. He clenched his talons down and pierced into the scales with a scream of challenge. His scarred head dropped down and his jaws closed down against the spine and clenched just short of cracking it in two. His larger wings spread open wider to stop him from being thrown down to the earth as he attacked and the young male writhed and screamed out his fear. The older wyvern closed his toes down again until blood beaded out around his talons and ran in red streaks against the paleness of the scales.

The scent of the female lingered on the other one and his lips curled back in a snarl. He would not lose the chance at adding another queen to his lands, not for the sake of besting a near hatchling! He used the drake's back as a launch pad and shoved against him downwards before the scarred male took a harder beat with his wings. The youngster screeched out in pain and outrage as he clumsily pumped his wings in an attempt to regain the height he had lost. The elder already had his eyes on the rapidly fading dot of the female. Fights for territory could wait, there were more pressing matters at hand.


Tenja watched as the larger male crashed into the younger, her heart stopped for a moment at the loud crash of two massive forms colliding with each other. The new drake was quite a bit larger than the first and unlike the smaller he showed signs of battle and age. Even from the distance she could pick out the scales that had been cracked and the wear upon the spines that ran down the back of his neck. The pair lost altitude quickly despite the way the broader wings stretched to keep them aloft and it was only then that she saw her chance at escape.

She coiled her tongue more firmly around the scales she had freed from the first male and partially pulled her wings in against her side. The shallow descent added speed to her flight as she started to set her aim towards the horizon and the yawning caves that darkened the white landscape. If they would only remain in combat she would be able to find a hiding place from both of them until it was safe to come aloft again. Like a stain upon her honor she felt the dull throbbing ache of her loins, a reminder of what had happened, and she pushed the thoughts away. It was all for her freedom and she would take her vengeance against the Mage one way or another.

A bass roar reverberated around her and echoed over the icy slopes and she twisted her head back to see the largest of the pair come in closer towards her. Behind him the faltered wing beats of the smaller male could be seen against the grey sky farther behind him. They'd spotted her. She felt a stab of panic before horribly her wyvern body responded with a flush of instincts she couldn't begin to understand. For a moment her mind reeled as another brushed against her consciousness and it created not words, but feelings that swelled her chest.

Puny males, how dare they try to chase her? She who was lithe of wing and mistress of the airs and currents? She who held the spark of life within her body? How dare they come after her so crudely? They did not deserve her. Her anger and outrage at the smaller male was mingled with the strange flush of thought in her mind. But where Tenja felt humiliation at his violation of her body, the Other felt outrage that such a weak male would dare attempt to fly her. Her wings beat harder and she tore upwards into the sky, her jaws gaped as she bugled her challenge to her suitors. Let them try to catch her if they could!


The old drake ignored the younger one, he was no match for one who had flown a dozen queens in his life time. His eyes roved over her form and the way her wing beats seemed uncertain. She was not as young as all that. Was she recovering from an injury that she couldn't maneuver well? Each scale was perfect and overlapped each other like armor on her body, her wings unmarred by scars or tears from battle with another queen. No, she was not injured, but there was a strangeness about her that made him wary.

While he measured if he should mate her or drive her away from his territory her wings suddenly flared wide. For a moment her form outlined against the peaks of the mountain like a carving of ice before she screamed back at them. It was not a scream of fear; the young queen shrieked her challenge as lustily as any veteran female. Her contempt was clear in that call and she flaunted her body as she drove herself upwards into the air. The lithe form twisted gracefully so that all thoughts of the strangeness of her left him and he answered in a baritone rumble and twisted his body up to capture the currents that ran through the air.

The queen seemed to flirt and twist in the air in front of him. Her body arched up while she pushed herself up higher to evade him when he circled beneath her. Let her dance with the wind and ice, he knew that in the end he would capture her. Behind him the younger male made a lunge upwards so that he shot past the larger drake and snapped his jaws towards the young queen's tail. The female twisted herself down with a shriek and her tail scythed the air to almost cut against his cheek in her fury. He barely was able to roll away before the smaller wyvern tumbled down to avoid the strike against him. He was amazed that so foolish a youngster had managed to capture her once!

