Invasive Species: Chapter 4

Story by Lane Overfield on SoFurry

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#4 of Invasive Species

Kett continues on her mission.

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More information is available in this journal entry

Slowly, it dawned on Kett that her previous orgasmic scream might have drawn a little unwanted attention. After all, she couldn't truly remember just how loud she was, seeing as how she just experienced the most intense orgasm of her life. Kett crouched down, just in case anyone was looking up at the rooftops, and noticed that thick puddles of cum covered most of the area around her.

As blood and hormones settled back down into a state more closely resembling sane, Kett remembered that her entire purpose out away from the well was to collect orgasmic juices and other organic matter. It would be a waste to just leave all that cum on the rooftop, she thought.

Not entirely sure how to correct the situation, Kett reached out and let some of her wrist tentacles extend toward a pool of seed. The tips of the tentacles simply popped off, landing in the thick juices, and absorbed the fluid. The bit of goo swelled as the fluid was sucked in, and the growing ball rolled around the rooftop seeking out the nutrients. Before long, a sack of cum-filled goo rolled back to Kett, about the size of a beach ball. The fox reached down to it, letting her wrist tentacles extend toward the goo, and the cum flowed through a channel in the tentacle into Kett's body.

She felt the warm fluid pulse through her veins, tasted the salty seed in her mouth, and felt it pool and drain into her balls. As the orb of cum drained and finally disappeared, Kett's ball-sack grew heavier. Her testicles were still separate from Alan's massive pair, but now Kett's were rivaling his in size. Instead of walking around with two cumbersome pairs clacking against each other, Kett opted to merge the two sets, forming a single pair, each about two feet wide, covered in Alan's black and white fur.

The taste of the absorbed seed lingering in her mouth, and Kett felt Alan's primitive consciousness stirring toward arousal. Realizing that it wouldn't be long before the massive cock that used to be Alan was unbearably stiff, and thus movement through the city nearly impossible, Kett decided to start searching for her next subject.

Alan's clothes remained tossed around nearby, so Kett donned the over-sized and uncharacteristically masculine attire and descended down toward the streets. Luckily the pants were loose enough that the oversized testicles and sheath barely showed through the excess material, and didn't look too suspicious. She wasn't entirely sure what to look for, however. Hanging around at a street corner, propositioning herself to strangers crossed her mind, but that would be unusual this early in the afternoon, and would draw too much unwanted attention. She thought about waiting until another acquaintance happened to pass by, but that could take hours.

Making her way through the crowded plaza, Kett spotted a small, effeminate male mouse near the well, attempting to fill four large jars with water. His white fur was clothed in the colors of one of the Greathouses, clearly marking his status as a house slave for a noble family. Of course, Kett could also conclude that the mouse was a new servant, as attempting to bring four jars of water that big through town is nearly impossible without assistance, and is usually a mistake made only once. Sure enough, once all four jars were filled with water, the mouse attempted to wrap his arms around them and lift, without much success.

Kett moved in quickly, pushing past the socializings and minglings of townsfolk, approaching the young mouse, "Would you like some help?"

The poor mouse nearly dropped all four jars as he jumped, startled. "Uh, um, no I think I can--." One of the middle jars slid and popped out of his grasp, and Kett reacted quickly in order to catch the container before it hit the ground, or even spilled any water.

"You were saying?" Kett smiled and held the jar firm, watching the mouse continue to squirm and struggle to keep a hold of the remaining three. "Let me help you carry these back. There aren't many people that can carry four at a time, and all of them have arms twice as long as yours."

The mouse sighed and set the third jar down, thinking. "Are you a free laborer? I don't have anything to pay you with, but maybe my master will give you a few coins for helping me."

"That will be fine. I'm sure your master would rather have the water and jars back intact, anyway." Kett picked up the jar from the ground, hoisting the two full jars with surprising ease, "Lead the way."

Kett followed the servant mouse through a part of the city she'd seldom seen. The noble houses were massive complexes, full city blocks towering over the huts and common houses around them, built of baked brick and cut stone. The mouse walked in silence, rushing through the crowds with the urgency of a servant unsure of how much grace to expect from his master.

Upon reaching their destination, the mouse led Kett to a smaller building near the back the Hykan estate. The door flung open before the mouse could reach the threshold, and a large crocodile stood blocking the doorway. "Léo! Where the sand devil have you been!"

Léo nearly dropped both his jars out of fright, "Sorry! Terribly sorry!"

The croc scowled at Kett, "And who is this?"

"She offered to help me!"

"Is that right?" The croc stomped over to Kett, snatched the jars of water from her grasp, and stomped back into the building as Léo scampered back inside and the door slammed shut.