He stretched his wings and twisted his body to circle opposite of the ice white form; he made no attempt to close and instead started to display himself for her. Whereas the younger drake thought it was all force, the older knew half the battle was in proving his worth as a mate. His wings were edged with the scars of dozens of battles in the past, but where they lacked in the agility of his youth he made up for in the skills of flying. He twisted his body and tucked his wings in against them in a roll that slide him close to her side. Almost close enough to touch and prummed his approval when she side slipped away narrowly missing him.


Tenja was locked inside her mind, her terror was being overwhelmed by the Other in her mind. The body had instincts of its own as powerful as a true personality! She danced on the winds as if she were created just to partner them in this strange flight. When the younger drake dared to try to dictate how she was to fly she snarled and struck out at him. How dare he attempt to force her? She was a creature of wind and flight! Mistress of the skies and this world was hers alone, it was only by her tolerance that she allowed him to share this place with him.

It was the older drake that drew her eye as he moved counter to her own circling flight. His form, though old and scarred, twisted and rolled through a rough wind that had blasted up from the mountains. He slipped through the air without the brutal and crude power of one battering it, but a beast that knew how it played against his hide. It was only when he drew in that she saw his game and slipped away with a snarl and stretched her wings to reach higher into the air. Even as the younger drake chased them just outreach he was driven back by the elder male's display. His wings scythed the air so that they came close to hitting the smaller chest.

Tenja felt as if she were a passenger in her own body, it moved in ways she hadn't been able to mimic through her own instinctive flights. Her form arched gracefully and then dropped down towards the earth. She picked up speed as she called back to taunt the males that followed her. The youngster barreled after her and mimicked her fall, but the older soared up higher to shadow her flight. She flirted and teased the smaller of the males as she let him come close to her tail. The ground loomed before her while she distracted him with flirting calls and trills.

How could this be her? She didn't want this! She struggled to control herself and stop the desires that ran rampant through her body. Yet how could she when she didn't truly touch any thoughts? All she felt were feelings that her mind tried to interpret into words. A smugness that two males vied for her attention, two courters chased her through the skies and she could lead them on a merry chase before she made her choice. Tenja panicked as the ground started to rush up to meet her and just as she tried to yank control her body back the wings flared open and she was powered up into the skies.

A shrill shriek of confusion and panic came from behind her and she watched from the corner of her eye as the young male tumbled and tried to stop himself from crashing. In his lust for trying to catch her, he had lost track of the position of the ground. It was only sheerest luck that stopped him from dashing himself to his death. Instead he slammed into the snow and twisted down the hill in a controlled plummet. He was alive, but alone as the female spiraled higher into the sky and screamed out her victory to the clouds. He did not deserve her, the other might, or she might evade him as well to find a stronger suitor to fly her.


The old drake rumbled and watched the female lose the smaller male to his own stupidity at being blinded by the closeness of her. He had taken himself just into the clouds and let them roll over his white form until he was a shadow amidst the grey. As the queen pushed herself higher into the air he shifted his position in the clouds. She danced with the air as if it were a partner, her body undulating and arching like the great whales of the sea. A creature of beauty that made his body run hot with desire to capture her for his own.

He waited until she pushed through the clouds before he closed close enough for her to see, his larger body twisted in the air to weave a pattern with her own. She twisted her head and hissed at him as his beating wings drew him in close enough that he had to alternate his strokes or risk fouling their wings together. Her eyes flashed her rage and silent challenge to him and he snarled back in answer to her until they broke through the clouds into a land of sunlight and blue skies. He lunged forward and extended his claws to try and catch her only to have her roar and bring her legs up to kick his chest roughly to propel herself away.

Gone was the graceful dance she had taken before, her body sped off with purpose away from him. He strained after her and narrowed his eyes against the winds that raged this high up in the air, his lungs swelled with each frigid breath. The clouds were cast away from them as they fled into the alien world of light. The white of their scales glittered and he kept his eyes low and to the side so the brightness didn't dazzle him. Higher and higher they flew and with each beat of his wings his mind was overcome with one urge. To rise up until the female's blood ran hot instead of cold, to catch her and mate her long and deep to ensure the next generation.

The queen's body strained for a moment as she reached the apex of her flight and her feet tore through the air as if she were trying to go higher. He gave no pause for her beauty, instead he gave a twist of his entire body that rolled him onto his back and swung his haunches up until his claws caught with her own. His clawed toes intertwined together and he clenched down hard just as she screeched out in protest at being caught. Even the swiftest queen would be caught, it was how the world worked and as she snaked her head down to snap at him his tail wrapped roughly around her own to pull her in close.


Tenja strained to fly higher, her body ached to go further into the sky as she felt as if she were on fire. The entire flight up she had at first grown warm and then hot. A heat akin to the times she had come in from the bitter cold and being so close to the fire had almost been a painful thing. The higher she went, the colder it grew as she sought to sooth herself with it. The air was too thin to maintain her wing beats, and as she struggled she forgot her suitor. He had not forgotten her. His claws found hers and she was yanked down closer to his body so that she felt a stab of outrage and fury. Her jaws snapped down to try and connect to his neck only to feel his tail coil itself around her own.

The other being in her mind suddenly relinquished control to her again, the single thought though thrummed through her entire body. The male had out flown her and captured her fairly, was he worthy perhaps to breed her? Her body was forced down against his own and she struggled in his grip before the large jaws snapped down against her throat and squeezed tightly. She felt his cock being pushed out of his vent as the tip scraped up against her stomach and then rubbed against her own passage. Tenja couldn't stop herself, she shrieked out in reaction as the barbs plucked against the soft folds that seemed overly sensitive.

She felt the drake rumble as the vibrations ran through her and she was twisted around on the air so that his wings forced them to hold aloft in the sky. His toes clenched against her own as his hips bucked and pushed against her. The very tip grazed her folds again so that she writhed and tried to push away but it was too late. The slippery darkness of his cock forced her to spread open for him, the first few inches straining her outer walls open and then sank into the heat of her passage. The wind picked up around her as the drake started to spiral downwards with her held tightly within his grasp. His hips grinding forward so that she was spread wider and wider, the already sore passage clenched down around him as if trying to push him out.

Tenja felt a rush of humiliation as the girth of him forced out some of the seed from the other drake and a hot breath rushed against her neck before he snarled. Her body writhed a moment before the hips drew back and the barbs flared out to scrape against her walls so that the pain ran through her body. The powerful animal clenched his teeth down until her scales dented inwards and started to thrust in hard sharp jabs. The barbs scrubbed along her passage and pulled out the rival males seed each time he drew back so that the sticky cream was staining over her loins and she beat her wings franticly to try and get away.


Rival male. The scent of him flooded the older drake's nose in a rush that offended every fiber of his being. This was his female! He drove himself into the feverish heat of his body and let out a snarl of pleasure at the silken walls that clenched around him. It was if she was fighting him still, but he gave her no ground to deny him his prize. He forced himself half way in and then drew out, using his barbs to drag the other's sperm out of her body and then bucked back inside of her. The slickness spread over him as he rapidly stretched her wider, the slender tip pierced all the way until he drove up against the channel of her cervix before he drew out. Her high pitched screams erupted in his ears as he drew out again and he could feel the muscles spasm as he raked the softness of her with his barbs again.

His wings burned as he held their flight, even her beating wings didn't jar him as he spiraled through the air and started to lower towards the clouds. He'd done this often enough to know how to keep her steady against him. He freed up his claws only long enough to wrap them around her hips and clenched down against the muscles of her haunches. He pulled her body tight against him and felt the tight opening that guarded her womb start to be forced in on itself. He thrust in rough sharp bucks that jarred them through the air while she writhed and twisted in his grasp. Her claws slid over his haunches and scrabbled as if she tried to find purchase to fight him.