Kett stood outside, listening to muffled shouts and apologies, wondering how she thought she was going to make this work. But, she was rather fond of the mouse already, and decided Léo would be of much better use serving her master, not his.

Gathering herself, Kett approached the door and knocked loudly a few times. The crocodile appeared in the doorway in an instant, snarling, "What?"

Straining to smile, "Are you Léo's labor master?"

"If Léo can be called a slave then I can be called his master. What do you want?"

"Do you hire him out at all?"

The croc shifted, sizing Kett up. "We let some of the more senior servants take day jobs, but Léo hasn't earned that privilege yet."

"I am interested in Léo specifically."

"Why should I rent him? And why would you want him?"

Kett smirked, "Mostly I'm interested in his young body. You must admit he has quite the attractive figure compared to what you'd find among other servants."

"Hah! I should've known. So you followed him all the way back here just to plough 'im? Fine, fuck little Léo until he's learned his place, but his rate will be double."

Kett fished around in Alan's pants, searching for what cash Alan had on him. She found a handful of coins in one pocket, and glanced down to find their denomination much larger than she would have expected. Thinking upon it, Kett remembered that Alan was a banker, and quite successful at that. Kett produced two large silver coins and offered them to the croc.

The master croc, in turn, snatched both coins and disappeared behind a slammed-shut door, returning not a moment later to hurl the mouse servant onto the ground beside Kett, "He's back by sundown," and slammed the door shut again.

Léo looked up from the dusty ground, finding Kett standing above. He quickly sprang himself into a bowing position, waiting for Kett to make a move.

"There's no need for that." Kett smiled as the mouse stood. Léo was only about six inches shorter than Kett, but his build was slight and feminine. His clothes hung loosely, probably made for a larger servant before him. Just staring at Léo's soft features stirred Kett's blood, her balls shifting in anticipation. Patting her pants again, she found that Alan's house key was on-hand, and Kett knew Alan's house to be not too far from their location. "Follow me."

Quarry in tow, Kett led the small mouse to Alan's residence, holding the door open for Léo and entering behind him. The mouse stood at attention, head bowed, "What would you have me do?"

Kett hadn't ever bought a servant before, or even a prostitute, so the question felt a little strange, but she felt an illicit thrill from the promise that the mouse would do whatever she desired. When she thought of what she had in mind, however, her breathing shortened a little. She led her servant to Alan's bedroom, and locked the door. "Disrobe."

The mouse bowed his head low, blushing profusely, shifting nervously. Kett could see his apprehension, but could also see hints of arousal. Léo cautiously unbuttoned his shirt, laying it on the bed to reveal his satin chest fur. Unbuckling his belt, he glanced up at Kett, making sure she hadn't changed her mind, but only found an approving grin on the face of his temporary master. Léo slid his pants down, exposing his slender legs, tight ass, and growing manhood. He stood back at attention, head bowed, and waited for further instructions as his shaft grew more erect with each passing moment.

"Now disrobe me."

Léo swallowed hard, taking a hesitant step forward, trying not to make eye contact with Kett. He reached up and undid the clasps of Kett's shirt, noticing the dirt on the otherwise fine material. He parted the shirt and tried not to stare at Kett's breasts, large and inviting, with the alien lines of slick slime winding over her torso. He blinked a couple times as Kett slid the shirt down off her arms, and Léo fumbled with her belt. Finally he unbuckled the strap, and the loose pants fell to the floor without much resistance.

Finding it hard not to stare at the unexpected anatomy below Kett's waist, Léo stood back at attention. Kett's sheath, nearly a foot and a half wide, stirred as the pink tip of her massive cock slid upwards a few inches. She debated for a few seconds on what move she wanted to make, but with every passing moment her desire for the lithe mouse body grew, to the point where she simply grabbed the small creature and tossed him backward on the lush bed, pouncing his prone body immediately after.

Pinning Léo to the billowy comforter on Alan's bed, Kett ground her hips against the swelling manhood beneath her hips. Léo's surprised expression quickly melted to pleasure as pulses of warmth radiated from where Kett held his wrists. He swallowed hard, eyes losing focus for moments at a time as his cock grew to its full length, his racing heartbeat visible in the twitches of his rigid shaft.

Kett slid her dripping pussy up and down along Léo's shaft as she watched his eyes glaze over, finally releasing his wrists as she was confident he now lacked the desire to flee. She rose up on her knees before finding the rigid mouse cock, guiding it to her waiting hole, and sliding down, exquisitely slow, down to hilt the shaft in her warm pussy. Léo let out the tiniest of squeaks as Kett settled herself on his meat, grinding against his hips and watching the small mouse boy melt in pleasure. Kett sat upright on her prey, grasping her breasts and running her fingers through her fur as her giant shaft slid out of her sheath.