She had lost, he knew that she couldn't pull away from him and even now her wetness had started to push out what the former drake had left. His black cock drove deep and he started to force the opening to stretch and spread around his barbed tip. The heat of her would have been cold to a mammal, but to him it was if he had grasped the sun against his body. The tip of him erupted in a thick glob of precum that was pressured and forced through that channel to hit deeper inside of her. His own scent stained her body while he rolled himself in the air and took her with him. She was his!


Tenja shrieked out as she felt a burn deep in her body, the tip was driving itself against a barrier and she could feel something inside of her stretch. She wanted to escape, to push away from him but the legs held her close. Another thrust forward and the pull out snagged the barbs on her tender enflamed flesh so that the pain was followed with a tremor of pleasure. Without thought her tail tightened and the next thrust was met with her hips so that she felt the girth bow for a moment. She felt rather than heard a popping sound as he sank himself entirely inside of her. The tip of him lodged and pierced through to her womb as he bellowed out his triumph.

The wings that had held them aloft drew in against his body and she found herself falling through the air in his lustful embrace. He drove himself in with sharp stabs that came in rapid succession, the force of his thrusts aided by their fall. She grew slick with a mixture of his own precum and her body's desire. Each thrust forward made her feel the nectar pushing around him and running along her enflamed outer folds. The barbs dragged along her passage and abraded them ruthlessly in a feel of burning pain and pleasure rolled into one. She found herself responding to the animal as the clouds started to wrap around their bodies and thrust herself forward to meet him and slam his tip into her core.

Part of her reveled in the pleasure of the wild mating, his scales scrubbed against her own and his jaws panted around her neck. The thrusts drove the base of him so deep that she could feel his vent grind against her own before he yanked backwards to make her back arch. Thick rushes of precum erupted from him and joined her own arousal that leaked outwards from her abused folds. The clouds spun around them both before the fell through and she dimly saw the earth beneath them. The drake sent them into a rapid tight spiral as his hips jarred against her. His throat vibrated with snarls and low rumbles as he took her.

She wanted to escape, her mind knew this, and she even struggled. The pleasure that built in her stomach though was another matter. The barbs stopped to hurt and burn each time he pulled out, instead they teased and sent thrills down her spine. Her hips bucked against his haunches each time she felt the tip come up against her strained cervix. It was lewd and beastial yet some humiliating part of her wanted it. The barbs flared out wider as he drove into her cervix and then yanked back outwards so that she threw her head back and screamed out. Her walls started to clamp down tightly around him, almost suckling around his cock.


The ground grew closer and the old drake opened one eye to watch it rush to meet them. The female finally was responding to his mating as her hips jerked up against his own. She was tight, her walls seemed to wrap around him like a silken glove as he stimulated her. They rippled and pulled him deeper so that her own thrusts against him forced his tip to pierce her cervix before pulling out. He felt his internal testicles pull up and tighten inside of him before he closed his eyes entirely. He gave himself over to the feel of her body wrapped against his own. The pressure of the wind as it whipped over their bodies and the scent of her thick on the air.

The old drake slammed his hips up in a brutal stroke so that every inch of him was sheathed inside of her body. Her own scream echoed in his ears a moment before he forced up the hot rush of his seed into his cock. The vein that ran along it bloated and filled with the cum before his spines flared out inside of her and the opening gaped wide. The pressured heat of his seed erupted inside of her body as he released her neck to roar out his pleasure and he clenched his tail down to keep himself firmly pushed inside of her. The hot thick rush of his seed came out time and again, as his wings flattened even more tightly against his back.

The silken walls clenched down around him, they milked and pulled as his cock while it twitched and jerked in their grasp. The base pulsed as each inch of her womb was seeded with his semen, the thickness of it stuck against her walls and he gave another harsh thrust to ensure he was entirely inside of her. The swollen tip and barbs kept her cervix locked around him to ensure it wouldn't be forced out or wasted as they fell to the earth. He even ignored her struggles and noises as her body shuddered against his own and her hips gave weak movements against his body. The earth came upon them quicker and quicker, he could feel it like a weight against his body.


Tenja felt the jaws pull away from her neck and for a moment she thought he might be loosening his hold upon her. Instead she felt a swell rise along his cock while she twisted around in the air and the next thrust slammed deeper inside of her. Her jaws gaped open silently as an almost cramp rippled through her belly as the swelling erupted out of his tip. She felt the pressure of his seed hit against her inner body like a blow and worst of all her entire form shuddered. Her walls closed down tightly so she could feel every inch of the ebony girth sheathed inside of her when her orgasm hit her.

She didn't just squeeze, she milked the cock. She pulled it and clenched around it to try and draw more of the rich globs of seed to pull inside of her body. The drake responded with another thrust that ended with a splatter of heat inside of her as she twisted and writhed in his grip. Her tongue extended out and she shrilled out a call as he bred her. His breathing came out hoarsely from his spread jaws. Rope after rope of the thick seed spilled and flooded her until she opened her eyes to see the earth so close. So very close. Her panic started to mount a moment before the drake loosened his claws from around her hips and gave a push.

She screamed out as the barbs raked her passage and pulled out of her cervix, the pain spilled over her body as the drake flapped his wings and pulled away from her. His seed strung from his tip to her passage for a single breath before it was broken and splattered against her tail. Her entire body ached as she spread her wings and belatedly caught the wind beneath them. She struggled to slow her fall and clenched her teeth together more firmly. It was only then that she felt the white hard scales she had shoved between her teeth and gums. She still needed a spike! Though she didn't have to worry about the male going far or abandoning her.

A shadow flew over her and darkened the air around her a heartbeat before a rumble erupted. She turned her head up to see the scarred male hovering just above her and he made a feint towards one of her wings so she twisted away. She just had a glance of his arousal still pushed from his vent, wet with her own orgasm and his. Humiliation rushed through her and she made a dash towards the left only to have him drive her back into place. He was herding her! The male snapped his jaws and kept his superior height as he drove her in the direction he wished for her to take.

Each time Tenja attempted to flee he was there with a threatening snarl and snap of his teeth so that she fled back to her former position. He took her over the mountains and towards where she had thought she had seen caves. Instead she found herself looking at strange arched towers and walls that seemed to be built from solid ice. Parts of the building had obviously fallen into ruin, she could see a part of one wall caved in. Her sharp eyes picked out vivid colors in the ruin. Reds and blues, purples and yellows and only when the drakes belly almost brushed her and forced her lower did she realize they were jewels. Jewels the size of her head at the smallest!

A stab of greed ran through her at the sight of them. Her current situation driven from her mind until the drake pushed her down again towards the courtyard. She didn't know how to land! She let out a hiss and tried to flare her wings out to catch herself. Her legs extended out and claws stretched wide as she tried for a dignified landing. Instead she felt her toes brush the ground before her speed caught up with her and sent her tumbling against the hard cold stone. Her wings mercifully weren't injured as she dropped down so her chest was on the ground and her chin slammed against the stone making her almost go cross eyed. She took inventory of her aches, missing the shadow that loomed above her until a heavy weight slammed down on top of her.


The older drake drove the female down to his home, a place he remember with great fondness and some regret. Once he had stood upon the walls and gazed out impassively on the frozen world at the will of his creators. Those people that had made a place in this frozen wilderness of light and warmth, warmth that he could dimly remember. Had it been so long ago? The fires that the Great Ones had made to forge steel had illuminated the night skies and sent sparks towards the heavens. When he had been just a hatchling he had basked in that glow and watched as the flames rippled into the night sky and formed streaks of color to dance through the stars.

The world had been inviting then and safe. The winds and ice of the North had been held at bay in the paradise that had been. Sometimes at night he dreamed of them, dreamed of She who created his kind holding him in Her arms. The soothing voice that wordlessly sung while She worked and he had sprawled himself on her lap and kept her safe from harm. As he grew She had joined him in his first flights, her body stretched out to form the wind that had reached out to slide beneath his body. It was She who had lifted him up and helped his wings to take his first hesitant beats, She who had guided him through the thermals and currents that had been so foreign to him.