The red flesh that was once Alan grew and flexed, pulsing out from Kett's body and hanging horizontally under its own weight. Kett could hear Alan's psuedo-thoughts from within her, craving more and more arousal, growing in intensity and volume as blood filled the giant husky cock. Léo's eyes remained closed in pleasure as Kett gyrated against his buried manhood, and he did not notice the growing flesh until it was so heavy that it fell and rested against the mouse's chest, the tip of the red dog cock only inches from his face. When Léo finally opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Kett's gigantic member drooling a thick drop of pre onto his neck, the scent filling the air and driving him into a deeper fog, pierced only by the intense pleasure of Kett squeezing his manhood within her feminine folds.

Kett moaned and clenched her cock muscles, forcing her shaft to rise a foot off Léo's chest and come back down again, letting the mouse feel the full weight and warmth of the impossible organ. She raised her hips slightly, drawing Léo's rod out of her wet pussy before sliding back down in long, intentional movements. Léo squeaked, barely audible through his silent gasps, and Kett drew up and down along his hard cock in faster movements. With each stroke, Kett's giant shaft flexed up and slapped down onto Léo's body, arousing her further. Léo reached up and wrapped his arms around the head of the blazing hot cock, holding it tight against his plush white fur as Kett fucked with greater intensity. The hole atop Kett's rod flared and widened as she flexed and clenched, throwing her head back as she slammed down on the hard mouse shaft, gouging deep claw marks in her own breasts and chest.

Léo bucked his hips upward and let out a long, quiet squeak as he came forcefully into Kett's pussy. Kett felt the seed within her, tasting it in her mouth, and groaned softly to herself as her body absorbed the mouse's fluids, sucking his shaft dry as Léo remained frozen in delirious pleasure. Kett smirked as she admired her now fully erect dog cock, nearly the full size of Alan himself, the two large lobes of Alan's knot showing their initial growth from the base of the flesh. She remained clenched around Léo for quite some time, waiting for some of the fog to clear from the mouse's mind, but she knew that her pet would only return part-way from his distance as the chemicals from her touch still coursed through his veins.

Kett dismounted the mouse, licking her lips as she tasted the last bit of Léo's juices, and leant up against the headboard of Alan's bed, sitting upright. After a moment the panting mouse opened his eyes and looked up at Kett, at first shocked by the sight of her massive cock standing straight up, reaching above her head in her current position. A single stream of pre cum crawled down Kett's massive shaft, sending shivers down her spine. She smiled down at the mouse, and beckoned him up. The mouse obeyed, cautiously, but still felt the daze of pleasure in his mind. He sat on his knees, between Kett's spread legs, staring at her pulsing flesh.

Taking his hands into her own, Kett let her touch warm his blood and sooth his mind, watching as the mouse relaxed even through his intimidation, and his limp member began pulsing back to life once again. Kett took his hands and raised them up toward the tip of her shaft, placing his hands against her cockhole. The mouse rose on his knees to accommodate her, unaware of her intent. He felt her slide his small hands into her hole, and felt the slick warmth of the inside of her shaft.

Kett swallowed nervously, not sure what to expect from her servant as she put his hands down her cumhole. The immediate pleasure was new and strange to Kett, feeling the slight stretch of her cock from the inside as the mouse's hands were enveloped up to the wrist. Kett's mouth parted as she panted greedily, pushed onward by the voice of Alan inside her, craving more, wanting the mouse boy inside them both.

She clenched and released her grip on Léo's wrists, letting her cock squeeze and hold his paws in place. Her shaft tilted downward toward the mouse as he pulled his hands back toward himself in fogged confusion, the head of Kett's massive rod at the mouse's chest level. Kett squeezed and clenched, pulling on the hands clasped tight within her hole, sliding them slowly deeper. With her rod lowered toward the mouse, Kett could see Léo's face as she pulled him into her wanting entrance. Léo swallowed nervously, gazing in disbelief as he found no strength to pull back against the sucking motion. He felt dizzy as his arms slid in past the elbow, his own cock now hard again without his knowing why.

Kett reached a hand out and extended the tentacles from her wrist, lashing her slimy appendages around the mouse's neck. She moaned aloud as she pulled Léo toward herself with her hand, sinking his arms into her cock halfway up his biceps in a single motion. She forced Léo's head low against his arms as she pulled with solid force. Kett moaned aloud in pleasure as she drew Léo's head against her cockhole, pulling hard until his head forced its way into her flesh, stretching her hole wide. Immediately she moved her tentacles down to Léo's shoulders and upper back, sending out the tentacles from her other hand as well and pulling in a single swift motion to force the mouse's slender shoulders into her dripping shaft, screaming in pleasure and knocking her head back against the headboard.