She had helped him to grow strong and proud and had nurtured him within these halls while the other Great Ones had exclaimed over him. He had dined upon rich red meat and lounged upon strange green grass. When he grew too large for their halls She bade him to stand upon the walls of their palace and guard them. He had stood as a sentinel through the harsh winds and the ice, he thrived on the feel of it caking his wings and scales. It had been a lonely and long duty and so She had made him a mate so that he would not face the world alone.

When two legged creatures came he had driven them off, though he had been warned not to slay them. They were like his Great Ones, but small and pitiful compared to Their splendor. After a time they had stopped trying to pass the mountains and he had known peace and joy as he bathed in Her regard for him and flown his mate high and fast. She had shared his joy at his first clutch and his second. His heart had beat only with love of Her and ensuring She would be safe and happy within Their palace. Yet all was not as it seemed. After many many years She had come with tears upon her face and hugged his head to Her breast.

He had not understood what She had tried to tell him, only reveled in the sweetness of Her scent and licked Her tears away with cold brushes of his tongue. The next day he had awoken to their palace abandoned, the Great Ones had left with the dawn and all that was left of Her was the lingering scent upon his scales. He had screamed and bellowed for Her, tore through the north to find Her again. Weeks, months, years past before he returned to what had been Her home to find it empty and echoing. She was no longer here, only his memories filled these halls. So he had curled up within the courtyard and resumed his duties as Guardian. His children fled throughout the North and flourished, yet still he remained with the ghosts of his past.

He shook his head roughly to force away the memories that haunted him. The past was not his concern now, the future was. His eyes narrowed in on the young female as she came in towards the courtyard. The moment she touched ground he ignored the clumsy landing. His mind was on other thoughts. He was no green hatchling that did not know how to deal with the ground. The moment she fell onto her stomach he gaped his jaws in an almost smile. It was if she knew what he was about to do and welcomed it. He folded his wings after a final sweep down and his feet dropped down to both sides of her hips and clenched downwards. She pushed upwards as if to throw him but it was too late. He had her where he wished her.


Tenja tried to buck the male off, but instead she felt his jaws clamp down around the back of her neck and his wings moved down to her sides. The great wing hands braced themselves against the ground almost like forepaws. The tail didn't wrap around her own, instead the beast dropped his haunches downwards and she felt the hard tip of his shaft dig in against her under tail. She twisted and moved her legs up to shove her haunches up, but that was just what he was waiting for her to do. The barbed tip pushed down and ground itself against her folds roughly. Already stimulated from the mating flight she trembled and let out a hiss from deep in her throat. He'd just mated her! What else did he wish?

The cock tip pushed up hard against her vent as the teeth clamped harder against the back of her neck. Her only warning was the tension in his hips before he thrust in with more power than he had exhibited in the air. The barbed tip spread her walls open and drove into her slickened body with a sickening wet noise as his seed was forced around him. She gaped her jaws with a wordless cry and trembled when it pushed against her aching cervix before he drew backwards again. The barbs flared open and ran along her passage so that her back arched in pain mingled with pleasure.

The hot breath rushed against the back of her neck as the drake shoved his weight more firmly against her back. His tail lashed out and caught her tail roughly so that it was yanked upwards into the air as if he were displaying her. Another thrust of his hips burrowed his cock deep inside of her and she twisted her head back and forth before letting out a screech of protest. Her walls rippled around him as he passed through them, each inch felt before he pulled backwards again and forced her to feel the barbs scraping inside of her. Wetness spilled from her passage, the barbs scrubbed and pulled the seed that had been drooling from her vent out faster to hit against the ground.


The drake wrinkled his lips back in pleasure. While his kind mated in the sky he had never forgotten how to mate upon the ground. He reveled in the feel of her body trapped beneath him and against the earth as he pushed his cock tip up against her folds and pried them apart again. She'd barely had time to recover, but still he had to force and stuff his inches inside of her. The thick black girth disappeared into her vent until he ground his scales against her own and pulled backwards. Thick globs of his cum spilled out around his gleaming member before he thrust back into her writhing body.

He clenched his toes down against her hips when she tried to throw him off and shoved his weight down more firmly. Each thrust came with sharp hard smack of his scaled body against hers and his tip wedged back into that tight channel until he had forced it open again. The thick ropes of his seed oozed out from the punctured cervix and were pulled back out by his barbs. The added wetness made it all the easier to slam back into her again. He put power into his movements he had lacked in the air and dug his claws down so hard against her sides he started to pierce beneath them.

The scent of her rose to his nose, it was sweet and musky all in one in a heady concoction that made him almost maddened to take all that she had for himself. Her walls closed around him and squeezed each time he pulled back so that his barbs plucked more firmly through the rippling muscled walls. The drive in pried them forcefully back apart until he shoved into her cervix again and felt himself driving out more of his semen. The sticky mixture churned up by his cock clung to her folds and his own vent's scales so when he pulled away it formed strands that joined them.


Tenja struggled beneath him as the drake's thrusts drove the breath from her lungs. He rutted her lustfully and thoroughly. Her body, still on edge from her earlier orgasm, seemed happy to oblige him in his desires. The barbs ached and tingled all at once, they pulled along her passage to find places that made her buck and shriek out in pleasured pain. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the view of the palace, but the relinquishing of her sight only made the sounds more apparent. The wet slick sound of his thrusts inwards and the feel of something thick and gooey rolling from around his cock, the muted grunts that punctuated his thrusts, and the clatter of his scales joining hers.

His claws clenched and pierced her scales, the pain negligible compared to what he was doing to her body. Pleasure grew inside of her and her tail clenched around his own when he gave a harsh drive that forced her chest to slide slightly against the ground. Her wings spread open and hit against his own as she tried to find a way to push herself up right again. She wanted to shove him off her back and take to the skies again, but he seemed as solid as the mountains. She felt his hips curl down and start to move in harder and shorter strokes, only a few inches pulled out of her before he was hilted back inside of her again.

The constant feel of his tip stretching her cervix made her open her jaws and pant shallowly, only some small portion of herself remained in place to make sure that she didn't lose the scales held in her jaw. His fangs scraped against her neck as he concentrated on penetrating and exiting her cervix, the barbs catching around the ring of muscle each time to send a shudder down along the rise of her back. The tip flooded her passage with thick strands of precum that seemed to constantly leak from the tip and mingle with her own wetness. She opened her eyes slightly and saw his wing fingers close to either side of her neck. The spines that capped each knuckle shimmered in the weak light. So close. They were so close to her muzzle. The last thing she needed to steal.


The drake shifted himself above her, carefully avoiding the spines that ridged her back, and put his concentration on stimulating her body. The barbs caught against her cervix each time he withdrew only to sooth that ache when he pushed inside her again and the barbs were forced to lay flat. The heat of her massaged around his girth and embraced him, even her struggles added to how they clutched and pulled at him. He released her neck and rolled his tongue against it. He left a wet trail all the way to the edge of her jaw before he dropped his head down to her shoulder. Glorious heat!

He started to throw more of himself into the movements, his tail used to pull it higher up so that she was further exposed to him. Her own wetness drove him on, sliding around his cock in a slick glaze each time he pulled a few inches free from her body before he drove back within her again. At times his tip pierced to high when she shifted and he hit against the flesh of the cervix itself so that she hissed out and bucked beneath his weight. He drove down harder until he found the tender opening again and forced it to wrap around his cock tip and into the plush heat of her womb.

The drake was so involved in his violation of her body he didn't notice her head move until it was too late. It darted out as he drove into her body and her jaws closed against one of the tapered spikes that lined his wings. Before he could recapture his neck she twisted her head and there was a loud crack as the clear spine was broken in two. His eyes flashed in fury at the female's retaliation and he snapped his jaws back against her neck and clenched down. He pushed his weight forward so his stomach scraped against her back and her own spikes grazed his side. How dare she!