She felt the mouse squirming and struggling inside her rigid cock, trying to pull out of the suffocating warmth to no avail. Kett was hoping her servant would go willingly, and enjoy his travel, but perhaps he was simply afraid of his final fate. She pulled her rod upright, flinging the mouse upside down, legs flailing above the oversized member. Kett flung out her tentacles and lashed around the base of Léo's rigid cock, wrapping around his lithe hips. She pulled and rotated the mouse within her hole, sending intense waves of pleasure through her body as the soft fur rubbed against the inside of her flesh, stretching her in new directions. With Léo's cock facing her, Kett wrapped her tentacles around his balls and shaft, coiling around his hips and tail and pulling downward.

In a single, slow, laborious motion, Kett pulled the mouse downwards, sliding his entire torso into her cock, feeling the soft white fur and muscled body stretch her hot flesh as a wave of pre cum flowed up and around the mouse's body, spilling out and down the swollen shaft. His slender body disappeared into her meat, a prominent mouse-shaped bulge along the underside of her red cock. She pulled and panted until the mouse was engulfed up to his hips, the base of his member pressed up against the tip of hers, clasped within Kett's slimy tentacles.

Kett drew her cock closer to herself, pulling on Léo's hips until his twitching rod was within range of her mouth. She reached up and wrapped her muzzle around the mouse's shaft, sucking hard and letting her tongue run over the hot flesh. She wrapped her tentacles around the mouse's hips and found his tiny asshole, pressing against the entrance with her slime-covered tentacles. Kett felt Léo stiffen and clench within her cock, his lean muscles alert to her invasion. She pressed the slick tendril firmly, unrelenting until his tailhole finally gave way to her touch, sending her thick tentacle into his hot entrance.

Sucking hard on his cock, Kett probed the mouse boy's ass, thickening her tentacles and flexing them in and out, bucking up against his prostate. She shaped her tongue into a slim tendril of slime, shooting it down into Léo's own cockhole. Léo's hips bucked and squirmed from the sudden invading pleasure, moans muffled by Kett's prison of flesh. Kett's tongue probed inward, curling up inside his body and flexing, widening and stretching his entire cock so that he might feel her same pleasure, forcing two, then three tentacles into his tight ass until he finally exploded in her mouth, shooting hot cum around her tongue and down her throat.

Léo's body went limp, muscles relaxing and legs hanging from the top of Kett's cock, parted. Kett greedily swallowed the mouse's cum and grabbed his ankles with her tentacles, pulling him down the rest of the way. Savoring the taste of the mouse's cum, eyes fluttering as she slid the limp and willing mouse body down her cockhole, Kett leaned back against the headboard and watched with satisfaction as Léo disappeared into her massive rod, groaning to herself in dazed pleasure.

As the mouse's feet disappeared, Kett felt Léo's hands curling inside her and descending into her ball sack. Clenching her pelvic muscles, Kett slowly forced her quarry into her testicles. She grinned with accomplishment as her sack grew to nearly twice their previous size, now accommodating the mouse's full body.

Léo found himself adrift in a sea of delusion and warmth, unable to form full thoughts in the darkness of Kett's testicles. The scent of cum filled his nostrils, his breath soon drawing short from lack of air in his chamber. Léo felt the slick wetness of the walls around him, and the pool of seed submerging half his body. He could hardly process what had just happened to him, his last actions a blur, but soothing waves of dull pleasure washed over his skin. Running his fingers together, he felt the slick moisture of cum, but as he pressed them together they seemed to get smaller. Léo swallowed and discovered the sensation of fluid running down his throat, the musty sweetness of seed filling his mouth. He licked his lips as his tongue started to shrink, slick cum dribbling from the corners of his mouth.

He pressed his hands to his body, attempting to feel what was going on, but only found that his fingers were losing sensation, and his body was softening. His entire body felt slick as cum ran down his face and chest, mingling with what was already pooled in Kett's balls. Léo knew only the sensation of the warm walls closing in around him as he shrank, the level of the seed rising as he dissolved, mind drifting away into an ever further fog until at last Léo existed as nothing more than a slick, salty pool of Kett's cum.

Kett lay motionless as she felt the mouse melt within her, her balls shrinking back down to something closer to their previous size as Léo's consciousness took the same form as Alan's, distant and primitive, but definitely separate from her own. Léo's voice yearned for release, craved to be shot out from Kett's cock in a moment of bliss, and Kett couldn't help but agree. Her body ached for release, but she knew she must wait until she could return to the well, and deposit her two new servants where they would do the most good.