Tenja flushed with victory as her jaws pulled the spike free and felt flecks of the hard substance powder against her tongue. Yet she had what she needed, the six inch long spine laid in her jaws as she wrapped her tongue securely around it. The victory was short lived as the drake reclaimed her neck and shoved her harder against the stone courtyard. The cobblestones scraped her stomach and chest as he started to drive faster and harder. His hips a blur as each thrust was driven by the clawed feet gripping her hips before he'd pull back in a raking of his barbs. Her eyes watered slightly and she clenched her jaws closed around her prize.

She felt his cock start to swell inside of her, her walls forced even wider to fit him. Her body wrapped around him and pulled even harder as the barbs plucked and ground against her cervix, the movements jarred all the way up her spine. It wasn't until she felt the bulge of the vein that ran along his cock start to bloat that she let out a ragged cry. He drove in with a final stroke that rubbed each inch of her passage, it was enough. It was just enough that without the painful feel of the barbs she was forced over the edge and into pleasure. She muffled her cry and tried to stop it, but it was too late to control her body's desires.

The pleasure rolled over her in a wave, her heart beat pounded in her ears and her muscles clenched up all over body. The tip of the drake's shaft opened up and started to pump out wave after searing wave of cum into her body as a counterpoint to her pleasure. She wanted to throw him from her back but all she could do was twist against the ground and feel each spasm a moment before the thick splatters of cum hit against the back of her womb. Her body pulsed and pulled around his shaft, she could feel it trying to draw the virile white cream deeper into herself in an attempt to successfully breed. Tenja closed her eyes under the onslaught of humiliation that ran through her, her own body wanted this and responded to this animals feral rutting.


The drake rolled his head back and screamed to the skies his conquest of his new female. His testicles tightened up and forced his semen to flood upwards along his cock under the pulsing squeezes her muscles made around him. He gave another sharp thrust to ensure he was firmly sheathed inside of her womb before the tip spread open wide and he gave himself over to the pleasure of breeding. The heat of her and the feel of her writhing body kept him on his high as the thick globs rolled out of his tip in a pressured stream. It filled the area of her womb and bloated it with the possibilities of life.

He forgot the dull pain of his bitten spine and instead gave his hips slow rolls against her body as his tail lowered hers to drop down to the ground again. His body trembled slightly as he forced another gush of his seed inwards and felt the sticky heat of it catching against his cock as it tried to find a way to spill out. His tip kept her sealed up, swollen enough to stop all but the faintest ooze of his cum from escaping as he gave his hips a roll back. The movement flared his barbs to hook into the ring of stretched muscle so he wouldn't slip free. The female twisted and let out muffled cries beneath him until he finally started to relax.

He didn't make a move to slip off or out of her, unlike in the air, he could stay lodged inside of her until he was forced to retract his cock. He nosed his wing and licked where she had snapped the spine free and rumbled to himself. Now that his temper was cooled he savored the injury, the spirited queens were always the most satisfying the tame and clutch. He lowered his head down to her shoulder finally and relaxed, the tip of his cock finally stilling in the thick rush of his seed to just a dribbling ooze that pooled inside of her belly.

He'd sleep for a while and then rouse her to dance in the skies again. A few days of mating and flying and he'd have another female guarding a clutch of his eggs. He heaved a soft sigh, if only She would return life would be perfect. He let his gaze slide around the courtyard as his mind's eye built up what had once been here and heaved a sigh. One day They would return and he would be here still guarding what had been their home. One day....

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Teaching Brother A Lesson Pt 3

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world...

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A Thief's Trials: The Wyvern's Scales

(Chapter Three in the Thief's mini series. As always comments are welcome, vote if you loved it, cum if you enjoyed it.) Illthar stood at the shores of the ocean and lifted his head to feel the breeze rush against his cheeks and silvered...

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Teaching Brother A Lesson Pt 2

Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world...

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